.TH UPDATEDB 1L \" -*- nroff -*- .SH NAME updatedb \- update a file name database .SH SYNOPSIS .B updatedb [\fIoptions\fP] .SH DESCRIPTION This manual page documents the GNU version of .BR updatedb , which updates file name databases used by GNU .BR locate . The file name databases contain lists of files that were in particular directory trees when the databases were last updated. The file name of the default database is determined when \fBlocate\fP and \fBupdatedb\fP are configured and installed. The frequency with which the databases are updated and the directories for which they contain entries depend on how often \fBupdatedb\fP is run, and with which arguments. .P In networked environments, it often makes sense to build a database at the root of each filesystem, containing the entries for that filesystem. .B updatedb is then run for each filesystem on the fileserver where that filesystem is on a local disk, to prevent thrashing the network. Users can select which databases \fBlocate\fP searches using an environment variable or command line option; see \fBlocate\fP(1L). Databases can not be concatenated together. .P The file name database format changed starting with GNU .B find and .B locate version 4.0 to allow machines with diffent byte orderings to share the databases. The new GNU .B locate can read both the old and new database formats. However, old versions of .B locate and .B find produce incorrect results if given a new-format database. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-\-localpaths='\fIpath1 path2...\fP' Non-network directories to put in the database. Default is /. .TP .B \-\-netpaths='\fIpath1 path2...\fP' Network (NFS, AFS, RFS, etc.) directories to put in the database. Default is none. .TP .B \-\-prunepaths='\fIpath1 path2...\fP' Directories to not put in the database, which would otherwise be. Default is /tmp /usr/tmp /var/tmp /afs. .TP .B \-\-output=\fIdbfile\fP The database file to build. Default is system-dependent, but typically /usr/local/var/locatedb. .TP .B \-\-netuser=\fIuser\fP The user to search network directories as, using \fBsu\fP(1). Default is \fBdaemon\fP. .TP .B \-\-old\-format Create the database in the old format instead of the new one. .TP .B \-\-version Print the version number of .B updatedb and exit. .TP .I "\-\-help" Print a summary of the options to .B updatedb and exit. .SH "SEE ALSO" \fBfind\fP(1L), \fBlocate\fP(1L), \fBlocatedb\fP(5L), \fBxargs\fP(1L) \fBFinding Files\fP (on-line in Info, or printed)