/* flac - Command-line FLAC encoder/decoder * Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Josh Coalson * Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Xiph.Org Foundation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if !defined _MSC_VER && !defined __MINGW32__ /* unlink is in stdio.h in VC++ */ #include /* for unlink() */ #endif #include "FLAC/all.h" #include "share/alloc.h" #include "share/grabbag.h" #include "share/compat.h" #include "share/safe_str.h" #include "analyze.h" #include "decode.h" #include "encode.h" #include "local_string_utils.h" /* for flac__strlcat() and flac__strlcpy() */ #include "utils.h" #include "vorbiscomment.h" #if 0 /*[JEC] was:#if HAVE_GETOPT_LONG*/ /*[JEC] see flac/include/share/getopt.h as to why the change */ # include #else # include "share/getopt.h" #endif static int do_it(void); static FLAC__bool init_options(void); static int parse_options(int argc, char *argv[]); static int parse_option(int short_option, const char *long_option, const char *option_argument); static void free_options(void); static void add_compression_setting_bool(compression_setting_type_t type, FLAC__bool value); static void add_compression_setting_string(compression_setting_type_t type, const char *value); static void add_compression_setting_uint32_t(compression_setting_type_t type, uint32_t value); static int usage_error(const char *message, ...); static void short_usage(void); static void show_version(void); static void show_help(void); static void show_explain(void); static void format_mistake(const char *infilename, FileFormat wrong, FileFormat right); static int encode_file(const char *infilename, FLAC__bool is_first_file, FLAC__bool is_last_file); static int decode_file(const char *infilename); static const char *get_encoded_outfilename(const char *infilename); static const char *get_decoded_outfilename(const char *infilename); static const char *get_outfilename(const char *infilename, const char *suffix); static void die(const char *message); static int conditional_fclose(FILE *f); static char *local_strdup(const char *source); /* * share__getopt format struct; note that for long options with no * short option equivalent we just set the 'val' field to 0. */ static struct share__option long_options_[] = { /* * general options */ { "help" , share__no_argument, 0, 'h' }, { "explain" , share__no_argument, 0, 'H' }, { "version" , share__no_argument, 0, 'v' }, { "decode" , share__no_argument, 0, 'd' }, { "analyze" , share__no_argument, 0, 'a' }, { "test" , share__no_argument, 0, 't' }, { "stdout" , share__no_argument, 0, 'c' }, { "silent" , share__no_argument, 0, 's' }, { "totally-silent" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "warnings-as-errors" , share__no_argument, 0, 'w' }, { "force" , share__no_argument, 0, 'f' }, { "delete-input-file" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "preserve-modtime" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "keep-foreign-metadata" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "output-prefix" , share__required_argument, 0, 0 }, { "output-name" , share__required_argument, 0, 'o' }, { "skip" , share__required_argument, 0, 0 }, { "until" , share__required_argument, 0, 0 }, { "channel-map" , share__required_argument, 0, 0 }, /* undocumented */ /* * decoding options */ { "decode-through-errors", share__no_argument, 0, 'F' }, { "cue" , share__required_argument, 0, 0 }, { "apply-replaygain-which-is-not-lossless", share__optional_argument, 0, 0 }, /* undocumented */ /* * encoding options */ { "cuesheet" , share__required_argument, 0, 0 }, { "no-cued-seekpoints" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "picture" , share__required_argument, 0, 0 }, { "tag" , share__required_argument, 0, 'T' }, { "tag-from-file" , share__required_argument, 0, 0 }, { "compression-level-0" , share__no_argument, 0, '0' }, { "compression-level-1" , share__no_argument, 0, '1' }, { "compression-level-2" , share__no_argument, 0, '2' }, { "compression-level-3" , share__no_argument, 0, '3' }, { "compression-level-4" , share__no_argument, 0, '4' }, { "compression-level-5" , share__no_argument, 0, '5' }, { "compression-level-6" , share__no_argument, 0, '6' }, { "compression-level-7" , share__no_argument, 0, '7' }, { "compression-level-8" , share__no_argument, 0, '8' }, { "compression-level-9" , share__no_argument, 0, '9' }, { "best" , share__no_argument, 0, '8' }, { "fast" , share__no_argument, 0, '0' }, { "verify" , share__no_argument, 0, 'V' }, { "force-raw-format" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "force-aiff-format" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "force-rf64-format" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "force-wave64-format" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "lax" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "replay-gain" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "ignore-chunk-sizes" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "sector-align" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, /* DEPRECATED */ { "seekpoint" , share__required_argument, 0, 'S' }, { "padding" , share__required_argument, 0, 'P' }, #if FLAC__HAS_OGG { "ogg" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "serial-number" , share__required_argument, 0, 0 }, #endif { "blocksize" , share__required_argument, 0, 'b' }, { "exhaustive-model-search" , share__no_argument, 0, 'e' }, { "max-lpc-order" , share__required_argument, 0, 'l' }, { "apodization" , share__required_argument, 0, 'A' }, { "mid-side" , share__no_argument, 0, 'm' }, { "adaptive-mid-side" , share__no_argument, 0, 'M' }, { "qlp-coeff-precision-search", share__no_argument, 0, 'p' }, { "qlp-coeff-precision" , share__required_argument, 0, 'q' }, { "rice-partition-order" , share__required_argument, 0, 'r' }, { "endian" , share__required_argument, 0, 0 }, { "channels" , share__required_argument, 0, 0 }, { "bps" , share__required_argument, 0, 0 }, { "sample-rate" , share__required_argument, 0, 0 }, { "sign" , share__required_argument, 0, 0 }, { "input-size" , share__required_argument, 0, 0 }, { "error-on-compression-fail" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, /* * analysis options */ { "residual-gnuplot", share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "residual-text", share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, /* * negatives */ { "no-preserve-modtime" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "no-decode-through-errors" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "no-silent" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "no-force" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "no-seektable" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "no-delete-input-file" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "no-keep-foreign-metadata" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "no-replay-gain" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "no-ignore-chunk-sizes" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "no-sector-align" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, /* DEPRECATED */ { "no-utf8-convert" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "no-lax" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, #if FLAC__HAS_OGG { "no-ogg" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, #endif { "no-exhaustive-model-search", share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "no-mid-side" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "no-adaptive-mid-side" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "no-qlp-coeff-prec-search" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "no-padding" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "no-verify" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "no-warnings-as-errors" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "no-residual-gnuplot" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "no-residual-text" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "no-error-on-compression-fail", share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, /* * undocumented debugging options for the test suite */ { "disable-constant-subframes", share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "disable-fixed-subframes" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "disable-verbatim-subframes", share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, { "no-md5-sum" , share__no_argument, 0, 0 }, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; /* * global to hold command-line option values */ static struct { FLAC__bool show_help; FLAC__bool show_explain; FLAC__bool show_version; FLAC__bool mode_decode; FLAC__bool verify; FLAC__bool treat_warnings_as_errors; FLAC__bool force_file_overwrite; FLAC__bool continue_through_decode_errors; replaygain_synthesis_spec_t replaygain_synthesis_spec; FLAC__bool lax; FLAC__bool test_only; FLAC__bool analyze; FLAC__bool use_ogg; FLAC__bool has_serial_number; /* true iff --serial-number was used */ long serial_number; /* this is the Ogg serial number and is unused for native FLAC */ FLAC__bool force_to_stdout; FLAC__bool force_raw_format; FLAC__bool force_aiff_format; FLAC__bool force_rf64_format; FLAC__bool force_wave64_format; FLAC__bool delete_input; FLAC__bool preserve_modtime; FLAC__bool keep_foreign_metadata; FLAC__bool replay_gain; FLAC__bool ignore_chunk_sizes; FLAC__bool sector_align; FLAC__bool utf8_convert; /* true by default, to convert tag strings from locale to utf-8, false if --no-utf8-convert used */ const char *cmdline_forced_outfilename; const char *output_prefix; analysis_options aopts; int padding; /* -1 => no -P options were given, 0 => -P- was given, else -P value */ size_t num_compression_settings; compression_setting_t compression_settings[64]; /* bad MAGIC NUMBER but buffer overflow is checked */ const char *skip_specification; const char *until_specification; const char *cue_specification; int format_is_big_endian; int format_is_unsigned_samples; int format_channels; int format_bps; int format_sample_rate; FLAC__off_t format_input_size; char requested_seek_points[5000]; /* bad MAGIC NUMBER but buffer overflow is checked */ int num_requested_seek_points; /* -1 => no -S options were given, 0 => -S- was given */ const char *cuesheet_filename; FLAC__bool cued_seekpoints; FLAC__bool channel_map_none; /* --channel-map=none specified, eventually will expand to take actual channel map */ FLAC__bool error_on_compression_fail; uint32_t num_files; char **filenames; FLAC__StreamMetadata *vorbis_comment; FLAC__StreamMetadata *pictures[64]; uint32_t num_pictures; struct { FLAC__bool disable_constant_subframes; FLAC__bool disable_fixed_subframes; FLAC__bool disable_verbatim_subframes; FLAC__bool do_md5; } debug; } option_values; /* * miscellaneous globals */ static FLAC__int32 align_reservoir_0[588], align_reservoir_1[588]; /* for carrying over samples from --sector-align */ /* DEPRECATED */ static FLAC__int32 *align_reservoir[2] = { align_reservoir_0, align_reservoir_1 }; static uint32_t align_reservoir_samples = 0; /* 0 .. 587 */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int retval = 0; #ifdef __EMX__ _response(&argc, &argv); _wildcard(&argc, &argv); #endif #ifdef _WIN32 if (get_utf8_argv(&argc, &argv) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: failed to convert command line parameters to UTF-8\n"); return 1; } #endif srand((uint32_t)time(0)); #ifdef _WIN32 { const char *var; var = getenv("LC_ALL"); if (!var) var = getenv("LC_NUMERIC"); if (!var) var = getenv("LANG"); if (!var || strcmp(var, "C") != 0) setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); } #else setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); #endif if(!init_options()) { flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "ERROR: allocating memory\n"); retval = 1; } else { if((retval = parse_options(argc, argv)) == 0) retval = do_it(); } free_options(); return retval; } int do_it(void) { int retval = 0; if(option_values.show_version) { show_version(); return 0; } else if(option_values.show_explain) { show_explain(); return 0; } else if(option_values.show_help) { show_help(); return 0; } else { if(option_values.num_files == 0) { if(flac__utils_verbosity_ >= 1) short_usage(); return 0; } /* * tweak options; validate the values */ if(!option_values.mode_decode) { if(0 != option_values.cue_specification) return usage_error("ERROR: --cue is not allowed in test mode\n"); } else { if(option_values.test_only) { if(0 != option_values.skip_specification) return usage_error("ERROR: --skip is not allowed in test mode\n"); if(0 != option_values.until_specification) return usage_error("ERROR: --until is not allowed in test mode\n"); if(0 != option_values.cue_specification) return usage_error("ERROR: --cue is not allowed in test mode\n"); if(0 != option_values.analyze) return usage_error("ERROR: analysis mode (-a/--analyze) and test mode (-t/--test) cannot be used together\n"); } } if(0 != option_values.cue_specification && (0 != option_values.skip_specification || 0 != option_values.until_specification)) return usage_error("ERROR: --cue may not be combined with --skip or --until\n"); if(option_values.format_channels >= 0) { if(option_values.format_channels == 0 || (uint32_t)option_values.format_channels > FLAC__MAX_CHANNELS) return usage_error("ERROR: invalid number of channels '%u', must be > 0 and <= %u\n", option_values.format_channels, FLAC__MAX_CHANNELS); } if(option_values.format_bps >= 0) { if(option_values.format_bps != 8 && option_values.format_bps != 16 && option_values.format_bps != 24) return usage_error("ERROR: invalid bits per sample '%u' (must be 8/16/24)\n", option_values.format_bps); } if(option_values.format_sample_rate >= 0) { if(!FLAC__format_sample_rate_is_valid(option_values.format_sample_rate)) return usage_error("ERROR: invalid sample rate '%u', must be > 0 and <= %u\n", option_values.format_sample_rate, FLAC__MAX_SAMPLE_RATE); } if((option_values.force_raw_format?1:0) + (option_values.force_aiff_format?1:0) + (option_values.force_rf64_format?1:0) + (option_values.force_wave64_format?1:0) > 1) return usage_error("ERROR: only one of --force-raw-format/--force-aiff-format/--force-rf64-format/--force-wave64-format allowed\n"); if(option_values.mode_decode) { if(!option_values.force_raw_format) { if(option_values.format_is_big_endian >= 0) return usage_error("ERROR: --endian only allowed with --force-raw-format\n"); if(option_values.format_is_unsigned_samples >= 0) return usage_error("ERROR: --sign only allowed with --force-raw-format\n"); } if(option_values.format_channels >= 0) return usage_error("ERROR: --channels not allowed with --decode\n"); if(option_values.format_bps >= 0) return usage_error("ERROR: --bps not allowed with --decode\n"); if(option_values.format_sample_rate >= 0) return usage_error("ERROR: --sample-rate not allowed with --decode\n"); } if(option_values.ignore_chunk_sizes) { if(option_values.mode_decode) return usage_error("ERROR: --ignore-chunk-sizes only allowed for encoding\n"); if(0 != option_values.sector_align) return usage_error("ERROR: --ignore-chunk-sizes not allowed with --sector-align\n"); if(0 != option_values.until_specification) return usage_error("ERROR: --ignore-chunk-sizes not allowed with --until\n"); if(0 != option_values.cue_specification) return usage_error("ERROR: --ignore-chunk-sizes not allowed with --cue\n"); if(0 != option_values.cuesheet_filename) return usage_error("ERROR: --ignore-chunk-sizes not allowed with --cuesheet\n"); } if(option_values.sector_align) { if(option_values.mode_decode) return usage_error("ERROR: --sector-align only allowed for encoding\n"); if(0 != option_values.skip_specification) return usage_error("ERROR: --sector-align not allowed with --skip\n"); if(0 != option_values.until_specification) return usage_error("ERROR: --sector-align not allowed with --until\n"); if(0 != option_values.cue_specification) return usage_error("ERROR: --sector-align not allowed with --cue\n"); if(option_values.format_channels >= 0 && option_values.format_channels != 2) return usage_error("ERROR: --sector-align can only be done with stereo input\n"); if(option_values.format_bps >= 0 && option_values.format_bps != 16) return usage_error("ERROR: --sector-align can only be done with 16-bit samples\n"); if(option_values.format_sample_rate >= 0 && option_values.format_sample_rate != 44100) return usage_error("ERROR: --sector-align can only be done with a sample rate of 44100\n"); } if(option_values.replay_gain) { if(option_values.force_to_stdout) return usage_error("ERROR: --replay-gain not allowed with -c/--stdout\n"); if(option_values.mode_decode) return usage_error("ERROR: --replay-gain only allowed for encoding\n"); if(option_values.format_channels > 2) return usage_error("ERROR: --replay-gain can only be done with mono/stereo input\n"); if(option_values.format_sample_rate >= 0 && !grabbag__replaygain_is_valid_sample_frequency(option_values.format_sample_rate)) return usage_error("ERROR: invalid sample rate used with --replay-gain\n"); if( (option_values.padding >= 0 && option_values.padding < (int)GRABBAG__REPLAYGAIN_MAX_TAG_SPACE_REQUIRED) || (option_values.padding < 0 && FLAC_ENCODE__DEFAULT_PADDING < (int)GRABBAG__REPLAYGAIN_MAX_TAG_SPACE_REQUIRED) ) { flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "NOTE: --replay-gain may leave a small PADDING block even with --no-padding\n"); } } if(option_values.num_files > 1 && option_values.cmdline_forced_outfilename) { return usage_error("ERROR: -o/--output-name cannot be used with multiple files\n"); } if(option_values.cmdline_forced_outfilename && option_values.output_prefix) { return usage_error("ERROR: --output-prefix conflicts with -o/--output-name\n"); } if(!option_values.mode_decode && 0 != option_values.cuesheet_filename && option_values.num_files > 1) { return usage_error("ERROR: --cuesheet cannot be used when encoding multiple files\n"); } if(option_values.keep_foreign_metadata) { /* we're not going to try and support the re-creation of broken WAVE files */ if(option_values.ignore_chunk_sizes) return usage_error("ERROR: using --keep-foreign-metadata cannot be used with --ignore-chunk-sizes\n"); if(option_values.test_only) return usage_error("ERROR: --keep-foreign-metadata is not allowed in test mode\n"); if(option_values.analyze) return usage_error("ERROR: --keep-foreign-metadata is not allowed in analyis mode\n"); flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "NOTE: --keep-foreign-metadata is a new feature; make sure to test the output file before deleting the original.\n"); } } flac__utils_printf(stderr, 2, "\n"); flac__utils_printf(stderr, 2, "flac %s\n", FLAC__VERSION_STRING); flac__utils_printf(stderr, 2, "Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Josh Coalson, 2011-2016 Xiph.Org Foundation\n"); flac__utils_printf(stderr, 2, "flac comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are\n"); flac__utils_printf(stderr, 2, "welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type `flac' for details.\n\n"); if(option_values.mode_decode) { FLAC__bool first = true; if(option_values.num_files == 0) { retval = decode_file("-"); } else { uint32_t i; if(option_values.num_files > 1) option_values.cmdline_forced_outfilename = 0; for(i = 0, retval = 0; i < option_values.num_files; i++) { if(0 == strcmp(option_values.filenames[i], "-") && !first) continue; retval |= decode_file(option_values.filenames[i]); first = false; } } } else { /* encode */ FLAC__bool first = true; if(option_values.ignore_chunk_sizes) flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "INFO: Make sure you know what you're doing when using --ignore-chunk-sizes.\n Improper use can cause flac to encode non-audio data as audio.\n"); if(option_values.num_files == 0) { retval = encode_file("-", first, true); } else { uint32_t i; if(option_values.num_files > 1) option_values.cmdline_forced_outfilename = 0; for(i = 0, retval = 0; i < option_values.num_files; i++) { if(0 == strcmp(option_values.filenames[i], "-") && !first) continue; retval |= encode_file(option_values.filenames[i], first, i == (option_values.num_files-1)); first = false; } if(option_values.replay_gain && retval == 0) { float album_gain, album_peak; grabbag__replaygain_get_album(&album_gain, &album_peak); for(i = 0; i < option_values.num_files; i++) { const char *error, *outfilename = get_encoded_outfilename(option_values.filenames[i]); if(0 == outfilename) { flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "ERROR: filename too long: %s", option_values.filenames[i]); return 1; } if(0 != (error = grabbag__replaygain_store_to_file_album(outfilename, album_gain, album_peak, option_values.preserve_modtime))) { flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "%s: ERROR writing ReplayGain album tags (%s)\n", outfilename, error); retval = 1; } } } } } return retval; } FLAC__bool init_options(void) { option_values.show_help = false; option_values.show_explain = false; option_values.mode_decode = false; option_values.verify = false; option_values.treat_warnings_as_errors = false; option_values.force_file_overwrite = false; option_values.continue_through_decode_errors = false; option_values.replaygain_synthesis_spec.apply = false; option_values.replaygain_synthesis_spec.use_album_gain = true; option_values.replaygain_synthesis_spec.limiter = RGSS_LIMIT__HARD; option_values.replaygain_synthesis_spec.noise_shaping = NOISE_SHAPING_LOW; option_values.replaygain_synthesis_spec.preamp = 0.0; option_values.lax = false; option_values.test_only = false; option_values.analyze = false; option_values.use_ogg = false; option_values.has_serial_number = false; option_values.serial_number = 0; option_values.force_to_stdout = false; option_values.force_raw_format = false; option_values.force_aiff_format = false; option_values.force_rf64_format = false; option_values.force_wave64_format = false; option_values.delete_input = false; option_values.preserve_modtime = true; option_values.keep_foreign_metadata = false; option_values.replay_gain = false; option_values.ignore_chunk_sizes = false; option_values.sector_align = false; option_values.utf8_convert = true; option_values.cmdline_forced_outfilename = 0; option_values.output_prefix = 0; option_values.aopts.do_residual_text = false; option_values.aopts.do_residual_gnuplot = false; option_values.padding = -1; option_values.num_compression_settings = 1; option_values.compression_settings[0].type = CST_COMPRESSION_LEVEL; option_values.compression_settings[0].value.t_unsigned = 5; option_values.skip_specification = 0; option_values.until_specification = 0; option_values.cue_specification = 0; option_values.format_is_big_endian = -1; option_values.format_is_unsigned_samples = -1; option_values.format_channels = -1; option_values.format_bps = -1; option_values.format_sample_rate = -1; option_values.format_input_size = (FLAC__off_t)(-1); option_values.requested_seek_points[0] = '\0'; option_values.num_requested_seek_points = -1; option_values.cuesheet_filename = 0; option_values.cued_seekpoints = true; option_values.channel_map_none = false; option_values.error_on_compression_fail = false; option_values.num_files = 0; option_values.filenames = 0; if(0 == (option_values.vorbis_comment = FLAC__metadata_object_new(FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_VORBIS_COMMENT))) return false; option_values.num_pictures = 0; option_values.debug.disable_constant_subframes = false; option_values.debug.disable_fixed_subframes = false; option_values.debug.disable_verbatim_subframes = false; option_values.debug.do_md5 = true; return true; } int parse_options(int argc, char *argv[]) { int short_option; int option_index = 1; FLAC__bool had_error = false; const char *short_opts = "0123456789aA:b:cdefFhHl:mMo:pP:q:r:sS:tT:vVw"; while ((short_option = share__getopt_long(argc, argv, short_opts, long_options_, &option_index)) != -1) { switch (short_option) { case 0: /* long option with no equivalent short option */ had_error |= (parse_option(short_option, long_options_[option_index].name, share__optarg) != 0); break; case '?': case ':': had_error = true; break; default: /* short option */ had_error |= (parse_option(short_option, 0, share__optarg) != 0); break; } } if(had_error) { return 1; } FLAC__ASSERT(share__optind <= argc); option_values.num_files = argc - share__optind; if(option_values.num_files > 0) { uint32_t i = 0; if(0 == (option_values.filenames = malloc(sizeof(char*) * option_values.num_files))) die("out of memory allocating space for file names list"); while(share__optind < argc) option_values.filenames[i++] = local_strdup(argv[share__optind++]); } return 0; } int parse_option(int short_option, const char *long_option, const char *option_argument) { const char *violation; if(short_option == 0) { FLAC__ASSERT(0 != long_option); if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "totally-silent")) { flac__utils_verbosity_ = 0; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "delete-input-file")) { option_values.delete_input = true; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "preserve-modtime")) { option_values.preserve_modtime = true; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "keep-foreign-metadata")) { option_values.keep_foreign_metadata = true; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "output-prefix")) { FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); option_values.output_prefix = option_argument; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "skip")) { FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); option_values.skip_specification = option_argument; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "until")) { FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); option_values.until_specification = option_argument; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "input-size")) { FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); { char *end; FLAC__int64 ix; ix = strtoll(option_argument, &end, 10); if(0 == strlen(option_argument) || *end) return usage_error("ERROR: --%s must be a number\n", long_option); option_values.format_input_size = (FLAC__off_t)ix; if(option_values.format_input_size != ix) /* check if FLAC__off_t is smaller than long long */ return usage_error("ERROR: --%s too large; this build of flac does not support filesizes over 2GB\n", long_option); if(option_values.format_input_size <= 0) return usage_error("ERROR: --%s must be > 0\n", long_option); } } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "cue")) { FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); option_values.cue_specification = option_argument; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "apply-replaygain-which-is-not-lossless")) { option_values.replaygain_synthesis_spec.apply = true; if (0 != option_argument) { char *p; option_values.replaygain_synthesis_spec.limiter = RGSS_LIMIT__NONE; option_values.replaygain_synthesis_spec.noise_shaping = NOISE_SHAPING_NONE; option_values.replaygain_synthesis_spec.preamp = strtod(option_argument, &p); for ( ; *p; p++) { if (*p == 'a') option_values.replaygain_synthesis_spec.use_album_gain = true; else if (*p == 't') option_values.replaygain_synthesis_spec.use_album_gain = false; else if (*p == 'l') option_values.replaygain_synthesis_spec.limiter = RGSS_LIMIT__PEAK; else if (*p == 'L') option_values.replaygain_synthesis_spec.limiter = RGSS_LIMIT__HARD; else if (*p == 'n' && p[1] >= '0' && p[1] <= '3') { option_values.replaygain_synthesis_spec.noise_shaping = p[1] - '0'; p++; } else return usage_error("ERROR: bad specification string \"%s\" for --%s\n", option_argument, long_option); } } } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "channel-map")) { if (0 == option_argument || strcmp(option_argument, "none")) return usage_error("ERROR: only --channel-map=none currently supported\n"); option_values.channel_map_none = true; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "cuesheet")) { FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); option_values.cuesheet_filename = option_argument; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "picture")) { const uint32_t max_pictures = sizeof(option_values.pictures)/sizeof(option_values.pictures[0]); FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); if(option_values.num_pictures >= max_pictures) return usage_error("ERROR: too many --picture arguments, only %u allowed\n", max_pictures); if(0 == (option_values.pictures[option_values.num_pictures] = grabbag__picture_parse_specification(option_argument, &violation))) return usage_error("ERROR: (--picture) %s\n", violation); option_values.num_pictures++; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "tag-from-file")) { FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); if(!flac__vorbiscomment_add(option_values.vorbis_comment, option_argument, /*value_from_file=*/true, /*raw=*/!option_values.utf8_convert, &violation)) return usage_error("ERROR: (--tag-from-file) %s\n", violation); } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "no-cued-seekpoints")) { option_values.cued_seekpoints = false; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "force-raw-format")) { option_values.force_raw_format = true; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "force-aiff-format")) { option_values.force_aiff_format = true; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "force-rf64-format")) { option_values.force_rf64_format = true; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "force-wave64-format")) { option_values.force_wave64_format = true; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "lax")) { option_values.lax = true; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "replay-gain")) { option_values.replay_gain = true; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "ignore-chunk-sizes")) { option_values.ignore_chunk_sizes = true; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "sector-align")) { flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "WARNING: --sector-align is DEPRECATED and may not exist in future versions of flac.\n"); flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, " shntool provides similar functionality\n"); option_values.sector_align = true; } #if FLAC__HAS_OGG else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "ogg")) { option_values.use_ogg = true; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "serial-number")) { option_values.has_serial_number = true; option_values.serial_number = atol(option_argument); } #endif else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "endian")) { FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); if(0 == strncmp(option_argument, "big", strlen(option_argument))) option_values.format_is_big_endian = true; else if(0 == strncmp(option_argument, "little", strlen(option_argument))) option_values.format_is_big_endian = false; else return usage_error("ERROR: argument to --endian must be \"big\" or \"little\"\n"); } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "channels")) { FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); option_values.format_channels = atoi(option_argument); } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "bps")) { FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); option_values.format_bps = atoi(option_argument); } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "sample-rate")) { FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); option_values.format_sample_rate = atoi(option_argument); } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "sign")) { FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); if(0 == strncmp(option_argument, "signed", strlen(option_argument))) option_values.format_is_unsigned_samples = false; else if(0 == strncmp(option_argument, "unsigned", strlen(option_argument))) option_values.format_is_unsigned_samples = true; else return usage_error("ERROR: argument to --sign must be \"signed\" or \"unsigned\"\n"); } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "residual-gnuplot")) { option_values.aopts.do_residual_gnuplot = true; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "residual-text")) { option_values.aopts.do_residual_text = true; } /* * negatives */ else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "no-preserve-modtime")) { option_values.preserve_modtime = false; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "no-decode-through-errors")) { option_values.continue_through_decode_errors = false; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "no-silent")) { flac__utils_verbosity_ = 2; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "no-force")) { option_values.force_file_overwrite = false; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "no-seektable")) { option_values.num_requested_seek_points = 0; option_values.requested_seek_points[0] = '\0'; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "no-delete-input-file")) { option_values.delete_input = false; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "no-keep-foreign-metadata")) { option_values.keep_foreign_metadata = false; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "no-replay-gain")) { option_values.replay_gain = false; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "no-ignore-chunk-sizes")) { option_values.ignore_chunk_sizes = false; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "no-sector-align")) { option_values.sector_align = false; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "no-utf8-convert")) { option_values.utf8_convert = false; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "no-lax")) { option_values.lax = false; } #if FLAC__HAS_OGG else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "no-ogg")) { option_values.use_ogg = false; } #endif else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "no-exhaustive-model-search")) { add_compression_setting_bool(CST_DO_EXHAUSTIVE_MODEL_SEARCH, false); } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "no-mid-side")) { add_compression_setting_bool(CST_DO_MID_SIDE, false); add_compression_setting_bool(CST_LOOSE_MID_SIDE, false); } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "no-adaptive-mid-side")) { add_compression_setting_bool(CST_DO_MID_SIDE, false); add_compression_setting_bool(CST_LOOSE_MID_SIDE, false); } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "no-qlp-coeff-prec-search")) { add_compression_setting_bool(CST_DO_QLP_COEFF_PREC_SEARCH, false); } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "no-padding")) { option_values.padding = 0; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "no-verify")) { option_values.verify = false; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "no-warnings-as-errors")) { option_values.treat_warnings_as_errors = false; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "no-residual-gnuplot")) { option_values.aopts.do_residual_gnuplot = false; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "no-residual-text")) { option_values.aopts.do_residual_text = false; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "disable-constant-subframes")) { option_values.debug.disable_constant_subframes = true; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "disable-fixed-subframes")) { option_values.debug.disable_fixed_subframes = true; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "disable-verbatim-subframes")) { option_values.debug.disable_verbatim_subframes = true; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "no-md5-sum")) { option_values.debug.do_md5 = false; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "no-error-on-compression-fail")) { option_values.error_on_compression_fail = false; } else if(0 == strcmp(long_option, "error-on-compression-fail")) { option_values.error_on_compression_fail = true; } } else { switch(short_option) { case 'h': option_values.show_help = true; break; case 'H': option_values.show_explain = true; break; case 'v': option_values.show_version = true; break; case 'd': option_values.mode_decode = true; break; case 'a': option_values.mode_decode = true; option_values.analyze = true; break; case 't': option_values.mode_decode = true; option_values.test_only = true; break; case 'c': option_values.force_to_stdout = true; break; case 's': flac__utils_verbosity_ = 1; break; case 'f': option_values.force_file_overwrite = true; break; case 'o': FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); option_values.cmdline_forced_outfilename = option_argument; break; case 'F': option_values.continue_through_decode_errors = true; break; case 'T': FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); if(!flac__vorbiscomment_add(option_values.vorbis_comment, option_argument, /*value_from_file=*/false, /*raw=*/!option_values.utf8_convert, &violation)) return usage_error("ERROR: (-T/--tag) %s\n", violation); break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': add_compression_setting_uint32_t(CST_COMPRESSION_LEVEL, short_option-'0'); break; case '9': return usage_error("ERROR: compression level '9' is reserved\n"); case 'V': option_values.verify = true; break; case 'w': option_values.treat_warnings_as_errors = true; break; case 'S': FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); if(0 == strcmp(option_argument, "-")) { option_values.num_requested_seek_points = 0; option_values.requested_seek_points[0] = '\0'; } else { if(option_values.num_requested_seek_points < 0) option_values.num_requested_seek_points = 0; option_values.num_requested_seek_points++; if(strlen(option_values.requested_seek_points)+strlen(option_argument)+2 >= sizeof(option_values.requested_seek_points)) { return usage_error("ERROR: too many seekpoints requested\n"); } else { size_t len = strlen(option_values.requested_seek_points); flac_snprintf(option_values.requested_seek_points+len, sizeof(option_values.requested_seek_points) - len, "%s;", option_argument); } } break; case 'P': FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); option_values.padding = atoi(option_argument); if(option_values.padding < 0) return usage_error("ERROR: argument to -%c must be >= 0; for no padding use -%c-\n", short_option, short_option); break; case 'b': { uint32_t i ; FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); i = atoi(option_argument); if((i < (int)FLAC__MIN_BLOCK_SIZE || i > (int)FLAC__MAX_BLOCK_SIZE)) return usage_error("ERROR: invalid blocksize (-%c) '%d', must be >= %u and <= %u\n", short_option, i, FLAC__MIN_BLOCK_SIZE, FLAC__MAX_BLOCK_SIZE); add_compression_setting_uint32_t(CST_BLOCKSIZE, (uint32_t)i); } break; case 'e': add_compression_setting_bool(CST_DO_EXHAUSTIVE_MODEL_SEARCH, true); break; case 'E': add_compression_setting_bool(CST_DO_ESCAPE_CODING, true); break; case 'l': { uint32_t i ; FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); i = atoi(option_argument); if(i > FLAC__MAX_LPC_ORDER) return usage_error("ERROR: invalid LPC order (-%c) '%d', must be >= %u and <= %u\n", short_option, i, 0, FLAC__MAX_LPC_ORDER); add_compression_setting_uint32_t(CST_MAX_LPC_ORDER, i); } break; case 'A': FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); add_compression_setting_string(CST_APODIZATION, option_argument); break; case 'm': add_compression_setting_bool(CST_DO_MID_SIDE, true); add_compression_setting_bool(CST_LOOSE_MID_SIDE, false); break; case 'M': add_compression_setting_bool(CST_DO_MID_SIDE, true); add_compression_setting_bool(CST_LOOSE_MID_SIDE, true); break; case 'p': add_compression_setting_bool(CST_DO_QLP_COEFF_PREC_SEARCH, true); break; case 'q': { uint32_t i ; FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); i = atoi(option_argument); if((i > 0 && (i < FLAC__MIN_QLP_COEFF_PRECISION || i > FLAC__MAX_QLP_COEFF_PRECISION))) return usage_error("ERROR: invalid value '%d' for qlp coeff precision (-%c), must be 0 or between %u and %u, inclusive\n", i, short_option, FLAC__MIN_QLP_COEFF_PRECISION, FLAC__MAX_QLP_COEFF_PRECISION); add_compression_setting_uint32_t(CST_QLP_COEFF_PRECISION, i); } break; case 'r': { uint32_t i; char * p; FLAC__ASSERT(0 != option_argument); p = strchr(option_argument, ','); if(0 == p) { add_compression_setting_uint32_t(CST_MIN_RESIDUAL_PARTITION_ORDER, 0); i = atoi(option_argument); if(i > FLAC__MAX_RICE_PARTITION_ORDER) return usage_error("ERROR: invalid value '%d' for residual partition order (-%c), must be between 0 and %u, inclusive\n", i, short_option, FLAC__MAX_RICE_PARTITION_ORDER); add_compression_setting_uint32_t(CST_MAX_RESIDUAL_PARTITION_ORDER, i); } else { i = atoi(option_argument); if(i > FLAC__MAX_RICE_PARTITION_ORDER) return usage_error("ERROR: invalid value '%d' for min residual partition order (-%c), must be between 0 and %u, inclusive\n", i, short_option, FLAC__MAX_RICE_PARTITION_ORDER); add_compression_setting_uint32_t(CST_MIN_RESIDUAL_PARTITION_ORDER, i); i = atoi(++p); if(i > FLAC__MAX_RICE_PARTITION_ORDER) return usage_error("ERROR: invalid value '%d' for max residual partition order (-%c), must be between 0 and %u, inclusive\n", i, short_option, FLAC__MAX_RICE_PARTITION_ORDER); add_compression_setting_uint32_t(CST_MAX_RESIDUAL_PARTITION_ORDER, i); } } break; case 'R': { uint32_t i; i = atoi(option_argument); add_compression_setting_uint32_t(CST_RICE_PARAMETER_SEARCH_DIST, i); } break; default: FLAC__ASSERT(0); } } return 0; } void free_options(void) { uint32_t i; if(0 != option_values.filenames) { for(i = 0; i < option_values.num_files; i++) { if(0 != option_values.filenames[i]) free(option_values.filenames[i]); } free(option_values.filenames); } if(0 != option_values.vorbis_comment) FLAC__metadata_object_delete(option_values.vorbis_comment); for(i = 0; i < option_values.num_pictures; i++) FLAC__metadata_object_delete(option_values.pictures[i]); } void add_compression_setting_bool(compression_setting_type_t type, FLAC__bool value) { if(option_values.num_compression_settings >= sizeof(option_values.compression_settings)/sizeof(option_values.compression_settings[0])) die("too many compression settings"); option_values.compression_settings[option_values.num_compression_settings].type = type; option_values.compression_settings[option_values.num_compression_settings].value.t_bool = value; option_values.num_compression_settings++; } void add_compression_setting_string(compression_setting_type_t type, const char *value) { if(option_values.num_compression_settings >= sizeof(option_values.compression_settings)/sizeof(option_values.compression_settings[0])) die("too many compression settings"); option_values.compression_settings[option_values.num_compression_settings].type = type; option_values.compression_settings[option_values.num_compression_settings].value.t_string = value; option_values.num_compression_settings++; } void add_compression_setting_uint32_t(compression_setting_type_t type, uint32_t value) { if(option_values.num_compression_settings >= sizeof(option_values.compression_settings)/sizeof(option_values.compression_settings[0])) die("too many compression settings"); option_values.compression_settings[option_values.num_compression_settings].type = type; option_values.compression_settings[option_values.num_compression_settings].value.t_unsigned = value; option_values.num_compression_settings++; } int usage_error(const char *message, ...) { if(flac__utils_verbosity_ >= 1) { va_list args; FLAC__ASSERT(0 != message); va_start(args, message); (void) vfprintf(stderr, message, args); va_end(args); printf("Type \"flac\" for a usage summary or \"flac --help\" for all options\n"); } return 1; } void show_version(void) { printf("flac %s\n", FLAC__VERSION_STRING); } static void usage_header(void) { printf("===============================================================================\n"); printf("flac - Command-line FLAC encoder/decoder version %s\n", FLAC__VERSION_STRING); printf("Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Josh Coalson\n"); printf("Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Xiph.Org Foundation\n"); printf("\n"); printf("This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n"); printf("modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License\n"); printf("as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2\n"); printf("of the License, or (at your option) any later version.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n"); printf("but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n"); printf("MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n"); printf("GNU General Public License for more details.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along\n"); printf("with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,\n"); printf("51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.\n"); printf("===============================================================================\n"); } static void usage_summary(void) { printf("Usage:\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" Encoding: flac [] [] [INPUTFILE [...]]\n"); printf(" Decoding: flac -d [] [] [FLACFILE [...]]\n"); printf(" Testing: flac -t [] [FLACFILE [...]]\n"); printf("Analyzing: flac -a [] [] [FLACFILE [...]]\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Be sure to read the list of known bugs at:\n"); printf("http://xiph.org/flac/documentation_bugs.html\n"); printf("\n"); } void short_usage(void) { usage_header(); printf("\n"); printf("This is the short help; for all options use 'flac --help'; for even more\n"); printf("instructions use 'flac --explain'\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Be sure to read the list of known bugs at:\n"); printf("http://xiph.org/flac/documentation_bugs.html\n"); printf("\n"); printf("To encode:\n"); printf(" flac [-#] [INPUTFILE [...]]\n"); printf("\n"); printf(" -# is -0 (fastest compression) to -8 (highest compression); -5 is the default\n"); printf("\n"); printf("To decode:\n"); printf(" flac -d [INPUTFILE [...]]\n"); printf("\n"); printf("To test:\n"); printf(" flac -t [INPUTFILE [...]]\n"); } void show_help(void) { usage_header(); usage_summary(); printf("general options:\n"); printf(" -v, --version Show the flac version number\n"); printf(" -h, --help Show this screen\n"); printf(" -H, --explain Show detailed explanation of usage and options\n"); printf(" -d, --decode Decode (the default behavior is to encode)\n"); printf(" -t, --test Same as -d except no decoded file is written\n"); printf(" -a, --analyze Same as -d except an analysis file is written\n"); printf(" -c, --stdout Write output to stdout\n"); printf(" -s, --silent Do not write runtime encode/decode statistics\n"); printf(" --totally-silent Do not print anything, including errors\n"); printf(" --no-utf8-convert Do not convert tags from local charset to UTF-8\n"); printf(" -w, --warnings-as-errors Treat all warnings as errors\n"); printf(" -f, --force Force overwriting of output files\n"); printf(" -o, --output-name=FILENAME Force the output file name\n"); printf(" --output-prefix=STRING Prepend STRING to output names\n"); printf(" --delete-input-file Deletes after a successful encode/decode\n"); printf(" --preserve-modtime Output files keep timestamp of input (default)\n"); printf(" --keep-foreign-metadata Save/restore WAVE or AIFF non-audio chunks\n"); printf(" --skip={#|mm:ss.ss} Skip the given initial samples for each input\n"); printf(" --until={#|[+|-]mm:ss.ss} Stop at the given sample for each input file\n"); #if FLAC__HAS_OGG printf(" --ogg Use Ogg as transport layer\n"); printf(" --serial-number Serial number to use for the FLAC stream\n"); #endif printf("analysis options:\n"); printf(" --residual-text Include residual signal in text output\n"); printf(" --residual-gnuplot Generate gnuplot files of residual distribution\n"); printf("decoding options:\n"); printf(" -F, --decode-through-errors Continue decoding through stream errors\n"); printf(" --cue=[#.#][-[#.#]] Set the beginning and ending cuepoints to decode\n"); printf("encoding options:\n"); printf(" -V, --verify Verify a correct encoding\n"); printf(" --lax Allow encoder to generate non-Subset files\n"); printf(" --ignore-chunk-sizes Ignore data chunk sizes in WAVE/AIFF files\n"); printf(" --sector-align (DEPRECATED) Align multiple files on sector boundaries\n"); printf(" --replay-gain Calculate ReplayGain & store in FLAC tags\n"); printf(" --cuesheet=FILENAME Import cuesheet and store in CUESHEET block\n"); printf(" --picture=SPECIFICATION Import picture and store in PICTURE block\n"); printf(" -T, --tag=FIELD=VALUE Add a FLAC tag; may appear multiple times\n"); printf(" --tag-from-file=FIELD=FILENAME Like --tag but gets value from file\n"); printf(" -S, --seekpoint={#|X|#x|#s} Add seek point(s)\n"); printf(" -P, --padding=# Write a PADDING block of length #\n"); printf(" -0, --compression-level-0, --fast Synonymous with -l 0 -b 1152 -r 3\n"); printf(" -1, --compression-level-1 Synonymous with -l 0 -b 1152 -M -r 3\n"); printf(" -2, --compression-level-2 Synonymous with -l 0 -b 1152 -m -r 3\n"); printf(" -3, --compression-level-3 Synonymous with -l 6 -b 4096 -r 4\n"); printf(" -4, --compression-level-4 Synonymous with -l 8 -b 4096 -M -r 4\n"); printf(" -5, --compression-level-5 Synonymous with -l 8 -b 4096 -m -r 5\n"); printf(" -6, --compression-level-6 Synonymous with -l 8 -b 4096 -m -r 6\n"); printf(" -A tukey(0.5) -A partial_tukey(2)\n"); printf(" -7, --compression-level-7 Synonymous with -l 12 -b 4096 -m -r 6\n"); printf(" -A tukey(0.5) -A partial_tukey(2)\n"); printf(" -8, --compression-level-8, --best Synonymous with -l 12 -b 4096 -m -r 6\n"); printf(" -A tukey(0.5) -A partial_tukey(2) -A punchout_tukey(3)\n"); printf(" -b, --blocksize=# Specify blocksize in samples\n"); printf(" -m, --mid-side Try mid-side coding for each frame\n"); printf(" -M, --adaptive-mid-side Adaptive mid-side coding for all frames\n"); printf(" -e, --exhaustive-model-search Do exhaustive model search (expensive!)\n"); printf(" -A, --apodization=\"function\" Window audio data with given the function\n"); printf(" -l, --max-lpc-order=# Max LPC order; 0 => only fixed predictors\n"); printf(" -p, --qlp-coeff-precision-search Exhaustively search LP coeff quantization\n"); printf(" -q, --qlp-coeff-precision=# Specify precision in bits\n"); printf(" -r, --rice-partition-order=[#,]# Set [min,]max residual partition order\n"); printf("format options:\n"); printf(" --force-raw-format Treat input or output as raw samples\n"); printf(" --force-aiff-format Force decoding to AIFF format\n"); printf(" --force-rf64-format Force decoding to RF64 format\n"); printf(" --force-wave64-format Force decoding to Wave64 format\n"); printf("raw format options:\n"); printf(" --endian={big|little} Set byte order for samples\n"); printf(" --channels=# Number of channels\n"); printf(" --bps=# Number of bits per sample\n"); printf(" --sample-rate=# Sample rate in Hz\n"); printf(" --sign={signed|uint32_t} Sign of samples\n"); printf(" --input-size=# Size of the raw input in bytes\n"); printf("negative options:\n"); printf(" --no-adaptive-mid-side\n"); printf(" --no-cued-seekpoints\n"); printf(" --no-decode-through-errors\n"); printf(" --no-delete-input-file\n"); printf(" --no-error-on-compression-fail\n"); printf(" --no-preserve-modtime\n"); printf(" --no-keep-foreign-metadata\n"); printf(" --no-exhaustive-model-search\n"); printf(" --no-lax\n"); printf(" --no-mid-side\n"); #if FLAC__HAS_OGG printf(" --no-ogg\n"); #endif printf(" --no-padding\n"); printf(" --no-qlp-coeff-prec-search\n"); printf(" --no-replay-gain\n"); printf(" --no-residual-gnuplot\n"); printf(" --no-residual-text\n"); printf(" --no-ignore-chunk-sizes\n"); printf(" --no-sector-align\n"); printf(" --no-seektable\n"); printf(" --no-silent\n"); printf(" --no-force\n"); printf(" --no-verify\n"); printf(" --no-warnings-as-errors\n"); } void show_explain(void) { usage_header(); usage_summary(); printf("For encoding:\n"); printf(" The input file(s) may be a PCM WAVE or RF64 file, AIFF (or uncompressed\n"); printf(" AIFF-C) file, or raw samples.\n"); printf(" The output file(s) will be in native FLAC or Ogg FLAC format\n"); printf("For decoding, the reverse is true.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("A single INPUTFILE may be - for stdin. No INPUTFILE implies stdin. Use of\n"); printf("stdin implies -c (write to stdout). Normally you should use:\n"); printf(" flac [options] -o outfilename or flac -d [options] -o outfilename\n"); printf("instead of:\n"); printf(" flac [options] > outfilename or flac -d [options] > outfilename\n"); printf("since the former allows flac to seek backwards to write the STREAMINFO or\n"); printf("WAVE/AIFF header contents when necessary.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("flac checks for the presence of a AIFF/WAVE header to decide whether or not to\n"); printf("treat an input file as AIFF/WAVE format or raw samples. If any input file is\n"); printf("raw you must specify the format options {-fb|fl} -fc -fp and -fs, which will\n"); printf("apply to all raw files. You can force AIFF/WAVE files to be treated as raw\n"); printf("files using -fr.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("general options:\n"); printf(" -v, --version Show the flac version number\n"); printf(" -h, --help Show basic usage a list of all options\n"); printf(" -H, --explain Show this screen\n"); printf(" -d, --decode Decode (the default behavior is to encode)\n"); printf(" -t, --test Same as -d except no decoded file is written\n"); printf(" -a, --analyze Same as -d except an analysis file is written\n"); printf(" -c, --stdout Write output to stdout\n"); printf(" -s, --silent Do not write runtime encode/decode statistics\n"); printf(" --totally-silent Do not print anything of any kind, including\n"); printf(" warnings or errors. The exit code will be the\n"); printf(" only way to determine successful completion.\n"); printf(" --no-utf8-convert Do not convert tags from local charset to UTF-8.\n"); printf(" This is useful for scripts, and setting tags in\n"); printf(" situations where the locale is wrong. This\n"); printf(" option must appear before any tag options!\n"); printf(" -w, --warnings-as-errors Treat all warnings as errors\n"); printf(" -f, --force Force overwriting of output files\n"); printf(" -o, --output-name=FILENAME Force the output file name; usually flac just\n"); printf(" changes the extension. May only be used when\n"); printf(" encoding a single file. May not be used in\n"); printf(" conjunction with --output-prefix.\n"); printf(" --output-prefix=STRING Prefix each output file name with the given\n"); printf(" STRING. This can be useful for encoding or\n"); printf(" decoding files to a different directory. Make\n"); printf(" sure if your STRING is a path name that it ends\n"); printf(" with a '/' slash.\n"); printf(" --delete-input-file Automatically delete the input file after a\n"); printf(" successful encode or decode. If there was an\n"); printf(" error (including a verify error) the input file\n"); printf(" is left intact.\n"); printf(" --preserve-modtime Output files have their timestamps/permissions\n"); printf(" set to match those of their inputs (this is\n"); printf(" default). Use --no-preserve-modtime to make\n"); printf(" output files have the current time and default\n"); printf(" permissions.\n"); printf(" --keep-foreign-metadata If encoding, save WAVE or AIFF non-audio chunks\n"); printf(" in FLAC metadata. If decoding, restore any saved\n"); printf(" non-audio chunks from FLAC metadata when writing\n"); printf(" the decoded file. Foreign metadata cannot be\n"); printf(" transcoded, e.g. WAVE chunks saved in a FLAC file\n"); printf(" cannot be restored when decoding to AIFF. Input\n"); printf(" and output must be regular files, not stdin/out.\n"); printf(" --skip={#|mm:ss.ss} Skip the first # samples of each input file; can\n"); printf(" be used both for encoding and decoding. The\n"); printf(" alternative form mm:ss.ss can be used to specify\n"); printf(" minutes, seconds, and fractions of a second.\n"); printf(" --until={#|[+|-]mm:ss.ss} Stop at the given sample number for each input\n"); printf(" file. The given sample number is not included\n"); printf(" in the decoded output. The alternative form\n"); printf(" mm:ss.ss can be used to specify minutes,\n"); printf(" seconds, and fractions of a second. If a `+'\n"); printf(" sign is at the beginning, the --until point is\n"); printf(" relative to the --skip point. If a `-' sign is\n"); printf(" at the beginning, the --until point is relative\n"); printf(" to end of the audio.\n"); #if FLAC__HAS_OGG printf(" --ogg When encoding, generate Ogg FLAC output instead\n"); printf(" of native FLAC. Ogg FLAC streams are FLAC\n"); printf(" streams wrapped in an Ogg transport layer. The\n"); printf(" resulting file should have an '.oga' extension\n"); printf(" and will still be decodable by flac. When\n"); printf(" decoding, force the input to be treated as\n"); printf(" Ogg FLAC. This is useful when piping input\n"); printf(" from stdin or when the filename does not end in\n"); printf(" '.oga' or '.ogg'.\n"); printf(" --serial-number Serial number to use for the FLAC stream. When\n"); printf(" encoding and no serial number is given, flac\n"); printf(" uses a random one. If encoding to multiple files\n"); printf(" the serial number is incremented for each file.\n"); printf(" When decoding and no number is given, flac uses\n"); printf(" the serial number of the first page.\n"); #endif printf("analysis options:\n"); printf(" --residual-text Include residual signal in text output. This\n"); printf(" will make the file very big, much larger than\n"); printf(" even the decoded file.\n"); printf(" --residual-gnuplot Generate gnuplot files of residual distribution\n"); printf(" of each subframe\n"); printf("decoding options:\n"); printf(" -F, --decode-through-errors By default flac stops decoding with an error\n"); printf(" and removes the partially decoded file if it\n"); printf(" encounters a bitstream error. With -F, errors\n"); printf(" are still printed but flac will continue\n"); printf(" decoding to completion. Note that errors may\n"); printf(" cause the decoded audio to be missing some\n"); printf(" samples or have silent sections.\n"); printf(" --cue=[#.#][-[#.#]] Set the beginning and ending cuepoints to\n"); printf(" decode. The optional first #.# is the track and\n"); printf(" index point at which decoding will start; the\n"); printf(" default is the beginning of the stream. The\n"); printf(" optional second #.# is the track and index point\n"); printf(" at which decoding will end; the default is the\n"); printf(" end of the stream. If the cuepoint does not\n"); printf(" exist, the closest one before it (for the start\n"); printf(" point) or after it (for the end point) will be\n"); printf(" used. The cuepoints are merely translated into\n"); printf(" sample numbers then used as --skip and --until.\n"); printf(" A CD track can always be cued by, for example,\n"); printf(" --cue=9.1-10.1 for track 9, even if the CD has\n"); printf(" no 10th track.\n"); printf("encoding options:\n"); printf(" -V, --verify Verify a correct encoding by decoding the\n"); printf(" output in parallel and comparing to the\n"); printf(" original\n"); printf(" --lax Allow encoder to generate non-Subset files\n"); printf(" --ignore-chunk-sizes Ignore data chunk sizes in WAVE/AIFF files;\n"); printf(" useful when piping data from programs which\n"); printf(" generate bogus data chunk sizes.\n"); printf(" --sector-align Align encoding of multiple CD format WAVE files\n"); printf(" on sector boundaries. This option is DEPRECATED\n"); printf(" and may not exist in future versions of flac.\n"); printf(" shntool offers similar functionality.\n"); printf(" --replay-gain Calculate ReplayGain values and store them as\n"); printf(" FLAC tags. Title gains/peaks will be computed\n"); printf(" for each file, and an album gain/peak will be\n"); printf(" computed for all files. All input files must\n"); printf(" have the same resolution, sample rate, and\n"); printf(" number of channels. The sample rate must be\n"); printf(" one of 8, 11.025, 12, 16, 22.05, 24, 32, 44.1,\n"); printf(" or 48 kHz. NOTE: this option may also leave a\n"); printf(" few extra bytes in the PADDING block.\n"); printf(" --cuesheet=FILENAME Import the given cuesheet file and store it in\n"); printf(" a CUESHEET metadata block. This option may only\n"); printf(" be used when encoding a single file. A\n"); printf(" seekpoint will be added for each index point in\n"); printf(" the cuesheet to the SEEKTABLE unless\n"); printf(" --no-cued-seekpoints is specified.\n"); printf(" --picture=SPECIFICATION Import a picture and store it in a PICTURE block.\n"); printf(" More than one --picture command can be specified.\n"); printf(" The SPECIFICATION can either be a simple filename\n"); printf(" for the picture file, or a complete specification\n"); printf(" whose parts are separated by | characters. Some\n"); printf(" parts may be left empty to invoke default values.\n"); printf(" Using a filename is shorthand for \"||||FILE\".\n"); printf(" The SPECIFICATION format is:\n"); printf(" [TYPE]|[MIME-TYPE]|[DESCRIPTION]|[WIDTHxHEIGHTxDEPTH[/COLORS]]|FILE\n"); printf(" TYPE is optional; it is a number from one of:\n"); printf(" 0: Other\n"); printf(" 1: 32x32 pixels 'file icon' (PNG only)\n"); printf(" 2: Other file icon\n"); printf(" 3: Cover (front)\n"); printf(" 4: Cover (back)\n"); printf(" 5: Leaflet page\n"); printf(" 6: Media (e.g. label side of CD)\n"); printf(" 7: Lead artist/lead performer/soloist\n"); printf(" 8: Artist/performer\n"); printf(" 9: Conductor\n"); printf(" 10: Band/Orchestra\n"); printf(" 11: Composer\n"); printf(" 12: Lyricist/text writer\n"); printf(" 13: Recording Location\n"); printf(" 14: During recording\n"); printf(" 15: During performance\n"); printf(" 16: Movie/video screen capture\n"); printf(" 17: A bright coloured fish\n"); printf(" 18: Illustration\n"); printf(" 19: Band/artist logotype\n"); printf(" 20: Publisher/Studio logotype\n"); printf(" The default is 3 (front cover). There may only be one picture each\n"); printf(" of type 1 and 2 in a file.\n"); printf(" MIME-TYPE is optional; if left blank, it will be detected from the\n"); printf(" file. For best compatibility with players, use pictures with MIME\n"); printf(" type image/jpeg or image/png. The MIME type can also be --> to\n"); printf(" mean that FILE is actually a URL to an image, though this use is\n"); printf(" discouraged.\n"); printf(" DESCRIPTION is optional; the default is an empty string\n"); printf(" The next part specifies the resolution and color information. If\n"); printf(" the MIME-TYPE is image/jpeg, image/png, or image/gif, you can\n"); printf(" usually leave this empty and they can be detected from the file.\n"); printf(" Otherwise, you must specify the width in pixels, height in pixels,\n"); printf(" and color depth in bits-per-pixel. If the image has indexed colors\n"); printf(" you should also specify the number of colors used.\n"); printf(" FILE is the path to the picture file to be imported, or the URL if\n"); printf(" MIME type is -->\n"); printf(" -T, --tag=FIELD=VALUE Add a FLAC tag. Make sure to quote the\n"); printf(" comment if necessary. This option may appear\n"); printf(" more than once to add several comments. NOTE:\n"); printf(" all tags will be added to all encoded files.\n"); printf(" --tag-from-file=FIELD=FILENAME Like --tag, except FILENAME is a file\n"); printf(" whose contents will be read verbatim to set the\n"); printf(" tag value. The contents will be converted to\n"); printf(" UTF-8 from the local charset. This can be used\n"); printf(" to store a cuesheet in a tag (e.g.\n"); printf(" --tag-from-file=\"CUESHEET=image.cue\"). Do not\n"); printf(" try to store binary data in tag fields! Use\n"); printf(" APPLICATION blocks for that.\n"); printf(" -S, --seekpoint={#|X|#x|#s} Include a point or points in a SEEKTABLE\n"); printf(" # : a specific sample number for a seek point\n"); printf(" X : a placeholder point (always goes at the end of the SEEKTABLE)\n"); printf(" #x : # evenly spaced seekpoints, the first being at sample 0\n"); printf(" #s : a seekpoint every # seconds; # does not have to be a whole number\n"); printf(" You may use many -S options; the resulting SEEKTABLE will be the unique-\n"); printf(" ified union of all such values.\n"); printf(" With no -S options, flac defaults to '-S 10s'. Use -S- for no SEEKTABLE.\n"); printf(" Note: -S #x and -S #s will not work if the encoder can't determine the\n"); printf(" input size before starting.\n"); printf(" Note: if you use -S # and # is >= samples in the input, there will be\n"); printf(" either no seek point entered (if the input size is determinable\n"); printf(" before encoding starts) or a placeholder point (if input size is not\n"); printf(" determinable)\n"); printf(" -P, --padding=# Tell the encoder to write a PADDING metadata\n"); printf(" block of the given length (in bytes) after the\n"); printf(" STREAMINFO block. This is useful if you plan\n"); printf(" to tag the file later with an APPLICATION\n"); printf(" block; instead of having to rewrite the entire\n"); printf(" file later just to insert your block, you can\n"); printf(" write directly over the PADDING block. Note\n"); printf(" that the total length of the PADDING block will\n"); printf(" be 4 bytes longer than the length given because\n"); printf(" of the 4 metadata block header bytes. You can\n"); printf(" force no PADDING block at all to be written with\n"); printf(" --no-padding. The encoder writes a PADDING\n"); printf(" block of 8192 bytes by default, or 65536 bytes\n"); printf(" if the input audio is more than 20 minutes long.\n"); printf(" -b, --blocksize=# Specify the blocksize in samples; the default is\n"); printf(" 1152 for -l 0, else 4096; must be one of 192,\n"); printf(" 576, 1152, 2304, 4608, 256, 512, 1024, 2048,\n"); printf(" 4096 (and 8192 or 16384 if the sample rate is\n"); printf(" >48kHz) for Subset streams.\n"); printf(" -0, --compression-level-0, --fast Synonymous with -l 0 -b 1152 -r 3\n"); printf(" -1, --compression-level-1 Synonymous with -l 0 -b 1152 -M -r 3\n"); printf(" -2, --compression-level-2 Synonymous with -l 0 -b 1152 -m -r 3\n"); printf(" -3, --compression-level-3 Synonymous with -l 6 -b 4096 -r 4\n"); printf(" -4, --compression-level-4 Synonymous with -l 8 -b 4096 -M -r 4\n"); printf(" -5, --compression-level-5 Synonymous with -l 8 -b 4096 -m -r 5\n"); printf(" -5 is the default setting\n"); printf(" -6, --compression-level-6 Synonymous with -l 8 -b 4096 -m -r 6\n"); printf(" -A tukey(0.5) -A partial_tukey(2)\n"); printf(" -7, --compression-level-7 Synonymous with -l 12 -b 4096 -m -r 6\n"); printf(" -A tukey(0.5) -A partial_tukey(2)\n"); printf(" -8, --compression-level-8, --best Synonymous with -l 12 -b 4096 -m -r 6\n"); printf(" -A tukey(0.5) -A partial_tukey(2) -A punchout_tukey(3)\n"); printf(" -m, --mid-side Try mid-side coding for each frame\n"); printf(" (stereo only)\n"); printf(" -M, --adaptive-mid-side Adaptive mid-side coding for all frames\n"); printf(" (stereo only)\n"); printf(" -e, --exhaustive-model-search Do exhaustive model search (expensive!)\n"); printf(" -A, --apodization=\"function\" Window audio data with given the function.\n"); printf(" The functions are: bartlett, bartlett_hann,\n"); printf(" blackman, blackman_harris_4term_92db,\n"); printf(" connes, flattop, gauss(STDDEV), hamming,\n"); printf(" hann, kaiser_bessel, nuttall, rectangle,\n"); printf(" triangle, tukey(P), welch, partial_tukey(n),\n"); printf(" punchout_tukey(n). More than one may be\n"); printf(" specified but encoding time is a multiple of\n"); printf(" the number of functions since they are each\n"); printf(" tried in turn. The encoder chooses suitable\n"); printf(" defaults in the absence of any -A options.\n"); printf(" -l, --max-lpc-order=# Max LPC order; 0 => only fixed predictors.\n"); printf(" Must be <= 12 for Subset streams if sample\n"); printf(" rate is <=48kHz.\n"); printf(" -p, --qlp-coeff-precision-search Do exhaustive search of LP coefficient\n"); printf(" quantization (expensive!); overrides -q;\n"); printf(" does nothing if using -l 0\n"); printf(" -q, --qlp-coeff-precision=# Specify precision in bits of quantized\n"); printf(" linear-predictor coefficients; 0 => let\n"); printf(" encoder decide (the minimum is %u, the\n", FLAC__MIN_QLP_COEFF_PRECISION); printf(" default is -q 0)\n"); printf(" -r, --rice-partition-order=[#,]# Set [min,]max residual partition order\n"); printf(" (# is 0 to 15 inclusive; min defaults to 0;\n"); printf(" the default is -r 0; above 4 does not\n"); printf(" usually help much)\n"); printf("format options:\n"); printf(" --force-raw-format Force input (when encoding) or output (when\n"); printf(" decoding) to be treated as raw samples\n"); printf(" --force-aiff-format Force the decoder to output AIFF format. This\n"); printf(" option is not needed if the output filename (as\n"); printf(" set by -o) ends with .aif or .aiff; this option\n"); printf(" has no effect when encoding since input AIFF is\n"); printf(" auto-detected.\n"); printf(" --force-rf64-format Force the decoder to output RF64 format. This\n"); printf(" option is not needed if the output filename (as\n"); printf(" set by -o) ends with .rf64; this option\n"); printf(" has no effect when encoding since input RF64 is\n"); printf(" auto-detected.\n"); printf(" --force-wave64-format Force the decoder to output Wave64 format. This\n"); printf(" option is not needed if the output filename (as\n"); printf(" set by -o) ends with .w64; this option\n"); printf(" has no effect when encoding since input Wave64 is\n"); printf(" auto-detected.\n"); printf("raw format options:\n"); printf(" --endian={big|little} Set byte order for samples\n"); printf(" --channels=# Number of channels\n"); printf(" --bps=# Number of bits per sample\n"); printf(" --sample-rate=# Sample rate in Hz\n"); printf(" --sign={signed|uint32_t} Sign of samples (the default is signed)\n"); printf(" --input-size=# Size of the raw input in bytes. If you are\n"); printf(" encoding raw samples from stdin, you must set\n"); printf(" this option in order to be able to use --skip,\n"); printf(" --until, --cuesheet, or other options that need\n"); printf(" to know the size of the input beforehand. If\n"); printf(" the size given is greater than what is found in\n"); printf(" the input stream, the encoder will complain\n"); printf(" about an unexpected end-of-file. If the size\n"); printf(" given is less, samples will be truncated.\n"); printf("negative options:\n"); printf(" --no-adaptive-mid-side\n"); printf(" --no-cued-seekpoints\n"); printf(" --no-decode-through-errors\n"); printf(" --no-delete-input-file\n"); printf(" --no-preserve-modtime\n"); printf(" --no-keep-foreign-metadata\n"); printf(" --no-exhaustive-model-search\n"); printf(" --no-lax\n"); printf(" --no-mid-side\n"); #if FLAC__HAS_OGG printf(" --no-ogg\n"); #endif printf(" --no-padding\n"); printf(" --no-qlp-coeff-prec-search\n"); printf(" --no-residual-gnuplot\n"); printf(" --no-residual-text\n"); printf(" --no-ignore-chunk-sizes\n"); printf(" --no-sector-align\n"); printf(" --no-seektable\n"); printf(" --no-silent\n"); printf(" --no-force\n"); printf(" --no-verify\n"); printf(" --no-warnings-as-errors\n"); } void format_mistake(const char *infilename, FileFormat wrong, FileFormat right) { /* WATCHOUT: indexed by FileFormat */ static const char * const ff[] = { " raw", " WAVE", "n RF64", "n AIFF", "n AIFF-C", " FLAC", "n Ogg FLAC" }; flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "WARNING: %s is not a%s file; treating as a%s file\n", infilename, ff[wrong], ff[right]); } int encode_file(const char *infilename, FLAC__bool is_first_file, FLAC__bool is_last_file) { FILE *encode_infile; FLAC__byte lookahead[12]; uint32_t lookahead_length = 0; FileFormat input_format = FORMAT_RAW; int retval; FLAC__off_t infilesize; encode_options_t encode_options; const char *outfilename = get_encoded_outfilename(infilename); /* the final name of the encoded file */ /* internal_outfilename is the file we will actually write to; it will be a temporary name if infilename==outfilename */ char *internal_outfilename = 0; /* NULL implies 'use outfilename' */ if(0 == outfilename) { flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "ERROR: filename too long: %s", infilename); return 1; } if(0 == strcmp(infilename, "-")) { infilesize = (FLAC__off_t)(-1); encode_infile = grabbag__file_get_binary_stdin(); } else { infilesize = grabbag__file_get_filesize(infilename); if(0 == (encode_infile = flac_fopen(infilename, "rb"))) { flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "ERROR: can't open input file %s: %s\n", infilename, strerror(errno)); return 1; } } if(!option_values.force_raw_format) { /* first set format based on name */ if(strlen(infilename) >= 4 && 0 == FLAC__STRCASECMP(infilename+(strlen(infilename)-4), ".wav")) input_format = FORMAT_WAVE; else if(strlen(infilename) >= 5 && 0 == FLAC__STRCASECMP(infilename+(strlen(infilename)-5), ".rf64")) input_format = FORMAT_RF64; else if(strlen(infilename) >= 4 && 0 == FLAC__STRCASECMP(infilename+(strlen(infilename)-4), ".w64")) input_format = FORMAT_WAVE64; else if(strlen(infilename) >= 4 && 0 == FLAC__STRCASECMP(infilename+(strlen(infilename)-4), ".aif")) input_format = FORMAT_AIFF; else if(strlen(infilename) >= 5 && 0 == FLAC__STRCASECMP(infilename+(strlen(infilename)-5), ".aiff")) input_format = FORMAT_AIFF; else if(strlen(infilename) >= 5 && 0 == FLAC__STRCASECMP(infilename+(strlen(infilename)-5), ".flac")) input_format = FORMAT_FLAC; else if(strlen(infilename) >= 4 && 0 == FLAC__STRCASECMP(infilename+(strlen(infilename)-4), ".oga")) input_format = FORMAT_OGGFLAC; else if(strlen(infilename) >= 4 && 0 == FLAC__STRCASECMP(infilename+(strlen(infilename)-4), ".ogg")) input_format = FORMAT_OGGFLAC; /* attempt to guess the file type based on the first 12 bytes */ if((lookahead_length = fread(lookahead, 1, 12, encode_infile)) < 12) { /* all supported non-raw formats have at least 12 bytes of header to read */ if(input_format != FORMAT_RAW) { format_mistake(infilename, input_format, FORMAT_RAW); if(option_values.treat_warnings_as_errors) { conditional_fclose(encode_infile); return 1; } } /* force to raw */ input_format = FORMAT_RAW; } else { if(!memcmp(lookahead, "ID3", 3)) { flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "ERROR: input file %s has an ID3v2 tag\n", infilename); conditional_fclose(encode_infile); return 1; } else if(!memcmp(lookahead, "RIFF", 4) && !memcmp(lookahead+8, "WAVE", 4)) input_format = FORMAT_WAVE; else if(!memcmp(lookahead, "RF64", 4) && !memcmp(lookahead+8, "WAVE", 4)) input_format = FORMAT_RF64; else if(!memcmp(lookahead, "riff\x2E\x91\xCF\x11\xA5\xD6\x28\xDB", 12)) /* just check 1st 12 bytes of GUID */ input_format = FORMAT_WAVE64; else if(!memcmp(lookahead, "FORM", 4) && !memcmp(lookahead+8, "AIFF", 4)) input_format = FORMAT_AIFF; else if(!memcmp(lookahead, "FORM", 4) && !memcmp(lookahead+8, "AIFC", 4)) input_format = FORMAT_AIFF_C; else if(!memcmp(lookahead, FLAC__STREAM_SYNC_STRING, sizeof(FLAC__STREAM_SYNC_STRING))) input_format = FORMAT_FLAC; /*@@@ this could be made more accurate by looking at the first packet to make sure it's Ogg FLAC and not, say, Ogg Vorbis. we do catch such problems later though. */ else if(!memcmp(lookahead, "OggS", 4)) input_format = FORMAT_OGGFLAC; else { /* didn't find header of any supported format */ if(input_format != FORMAT_RAW) { format_mistake(infilename, input_format, FORMAT_RAW); if(option_values.treat_warnings_as_errors) { conditional_fclose(encode_infile); return 1; } } /* force to raw */ input_format = FORMAT_RAW; } } } if(option_values.keep_foreign_metadata) { if(encode_infile == stdin || option_values.force_to_stdout) { conditional_fclose(encode_infile); return usage_error("ERROR: --keep-foreign-metadata cannot be used when encoding from stdin or to stdout\n"); } if(input_format != FORMAT_WAVE && input_format != FORMAT_WAVE64 && input_format != FORMAT_RF64 && input_format != FORMAT_AIFF && input_format != FORMAT_AIFF_C) { conditional_fclose(encode_infile); return usage_error("ERROR: --keep-foreign-metadata can only be used with WAVE, Wave64, RF64, or AIFF input\n"); } } /* * Error if output file already exists (and -f not used). * Use grabbag__file_get_filesize() as a cheap way to check. */ if(!option_values.test_only && !option_values.force_file_overwrite && strcmp(outfilename, "-") && grabbag__file_get_filesize(outfilename) != (FLAC__off_t)(-1)) { if(input_format == FORMAT_FLAC) { /* need more detailed error message when re-flac'ing to avoid confusing the user */ flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "ERROR: output file %s already exists.\n\n" "By default flac encodes files to FLAC format; if you meant to decode this file\n" "from FLAC to something else, use -d. If you meant to re-encode this file from\n" "FLAC to FLAC again, use -f to force writing to the same file, or -o to specify\n" "a different output filename.\n", outfilename ); } else if(input_format == FORMAT_OGGFLAC) { /* need more detailed error message when re-flac'ing to avoid confusing the user */ flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "ERROR: output file %s already exists.\n\n" "By default 'flac -ogg' encodes files to Ogg FLAC format; if you meant to decode\n" "this file from Ogg FLAC to something else, use -d. If you meant to re-encode\n" "this file from Ogg FLAC to Ogg FLAC again, use -f to force writing to the same\n" "file, or -o to specify a different output filename.\n", outfilename ); } else flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "ERROR: output file %s already exists, use -f to override\n", outfilename); conditional_fclose(encode_infile); return 1; } if(option_values.format_input_size >= 0) { if (input_format != FORMAT_RAW || infilesize >= 0) { flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "ERROR: can only use --input-size when encoding raw samples from stdin\n"); conditional_fclose(encode_infile); return 1; } else { infilesize = option_values.format_input_size; } } if(option_values.sector_align && (input_format == FORMAT_FLAC || input_format == FORMAT_OGGFLAC)) { flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "ERROR: can't use --sector-align when the input file is FLAC or Ogg FLAC\n"); conditional_fclose(encode_infile); return 1; } if(option_values.sector_align && input_format == FORMAT_RAW && infilesize < 0) { flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "ERROR: can't use --sector-align when the input size is unknown\n"); conditional_fclose(encode_infile); return 1; } if(input_format == FORMAT_RAW) { if(option_values.format_is_big_endian < 0 || option_values.format_is_unsigned_samples < 0 || option_values.format_channels < 0 || option_values.format_bps < 0 || option_values.format_sample_rate < 0) { conditional_fclose(encode_infile); return usage_error("ERROR: for encoding a raw file you must specify a value for --endian, --sign, --channels, --bps, and --sample-rate\n"); } } else { if(option_values.format_is_big_endian >= 0 || option_values.format_is_unsigned_samples >= 0 || option_values.format_channels >= 0 || option_values.format_bps >= 0 || option_values.format_sample_rate >= 0) { conditional_fclose(encode_infile); return usage_error("ERROR: raw format options (--endian, --sign, --channels, --bps, and --sample-rate) are not allowed for non-raw input\n"); } } if(option_values.force_to_stdout) { if(option_values.replay_gain) { conditional_fclose(encode_infile); return usage_error("ERROR: --replay-gain cannot be used when encoding to stdout\n"); } } if(option_values.replay_gain && option_values.use_ogg) { conditional_fclose(encode_infile); return usage_error("ERROR: --replay-gain cannot be used when encoding to Ogg FLAC yet\n"); } if(!flac__utils_parse_skip_until_specification(option_values.skip_specification, &encode_options.skip_specification) || encode_options.skip_specification.is_relative) { conditional_fclose(encode_infile); return usage_error("ERROR: invalid value for --skip\n"); } if(!flac__utils_parse_skip_until_specification(option_values.until_specification, &encode_options.until_specification)) { /*@@@@ more checks: no + without --skip, no - unless known total_samples_to_{en,de}code */ conditional_fclose(encode_infile); return usage_error("ERROR: invalid value for --until\n"); } /* if there is no "--until" we want to default to "--until=-0" */ if(0 == option_values.until_specification) encode_options.until_specification.is_relative = true; encode_options.verify = option_values.verify; encode_options.treat_warnings_as_errors = option_values.treat_warnings_as_errors; #if FLAC__HAS_OGG encode_options.use_ogg = option_values.use_ogg; /* set a random serial number if one has not yet been specified */ if(!option_values.has_serial_number) { option_values.serial_number = rand(); option_values.has_serial_number = true; } encode_options.serial_number = option_values.serial_number++; #endif encode_options.lax = option_values.lax; encode_options.padding = option_values.padding; encode_options.num_compression_settings = option_values.num_compression_settings; FLAC__ASSERT(sizeof(encode_options.compression_settings) >= sizeof(option_values.compression_settings)); memcpy(encode_options.compression_settings, option_values.compression_settings, sizeof(option_values.compression_settings)); encode_options.requested_seek_points = option_values.requested_seek_points; encode_options.num_requested_seek_points = option_values.num_requested_seek_points; encode_options.cuesheet_filename = option_values.cuesheet_filename; encode_options.continue_through_decode_errors = option_values.continue_through_decode_errors; encode_options.cued_seekpoints = option_values.cued_seekpoints; encode_options.channel_map_none = option_values.channel_map_none; encode_options.is_first_file = is_first_file; encode_options.is_last_file = is_last_file; encode_options.align_reservoir = align_reservoir; encode_options.align_reservoir_samples = &align_reservoir_samples; encode_options.replay_gain = option_values.replay_gain; encode_options.ignore_chunk_sizes = option_values.ignore_chunk_sizes; encode_options.sector_align = option_values.sector_align; encode_options.vorbis_comment = option_values.vorbis_comment; FLAC__ASSERT(sizeof(encode_options.pictures) >= sizeof(option_values.pictures)); memcpy(encode_options.pictures, option_values.pictures, sizeof(option_values.pictures)); encode_options.num_pictures = option_values.num_pictures; encode_options.format = input_format; encode_options.debug.disable_constant_subframes = option_values.debug.disable_constant_subframes; encode_options.debug.disable_fixed_subframes = option_values.debug.disable_fixed_subframes; encode_options.debug.disable_verbatim_subframes = option_values.debug.disable_verbatim_subframes; encode_options.debug.do_md5 = option_values.debug.do_md5; encode_options.error_on_compression_fail = option_values.error_on_compression_fail; /* if infilename and outfilename point to the same file, we need to write to a temporary file */ if(encode_infile != stdin && grabbag__file_are_same(infilename, outfilename)) { static const char *tmp_suffix = ".tmp,fl-ac+en'c"; size_t dest_len = strlen(outfilename) + strlen(tmp_suffix) + 1; /*@@@@ still a remote possibility that a file with this filename exists */ if((internal_outfilename = safe_malloc_(dest_len)) == NULL) { flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "ERROR allocating memory for tempfile name\n"); conditional_fclose(encode_infile); return 1; } snprintf(internal_outfilename, dest_len, "%s%s", outfilename, tmp_suffix); } if(input_format == FORMAT_RAW) { encode_options.format_options.raw.is_big_endian = option_values.format_is_big_endian; encode_options.format_options.raw.is_unsigned_samples = option_values.format_is_unsigned_samples; encode_options.format_options.raw.channels = option_values.format_channels; encode_options.format_options.raw.bps = option_values.format_bps; encode_options.format_options.raw.sample_rate = option_values.format_sample_rate; retval = flac__encode_file(encode_infile, infilesize, infilename, internal_outfilename? internal_outfilename : outfilename, lookahead, lookahead_length, encode_options); } else if(input_format == FORMAT_FLAC || input_format == FORMAT_OGGFLAC) { retval = flac__encode_file(encode_infile, infilesize, infilename, internal_outfilename? internal_outfilename : outfilename, lookahead, lookahead_length, encode_options); } else if(input_format == FORMAT_WAVE || input_format == FORMAT_WAVE64 || input_format == FORMAT_RF64 || input_format == FORMAT_AIFF || input_format == FORMAT_AIFF_C) { encode_options.format_options.iff.foreign_metadata = 0; /* initialize foreign metadata if requested */ if(option_values.keep_foreign_metadata) { encode_options.format_options.iff.foreign_metadata = flac__foreign_metadata_new( input_format==FORMAT_WAVE || input_format==FORMAT_RF64? FOREIGN_BLOCK_TYPE__RIFF : input_format==FORMAT_WAVE64? FOREIGN_BLOCK_TYPE__WAVE64 : FOREIGN_BLOCK_TYPE__AIFF ); if(0 == encode_options.format_options.iff.foreign_metadata) { flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "ERROR: creating foreign metadata object\n"); conditional_fclose(encode_infile); if(internal_outfilename != 0) free(internal_outfilename); return 1; } } retval = flac__encode_file(encode_infile, infilesize, infilename, internal_outfilename? internal_outfilename : outfilename, lookahead, lookahead_length, encode_options); if(encode_options.format_options.iff.foreign_metadata) flac__foreign_metadata_delete(encode_options.format_options.iff.foreign_metadata); } else { FLAC__ASSERT(0); retval = 1; /* double protection */ } if(retval == 0) { if(strcmp(outfilename, "-")) { if(option_values.replay_gain) { float title_gain, title_peak; const char *error; grabbag__replaygain_get_title(&title_gain, &title_peak); if( 0 != (error = grabbag__replaygain_store_to_file_reference(internal_outfilename? internal_outfilename : outfilename, option_values.preserve_modtime)) || 0 != (error = grabbag__replaygain_store_to_file_title(internal_outfilename? internal_outfilename : outfilename, title_gain, title_peak, option_values.preserve_modtime)) ) { flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "%s: ERROR writing ReplayGain reference/title tags (%s)\n", outfilename, error); retval = 1; } } if(option_values.preserve_modtime && strcmp(infilename, "-")) grabbag__file_copy_metadata(infilename, internal_outfilename? internal_outfilename : outfilename); } } /* rename temporary file if necessary */ if(retval == 0 && internal_outfilename != 0) { if(flac_rename(internal_outfilename, outfilename) < 0) { #if defined _MSC_VER || defined __MINGW32__ || defined __EMX__ /* on some flavors of windows, flac_rename() will fail if the destination already exists, so we unlink and try again */ if(flac_unlink(outfilename) < 0) { flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "ERROR: moving new FLAC file %s back on top of original FLAC file %s, keeping both\n", internal_outfilename, outfilename); retval = 1; } else if(flac_rename(internal_outfilename, outfilename) < 0) { flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "ERROR: moving new FLAC file %s back on top of original FLAC file %s, you must do it\n", internal_outfilename, outfilename); retval = 1; } #else flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "ERROR: moving new FLAC file %s back on top of original FLAC file %s, keeping both\n", internal_outfilename, outfilename); retval = 1; #endif } } /* handle --delete-input-file, but don't want to delete if piping from stdin, or if input filename and output filename are the same */ if(retval == 0 && option_values.delete_input && strcmp(infilename, "-") && internal_outfilename == 0) flac_unlink(infilename); if(internal_outfilename != 0) free(internal_outfilename); return retval; } int decode_file(const char *infilename) { int retval; FLAC__bool treat_as_ogg = false; FileFormat output_format = FORMAT_WAVE; decode_options_t decode_options; const char *outfilename = get_decoded_outfilename(infilename); if(0 == outfilename) { flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "ERROR: filename too long: %s", infilename); return 1; } /* * Error if output file already exists (and -f not used). * Use grabbag__file_get_filesize() as a cheap way to check. */ if(!option_values.test_only && !option_values.force_file_overwrite && strcmp(outfilename, "-") && grabbag__file_get_filesize(outfilename) != (FLAC__off_t)(-1)) { flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "ERROR: output file %s already exists, use -f to override\n", outfilename); return 1; } if(option_values.force_raw_format) output_format = FORMAT_RAW; else if( option_values.force_aiff_format || (strlen(outfilename) >= 4 && 0 == FLAC__STRCASECMP(outfilename+(strlen(outfilename)-4), ".aif")) || (strlen(outfilename) >= 5 && 0 == FLAC__STRCASECMP(outfilename+(strlen(outfilename)-5), ".aiff")) ) output_format = FORMAT_AIFF; else if( option_values.force_rf64_format || (strlen(outfilename) >= 5 && 0 == FLAC__STRCASECMP(outfilename+(strlen(outfilename)-5), ".rf64")) ) output_format = FORMAT_RF64; else if( option_values.force_wave64_format || (strlen(outfilename) >= 4 && 0 == FLAC__STRCASECMP(outfilename+(strlen(outfilename)-4), ".w64")) ) output_format = FORMAT_WAVE64; else output_format = FORMAT_WAVE; if(!option_values.test_only && !option_values.analyze) { if(output_format == FORMAT_RAW && (option_values.format_is_big_endian < 0 || option_values.format_is_unsigned_samples < 0)) return usage_error("ERROR: for decoding to a raw file you must specify a value for --endian and --sign\n"); } if(option_values.keep_foreign_metadata) { if(0 == strcmp(infilename, "-") || 0 == strcmp(outfilename, "-")) return usage_error("ERROR: --keep-foreign-metadata cannot be used when decoding from stdin or to stdout\n"); if(output_format != FORMAT_WAVE && output_format != FORMAT_WAVE64 && output_format != FORMAT_RF64 && output_format != FORMAT_AIFF && output_format != FORMAT_AIFF_C) return usage_error("ERROR: --keep-foreign-metadata can only be used with WAVE, Wave64, RF64, or AIFF output\n"); } if(option_values.use_ogg) treat_as_ogg = true; else if(strlen(infilename) >= 4 && 0 == FLAC__STRCASECMP(infilename+(strlen(infilename)-4), ".oga")) treat_as_ogg = true; else if(strlen(infilename) >= 4 && 0 == FLAC__STRCASECMP(infilename+(strlen(infilename)-4), ".ogg")) treat_as_ogg = true; else treat_as_ogg = false; #if !FLAC__HAS_OGG if(treat_as_ogg) { flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "%s: Ogg support has not been built into this copy of flac\n", infilename); return 1; } #endif if(!flac__utils_parse_skip_until_specification(option_values.skip_specification, &decode_options.skip_specification) || decode_options.skip_specification.is_relative) return usage_error("ERROR: invalid value for --skip\n"); if(!flac__utils_parse_skip_until_specification(option_values.until_specification, &decode_options.until_specification)) /*@@@ more checks: no + without --skip, no - unless known total_samples_to_{en,de}code */ return usage_error("ERROR: invalid value for --until\n"); /* if there is no "--until" we want to default to "--until=-0" */ if(0 == option_values.until_specification) decode_options.until_specification.is_relative = true; if(option_values.cue_specification) { if(!flac__utils_parse_cue_specification(option_values.cue_specification, &decode_options.cue_specification)) return usage_error("ERROR: invalid value for --cue\n"); decode_options.has_cue_specification = true; } else decode_options.has_cue_specification = false; decode_options.treat_warnings_as_errors = option_values.treat_warnings_as_errors; decode_options.continue_through_decode_errors = option_values.continue_through_decode_errors; decode_options.replaygain_synthesis_spec = option_values.replaygain_synthesis_spec; #if FLAC__HAS_OGG decode_options.is_ogg = treat_as_ogg; decode_options.use_first_serial_number = !option_values.has_serial_number; decode_options.serial_number = option_values.serial_number; #endif decode_options.channel_map_none = option_values.channel_map_none; decode_options.format = output_format; if(output_format == FORMAT_RAW) { decode_options.format_options.raw.is_big_endian = option_values.format_is_big_endian; decode_options.format_options.raw.is_unsigned_samples = option_values.format_is_unsigned_samples; retval = flac__decode_file(infilename, option_values.test_only? 0 : outfilename, option_values.analyze, option_values.aopts, decode_options); } else { decode_options.format_options.iff.foreign_metadata = 0; /* initialize foreign metadata if requested */ if(option_values.keep_foreign_metadata) { decode_options.format_options.iff.foreign_metadata = flac__foreign_metadata_new( output_format==FORMAT_WAVE || output_format==FORMAT_RF64? FOREIGN_BLOCK_TYPE__RIFF : output_format==FORMAT_WAVE64? FOREIGN_BLOCK_TYPE__WAVE64 : FOREIGN_BLOCK_TYPE__AIFF ); if(0 == decode_options.format_options.iff.foreign_metadata) { flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "ERROR: creating foreign metadata object\n"); return 1; } } retval = flac__decode_file(infilename, option_values.test_only? 0 : outfilename, option_values.analyze, option_values.aopts, decode_options); if(decode_options.format_options.iff.foreign_metadata) flac__foreign_metadata_delete(decode_options.format_options.iff.foreign_metadata); } if(retval == 0 && strcmp(infilename, "-")) { if(option_values.preserve_modtime && strcmp(outfilename, "-")) grabbag__file_copy_metadata(infilename, outfilename); if(option_values.delete_input && !option_values.test_only && !option_values.analyze) flac_unlink(infilename); } return retval; } const char *get_encoded_outfilename(const char *infilename) { const char *suffix = (option_values.use_ogg? ".oga" : ".flac"); const char *p; if(option_values.output_prefix) { p = grabbag__file_get_basename(infilename); } else { p = infilename; } return get_outfilename(p, suffix); } const char *get_decoded_outfilename(const char *infilename) { const char *suffix; const char *p; if(option_values.output_prefix) { p = grabbag__file_get_basename(infilename); } else { p = infilename; } if(option_values.analyze) { suffix = ".ana"; } else if(option_values.force_raw_format) { suffix = ".raw"; } else if(option_values.force_aiff_format) { suffix = ".aiff"; } else if(option_values.force_rf64_format) { suffix = ".rf64"; } else if(option_values.force_wave64_format) { suffix = ".w64"; } else { suffix = ".wav"; } return get_outfilename(p, suffix); } const char *get_outfilename(const char *infilename, const char *suffix) { if(0 == option_values.cmdline_forced_outfilename) { static char buffer[4096]; if(0 == strcmp(infilename, "-") || option_values.force_to_stdout) { buffer [0] = '-'; buffer [1] = 0; } else { char *p; if (flac__strlcpy(buffer, option_values.output_prefix? option_values.output_prefix : "", sizeof buffer) >= sizeof buffer) return 0; if (flac__strlcat(buffer, infilename, sizeof buffer) >= sizeof buffer) return 0; /* the . must come after any / to avoid problems with, e.g. "some.directory/extensionless-filename" */ if(0 == (p = strrchr(buffer, '.')) || strchr(p, '/')) { if (flac__strlcat(buffer, suffix, sizeof buffer) >= sizeof buffer) return 0; } else { *p = '\0'; if (flac__strlcat(buffer, suffix, sizeof buffer) >= sizeof buffer) return 0; } } return buffer; } else return option_values.cmdline_forced_outfilename; } void die(const char *message) { FLAC__ASSERT(0 != message); flac__utils_printf(stderr, 1, "ERROR: %s\n", message); exit(1); } int conditional_fclose(FILE *f) { if(f == 0 || f == stdin || f == stdout) return 0; else return fclose(f); } char *local_strdup(const char *source) { char *ret; FLAC__ASSERT(0 != source); if(0 == (ret = strdup(source))) die("out of memory during strdup()"); return ret; }