path: root/man
diff options
authorJosh Coalson <>2002-07-03 05:49:13 +0000
committerJosh Coalson <>2002-07-03 05:49:13 +0000
commitca30b37a93fcd22d704f2c28e09fdec517b11e65 (patch)
tree0139c71dd0220f29d8bbe71e9d0002acef8b26be /man
parent0d0d77387f111c38309bfc800504be9a47f2e411 (diff)
initial import
Diffstat (limited to 'man')
1 files changed, 271 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/man/flac.1 b/man/flac.1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b724b7fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/flac.1
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+.\" This manpage has been automatically generated by docbook2man
+.\" from a DocBook document. This tool can be found at:
+.\" <>
+.\" Please send any bug reports, improvements, comments, patches,
+.\" etc. to Steve Cheng <>.
+.TH "FLAC" "1" "02 July 2002" "" ""
+flac \- Free Lossless Audio Codec
+\fBflac\fR [ \fB\fIOPTION\fB\fR] \fB\fIinfile\fB\fR \fB\fI...\fB\fR
+This manual page documents briefly the
+\fBflac\fR command.
+This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux
+distribution because the original program does not have a
+manual page. Instead, it has documentation in HTML
+format; see below.
+A summary of options is included below. For a complete
+description, see the HTML documentation.
+\fB-H \fR
+Show detailed help screen
+\fB-d \fR
+Decode (default behavior is encode)
+\fB-c \fR
+Encode from standard input, or decode to
+standard output
+\fB-t \fR
+Test a flac encoded file (same as -d
+except no decoded file is written)
+\fB-a \fR
+Analyze a flac encoded file (same as -d
+except an analysis file is written)
+\fB-s \fR
+Silent mode (do not write runtime
+encode/decode statistics to stdout)
+\fB-o \fIfilename\fB\fR
+Force the output file name (usually flac just
+changes the extension). May only be used when
+encoding a single file. May not be used in
+conjunction with --output-prefix.
+\fB--output-prefix \fIstring\fB\fR
+Prefix each output file name with the given
+string. This can be useful for encoding/decoding
+files to a different directory. Make sure if your
+string is a path name that it ends with a trailing
+`/' (slash).
+\fB--delete-input-file \fR
+Automatically delete the input file after a
+successful encode or decode. If there was an
+error (including a verify error) the input file
+is left intact.
+\fB--skip \fIsamples\fB\fR
+Skip the specified number of samples at the
+beginning of the input file (can be used for both
+encoding and decoding)
+\fB--a-rtext \fR
+Includes the residual signal in the analysis
+file. This will make the file very big, much
+larger than even the decoded file.
+\fB--a-rgp \fR
+Generates a gnuplot file for every subframe;
+each file will contain the residual distribution
+of the subframe. This will create a lot of
+\fB-F \fR
+By default flac stops decoding with an error
+and removes the partially decoded file if it
+encounters a bitstream error. With -F, errors are
+still printed but flac will continue decoding to
+completion. Note that errors may cause the decoded
+audio to be missing some samples or have silent
+When encoding, generate Ogg-FLAC output instead
+of native-FLAC. Ogg-FLAC streams are FLAC streams
+wrapped in an Ogg transport layer. The resulting
+file should have an '.ogg' extension and will still
+be decodable by flac.
+When decoding, force the input to be treated as
+Ogg-FLAC. This is useful when piping input from
+stdin or when the filename does not end in '.ogg'.
+Allow encoder to generate non-Subset
+Align encoding of multiple CD format WAVE
+files on sector boundaries. See the HTML
+documentation for more information.
+\fB-S \fI{ # | X | #x }\fB\fR
+Include a point or points in a SEEKTABLE. Using #,
+a seek point at that sample number is added. Using
+X, a placeholder point is added at the end of a the
+table. Using #x, # evenly spaced seek points will
+be added, the first being at sample 0. You may use
+many -S options; the resulting SEEKTABLE will be the
+unique-ified union of all such values. With no -S
+options, flac defaults to '-S 100x'. Use -S- for
+no SEEKTABLE. Note: '-S #x' will not work if the
+encoder can't determine the input size before
+starting. Note: if you use '-S #' and # is >=
+samples in the input, there will be either no seek
+point entered (if the input size is determinable
+before encoding starts) or a placeholder point (if
+input size is not determinable).
+\fB-P \fIbytes\fB\fR
+Tell the encoder to write a PADDING metadata
+block of the given length (in bytes) after the
+STREAMINFO block. This is useful if you plan to
+tag the file later with an APPLICATION block;
+instead of having to rewrite the entire file later
+just to insert your block, you can write directly
+over the PADDING block. Note that the total length
+of the PADDING block will be 4 bytes longer than
+the length given because of the 4 metadata block
+header bytes. You can force no PADDING block at
+all to be written with -P-, which is the default.
+\fB-b \fIblocksize\fB\fR
+Default is 1152 for -l 0, else 4608; must be
+(unless --lax is used)
+Try mid-side coding for each frame (stereo
+input only)
+Loose mid-side coding for all frames (stereo
+input only)
+Fastest compression..highest compression
+(default is -5). These are synonyms for other
+Synonymous with -l 0 -b 1152 -r 2,2
+Synonymous with -l 0 -b 1152 -M -r 2,2
+Synonymous with -l 0 -b 1152 -m -r 3
+Synonymous with -l 6 -b 4608 -r 3,3
+Synonymous with -l 8 -b 4608 -M -r 3,3
+Synonymous with -l 8 -b 4608 -m -r 3,3
+Synonymous with -l 8 -b 4608 -m -r 4
+Synonymous with -l 8 -b 4608 -m -e -r 6
+Synonymous with -l 12 -b 4608 -m -e -r 6
+Fastest compression. Currently
+synonymous with -0.
+Highest compression. Currently
+synonymous with -8.
+Do exhaustive model search
+Do escape coding in the entropy coder. This
+causes the encoder to use an unencoded representation
+of the residual in a partition if it is smaller. It
+increases the runtime and usually results in an
+improvement of less than 1%.
+\fB-l \fImax_lpc_order\fB\fR
+0 => use only fixed predictors
+Do exhaustive search of LP coefficient
+quantization (expensive!). Overrides -q,
+does nothing if using -l 0
+\fB-q \fIbits\fB\fR
+Precision of the quantized linear-predictor
+coefficients, 0 => let encoder decide (min is 5,
+default is 0)
+\fB-r \fI[level,]level\fB\fR
+Set the [min,]max residual partition order
+(0..16). min defaults to 0 if unspecified. Default
+is -r 3,3.
+Verify a correct encoding by decoding the
+output in parallel and comparing to the
+\fB-F- -S- -P- -m- -M- -e- -E- -p- -V- --delete-input-file- --lax- --ogg- \fR
+These flags can be used to invert the sense
+of the corresponding normal option.
+Big-endian byte order
+Little-endian byte order
+\fB-fc \fIchannels\fB\fR
+Set number of channels.
+\fB-fp \fIbits_per_sample\fB\fR
+Set bits per sample.
+\fB-fs \fIsample_rate\fB\fR
+Set sample rate (in Hz).
+Unsigned samples (default is signed)
+Force to raw format (even if filename ends
+in \fI.wav\fR).
+The programs are documented fully by HTML format
+documentation, available in
+\fI/usr/share/doc/flac/html\fR on
+Debian GNU/Linux systems.
+This manual page was written by Matt Zimmerman <> for
+the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).