diff options
authorhajny <hajny@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2014-11-21 13:53:53 +0000
committerhajny <hajny@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2014-11-21 13:53:53 +0000
commit9bc1909bec2e41d2cfee70a2e520d1b1853f2369 (patch)
parent650353e03005822739e58dce9009a481e71a0827 (diff)
* note about multiple 't' in -gt added to the help page
git-svn-id: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
3 files changed, 101 insertions, 100 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/msg/errore.msg b/compiler/msg/errore.msg
index 0368e6934c..1449a03ebb 100644
--- a/compiler/msg/errore.msg
+++ b/compiler/msg/errore.msg
@@ -3557,7 +3557,7 @@ J*2Cv_Var/out parameter copy-out checking
*g3godwarfmethodclassprefix_ Prefix method names in DWARF with class name
*g2gp_Preserve case in stabs symbol names
*g2gs_Generate Stabs debug information
-*g2gt_Trash local variables (to detect uninitialized uses)
+*g2gt_Trash local variables (to detect uninitialized uses; multiple 't' changes the trashing value)
*g2gv_Generates programs traceable with Valgrind
*g2gw_Generate DWARFv2 debug information (same as -gw2)
*g2gw2_Generate DWARFv2 debug information
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 9f5683bd88..76fac6aec4 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -994,7 +994,7 @@ const
- MsgTxtSize = 73873;
+ MsgTxtSize = 73914;
MsgIdxMax : array[1..20] of longint=(
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 61f4748abb..03f5bb7307 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -1421,113 +1421,114 @@ const msgtxt : array[0..000307,1..240] of char=(
'*g2gp_Preserve case in stabs symbol names'#010+
'*g2gs_Generate Stabs debug information'#010+
- '*g2gt_Trash local variables',' (to detect uninitialized uses)'#010+
+ '*g2gt_Trash local variables',' (to detect uninitialized uses; multiple '+
+ #039't'#039' changes the trashing value)'#010+
'*g2gv_Generates programs traceable with Valgrind'#010+
'*g2gw_Generate DWARFv2 debug information (same as -gw2)'#010+
'*g2gw2_Generate DWARFv2 debug information'#010+
- '*g2gw3_Generate DWARFv3 debug information'#010+
- '*g2gw4_Generate DWA','RFv4 debug information (experimental)'#010+
+ '*g2gw3_Generate DWAR','Fv3 debug information'#010+
+ '*g2gw4_Generate DWARFv4 debug information (experimental)'#010+
'**2iD_Return compiler date'#010+
'**2iSO_Return compiler OS'#010+
'**2iSP_Return compiler host processor'#010+
'**2iTO_Return target OS'#010+
- '**2iTP_Return target processor'#010+
+ '**2iTP_Return target processo','r'#010+
'**2iV_Return short compiler version'#010+
- '**2','iW_Return full compiler version'#010+
+ '**2iW_Return full compiler version'#010+
'**2ia_Return list of supported ABI targets'#010+
'**2ic_Return list of supported CPU instruction sets'#010+
'**2if_Return list of supported FPU instruction sets'#010+
- '**2ii_Return list of supported inline assembler modes'#010+
- '**2io_R','eturn list of supported optimizations'#010+
+ '**2ii_Return list of',' supported inline assembler modes'#010+
+ '**2io_Return list of supported optimizations'#010+
'**2ir_Return list of recognized compiler and RTL features'#010+
'**2it_Return list of supported targets'#010+
'**2iu_Return list of supported microcontroller types'#010+
- '**2iw_Return list of supported whole program optimiz','ations'#010+
+ '**2iw_Retur','n list of supported whole program optimizations'#010+
'**1I<x>_Add <x> to include path'#010+
'**1k<x>_Pass <x> to the linker'#010+
'**1l_Write logo'#010+
'**1M<x>_Set language mode to <x>'#010+
'**2Mfpc_Free Pascal dialect (default)'#010+
- '**2Mobjfpc_FPC mode with Object Pascal support'#010+
- '**2Mdelphi_Delphi 7 compatibility mo','de'#010+
+ '**2Mobjfpc_FPC mode with Object Pascal sup','port'#010+
+ '**2Mdelphi_Delphi 7 compatibility mode'#010+
'**2Mtp_TP/BP 7.0 compatibility mode'#010+
'**2Mmacpas_Macintosh Pascal dialects compatibility mode'#010+
'**1n_Do not read the default config files'#010+
'**1o<x>_Change the name of the executable produced to <x>'#010+
- '**1O<x>_Optimizations:'#010+
- '**2O-_Disable optimiza','tions'#010+
+ '**1O','<x>_Optimizations:'#010+
+ '**2O-_Disable optimizations'#010+
'**2O1_Level 1 optimizations (quick and debugger friendly)'#010+
'**2O2_Level 2 optimizations (-O1 + quick optimizations)'#010+
'**2O3_Level 3 optimizations (-O2 + slow optimizations)'#010+
- '**2O4_Level 4 optimizations (-O3 + optimizations which might have',' un'+
+ '**2O4_Level 4 optimizati','ons (-O3 + optimizations which might have un'+
'expected side effects)'#010+
'**2Oa<x>=<y>_Set alignment'#010+
'**2Oo[NO]<x>_Enable or disable optimizations; see fpc -i or fpc -io fo'+
'r possible values'#010+
- '**2Op<x>_Set target cpu for optimizing; see fpc -i or fpc -ic for poss'+
- 'ible values'#010+
- '**2OW<x>_Generate',' whole-program optimization feedback for optimizati'+
- 'on <x>; see fpc -i or fpc -iw for possible values'#010+
+ '**2Op<x>_Set target cpu for optimizing; see fpc -i or fpc ','-ic for po'+
+ 'ssible values'#010+
+ '**2OW<x>_Generate whole-program optimization feedback for optimization'+
+ ' <x>; see fpc -i or fpc -iw for possible values'#010+
'**2Ow<x>_Perform whole-program optimization <x>; see fpc -i or fpc -iw'+
' for possible values'#010+
- '**2Os_Optimize for size rather than speed'#010+
- '**1pg_','Generate profile code for gprof (defines FPC_PROFILE)'#010+
+ '**2Os_O','ptimize for size rather than speed'#010+
+ '**1pg_Generate profile code for gprof (defines FPC_PROFILE)'#010+
'F*1P<x>_Target CPU / compiler related options:'#010+
'F*2PB_Show default compiler binary'#010+
'F*2PP_Show default target cpu'#010+
- 'F*2P<x>_Set target CPU (arm,avr,i386,jvm,m68k,mips,mipsel,powerpc,powe'+
- 'rpc6','4,sparc,x86_64)'#010+
+ 'F*2P<x>_Set target CPU (arm,avr,i','386,jvm,m68k,mips,mipsel,powerpc,po'+
+ 'werpc64,sparc,x86_64)'#010+
'**1R<x>_Assembler reading style:'#010+
'**2Rdefault_Use default assembler for target'#010+
'3*2Ratt_Read AT&T style assembler'#010+
'3*2Rintel_Read Intel style assembler'#010+
- '6*2RMOT_Read motorola style assembler'#010+
+ '6*2RMOT_Read motorola style assemb','ler'#010+
'**1S<x>_Syntax options:'#010+
- '**2S2_Same as',' -Mobjfpc'#010+
+ '**2S2_Same as -Mobjfpc'#010+
'**2Sc_Support operators like C (*=,+=,/= and -=)'#010+
'**2Sa_Turn on assertions'#010+
'**2Sd_Same as -Mdelphi'#010+
'**2Se<x>_Error options. <x> is a combination of the following:'#010+
- '**3*_<n> : Compiler halts after the <n> errors (default is 1)'#010+
- '**3*_w :',' Compiler also halts after warnings'#010+
+ '**3*_<n> : Compiler halts aft','er the <n> errors (default is 1)'#010+
+ '**3*_w : Compiler also halts after warnings'#010+
'**3*_n : Compiler also halts after notes'#010+
'**3*_h : Compiler also halts after hints'#010+
'**2Sf_Enable certain features in compiler and RTL; see fpc -i or fpc -'+
- 'ir for possible values)'#010+
- '**2Sg_Enable LABEL and GOTO ','(default in -Mtp and -Mdelphi)'#010+
+ 'ir for poss','ible values)'#010+
+ '**2Sg_Enable LABEL and GOTO (default in -Mtp and -Mdelphi)'#010+
'**2Sh_Use reference counted strings (ansistring by default) instead of'+
' shortstrings'#010+
'**2Si_Turn on inlining of procedures/functions declared as "inline"'#010+
- '**2Sk_Load fpcylix unit'#010+
- '**2SI<x>_Set interface style to <','x>'#010+
+ '**2Sk_Load fpcyl','ix unit'#010+
+ '**2SI<x>_Set interface style to <x>'#010+
'**3SIcom_COM compatible interface (default)'#010+
'**3SIcorba_CORBA compatible interface'#010+
'**2Sm_Support macros like C (global)'#010+
'**2So_Same as -Mtp'#010+
- '**2Ss_Constructor name must be init (destructor must be done)'#010+
- '**2Sv_Support vector processing (use ','CPU vector extensions if availa'+
- 'ble)'#010+
+ '**2Ss_Constructor name must be init (destructor must be do','ne)'#010+
+ '**2Sv_Support vector processing (use CPU vector extensions if availabl'+
+ 'e)'#010+
'**2Sx_Enable exception keywords (default in Delphi/ObjFPC modes)'#010+
'**2Sy_@<pointer> returns a typed pointer, same as $T+'#010+
'**1s_Do not call assembler and linker'#010+
- '**2sh_Generate script to link on host'#010+
- '**2st_Gen','erate script to link on target'#010+
+ '**2sh_','Generate script to link on host'#010+
+ '**2st_Generate script to link on target'#010+
'**2sr_Skip register allocation phase (use with -alr)'#010+
'**1T<x>_Target operating system:'#010+
'3*2Tdarwin_Darwin/Mac OS X'#010+
- '3*2Tembedded_Embedded'#010+
- '3*2Temx_OS/2 via EMX (incl','uding EMX/RSX extender)'#010+
+ '3*2Temb','edded_Embedded'#010+
+ '3*2Temx_OS/2 via EMX (including EMX/RSX extender)'#010+
'3*2Tgo32v2_Version 2 of DJ Delorie DOS extender'#010+
'3*2Tiphonesim_ iPhoneSimulator from iOS SDK 3.2+ (older versions: -Tda'+
- '3*2Tlinux_Linux'#010+
- '3*2Tnativent_Native NT API (experimental',')'#010+
+ '3*2Tlinux_Linux',#010+
+ '3*2Tnativent_Native NT API (experimental)'#010+
'3*2Tnetware_Novell Netware Module (clib)'#010+
'3*2Tnetwlibc_Novell Netware Module (libc)'#010+
@@ -1535,8 +1536,8 @@ const msgtxt : array[0..000307,1..240] of char=(
'3*2Tos2_OS/2 / eComStation'#010+
'3*2Tsymbian_Symbian OS'#010+
- '3*2Tsolaris_Solaris'#010+
- '3*2Twatcom_Watcom compa','tible DOS extender'#010+
+ '3*','2Tsolaris_Solaris'#010+
+ '3*2Twatcom_Watcom compatible DOS extender'#010+
'3*2Twdosx_WDOSX DOS extender'#010+
'3*2Twin32_Windows 32 Bit'#010+
'3*2Twince_Windows CE'#010+
@@ -1545,8 +1546,8 @@ const msgtxt : array[0..000307,1..240] of char=(
- '4*2Tsolaris_Solaris'#010+
- '4*2Twin64_Win64 (64 bit W','indows systems)'#010+
+ '4*2T','solaris_Solaris'#010+
+ '4*2Twin64_Win64 (64 bit Windows systems)'#010+
'6*2Tamiga_Commodore Amiga'#010+
'6*2Tatari_Atari ST/STe/TT'#010+
@@ -1554,9 +1555,9 @@ const msgtxt : array[0..000307,1..240] of char=(
'8*2Tmsdos_MS-DOS (and compatible)'#010+
- 'A*2Tembedded_Embedded'#010+
+ 'A*2Tembedded','_Embedded'#010+
'A*2Tgba_Game Boy Advance'#010+
- 'A*2Tli','nux_Linux'#010+
+ 'A*2Tlinux_Linux'#010+
'A*2Tnds_Nintendo DS'#010+
'A*2Twince_Windows CE'#010+
@@ -1567,8 +1568,8 @@ const msgtxt : array[0..000307,1..240] of char=(
- 'P*2Tamiga_AmigaOS'#010+
- 'P*2Tdarwin_Darwin/Mac OS ','X'#010+
+ 'P*','2Tamiga_AmigaOS'#010+
+ 'P*2Tdarwin_Darwin/Mac OS X'#010+
'P*2Tmacos_Mac OS (classic)'#010+
@@ -1579,131 +1580,131 @@ const msgtxt : array[0..000307,1..240] of char=(
- 'V*2Tembedded_Embedded'#010+
- '**1u<x>_Undefines the symbol <x>',#010+
+ 'V*2Tembedded_','Embedded'#010+
+ '**1u<x>_Undefines the symbol <x>'#010+
'**1U_Unit options:'#010+
'**2Un_Do not check where the unit name matches the file name'#010+
'**2Ur_Generate release unit files (never automatically recompiled)'#010+
'**2Us_Compile a system unit'#010+
- '**1v<x>_Be verbose. <x> is a combination of the following letter','s:'#010+
+ '**1v<x>_Be verbose. <x>',' is a combination of the following letters:'#010+
'**2*_e : Show errors (default) 0 : Show nothing (except errors)'#010+
'**2*_w : Show warnings u : Show unit info'#010+
'**2*_n : Show notes t : Show tried/used files'#010+
- '**2*_h : Show hints c : Show co','nditionals'#010+
+ '**2*_h ',': Show hints c : Show conditionals'#010+
'**2*_i : Show general info d : Show debug info'#010+
'**2*_l : Show linenumbers r : Rhide/GCC compatibility mode'#010+
- '**2*_s : Show time stamps q : Show message numbers'#010+
- '**2*_a : Show everything x :',' Executable info (Win32 only'+
- ')'#010+
+ '**2*_s : Show time stamps q : Show message numbers',#010+
+ '**2*_a : Show everything x : Executable info (Win32 only)'#010+
'**2*_b : Write file names messages p : Write tree.log with parse tre'+
'**2*_ with full path v : Write fpcdebug.txt with'#010+
- '**2*_ lots of debugging info'#010+
- '**2*_m<x>',',<y> : Do not show messages numbered <x> and <y>'#010+
+ '**2*_ ',' lots of debugging info'#010+
+ '**2*_m<x>,<y> : Do not show messages numbered <x> and <y>'#010+
'F*1V<x>_Append '#039'-<x>'#039' to the used compiler binary name (e.g. f'+
'or version)'#010+
'**1W<x>_Target-specific options (targets)'#010+
- '3*2WA_Specify native type application (Windows)'#010+
- '4*2WA_Specify native type a','pplication (Windows)'#010+
+ '3*2WA_Specify native type applicat','ion (Windows)'#010+
+ '4*2WA_Specify native type application (Windows)'#010+
'A*2WA_Specify native type application (Windows)'#010+
'3*2Wb_Create a bundle instead of a library (Darwin)'#010+
'P*2Wb_Create a bundle instead of a library (Darwin)'#010+
- 'p*2Wb_Create a bundle instead of a library (Darwin)'#010+
- 'A*2Wb_Create a ','bundle instead of a library (Darwin)'#010+
+ 'p*2Wb_Create a bundle inst','ead of a library (Darwin)'#010+
+ 'A*2Wb_Create a bundle instead of a library (Darwin)'#010+
'4*2Wb_Create a bundle instead of a library (Darwin)'#010+
'3*2WB_Create a relocatable image (Windows, Symbian)'#010+
'3*2WBxxxx_Set image base to xxxx (Windows, Symbian)'#010+
- '4*2WB_Create a relocatable image (Windows)'#010+
- '4*2W','Bxxxx_Set image base to xxxx (Windows)'#010+
+ '4*2WB_','Create a relocatable image (Windows)'#010+
+ '4*2WBxxxx_Set image base to xxxx (Windows)'#010+
'A*2WB_Create a relocatable image (Windows, Symbian)'#010+
'A*2WBxxxx_Set image base to xxxx (Windows, Symbian)'#010+
- '3*2WC_Specify console type application (EMX, OS/2, Windows)'#010+
- '4*2WC_Specify console type applicatio','n (EMX, OS/2, Windows)'#010+
+ '3*2WC_Specify console type application (EMX, OS/2, Windo','ws)'#010+
+ '4*2WC_Specify console type application (EMX, OS/2, Windows)'#010+
'A*2WC_Specify console type application (Windows)'#010+
'P*2WC_Specify console type application (Classic Mac OS)'#010+
'3*2WD_Use DEFFILE to export functions of DLL or EXE (Windows)'#010+
- '4*2WD_Use DEFFILE to export functions of DLL or EX','E (Windows)'#010+
+ '4*2WD_Use',' DEFFILE to export functions of DLL or EXE (Windows)'#010+
'A*2WD_Use DEFFILE to export functions of DLL or EXE (Windows)'#010+
'3*2We_Use external resources (Darwin)'#010+
'4*2We_Use external resources (Darwin)'#010+
'A*2We_Use external resources (Darwin)'#010+
- 'P*2We_Use external resources (Darwin)'#010+
- 'p*2We_Use exte','rnal resources (Darwin)'#010+
+ 'P*2We_Use e','xternal resources (Darwin)'#010+
+ 'p*2We_Use external resources (Darwin)'#010+
'3*2WF_Specify full-screen type application (EMX, OS/2)'#010+
'3*2WG_Specify graphic type application (EMX, OS/2, Windows)'#010+
- '4*2WG_Specify graphic type application (EMX, OS/2, Windows)'#010+
- 'A*2WG_Specify graphic type application (W','indows)'#010+
+ '4*2WG_Specify graphic type application (EMX, OS/2, Windows)'#010,
+ 'A*2WG_Specify graphic type application (Windows)'#010+
'P*2WG_Specify graphic type application (Classic Mac OS)'#010+
'3*2Wi_Use internal resources (Darwin)'#010+
'4*2Wi_Use internal resources (Darwin)'#010+
'A*2Wi_Use internal resources (Darwin)'#010+
- 'P*2Wi_Use internal resources (Darwin)'#010+
- 'p*2Wi_Use internal resou','rces (Darwin)'#010+
+ 'P*2Wi_Use internal re','sources (Darwin)'#010+
+ 'p*2Wi_Use internal resources (Darwin)'#010+
'3*2WI_Turn on/off the usage of import sections (Windows)'#010+
'4*2WI_Turn on/off the usage of import sections (Windows)'#010+
'A*2WI_Turn on/off the usage of import sections (Windows)'#010+
- '8*2Wm<x>_Set memory model'#010+
+ '8*2Wm<x>_Set m','emory model'#010+
'8*3WmTiny_Tiny memory model'#010+
- '8','*3WmSmall_Small memory model (default)'#010+
+ '8*3WmSmall_Small memory model (default)'#010+
'8*3WmMedium_Medium memory model'#010+
'8*3WmCompact_Compact memory model'#010+
'8*3WmLarge_Large memory model'#010+
- '3*2WM<x>_Minimum Mac OS X deployment version: 10.4, 10.5.1, ... (Darwi'+
- 'n)'#010+
- '4*2WM<x>_Minimum Mac OS X deploy','ment version: 10.4, 10.5.1, ... (Dar'+
+ '3*2WM<x>_Minimum Mac OS X deployment version: 10.4, 10.5.1, ... ','(Dar'+
+ '4*2WM<x>_Minimum Mac OS X deployment version: 10.4, 10.5.1, ... (Darwi'+
+ 'n)'#010+
'p*2WM<x>_Minimum Mac OS X deployment version: 10.4, 10.5.1, ... (Darwi'+
'P*2WM<x>_Minimum Mac OS X deployment version: 10.4, 10.5.1, ... (Darwi'+
- '3*2WN_Do not generate relocation code, needed for deb','ugging (Windows'+
+ '3*2WN_Do not',' generate relocation code, needed for debugging (Windows'+
'4*2WN_Do not generate relocation code, needed for debugging (Windows)'#010+
'A*2WN_Do not generate relocation code, needed for debugging (Windows)'#010+
- 'A*2Wpxxxx_Specify the controller type; see fpc -i or fpc -iu for possi'+
- 'ble values'#010+
- 'm*','2Wpxxxx_Specify the controller type; see fpc -i or fpc -iu for pos'+
+ 'A*2Wpxxxx_Specify the controller type; see',' fpc -i or fpc -iu for pos'+
'sible values'#010+
+ 'm*2Wpxxxx_Specify the controller type; see fpc -i or fpc -iu for possi'+
+ 'ble values'#010+
'V*2Wpxxxx_Specify the controller type; see fpc -i or fpc -iu for possi'+
'ble values'#010+
- '3*2WP<x>_Minimum iOS deployment version: 3.0, 5.0.1, ... (iphonesim)'#010+
- 'A*2WP<x>_Mi','nimum iOS deployment version: 3.0, 5.0.1, ... (Darwin)'#010+
+ '3*2WP<x>_Minimum iOS deployment version',': 3.0, 5.0.1, ... (iphonesim)'+
+ #010+
+ 'A*2WP<x>_Minimum iOS deployment version: 3.0, 5.0.1, ... (Darwin)'#010+
'3*2WR_Generate relocation code (Windows)'#010+
'4*2WR_Generate relocation code (Windows)'#010+
'A*2WR_Generate relocation code (Windows)'#010+
- '8*2Wt<x>_Set the target executable format'#010+
- '8*3Wtexe_Create a DO','S .EXE file (default)'#010+
+ '8*2Wt<x>_Set the targ','et executable format'#010+
+ '8*3Wtexe_Create a DOS .EXE file (default)'#010+
'8*3Wtcom_Create a DOS .COM file (requires tiny memory model)'#010+
'P*2WT_Specify MPW tool type application (Classic Mac OS)'#010+
'**2WX_Enable executable stack (Linux)'#010+
- '**1X_Executable options:'#010+
- '**2Xc_Pass --shared/-dynamic to the l','inker (BeOS, Darwin, FreeBSD, L'+
- 'inux)'#010+
+ '**1X_Executable optio','ns:'#010+
+ '**2Xc_Pass --shared/-dynamic to the linker (BeOS, Darwin, FreeBSD, Lin'+
+ 'ux)'#010+
'**2Xd_Do not search default library path (sometimes required for cross'+
'-compiling when not using -XR)'#010+
'**2Xe_Use external linker'#010+
- '**2Xf_Substitute pthread library name for linking (BSD)'#010+
- '**2Xg_Create debugin','fo in a separate file and add a debuglink sectio'+
- 'n to executable'#010+
+ '**2Xf_Substitute pthread library na','me for linking (BSD)'#010+
+ '**2Xg_Create debuginfo in a separate file and add a debuglink section '+
+ 'to executable'#010+
'**2XD_Try to link units dynamically (defines FPC_LINK_DYNAMIC)'#010+
'**2Xi_Use internal linker'#010+
- '**2XLA_Define library substitutions for linking'#010+
- '**2XLO_Define order of library lin','king'#010+
+ '**2XLA_Define library substitutions for l','inking'#010+
+ '**2XLO_Define order of library linking'#010+
'**2XLD_Exclude default order of standard libraries'#010+
'**2Xm_Generate link map'#010+
'**2XM<x>_Set the name of the '#039'main'#039' program routine (default i'+
's '#039'main'#039')'#010+
- '**2Xn_Use target system native linker instead of GNU ld (Solaris, AIX)'+
- #010+
- 'F*2Xp<x>_First se','arch for the compiler binary in the directory <x>'#010+
+ '**2Xn_Use target system native linker instead o','f GNU ld (Solaris, AI'+
+ 'X)'#010+
+ 'F*2Xp<x>_First search for the compiler binary in the directory <x>'#010+
'**2XP<x>_Prepend the binutils names with the prefix <x>'#010+
'**2Xr<x>_Set the linker'#039's rlink-path to <x> (needed for cross comp'+
- 'ile, see the ld manual for more information) (BeOS, Linux)'#010+
- '**2XR<x>_','Prepend <x> to all linker search paths (BeOS, Darwin, FreeB'+
- 'SD, Linux, Mac OS, Solaris)'#010+
+ 'ile, see the ld manual for ','more information) (BeOS, Linux)'#010+
+ '**2XR<x>_Prepend <x> to all linker search paths (BeOS, Darwin, FreeBSD'+
+ ', Linux, Mac OS, Solaris)'#010+
'**2Xs_Strip all symbols from executable'#010+
'**2XS_Try to link units statically (default, defines FPC_LINK_STATIC)'#010+
- '**2Xt_Link with static libraries (-static i','s passed to linker)'#010+
+ '**','2Xt_Link with static libraries (-static is passed to linker)'#010+
'**2Xv_Generate table for Virtual Entry calls'#010+
'**2XX_Try to smartlink units (defines FPC_LINK_SMART)'#010+