# Copyright (c) 2005 Allan Saddi # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # $Id$ __author__ = 'Allan Saddi ' __version__ = '$Revision$' import sys import os import socket import select import errno import signal # If running Python < 2.4, require eunuchs module for socket.socketpair(). # See . if not hasattr(socket, 'socketpair'): try: import eunuchs except ImportError: # TODO: Other alternatives? Perhaps using os.pipe()? raise ImportError, 'Requires eunuchs module for Python < 2.4' def socketpair(): s1, s2 = eunuchs.socketpair.socketpair() p, c = (socket.fromfd(s1, socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM), socket.fromfd(s2, socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) os.close(s1) os.close(s2) return p, c socket.socketpair = socketpair try: import fcntl except ImportError: def setCloseOnExec(sock): pass else: def setCloseOnExec(sock): fcntl.fcntl(sock.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFD, fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC) class PreforkServer(object): """ A preforked server model conceptually similar to Apache httpd(2). At any given time, ensures there are at least minSpare children ready to process new requests (up to a maximum of maxChildren children total). If the number of idle children is ever above maxSpare, the extra children are killed. If maxRequests is positive, each child will only handle that many requests in its lifetime before exiting. jobClass should be a class whose constructor takes at least two arguments: the client socket and client address. jobArgs, which must be a list or tuple, is any additional (static) arguments you wish to pass to the constructor. jobClass should have a run() method (taking no arguments) that does the actual work. When run() returns, the request is considered complete and the child process moves to idle state. """ def __init__(self, minSpare=1, maxSpare=5, maxChildren=50, maxRequests=0, jobClass=None, jobArgs=()): self._minSpare = minSpare self._maxSpare = maxSpare self._maxChildren = max(maxSpare, maxChildren) self._maxRequests = maxRequests self._jobClass = jobClass self._jobArgs = jobArgs # Internal state of children. Maps pids to dictionaries with two # members: 'file' and 'avail'. 'file' is the socket to that # individidual child and 'avail' is whether or not the child is # free to process requests. self._children = {} def run(self, sock): """ The main loop. Pass a socket that is ready to accept() client connections. Return value will be True or False indiciating whether or not the loop was exited due to SIGHUP. """ # Set up signal handlers. self._keepGoing = True self._hupReceived = False self._installSignalHandlers() # Don't want operations on main socket to block. sock.setblocking(0) # Set close-on-exec setCloseOnExec(sock) # Main loop. while self._keepGoing: # Maintain minimum number of children. while len(self._children) < self._maxSpare: if not self._spawnChild(sock): break # Wait on any socket activity from live children. r = [x['file'] for x in self._children.values() if x['file'] is not None] if len(r) == len(self._children): timeout = None else: # There are dead children that need to be reaped, ensure # that they are by timing out, if necessary. timeout = 2 try: r, w, e = select.select(r, [], [], timeout) except select.error, e: if e[0] != errno.EINTR: raise # Scan child sockets and tend to those that need attention. for child in r: # Receive status byte. try: state = child.recv(1) except socket.error, e: if e[0] in (errno.EAGAIN, errno.EINTR): # Guess it really didn't need attention? continue raise # Try to match it with a child. (Do we need a reverse map?) for pid,d in self._children.items(): if child is d['file']: if state: # Set availability status accordingly. self._children[pid]['avail'] = state != '\x00' else: # Didn't receive anything. Child is most likely # dead. d = self._children[pid] d['file'].close() d['file'] = None d['avail'] = False # Reap children. self._reapChildren() # See who and how many children are available. availList = filter(lambda x: x[1]['avail'], self._children.items()) avail = len(availList) if avail < self._minSpare: # Need to spawn more children. while avail < self._minSpare and \ len(self._children) < self._maxChildren: if not self._spawnChild(sock): break avail += 1 elif avail > self._maxSpare: # Too many spares, kill off the extras. pids = [x[0] for x in availList] pids.sort() pids = pids[self._maxSpare:] for pid in pids: d = self._children[pid] d['file'].close() d['file'] = None d['avail'] = False # Clean up all child processes. self._cleanupChildren() # Restore signal handlers. self._restoreSignalHandlers() # Return bool based on whether or not SIGHUP was received. return self._hupReceived def _cleanupChildren(self): """ Closes all child sockets (letting those that are available know that it's time to exit). Sends SIGINT to those that are currently processing (and hopes that it finishses ASAP). Any children remaining after 10 seconds is SIGKILLed. """ # Let all children know it's time to go. for pid,d in self._children.items(): if d['file'] is not None: d['file'].close() d['file'] = None if not d['avail']: # Child is unavailable. SIGINT it. try: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGINT) except OSError, e: if e[0] != errno.ESRCH: raise def alrmHandler(signum, frame): pass # Set up alarm to wake us up after 10 seconds. oldSIGALRM = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGALRM) signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alrmHandler) signal.alarm(10) # Wait for all children to die. while len(self._children): try: pid, status = os.wait() except OSError, e: if e[0] in (errno.ECHILD, errno.EINTR): break if self._children.has_key(pid): del self._children[pid] signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, oldSIGALRM) # Forcefully kill any remaining children. for pid in self._children.keys(): try: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL) except OSError, e: if e[0] != errno.ESRCH: raise def _reapChildren(self): """Cleans up self._children whenever children die.""" while True: try: pid, status = os.waitpid(-1, os.WNOHANG) except OSError, e: if e[0] == errno.ECHILD: break raise if pid <= 0: break if self._children.has_key(pid): # Sanity check. if self._children[pid]['file'] is not None: self._children[pid]['file'].close() del self._children[pid] def _spawnChild(self, sock): """ Spawn a single child. Returns True if successful, False otherwise. """ # This socket pair is used for very simple communication between # the parent and its children. parent, child = socket.socketpair() parent.setblocking(0) setCloseOnExec(parent) child.setblocking(0) setCloseOnExec(child) try: pid = os.fork() except OSError, e: if e[0] in (errno.EAGAIN, errno.ENOMEM): return False # Can't fork anymore. raise if not pid: # Child child.close() # Put child into its own process group. pid = os.getpid() os.setpgid(pid, pid) # Restore signal handlers. self._restoreSignalHandlers() # Close copies of child sockets. for f in [x['file'] for x in self._children.values() if x['file'] is not None]: f.close() self._children = {} try: # Enter main loop. self._child(sock, parent) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass sys.exit(0) else: # Parent parent.close() d = self._children[pid] = {} d['file'] = child d['avail'] = True return True def _isClientAllowed(self, addr): """Override to provide access control.""" return True def _child(self, sock, parent): """Main loop for children.""" requestCount = 0 while True: # Wait for any activity on the main socket or parent socket. r, w, e = select.select([sock, parent], [], []) for f in r: # If there's any activity on the parent socket, it # means the parent wants us to die or has died itself. # Either way, exit. if f is parent: return # Otherwise, there's activity on the main socket... try: clientSock, addr = sock.accept() except socket.error, e: if e[0] == errno.EAGAIN: # Or maybe not. continue raise setCloseOnExec(clientSock) # Check if this client is allowed. if not self._isClientAllowed(addr): clientSock.close() continue # Notify parent we're no longer available. try: parent.send('\x00') except socket.error, e: # If parent is gone, finish up this request. if e[0] != errno.EPIPE: raise # Do the job. self._jobClass(clientSock, addr, *self._jobArgs).run() # If we've serviced the maximum number of requests, exit. if self._maxRequests > 0: requestCount += 1 if requestCount >= self._maxRequests: break # Tell parent we're free again. try: parent.send('\xff') except socket.error, e: if e[0] == errno.EPIPE: # Parent is gone. return raise # Signal handlers def _hupHandler(self, signum, frame): self._keepGoing = False self._hupReceived = True def _intHandler(self, signum, frame): self._keepGoing = False def _chldHandler(self, signum, frame): # Do nothing (breaks us out of select and allows us to reap children). pass def _installSignalHandlers(self): supportedSignals = [signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM] if hasattr(signal, 'SIGHUP'): supportedSignals.append(signal.SIGHUP) self._oldSIGs = [(x,signal.getsignal(x)) for x in supportedSignals] for sig in supportedSignals: if hasattr(signal, 'SIGHUP') and sig == signal.SIGHUP: signal.signal(sig, self._hupHandler) else: signal.signal(sig, self._intHandler) def _restoreSignalHandlers(self): """Restores previous signal handlers.""" for signum,handler in self._oldSIGs: signal.signal(signum, handler) if __name__ == '__main__': class TestJob(object): def __init__(self, sock, addr): self._sock = sock self._addr = addr def run(self): print "Client connection opened from %s:%d" % self._addr self._sock.send('Hello World!\n') self._sock.setblocking(1) self._sock.recv(1) self._sock.close() print "Client connection closed from %s:%d" % self._addr sock = socket.socket() sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.bind(('', 8080)) sock.listen(socket.SOMAXCONN) PreforkServer(maxChildren=10, jobClass=TestJob).run(sock)