%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2014-2021. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% This test suite uses the following external programs: %% snmpget From packet 'snmp' (in Ubuntu 12.04) %% snmpd From packet 'snmpd' (in Ubuntu 12.04) %% snmptrapd From packet 'snmpd' (in Ubuntu 12.04) %% They originate from the Net-SNMP applications, see: %% http://net-snmp.sourceforge.net/ -module(snmp_to_snmpnet_SUITE). -export([ suite/0, all/0, groups/0, init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1, init_per_group/2, end_per_group/2, init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2, erlang_agent_netsnmp_get/0, erlang_agent_netsnmp_get/1, erlang_agent_netsnmp_inform/0, erlang_agent_netsnmp_inform/1, erlang_manager_netsnmp_get/0, erlang_manager_netsnmp_get/1 ]). -include("snmp_test_lib.hrl"). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). -include_lib("snmp/include/STANDARD-MIB.hrl"). -define(AGENT_ENGINE_ID, "ErlangSnmpAgent"). -define(MANAGER_ENGINE_ID, "ErlangSnmpManager"). -define(AGENT_PORT, 4000). -define(MANAGER_PORT, 8989). -define(DEFAULT_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE, 484). expected(?sysDescr_instance = Oid, get) -> OidStr = oid_str(Oid), lists:flatten([OidStr | " = STRING: \"Erlang SNMP agent\""]). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Common Test interface functions ----------------------------------- %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}]. all() -> [ {group, ipv4}, {group, ipv6}, {group, ipv4_ipv6} ]. groups() -> [ {ipv4, [], ipv4_cases()}, {ipv6, [], ipv6_cases()}, {ipv4_ipv6, [], ipv4_ipv6_cases()}, {snmpget, [], snmpget_cases()}, {snmptrapd, [], snmptrapd_cases()}, {snmpd_mt, [], snmpd_mt_cases()}, {snmpd, [], snmpd_cases()} ]. ipv4_cases() -> [ {group, snmpget}, {group, snmptrapd}, {group, snmpd_mt}, {group, snmpd} ]. ipv6_cases() -> [ {group, snmpget}, {group, snmptrapd}, {group, snmpd_mt}, {group, snmpd} ]. ipv4_ipv6_cases() -> [ {group, snmpget}, {group, snmptrapd}, {group, snmpd_mt}, {group, snmpd} ]. snmpget_cases() -> [ erlang_agent_netsnmp_get ]. snmptrapd_cases() -> [ erlang_agent_netsnmp_inform ]. snmpd_mt_cases() -> [ erlang_manager_netsnmp_get ]. snmpd_cases() -> [ erlang_manager_netsnmp_get ]. %% %% ----- %% init_per_suite(Config0) -> ?IPRINT("init_per_suite -> entry with" "~n Config: ~p", [Config0]), case netsnmp_init(Config0) of {skip, _} = SKIP -> SKIP; Config1 -> case ?LIB:init_per_suite(Config1) of {skip, _} = SKIP -> SKIP; Config2 when is_list(Config2) -> snmp_test_sys_monitor:start(), ?IPRINT("init_per_suite -> end when" "~n Config: ~p", [Config2]), Config2 end end. netsnmp_init(Config) -> case has_netsnmp() of true -> case proper_netsnmp_version() of true -> [{agent_port, ?AGENT_PORT}, {manager_port, ?MANAGER_PORT} | Config]; false -> {skip, "Buggy NetSNMP"} end; false -> {skip, "No NetSNMP"} end. has_netsnmp() -> netsnmp_check("NET-SNMP"). proper_netsnmp_version() -> not netsnmp_check("5.4|"). netsnmp_check(RE) -> case re:run(os:cmd("snmpd -v"), RE, [{capture, first}]) of nomatch -> false; {match, _} -> true end. end_per_suite(Config) -> ?IPRINT("end_per_suite -> entry with" "~n Config: ~p", [Config]), snmp_test_sys_monitor:stop(), ?LIB:end_per_suite(Config), ?IPRINT("end_per_suite -> end"), Config. %% %% ----- %% init_per_group(ipv4, Config) -> init_per_group_ip([inet], Config); init_per_group(ipv6, Config) -> case os:type() of {unix, netbsd} -> {skip, "Host *may* not *properly* support IPV6"}; _ -> init_per_group_ipv6([inet6], Config) end; init_per_group(ipv4_ipv6, Config) -> case os:type() of {unix, netbsd} -> {skip, "Host *may* not *properly* support IPV6"}; _ -> init_per_group_ipv6([inet, inet6], Config) end; init_per_group(snmpget = Exec, Config) -> %% From Ubuntu package snmp init_per_group_agent(Exec, Config); init_per_group(snmptrapd = Exec, Config) -> %% From Ubuntu package snmpd init_per_group_agent(Exec, Config); init_per_group(snmpd_mt, Config) -> %% From Ubuntu package snmp init_per_group_manager( snmpd, [{manager_net_if_module, snmpm_net_if_mt} | Config]); init_per_group(snmpd = Exec, Config) -> %% From Ubuntu package snmp init_per_group_manager( Exec, [{manager_net_if_module, snmpm_net_if} | Config]); init_per_group(_, Config) -> Config. init_per_group_ipv6(Families, Config) -> case ?HAS_SUPPORT_IPV6() of true -> init_per_group_ip(Families, Config); false -> {skip, "Host does not support IPv6"} end. init_per_group_ip(Families, Config) -> AgentPort = ?config(agent_port, Config), ManagerPort = ?config(manager_port, Config), Transports = [begin Addr = ?LIB:localhost(Family), {domain(Family), {Addr, AgentPort}} end || Family <- Families], Targets = [begin Addr = ?LIB:localhost(Family), {domain(Family), {Addr, ManagerPort}} end || Family <- Families], [{transports, Transports}, {targets, Targets} | Config]. init_per_group_agent(Exec, Config) -> Versions = [v2], Dir = ?config(priv_dir, Config), Transports = ?config(transports, Config), Targets = ?config(targets, Config), agent_config(Dir, Transports, Targets, Versions), find_executable(Exec, [{snmp_versions, Versions} | Config]). init_per_group_manager(Exec, Config) -> Versions = [v2], Dir = ?config(priv_dir, Config), Targets = ?config(targets, Config), manager_config(Dir, Targets), find_executable(Exec, [{snmp_versions, Versions} | Config]). end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. %% %% ----- %% init_per_testcase(_Case, Config) -> ?IPRINT("init_per_testcase -> entry with" "~n Config: ~p", [Config]), snmp_test_global_sys_monitor:reset_events(), Dog = ct:timetrap(?SECS(20)), application:stop(snmp), application:unload(snmp), Config1 = [{watchdog, Dog} | Config], ?IPRINT("init_per_testcase -> done when" "~n Config: ~p", [Config1]), Config1. end_per_testcase(_, Config) -> ?IPRINT("end_per_testcase -> entry with" "~n Config: ~p", [Config]), ?IPRINT("system events during test: " "~n ~p", [snmp_test_global_sys_monitor:events()]), case application:stop(snmp) of ok -> ok; E1 -> ct:pal("application:stop(snmp) -> ~p", [E1]) end, case application:unload(snmp) of ok -> ok; E2 -> ct:pal("application:unload(snmp) -> ~p", [E2]) end, ?IPRINT("end_per_testcase -> done with" "~n Config: ~p", [Config]), Config. find_executable(Exec, Config) -> ExecStr = atom_to_list(Exec), case os:find_executable(ExecStr) of false -> %% The sbin dirs are not in the PATH on all platforms... find_sys_executable( Exec, ExecStr, [["usr", "local", "sbin"], ["usr", "sbin"], ["sbin"]], Config); Path -> [{Exec, Path} | Config] end. find_sys_executable(_Exec, ExecStr, [], _Config) -> {skip, ExecStr ++ " not found"}; find_sys_executable(Exec, ExecStr, [Dir | Dirs], Config) -> case os:find_executable(filename:join(["/" | Dir] ++ [ExecStr])) of false -> find_sys_executable(Exec, ExecStr, Dirs, Config); Path -> [{Exec, Path} | Config] end. start_agent(Config) -> ok = application:load(snmp), ok = application:set_env(snmp, agent, agent_app_env(Config)), ok = application:start(snmp). %% stop_agent(_Config) -> %% case application:stop(snmp) of %% ok -> %% ok; %% E1 -> %% ct:pal("application:stop(snmp) -> ~p", [E1]) %% end, %% case application:unload(snmp) of %% ok -> %% ok; %% E2 -> %% ct:pal("application:unload(snmp) -> ~p", [E2]) %% end. start_manager(Config) -> ok = application:load(snmp), ok = application:set_env(snmp, manager, manager_app_env(Config)), ok = application:start(snmp). %% stop_manager(_Config) -> %% case application:stop(snmp) of %% ok -> %% ok; %% E1 -> %% ct:pal("application:stop(snmp) -> ~p", [E1]) %% end, %% case application:unload(snmp) of %% ok -> %% ok; %% E2 -> %% ct:pal("application:unload(snmp) -> ~p", [E2]) %% end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Test Cases -------------------------------------------------------- %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- erlang_agent_netsnmp_get() -> [{doc,"Test that we can access erlang snmp agent " "from snmpnet manager"}]. erlang_agent_netsnmp_get(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Transports = ?config(transports, Config), start_agent(Config), Oid = ?sysDescr_instance, Expected = expected(Oid, get), try begin [case snmpget(Oid, Transport, Config) of Expected -> ct:pal("Received expected", []), ok; "Timeout: " ++ Rest -> ct:pal("Received unexpected timeout: " "~n ~s", [Rest]), throw({skip, Rest}); Any -> ct:pal("Received unexpected reponse: " "~n ~p", [Any]), exit({unexpected, Any}) end || Transport <- Transports], ok end catch throw:{skip, _} = SKIP -> SKIP end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- erlang_manager_netsnmp_get() -> [{doc,"Test that the erlang snmp manager can access snmpnet agent"}]. erlang_manager_netsnmp_get(Config) when is_list(Config) -> Community = "happy-testing", SysDescr = "Net-SNMP agent", TargetName = "Target Net-SNMP agent", Transports = ?config(transports, Config), case start_snmpd(Community, SysDescr, Config) of {skip, _} = SKIP -> SKIP; ProgHandle -> start_manager(Config), snmp_manager_user:start_link(self(), test_user), [snmp_manager_user:register_agent( TargetName++domain_suffix(Domain), [{reg_type, target_name}, {tdomain, Domain}, {taddress, Addr}, {community, Community}, {engine_id, "EngineId"}, {version, v2}, {sec_model, v2c}, {sec_level, noAuthNoPriv}]) || {Domain, Addr} <- Transports], Results = [snmp_manager_user:sync_get2( TargetName++domain_suffix(Domain), [?sysDescr_instance], []) || {Domain, _} <- Transports], ct:pal("sync_get -> ~p", [Results]), snmp_manager_user:stop(), stop_program(ProgHandle), [{ok, {noError, 0, [{varbind, ?sysDescr_instance, 'OCTET STRING', SysDescr,1}] }, _} = R || R <- Results], ok end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- erlang_agent_netsnmp_inform() -> [{doc, "TBD"}]. erlang_agent_netsnmp_inform(Config) when is_list(Config) -> DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config), Mib = "TestTrapv2", start_agent(Config), ok = snmpa:load_mib(snmp_master_agent, filename:join(DataDir, Mib)), case start_snmptrapd(Mib, Config) of {skip, _} = SKIP -> SKIP; ProgHandle -> snmpa:send_notification( snmp_master_agent, testTrapv22, {erlang_agent_test, self()}), receive {snmp_targets, erlang_agent_test, Addresses} -> ct:pal("Notification sent to: ~p~n", [Addresses]), erlang_agent_netsnmp_inform_responses(Addresses) end, stop_program(ProgHandle) end. erlang_agent_netsnmp_inform_responses([]) -> receive {snmp_notification, erlang_agent_test, _} = Unexpected -> ct:pal("Unexpected response: ~p", [Unexpected]), erlang_agent_netsnmp_inform_responses([]) after 0 -> ok end; erlang_agent_netsnmp_inform_responses([Address | Addresses]) -> receive {snmp_notification, erlang_agent_test, {got_response, Address}} -> ct:pal("Got response from: ~p~n", [Address]), erlang_agent_netsnmp_inform_responses(Addresses); {snmp_notification, erlang_agent_test, {no_response, _} = NoResponse} -> ct:fail(NoResponse) end. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Internal functions ------------------------------------------------ %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- snmpget(Oid, Transport, Config) -> Versions = ?config(snmp_versions, Config), Args = ["-c", "public", net_snmp_version(Versions), "-m", ":", "-Cf", net_snmp_addr_str(Transport), oid_str(Oid)], case start_program(snmpget, Args, none, Config) of {skip, _} = SKIP -> throw(SKIP); ProgHandle -> {_, line, Line} = get_program_output(ProgHandle), stop_program(ProgHandle), binary_to_list(Line) end. start_snmptrapd(Mibs, Config) -> DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config), MibDir = filename:join(code:lib_dir(snmp), "mibs"), Targets = ?config(targets, Config), SnmptrapdArgs = ["-f", "-Lo", "-C", "-m", Mibs, "-M", MibDir++":"++DataDir, "--disableAuthorization=yes", "--snmpTrapdAddr=" ++ net_snmp_addr_str(Targets)], {ok, StartCheckMP} = re:compile("NET-SNMP version ", [anchored]), start_program(snmptrapd, SnmptrapdArgs, StartCheckMP, Config). start_snmpd(Community, SysDescr, Config) -> DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config), Targets = ?config(targets, Config), Transports = ?config(transports, Config), Port = mk_port_number(), CommunityArgs = ["--rocommunity"++domain_suffix(Domain)++"=" ++Community++" "++inet_parse:ntoa(Ip) || {Domain, {Ip, _}} <- Targets], SnmpdArgs = ["-f", "-r", %"-Dverbose", "-c", filename:join(DataDir, "snmpd.conf"), "-C", "-Lo", "-m", ":", "--sysDescr="++SysDescr, "--agentXSocket=tcp:localhost:"++integer_to_list(Port)] ++ CommunityArgs ++ [net_snmp_addr_str(Transports)], {ok, StartCheckMP} = re:compile("NET-SNMP version ", [anchored]), start_program(snmpd, SnmpdArgs, StartCheckMP, Config). start_program(Prog, Args, StartCheckMP, Config) -> ct:pal("Starting program: ~w ~p", [Prog, Args]), Path = ?config(Prog, Config), DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config), StartWrapper = filename:join(DataDir, "start_stop_wrapper"), Parent = self(), %% process_flag(trap_exit, true), {Pid, Mon} = spawn_monitor( fun () -> run_program(Parent, StartWrapper, [Path | Args]) end), start_check(Pid, Mon, StartCheckMP). start_check(Pid, Mon, none) -> {Pid, Mon}; start_check(Pid, Mon, StartCheckMP) -> receive {Pid, line, Line} -> case re:run(Line, StartCheckMP, [{capture, none}]) of match -> {Pid, Mon}; nomatch -> start_check(Pid, Mon, StartCheckMP) end; {'DOWN', Mon, _, _Pid, {skip, Reason} = SKIP} -> ct:pal("Received DOWN from ~p" "~n Skip Reason: ~p", [_Pid, Reason]), SKIP; {'DOWN', Mon, _, _, Reason} -> ct:fail("Prog ~p start failed: ~p", [Pid, Reason]) end. get_program_output({Pid, Mon}) -> receive {Pid, _, _} = Msg -> Msg; {'DOWN', Mon, _, _, Reason} -> ct:fail("Prog ~p crashed: ~p", [Pid, Reason]) end. stop_program({Pid, _} = Handle) -> Pid ! {self(), stop}, wait_program_stop(Handle). wait_program_stop({Pid, Mon}) -> receive {Pid, exit, ExitStatus} -> receive {'DOWN', Mon, _, _, _} -> ExitStatus end; {'DOWN', Mon, _, _, Reason} -> ct:fail("Prog stop: ~p", [Reason]) end. run_program(Parent, StartWrapper, ProgAndArgs) -> [Prog | _] = ProgAndArgs, Port = open_port( {spawn_executable, StartWrapper}, [{args, ProgAndArgs}, binary, stderr_to_stdout, {line, 80}, exit_status]), ct:pal("Prog ~p started: ~p", [Port, Prog]), run_program_loop(Parent, Port, []). run_program_loop(Parent, Port, Buf) -> receive {Parent, stop} -> true = port_command(Port, <<"stop\n">>), ct:pal("Prog ~p stop", [Port]), run_program_loop(Parent, Port, Buf); {Port, {data, {Flag, Data}}} -> case Flag of eol -> Line = iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Buf, Data)), ct:pal("Prog ~p output: ~s", [Port, Line]), %% There are potentially many different fail outputs, %% but for now we test for just this one: illegal option IOpt = "illegal option", case string:find(binary_to_list(Line), IOpt) of nomatch -> Parent ! {self(), line, Line}, run_program_loop(Parent, Port, []); Line2 -> %% Try to extract the actual illegal option string IOpt2 = case string:take( string:prefix(Line2, IOpt), [$-, $ ]) of {_, Str} when length(Str) > 0 -> Str; _X -> Line2 end, ct:pal("Force program ~p stop", [Port]), true = port_command(Port, <<"stop\n">>), (catch port_close(Port)), exit({skip, {illegal_option, IOpt2}}) end; noeol -> run_program_loop(Parent, Port, [Data | Buf]) end; {Port, {exit_status, ExitStatus}} -> ct:pal("Prog ~p exit: ~p", [Port, ExitStatus]), catch port_close(Port), Parent ! {self(), exit, ExitStatus}; Unexpected -> ct:pal("run_program_loop Unexpected: ~p", [Unexpected]), run_program_loop(Parent, Port, Buf) end. agent_app_env(Config) -> Dir = ?config(priv_dir, Config), Vsns = ?config(snmp_versions, Config), [{versions, Vsns}, {agent_type, master}, {agent_verbosity, trace}, {db_dir, Dir}, {audit_trail_log, [{type, read_write}, {dir, Dir}, {size, {10240, 10}}]}, {config, [{dir, Dir}, {force_load, true}, {verbosity, trace}]}, {local_db, [{repair, true}, {verbosity, silence}]}, {mib_server, [{verbosity, silence}]}, {symbolic_store, [{verbosity, silence}]}, {note_store, [{verbosity, silence}]}, {net_if, [{verbosity, trace}]}]. manager_app_env(Config) -> Dir = ?config(priv_dir, Config), Vsns = ?config(snmp_versions, Config), NetIfModule = ?config(manager_net_if_module, Config), [{versions, Vsns}, {audit_trail_log, [{type, read_write}, {dir, Dir}, {size, {10240, 10}}]}, {net_if, [{module, NetIfModule}]}, {config, [{dir, Dir}, {db_dir, Dir}, {verbosity, trace}]} ]. oid_str([1 | Ints]) -> "iso." ++ oid_str_tl(Ints); oid_str(Ints) -> oid_str_tl(Ints). oid_str_tl([]) -> ""; oid_str_tl([Int]) -> integer_to_list(Int); oid_str_tl([Int | Ints]) -> integer_to_list(Int) ++ "." ++ oid_str_tl(Ints). agent_config(Dir, Transports, Targets, Versions) -> EngineID = ?AGENT_ENGINE_ID, MMS = ?DEFAULT_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE, ok = snmp_config:write_agent_snmp_conf(Dir, Transports, EngineID, MMS), ok = snmp_config:write_agent_snmp_context_conf(Dir), ok = snmp_config:write_agent_snmp_community_conf(Dir), ok = snmp_config:write_agent_snmp_standard_conf( Dir, "snmp_to_snmpnet_SUITE"), ok = snmp_config:write_agent_snmp_target_addr_conf( Dir, Targets, Versions), ok = snmp_config:write_agent_snmp_target_params_conf(Dir, Versions), ok = snmp_config:write_agent_snmp_notify_conf(Dir, inform), ok = snmp_config:write_agent_snmp_vacm_conf(Dir, Versions, none). manager_config(Dir, Targets) -> EngineID = ?MANAGER_ENGINE_ID, MMS = ?DEFAULT_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE, ok = snmp_config:write_manager_snmp_conf(Dir, Targets, MMS, EngineID). net_snmp_version([v3 | _]) -> "-v3"; net_snmp_version([v2 | _]) -> "-v2c"; net_snmp_version([v1 | _]) -> "-v1". domain(inet) -> transportDomainUdpIpv4; domain(inet6) -> transportDomainUdpIpv6. net_snmp_addr_str([Target | Targets]) -> net_snmp_addr_str(Target) ++ case Targets of [] -> []; [_ | _] -> "," ++ net_snmp_addr_str(Targets) end; net_snmp_addr_str({transportDomainUdpIpv4, {Addr, Port}}) -> "udp:" ++ inet_parse:ntoa(Addr) ++ ":" ++ integer_to_list(Port); net_snmp_addr_str({transportDomainUdpIpv6, {Addr, Port}}) -> "udp6:[" ++ inet_parse:ntoa(Addr) ++ "]:" ++ integer_to_list(Port). domain_suffix(transportDomainUdpIpv4) -> ""; domain_suffix(transportDomainUdpIpv6) -> "6". mk_port_number() -> {ok, Socket} = gen_udp:open(0, [{reuseaddr, true}]), {ok, PortNum} = inet:port(Socket), ok = gen_udp:close(Socket), PortNum.