/* flac - Command-line FLAC encoder/decoder * Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Josh Coalson * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Xiph.Org Foundation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "FLAC/all.h" #include "analyze.h" #include "share/compat.h" typedef struct { FLAC__int32 residual; uint32_t count; } pair_t; typedef struct { pair_t buckets[FLAC__MAX_BLOCK_SIZE]; int peak_index; uint32_t nbuckets; uint32_t nsamples; double sum, sos; double variance; double mean; double stddev; } subframe_stats_t; static subframe_stats_t all_; static void init_stats(subframe_stats_t *stats); static void update_stats(subframe_stats_t *stats, FLAC__int32 residual, uint32_t incr); static void compute_stats(subframe_stats_t *stats); static FLAC__bool dump_stats(const subframe_stats_t *stats, const char *filename); void flac__analyze_init(analysis_options aopts) { if(aopts.do_residual_gnuplot) { init_stats(&all_); } } void flac__analyze_frame(const FLAC__Frame *frame, uint32_t frame_number, FLAC__uint64 frame_offset, uint32_t frame_bytes, analysis_options aopts, FILE *fout) { const uint32_t channels = frame->header.channels; char outfilename[1024]; subframe_stats_t stats; uint32_t i, channel, partitions; /* do the human-readable part first */ fprintf(fout, "frame=%u\toffset=%" PRIu64 "\tbits=%u\tblocksize=%u\tsample_rate=%u\tchannels=%u\tchannel_assignment=%s\n", frame_number, frame_offset, frame_bytes*8, frame->header.blocksize, frame->header.sample_rate, channels, FLAC__ChannelAssignmentString[frame->header.channel_assignment]); for(channel = 0; channel < channels; channel++) { const FLAC__Subframe *subframe = frame->subframes+channel; const FLAC__bool is_rice2 = subframe->data.fixed.entropy_coding_method.type == FLAC__ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE2; const uint32_t pesc = is_rice2? FLAC__ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE2_ESCAPE_PARAMETER : FLAC__ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE_ESCAPE_PARAMETER; fprintf(fout, "\tsubframe=%u\twasted_bits=%u\ttype=%s", channel, subframe->wasted_bits, FLAC__SubframeTypeString[subframe->type]); switch(subframe->type) { case FLAC__SUBFRAME_TYPE_CONSTANT: fprintf(fout, "\tvalue=%d\n", subframe->data.constant.value); break; case FLAC__SUBFRAME_TYPE_FIXED: FLAC__ASSERT(subframe->data.fixed.entropy_coding_method.type <= FLAC__ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE2); fprintf(fout, "\torder=%u\tresidual_type=%s\tpartition_order=%u\n", subframe->data.fixed.order, is_rice2? "RICE2":"RICE", subframe->data.fixed.entropy_coding_method.data.partitioned_rice.order); for(i = 0; i < subframe->data.fixed.order; i++) fprintf(fout, "\t\twarmup[%u]=%d\n", i, subframe->data.fixed.warmup[i]); partitions = (1u << subframe->data.fixed.entropy_coding_method.data.partitioned_rice.order); for(i = 0; i < partitions; i++) { uint32_t parameter = subframe->data.fixed.entropy_coding_method.data.partitioned_rice.contents->parameters[i]; if(parameter == pesc) fprintf(fout, "\t\tparameter[%u]=ESCAPE, raw_bits=%u\n", i, subframe->data.fixed.entropy_coding_method.data.partitioned_rice.contents->raw_bits[i]); else fprintf(fout, "\t\tparameter[%u]=%u\n", i, parameter); } if(aopts.do_residual_text) { for(i = 0; i < frame->header.blocksize-subframe->data.fixed.order; i++) fprintf(fout, "\t\tresidual[%u]=%d\n", i, subframe->data.fixed.residual[i]); } break; case FLAC__SUBFRAME_TYPE_LPC: FLAC__ASSERT(subframe->data.lpc.entropy_coding_method.type <= FLAC__ENTROPY_CODING_METHOD_PARTITIONED_RICE2); fprintf(fout, "\torder=%u\tqlp_coeff_precision=%u\tquantization_level=%d\tresidual_type=%s\tpartition_order=%u\n", subframe->data.lpc.order, subframe->data.lpc.qlp_coeff_precision, subframe->data.lpc.quantization_level, is_rice2? "RICE2":"RICE", subframe->data.lpc.entropy_coding_method.data.partitioned_rice.order); for(i = 0; i < subframe->data.lpc.order; i++) fprintf(fout, "\t\tqlp_coeff[%u]=%d\n", i, subframe->data.lpc.qlp_coeff[i]); for(i = 0; i < subframe->data.lpc.order; i++) fprintf(fout, "\t\twarmup[%u]=%d\n", i, subframe->data.lpc.warmup[i]); partitions = (1u << subframe->data.lpc.entropy_coding_method.data.partitioned_rice.order); for(i = 0; i < partitions; i++) { uint32_t parameter = subframe->data.lpc.entropy_coding_method.data.partitioned_rice.contents->parameters[i]; if(parameter == pesc) fprintf(fout, "\t\tparameter[%u]=ESCAPE, raw_bits=%u\n", i, subframe->data.lpc.entropy_coding_method.data.partitioned_rice.contents->raw_bits[i]); else fprintf(fout, "\t\tparameter[%u]=%u\n", i, parameter); } if(aopts.do_residual_text) { for(i = 0; i < frame->header.blocksize-subframe->data.lpc.order; i++) fprintf(fout, "\t\tresidual[%u]=%d\n", i, subframe->data.lpc.residual[i]); } break; case FLAC__SUBFRAME_TYPE_VERBATIM: fprintf(fout, "\n"); break; } } /* now do the residual distributions if requested */ if(aopts.do_residual_gnuplot) { for(channel = 0; channel < channels; channel++) { const FLAC__Subframe *subframe = frame->subframes+channel; uint32_t residual_samples; init_stats(&stats); switch(subframe->type) { case FLAC__SUBFRAME_TYPE_FIXED: residual_samples = frame->header.blocksize - subframe->data.fixed.order; for(i = 0; i < residual_samples; i++) update_stats(&stats, subframe->data.fixed.residual[i], 1); break; case FLAC__SUBFRAME_TYPE_LPC: residual_samples = frame->header.blocksize - subframe->data.lpc.order; for(i = 0; i < residual_samples; i++) update_stats(&stats, subframe->data.lpc.residual[i], 1); break; default: break; } /* update all_ */ for(i = 0; i < stats.nbuckets; i++) { update_stats(&all_, stats.buckets[i].residual, stats.buckets[i].count); } /* write the subframe */ flac_snprintf(outfilename, sizeof (outfilename), "f%06u.s%u.gp", frame_number, channel); compute_stats(&stats); (void)dump_stats(&stats, outfilename); } } } void flac__analyze_finish(analysis_options aopts) { if(aopts.do_residual_gnuplot) { compute_stats(&all_); (void)dump_stats(&all_, "all"); } } void init_stats(subframe_stats_t *stats) { stats->peak_index = -1; stats->nbuckets = 0; stats->nsamples = 0; stats->sum = 0.0; stats->sos = 0.0; } void update_stats(subframe_stats_t *stats, FLAC__int32 residual, uint32_t incr) { uint32_t i; const double r = (double)residual, a = r*incr; stats->nsamples += incr; stats->sum += a; stats->sos += (a*r); for(i = 0; i < stats->nbuckets; i++) { if(stats->buckets[i].residual == residual) { stats->buckets[i].count += incr; goto find_peak; } } /* not found, make a new bucket */ i = stats->nbuckets; stats->buckets[i].residual = residual; stats->buckets[i].count = incr; stats->nbuckets++; find_peak: if(stats->peak_index < 0 || stats->buckets[i].count > stats->buckets[stats->peak_index].count) stats->peak_index = i; } void compute_stats(subframe_stats_t *stats) { stats->mean = stats->sum / (double)stats->nsamples; stats->variance = (stats->sos - (stats->sum * stats->sum / stats->nsamples)) / stats->nsamples; stats->stddev = sqrt(stats->variance); } FLAC__bool dump_stats(const subframe_stats_t *stats, const char *filename) { FILE *outfile; uint32_t i; const double m = stats->mean; const double s1 = stats->stddev, s2 = s1*2, s3 = s1*3, s4 = s1*4, s5 = s1*5, s6 = s1*6; const double p = stats->buckets[stats->peak_index].count; outfile = flac_fopen(filename, "w"); if(0 == outfile) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR opening %s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno)); return false; } fprintf(outfile, "plot '-' title 'PDF', '-' title 'mean' with impulses, '-' title '1-stddev' with histeps, '-' title '2-stddev' with histeps, '-' title '3-stddev' with histeps, '-' title '4-stddev' with histeps, '-' title '5-stddev' with histeps, '-' title '6-stddev' with histeps\n"); for(i = 0; i < stats->nbuckets; i++) { fprintf(outfile, "%d %u\n", stats->buckets[i].residual, stats->buckets[i].count); } fprintf(outfile, "e\n"); fprintf(outfile, "%f %f\ne\n", stats->mean, p); fprintf(outfile, "%f %f\n%f %f\ne\n", m-s1, p*0.8, m+s1, p*0.8); fprintf(outfile, "%f %f\n%f %f\ne\n", m-s2, p*0.7, m+s2, p*0.7); fprintf(outfile, "%f %f\n%f %f\ne\n", m-s3, p*0.6, m+s3, p*0.6); fprintf(outfile, "%f %f\n%f %f\ne\n", m-s4, p*0.5, m+s4, p*0.5); fprintf(outfile, "%f %f\n%f %f\ne\n", m-s5, p*0.4, m+s5, p*0.4); fprintf(outfile, "%f %f\n%f %f\ne\n", m-s6, p*0.3, m+s6, p*0.3); fprintf(outfile, "pause -1 'waiting...'\n"); fclose(outfile); return true; }