%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2020. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% %% ts:run(snmp, snmp_agent_test, [batch]). %% -module(snmp_test_mgr_misc). %% API -export([start_link_packet/8, start_link_packet/9, start_link_packet/10, stop/1, send_discovery_pdu/2, send_pdu/2, send_msg/4, send_bytes/2, get_pdu/1, set_pdu/2, format_hdr/1]). %% internal exports -export([init_packet/11]). -compile({no_auto_import, [error/2]}). -define(SNMP_USE_V3, true). -include_lib("snmp/include/snmp_types.hrl"). -include_lib("snmp/src/misc/snmp_verbosity.hrl"). -include("snmp_test_lib.hrl"). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% The InHandler process will receive messages on the form {snmp_pdu, Pdu}. %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- start_link_packet( InHandler, AgentIp, UdpPort, TrapUdp, VsnHdr, Version, Dir, BufSz) -> start_link_packet( InHandler, AgentIp, UdpPort, TrapUdp, VsnHdr, Version, Dir, BufSz, false). start_link_packet( InHandler, AgentIp, UdpPort, TrapUdp, VsnHdr, Version, Dir, BufSz, Dbg) -> start_link_packet( InHandler, AgentIp, UdpPort, TrapUdp, VsnHdr, Version, Dir, BufSz, Dbg, inet). start_link_packet( InHandler, AgentIp, UdpPort, TrapUdp, VsnHdr, Version, Dir, BufSz, Dbg, IpFamily) when is_integer(UdpPort) -> do_start_link_packet(InHandler, AgentIp, UdpPort, TrapUdp, VsnHdr, Version, Dir, BufSz, Dbg, IpFamily); start_link_packet(InHandler, AgentIp, {AReqPort, ATrapPort} = UdpPorts, TrapUdp, VsnHdr, Version, Dir, BufSz, Dbg, IpFamily) when is_integer(AReqPort) andalso is_integer(ATrapPort) -> do_start_link_packet(InHandler, AgentIp, UdpPorts, TrapUdp, VsnHdr, Version, Dir, BufSz, Dbg, IpFamily). do_start_link_packet(InHandler, AgentIp, UdpPorts, TrapUdp, VsnHdr, Version, Dir, BufSz, Dbg, IpFamily) -> Args = [self(), InHandler, AgentIp, UdpPorts, TrapUdp, VsnHdr, Version, Dir, BufSz, Dbg, IpFamily], proc_lib:start_link(?MODULE, init_packet, Args). stop(Pid) -> Pid ! {stop, self()}, receive {Pid, stopped} -> ok end. send_discovery_pdu(Pdu, PacketPid) when is_record(Pdu, pdu) -> PacketPid ! {send_discovery_pdu, self(), Pdu}, await_discovery_response_pdu(). await_discovery_response_pdu() -> receive {discovery_response, Reply} -> Reply end. send_pdu(Pdu, PacketPid) when is_record(Pdu, pdu) -> PacketPid ! {send_pdu, Pdu}. send_msg(Msg, PacketPid, Ip, Udp) when is_record(Msg, message) -> PacketPid ! {send_msg, Msg, Ip, Udp}. send_bytes(Bytes, PacketPid) -> PacketPid ! {send_bytes, Bytes}. %%-------------------------------------------------- %% The SNMP encode/decode process %%-------------------------------------------------- init_packet( Parent, SnmpMgr, AgentIp, UdpPorts, TrapUdp, VsnHdr, Version, Dir, BufSz, DbgOptions, IpFamily) -> %% This causes "verbosity printouts" to print (from the %% specified level) in the modules we "borrow" from the %% agent code (burr,,,). %% With "our" name (mgr_misc). put(sname, mgr_misc), init_debug(DbgOptions), %% Make use of the "test name" print "feature" put(tname, "MGR-MISC"), ?IPRINT("starting"), UdpOpts = [{recbuf,BufSz}, {reuseaddr, true}, IpFamily], {ok, UdpId} = gen_udp:open(TrapUdp, UdpOpts), put(msg_id, 1), init_usm(Version, Dir), proc_lib:init_ack(Parent, self()), ?IPRINT("started"), packet_loop(SnmpMgr, UdpId, AgentIp, UdpPorts, VsnHdr, Version, []). init_debug(Dbg) when is_atom(Dbg) -> put(debug,Dbg), %% put(verbosity, silence); put(verbosity, trace); init_debug(DbgOptions) when is_list(DbgOptions) -> case lists:keysearch(debug, 1, DbgOptions) of {value, {_, Dbg}} when is_atom(Dbg) -> put(debug, Dbg); _ -> put(debug, false) end, case lists:keysearch(verbosity, 1, DbgOptions) of {value, {_, Ver}} when is_atom(Ver) -> put(verbosity, Ver); _ -> put(verbosity, silence) end, ok. packet_loop(SnmpMgr, UdpId, AgentIp, UdpPorts, VsnHdr, Version, MsgData) -> receive {send_discovery_pdu, From, Pdu} -> d("packet_loop -> received send_discovery_pdu with" "~n From: ~p" "~n Pdu: ~p", [From, Pdu]), case mk_discovery_msg(Version, Pdu, VsnHdr, "") of error -> ok; {M, B} when is_list(B) -> put(discovery, {M, From}), display_outgoing_message(M), Port = select_request_port(UdpPorts), udp_send(UdpId, AgentIp, Port, B) end, packet_loop(SnmpMgr, UdpId, AgentIp, UdpPorts, VsnHdr, Version, []); {send_pdu, Pdu} -> d("packet_loop -> received send_pdu with" "~n Pdu: ~p", [Pdu]), case mk_msg(Version, Pdu, VsnHdr, MsgData) of error -> ok; B when is_list(B) -> Port = select_request_port(UdpPorts), udp_send(UdpId, AgentIp, Port, B) end, packet_loop(SnmpMgr, UdpId, AgentIp, UdpPorts, VsnHdr, Version, []); {send_msg, Msg, Ip, Udp} -> d("packet_loop -> received send_msg with" "~n Msg: ~p" "~n Ip: ~p" "~n Udp: ~p", [Msg,Ip,Udp]), case catch snmp_pdus:enc_message(Msg) of {'EXIT', Reason} -> ?EPRINT("Encoding error:" "~n Msg: ~w" "~n Reason: ~w",[Msg, Reason]); B when is_list(B) -> udp_send(UdpId, Ip, Udp, B) end, packet_loop(SnmpMgr, UdpId, AgentIp, UdpPorts, VsnHdr, Version, []); {udp, UdpId, Ip, Port, Bytes} -> d("packet_loop -> received udp with" "~n UdpId: ~p" "~n Ip: ~p" "~n Port: ~p (~p)" "~n sz(Bytes): ~p", [UdpId, Ip, Port, UdpPorts, sz(Bytes)]), case UdpPorts of Port -> ok; {Port, _} -> % Should be a (request) response ok; {_, Port} -> % Should be a trap ok; _ -> d("packet_loop -> received packet from unknown port" "~n ~p", [Port]), exit({snmp_packet_from_unknown_port, Port, UdpPorts}) end, MsgData3 = handle_udp_packet(Version, erase(discovery), UdpId, Ip, Port, Bytes, SnmpMgr, AgentIp), packet_loop(SnmpMgr, UdpId, AgentIp, UdpPorts, VsnHdr, Version, MsgData3); {udp_error, UdpId, Reason} -> gen_udp:close(UdpId), exit({udp_error, Reason}); {send_bytes, B} -> d("packet_loop -> received send_bytes with" "~n sz(B): ~p", [sz(B)]), Port = select_request_port(UdpPorts), udp_send(UdpId, AgentIp, Port, B), packet_loop(SnmpMgr, UdpId, AgentIp, UdpPorts, VsnHdr, Version, []); {stop, Pid} -> d("packet_loop -> received stop from ~p", [Pid]), gen_udp:close(UdpId), Pid ! {self(), stopped}, exit(normal); Other -> d("packet_loop -> received unknown" "~n ~p", [Other]), exit({snmp_packet_got_other, Other}) end. select_request_port({Port, _}) when is_integer(Port) -> Port; select_request_port(Port) when is_integer(Port) -> Port. %% select_trap_port({_, Port}) when is_integer(Port) -> %% Port; %% select_trap_port(Port) when is_integer(Port) -> %% Port. handle_udp_packet(_V, undefined, UdpId, Ip, UdpPort, Bytes, SnmpMgr, AgentIp) -> try snmp_pdus:dec_message_only(Bytes) of Message when Message#message.version =:= 'version-3' -> d("handle_udp_packet -> version 3"), handle_v3_message(SnmpMgr, UdpId, Ip, UdpPort, AgentIp, Bytes, Message); Message when is_record(Message, message) -> d("handle_udp_packet -> version 1 or 2"), handle_v1_or_v2_message(SnmpMgr, UdpId, Ip, UdpPort, AgentIp, Bytes, Message) catch Class:Error:_ -> ?EPRINT("Decoding error: " "~n Class: ~w" "~n Error: ~p" "~n Bytes: ~p" "~n Port: ~w" "~n Ip: ~p)", [Class, Error, Bytes, UdpPort, Ip]), [] end; handle_udp_packet(V, {DiscoReqMsg, From}, _UdpId, _Ip, _UdpPort, Bytes, _, _AgentIp) -> DiscoRspMsg = (catch snmp_pdus:dec_message(Bytes)), display_incomming_message(DiscoRspMsg), _Reply = (catch check_discovery_result(V, DiscoReqMsg, DiscoRspMsg)), case (catch check_discovery_result(V, DiscoReqMsg, DiscoRspMsg)) of {ok, AgentEngineID} when is_list(AgentEngineID) -> %% Ok, step 1 complete, now for step 2 %% Which we skip for now OK = {ok, AgentEngineID}, From ! {discovery_response, OK}, []; Error -> From ! {discovery_response, Error}, [] end. handle_v3_message(Mgr, UdpId, Ip, UdpPort, AgentIp, Bytes, Message) -> try handle_v3_msg(Bytes, Message) of {ok, NewData, MsgData} -> Msg = Message#message{data = NewData}, case Mgr of {pdu, Pid} -> Pdu = get_pdu(Msg), d("handle_v3_message -> send pdu to manager (~p): " "~n ~p", [Pid, Pdu]), Pid ! {snmp_pdu, Pdu}; {msg, Pid} -> d("handle_v3_message -> send msg to manager (~p): " "~n ~p", [Pid, Msg]), Pid ! {snmp_msg, Msg, Ip, UdpPort} end, MsgData catch throw:{error, Reason, B}:_ -> udp_send(UdpId, AgentIp, UdpPort, B), ?EPRINT("Decoding (v3) error - Auto-sending Report:" "~n Reason: ~p" "~n Port: ~p" "~n Ip: ~p", [Reason, UdpPort, Ip]), []; throw:{error, Reason}:_ -> ?EPRINT("Decoding (v3) error:" "~n Reason: ~p" "~n Bytes: ~p" "~n Port: ~p" "~n Ip: ~p", [Reason, Bytes, UdpPort, Ip]), []; Class:Error:_ -> ?EPRINT("Decoding (v3) error:" "~n Class: ~p" "~n Error: ~p" "~n Bytes: ~p" "~n Port: ~p" "~n Ip: ~p", [Class, Error, Bytes, UdpPort, Ip]), [] end. handle_v1_or_v2_message(Mgr, _UdpId, Ip, UdpPort, _AgentIp, Bytes, Message) -> try snmp_pdus:dec_pdu(Message#message.data) of Pdu when is_record(Pdu, pdu) -> case Mgr of {pdu, Pid} -> d("handle_v1_or_v2_message -> send pdu to manager (~p): " "~n ~p", [Pid, Pdu]), Pid ! {snmp_pdu, Pdu}; {msg, Pid} -> d("handle_v1_or_v2_message -> send msg to manager (~p): " "~n ~p", [Pid, Pdu]), Msg = Message#message{data = Pdu}, Pid ! {snmp_msg, Msg, Ip, UdpPort} end; Pdu when is_record(Pdu, trappdu) -> case Mgr of {pdu, Pid} -> d("handle_v1_or_v2_message -> send trap-pdu to manager (~p): " "~n ~p", [Pid, Pdu]), Pid ! {snmp_pdu, Pdu}; {msg, Pid} -> d("handle_v1_or_v2_message -> send trap-msg to manager (~p): " "~n ~p", [Pid, Pdu]), Msg = Message#message{data = Pdu}, Pid ! {snmp_msg, Msg, Ip, UdpPort} end catch Class:Error:_ -> ?EPRINT("Decoding (v1 or v2) error: " "~n Class: ~p" "~n Error: ~p " "~n Bytes: ~p" "~n Port: ~p" "~n Ip: ~p", [Class, Error, Bytes, UdpPort, Ip]) end. %% This function assumes that the agent and the manager (thats us) %% has the same version. check_discovery_result('version-3', DiscoReqMsg, DiscoRspMsg) -> ReqMsgID = getMsgID(DiscoReqMsg), RspMsgID = getMsgID(DiscoRspMsg), check_msgID(ReqMsgID, RspMsgID), ReqRequestId = getRequestId('version-3', DiscoReqMsg), RspRequestId = getRequestId('version-3', DiscoRspMsg), check_requestId(ReqRequestId, RspRequestId), {ok, getMsgAuthEngineID(DiscoRspMsg)}; check_discovery_result(Version, DiscoReqMsg, DiscoRspMsg) -> ReqRequestId = getRequestId(Version, DiscoReqMsg), RspRequestId = getRequestId(Version, DiscoRspMsg), check_requestId(ReqRequestId, RspRequestId), {ok, getSysDescr(DiscoRspMsg)}. check_msgID(ID, ID) -> ok; check_msgID(ReqMsgID, RspMsgID) -> throw({error, {invalid_msgID, ReqMsgID, RspMsgID}}). check_requestId(Id,Id) -> ok; check_requestId(ReqRequestId, RspRequestId) -> throw({error, {invalid_requestId, ReqRequestId, RspRequestId}}). getMsgID(M) when is_record(M, message) -> (M#message.vsn_hdr)#v3_hdr.msgID. getRequestId('version-3',M) when is_record(M, message) -> ((M#message.data)#scopedPdu.data)#pdu.request_id; getRequestId(_Version,M) when is_record(M, message) -> (M#message.data)#pdu.request_id; getRequestId(Version,M) -> io:format("************* ERROR ****************" "~n Version: ~w" "~n M: ~w~n", [Version,M]), throw({error, {unknown_request_id, Version, M}}). getMsgAuthEngineID(M) when is_record(M, message) -> SecParams1 = (M#message.vsn_hdr)#v3_hdr.msgSecurityParameters, SecParams2 = snmp_pdus:dec_usm_security_parameters(SecParams1), SecParams2#usmSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineID. getSysDescr(M) when is_record(M, message) -> getSysDescr((M#message.data)#pdu.varbinds); getSysDescr([]) -> not_found; getSysDescr([#varbind{oid = [1,3,6,1,2,1,1,1], value = Value}|_]) -> Value; getSysDescr([#varbind{oid = [1,3,6,1,2,1,1,1,0], value = Value}|_]) -> Value; getSysDescr([_|T]) -> getSysDescr(T). handle_v3_msg(Packet, #message{vsn_hdr = V3Hdr, data = Data}) -> d("handle_v3_msg -> entry"), %% Code copied from snmp_mpd.erl #v3_hdr{msgID = MsgId, msgFlags = MsgFlags, msgSecurityModel = MsgSecurityModel, msgSecurityParameters = SecParams} = V3Hdr, SecModule = get_security_module(MsgSecurityModel), d("handle_v3_msg -> SecModule: ~p", [SecModule]), SecLevel = hd(MsgFlags) band 3, d("handle_v3_msg -> SecLevel: ~p", [SecLevel]), IsReportable = snmp_misc:is_reportable(MsgFlags), SecRes = (catch SecModule:process_incoming_msg(list_to_binary(Packet), Data,SecParams,SecLevel)), {_SecEngineID, SecName, ScopedPDUBytes, SecData, _} = check_sec_module_result(SecRes, V3Hdr, Data, IsReportable), case (catch snmp_pdus:dec_scoped_pdu(ScopedPDUBytes)) of ScopedPDU when is_record(ScopedPDU, scopedPdu) -> {ok, ScopedPDU, {MsgId, SecName, SecData}}; {'EXIT', Reason} -> throw({error, Reason}); Error -> throw({error, {scoped_pdu_decode_failed, Error}}) end; handle_v3_msg(_Packet, BadMessage) -> throw({error, bad_message, BadMessage}). get_security_module(?SEC_USM) -> snmpa_usm; get_security_module(SecModel) -> throw({error, {unknown_sec_model, SecModel}}). check_sec_module_result(Res, V3Hdr, Data, IsReportable) -> d("check_sec_module_result -> entry with" "~n Res: ~p", [Res]), case Res of {ok, X} -> X; {error, Reason, []} -> throw({error, {securityError, Reason}}); {error, Reason, ErrorInfo} when IsReportable == true -> #v3_hdr{msgID = MsgID, msgSecurityModel = MsgSecModel} = V3Hdr, case generate_v3_report_msg(MsgID, MsgSecModel, Data, ErrorInfo) of error -> throw({error, {securityError, Reason}}); Packet -> throw({error, {securityError, Reason}, Packet}) end; {error, Reason, _} -> throw({error, {securityError, Reason}}); Else -> throw({error, {securityError, Else}}) end. generate_v3_report_msg(_MsgID, _MsgSecurityModel, Data, ErrorInfo) -> d("generate_v3_report_msg -> entry with" "~n ErrorInfo: ~p", [ErrorInfo]), {Varbind, SecName, Opts} = ErrorInfo, ReqId = if is_record(Data, scopedPdu) -> (Data#scopedPdu.data)#pdu.request_id; true -> 0 end, Pdu = #pdu{type = report, request_id = ReqId, error_status = noError, error_index = 0, varbinds = [Varbind]}, SecLevel = snmp_misc:get_option(securityLevel, Opts, 0), SnmpEngineID = snmp_framework_mib:get_engine_id(), ContextEngineID = snmp_misc:get_option(contextEngineID, Opts, SnmpEngineID), ContextName = snmp_misc:get_option(contextName, Opts, ""), mk_msg('version-3', Pdu, {ContextName, SecName, SnmpEngineID, ContextEngineID, SecLevel}, undefined). mk_discovery_msg('version-3', Pdu, _VsnHdr, UserName) -> ScopedPDU = #scopedPdu{contextEngineID = "", contextName = "", data = Pdu}, Bytes = snmp_pdus:enc_scoped_pdu(ScopedPDU), MsgID = get(msg_id), put(msg_id, MsgID+1), UsmSecParams = #usmSecurityParameters{msgAuthoritativeEngineID = "", msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots = 0, msgAuthoritativeEngineTime = 0, msgUserName = UserName, msgPrivacyParameters = "", msgAuthenticationParameters = ""}, SecBytes = snmp_pdus:enc_usm_security_parameters(UsmSecParams), PduType = Pdu#pdu.type, Hdr = #v3_hdr{msgID = MsgID, msgMaxSize = 1000, msgFlags = snmp_misc:mk_msg_flags(PduType, 0), msgSecurityModel = ?SEC_USM, msgSecurityParameters = SecBytes}, Msg = #message{version = 'version-3', vsn_hdr = Hdr, data = Bytes}, case (catch snmp_pdus:enc_message_only(Msg)) of {'EXIT', Reason} -> ?EPRINT("Discovery encoding error: " "~n Pdu: ~p" "~n Reason: ~p", [Pdu, Reason]), error; L when is_list(L) -> {Msg#message{data = ScopedPDU}, L} end; mk_discovery_msg(Version, Pdu, {Com, _, _, _, _}, _UserName) -> Msg = #message{version = Version, vsn_hdr = Com, data = Pdu}, case catch snmp_pdus:enc_message(Msg) of {'EXIT', Reason} -> ?EPRINT("Discovery encoding error:" "~n Pdu: ~p" "~n Reason: ~p", [Pdu, Reason]), error; L when is_list(L) -> {Msg, L} end. mk_msg('version-3', Pdu, {Context, User, EngineID, CtxEngineId, SecLevel}, MsgData) -> d("mk_msg(version-3) -> entry with" "~n Pdu: ~p" "~n Context: ~p" "~n User: ~p" "~n EngineID: ~p" "~n CtxEngineID: ~p" "~n SecLevel: ~p", [Pdu, Context, User, EngineID, CtxEngineId, SecLevel]), %% Code copied from snmp_mpd.erl {MsgId, SecName, SecData} = if is_tuple(MsgData) andalso (Pdu#pdu.type =:= 'get-response') -> MsgData; true -> Md = get(msg_id), put(msg_id, Md + 1), {Md, User, []} end, ScopedPDU = #scopedPdu{contextEngineID = CtxEngineId, contextName = Context, data = Pdu}, ScopedPDUBytes = snmp_pdus:enc_scoped_pdu(ScopedPDU), PduType = Pdu#pdu.type, V3Hdr = #v3_hdr{msgID = MsgId, msgMaxSize = 1000, msgFlags = snmp_misc:mk_msg_flags(PduType, SecLevel), msgSecurityModel = ?SEC_USM}, Message = #message{version = 'version-3', vsn_hdr = V3Hdr, data = ScopedPDUBytes}, SecEngineID = case PduType of 'get-response' -> snmp_framework_mib:get_engine_id(); _ -> EngineID end, case catch snmpa_usm:generate_outgoing_msg(Message, SecEngineID, SecName, SecData, SecLevel) of {'EXIT', Reason} -> ?EPRINT("version-3 message encoding exit" "~n Pdu: ~p" "~n Reason: ~p", [Pdu, Reason]), error; {error, Reason} -> ?EPRINT("version-3 message encoding error" "~n Pdu: ~p" "~n Reason: ~p", [Pdu, Reason]), error; Packet -> Packet end; mk_msg(Version, Pdu, {Com, _User, _EngineID, _Ctx, _SecLevel}, _SecData) -> Msg = #message{version = Version, vsn_hdr = Com, data = Pdu}, case catch snmp_pdus:enc_message(Msg) of {'EXIT', Reason} -> ?EPRINT("~w encoding error" "~n Pdu: ~p" "~n Reason: ~p", [Version, Pdu, Reason]), error; B when is_list(B) -> B end. format_hdr(#message{version = 'version-3', vsn_hdr = #v3_hdr{msgID = MsgId}, data = #scopedPdu{contextName = CName}}) -> io_lib:format("v3, ContextName = \"~s\" Message ID = ~w\n", [CName, MsgId]); format_hdr(#message{version = Vsn, vsn_hdr = Com}) -> io_lib:format("~w, CommunityName = \"~s\"\n", [vsn(Vsn), Com]). vsn('version-1') -> v1; vsn('version-2') -> v2c. udp_send(UdpId, AgentIp, UdpPort, B) -> ?vlog("attempt send message (~w bytes) to ~p", [sz(B), {AgentIp, UdpPort}]), case (catch gen_udp:send(UdpId, AgentIp, UdpPort, B)) of {error, ErrorReason} -> ?EPRINT("failed (error) sending message to ~p:~p: " "~n ~p",[AgentIp, UdpPort, ErrorReason]), error; {'EXIT', ExitReason} -> ?EPRINT("failed (exit) sending message to ~p:~p:" "~n ~p",[AgentIp, UdpPort, ExitReason]), error; _ -> ok end. get_pdu(#message{version = 'version-3', data = #scopedPdu{data = Pdu}}) -> Pdu; get_pdu(#message{data = Pdu}) -> Pdu. set_pdu(Msg, RePdu) when Msg#message.version == 'version-3' -> SP = (Msg#message.data)#scopedPdu{data = RePdu}, Msg#message{data = SP}; set_pdu(Msg, RePdu) -> Msg#message{data = RePdu}. %% Disgustingly, we borrow stuff from the agent, including the %% local-db. Also, disgustingly, the local-db may actually not %% have died yet. But since we actually *need* a clean local-db, %% we must make sure its dead before we try to start the new %% instance... init_usm('version-3', Dir) -> ?IPRINT("init_usm -> create (and init) fake \"agent\" table", []), ets:new(snmp_agent_table, [set, public, named_table]), ets:insert(snmp_agent_table, {agent_mib_storage, persistent}), %% The local-db process may *still* be running (from a previous %% test case), on the way down, but not yet dead. %% Either way, before we try to start it, make sure its old instance %% dead and *gone*! %% How do we do that without getting hung up? Calling the stop %% function, will not do since it uses Timeout=infinity. ?IPRINT("init_usm -> ensure (old) fake local-db is dead", []), ensure_local_db_dead(), ?IPRINT("init_usm -> try start fake local-db", []), case snmpa_local_db:start_link(normal, Dir, [{sname, "MGR-LOCAL-DB"}, {verbosity, trace}]) of {ok, Pid} -> ?IPRINT("init_usm -> local-db started: ~p" "~n ~p", [Pid, process_info(Pid)]); {error, {already_started, Pid}} -> LDBInfo = process_info(Pid), ?EPRINT("init_usm -> local-db already started: ~p" "~n ~p", [Pid, LDBInfo]), ?FAIL({still_running, snmpa_local_db, LDBInfo}); {error, Reason} -> ?EPRINT("init_usm -> failed start local-db: " "~n ~p", [Reason]), ?FAIL({failed_starting, snmpa_local_db, Reason}) end, NameDb = snmpa_agent:db(snmpEngineID), ?IPRINT("init_usm -> try set manager engine-id"), R = snmp_generic:variable_set(NameDb, "mgrEngine"), snmp_verbosity:print(info, info, "init_usm -> engine-id set result: ~p", [R]), ?IPRINT("init_usm -> try set engine boots (framework-mib)"), snmp_framework_mib:set_engine_boots(1), ?IPRINT("init_usm -> try set engine time (framework-mib)"), snmp_framework_mib:set_engine_time(1), ?IPRINT("init_usm -> try usm (mib) reconfigure"), snmp_user_based_sm_mib:reconfigure(Dir), ?IPRINT("init_usm -> done"), ok; init_usm(_Vsn, _Dir) -> ok. ensure_local_db_dead() -> ensure_dead(whereis(snmpa_local_db), 2000). ensure_dead(Pid, Timeout) when is_pid(Pid) -> MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid), try begin ensure_dead_wait(Pid, MRef, Timeout), ensure_dead_stop(Pid, MRef, Timeout), ensure_dead_kill(Pid, MRef, Timeout), exit(failed_stop_local_db) end catch throw:ok -> ok end; ensure_dead(_, _) -> ?IPRINT("ensure_dead -> already dead", []), ok. ensure_dead_wait(Pid, MRef, Timeout) -> receive {'DOWN', MRef, process, Pid, _Info} -> ?IPRINT("ensure_dead_wait -> died peacefully"), throw(ok) after Timeout -> ?WPRINT("ensure_dead_wait -> giving up"), ok end. ensure_dead_stop(Pid, MRef, Timeout) -> %% Spawn a stop'er process StopPid = spawn(fun() -> snmpa_local_db:stop() end), receive {'DOWN', MRef, process, Pid, _Info} -> ?NPRINT("ensure_dead -> dead (stopped)"), throw(ok) after Timeout -> ?WPRINT("ensure_dead_stop -> giving up"), exit(StopPid, kill), ok end. ensure_dead_kill(Pid, MRef, Timeout) -> exit(Pid, kill), receive {'DOWN', MRef, process, Pid, _Info} -> ?NPRINT("ensure_dead -> dead (killed)"), throw(ok) after Timeout -> ?WPRINT("ensure_dead_kill -> giving up"), ok end. display_incomming_message(M) -> display_message("Incomming",M). display_outgoing_message(M) -> display_message("Outgoing", M). display_message(Direction, M) when is_record(M, message) -> io:format("~s SNMP message:~n", [Direction]), V = M#message.version, display_version(V), display_hdr(V, M#message.vsn_hdr), display_msg_data(V, Direction, M#message.data); display_message(Direction, M) -> io:format("~s message unknown: ~n~p", [Direction, M]). display_version('version-3') -> display_prop("Version",'SNMPv3'); display_version(V) -> display_prop("Version",V). display_hdr('version-3',H) -> display_msgID(H#v3_hdr.msgID), display_msgMaxSize(H#v3_hdr.msgMaxSize), display_msgFlags(H#v3_hdr.msgFlags), SecModel = H#v3_hdr.msgSecurityModel, display_msgSecurityModel(SecModel), display_msgSecurityParameters(SecModel,H#v3_hdr.msgSecurityParameters); display_hdr(_V,Community) -> display_community(Community). display_community(Community) -> display_prop("Community",Community). display_msgID(Id) -> display_prop("msgID",Id). display_msgMaxSize(Size) -> display_prop("msgMaxSize",Size). display_msgFlags([Flags]) -> display_prop("msgFlags",Flags); display_msgFlags([]) -> display_prop("msgFlags",no_value_to_display); display_msgFlags(Flags) -> display_prop("msgFlags",Flags). display_msgSecurityModel(?SEC_USM) -> display_prop("msgSecurityModel",'USM'); display_msgSecurityModel(Model) -> display_prop("msgSecurityModel",Model). display_msgSecurityParameters(?SEC_USM,Params) -> display_usmSecurityParameters(Params); display_msgSecurityParameters(_Model,Params) -> display_prop("msgSecurityParameters",Params). display_usmSecurityParameters(P) when is_list(P) -> P1 = lists:flatten(P), display_usmSecurityParameters(snmp_pdus:dec_usm_security_parameters(P1)); display_usmSecurityParameters(P) when is_record(P,usmSecurityParameters) -> ID = P#usmSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineID, display_msgAuthoritativeEngineID(ID), Boots = P#usmSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots, display_msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots(Boots), Time = P#usmSecurityParameters.msgAuthoritativeEngineTime, display_msgAuthoritativeEngineTime(Time), Name = P#usmSecurityParameters.msgUserName, display_msgUserName(Name), SecParams = P#usmSecurityParameters.msgAuthenticationParameters, display_msgAuthenticationParameters(SecParams), PrivParams = P#usmSecurityParameters.msgPrivacyParameters, display_msgPrivacyParameters(PrivParams); display_usmSecurityParameters(P) -> display_prop("unknown USM sec paraams",P). display_msgAuthoritativeEngineID(ID) -> display_prop("msgAuthoritativeEngineID",ID). display_msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots(V) -> display_prop("msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots",V). display_msgAuthoritativeEngineTime(V) -> display_prop("msgAuthoritativeEngineTime",V). display_msgUserName(V) -> display_prop("msgUserName",V). display_msgAuthenticationParameters(V) -> display_prop("msgAuthenticationParameters",V). display_msgPrivacyParameters(V) -> display_prop("msgPrivacyParameters",V). display_msg_data('version-3',Direction,D) when is_record(D,scopedPdu) -> display_scoped_pdu(Direction,D); display_msg_data(_Version,Direction,D) when is_record(D,pdu) -> display_pdu(Direction,D); display_msg_data(_Version,_Direction,D) -> display_prop("Unknown message data",D). display_scoped_pdu(Direction,P) -> display_contextEngineID(P#scopedPdu.contextEngineID), display_contextName(P#scopedPdu.contextName), display_scoped_pdu_data(Direction,P#scopedPdu.data). display_contextEngineID(Id) -> display_prop("contextEngineID",Id). display_contextName(Name) -> display_prop("contextName",Name). display_scoped_pdu_data(Direction,D) when is_record(D,pdu) -> display_pdu(Direction,D); display_scoped_pdu_data(Direction,D) when is_record(D,trappdu) -> display_trappdu(Direction,D); display_scoped_pdu_data(_Direction,D) -> display_prop("Unknown scoped pdu data",D). display_pdu(Direction, P) -> io:format("~s PDU:~n", [Direction]), display_type(P#pdu.type), display_request_id(P#pdu.request_id), display_error_status(P#pdu.error_status), display_error_index(P#pdu.error_index), display_varbinds(P#pdu.varbinds). display_type(T) -> display_prop("Type",T). display_request_id(Id) -> display_prop("Request id",Id). display_error_status(S) -> display_prop("Error status",S). display_error_index(I) -> display_prop("Error index",I). display_varbinds([H|T]) -> display_prop_hdr("Varbinds"), display_varbind(H), display_varbinds(T); display_varbinds([]) -> ok. display_varbind(V) when is_record(V,varbind) -> display_oid(V#varbind.oid), display_vtype(V#varbind.variabletype), display_value(V#varbind.value), display_org_index(V#varbind.org_index); display_varbind(V) -> display_prop("\tVarbind",V). display_oid(V) -> display_prop("\tOid",V). display_vtype(V) -> display_prop("\t\tVariable type",V). display_value(V) -> display_prop("\t\tValue",V). display_org_index(V) -> display_prop("\t\tOrg index",V). display_trappdu(Direction,P) -> io:format("~s TRAP-PDU:~n",[Direction]), display_prop("TRAP-PDU",P). display_prop(S,no_value_to_display) -> io:format("\t~s: ~n",[S]); display_prop(S,V) -> io:format("\t~s: ~p~n",[S,V]). display_prop_hdr(S) -> io:format("\t~s:~n",[S]). %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Debug %%---------------------------------------------------------------------- sz(L) when is_list(L) -> iolist_size(L); sz(B) when is_binary(B) -> size(B); sz(O) -> {unknown_size, O}. d(F) -> d(F, []). d(F,A) -> d(get(debug), F, A). d(true, F, A) -> ?IPRINT(F, A); d(_,_F,_A) -> ok.