%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2022. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(rpc). %% %% As of OTP 25 the rpc module require server side support for erpc. %% %% General rpc, broadcast,multicall, promise and parallel evaluator %% facility %% This code used to reside in net.erl, but has now been moved to %% a separate module. -define(NAME, rex). -define(TAB_NAME, rex_nodes_observer). -behaviour(gen_server). -export([start/0, start_link/0, stop/0, call/4, call/5, block_call/4, block_call/5, server_call/4, cast/4, abcast/2, abcast/3, sbcast/2, sbcast/3, eval_everywhere/3, eval_everywhere/4, multi_server_call/2, multi_server_call/3, multicall/3, multicall/4, multicall/5, async_call/4, yield/1, nb_yield/2, nb_yield/1, parallel_eval/1, pmap/3, pinfo/1, pinfo/2]). %% gen_server exports -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). %% Internals -export([proxy_user_flush/0]). -export_type([key/0]). %% Removed functions -removed([{safe_multi_server_call,2,"use rpc:multi_server_call/2 instead"}, {safe_multi_server_call,3,"use rpc:multi_server_call/3 instead"}]). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------ -type state() :: map(). %%------------------------------------------------------------------------ -define(MAX_INT_TIMEOUT, 4294967295). -define(TIMEOUT_TYPE, 0..?MAX_INT_TIMEOUT | 'infinity'). -define(IS_VALID_TMO_INT(TI_), (is_integer(TI_) andalso (0 =< TI_) andalso (TI_ =< ?MAX_INT_TIMEOUT))). -define(IS_VALID_TMO(T_), ((T_ == infinity) orelse ?IS_VALID_TMO_INT(T_))). %% The rex server may receive a huge amount of %% messages. Make sure that they are stored off heap to %% avoid exessive GCs. -define(SPAWN_OPTS, [{spawn_opt,[{message_queue_data,off_heap}]}]). %% Remote execution and broadcasting facility -spec start() -> {'ok', pid()} | 'ignore' | {'error', term()}. start() -> gen_server:start({local,?NAME}, ?MODULE, [], ?SPAWN_OPTS). -spec start_link() -> {'ok', pid()} | 'ignore' | {'error', term()}. start_link() -> %% The rex server process may receive a huge amount of %% messages. Make sure that they are stored off heap to %% avoid exessive GCs. gen_server:start_link({local,?NAME}, ?MODULE, [], ?SPAWN_OPTS). -spec stop() -> term(). stop() -> stop(?NAME). stop(Rpc) -> gen_server:call(Rpc, stop, infinity). -spec init([]) -> {'ok', state()}. init([]) -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), {ok, #{nodes_observer => start_nodes_observer()}}. -spec handle_call( term(), gen_server:from() | {?NAME,term()}, state()) -> {'noreply', state()} | {'reply', term(), state()} | {'stop', 'normal', 'stopped', state()}. handle_call({call, Mod, Fun, Args, Gleader}, To, S) -> %% Spawn not to block the rex server. ExecCall = fun () -> set_group_leader(Gleader), GleaderBeforeCall = group_leader(), Reply = execute_call(Mod, Fun, Args), case Gleader of {send_stdout_to_caller, _} -> %% The group leader sends the response %% to make sure that the client gets %% all stdout that it should get before %% the response Ref = erlang:make_ref(), GleaderBeforeCall ! {stop, self(), Ref, To, Reply}, receive Ref -> ok end; _ -> reply(To, Reply) end end, try {_,Mon} = spawn_monitor(ExecCall), {noreply, maps:put(Mon, To, S)} catch error:system_limit -> {reply, {badrpc, {'EXIT', system_limit}}, S} end; handle_call({block_call, Mod, Fun, Args, Gleader}, _To, S) -> MyGL = group_leader(), set_group_leader(Gleader), Reply = execute_call(Mod, Fun, Args), group_leader(MyGL, self()), % restore {reply, Reply, S}; handle_call(stop, _To, S) -> {stop, normal, stopped, S}; handle_call(_, _To, S) -> {noreply, S}. % Ignore ! -spec handle_cast(term(), state()) -> {'noreply', state()}. handle_cast({cast, Mod, Fun, Args, Gleader}, S) -> _ = try spawn(fun() -> set_group_leader(Gleader), erpc:execute_cast(Mod, Fun, Args) end) catch error:system_limit -> ok end, {noreply, S}; handle_cast(_, S) -> {noreply, S}. % Ignore ! -spec handle_info(term(), state()) -> {'noreply', state()}. handle_info({'DOWN', M, process, P, _}, #{nodes_observer := {P,M}} = S) -> {noreply, S#{nodes_observer => start_nodes_observer()}}; handle_info({'DOWN', M, process, _, normal}, S) -> {noreply, maps:remove(M, S)}; handle_info({'DOWN', M, process, _, Reason}, S) -> case maps:get(M, S, undefined) of undefined -> {noreply, S}; {_, _} = To -> reply(To, {badrpc, {'EXIT', Reason}}), {noreply, maps:remove(M, S)} end; handle_info({From, {sbcast, Name, Msg}}, S) -> _ = case catch Name ! Msg of %% use catch to get the printout {'EXIT', _} -> From ! {?NAME, node(), {nonexisting_name, Name}}; _ -> From ! {?NAME, node(), node()} end, {noreply, S}; handle_info({From, {send, Name, Msg}}, S) -> _ = case catch Name ! {From, Msg} of %% use catch to get the printout {'EXIT', _} -> From ! {?NAME, node(), {nonexisting_name, Name}}; _ -> ok %% It's up to Name to respond !!!!! end, {noreply, S}; handle_info({From, {call, Mod, Fun, Args, Gleader}}, S) -> %% Special for hidden C node's, uugh ... To = {?NAME, From}, NewGleader = case Gleader of send_stdout_to_caller -> {send_stdout_to_caller, From}; _ -> Gleader end, Request = {call, Mod, Fun, Args, NewGleader}, case handle_call(Request, To, S) of {noreply, _NewS} = Return -> Return; {reply, Reply, NewS} -> reply(To, Reply), {noreply, NewS} end; handle_info({From, features_request}, S) -> From ! {features_reply, node(), [erpc]}, {noreply, S}; handle_info(_, S) -> {noreply, S}. -spec terminate(term(), state()) -> 'ok'. terminate(_, _S) -> ok. -spec code_change(term(), state(), term()) -> {'ok', state()}. code_change(_, S, _) -> {ok, S}. %% RPC aid functions .... reply({?NAME, From}, Reply) -> From ! {?NAME, Reply}, ok; reply({From, _} = To, Reply) when is_pid(From) -> gen_server:reply(To, Reply). execute_call(Mod, Fun, Args) -> try {return, Return} = erpc:execute_call(Mod, Fun, Args), Return catch throw:Result -> Result; exit:Reason -> {badrpc, {'EXIT', Reason}}; error:Reason:Stack -> case erpc:is_arg_error(Reason, Mod, Fun, Args) of true -> {badrpc, {'EXIT', Reason}}; false -> RpcStack = erpc:trim_stack(Stack, Mod, Fun, Args), {badrpc, {'EXIT', {Reason, RpcStack}}} end end. set_group_leader(Gleader) when is_pid(Gleader) -> group_leader(Gleader, self()); set_group_leader({send_stdout_to_caller, CallerPid}) -> group_leader(cnode_call_group_leader_start(CallerPid), self()); set_group_leader(user) -> %% For example, hidden C nodes doesn't want any I/O. Gleader = case whereis(user) of Pid when is_pid(Pid) -> Pid; undefined -> proxy_user() end, group_leader(Gleader, self()). %% The 'rex_proxy_user' process serve as group leader for early rpc's that %% may do IO before the real group leader 'user' has been started (OTP-7903). proxy_user() -> case whereis(rex_proxy_user) of Pid when is_pid(Pid) -> Pid; undefined -> Pid = spawn(fun() -> proxy_user_loop() end), try register(rex_proxy_user,Pid) of true -> Pid catch error:_ -> % spawn race, kill and try again exit(Pid,kill), proxy_user() end end. proxy_user_loop() -> %% Wait for the real 'user' to start timer:sleep(200), case whereis(user) of Pid when is_pid(Pid) -> proxy_user_flush(); undefined -> proxy_user_loop() end. -spec proxy_user_flush() -> no_return(). proxy_user_flush() -> %% Forward all received messages to 'user' receive Msg -> user ! Msg after 10*1000 -> %% Hibernate but live for ever, as it's not easy to know %% when no more messages will arrive. erlang:hibernate(?MODULE, proxy_user_flush, []) end, proxy_user_flush(). start_nodes_observer() -> Init = fun () -> process_flag(priority, high), process_flag(trap_exit, true), Tab = ets:new(?TAB_NAME, [{read_concurrency, true}, protected]), persistent_term:put(?TAB_NAME, Tab), ok = net_kernel:monitor_nodes(true), lists:foreach(fun (N) -> self() ! {nodeup, N} end, [node()|nodes()]), nodes_observer_loop(Tab) end, spawn_monitor(Init). nodes_observer_loop(Tab) -> receive {nodeup, nonode@nohost} -> ok; {nodeup, N} -> {?NAME, N} ! {self(), features_request}; {nodedown, N} -> ets:delete(Tab, N); {features_reply, N, FeatureList} -> try SpawnRpc = lists:member(erpc, FeatureList), ets:insert(Tab, {N, SpawnRpc}) catch _:_ -> ets:insert(Tab, {N, false}) end; _ -> ignore end, nodes_observer_loop(Tab). %% THE rpc client interface %% Call -define(RPCIFY(ERPC_), try ERPC_ of {'EXIT', _} = BadRpc_ -> {badrpc, BadRpc_}; Result_ -> Result_ catch Class_:Reason_ -> rpcify_exception(Class_, Reason_) end). -spec call(Node, Module, Function, Args) -> Res | {badrpc, Reason} when Node :: node(), Module :: module(), Function :: atom(), Args :: [term()], Res :: term(), Reason :: term(). call(N,M,F,A) -> call(N,M,F,A,infinity). -spec call(Node, Module, Function, Args, Timeout) -> Res | {badrpc, Reason} when Node :: node(), Module :: module(), Function :: atom(), Args :: [term()], Res :: term(), Reason :: term(), Timeout :: ?TIMEOUT_TYPE. call(N,M,F,A,T) -> ?RPCIFY(erpc:call(N, M, F, A, T)). -spec block_call(Node, Module, Function, Args) -> Res | {badrpc, Reason} when Node :: node(), Module :: module(), Function :: atom(), Args :: [term()], Res :: term(), Reason :: term(). block_call(N,M,F,A) -> block_call(N,M,F,A,infinity). -spec block_call(Node, Module, Function, Args, Timeout) -> Res | {badrpc, Reason} when Node :: node(), Module :: module(), Function :: atom(), Args :: [term()], Res :: term(), Reason :: term(), Timeout :: ?TIMEOUT_TYPE. block_call(N,M,F,A,Timeout) when is_atom(N), is_atom(M), is_list(A), ?IS_VALID_TMO(Timeout) -> do_srv_call(N, {block_call,M,F,A,group_leader()}, Timeout). %% call() implementation utilizing erpc:call()... rpcify_exception(throw, {'EXIT', _} = BadRpc) -> {badrpc, BadRpc}; rpcify_exception(throw, Return) -> Return; rpcify_exception(exit, {exception, Exit}) -> {badrpc, {'EXIT', Exit}}; rpcify_exception(exit, {signal, Reason}) -> {badrpc, {'EXIT', Reason}}; rpcify_exception(exit, Reason) -> exit(Reason); rpcify_exception(error, {exception, Error, Stack}) -> {badrpc, {'EXIT', {Error, Stack}}}; rpcify_exception(error, {erpc, badarg}) -> error(badarg); rpcify_exception(error, {erpc, noconnection}) -> {badrpc, nodedown}; rpcify_exception(error, {erpc, timeout}) -> {badrpc, timeout}; rpcify_exception(error, {erpc, notsup}) -> {badrpc, notsup}; rpcify_exception(error, {erpc, Error}) -> {badrpc, {'EXIT', Error}}; rpcify_exception(error, Reason) -> error(Reason). do_srv_call(Node, Request, infinity) -> rpc_check(catch gen_server:call({?NAME,Node}, Request, infinity)); do_srv_call(Node, Request, Timeout) -> Tag = make_ref(), {Receiver,Mref} = erlang:spawn_monitor( fun() -> %% Middleman process. Should be unsensitive to regular %% exit signals. process_flag(trap_exit, true), Result = gen_server:call({?NAME,Node}, Request, Timeout), exit({self(),Tag,Result}) end), receive {'DOWN',Mref,_,_,{Receiver,Tag,Result}} -> rpc_check(Result); {'DOWN',Mref,_,_,Reason} -> %% The middleman code failed. Or someone did %% exit(_, kill) on the middleman process => Reason==killed rpc_check_t({'EXIT',Reason}) end. rpc_check_t({'EXIT', {timeout,_}}) -> {badrpc, timeout}; rpc_check_t({'EXIT', {timeout_value,_}}) -> error(badarg); rpc_check_t(X) -> rpc_check(X). rpc_check({'EXIT', {{nodedown,_},_}}) -> {badrpc, nodedown}; rpc_check({'EXIT', _}=Exit) -> %% Should only happen if the rex process on the other node %% died. {badrpc, Exit}; rpc_check(X) -> X. %% This is a real handy function to be used when interacting with %% a server called Name at node Node, It is assumed that the server %% Receives messages on the form {From, Request} and replies on the %% form From ! {ReplyWrapper, Node, Reply}. %% This function makes such a server call and ensures that that %% The entire call is packed into an atomic transaction which %% either succeeds or fails, i.e. never hangs (unless the server itself hangs). -spec server_call(Node, Name, ReplyWrapper, Msg) -> Reply | {error, Reason} when Node :: node(), Name :: atom(), ReplyWrapper :: term(), Msg :: term(), Reply :: term(), Reason :: nodedown. server_call(Node, Name, ReplyWrapper, Msg) when is_atom(Node), is_atom(Name) -> if node() =:= nonode@nohost, Node =/= nonode@nohost -> {error, nodedown}; true -> Ref = erlang:monitor(process, {Name, Node}), {Name, Node} ! {self(), Msg}, receive {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, _} -> {error, nodedown}; {ReplyWrapper, Node, Reply} -> erlang:demonitor(Ref, [flush]), Reply end end. -spec cast(Node, Module, Function, Args) -> true when Node :: node(), Module :: module(), Function :: atom(), Args :: [term()]. cast(Node, Mod, Fun, Args) -> try ok = erpc:cast(Node, Mod, Fun, Args) catch error:{erpc, badarg} -> error(badarg) end, true. %% Asynchronous broadcast, returns nothing, it's just send 'n' pray -spec abcast(Name, Msg) -> abcast when Name :: atom(), Msg :: term(). abcast(Name, Mess) -> abcast([node() | nodes()], Name, Mess). -spec abcast(Nodes, Name, Msg) -> abcast when Nodes :: [node()], Name :: atom(), Msg :: term(). abcast([Node|Tail], Name, Mess) -> Dest = {Name,Node}, try erlang:send(Dest, Mess) catch error:_ -> ok end, abcast(Tail, Name, Mess); abcast([], _,_) -> abcast. %% Synchronous broadcast, returns a list of the nodes which had Name %% as a registered server. Returns {Goodnodes, Badnodes}. %% Synchronous in the sense that we know that all servers have received the %% message when we return from the call, we can't know that they have %% processed the message though. -spec sbcast(Name, Msg) -> {GoodNodes, BadNodes} when Name :: atom(), Msg :: term(), GoodNodes :: [node()], BadNodes :: [node()]. sbcast(Name, Mess) -> sbcast([node() | nodes()], Name, Mess). -spec sbcast(Nodes, Name, Msg) -> {GoodNodes, BadNodes} when Name :: atom(), Msg :: term(), Nodes :: [node()], GoodNodes :: [node()], BadNodes :: [node()]. sbcast(Nodes, Name, Mess) -> Monitors = send_nodes(Nodes, ?NAME, {sbcast, Name, Mess}, []), rec_nodes(?NAME, Monitors). -spec eval_everywhere(Module, Function, Args) -> abcast when Module :: module(), Function :: atom(), Args :: [term()]. eval_everywhere(Mod, Fun, Args) -> eval_everywhere([node() | nodes()] , Mod, Fun, Args). -spec eval_everywhere(Nodes, Module, Function, Args) -> abcast when Nodes :: [node()], Module :: module(), Function :: atom(), Args :: [term()]. eval_everywhere(Nodes, Mod, Fun, Args) -> lists:foreach(fun (Node) -> cast(Node, Mod, Fun, Args) end, Nodes), abcast. send_nodes([Node|Tail], Name, Msg, Monitors) when is_atom(Node) -> Monitor = start_monitor(Node, Name), %% Handle non-existing names in rec_nodes. catch {Name, Node} ! {self(), Msg}, send_nodes(Tail, Name, Msg, [Monitor | Monitors]); send_nodes([_Node|Tail], Name, Msg, Monitors) -> %% Skip non-atom _Node send_nodes(Tail, Name, Msg, Monitors); send_nodes([], _Name, _Req, Monitors) -> Monitors. %% Starts a monitor, either the new way, or the old. %% Assumes that the arguments are atoms. start_monitor(Node, Name) -> if node() =:= nonode@nohost, Node =/= nonode@nohost -> Ref = make_ref(), self() ! {'DOWN', Ref, process, {Name, Node}, noconnection}, {Node, Ref}; true -> {Node,erlang:monitor(process, {Name, Node})} end. %% Call apply(M,F,A) on all nodes in parallel -spec multicall(Module, Function, Args) -> {ResL, BadNodes} when Module :: module(), Function :: atom(), Args :: [term()], ResL :: [Res :: term() | {'badrpc', Reason :: term()}], BadNodes :: [node()]. multicall(M, F, A) -> multicall(M, F, A, infinity). -spec multicall(Nodes, Module, Function, Args) -> {ResL, BadNodes} when Nodes :: [node()], Module :: module(), Function :: atom(), Args :: [term()], ResL :: [Res :: term() | {'badrpc', Reason :: term()}], BadNodes :: [node()]; (Module, Function, Args, Timeout) -> {ResL, BadNodes} when Module :: module(), Function :: atom(), Args :: [term()], Timeout :: ?TIMEOUT_TYPE, ResL :: [Res :: term() | {'badrpc', Reason :: term()}], BadNodes :: [node()]. multicall(Nodes, M, F, A) when is_list(Nodes) -> multicall(Nodes, M, F, A, infinity); multicall(M, F, A, Timeout) -> multicall([node() | nodes()], M, F, A, Timeout). -spec multicall(Nodes, Module, Function, Args, Timeout) -> {ResL, BadNodes} when Nodes :: [node()], Module :: module(), Function :: atom(), Args :: [term()], Timeout :: ?TIMEOUT_TYPE, ResL :: [Res :: term() | {'badrpc', Reason :: term()}], BadNodes :: [node()]. multicall(Nodes, M, F, A, Timeout) -> %% %% We want to use erpc:multicall() and then convert the result %% instead of using erpc:send_request()/erpc:receive_response() %% directly. This since erpc:multicall() is able to utilize the %% selective receive optimization when all clauses match on the %% same reference. erpc:send_request()/erpc:receive_response() %% is not able to utilize such optimizations. %% ERpcRes = try erpc:multicall(Nodes, M, F, A, Timeout) catch error:{erpc, badarg} -> error(badarg) end, rpcmulticallify(Nodes, ERpcRes, [], []). rpcmulticallify([], [], Ok, Err) -> {lists:reverse(Ok), lists:reverse(Err)}; rpcmulticallify([_N|Ns], [{ok, {'EXIT', _} = Exit}|Rlts], Ok, Err) -> rpcmulticallify(Ns, Rlts, [{badrpc, Exit}|Ok], Err); rpcmulticallify([_N|Ns], [{ok, Return}|Rlts], Ok, Err) -> rpcmulticallify(Ns, Rlts, [Return|Ok], Err); rpcmulticallify([N|Ns], [{error, {erpc, Reason}}|Rlts], Ok, Err) when Reason == timeout; Reason == noconnection -> rpcmulticallify(Ns, Rlts, Ok, [N|Err]); rpcmulticallify([_N|Ns], [{Class, Reason}|Rlts], Ok, Err) -> rpcmulticallify(Ns, Rlts, [rpcify_exception(Class, Reason)|Ok], Err). %% Send Msg to Name on all nodes, and collect the answers. %% Return {Replies, Badnodes} where Badnodes is a list of the nodes %% that failed during the timespan of the call. %% This function assumes that if we send a request to a server %% called Name, the server will reply with a reply %% on the form {Name, Node, Reply}, otherwise this function will %% hang forever. %% It also assumes that the server receives messages on the form %% {From, Msg} and then replies as From ! {Name, node(), Reply}. %% %% There is no apparent order among the replies. -spec multi_server_call(Name, Msg) -> {Replies, BadNodes} when Name :: atom(), Msg :: term(), Replies :: [Reply :: term()], BadNodes :: [node()]. multi_server_call(Name, Msg) -> multi_server_call([node() | nodes()], Name, Msg). -spec multi_server_call(Nodes, Name, Msg) -> {Replies, BadNodes} when Nodes :: [node()], Name :: atom(), Msg :: term(), Replies :: [Reply :: term()], BadNodes :: [node()]. multi_server_call(Nodes, Name, Msg) when is_list(Nodes), is_atom(Name) -> Monitors = send_nodes(Nodes, Name, Msg, []), rec_nodes(Name, Monitors). rec_nodes(Name, Nodes) -> rec_nodes(Name, Nodes, [], []). rec_nodes(_Name, [], Badnodes, Replies) -> {Replies, Badnodes}; rec_nodes(Name, [{N,R} | Tail], Badnodes, Replies) -> receive {'DOWN', R, _, _, _} -> rec_nodes(Name, Tail, [N|Badnodes], Replies); {?NAME, N, {nonexisting_name, _}} -> %% used by sbcast() erlang:demonitor(R, [flush]), rec_nodes(Name, Tail, [N|Badnodes], Replies); {Name, N, Reply} -> %% Name is bound !!! erlang:demonitor(R, [flush]), rec_nodes(Name, Tail, Badnodes, [Reply|Replies]) end. %% Now for an asynchronous rpc. %% An asynchronous version of rpc that is faster for series of %% rpc's towards the same node. I.e. it returns immediately and %% it returns a Key that can be used in a subsequent yield(Key). -opaque key() :: erpc:request_id(). -spec async_call(Node, Module, Function, Args) -> Key when Node :: node(), Module :: module(), Function :: atom(), Args :: [term()], Key :: key(). async_call(Node, Mod, Fun, Args) -> try erpc:send_request(Node, Mod, Fun, Args) catch error:{erpc, badarg} -> error(badarg) end. -spec yield(Key) -> Res | {badrpc, Reason} when Key :: key(), Res :: term(), Reason :: term(). yield(Key) -> ?RPCIFY(erpc:receive_response(Key)). -spec nb_yield(Key, Timeout) -> {value, Val} | timeout when Key :: key(), Timeout :: ?TIMEOUT_TYPE, Val :: (Res :: term()) | {badrpc, Reason :: term()}. nb_yield(Key, Tmo) -> try erpc:wait_response(Key, Tmo) of no_response -> timeout; {response, {'EXIT', _} = BadRpc} -> {value, {badrpc, BadRpc}}; {response, R} -> {value, R} catch Class:Reason -> {value, rpcify_exception(Class, Reason)} end. -spec nb_yield(Key) -> {value, Val} | timeout when Key :: key(), Val :: (Res :: term()) | {badrpc, Reason :: term()}. nb_yield(Key) -> nb_yield(Key, 0). %% A parallel network evaluator %% ArgL === [{M,F,Args},........] %% Returns a lists of the evaluations in the same order as %% given to ArgL -spec parallel_eval(FuncCalls) -> ResL when FuncCalls :: [{Module, Function, Args}], Module :: module(), Function :: atom(), Args :: [term()], ResL :: [term()]. parallel_eval(ArgL) -> Nodes = [node() | nodes()], Keys = map_nodes(ArgL,Nodes,Nodes), [yield(K) || K <- Keys]. map_nodes([],_,_) -> []; map_nodes(ArgL,[],Original) -> map_nodes(ArgL,Original,Original); map_nodes([{M,F,A}|Tail],[Node|MoreNodes], Original) -> [?MODULE:async_call(Node,M,F,A) | map_nodes(Tail,MoreNodes,Original)]. %% Parallel version of lists:map/3 with exactly the same %% arguments and return value as lists:map/3, %% except that it calls exit/1 if a network error occurs. -spec pmap(FuncSpec, ExtraArgs, List1) -> List2 when FuncSpec :: {Module,Function}, Module :: module(), Function :: atom(), ExtraArgs :: [term()], List1 :: [Elem :: term()], List2 :: [term()]. pmap({M,F}, As, List) -> check(parallel_eval(build_args(M,F,As, List, [])), []). %% By using an accumulator twice we get the whole thing right build_args(M,F, As, [Arg|Tail], Acc) -> build_args(M,F, As, Tail, [{M,F,[Arg|As]}|Acc]); build_args(M,F, _, [], Acc) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F) -> Acc. %% If one single call fails, we fail the whole computation check([{badrpc, _}|_], _) -> exit(badrpc); check([X|T], Ack) -> check(T, [X|Ack]); check([], Ack) -> Ack. %% location transparent version of process_info -spec pinfo(Pid) -> [{Item, Info}] | undefined when Pid :: pid(), Item :: atom(), Info :: term(). pinfo(Pid) when node(Pid) =:= node() -> process_info(Pid); pinfo(Pid) -> call(node(Pid), erlang, process_info, [Pid]). -spec pinfo(Pid, Item) -> {Item, Info} | undefined | [] when Pid :: pid(), Item :: atom(), Info :: term(); (Pid, ItemList) -> [{Item, Info}] | undefined | [] when Pid :: pid(), Item :: atom(), ItemList :: [Item], Info :: term(). pinfo(Pid, Item) when node(Pid) =:= node() -> process_info(Pid, Item); pinfo(Pid, Item) -> block_call(node(Pid), erlang, process_info, [Pid, Item]). %% The following functions with the cnode_call_group_leader_ prefix %% are used for RPC requests with the group leader field set to %% send_stdout_to_caller. The group leader that these functions %% implement sends back data that are written to stdout during the %% call. The group leader implementation is heavily inspired by the %% example from the documentation of "The Erlang I/O Protocol". %% A record is used for the state even though it consists of only one %% pid to make future extension easier -record(cnode_call_group_leader_state, { caller_pid :: pid() }). -spec cnode_call_group_leader_loop(State :: #cnode_call_group_leader_state{}) -> ok | no_return(). cnode_call_group_leader_loop(State) -> receive {io_request, From, ReplyAs, Request} -> {_, Reply, NewState} = cnode_call_group_leader_request(Request, State), From ! {io_reply, ReplyAs, Reply}, cnode_call_group_leader_loop(NewState); {stop, StopRequesterPid, Ref, To, Reply} -> reply(To, Reply), StopRequesterPid ! Ref, ok; _Unknown -> cnode_call_group_leader_loop(State) end. -spec cnode_call_group_leader_request(Request, State) -> Result when Request :: any(), State :: #cnode_call_group_leader_state{}, Result :: {ok | error, Reply, NewState}, Reply :: term(), NewState :: #cnode_call_group_leader_state{}. cnode_call_group_leader_request({put_chars, Encoding, Chars}, State) -> cnode_call_group_leader_put_chars(Chars, Encoding, State); cnode_call_group_leader_request({put_chars, Encoding, Module, Function, Args}, State) -> try cnode_call_group_leader_request({put_chars, Encoding, apply(Module, Function, Args)}, State) catch _:_ -> {error, {error, Function}, State} end; cnode_call_group_leader_request({requests, Reqs}, State) -> cnode_call_group_leader_multi_request(Reqs, {ok, ok, State}); cnode_call_group_leader_request({get_until, _, _, _, _, _}, State) -> {error, {error,enotsup}, State}; cnode_call_group_leader_request({get_chars, _, _, _}, State) -> {error, {error,enotsup}, State}; cnode_call_group_leader_request({get_line, _, _}, State) -> {error, {error,enotsup}, State}; cnode_call_group_leader_request({get_geometry,_}, State) -> {error, {error,enotsup}, State}; cnode_call_group_leader_request({setopts, _Opts}, State) -> {error, {error,enotsup}, State}; cnode_call_group_leader_request(getopts, State) -> {error, {error,enotsup}, State}; cnode_call_group_leader_request(_Other, State) -> {error, {error,request}, State}. -spec cnode_call_group_leader_multi_request(Requests, PrevResponse) -> Result when Requests :: list(), PrevResponse :: {ok | error, Reply, State :: #cnode_call_group_leader_state{}}, Result :: {ok | error, Reply, NewState :: #cnode_call_group_leader_state{}}, Reply :: term(). cnode_call_group_leader_multi_request([R|Rs], {ok, _Res, State}) -> cnode_call_group_leader_multi_request(Rs, cnode_call_group_leader_request(R, State)); cnode_call_group_leader_multi_request([_|_], Error) -> Error; cnode_call_group_leader_multi_request([], Result) -> Result. -spec cnode_call_group_leader_put_chars(Chars, Encoding, State) -> Result when Chars :: unicode:latin1_chardata() | unicode:chardata() | unicode:external_chardata(), Encoding :: unicode:encoding(), State :: #cnode_call_group_leader_state{}, Result :: {ok | error, term(), NewState}, NewState :: #cnode_call_group_leader_state{}. cnode_call_group_leader_put_chars(Chars, Encoding, State) -> CNodePid = State#cnode_call_group_leader_state.caller_pid, case unicode:characters_to_binary(Chars,Encoding,utf8) of Data when is_binary(Data) -> CNodePid ! {rex_stdout, Data}, {ok, ok, State}; Error -> {error, {error, Error}, state} end. -spec cnode_call_group_leader_init(CallerPid :: pid()) -> ok | no_return(). cnode_call_group_leader_init(CallerPid) -> State = #cnode_call_group_leader_state{caller_pid = CallerPid}, cnode_call_group_leader_loop(State). -spec cnode_call_group_leader_start(CallerPid :: pid()) -> pid(). cnode_call_group_leader_start(CallerPid) -> spawn_link(fun() -> cnode_call_group_leader_init(CallerPid) end).