20022021 Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. FTP Release Notes 2018-02-26 A notes.xml
Ftp 1.1.4
Improvements and New Features

Replace size/1 with either tuple_size/1 or byte_size/1

The size/1 BIF is not optimized by the JIT, and its use can result in worse types for Dialyzer.

When one knows that the value being tested must be a tuple, tuple_size/1 should always be preferred.

When one knows that the value being tested must be a binary, byte_size/1 should be preferred. However, byte_size/1 also accepts a bitstring (rounding up size to a whole number of bytes), so one must make sure that the call to byte_size/ is preceded by a call to is_binary/1 to ensure that bitstrings are rejected. Note that the compiler removes redundant calls to is_binary/1, so if one is not sure whether previous code had made sure that the argument is a binary, it does not harm to add an is_binary/1 test immediately before the call to byte_size/1.

Own Id: OTP-18432 Aux Id: GH-6672,PR-6793,PR-6784,PR-6787,PR-6785,PR-6682,PR-6800,PR-6797,PR-6798,PR-6799,PR-6796,PR-6813,PR-6671,PR-6673,PR-6684,PR-6694,GH-6677,PR-6696,PR-6670,PR-6674

Ftp 1.1.3
Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

Fixes calls to ftp:nlist/2 returning {error, epath} when the file / folder exists

Own Id: OTP-18409 Aux Id: PR-6721,ERIERL-908

Ftp 1.1.2
Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

fix unexpected result ok when calling ftp:nlist repeatedly

Own Id: OTP-18252 Aux Id: GH-5823

Ftp 1.1.1
Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

An unexpected timeout message on the FTP control channel was observed in a real system and could not be associated with anything that was expected to happen, so we will ignore but info log such unexpected messages.

Own Id: OTP-17989 Aux Id: ERIERL-767

Ftp 1.1
Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

Use OTP supervisor as intended, avoiding surprising behavior as the killing of the user's process. Also, FTP state handling logic is improved to avoid race conditions that could result in unexpected errors.

Own Id: OTP-16926 Aux Id: ERL-1450, GH-4473

Missing runtime dependencies has been added to this application.

Own Id: OTP-17243 Aux Id: PR-4557

Improvements and New Features

Add support for FTPES (explicit FTP over TLS).

Own Id: OTP-15523 Aux Id: OTP-15352, PR-1968

Ftp 1.0.5
Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

Avoid timing issue when setting active once on a socket that is being closed by the peer.

Own Id: OTP-16734 Aux Id: OTP-16697, ERIERL-496

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

Avoid timing issue when setting active once on a socket that is being closed by the peer.

Own Id: OTP-16734 Aux Id: OTP-16697, ERIERL-496

Ftp 1.0.4
Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

A possibly infinite loop is removed.

Own Id: OTP-16243 Aux Id: PR-2436, OTP-16056

Improvements and New Features

Removed compiler warnings.

Own Id: OTP-16318 Aux Id: OTP-16183

Ftp 1.0.3
Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

A possibly infinite loop when receiving messages divided in parts is removed.

Own Id: OTP-16056

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

A possibly infinite loop is removed.

Own Id: OTP-16243 Aux Id: PR-2436, OTP-16056

Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

A possibly infinite loop when receiving messages divided in parts is removed.

Own Id: OTP-16056

Ftp 1.0.2
Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

Fixed timing related bug that could make ftp functions behave badly.

Own Id: OTP-15659 Aux Id: ERIERL-316

Ftp 1.0.1
Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions

Improved documentation.

Own Id: OTP-15190

FTP 1.0
First released version

Inets application was split into multiple smaller protocol specific applications. The FTP application is a standalone FTP client with the same functionality as FTP client in Inets.

Own Id: OTP-14113