%% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2021. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(prim_tty). %% Todo: %% * Try to move buffer handling logic to Erlang %% * This may not be possible for performance reasons, but should be tried %% * It seems like unix decodes and then encodes utf8 when emitting it %% * user_drv module should be able to handle both nif and driver without too many changes. %% %% Problems to solve: %% * Do not use non blocking io %% * Reset tty settings at _exit %% * Allow remsh in oldshell (can we do this?) %% * See if we can run a tty in windows shell %% * Allow unicode detection for noshell/noinput %% * ?Allow multi-line editing? %% * The current implementation only allows the cursor to move and edit on current line %% %% Concepts to keep in mind: %% Code point: A single unicode "thing", examples: "a", "😀" (unicode smilie) %% Grapheme cluster: One or more code points, " %% Logical character: Any character that the user typed or printed. %% One unicode grapheme cluster is a logical character %% Examples: "a", "\t", "😀" (unicode smilie), "\x{1F600}", "\e[0m" (ansi sequences), %% "^C" %% When we step or delete we count logical characters even if they are multiple chars. %% (I'm unsure how ansi should be handled with regard to delete?) %% %% Actual characters: The actual unicode grapheme clusters printed %% Column: The number of rendered columns for a logical character %% %% When navigating using move(left) and move(right) the terminal will move one %% actual character, so if we want to move one logical character we may have to %% emit more moves. The same is true when overwriting. %% %% When calculating the current column position we have to use the column size %% of the characters as otherwise smilies will becomes incorrect. %% %% In the current ttysl_drv and also this implementation there are never any newlines %% in the buffer. %% %% Printing of unicode characters: %% Read this post: https://jeffquast.com/post/terminal_wcwidth_solution/ %% Summary: the wcwidth implementation in libc is often lacking. So we should %% create our own. We can get the size of all unicode graphemes by rendering %% them on a terminal and see how much the cursor moves. We can query where the %% cursor is by using "\033[6n"[1]. How many valid grapheme clusters are there? %% %% On consoles that does support fetching the surrent cursor position, we may get %% away with only using that to check where we are and where to go. And on consoles %% that do not we just have to make a best effort and use libc wcwidth. %% %% We need to know the width of characters when: %% * Printing a \t %% * Compensating for xn %% [1]: https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/programming-9/get-cursor-position-in-c-947833/ %% Notes: %% - [129306,127996] (hand with skintone) seems to move the cursor more than %% it should on iTerm...The skintone code point seems to not %% work at all on Linux and instead emits hand + brown square which is 4 characters %% wide which is what the cursor on iTerm was positioned at. So maybe %% there is a mismatch somewhere in iTerm wcwidth handling. %% - edlin and user needs to agree on what one "character" is, right now edlin uses %% code points and not grapheme clusters. %% - We can deal with xn by always emitting it after a put_chars command. We must make %% sure not to emit it before we emit any newline in the put_chars though as that %% potentially will insert two newlines instead of one. %% %% Windows: %% Since 2017:ish we can use Virtual Terminal Sequences[2] to control the terminal. %% It seems like these are mostly ANSI escape comparitible, so it should be possible %% to just use the same mechanism on windows and unix. %% [2]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/console/console-virtual-terminal-sequences %% Windows does not seem to have any wcwidth, so maybe we have to generate a similar table %% as the PR in [3] and add string:width/1. %% [3]: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/5795 %% %% %% Things I've tried and discarded: %% * Use get position to figure out xn fix for newlines %% * There is too large a latency (about 10ms) to get the position, so things like %% `c:i()` becomes a lot slower. %% * Use tty insert mode %% * This only works when the cursor is on the last line, when it is on a previous %% line it only edit that line. %% * Use tty delete mode %% * Same problem as insert mode, it only deleted current line, and does not move %% to previous line automatically. -export([init/1, reinit/2, isatty/1, handles/1, unicode/1, unicode/2, handle_signal/2, window_size/1, handle_request/2, write/2, write/3, npwcwidth/1, npwcwidthstring/1]). -export([reader_stop/1, disable_reader/1, enable_reader/1]). -nifs([isatty/1, tty_create/0, tty_init/3, tty_set/1, setlocale/1, tty_select/3, tty_window_size/1, write_nif/2, read_nif/2, isprint/1, wcwidth/1, wcswidth/1, sizeof_wchar/0, tgetent_nif/1, tgetnum_nif/1, tgetflag_nif/1, tgetstr_nif/1, tgoto_nif/2, tgoto_nif/3, tty_read_signal/2]). %% Exported in order to remove "unused function" warning -export([sizeof_wchar/0, wcswidth/1, tgoto/2, tgoto/3]). %% proc_lib exports -export([reader/1, writer/1]). -on_load(on_load/0). %%-define(debug, true). -ifdef(debug). -define(dbg(Term), dbg(Term)). -else. -define(dbg(Term), ok). -endif. %% Copied from https://github.com/chalk/ansi-regex/blob/main/index.js -define(ANSI_REGEXP, <<"^[\e",194,155,"][[\\]()#;?]*(?:(?:(?:(?:;[-a-zA-Z\\d\\/#&.:=?%@~_]+)*|[a-zA-Z\\d]+(?:;[-a-zA-Z\\d\\/#&.:=?%@~_]*)*)?",7,")|(?:(?:\\d{1,4}(?:;\\d{0,4})*)?[\\dA-PR-TZcf-nq-uy=><~]))">>). -record(state, {tty, reader, writer, options, unicode, lines_before = [], %% All lines before the current line in reverse order lines_after = [], %% All lines after the current line. buffer_before = [], %% Current line before cursor in reverse buffer_after = [], %% Current line after cursor not in reverse buffer_expand, %% Characters in expand buffer cols = 80, rows = 24, xn = false, clear = <<"\e[H\e[2J">>, up = <<"\e[A">>, down = <<"\n">>, left = <<"\b">>, right = <<"\e[C">>, %% Tab to next 8 column windows is "\e[1I", for unix "ta" termcap tab = <<"\e[1I">>, delete_after_cursor = <<"\e[J">>, insert = false, delete = false, position = <<"\e[6n">>, %% "u7" on my Linux position_reply = <<"\e\\[([0-9]+);([0-9]+)R">>, ansi_regexp }). -type options() :: #{ tty => boolean(), input => boolean(), canon => boolean(), echo => boolean(), sig => boolean() }. -type request() :: {putc, unicode:unicode_binary()} | {putc_keep_state, unicode:unicode_binary()} | {expand, unicode:unicode_binary()} | {expand_with_trim, unicode:unicode_binary()} | {insert, unicode:unicode_binary()} | {delete, integer()} | delete_after_cursor | delete_line | redraw_prompt | {redraw_prompt, string(), string(), tuple()} | redraw_prompt_pre_deleted | new_prompt | {move, integer()} | {move_line, integer()} | {move_combo, integer(), integer(), integer()} | clear | beep. -opaque state() :: #state{}. -export_type([state/0]). -spec on_load() -> ok. on_load() -> on_load(#{}). -spec on_load(Extra) -> ok when Extra :: map(). on_load(Extra) -> case erlang:load_nif(atom_to_list(?MODULE), Extra) of ok -> ok; {error,{reload,_}} -> ok end. -spec window_size(state()) -> {ok, {non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()}} | {error, term()}. window_size(State = #state{ tty = TTY }) -> case tty_window_size(TTY) of {error, enotsup} when map_get(tty, State#state.options) -> %% When the TTY is enabled, we should return a "dummy" row and column %% when we cannot find the proper size. {ok, {State#state.cols, State#state.rows}}; WinSz -> WinSz end. -spec init(options()) -> state(). init(UserOptions) when is_map(UserOptions) -> Options = options(UserOptions), {ok, TTY} = tty_create(), %% Initialize the locale to see if we support utf-8 or not UnicodeMode = case setlocale(TTY) of primitive -> lists:any( fun(Key) -> string:find(os:getenv(Key,""),"UTF-8") =/= nomatch end, ["LC_ALL", "LC_CTYPE", "LANG"]); UnicodeLocale when is_boolean(UnicodeLocale) -> UnicodeLocale end, {ok, ANSI_RE_MP} = re:compile(?ANSI_REGEXP, [unicode]), init_term(#state{ tty = TTY, unicode = UnicodeMode, options = Options, ansi_regexp = ANSI_RE_MP }). init_term(State = #state{ tty = TTY, options = Options }) -> TTYState = case maps:get(tty, Options) of true -> ok = tty_init(TTY, stdout, Options), NewState = init(State, os:type()), ok = tty_set(TTY), NewState; false -> State end, WriterState = if TTYState#state.writer =:= undefined -> {ok, Writer} = proc_lib:start_link(?MODULE, writer, [State#state.tty]), TTYState#state{ writer = Writer }; true -> TTYState end, ReaderState = case {maps:get(input, Options), TTYState#state.reader} of {true, undefined} -> {ok, Reader} = proc_lib:start_link(?MODULE, reader, [[State#state.tty, self()]]), WriterState#state{ reader = Reader }; {true, _} -> WriterState; {false, undefined} -> WriterState end, update_geometry(ReaderState). -spec reinit(state(), options()) -> state(). reinit(State, UserOptions) -> init_term(State#state{ options = options(UserOptions) }). options(UserOptions) -> maps:merge( #{ input => true, tty => true, canon => false, echo => false }, UserOptions). init(State, {unix,_}) -> case os:getenv("TERM") of false -> error(enotsup); Term -> case tgetent(Term) of ok -> ok; {error,_} -> error(enotsup) end end, %% See https://www.gnu.org/software/termutils/manual/termcap-1.3/html_mono/termcap.html#SEC23 %% for a list of all possible termcap capabilities Clear = case tgetstr("clear") of {ok, C} -> C; false -> (#state{})#state.clear end, Cols = case tgetnum("co") of {ok, Cs} -> Cs; _ -> (#state{})#state.cols end, Up = case tgetstr("up") of {ok, U} -> U; false -> error(enotsup) end, Down = case tgetstr("do") of false -> (#state{})#state.down; {ok, D} -> D end, Left = case {tgetflag("bs"),tgetstr("bc")} of {true,_} -> (#state{})#state.left; {_,false} -> (#state{})#state.left; {_,{ok, L}} -> L end, Right = case tgetstr("nd") of {ok, R} -> R; false -> error(enotsup) end, Insert = case tgetstr("IC") of {ok, IC} -> IC; false -> (#state{})#state.insert end, Tab = case tgetstr("ta") of {ok, TA} -> TA; false -> (#state{})#state.tab end, Delete = case tgetstr("DC") of {ok, DC} -> DC; false -> (#state{})#state.delete end, Position = case tgetstr("u7") of {ok, <<"\e[6n">> = U7} -> %% User 7 should contain the codes for getting %% cursor position. %% User 6 should contain how to parse the reply {ok, <<"\e[%i%d;%dR">>} = tgetstr("u6"), <<"\e[6n">> = U7; false -> (#state{})#state.position end, %% According to the manual this should only be issued when the cursor %% is at position 0, but until we encounter such a console we keep things %% simple and issue this with the cursor anywhere DeleteAfter = case tgetstr("cd") of {ok, DA} -> DA; false -> (#state{})#state.delete_after_cursor end, State#state{ cols = Cols, clear = Clear, xn = tgetflag("xn"), up = Up, down = Down, left = Left, right = Right, insert = Insert, delete = Delete, tab = Tab, position = Position, delete_after_cursor = DeleteAfter }; init(State, {win32, _}) -> State#state{ %% position = false, xn = true }. -spec handles(state()) -> #{ read := undefined | reference(), write := reference() }. handles(#state{ reader = undefined, writer = {_WriterPid, WriterRef}}) -> #{ read => undefined, write => WriterRef }; handles(#state{ reader = {_ReaderPid, ReaderRef}, writer = {_WriterPid, WriterRef}}) -> #{ read => ReaderRef, write => WriterRef }. -spec unicode(state()) -> boolean(). unicode(State) -> State#state.unicode. -spec unicode(state(), boolean()) -> state(). unicode(#state{ reader = Reader } = State, Bool) -> case Reader of {ReaderPid, _} -> call(ReaderPid, {set_unicode_state, Bool}); undefined -> ok end, State#state{ unicode = Bool }. -spec reader_stop(state()) -> state(). reader_stop(#state{ reader = {ReaderPid, _} } = State) -> {error, _} = call(ReaderPid, stop), State#state{ reader = undefined }. -spec handle_signal(state(), winch | cont) -> state(). handle_signal(State, winch) -> update_geometry(State); handle_signal(State, cont) -> tty_set(State#state.tty), State. -spec disable_reader(state()) -> ok. disable_reader(#state{ reader = {ReaderPid, _} }) -> ok = call(ReaderPid, disable). -spec enable_reader(state()) -> ok. enable_reader(#state{ reader = {ReaderPid, _} }) -> ok = call(ReaderPid, enable). call(Pid, Msg) -> Alias = erlang:monitor(process, Pid, [{alias, reply_demonitor}]), Pid ! {Alias, Msg}, receive {Alias, Reply} -> Reply; {'DOWN',Alias,_,_,Reason} -> {error, Reason} end. reader([TTY, Parent]) -> register(user_drv_reader, self()), ReaderRef = make_ref(), SignalRef = make_ref(), ok = tty_select(TTY, SignalRef, ReaderRef), proc_lib:init_ack({ok, {self(), ReaderRef}}), FromEnc = case os:type() of {unix, _} -> utf8; {win32, _} -> case isatty(stdin) of true -> {utf16, little}; _ -> %% When not reading from a console %% the data read is utf8 encoded utf8 end end, reader_loop(TTY, Parent, SignalRef, ReaderRef, FromEnc, <<>>). reader_loop(TTY, Parent, SignalRef, ReaderRef, FromEnc, Acc) -> receive {DisableAlias, disable} -> DisableAlias ! {DisableAlias, ok}, receive {EnableAlias, enable} -> EnableAlias ! {EnableAlias, ok}, reader_loop(TTY, Parent, SignalRef, ReaderRef, FromEnc, Acc) end; {select, TTY, SignalRef, ready_input} -> {ok, Signal} = tty_read_signal(TTY, SignalRef), Parent ! {ReaderRef,{signal,Signal}}, reader_loop(TTY, Parent, SignalRef, ReaderRef, FromEnc, Acc); {Alias, {set_unicode_state, _}} when FromEnc =:= {utf16, little} -> %% Ignore requests on windows Alias ! {Alias, true}, reader_loop(TTY, Parent, SignalRef, ReaderRef, FromEnc, Acc); {Alias, {set_unicode_state, Bool}} -> Alias ! {Alias, FromEnc =/= latin1}, NewFromEnc = if Bool -> utf8; not Bool -> latin1 end, reader_loop(TTY, Parent, SignalRef, ReaderRef, NewFromEnc, Acc); {_Alias, stop} -> ok; {select, TTY, ReaderRef, ready_input} -> case read_nif(TTY, ReaderRef) of {error, closed} -> Parent ! {ReaderRef, eof}, ok; {ok, <<>>} -> %% EAGAIN or EINTR reader_loop(TTY, Parent, SignalRef, ReaderRef, FromEnc, Acc); {ok, UtfXBytes} -> {Bytes, NewAcc, NewFromEnc} = case unicode:characters_to_binary([Acc, UtfXBytes], FromEnc, utf8) of {error, B, Error} -> %% We should only be able to get incorrect encoded data when %% using utf8 (i.e. we are on unix) FromEnc = utf8, Parent ! {self(), set_unicode_state, false}, receive {Alias, {set_unicode_state, false}} -> Alias ! {Alias, true} end, receive {Parent, set_unicode_state, true} -> ok end, Latin1Chars = unicode:characters_to_binary(Error, latin1, utf8), {<>, <<>>, latin1}; {incomplete, B, Inc} -> {B, Inc, FromEnc}; B when is_binary(B) -> {B, <<>>, FromEnc} end, Parent ! {ReaderRef, {data, Bytes}}, reader_loop(TTY, Parent, SignalRef, ReaderRef, NewFromEnc, NewAcc) end end. writer(TTY) -> register(user_drv_writer, self()), WriterRef = make_ref(), proc_lib:init_ack({ok, {self(), WriterRef}}), writer_loop(TTY, WriterRef). -spec write(state(), unicode:chardata()) -> ok. write(#state{ writer = {WriterPid, _}}, Chars) -> WriterPid ! {write, erlang:iolist_to_iovec(Chars)}, ok. -spec write(state(), unicode:chardata(), From :: pid()) -> {ok, reference()}. write(#state{ writer = {WriterPid, _WriterRef}}, Chars, From) -> Ref = erlang:monitor(process, WriterPid), WriterPid ! {write, From, erlang:iolist_to_iovec(Chars)}, {ok, Ref}. writer_loop(TTY, WriterRef) -> receive {write, []} -> writer_loop(TTY, WriterRef); {write, Chars} -> _ = write_nif(TTY, Chars), writer_loop(TTY, WriterRef); {write, From, []} -> From ! {WriterRef, ok}, writer_loop(TTY, WriterRef); {write, From, Chars} -> case write_nif(TTY, Chars) of ok -> From ! {WriterRef, ok}, writer_loop(TTY, WriterRef); {error, Reason} -> exit(self(), Reason) end end. -spec handle_request(state(), request()) -> {erlang:iovec(), state()}. handle_request(State = #state{ options = #{ tty := false } }, Request) -> case Request of {putc, Binary} -> {encode(Binary, State#state.unicode), State}; beep -> {<<7>>, State}; _Ignore -> {<<>>, State} end; handle_request(State, {redraw_prompt, Pbs, Pbs2, {LB, {Bef, Aft}, LA}}) -> {ClearLine, Cleared} = handle_request(State, delete_line), CL = lists:reverse(Bef,Aft), Text = Pbs ++ lists:flatten(lists:join("\n"++Pbs2, lists:reverse(LB)++[CL|LA])), Moves = if LA /= [] -> [Last|_] = lists:reverse(LA), {move_combo, -logical(Last), length(LA), logical(Bef)}; true -> {move, -logical(Aft)} end, {_, InsertedText} = handle_request(Cleared, {insert, unicode:characters_to_binary(Text)}), {_, Moved} = handle_request(InsertedText, Moves), {Redraw, NewState} = handle_request(Moved, redraw_prompt_pre_deleted), {[ClearLine, Redraw], NewState}; handle_request(State, redraw_prompt) -> {ClearLine, _} = handle_request(State, delete_line), {Redraw, NewState} = handle_request(State, redraw_prompt_pre_deleted), {[ClearLine, Redraw], NewState}; handle_request(State = #state{unicode = U, cols = W}, redraw_prompt_pre_deleted) -> {Movement, TextInView} = in_view(State), {_, NewPrompt} = handle_request(State, new_prompt), {Redraw, RedrawState} = insert_buf(NewPrompt#state{xn = false}, unicode:characters_to_binary(TextInView)), {Output, _} = case State#state.buffer_expand of undefined -> {[encode(Redraw, U), xnfix(RedrawState, RedrawState#state.buffer_before), Movement], RedrawState}; BufferExpand -> BBCols = cols(State#state.buffer_before, U), End = BBCols + cols(State#state.buffer_after,U), {ExpandBuffer, NewState} = insert_buf(RedrawState#state{ buffer_expand = [] }, iolist_to_binary(BufferExpand)), BECols = cols(W, End, NewState#state.buffer_expand, U), MoveToEnd = move_cursor(RedrawState, BECols, End), {[encode(Redraw,U),encode(ExpandBuffer, U), MoveToEnd, Movement], RedrawState} end, {Output, State}; %% Clear the expand buffer after the cursor when we handle any request. handle_request(State = #state{ buffer_expand = Expand, unicode = U}, Request) when Expand =/= undefined -> {Redraw, NoExpandState} = handle_request(State#state{ buffer_expand = undefined }, redraw_prompt), {Output, NewState} = handle_request(NoExpandState#state{ buffer_expand = undefined }, Request), {[encode(Redraw, U), encode(Output, U)], NewState}; handle_request(State, new_prompt) -> {"", State#state{buffer_before = [], buffer_after = [], lines_before = [], lines_after = []}}; %% Print characters in the expandbuffer after the cursor handle_request(State, {expand, Expand}) -> handle_request(State#state{buffer_expand = Expand}, redraw_prompt); handle_request(State, {expand_with_trim, Binary}) -> handle_request(State, {expand, iolist_to_binary(["\r\n",string:trim(Binary, both)])}); %% putc_keep_state prints Binary and keeps the current prompt unchanged handle_request(State = #state{ unicode = U }, {putc_keep_state, Binary}) -> {PutBuffer, _NewState} = insert_buf(State, Binary), {encode(PutBuffer, U), State}; %% putc prints Binary and overwrites any existing characters handle_request(State = #state{ unicode = U }, {putc, Binary}) -> %% Todo should handle invalid unicode? {PutBuffer, NewState} = insert_buf(State, Binary), if NewState#state.buffer_after =:= [] -> {encode(PutBuffer, U), NewState}; true -> %% Delete any overwritten characters after current the cursor OldLength = logical(State#state.buffer_before) + lists:sum([logical(L) || L <- State#state.lines_before]), NewLength = logical(NewState#state.buffer_before) + lists:sum([logical(L) || L <- NewState#state.lines_before]), {_, _, _, NewBA} = split(NewLength - OldLength, NewState#state.buffer_after, U), {encode(PutBuffer, U), NewState#state{ buffer_after = NewBA }} end; handle_request(State = #state{}, delete_after_cursor) -> {[State#state.delete_after_cursor], State#state{buffer_after = [], lines_after = []}}; handle_request(State = #state{unicode = U, cols = W, buffer_before = Bef, lines_before = LinesBefore, lines_after = _LinesAfter}, delete_line) -> MoveToBeg = move_cursor(State, cols_multiline(Bef, LinesBefore, W, U), 0), {[MoveToBeg, State#state.delete_after_cursor], State#state{buffer_before = [], buffer_after = [], lines_before = [], lines_after = []}}; handle_request(State = #state{ unicode = U, cols = W }, {delete, N}) when N > 0 -> {_DelNum, DelCols, _, NewBA} = split(N, State#state.buffer_after, U), BBCols = cols(State#state.buffer_before, U), BACols = cols(State#state.buffer_after, U), NewBACols = cols(NewBA, U), Output = [encode(NewBA, U), lists:duplicate(DelCols, $\s), xnfix(State, BBCols + NewBACols + DelCols), move_cursor(State, BBCols + NewBACols + DelCols, BBCols)], NewState0 = State#state{ buffer_after = NewBA }, if State#state.lines_after =/= [], (BBCols + BACols-N) rem W =:= 0 -> {Delete, _} = handle_request(State, delete_line), {Redraw, NewState1} = handle_request(NewState0, redraw_prompt_pre_deleted), {[Delete, Redraw], NewState1}; true -> {Output, NewState0} end; handle_request(State = #state{ unicode = U, cols = W }, {delete, N}) when N < 0 -> {_DelNum, DelCols, _, NewBB} = split(-N, State#state.buffer_before, U), BBCols = cols(State#state.buffer_before, U), BACols = cols(State#state.buffer_after, U), NewBBCols = cols(NewBB, U), Output = [move_cursor(State, NewBBCols + DelCols, NewBBCols), encode(State#state.buffer_after,U), lists:duplicate(DelCols, $\s), xnfix(State, NewBBCols + BACols + DelCols), move_cursor(State, NewBBCols + BACols + DelCols, NewBBCols)], NewState0 = State#state{ buffer_before = NewBB }, if State#state.lines_after =/= [], (BBCols+BACols+N) rem W =:= 0 -> {Delete, _} = handle_request(State, delete_line), {Redraw, NewState1} = handle_request(NewState0, redraw_prompt_pre_deleted), {[Delete, Redraw], NewState1}; true -> {Output, NewState0} end; handle_request(State, {delete, 0}) -> {"",State}; %% {move_combo, before_line_movement, line_movement, after_line_movement} %% Many of the move operations comes in threes, this is a helper to make %% movement a little bit easier. We move to the beginning of %% the line before switching line and then move to the right column on %% the next line. handle_request(State, {move_combo, V1, L, V2}) -> {Moves1, NewState1} = handle_request(State, {move, V1}), {Moves2, NewState2} = handle_request(NewState1, {move_line, L}), {Moves3, NewState3} = handle_request(NewState2, {move, V2}), {Moves1 ++ Moves2 ++ Moves3, NewState3}; handle_request(State = #state{ cols = W, rows = R, unicode = U, buffer_before = Bef, buffer_after = Aft, lines_before = LinesBefore, lines_after = LinesAfter}, {move_line, L}) when L < 0, length(LinesBefore) >= -L -> {LinesJumped, [B|NewLinesBefore]} = lists:split(-L -1, LinesBefore), PrevLinesCols = cols_multiline([B|LinesJumped], W, U), N_Cols = min(cols(Bef, U), cols(B, U)), {_, _, NewBB, NewBA} = split_cols(N_Cols, B, U), Moves = move_cursor(State, PrevLinesCols, 0), CL = lists:reverse(Bef,Aft), NewLinesAfter = lists:reverse([CL|LinesJumped], LinesAfter), NewState = State#state{buffer_before = NewBB, buffer_after = NewBA, lines_before = NewLinesBefore, lines_after = NewLinesAfter}, RowsInView = cols_multiline([B,CL|LinesBefore], W, U) div W, Output = if %% When we move up and the view is "full" RowsInView >= R -> {Movement, TextInView} = in_view(NewState), {ClearLine, Cleared} = handle_request(State, delete_line), {Redraw, _} = handle_request(Cleared, {insert, unicode:characters_to_binary(TextInView)}), [ClearLine, Redraw, Movement]; true -> Moves end, {Output, NewState}; handle_request(State = #state{ cols = W, rows = R, unicode = U, buffer_before = Bef, buffer_after = Aft, lines_before = LinesBefore, lines_after = LinesAfter}, {move_line, L}) when L > 0, length(LinesAfter) >= L -> {LinesJumped, [A|NewLinesAfter]} = lists:split(L - 1, LinesAfter), NextLinesCols = cols_multiline([(Bef++Aft)|LinesJumped], W, U), N_Cols = min(cols(Bef, U), cols(A, U)), {_, _, NewBB, NewBA} = split_cols(N_Cols, A, U), Moves = move_cursor(State, 0, NextLinesCols), CL = lists:reverse(Bef, Aft), NewLinesBefore = lists:reverse([CL|LinesJumped],LinesBefore), NewState = State#state{buffer_before = NewBB, buffer_after = NewBA, lines_before = NewLinesBefore, lines_after = NewLinesAfter}, RowsInView = cols_multiline([A|NewLinesBefore], W, U) div W, Output = if RowsInView >= R -> {Movement, TextInView} = in_view(NewState), {ClearLine, Cleared} = handle_request(State, delete_line), {Redraw, _} = handle_request(Cleared, {insert, unicode:characters_to_binary(TextInView)}), [ClearLine, Redraw, Movement]; true -> Moves end, {Output, NewState}; handle_request(State, {move_line, _}) -> {"", State}; handle_request(State = #state{ unicode = U }, {move, N}) when N < 0 -> {_DelNum, DelCols, NewBA, NewBB} = split(-N, State#state.buffer_before, U), NewBBCols = cols(NewBB, U), Moves = move_cursor(State, NewBBCols + DelCols, NewBBCols), {Moves, State#state{ buffer_before = NewBB, buffer_after = NewBA ++ State#state.buffer_after} }; handle_request(State = #state{ unicode = U }, {move, N}) when N > 0 -> {_DelNum, DelCols, NewBB, NewBA} = split(N, State#state.buffer_after, U), BBCols = cols(State#state.buffer_before, U), Moves = move_cursor(State, BBCols, BBCols + DelCols), {Moves, State#state{ buffer_after = NewBA, buffer_before = NewBB ++ State#state.buffer_before} }; handle_request(State, {move, 0}) -> {"",State}; handle_request(State = #state{cols = W, xn = OrigXn, unicode = U,lines_after = LinesAfter}, {insert, Chars}) -> {InsertBuffer, NewState0} = insert_buf(State#state{ xn = false }, Chars), NewState1 = NewState0#state{ xn = OrigXn }, NewBBCols = cols(NewState1#state.buffer_before, U), NewBACols = cols(NewState1#state.buffer_after, U), Output = [ encode(InsertBuffer, U), encode(NewState1#state.buffer_after, U), xnfix(State, NewBBCols + NewBACols), move_cursor(State, NewBBCols + NewBACols, NewBBCols) ], if LinesAfter =:= []; (NewBBCols + NewBACols) rem W =:= 0 -> {Output, NewState1}; true -> {Delete, _} = handle_request(State, delete_line), {Redraw, NewState2} = handle_request(NewState1, redraw_prompt_pre_deleted), {[Delete, Redraw,""], NewState2} end; handle_request(State, beep) -> {<<7>>, State}; handle_request(State, clear) -> {State#state.clear, State#state{buffer_before = [], buffer_after = [], lines_before = [], lines_after = []}}; handle_request(State, Req) -> erlang:display({unhandled_request, Req}), {"", State}. %% Split the buffer after N cols %% Returns the number of characters deleted, and the column length (N) %% of those characters. split_cols(N_Cols, Buff, Unicode) -> split_cols(N_Cols, Buff, [], 0, 0, Unicode). split_cols(N, [SkipChars | T], Acc, Cnt, Cols, Unicode) when is_binary(SkipChars) -> split_cols(N, T, [SkipChars | Acc], Cnt, Cols, Unicode); split_cols(0, Buff, Acc, Chars, Cols, _Unicode) -> {Chars, Cols, Acc, Buff}; split_cols(N, _Buff, _Acc, _Chars, _Cols, _Unicode) when N < 0 -> error; split_cols(_N, [], Acc, Chars, Cols, _Unicode) -> {Chars, Cols, Acc, []}; split_cols(N, [Char | T], Acc, Cnt, Cols, Unicode) when is_integer(Char) -> split_cols(N - npwcwidth(Char), T, [Char | Acc], Cnt + 1, Cols + npwcwidth(Char, Unicode), Unicode); split_cols(N, [Chars | T], Acc, Cnt, Cols, Unicode) when is_list(Chars) -> split_cols(N - length(Chars), T, [Chars | Acc], Cnt + length(Chars), Cols + cols(Chars, Unicode), Unicode). %% Split the buffer after N logical characters returning %% the number of real characters deleted and the column length %% of those characters split(N, Buff, Unicode) -> ?dbg({?FUNCTION_NAME, N, Buff, Unicode}), split(N, Buff, [], 0, 0, Unicode). split(0, Buff, Acc, Chars, Cols, _Unicode) -> ?dbg({?FUNCTION_NAME, {Chars, Cols, Acc, Buff}}), {Chars, Cols, Acc, Buff}; split(N, _Buff, _Acc, _Chars, _Cols, _Unicode) when N < 0 -> error; split(_N, [], Acc, Chars, Cols, _Unicode) -> {Chars, Cols, Acc, []}; split(N, [Char | T], Acc, Cnt, Cols, Unicode) when is_integer(Char) -> split(N - 1, T, [Char | Acc], Cnt + 1, Cols + npwcwidth(Char, Unicode), Unicode); split(N, [Chars | T], Acc, Cnt, Cols, Unicode) when is_list(Chars) -> split(N - length(Chars), T, [Chars | Acc], Cnt + length(Chars), Cols + cols(Chars, Unicode), Unicode); split(N, [SkipChars | T], Acc, Cnt, Cols, Unicode) when is_binary(SkipChars) -> split(N, T, [SkipChars | Acc], Cnt, Cols, Unicode). logical([]) -> 0; logical([Char | T]) when is_integer(Char) -> 1 + logical(T); logical([Chars | T]) when is_list(Chars) -> length(Chars) + logical(T); logical([SkipChars | T]) when is_binary(SkipChars) -> logical(T). move_cursor(#state{ cols = W } = State, FromCol, ToCol) -> ?dbg({?FUNCTION_NAME, FromCol, ToCol}), [case (ToCol div W) - (FromCol div W) of 0 -> ""; N when N < 0 -> ?dbg({move, up, -N}), move(up, State, -N); N -> ?dbg({move, down, N}), move(down, State, N) end, case (ToCol rem W) - (FromCol rem W) of 0 -> ""; N when N < 0 -> ?dbg({down, left, -N}), move(left, State, -N); N -> ?dbg({down, right, N}), move(right, State, N) end]. move(up, #state{ up = Up }, N) -> lists:duplicate(N, Up); move(down, #state{ down = Down }, N) -> lists:duplicate(N, Down); move(left, #state{ left = Left }, N) -> lists:duplicate(N, Left); move(right, #state{ right = Right }, N) -> lists:duplicate(N, Right). in_view(#state{lines_after = LinesAfter, buffer_before = Bef, buffer_after = Aft, lines_before = LinesBefore, rows=R, cols=W, unicode=U, buffer_expand = BufferExpand} = State) -> BufferExpandLines = case BufferExpand of undefined -> []; _ -> string:split(erlang:binary_to_list(BufferExpand), "\r\n", all) end, ExpandRows = (cols_multiline(BufferExpandLines, W, U) div W), InputBeforeRows = (cols_multiline(LinesBefore, W, U) div W), InputRows = (cols_multiline([Bef ++ Aft], W, U) div W), InputAfterRows = (cols_multiline(LinesAfter, W, U) div W), %% Dont print lines after if we have expansion rows SumRows = InputBeforeRows+ InputRows + ExpandRows + InputAfterRows, if SumRows > R -> RowsLeftAfterInputRows = R - InputRows, RowsLeftAfterExpandRows = RowsLeftAfterInputRows - ExpandRows, RowsLeftAfterInputBeforeRows = RowsLeftAfterExpandRows - InputBeforeRows, Cols1 = max(0,W*max(RowsLeftAfterInputBeforeRows, RowsLeftAfterExpandRows)), {_, LBAfter, _, {_, LBAHalf}} = split_cols_multiline(Cols1, LinesBefore, U, W), LBAfter0 = case LBAHalf of [] -> LBAfter; _ -> [LBAHalf|LBAfter] end, RowsLeftAfterInputAfterRows = RowsLeftAfterInputBeforeRows - InputAfterRows, LAInViewLines = case BufferExpandLines of [] -> %% We must remove one line extra, since we may have an xnfix at the end which will %% adds one extra line, so for consistency always remove one line Cols2 = max(0,W*max(RowsLeftAfterInputAfterRows, RowsLeftAfterInputBeforeRows)-W), {_, LABefore, _, {LABHalf, _}} = split_cols_multiline(Cols2, LinesAfter, U, W), case LABHalf of [] -> LABefore; _ -> [LABHalf|LABefore] end; _ -> [] end, LAInView = lists:flatten(["\n"++LA||LA<-lists:reverse(LAInViewLines)]), LBInView = lists:flatten([LB++"\n"||LB<-LBAfter0]), Text = LBInView ++ lists:reverse(Bef,Aft) ++ LAInView, Movement = move_cursor(State, cols_after_cursor(State#state{lines_after = LAInViewLines++[lists:reverse(Bef, Aft)]}), cols(Bef,U)), {Movement, Text}; true -> %% Everything fits in the current window, just output everything Movement = move_cursor(State, cols_after_cursor(State#state{lines_after = lists:reverse(LinesAfter)++[lists:reverse(Bef, Aft)]}), cols(Bef,U)), Text = lists:flatten([LB++"\n"||LB<-lists:reverse(LinesBefore)]) ++ lists:reverse(Bef,Aft) ++ lists:flatten(["\n"++LA||LA<-LinesAfter]), {Movement, Text} end. cols_after_cursor(#state{lines_after=[LAST|LinesAfter],cols=W, unicode=U}) -> cols_multiline(LAST, LinesAfter, W, U). split_cols_multiline(Cols, Lines, U, W) -> split_cols_multiline(Cols, Lines, U, W, 0, []). split_cols_multiline(0, Lines, _U, _W, ColsAcc, AccBefore) -> {ColsAcc, AccBefore, Lines, {[],[]}}; split_cols_multiline(_Cols, [], _U, _W, ColsAcc, AccBefore) -> {ColsAcc, AccBefore, [], {[],[]}}; split_cols_multiline(Cols, [L|Lines], U, W, ColsAcc, AccBefore) -> case cols(L, U) > Cols of true -> {_, _, LB, LA} = split_cols(Cols, L, U), {ColsAcc+Cols, AccBefore, Lines, {lists:reverse(LB), LA}}; _ -> Cols2 = (((cols(L,U)-1) div W)*W+W), split_cols_multiline(Cols-Cols2, Lines, U, W, ColsAcc+Cols2, [L|AccBefore]) end. cols_multiline(Lines, W, U) -> cols_multiline("", Lines, W, U). cols_multiline(ExtraCols, Lines, W, U) -> cols(ExtraCols, U) + lists:sum([((cols(LB,U)-1) div W)*W + W || LB <- Lines]). cols([],_Unicode) -> 0; cols([Char | T], Unicode) when is_integer(Char) -> npwcwidth(Char, Unicode) + cols(T, Unicode); cols([Chars | T], Unicode) when is_list(Chars) -> cols(Chars, Unicode) + cols(T, Unicode); cols([SkipSeq | T], Unicode) when is_binary(SkipSeq) -> %% Any binary should be an ANSI escape sequence %% so we skip that cols(T, Unicode). cols(ColsPerLine, CurrCols, Chars, Unicode) when CurrCols > ColsPerLine -> ColsPerLine + cols(ColsPerLine, CurrCols - ColsPerLine, Chars, Unicode); cols(_ColsPerLine, CurrCols, [], _Unicode) -> CurrCols; cols(ColsPerLine, CurrCols, ["\r\n" | T], Unicode) -> CurrCols + (ColsPerLine - CurrCols) + cols(ColsPerLine, 0, T, Unicode); cols(ColsPerLine, CurrCols, [H | T], Unicode) -> cols(ColsPerLine, CurrCols + cols([H], Unicode), T, Unicode). update_geometry(State) -> case tty_window_size(State#state.tty) of {ok, {Cols, Rows}} when Cols > 0 -> ?dbg({?FUNCTION_NAME, Cols}), State#state{ cols = Cols, rows = Rows }; _Error -> ?dbg({?FUNCTION_NAME, _Error}), State end. npwcwidthstring(String) when is_list(String) -> npwcwidthstring(unicode:characters_to_binary(String)); npwcwidthstring(String) -> case string:next_grapheme(String) of [] -> 0; [$\e | Rest] -> case re:run(String, ?ANSI_REGEXP, [unicode]) of {match, [{0, N}]} -> <<_Ansi:N/binary, AnsiRest/binary>> = String, npwcwidthstring(AnsiRest); _ -> npwcwidth($\e) + npwcwidthstring(Rest) end; [H|Rest] when is_list(H)-> lists:sum([npwcwidth(A)||A<-H]) + npwcwidthstring(Rest); [H|Rest] -> npwcwidth(H) + npwcwidthstring(Rest) end. npwcwidth(Char) -> npwcwidth(Char, true). npwcwidth(Char, true) -> case wcwidth(Char) of {error, not_printable} -> 0; {error, enotsup} -> case unicode_util:is_wide(Char) of true -> 2; false -> 1 end; C -> C end; npwcwidth(Char, false) -> byte_size(char_to_latin1(Char)). %% Return the xn fix for the current cursor position. %% We use get_position to figure out if we need to calculate the current columns %% or not. %% %% We need to know the actual column because get_position will return the last %% column number when the cursor is: %% * in the last column %% * off screen %% %% and it is when the cursor is off screen that we should do the xnfix. xnfix(#state{ position = _, unicode = U } = State) -> xnfix(State, cols(State#state.buffer_before, U)). %% Return the xn fix for CurrCols location. xnfix(#state{ xn = true, cols = Cols } = State, CurrCols) when CurrCols =/= 0, CurrCols rem Cols == 0 -> [<<"\s">>,move(left, State, 1)]; xnfix(_, _CurrCols) -> ?dbg({xnfix, _CurrCols}), []. characters_to_output(Chars) -> try unicode:characters_to_binary(Chars) of Binary -> Binary catch error:badarg -> unicode:characters_to_binary( lists:map( fun({ansi, Ansi}) -> Ansi; (Char) -> Char end, Chars) ) end. characters_to_buffer(Chars) -> lists:flatmap( fun({ansi, _Ansi}) -> ""; (Char) -> [Char] end, Chars). insert_buf(State, Binary) when is_binary(Binary) -> insert_buf(State, Binary, [], []). insert_buf(State, Bin, LineAcc, Acc) -> case string:next_grapheme(Bin) of [] when State#state.buffer_expand =/= undefined -> Expand = lists:reverse(LineAcc), {[Acc, characters_to_output(Expand)], State#state{ buffer_expand = characters_to_buffer(Expand) }}; [] -> NewBB = characters_to_buffer(LineAcc) ++ State#state.buffer_before, NewState = State#state{ buffer_before = NewBB }, {[Acc, characters_to_output(lists:reverse(LineAcc)), xnfix(NewState)], NewState}; [$\t | Rest] -> insert_buf(State, Rest, [State#state.tab | LineAcc], Acc); [$\e | Rest] -> case ansi_sgr(Bin) of none -> case re:run(Bin, State#state.ansi_regexp) of {match, [{0, N}]} -> %% Any other ansi sequences are just printed and %% then dropped as they "should" not effect rendering <> = Bin, insert_buf(State, AnsiRest, [{ansi, Ansi} | LineAcc], Acc); _ -> insert_buf(State, Rest, [$\e | LineAcc], Acc) end; {Ansi, AnsiRest} -> %% We include the graphics ansi sequences in the %% buffer that we step over insert_buf(State, AnsiRest, [Ansi | LineAcc], Acc) end; [NLCR | Rest] when NLCR =:= $\n; NLCR =:= $\r -> Tail = if NLCR =:= $\n -> <<$\r,$\n>>; true -> <<$\r>> end, if State#state.buffer_expand =:= undefined -> CurrentLine = lists:reverse(State#state.buffer_before), LinesBefore = State#state.lines_before, LinesBefore1 = case {CurrentLine, LineAcc} of {[], []} -> LinesBefore; {[],_} -> [lists:reverse(LineAcc)|LinesBefore]; {_,_} -> [CurrentLine++lists:reverse(LineAcc)|LinesBefore] end, insert_buf(State#state{ buffer_before = [], buffer_after = State#state.buffer_after, lines_before=LinesBefore1}, Rest, [], [Acc, [characters_to_output(lists:reverse(LineAcc)), Tail]]); true -> insert_buf(State, Rest, [binary_to_list(Tail) | LineAcc], Acc) end; [Cluster | Rest] when is_list(Cluster) -> insert_buf(State, Rest, [Cluster | LineAcc], Acc); %% We have gotten a code point that may be part of the previous grapheme cluster. [Char | Rest] when Char >= 128, LineAcc =:= [], State#state.buffer_before =/= [], State#state.buffer_expand =:= undefined -> [PrevChar | BB] = State#state.buffer_before, case string:next_grapheme([PrevChar | Bin]) of [PrevChar | _] -> %% It was not part of the previous cluster, so just insert %% it as a normal character insert_buf(State, Rest, [Char | LineAcc], Acc); [Cluster | ClusterRest] -> %% It was part of the previous grapheme cluster, so we output %% it and insert it into the before_buffer %% TODO: If an xnfix was done on PrevChar, %% then we should rewrite the entire grapheme cluster. {_, ToWrite} = lists:split(length(lists:flatten([PrevChar])), Cluster), insert_buf(State#state{ buffer_before = [Cluster | BB] }, ClusterRest, LineAcc, [Acc, unicode:characters_to_binary(ToWrite)]) end; [Char | Rest] when Char >= 128 -> insert_buf(State, Rest, [Char | LineAcc], Acc); [Char | Rest] -> case {isprint(Char), Char} of {true,_} -> insert_buf(State, Rest, [Char | LineAcc], Acc); {false, 8#177} -> %% DEL insert_buf(State, Rest, ["^?" | LineAcc], Acc); {false, _} -> insert_buf(State, Rest, ["^" ++ [Char bor 8#40] | LineAcc], Acc) end end. %% ANSI Select Graphic Rendition parameters: %% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#SGR %% This function replicates this regex pattern <<"^[\e",194,155,"]\\[[0-9;:]*m">> %% calling re:run/2 nif on compiled regex_pattern was significantly %% slower than this implementation. ansi_sgr(<>=Bin) when N =:= $\e; N =:= 194; N =:= 155 -> case ansi_sgr(Rest, 2) of {ok, Size} -> <> = Bin, {Result, Bin1}; none -> none end; ansi_sgr(<<_/binary>>) -> none. ansi_sgr(<>, Size) when $0 =< M, M =< $; -> ansi_sgr(Rest, Size + 1); ansi_sgr(<<$m, _Rest/binary>>, Size) -> {ok, Size + 1}; ansi_sgr(<<_/binary>>, _) -> none. -spec to_latin1(erlang:binary()) -> erlang:iovec(). to_latin1(Bin) -> case is_usascii(Bin) of true -> [Bin]; false -> lists:flatten([binary_to_latin1(Bin)]) end. is_usascii(<>) when Char < 128 -> is_usascii(T); is_usascii(<<>>) -> true; is_usascii(_) -> false. binary_to_latin1(Buffer) -> [char_to_latin1(CP) || CP <- unicode:characters_to_list(Buffer)]. char_to_latin1(UnicodeChar) when UnicodeChar >= 512 -> <<"\\x{",(integer_to_binary(UnicodeChar, 16))/binary,"}">>; char_to_latin1(UnicodeChar) when UnicodeChar >= 128 -> <<"\\",(integer_to_binary(UnicodeChar, 8))/binary>>; char_to_latin1(UnicodeChar) -> <>. encode(UnicodeChars, true) -> unicode:characters_to_binary(UnicodeChars); encode(UnicodeChars, false) -> to_latin1(unicode:characters_to_binary(UnicodeChars)). %% Using get_position adds about 10ms of latency %% get_position(#state{ position = false }) -> %% unknown; %% get_position(State) -> %% [] = write(State, State#state.position), %% get_position(State, <<>>). %% get_position(State, Acc) -> %% receive %% {select,TTY,Ref,ready_input} %% when TTY =:= State#state.tty, %% Ref =:= State#state.read -> %% {Bytes, <<>>} = read_input(State#state{ acc = Acc }), %% case re:run(Bytes, State#state.position_reply, [unicode]) of %% {match,[{Start,Length},Row,Col]} -> %% <> = Bytes, %% %% This should be put in State in order to not screw up the %% %% message order... %% [State#state.parent ! {{self(), State#state.tty}, {data, <>}} %% || Before =/= <<>>, After =/= <<>>], %% {binary_to_integer(binary:part(Bytes,Row)), %% binary_to_integer(binary:part(Bytes,Col))}; %% nomatch -> %% get_position(State, Bytes) %% end %% after 1000 -> %% unknown %% end. -ifdef(debug). dbg(_) -> ok. -endif. %% Nif functions -spec isatty(stdin | stdout | stderr) -> boolean() | ebadf. isatty(_Fd) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). tty_create() -> erlang:nif_error(undef). tty_init(_TTY, _Fd, _Options) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). tty_set(_TTY) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). setlocale(_TTY) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). tty_select(_TTY, _SignalRef, _ReadRef) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). write_nif(_TTY, _IOVec) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). read_nif(_TTY, _Ref) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). tty_window_size(_TTY) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). isprint(_Char) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). wcwidth(_Char) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). sizeof_wchar() -> erlang:nif_error(undef). wcswidth(_Char) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). tgetent(Char) -> tgetent_nif([Char,0]). tgetnum(Char) -> tgetnum_nif([Char,0]). tgetflag(Char) -> tgetflag_nif([Char,0]). tgetstr(Char) -> tgetstr_nif([Char,0]). tgoto(Char, Arg) -> tgoto_nif([Char,0], Arg). tgoto(Char, Arg1, Arg2) -> tgoto_nif([Char,0], Arg1, Arg2). tgetent_nif(_Char) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). tgetnum_nif(_Char) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). tgetflag_nif(_Char) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). tgetstr_nif(_Char) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). tgoto_nif(_Ent, _Arg) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). tgoto_nif(_Ent, _Arg1, _Arg2) -> erlang:nif_error(undef). tty_read_signal(_TTY, _Ref) -> erlang:nif_error(undef).