#!/usr/bin/env escript %% -*- erlang -*- -mode(compile). %% We print out a warning for files that take longer than %% ?LONG_COMPILE_THRESHOLD milliseconds to compile. -define(LONG_COMPILE_THRESHOLD, 10000). main(Args0) -> DefOpts = #{format=>asm,no_compile=>false,legacy=>false,copts=>[]}, {Args,Opts} = opts(Args0, DefOpts), case Args of [OutDir] -> do_compile(OutDir, Opts); _ -> usage() end. usage() -> S = ["usage: otp-diffable-asm [OPTION] DIRECTORY\n\n" "Options:\n" " --asm Output to .S files (default)\n" " --legacy-asm Output to legacy .S files\n" " --dis Output to .dis files\n" " --no-compile Disassemble from BEAM files (use with --dis)\n" " --deterministic Compile with +deterministic (useful when\n" " comparing output from different build trees using\n" " --asm)\n" " --co