20202021 wxWidgets team. Licensed under the wxWindows Free Documentation Licence, Version 3 wxGridCellFloatRenderer
wxGridCellFloatRenderer Functions for wxGridCellFloatRenderer class

This class may be used to format floating point data in a cell.

See: wxGridCellRenderer, wxGridCellAutoWrapStringRenderer (not implemented in wx), wxGridCellBoolRenderer, wxGridCellDateTimeRenderer (not implemented in wx), wxGridCellEnumRenderer (not implemented in wx), wxGridCellNumberRenderer, wxGridCellStringRenderer

This class is derived (and can use functions) from: wxGridCellStringRenderer wxGridCellRenderer

wxWidgets docs: wxGridCellFloatRenderer

See: new/1 Float cell renderer ctor.

Float cell renderer ctor.

Returns the precision.

Returns the precision.

Returns the width.

Returns the width.

The parameters string format is "width[,precision[,format]]" where format should be chosen between f|e|g|E|G (f is used by default)

The parameters string format is "width[,precision[,format]]" where format should be chosen between f|e|g|E|G (f is used by default)

Sets the precision.

Sets the precision.

Sets the width.

Sets the width.


Destroys the object.