diff options
authorsvenbarth <svenbarth@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2019-06-16 21:36:25 +0000
committersvenbarth <svenbarth@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2019-06-16 21:36:25 +0000
commit14a96e7b4e8f1059f77dc018d53d6bc0e4274496 (patch)
parentc091377c82543520d8a7024539b995f7a83e598a (diff)
* rework/extend SetToString/StringToSet so that sets with a size > 4 can be converted as well (this is Delphi compatible)
+ added test git-svn-id: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
2 files changed, 268 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/rtl/objpas/typinfo.pp b/rtl/objpas/typinfo.pp
index d031a26889..c3bb1fa74e 100644
--- a/rtl/objpas/typinfo.pp
+++ b/rtl/objpas/typinfo.pp
@@ -884,8 +884,12 @@ function GetEnumeratedAliasValue(aTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const aName: string): Int
function SetToString(TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; Value: Integer; Brackets: Boolean) : String;
function SetToString(PropInfo: PPropInfo; Value: Integer; Brackets: Boolean) : String;
function SetToString(PropInfo: PPropInfo; Value: Integer) : String;
+function SetToString(TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; Value: Pointer; Brackets: Boolean = False) : String;
+function SetToString(PropInfo: PPropInfo; Value: Pointer; Brackets: Boolean = False) : String;
function StringToSet(PropInfo: PPropInfo; const Value: string): Integer;
function StringToSet(TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const Value: string): Integer;
+procedure StringToSet(PropInfo: PPropInfo; const Value: String; Result: Pointer);
+procedure StringToSet(TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const Value: String; Result: Pointer);
BooleanIdents: array[Boolean] of String = ('False', 'True');
@@ -1044,50 +1048,83 @@ end;
Function SetToString(PropInfo: PPropInfo; Value: Integer; Brackets: Boolean) : String;
- Result:=SetToString(PropInfo^.PropType,Value,Brackets);
+ Result:=SetToString(PropInfo^.PropType, @Value, Brackets);
Function SetToString(TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; Value: Integer; Brackets: Boolean) : String;
+ Result := SetToString(TypeInfo, @Value, Brackets);
+function SetToString(TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; Value: Pointer; Brackets: Boolean): String;
tsetarr = bitpacked array[0..SizeOf(Integer)*8-1] of 0..1;
- I : Integer;
+ I,El,Els,Rem,V,Max : Integer;
PTI : PTypeInfo;
+ PTD : PTypeData;
+ ValueArr : PLongWord;
-{$if defined(FPC_BIG_ENDIAN)}
- { On big endian systems, set element 0 is in the most significant bit,
- and the same goes for the elements of bitpacked arrays there. }
- case GetTypeData(TypeInfo)^.OrdType of
- otSByte,otUByte: Value:=Value shl (SizeOf(Integer)*8-8);
- otSWord,otUWord: Value:=Value shl (SizeOf(Integer)*8-16);
+ PTD := GetTypeData(TypeInfo);
+ PTI:=PTD^.CompType;
+ ValueArr := PLongWord(Value);
+ Result:='';
+{$ifdef ver3_0}
+ case PTD^.OrdType of
+ otSByte, otUByte: begin
+ Els := 0;
+ Rem := 1;
+ end;
+ otSWord, otUWord: begin
+ Els := 0;
+ Rem := 2;
+ end;
+ otSLong, otULong: begin
+ Els := 1;
+ Rem := 0;
+ end;
+ Els := PTD^.SetSize div SizeOf(Integer);
+ Rem := PTD^.SetSize mod SizeOf(Integer);
- PTI:=GetTypeData(TypeInfo)^.CompType;
- Result:='';
- For I:=0 to SizeOf(Integer)*8-1 do
+{$ifdef ver3_0}
+ El := 0;
+ for El := 0 to (PTD^.SetSize - 1) div SizeOf(Integer) do
- if (tsetarr(Value)[i]<>0) then
+ if El = Els then
+ Max := Rem
+ else
+ Max := SizeOf(Integer);
+ For I:=0 to Max*8-1 do
- If Result='' then
- Result:=GetEnumName(PTI,i)
- else
- Result:=Result+','+GetEnumName(PTI,I);
+ if (tsetarr(ValueArr[El])[i]<>0) then
+ begin
+ V := I + SizeOf(Integer) * 8 * El;
+ If Result='' then
+ Result:=GetEnumName(PTI,V)
+ else
+ Result:=Result+','+GetEnumName(PTI,V);
+ end;
if Brackets then
Function SetToString(PropInfo: PPropInfo; Value: Integer) : String;
+function SetToString(PropInfo: PPropInfo; Value: Pointer; Brackets: Boolean): String;
+ Result := SetToString(PropInfo^.PropType, Value, Brackets);
SetDelim = ['[',']',',',' '];
@@ -1110,18 +1147,31 @@ end;
Function StringToSet(PropInfo: PPropInfo; const Value: string): Integer;
- Result:=StringToSet(PropInfo^.PropType,Value);
+ StringToSet(PropInfo^.PropType,Value,@Result);
Function StringToSet(TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const Value: string): Integer;
+ StringToSet(TypeInfo, Value, @Result);
+procedure StringToSet(TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const Value: String; Result: Pointer);
S,T : String;
- I : Integer;
+ I, ElOfs, BitOfs : Integer;
+ PTD: PTypeData;
PTI : PTypeInfo;
+ ResArr: PLongWord;
- Result:=0;
- PTI:=GetTypeData(TypeInfo)^.Comptype;
+ PTD:=GetTypeData(TypeInfo);
+{$ifndef ver3_0}
+ FillChar(Result^, PTD^.SetSize, 0);
+ PInteger(Result)^ := 0;
+ PTI:=PTD^.Comptype;
+ ResArr := PLongWord(Result);
If Length(S)>0 then
@@ -1138,11 +1188,22 @@ begin
if (I<0) then
raise EPropertyError.CreateFmt(SErrUnknownEnumValue, [T]);
- Result:=Result or (1 shl i);
+ ElOfs := I shr 5;
+ BitOfs := I and $1F;
+{$ifdef FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
+ { on Big Endian systems enum values start from the MSB, thus we need
+ to reverse the shift }
+ BitOfs := 31 - BitOfs;
+ ResArr[ElOfs] := ResArr[ElOfs] or (1 shl BitOfs);
+procedure StringToSet(PropInfo: PPropInfo; const Value: String; Result: Pointer);
+ StringToSet(PropInfo^.PropType, Value, Result);
Function AlignTypeData(p : Pointer) : Pointer;
{$packrecords c}
diff --git a/tests/test/trtti20.pp b/tests/test/trtti20.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef98118f6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test/trtti20.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+program trtti20;
+{$mode objfpc}
+ TypInfo;
+ TByteEnum = (
+ be1,
+ be2,
+ be3,
+ be4,
+ be5,
+ be6
+ );
+ TWordEnum = (
+ we1,
+ we2,
+ we3,
+ we4,
+ we5,
+ we6,
+ we7,
+ we8,
+ we9,
+ we10
+ );
+ TDWordEnum = (
+ de1,
+ de2,
+ de3,
+ de4,
+ de5,
+ de6,
+ de7,
+ de8,
+ de9,
+ de10,
+ de11,
+ de12,
+ de13,
+ de14,
+ de15,
+ de16,
+ de17,
+ de18,
+ de19,
+ de20
+ );
+ TLargeEnum = (
+ le1,
+ le2,
+ le3,
+ le4,
+ le5,
+ le6,
+ le7,
+ le8,
+ le9,
+ le10,
+ le11,
+ le12,
+ le13,
+ le14,
+ le15,
+ le16,
+ le17,
+ le18,
+ le19,
+ le20,
+ le21,
+ le22,
+ le23,
+ le24,
+ le25,
+ le26,
+ le27,
+ le28,
+ le29,
+ le30,
+ le31,
+ le32,
+ le33,
+ le34,
+ le35,
+ le36,
+ le37,
+ le38,
+ le39,
+ le40
+ );
+ TByteSet = set of TByteEnum;
+ TWordSet = set of TWordEnum;
+ TDWordSet = set of TDWordEnum;
+ TLargeSet = set of TLargeEnum;
+{$packset 1}
+ TByteSetP = set of TByteEnum;
+ TWordSetP = set of TWordEnum;
+ TDWordSetP = set of TDWordEnum;
+ TLargeSetP = set of TLargeEnum;
+ StrBS = '[be1,be6]';
+ StrWS = '[we1,we8,we10]';
+ StrDS = '[de1,de7,de20]';
+ StrLS = '[le1,le20,le31,le40]';
+ bs1, bs2: TByteSet;
+ ws1, ws2: TWordSet;
+ ds1, ds2: TDWordSet;
+ ls1, ls2: TLargeSet;
+ bsp1, bsp2: TByteSetP;
+ wsp1, wsp2: TWordSetP;
+ dsp1, dsp2: TDWordSetP;
+ lsp1, lsp2: TLargeSetP;
+ bs1 := [be1, be6];
+ ws1 := [we1, we8, we10];
+ ds1 := [de1, de7, de20];
+ ls1 := [le1, le20, le31, le40];
+ bsp1 := [be1, be6];
+ wsp1 := [we1, we8, we10];
+ dsp1 := [de1, de7, de20];
+ lsp1 := [le1, le20, le31, le40];
+ if SetToString(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(TByteSet)), @bs1, True) <> StrBS then
+ Halt(1);
+ if SetToString(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(TWordSet)), @ws1, True) <> StrWS then
+ Halt(2);
+ if SetToString(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(TDWordSet)), @ds1, True) <> StrDS then
+ Halt(3);
+ if SetToString(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(TLargeSet)), @ls1, True) <> StrLS then
+ Halt(4);
+ if SetToString(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(TByteSetP)), @bsp1, True) <> StrBS then
+ Halt(5);
+ if SetToString(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(TWordSetP)), @wsp1, True) <> StrWS then
+ Halt(6);
+ if SetToString(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(TDWordSetP)), @dsp1, True) <> StrDS then
+ Halt(7);
+ if SetToString(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(TLargeSetP)), @lsp1, True) <> StrLS then
+ Halt(8);
+ StringToSet(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(TByteSet)), StrBS, @bs2);
+ if bs2<>bs1 then
+ Halt(9);
+ StringToSet(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(TWordSet)), StrWS, @ws2);
+ if ws2<>ws1 then
+ Halt(10);
+ StringToSet(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(TDWordSet)), StrDS, @ds2);
+ if ds2<>ds1 then
+ Halt(11);
+ StringToSet(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(TLargeSet)), StrLS, @ls2);
+ if ls2<>ls1 then
+ Halt(12);
+ StringToSet(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(TByteSetP)), StrBS, @bsp2);
+ if bsp2<>bsp1 then
+ Halt(9);
+ StringToSet(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(TWordSetP)), StrWS, @wsp2);
+ if wsp2<>wsp1 then
+ Halt(10);
+ StringToSet(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(TDWordSetP)), StrDS, @dsp2);
+ if dsp2<>dsp1 then
+ Halt(11);
+ StringToSet(PTypeInfo(TypeInfo(TLargeSetP)), StrLS, @lsp2);
+ if lsp2<>lsp1 then
+ Halt(12);