Farstream ========== http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/Farstream Farstream is a collection of GStreamer modules and libraries for videoconferencing. The API is described in the documentation in the docs/ directory. It is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 or later (see the COPYING file for details). Requirements ============ Build time: - gstreamer 1.0.0 - gst-plugins-base 1.0.0 - glib 2.32 - libnice 0.1.3 - gobject-introspection 0.10.1 For UPnP support: - GUPnP-IGD Run time for the RTP plugin: All of the build time requirements (except gtk-doc) plus - gst-plugins-good 1.0.0 - gst-plugins-bad 1.0.0 Run time for the MSN plugin: - gst-plugins-bad 1.0.0 For the GUI example: - Gtk 3.0 The tests require gst-check and GStreamer 1.0.1 Building the documentation requires gtk-doc 1.8