diff options
1 files changed, 462 insertions, 456 deletions
diff --git a/src/src/deliver.c b/src/src/deliver.c
index 084a048c9..efb85348c 100644
--- a/src/src/deliver.c
+++ b/src/src/deliver.c
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ enum { RECIP_ACCEPT, RECIP_IGNORE, RECIP_DEFER,
/* Mutually recursive functions for marking addresses done. */
-static void child_done(address_item *, uschar *);
-static void address_done(address_item *, uschar *);
+static void child_done(address_item *, const uschar *);
+static void address_done(address_item *, const uschar *);
/* Table for turning base-62 numbers into binary */
@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ Returns: nothing
static void
-address_done(address_item *addr, uschar *now)
+address_done(address_item * addr, const uschar * now)
update_spool = TRUE; /* Ensure spool gets updated */
@@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ Returns: nothing
static void
-child_done(address_item *addr, uschar *now)
+child_done(address_item * addr, const uschar * now)
while (addr->parent)
@@ -1458,12 +1458,12 @@ Returns: nothing
static void
-post_process_one(address_item *addr, int result, int logflags, int driver_type,
+post_process_one(address_item * addr, int result, int logflags, int driver_type,
int logchar)
-uschar *now = tod_stamp(tod_log);
-uschar *driver_kind = NULL;
-uschar *driver_name = NULL;
+uschar * now = tod_stamp(tod_log);
+uschar * driver_kind = NULL;
+uschar * driver_name = NULL;
DEBUG(D_deliver) debug_printf("post-process %s (%d)\n", addr->address, result);
@@ -2316,7 +2316,7 @@ if ((pid = exim_fork(US"delivery-local")) == 0)
if (addr->transport->setup)
switch((addr->transport->setup)(addr->transport, addr, NULL, uid, gid,
- &(addr->message)))
+ &addr->message))
case DEFER:
addr->transport_return = DEFER;
@@ -3481,7 +3481,7 @@ while (!done)
guarantee it won't be split in the pipe. */
- case 'X':
+ case 'X': /* TLS details */
if (!addr) goto ADDR_MISMATCH; /* Below, in 'A' handler */
switch (*subid)
@@ -3565,7 +3565,7 @@ while (!done)
DEBUG(D_deliver) debug_printf("DSN read: addr->dsn_aware = %d\n", addr->dsn_aware);
- case 'A':
+ case 'A': /* Per-address info */
if (!addr)
@@ -3609,7 +3609,7 @@ while (!done)
- case '0':
+ case '0': /* results of trying to send to this address */
DEBUG(D_deliver) debug_printf("A0 %s tret %d\n", addr->address, *ptr);
addr->transport_return = *ptr++;
addr->special_action = *ptr++;
@@ -3758,7 +3758,7 @@ Returns: nothing
static void
-remote_post_process(address_item *addr, int logflags, uschar *msg,
+remote_post_process(address_item * addr, int logflags, uschar * msg,
BOOL fallback)
/* If any host addresses were found to be unusable, add them to the unusable
@@ -3773,7 +3773,7 @@ into the special_action field for each successful delivery. */
while (addr)
- address_item *next = addr->next;
+ address_item * next = addr->next;
/* If msg == NULL (normal processing) and the result is DEFER and we are
processing the main hosts and there are fallback hosts available, put the
@@ -4098,7 +4098,7 @@ par_reduce(int max, BOOL fallback)
while (parcount > max)
- address_item *doneaddr = par_wait();
+ address_item * doneaddr = par_wait();
if (!doneaddr)
log_write(0, LOG_MAIN|LOG_PANIC,
@@ -5553,6 +5553,447 @@ return fp;
+* Send a bounce message *
+/* Find the error address for the first address, then send a message that
+includes all failed addresses that have the same error address. Note the
+bounce_recipient is a global so that it can be accessed by $bounce_recipient
+while creating a customized error message. */
+static void
+send_bounce_message(time_t now, const uschar * logtod)
+pid_t pid;
+int fd;
+if (!(bounce_recipient = addr_failed->prop.errors_address))
+ bounce_recipient = sender_address;
+/* Make a subprocess to send a message, using its stdin */
+if ((pid = child_open_exim(&fd, US"bounce-message")) < 0)
+ log_write(0, LOG_MAIN|LOG_PANIC_DIE, "Process %d (parent %d) failed to "
+ "create child process to send failure message: %s", getpid(),
+ getppid(), strerror(errno));
+/* Creation of child succeeded */
+ {
+ int ch, rc, filecount = 0, rcount = 0;
+ uschar * bcc, * emf_text;
+ FILE * fp = fdopen(fd, "wb"), * emf = NULL;
+ BOOL to_sender = strcmpic(sender_address, bounce_recipient) == 0;
+ int max = (bounce_return_size_limit/DELIVER_IN_BUFFER_SIZE + 1) *
+ uschar * bound, * dsnlimitmsg, * dsnnotifyhdr;
+ int topt;
+ address_item ** paddr;
+ address_item * msgchain = NULL, ** pmsgchain = &msgchain;
+ address_item * handled_addr = NULL;
+ DEBUG(D_deliver)
+ debug_printf("sending error message to: %s\n", bounce_recipient);
+ /* Scan the addresses for all that have the same errors address, removing
+ them from the addr_failed chain, and putting them on msgchain. */
+ paddr = &addr_failed;
+ for (address_item * addr = addr_failed; addr; addr = *paddr)
+ if (Ustrcmp(bounce_recipient, addr->prop.errors_address
+ ? addr->prop.errors_address : sender_address) == 0)
+ { /* The same - dechain */
+ *paddr = addr->next;
+ *pmsgchain = addr;
+ addr->next = NULL;
+ pmsgchain = &addr->next;
+ }
+ else
+ paddr = &addr->next; /* Not the same; skip */
+ /* Include X-Failed-Recipients: for automatic interpretation, but do
+ not let any one header line get too long. We do this by starting a
+ new header every 50 recipients. Omit any addresses for which the
+ "hide_child" flag is set. */
+ for (address_item * addr = msgchain; addr; addr = addr->next)
+ {
+ if (testflag(addr, af_hide_child)) continue;
+ if (rcount >= 50)
+ {
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ rcount = 0;
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, "%s%s",
+ rcount++ == 0
+ ? "X-Failed-Recipients: "
+ : ",\n ",
+ testflag(addr, af_pfr) && addr->parent
+ ? string_printing(addr->parent->address)
+ : string_printing(addr->address));
+ }
+ if (rcount > 0) fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ /* Output the standard headers */
+ if (errors_reply_to)
+ fprintf(fp, "Reply-To: %s\n", errors_reply_to);
+ fprintf(fp, "Auto-Submitted: auto-replied\n");
+ moan_write_from(fp);
+ fprintf(fp, "To: %s\n", bounce_recipient);
+ moan_write_references(fp, NULL);
+ /* generate boundary string and output MIME-Headers */
+ bound = string_sprintf(TIME_T_FMT "-eximdsn-%d", time(NULL), rand());
+ fprintf(fp, "Content-Type: multipart/report;"
+ " report-type=delivery-status; boundary=%s\n"
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n",
+ bound);
+ /* Open a template file if one is provided. Log failure to open, but
+ carry on - default texts will be used. */
+ if (bounce_message_file)
+ emf = expand_open(bounce_message_file,
+ US"bounce_message_file", US"error");
+ /* Quietly copy to configured additional addresses if required. */
+ if ((bcc = moan_check_errorcopy(bounce_recipient)))
+ fprintf(fp, "Bcc: %s\n", bcc);
+ /* The texts for the message can be read from a template file; if there
+ isn't one, or if it is too short, built-in texts are used. The first
+ emf text is a Subject: and any other headers. */
+ if ((emf_text = next_emf(emf, US"header")))
+ fprintf(fp, "%s\n", emf_text);
+ else
+ fprintf(fp, "Subject: Mail delivery failed%s\n\n",
+ to_sender? ": returning message to sender" : "");
+ /* output human readable part as text/plain section */
+ fprintf(fp, "--%s\n"
+ "Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\n\n",
+ bound);
+ if ((emf_text = next_emf(emf, US"intro")))
+ fprintf(fp, "%s", CS emf_text);
+ else
+ {
+ fprintf(fp,
+/* This message has been reworded several times. It seems to be confusing to
+somebody, however it is worded. I have retreated to the original, simple
+wording. */
+"This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.\n");
+ if (bounce_message_text)
+ fprintf(fp, "%s", CS bounce_message_text);
+ if (to_sender)
+ fprintf(fp,
+"\nA message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its\n"
+"recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:\n");
+ else
+ fprintf(fp,
+"\nA message sent by\n\n <%s>\n\n"
+"could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. The following\n"
+"address(es) failed:\n", sender_address);
+ }
+ fputc('\n', fp);
+ /* Process the addresses, leaving them on the msgchain if they have a
+ file name for a return message. (There has already been a check in
+ post_process_one() for the existence of data in the message file.) A TRUE
+ return from print_address_information() means that the address is not
+ hidden. */
+ paddr = &msgchain;
+ for (address_item * addr = msgchain; addr; addr = *paddr)
+ {
+ if (print_address_information(addr, fp, US" ", US"\n ", US""))
+ print_address_error(addr, fp, US"");
+ /* End the final line for the address */
+ fputc('\n', fp);
+ /* Leave on msgchain if there's a return file. */
+ if (addr->return_file >= 0)
+ {
+ paddr = &(addr->next);
+ filecount++;
+ }
+ /* Else save so that we can tick off the recipient when the
+ message is sent. */
+ else
+ {
+ *paddr = addr->next;
+ addr->next = handled_addr;
+ handled_addr = addr;
+ }
+ }
+ fputc('\n', fp);
+ /* Get the next text, whether we need it or not, so as to be
+ positioned for the one after. */
+ emf_text = next_emf(emf, US"generated text");
+ /* If there were any file messages passed by the local transports,
+ include them in the message. Then put the address on the handled chain.
+ In the case of a batch of addresses that were all sent to the same
+ transport, the return_file field in all of them will contain the same
+ fd, and the return_filename field in the *last* one will be set (to the
+ name of the file). */
+ if (msgchain)
+ {
+ address_item * nextaddr;
+ if (emf_text)
+ fprintf(fp, "%s", CS emf_text);
+ else
+ fprintf(fp,
+ "The following text was generated during the delivery "
+ "attempt%s:\n", (filecount > 1)? "s" : "");
+ for (address_item * addr = msgchain; addr; addr = nextaddr)
+ {
+ FILE *fm;
+ address_item *topaddr = addr;
+ /* List all the addresses that relate to this file */
+ fputc('\n', fp);
+ while(addr) /* Insurance */
+ {
+ print_address_information(addr, fp, US"------ ", US"\n ",
+ US" ------\n");
+ if (addr->return_filename) break;
+ addr = addr->next;
+ }
+ fputc('\n', fp);
+ /* Now copy the file */
+ if (!(fm = Ufopen(addr->return_filename, "rb")))
+ fprintf(fp, " +++ Exim error... failed to open text file: %s\n",
+ strerror(errno));
+ else
+ {
+ while ((ch = fgetc(fm)) != EOF) fputc(ch, fp);
+ (void)fclose(fm);
+ }
+ Uunlink(addr->return_filename);
+ /* Can now add to handled chain, first fishing off the next
+ address on the msgchain. */
+ nextaddr = addr->next;
+ addr->next = handled_addr;
+ handled_addr = topaddr;
+ }
+ fputc('\n', fp);
+ }
+ /* output machine readable part */
+#ifdef SUPPORT_I18N
+ if (message_smtputf8)
+ fprintf(fp, "--%s\n"
+ "Content-type: message/global-delivery-status\n\n"
+ "Reporting-MTA: dns; %s\n",
+ bound, smtp_active_hostname);
+ else
+ fprintf(fp, "--%s\n"
+ "Content-type: message/delivery-status\n\n"
+ "Reporting-MTA: dns; %s\n",
+ bound, smtp_active_hostname);
+ if (dsn_envid)
+ {
+ /* must be decoded from xtext: see RFC 3461:6.3a */
+ uschar *xdec_envid;
+ if (auth_xtextdecode(dsn_envid, &xdec_envid) > 0)
+ fprintf(fp, "Original-Envelope-ID: %s\n", dsn_envid);
+ else
+ fprintf(fp, "X-Original-Envelope-ID: error decoding xtext formatted ENVID\n");
+ }
+ fputc('\n', fp);
+ for (address_item * addr = handled_addr; addr; addr = addr->next)
+ {
+ host_item * hu;
+ print_dsn_addr_action(fp, addr, US"failed", US"5.0.0");
+ if ((hu = addr->host_used) && hu->name)
+ {
+ fprintf(fp, "Remote-MTA: dns; %s\n", hu->name);
+ {
+ const uschar * s;
+ if (hu->address)
+ {
+ uschar * p = hu->port == 25
+ ? US"" : string_sprintf(":%d", hu->port);
+ fprintf(fp, "Remote-MTA: X-ip; [%s]%s\n", hu->address, p);
+ }
+ if ((s = addr->smtp_greeting) && *s)
+ fprintf(fp, "X-Remote-MTA-smtp-greeting: X-str; %.900s\n", s);
+ if ((s = addr->helo_response) && *s)
+ fprintf(fp, "X-Remote-MTA-helo-response: X-str; %.900s\n", s);
+ if ((s = addr->message) && *s)
+ fprintf(fp, "X-Exim-Diagnostic: X-str; %.900s\n", s);
+ }
+ print_dsn_diagnostic_code(addr, fp);
+ }
+ fputc('\n', fp);
+ }
+ /* Now copy the message, trying to give an intelligible comment if
+ it is too long for it all to be copied. The limit isn't strictly
+ applied because of the buffering. There is, however, an option
+ to suppress copying altogether. */
+ emf_text = next_emf(emf, US"copy");
+ /* add message body
+ we ignore the intro text from template and add
+ the text for bounce_return_size_limit at the end.
+ bounce_return_message is ignored
+ in case RET= is defined we honor these values
+ otherwise bounce_return_body is honored.
+ bounce_return_size_limit is always honored.
+ */
+ fprintf(fp, "--%s\n", bound);
+ dsnlimitmsg = US"X-Exim-DSN-Information: Due to administrative limits only headers are returned";
+ dsnnotifyhdr = NULL;
+ topt = topt_add_return_path;
+ /* RET=HDRS? top priority */
+ if (dsn_ret == dsn_ret_hdrs)
+ topt |= topt_no_body;
+ else
+ {
+ struct stat statbuf;
+ /* no full body return at all? */
+ if (!bounce_return_body)
+ {
+ topt |= topt_no_body;
+ /* add header if we overrule RET=FULL */
+ if (dsn_ret == dsn_ret_full)
+ dsnnotifyhdr = dsnlimitmsg;
+ }
+ /* line length limited... return headers only if oversize */
+ /* size limited ... return headers only if limit reached */
+ else if ( max_received_linelength > bounce_return_linesize_limit
+ || ( bounce_return_size_limit > 0
+ && fstat(deliver_datafile, &statbuf) == 0
+ && statbuf.st_size > max
+ ) )
+ {
+ topt |= topt_no_body;
+ dsnnotifyhdr = dsnlimitmsg;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef SUPPORT_I18N
+ if (message_smtputf8)
+ fputs(topt & topt_no_body ? "Content-type: message/global-headers\n\n"
+ : "Content-type: message/global\n\n",
+ fp);
+ else
+ fputs(topt & topt_no_body ? "Content-type: text/rfc822-headers\n\n"
+ : "Content-type: message/rfc822\n\n",
+ fp);
+ fflush(fp);
+ transport_filter_argv = NULL; /* Just in case */
+ return_path = sender_address; /* In case not previously set */
+ { /* Dummy transport for headers add */
+ transport_ctx tctx = {{0}};
+ transport_instance tb = {0};
+ tctx.u.fd = fileno(fp);
+ tctx.tblock = &tb;
+ tctx.options = topt;
+ tb.add_headers = dsnnotifyhdr;
+ /*XXX no checking for failure! buggy! */
+ transport_write_message(&tctx, 0);
+ }
+ fflush(fp);
+ /* we never add the final text. close the file */
+ if (emf)
+ (void)fclose(emf);
+ fprintf(fp, "\n--%s--\n", bound);
+ /* Close the file, which should send an EOF to the child process
+ that is receiving the message. Wait for it to finish. */
+ (void)fclose(fp);
+ rc = child_close(pid, 0); /* Waits for child to close, no timeout */
+ /* If the process failed, there was some disaster in setting up the
+ error message. Unless the message is very old, ensure that addr_defer
+ is non-null, which will have the effect of leaving the message on the
+ spool. The failed addresses will get tried again next time. However, we
+ don't really want this to happen too often, so freeze the message unless
+ there are some genuine deferred addresses to try. To do this we have
+ to call spool_write_header() here, because with no genuine deferred
+ addresses the normal code below doesn't get run. */
+ if (rc != 0)
+ {
+ uschar *s = US"";
+ if (now - received_time.tv_sec < retry_maximum_timeout && !addr_defer)
+ {
+ addr_defer = (address_item *)(+1);
+ f.deliver_freeze = TRUE;
+ deliver_frozen_at = time(NULL);
+ /* Panic-dies on error */
+ (void)spool_write_header(message_id, SW_DELIVERING, NULL);
+ s = US" (frozen)";
+ }
+ deliver_msglog("Process failed (%d) when writing error message "
+ "to %s%s", rc, bounce_recipient, s);
+ log_write(0, LOG_MAIN, "Process failed (%d) when writing error message "
+ "to %s%s", rc, bounce_recipient, s);
+ }
+ /* The message succeeded. Ensure that the recipients that failed are
+ now marked finished with on the spool and their parents updated. */
+ else
+ {
+ for (address_item * addr = handled_addr; addr; addr = addr->next)
+ {
+ address_done(addr, logtod);
+ child_done(addr, logtod);
+ }
+ /* Panic-dies on error */
+ (void)spool_write_header(message_id, SW_DELIVERING, NULL);
+ }
+ }
* Deliver one message *
@@ -6394,7 +6835,7 @@ deliver_out_buffer = store_malloc(DELIVER_OUT_BUFFER_SIZE);
f.header_rewritten = FALSE; /* No headers rewritten yet */
while (addr_new) /* Loop until all addresses dealt with */
- address_item *addr, *parent;
+ address_item * addr, * parent;
/* Failure to open the retry database is treated the same as if it does
not exist. In both cases, dbm_file is NULL. */
@@ -7449,7 +7890,7 @@ if (addr_senddsn)
if (dsn_envid)
{ /* must be decoded from xtext: see RFC 3461:6.3a */
- uschar *xdec_envid;
+ uschar * xdec_envid;
if (auth_xtextdecode(dsn_envid, &xdec_envid) > 0)
fprintf(f, "Original-Envelope-ID: %s\n", dsn_envid);
@@ -7501,14 +7942,8 @@ requirements. */
while (addr_failed)
- pid_t pid;
- int fd;
- uschar *logtod = tod_stamp(tod_log);
- address_item *addr;
- address_item *handled_addr = NULL;
- address_item **paddr;
- address_item *msgchain = NULL;
- address_item **pmsgchain = &msgchain;
+ const uschar * logtod = tod_stamp(tod_log);
+ address_item * addr;
/* There are weird cases when logging is disabled in the transport. However,
there may not be a transport (address failed by a router). */
@@ -7578,439 +8013,10 @@ while (addr_failed)
/* Otherwise, handle the sending of a message. Find the error address for
the first address, then send a message that includes all failed addresses
- that have the same error address. Note the bounce_recipient is a global so
- that it can be accessed by $bounce_recipient while creating a customized
- error message. */
+ that have the same error address. */
- {
- if (!(bounce_recipient = addr_failed->prop.errors_address))
- bounce_recipient = sender_address;
- /* Make a subprocess to send a message */
- if ((pid = child_open_exim(&fd, US"bounce-message")) < 0)
- log_write(0, LOG_MAIN|LOG_PANIC_DIE, "Process %d (parent %d) failed to "
- "create child process to send failure message: %s", getpid(),
- getppid(), strerror(errno));
- /* Creation of child succeeded */
- else
- {
- int ch, rc;
- int filecount = 0;
- int rcount = 0;
- uschar *bcc, *emf_text;
- FILE * fp = fdopen(fd, "wb");
- FILE * emf = NULL;
- BOOL to_sender = strcmpic(sender_address, bounce_recipient) == 0;
- int max = (bounce_return_size_limit/DELIVER_IN_BUFFER_SIZE + 1) *
- uschar * bound;
- uschar *dsnlimitmsg;
- uschar *dsnnotifyhdr;
- int topt;
- DEBUG(D_deliver)
- debug_printf("sending error message to: %s\n", bounce_recipient);
- /* Scan the addresses for all that have the same errors address, removing
- them from the addr_failed chain, and putting them on msgchain. */
- paddr = &addr_failed;
- for (addr = addr_failed; addr; addr = *paddr)
- if (Ustrcmp(bounce_recipient, addr->prop.errors_address
- ? addr->prop.errors_address : sender_address) == 0)
- { /* The same - dechain */
- *paddr = addr->next;
- *pmsgchain = addr;
- addr->next = NULL;
- pmsgchain = &(addr->next);
- }
- else
- paddr = &addr->next; /* Not the same; skip */
- /* Include X-Failed-Recipients: for automatic interpretation, but do
- not let any one header line get too long. We do this by starting a
- new header every 50 recipients. Omit any addresses for which the
- "hide_child" flag is set. */
- for (addr = msgchain; addr; addr = addr->next)
- {
- if (testflag(addr, af_hide_child)) continue;
- if (rcount >= 50)
- {
- fprintf(fp, "\n");
- rcount = 0;
- }
- fprintf(fp, "%s%s",
- rcount++ == 0
- ? "X-Failed-Recipients: "
- : ",\n ",
- testflag(addr, af_pfr) && addr->parent
- ? string_printing(addr->parent->address)
- : string_printing(addr->address));
- }
- if (rcount > 0) fprintf(fp, "\n");
- /* Output the standard headers */
- if (errors_reply_to)
- fprintf(fp, "Reply-To: %s\n", errors_reply_to);
- fprintf(fp, "Auto-Submitted: auto-replied\n");
- moan_write_from(fp);
- fprintf(fp, "To: %s\n", bounce_recipient);
- moan_write_references(fp, NULL);
- /* generate boundary string and output MIME-Headers */
- bound = string_sprintf(TIME_T_FMT "-eximdsn-%d", time(NULL), rand());
- fprintf(fp, "Content-Type: multipart/report;"
- " report-type=delivery-status; boundary=%s\n"
- "MIME-Version: 1.0\n",
- bound);
- /* Open a template file if one is provided. Log failure to open, but
- carry on - default texts will be used. */
- if (bounce_message_file)
- emf = expand_open(bounce_message_file,
- US"bounce_message_file", US"error");
- /* Quietly copy to configured additional addresses if required. */
- if ((bcc = moan_check_errorcopy(bounce_recipient)))
- fprintf(fp, "Bcc: %s\n", bcc);
- /* The texts for the message can be read from a template file; if there
- isn't one, or if it is too short, built-in texts are used. The first
- emf text is a Subject: and any other headers. */
- if ((emf_text = next_emf(emf, US"header")))
- fprintf(fp, "%s\n", emf_text);
- else
- fprintf(fp, "Subject: Mail delivery failed%s\n\n",
- to_sender? ": returning message to sender" : "");
- /* output human readable part as text/plain section */
- fprintf(fp, "--%s\n"
- "Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\n\n",
- bound);
- if ((emf_text = next_emf(emf, US"intro")))
- fprintf(fp, "%s", CS emf_text);
- else
- {
- fprintf(fp,
-/* This message has been reworded several times. It seems to be confusing to
-somebody, however it is worded. I have retreated to the original, simple
-wording. */
-"This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.\n");
- if (bounce_message_text)
- fprintf(fp, "%s", CS bounce_message_text);
- if (to_sender)
- fprintf(fp,
-"\nA message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its\n"
-"recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:\n");
- else
- fprintf(fp,
-"\nA message sent by\n\n <%s>\n\n"
-"could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. The following\n"
-"address(es) failed:\n", sender_address);
- }
- fputc('\n', fp);
- /* Process the addresses, leaving them on the msgchain if they have a
- file name for a return message. (There has already been a check in
- post_process_one() for the existence of data in the message file.) A TRUE
- return from print_address_information() means that the address is not
- hidden. */
- paddr = &msgchain;
- for (addr = msgchain; addr; addr = *paddr)
- {
- if (print_address_information(addr, fp, US" ", US"\n ", US""))
- print_address_error(addr, fp, US"");
- /* End the final line for the address */
- fputc('\n', fp);
- /* Leave on msgchain if there's a return file. */
- if (addr->return_file >= 0)
- {
- paddr = &(addr->next);
- filecount++;
- }
- /* Else save so that we can tick off the recipient when the
- message is sent. */
- else
- {
- *paddr = addr->next;
- addr->next = handled_addr;
- handled_addr = addr;
- }
- }
- fputc('\n', fp);
- /* Get the next text, whether we need it or not, so as to be
- positioned for the one after. */
- emf_text = next_emf(emf, US"generated text");
- /* If there were any file messages passed by the local transports,
- include them in the message. Then put the address on the handled chain.
- In the case of a batch of addresses that were all sent to the same
- transport, the return_file field in all of them will contain the same
- fd, and the return_filename field in the *last* one will be set (to the
- name of the file). */
- if (msgchain)
- {
- address_item *nextaddr;
- if (emf_text)
- fprintf(fp, "%s", CS emf_text);
- else
- fprintf(fp,
- "The following text was generated during the delivery "
- "attempt%s:\n", (filecount > 1)? "s" : "");
- for (addr = msgchain; addr; addr = nextaddr)
- {
- FILE *fm;
- address_item *topaddr = addr;
- /* List all the addresses that relate to this file */
- fputc('\n', fp);
- while(addr) /* Insurance */
- {
- print_address_information(addr, fp, US"------ ", US"\n ",
- US" ------\n");
- if (addr->return_filename) break;
- addr = addr->next;
- }
- fputc('\n', fp);
- /* Now copy the file */
- if (!(fm = Ufopen(addr->return_filename, "rb")))
- fprintf(fp, " +++ Exim error... failed to open text file: %s\n",
- strerror(errno));
- else
- {
- while ((ch = fgetc(fm)) != EOF) fputc(ch, fp);
- (void)fclose(fm);
- }
- Uunlink(addr->return_filename);
- /* Can now add to handled chain, first fishing off the next
- address on the msgchain. */
- nextaddr = addr->next;
- addr->next = handled_addr;
- handled_addr = topaddr;
- }
- fputc('\n', fp);
- }
- /* output machine readable part */
-#ifdef SUPPORT_I18N
- if (message_smtputf8)
- fprintf(fp, "--%s\n"
- "Content-type: message/global-delivery-status\n\n"
- "Reporting-MTA: dns; %s\n",
- bound, smtp_active_hostname);
- else
- fprintf(fp, "--%s\n"
- "Content-type: message/delivery-status\n\n"
- "Reporting-MTA: dns; %s\n",
- bound, smtp_active_hostname);
- if (dsn_envid)
- {
- /* must be decoded from xtext: see RFC 3461:6.3a */
- uschar *xdec_envid;
- if (auth_xtextdecode(dsn_envid, &xdec_envid) > 0)
- fprintf(fp, "Original-Envelope-ID: %s\n", dsn_envid);
- else
- fprintf(fp, "X-Original-Envelope-ID: error decoding xtext formatted ENVID\n");
- }
- fputc('\n', fp);
- for (addr = handled_addr; addr; addr = addr->next)
- {
- host_item * hu;
- print_dsn_addr_action(fp, addr, US"failed", US"5.0.0");
- if ((hu = addr->host_used) && hu->name)
- {
- fprintf(fp, "Remote-MTA: dns; %s\n", hu->name);
- {
- const uschar * s;
- if (hu->address)
- {
- uschar * p = hu->port == 25
- ? US"" : string_sprintf(":%d", hu->port);
- fprintf(fp, "Remote-MTA: X-ip; [%s]%s\n", hu->address, p);
- }
- if ((s = addr->smtp_greeting) && *s)
- fprintf(fp, "X-Remote-MTA-smtp-greeting: X-str; %.900s\n", s);
- if ((s = addr->helo_response) && *s)
- fprintf(fp, "X-Remote-MTA-helo-response: X-str; %.900s\n", s);
- if ((s = addr->message) && *s)
- fprintf(fp, "X-Exim-Diagnostic: X-str; %.900s\n", s);
- }
- print_dsn_diagnostic_code(addr, fp);
- }
- fputc('\n', fp);
- }
- /* Now copy the message, trying to give an intelligible comment if
- it is too long for it all to be copied. The limit isn't strictly
- applied because of the buffering. There is, however, an option
- to suppress copying altogether. */
- emf_text = next_emf(emf, US"copy");
- /* add message body
- we ignore the intro text from template and add
- the text for bounce_return_size_limit at the end.
- bounce_return_message is ignored
- in case RET= is defined we honor these values
- otherwise bounce_return_body is honored.
- bounce_return_size_limit is always honored.
- */
- fprintf(fp, "--%s\n", bound);
- dsnlimitmsg = US"X-Exim-DSN-Information: Due to administrative limits only headers are returned";
- dsnnotifyhdr = NULL;
- topt = topt_add_return_path;
- /* RET=HDRS? top priority */
- if (dsn_ret == dsn_ret_hdrs)
- topt |= topt_no_body;
- else
- {
- struct stat statbuf;
- /* no full body return at all? */
- if (!bounce_return_body)
- {
- topt |= topt_no_body;
- /* add header if we overrule RET=FULL */
- if (dsn_ret == dsn_ret_full)
- dsnnotifyhdr = dsnlimitmsg;
- }
- /* line length limited... return headers only if oversize */
- /* size limited ... return headers only if limit reached */
- else if ( max_received_linelength > bounce_return_linesize_limit
- || ( bounce_return_size_limit > 0
- && fstat(deliver_datafile, &statbuf) == 0
- && statbuf.st_size > max
- ) )
- {
- topt |= topt_no_body;
- dsnnotifyhdr = dsnlimitmsg;
- }
- }
-#ifdef SUPPORT_I18N
- if (message_smtputf8)
- fputs(topt & topt_no_body ? "Content-type: message/global-headers\n\n"
- : "Content-type: message/global\n\n",
- fp);
- else
- fputs(topt & topt_no_body ? "Content-type: text/rfc822-headers\n\n"
- : "Content-type: message/rfc822\n\n",
- fp);
- fflush(fp);
- transport_filter_argv = NULL; /* Just in case */
- return_path = sender_address; /* In case not previously set */
- { /* Dummy transport for headers add */
- transport_ctx tctx = {{0}};
- transport_instance tb = {0};
- tctx.u.fd = fileno(fp);
- tctx.tblock = &tb;
- tctx.options = topt;
- tb.add_headers = dsnnotifyhdr;
- /*XXX no checking for failure! buggy! */
- transport_write_message(&tctx, 0);
- }
- fflush(fp);
- /* we never add the final text. close the file */
- if (emf)
- (void)fclose(emf);
- fprintf(fp, "\n--%s--\n", bound);
- /* Close the file, which should send an EOF to the child process
- that is receiving the message. Wait for it to finish. */
- (void)fclose(fp);
- rc = child_close(pid, 0); /* Waits for child to close, no timeout */
- /* If the process failed, there was some disaster in setting up the
- error message. Unless the message is very old, ensure that addr_defer
- is non-null, which will have the effect of leaving the message on the
- spool. The failed addresses will get tried again next time. However, we
- don't really want this to happen too often, so freeze the message unless
- there are some genuine deferred addresses to try. To do this we have
- to call spool_write_header() here, because with no genuine deferred
- addresses the normal code below doesn't get run. */
- if (rc != 0)
- {
- uschar *s = US"";
- if (now - received_time.tv_sec < retry_maximum_timeout && !addr_defer)
- {
- addr_defer = (address_item *)(+1);
- f.deliver_freeze = TRUE;
- deliver_frozen_at = time(NULL);
- /* Panic-dies on error */
- (void)spool_write_header(message_id, SW_DELIVERING, NULL);
- s = US" (frozen)";
- }
- deliver_msglog("Process failed (%d) when writing error message "
- "to %s%s", rc, bounce_recipient, s);
- log_write(0, LOG_MAIN, "Process failed (%d) when writing error message "
- "to %s%s", rc, bounce_recipient, s);
- }
- /* The message succeeded. Ensure that the recipients that failed are
- now marked finished with on the spool and their parents updated. */
- else
- {
- for (addr = handled_addr; addr; addr = addr->next)
- {
- address_done(addr, logtod);
- child_done(addr, logtod);
- }
- /* Panic-dies on error */
- (void)spool_write_header(message_id, SW_DELIVERING, NULL);
- }
- }
- }
+ send_bounce_message(now, logtod);
f.disable_logging = FALSE; /* In case left set */