diff options
authormichael <michael@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2008-01-10 07:54:26 +0000
committermichael <michael@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2008-01-10 07:54:26 +0000
commit7279799c4bbe891fdeb51b131925fa93485d5878 (patch)
parent8056f0a8bbc53775ea1c9daf5c292d1e2a17f842 (diff)
* Fixed double code
git-svn-id: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 662 deletions
diff --git a/rtl/inc/ b/rtl/inc/
index 082c93b07d..88b34d9ca2 100644
--- a/rtl/inc/
+++ b/rtl/inc/
@@ -658,665 +658,3 @@ const
UnlockResourceFunc : @ExtUnlockResource;
FreeResourceFunc : @ExtFreeResource;
- This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
- Copyright (c) 2008 by Giulio Bernardi
- Resource support as external files
- See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
- for details about the copyright.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- **********************************************************************}
- This file implements two kinds of external resource support:
- - one for systems that support the mmap call (usually unix-like oses)
- - one fallback implementation based on pascal files and GetMem/FreeMem
- Be sure to define EXTRES_MMAP or EXTRES_GENERIC before including this file!
-{$IF defined(EXTRES_MMAP) and defined(EXTRES_GENERIC)}
-{$FATAL EXTRES_MMAP and EXTRES_GENERIC can't be defined together}
-{$IF (not defined(EXTRES_MMAP)) and (not defined(EXTRES_GENERIC))}
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- FPCRES_EXT = '.fpcres';
- TExtHeader = packed record
- magic : array[0..5] of char;//'FPCRES'
- version : byte; //EXT_CURRENT_VERSION
- endianess : byte; //EXT_ENDIAN_BIG or EXT_ENDIAN_LITTLE
- count : longword; //resource count
- nodesize : longword; //size of header (up to string table, excluded)
- hdrsize : longword; //size of header (up to string table, included)
- reserved1 : longword;
- reserved2 : longword;
- reserved3 : longword;
- end;
- PExtHeader = ^TExtHeader;
- TResInfoNode = packed record
- nameid : longword; //name offset / integer ID / languageID
- ncounthandle : longword; //named sub-entries count/resource handle
- idcountsize : longword; //id sub-entries count / resource size
- subptr : longword; //first sub-entry offset
- end;
- PResInfoNode = ^TResInfoNode;
- TResHandle = record
- info : PResInfoNode;
- ptr : Pointer;
- end;
- PResHandle = ^TResHandle;
- {$ENDIF}
-var ResHeader : PExtHeader = nil;
- usedhandles : longword = 0;
- fd : integer;
- fd_size : longword;
- reshandles : PPointer = nil;
- {$ENDIF}
- fd : file;
- reshandles : PResHandle = nil;
- {$ENDIF}
- Private Helper Functions
-//resource functions are case insensitive... copied from
-function ResStrIComp(Str1, Str2 : PChar): SizeInt;
- counter: SizeInt;
- c1, c2: char;
- counter := 0;
- c1 := upcase(str1[counter]);
- c2 := upcase(str2[counter]);
- while c1 = c2 do
- begin
- if (c1 = #0) or (c2 = #0) then break;
- inc(counter);
- c1 := upcase(str1[counter]);
- c2 := upcase(str2[counter]);
- end;
- ResStrIComp := ord(c1) - ord(c2);
-//function InternalIsIntResource(aStr : pchar; out aInt : PtrUint) : boolean;
-function InternalIsIntResource(aStr : pchar; var aInt : PtrUint) : boolean;
-var i : integer;
- s : shortstring;
- code : word;
- InternalIsIntResource:=((PtrUInt(aStr) shr 16)=0);
- if InternalIsIntResource then aInt:=PtrUInt(aStr)
- else
- begin
- //a string like #number specifies an integer id
- if aStr[0]='#' then
- begin
- i:=1;
- while aStr[i]<>#0 do
- inc(i);
- if i>256 then i:=256;
- s[0]:=chr(i-1);
- Move(aStr[1],s[1],i-1);
- Val(s,aInt,code);
- InternalIsIntResource:=code=0;
- end;
- end;
-function GetResInfoPtr(const offset : longword) : PResInfoNode; inline;
- GetResInfoPtr:=PResInfoNode(PtrUInt(ResHeader)+offset);
-function GetPchar(const offset : longword) : Pchar; inline;
- GetPchar:=Pchar(PtrUInt(ResHeader)+offset);
-function GetPtr(const offset : longword) : Pointer; inline;
- GetPtr:=Pointer(PtrUInt(ResHeader)+offset);
-procedure FixResEndian;
-var ptr : plongword;
- blockend : plongword;
- //all info nodes reside in a contiguos block of memory.
- //they are all 16 bytes long and made by longwords
- //so, simply swap each longword in the block
- ptr:=GetPtr(sizeof(TExtHeader));
- blockend:=GetPtr(ResHeader^.nodesize);
- while ptr<blockend do
- begin
- ptr^:=SwapEndian(ptr^);
- inc(ptr);
- end;
-function GetExtResPath : pchar;
-var len, i : integer;
- pathstr : shortstring;
- pathstr:=paramstr(0);
- len:=byte(pathstr[0]);
- i:=len;
- //writeln('exe name is ',pathstr);
- //find position of extension
- while (i>0) and (not (pathstr[i] in ['.',DirectorySeparator])) do
- dec(i);
- if (i>0) and (pathstr[i]='.') then dec(i)
- else i:=len;
- pathstr[0]:=Chr(i);
- pathstr:=pathstr+FPCRES_EXT;
- len:=byte(pathstr[0]);
- GetExtResPath:=GetMem(len+1);
- Move(pathstr[1],GetExtResPath[0],len);
- GetExtResPath[len]:=#0;
- //writeln('Resource file is ',GetExtResPath);
-function BinSearchStr(arr : PResInfoNode; query : pchar; left, right : integer)
-: PResInfoNode;
-var pivot, res : integer;
- resstr : pchar;
- BinSearchStr:=nil;
- while left<=right do
- begin
- pivot:=(left+right) div 2;
- resstr:=GetPchar(arr[pivot].nameid);
- res:=ResStrIComp(resstr,query);
- if res<0 then left:=pivot+1
- else if res>0 then right:=pivot-1
- else
- begin
- BinSearchStr:=@arr[pivot];
- exit;
- end;
- end;
-function BinSearchInt(arr : PResInfoNode; query : pchar; left, right : integer)
-: PResInfoNode;
-var pivot : integer;
- BinSearchInt:=nil;
- while left<=right do
- begin
- pivot:=(left+right) div 2;
- if arr[pivot].nameid<PtrUInt(query) then left:=pivot+1
- else if arr[pivot].nameid>PtrUInt(query) then right:=pivot-1
- else
- begin
- BinSearchInt:=@arr[pivot];
- exit;
- end;
- end;
-function BinSearchRes(root : PResInfoNode; aDesc : PChar) : PResInfoNode;
-var aID : PtrUint;
- if InternalIsIntResource(aDesc,aID) then
- BinSearchRes:=BinSearchInt(GetResInfoPtr(root^.subptr),PChar(aID),
- root^.ncounthandle,root^.ncounthandle+root^.idcountsize-1)
- else
- BinSearchRes:=BinSearchStr(GetResInfoPtr(root^.subptr),aDesc,0,
- root^.ncounthandle-1);
-//Returns a pointer to a name node.
-function InternalFindResource(ResourceName, ResourceType: PChar):
- PResInfoNode;
- InternalFindResource:=nil;
- if ResHeader=nil then exit;
- InternalFindResource:=GetResInfoPtr(sizeof(TExtHeader));
- InternalFindResource:=BinSearchRes(InternalFindResource,ResourceType);
- if InternalFindResource<>nil then
- InternalFindResource:=BinSearchRes(InternalFindResource,ResourceName);
-function FindSubLanguage(aPtr : PResInfoNode; aLangID : word; aMask: word) : PResInfoNode;
-var arr : PResInfoNode;
- i : longword;
- FindSubLanguage:=nil;
- arr:=GetResInfoPtr(aPtr^.subptr);
- i:=0;
- while i<aPtr^.idcountsize do
- begin
- if (PtrUInt(arr[i].nameid) and aMask)=(aLangID and aMask) then
- begin
- FindSubLanguage:=@arr[i];
- exit;
- end;
- inc(i);
- end;
-procedure InitResources;
- PROT_READ = 1;
-var respath : pchar;
- fdstat : stat;
- respath:=GetExtResPath;
-// writeln('respath ',respath);
- fd:=FpOpen(respath,O_RDONLY,0);
-// writeln('fpopen returned ',fd);
- FreeMem(respath);
- if fd=-1 then exit;
- if FpFStat(fd,fdstat)<>0 then
- begin
-// writeln('fpfstat failed');
- FpClose(fd);
- exit;
- end;
-// writeln('fpfstat suceeded');
- fd_size:=fdstat.st_size;
- ResHeader:=PExtHeader(Fpmmap(nil,fd_size,PROT_READ or PROT_WRITE,
- MAP_PRIVATE,fd,0));
-// writeln('fpmmap returned ',PtrInt(ResHeader));
- if PtrInt(ResHeader)=-1 then
- begin
- FpClose(fd);
- exit;
- end;
- if (ResHeader^.magic<>FPCRES_MAGIC) or
- (ResHeader^.version<>fpcres_version) then
- begin
- FpClose(fd);
- exit;
- end;
-// writeln('magic ok');
- if ResHeader^.endianess<>FPCRES_ENDIAN then
- begin
- ResHeader^.count:=SwapEndian(ResHeader^.count);
- ResHeader^.nodesize:=SwapEndian(ResHeader^.nodesize);
- ResHeader^.hdrsize:=SwapEndian(ResHeader^.hdrsize);
- FixResEndian;
- end;
- reshandles:=GetMem(sizeof(Pointer)*ResHeader^.count);
- FillByte(reshandles^,sizeof(Pointer)*ResHeader^.count,0);
-procedure FinalizeResources;
- if ResHeader=nil then exit;
- FreeMem(reshandles);
- Fpmunmap(ResHeader,fd_size);
- FpClose(fd);
-procedure InitResources;
-var respath : pchar;
- tmp : longword;
- tmpptr : pbyte;
-label ExitErrMem, ExitErrFile, ExitNoErr;
- respath:=GetExtResPath;
-// writeln('respath ',respath);
- Assign(fd,respath);
- FreeMem(respath);
- {$I-}
- Reset(fd,1);
- {$I+}
- if IOResult<>0 then exit;
-// writeln('file opened');
- ResHeader:=GetMem(sizeof(TExtHeader));
- if ResHeader=nil then goto ExitErrFile;
- {$I-}
- BlockRead(fd,ResHeader^,sizeof(TExtHeader),tmp);
- {$I+}
- if (IOResult<>0) or (tmp<>sizeof(TExtHeader)) then goto ExitErrMem;
- if (ResHeader^.magic<>FPCRES_MAGIC) or (ResHeader^.version<>fpcres_version)
- then goto ExitErrMem;
-// writeln('magic ok');
- if ResHeader^.endianess<>FPCRES_ENDIAN then
- begin
- ResHeader^.count:=SwapEndian(ResHeader^.count);
- ResHeader^.nodesize:=SwapEndian(ResHeader^.nodesize);
- ResHeader^.hdrsize:=SwapEndian(ResHeader^.hdrsize);
- end;
- SysReallocMem(ResHeader,ResHeader^.hdrsize);
- if ResHeader=nil then goto ExitErrFile;
- tmpptr:=pbyte(ResHeader);
- inc(tmpptr,sizeof(TExtHeader));
- {$I-}
- BlockRead(fd,tmpptr^,ResHeader^.hdrsize-sizeof(TExtHeader),tmp);
- {$I+}
- if (IOResult<>0) or (tmp<>ResHeader^.hdrsize-sizeof(TExtHeader)) then goto ExitErrMem;
- if ResHeader^.endianess<>FPCRES_ENDIAN then
- FixResEndian;
- reshandles:=GetMem(sizeof(TResHandle)*ResHeader^.count);
- FillByte(reshandles^,sizeof(TResHandle)*ResHeader^.count,0);
- goto ExitNoErr;
- ExitErrMem:
- FreeMem(ResHeader);
- ResHeader:=nil;
- ExitErrFile:
- {$I-}
- Close(fd);
- {$I+}
- ExitNoErr:
-procedure FinalizeResources;
- if ResHeader=nil then exit;
- FreeMem(reshandles);
- FreeMem(ResHeader);
- Close(fd);
- Public Resource Functions
-Function ExtHINSTANCE : TFPResourceHMODULE;
-function ExtEnumResourceTypes(ModuleHandle : TFPResourceHMODULE; EnumFunc : EnumResTypeProc; lParam : PtrInt) : LongBool;
-var ptr : PResInfoNode;
- totn, totid, i : longword;
- pc : pchar;
- ExtEnumResourceTypes:=False;
- if ResHeader=nil then exit;
- ptr:=GetResInfoPtr(sizeof(TExtHeader));
- totn:=ptr^.ncounthandle;
- totid:=totn+ptr^.idcountsize;
- ptr:=GetResInfoPtr(ptr^.subptr);
- ExtEnumResourceTypes:=true;
- i:=0;
- while i<totn do //named entries
- begin
- pc:=GetPChar(ptr[i].nameid);
- if not EnumFunc(ModuleHandle,pc,lParam) then exit;
- inc(i);
- end;
- while i<totid do
- begin
- if not EnumFunc(ModuleHandle,PChar(ptr[i].nameid),lParam) then exit;
- inc(i);
- end;
-function ExtEnumResourceNames(ModuleHandle : TFPResourceHMODULE; ResourceType : PChar; EnumFunc : EnumResNameProc; lParam : PtrInt) : LongBool;
-var ptr : PResInfoNode;
- totn, totid, i : longword;
- pc : pchar;
- ExtEnumResourceNames:=False;
- if ResHeader=nil then exit;
- ptr:=GetResInfoPtr(sizeof(TExtHeader));
- ptr:=BinSearchRes(ptr,ResourceType);
- if ptr=nil then exit;
- totn:=ptr^.ncounthandle;
- totid:=totn+ptr^.idcountsize;
- ptr:=GetResInfoPtr(ptr^.subptr);
- ExtEnumResourceNames:=true;
- i:=0;
- while i<totn do //named entries
- begin
- pc:=GetPChar(ptr[i].nameid);
- if not EnumFunc(ModuleHandle,ResourceType,pc,lParam) then exit;
- inc(i);
- end;
- while i<totid do
- begin
- if not EnumFunc(ModuleHandle,ResourceType,PChar(ptr[i].nameid),lParam) then exit;
- inc(i);
- end;
-function ExtEnumResourceLanguages(ModuleHandle : TFPResourceHMODULE; ResourceType, ResourceName : PChar; EnumFunc : EnumResLangProc; lParam : PtrInt) : LongBool;
-var ptr : PResInfoNode;
- tot, i : integer;
- ExtEnumResourceLanguages:=False;
- ptr:=InternalFindResource(ResourceName,ResourceType);
- if ptr=nil then exit;
- tot:=ptr^.idcountsize;
- ptr:=GetResInfoPtr(ptr^.subptr);
- ExtEnumResourceLanguages:=true;
- i:=0;
- while i<tot do
- begin
- if not EnumFunc(ModuleHandle,ResourceType,ResourceName,PtrUInt(ptr[i].nameid),lParam) then exit;
- inc(i);
- end;
-Function ExtFindResource(ModuleHandle: TFPResourceHMODULE; ResourceName, ResourceType: PChar)
-: TFPResourceHandle;
-var ptr : PResInfoNode;
- ExtFindResource:=0;
- ptr:=InternalFindResource(ResourceName,ResourceType);
- if ptr=nil then exit;
- //first language id
- ptr:=GetResInfoPtr(ptr^.subptr);
- if ptr^.ncounthandle=0 then
- begin
- reshandles[usedhandles]:=ptr;
- {$ENDIF}
- reshandles[usedhandles].info:=ptr;
- {$ENDIF}
- inc(usedhandles);
- ptr^.ncounthandle:=usedhandles;
- end;
- ExtFindResource:=ptr^.ncounthandle;
-Function ExtFindResourceEx(ModuleHandle: TFPResourceHMODULE; ResourceType,
- ResourceName: PChar; Language : word): TFPResourceHandle;
-const LANG_NEUTRAL = 0;
-var nameptr,ptr : PResInfoNode;
- ExtFindResourceEx:=0;
- nameptr:=InternalFindResource(ResourceName,ResourceType);
- if nameptr=nil then exit;
- //try exact match
- ptr:=FindSubLanguage(nameptr,Language,$FFFF);
- //try primary language
- if ptr=nil then
- ptr:=FindSubLanguage(nameptr,Language,$3FF);
- //try language neutral
- if ptr=nil then
- ptr:=FindSubLanguage(nameptr,LANG_NEUTRAL,$3FF);
- //try english
- if ptr=nil then
- ptr:=FindSubLanguage(nameptr,LANG_ENGLISH,$3FF);
- //nothing found, return the first one
- if ptr=nil then
- ptr:=GetResInfoPtr(nameptr^.subptr);
- if ptr^.ncounthandle=0 then
- begin
- reshandles[usedhandles]:=ptr;
- {$ENDIF}
- reshandles[usedhandles].info:=ptr;
- {$ENDIF}
- inc(usedhandles);
- ptr^.ncounthandle:=usedhandles;
- end;
- ExtFindResourceEx:=ptr^.ncounthandle;
-Function ExtLoadResource(ModuleHandle: TFPResourceHMODULE; ResHandle: TFPResourceHandle): TFPResourceHGLOBAL;
- ExtLoadResource:=0;
- if ResHeader=nil then exit;
- if (ResHandle<=0) or (ResHandle>usedhandles) then exit;
- ExtLoadResource:=TFPResourceHGLOBAL(GetPtr(PResInfoNode(reshandles[ResHandle-1])^.subptr));
-Function ExtFreeResource(ResData: TFPResourceHGLOBAL): LongBool;
- ExtFreeResource:=(ResHeader<>nil);
-Function ExtSizeofResource(ModuleHandle: TFPResourceHMODULE; ResHandle: TFPResourceHandle): LongWord;
- ExtSizeofResource:=0;
- if ResHeader=nil then exit;
- if (ResHandle<=0) or (ResHandle>usedhandles) then exit;
- ExtSizeofResource:=PResInfoNode(reshandles[ResHandle-1])^.idcountsize;
-Resource data memory layout:
--2*sizeof(pointer) Reference count
- -sizeof(pointer) Pointer to resource info
- 0 Resource data
-Function ExtLoadResource(ModuleHandle: TFPResourceHMODULE; ResHandle: TFPResourceHandle): TFPResourceHGLOBAL;
-var ptr : PPtrUInt;
- tmp : longword;
- ExtLoadResource:=0;
- if ResHeader=nil then exit;
- if (ResHandle<=0) or (ResHandle>usedhandles) then exit;
- if reshandles[ResHandle-1].ptr=nil then
- begin
- {$I-}
- Seek(fd,reshandles[ResHandle-1].info^.subptr);
- {$I+}
- if IOResult<>0 then exit;
- ptr:=GetMem(reshandles[ResHandle-1].info^.idcountsize+2*sizeof(PtrUint));
- if ptr=nil then exit;
- ptr^:=1; //refcount
- inc(ptr);
- ptr^:=PtrUInt(reshandles[ResHandle-1].info); //ptr to resource info
- inc(ptr);
- {$I-}
- BlockRead(fd,ptr^,reshandles[ResHandle-1].info^.idcountsize,tmp);
- {$I+}
- if (IOResult<>0) or (tmp<>reshandles[ResHandle-1].info^.idcountsize) then
- begin
- FreeMem(ptr);
- exit;
- end;
- reshandles[ResHandle-1].ptr:=ptr;
- end
- else
- begin
- ptr:=reshandles[ResHandle-1].ptr;
- dec(ptr,2);
- inc(ptr^,1); //increase reference count
- end;
- ExtLoadResource:=TFPResourceHGLOBAL(reshandles[ResHandle-1].ptr);
-Function ExtFreeResource(ResData: TFPResourceHGLOBAL): LongBool;
-var ptrinfo : PResInfoNode;
- ptr : PPtrUInt;
- ExtFreeResource:=(ResHeader<>nil);
- if not ExtFreeResource then exit;
- ptr:=PPtrUInt(ResData);
- dec(ptr,2);
- dec(ptr^); //decrease reference count
- if ptr^=0 then
- begin
- inc(ptr);
- ptrinfo:=PResInfoNode(ptr^);
- dec(ptr);
- FreeMem(ptr);
- reshandles[ptrinfo^.ncounthandle-1].ptr:=nil;
- end;
- ExtFreeResource:=true;
-Function ExtSizeofResource(ModuleHandle: TFPResourceHMODULE; ResHandle: TFPResourceHandle): LongWord;
-var ptrinfo : PResInfoNode;
- ExtSizeofResource:=0;
- if ResHeader=nil then exit;
- if (ResHandle<=0) or (ResHandle>usedhandles) then exit;
- ptrinfo:=PResInfoNode(reshandles[ResHandle-1].info);
- ExtSizeofResource:=ptrinfo^.idcountsize;
-Function ExtLockResource(ResData: TFPResourceHGLOBAL): Pointer;
- ExtLockResource:=Nil;
- if ResHeader=nil then exit;
- ExtLockResource:=Pointer(ResData);
-Function ExtUnlockResource(ResData: TFPResourceHGLOBAL): LongBool;
- ExtUnlockResource:=(ResHeader<>nil);
- ExternalResourceManager : TResourceManager =
- (
- EnumResourceTypesFunc : @ExtEnumResourceTypes;
- EnumResourceNamesFunc : @ExtEnumResourceNames;
- EnumResourceLanguagesFunc : @ExtEnumResourceLanguages;
- FindResourceFunc : @ExtFindResource;
- FindResourceExFunc : @ExtFindResourceEx;
- LoadResourceFunc : @ExtLoadResource;
- SizeofResourceFunc : @ExtSizeofResource;
- LockResourceFunc : @ExtLockResource;
- UnlockResourceFunc : @ExtUnlockResource;
- FreeResourceFunc : @ExtFreeResource;
- );