This file describes how to build findutils starting from a set of code checked out of CVS, rather than from a released source distribution. 1. Prerequisites * CVS * A C compiler, linker and software development libraries (the standard C library) * GNU Autoconf version 2.57 or later (earlier versions *may* work) * GNU Automake version 1.7 or later (earlier versions *may* work) * GNU m4 version 1.4 or later * GNU gettext (unless you use configure --disable-nls) 2. Obtain a copy of Gnulib To obtain a copy of the gnulib library, check it out via anonymous CVS from the GNU CVS server. Make sure you check it out into a separate directory, away from the findutils sources. CVS_RSH=ssh export CVS_RSH cvs -z3 co gnulib 3. Generate a gnulib installation within the fileutils source tree Change your working directory to the findutils source directory (that is, the directory containing this file). Then run the following command:- sh 4. Generate the configure scripts and files. autoreconf -i ... or use the alternative method ... aclocal -I m4 -I gnulib/m4 && \ autoheader && \ autoconf && \ automake --add-missing --copy 5. Run "configure" and "make" in the normal way. If you have GNU libintl installed, you can just run "configure". Otherwise, run "configure --disable-nls".