This program adds sidebearings to a bitmap font, and outputs a revised bitmap font and a TFM file. It reads several auxiliary ``character metric information'' (CMI) files to determine the side bearings. The ideas behind the CMI files are based on Harry Smith's (Linotype) principles, as explicated by Walter Tracy in his book `Letters of Credit'. (A book we highly recommend for those interested in type.) @book{Tracy:LC86, author = "Walter Tracy", title = "Letters of Credit", publisher = "David R. Godine", address = "Boston", year = 1986, price = "$27.50", annote = "Two parts: the first on general history and principles of type design, the second a critical discussion of the work of Jan van Krimpen, Frederic Goudy, Rudolf Koch, W.A. Dwiggins, and Stanley Morison. Tracy was head of type design for Linotype in Britain.", } (This BibTeX entry is from the type.bib file on