diff options
authormichael <michael@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2008-10-05 14:37:01 +0000
committermichael <michael@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2008-10-05 14:37:01 +0000
commitd772c27a6c6d0fb23d6366e59bf3999c05e9d8b6 (patch)
parent1d2b41d924529805549af706a7bb1c98e18e5d36 (diff)
* Initial check-in
git-svn-id: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
1 files changed, 633 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/cdrom/src/fpcddb.pp b/packages/cdrom/src/fpcddb.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..58c5fe346a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/cdrom/src/fpcddb.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2008 by Michael Van Canneyt
+ Unit to parse CDDB responses and construct a list
+ of tracks in a CD.
+ See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
+ for details about the copyright.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ **********************************************************************}
+unit fpcddb;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils;
+ TCDDisk = Class;
+ { TCDTrack }
+ TCDTrack = Class(TCollectionItem)
+ private
+ FDuration: TDateTime;
+ FExtra: String;
+ FPerformer: String;
+ FTitle: String;
+ function GetPerformer: String;
+ Public
+ Procedure Assign(Source : TPersistent); override;
+ Published
+ Property Title : String Read FTitle Write FTitle;
+ Property Performer : String Read GetPerformer Write FPerformer;
+ Property Extra : String Read FExtra Write FExtra;
+ Property Duration : TDateTime Read FDuration Write FDuration;
+ end;
+ { TCDTracks }
+ TCDTracks = Class(TCollection)
+ private
+ FCDDisk: TCDDisk;
+ function GetT(AIndex : Integer): TCDTrack;
+ procedure SetT(AIndex : Integer; const AValue: TCDTrack);
+ Public
+ Property CDDisk : TCDDisk Read FCDDisk;
+ Function AddTrack(Const ATitle,AExtra : String; ADuration : TDateTime) : TCDTrack;
+ Function AddTrack(Const ATitle,AExtra : String) : TCDTrack;
+ Function AddTrack(Const ATitle : String) : TCDTrack;
+ Property Track[AIndex : Integer] : TCDTrack Read GetT Write SetT; default;
+ end;
+ { TCDDisk }
+ TCDDisk = Class(TCollectionItem)
+ private
+ FDiskID: Integer;
+ FExtra: String;
+ FPerformer: String;
+ FPlayOrder: String;
+ FTitle: String;
+ FTracks: TCDTracks;
+ FYear: Word;
+ function GetDiskID: String;
+ procedure SetDiskID(const AValue: String);
+ procedure SetTracks(const AValue: TCDTracks);
+ Protected
+ Function CreateTracks : TCDTracks; virtual;
+ Public
+ Constructor Create(ADiskID : Integer);
+ Constructor Create(ACollection : TCollection); override;
+ Procedure Assign(Source : TPersistent); override;
+ Property IntDiscID : Integer Read FDiskID Write FDiskID;
+ Published
+ Property PlayOrder : String Read FPlayOrder Write FPlayOrder;
+ Property Year : Word Read FYear Write FYear;
+ Property Title : String Read FTitle Write FTitle;
+ Property Performer : String Read FPerformer Write FPerformer;
+ Property Extra : String Read FExtra Write FExtra;
+ Property DiscID : String Read GetDiskID Write SetDiskID;
+ property Tracks : TCDTracks Read FTracks Write SetTracks;
+ end;
+ { TCDDisks }
+ TCDDisks = Class(TCollection)
+ private
+ function GetD(AIndex : Integer): TCDDisk;
+ procedure SetD(AIndex : Integer; const AValue: TCDDisk);
+ Public
+ Function AddDisk(ADiscID : String) : TCDDisk;
+ Function AddDisk : TCDDisk;
+ Property Disk[AIndex : Integer] : TCDDisk Read GetD Write SetD; default;
+ end;
+ { TCDDBQueryMatch }
+ TCDDBQueryMatch = Class(TCollectionItem)
+ private
+ FCategory: String;
+ FDiscID: Integer;
+ FPerformer: String;
+ FTitle: String;
+ Public
+ Procedure Assign(Source : TPersistent); override;
+ Published
+ Property DiscID : Integer Read FDiscID Write FDiscID;
+ Property Category : String Read FCategory Write FCategory;
+ Property Title : String Read FTitle Write FTitle;
+ Property Performer : String Read FPerformer Write FPerformer;
+ end;
+ { TCDDBQueryMatches }
+ TCDDBQueryMatches = Class(TCollection)
+ private
+ function GetM(AIndex : Integer): TCDDBQueryMatch;
+ procedure SetM(AIndex : Integer; const AValue: TCDDBQueryMatch);
+ Public
+ Function AddMatch(Const ADiscID: Integer; Const ACategory,ATitle, APerformer : String) : TCDDBQueryMatch;
+ Function AddMatch(Const ADiscID,ACategory,ATitle, APerformer : String) : TCDDBQueryMatch;
+ Function AddMatch : TCDDBQueryMatch;
+ Property Match[AIndex : Integer] :TCDDBQueryMatch Read GetM Write SetM; default;
+ end;
+ { TCDDBParser }
+ TCDDBParser = Class(TComponent)
+ private
+ FDisks: TCDDisks;
+ FDisk : TCDDisk;
+ function ParseExtraDiskData(AData: String): Boolean;
+ function ParseExtraTrackData(ATrack: TCDTrack; AData: String): Boolean;
+ procedure SetDisks(const AValue: TCDDisks);
+ procedure SplitQueryResponse(AResponse: String; var ACategory, ADiscID, ATitle, APerformer: String);
+ procedure SplitTitle(const ALine: String; var AArtist, ATitle: String;
+ PreferTitle: boolean);
+ function StdReplacements(S: String): String;
+ Protected
+ Procedure CheckDisk;
+ function CheckCDDBCmdResult(var S: String): Integer;
+ Function CreateDisks :TCDDisks; virtual;
+ Function IsComment(Const L : String) : Boolean;
+ Function GetTrack(Const TrackNo : Integer) : TCDTrack;
+ Property Disk : TCDDisk Read FDisk;
+ Public
+ Constructor Create(AOwner : TComponent); override;
+ Destructor Destroy; override;
+ Function ParseCDDBReadResponse(Response : TStrings; WithHeader : Boolean = True) : Integer;
+ Function ParseCDDBReadResponse(Response : TStream; WithHeader : Boolean = True) : Integer;
+ Function ParseCDDBQueryResponse(Response : TStrings; Matches : TCDDBQueryMatches; WithHeader : Boolean = True) : Integer;
+ Function ParseCDDBQueryResponse(Response : TStream; Matches : TCDDBQueryMatches; WithHeader : Boolean = True) : Integer;
+ Published
+ Property Disks : TCDDisks Read FDisks Write SetDisks;
+ end;
+ ECDDBParser = Class(Exception);
+Function DiscIDToStr(ID : Integer) : String;
+Function StrToDiscID(S : String) : Integer;
+ SErrNoDisk = 'No disk active';
+ SErrInvalidTrackNo = 'Invalid track number: %d';
+ SErrParsingLine = 'An error occured while parsing line %d of the response: %s';
+ SErrCDDBResponse = 'CDDB error in command response: %s';
+function DiscIDToStr(ID: Integer): String;
+ Result:=LowerCase(Format('%.8x',[ID]));
+function StrToDiscID(S: String): Integer;
+ Result:=StrToIntDef('$'+S,-1);
+{ TCDTrack }
+function TCDTrack.GetPerformer: String;
+ Result:=FPerformer;
+ If (Result='') and Assigned(Collection) and (Collection is TCDTracks) then
+ If Assigned(TCDTracks(Collection).CDDisk) then
+ Result:=TCDTracks(Collection).CDDisk.Performer;
+procedure TCDTrack.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
+ T : TCDTrack;
+ if (Source is TCDTrack) then
+ begin
+ T:=Source as TCDTrack;
+ FTitle:=T.FTitle;
+ FExtra:=T.FExtra;
+ FPerformer:=T.FPerformer;
+ FDuration:=T.FDuration;
+ end
+ else
+ inherited Assign(Source);
+{ TCDDisk }
+procedure TCDDisk.SetTracks(const AValue: TCDTracks);
+ if FTracks=AValue then exit;
+ FTracks.Assign(AValue);
+function TCDDisk.GetDiskID: String;
+ Result:=DiscIDToStr(FdiskID);
+procedure TCDDisk.SetDiskID(const AValue: String);
+ FDiskID:=StrToDiscID(AValue);
+function TCDDisk.CreateTracks: TCDTracks;
+ Result:=TCDTracks.Create(TCDTrack);
+constructor TCDDisk.Create(ADiskID: Integer);
+ FDiskID:=ADiskID;
+ Create(Nil);
+constructor TCDDisk.Create(ACollection: TCollection);
+ FTracks:=CreateTracks;
+ FTracks.FCDDisk:=Self;
+ inherited Create(ACollection);
+procedure TCDDisk.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
+ D : TCDDisk;
+ if Source is TCDDisk then
+ begin
+ D:=Source as TCDDisk;
+ FTitle:=D.FTitle;
+ FExtra:=D.FExtra;
+ FPerformer:=D.FPerformer;
+ FYear:=D.FYear;
+ FTracks.Assign(D.FTracks);
+ FPLayOrder:=D.FPlayOrder;
+ end
+ else
+ inherited Assign(Source);
+{ TCDTracks }
+function TCDTracks.GetT(AIndex : Integer): TCDTrack;
+ Result:=Items[AIndex] as TCDTrack;
+procedure TCDTracks.SetT(AIndex : Integer; const AValue: TCDTrack);
+ Items[AIndex]:=AValue;
+function TCDTracks.AddTrack(const ATitle, AExtra: String; ADuration: TDateTime
+ ): TCDTrack;
+ Result:=Add as TCDTrack;
+ Result.Title:=ATitle;
+ Result.Extra:=AExtra;
+ Result.Duration:=ADuration;
+function TCDTracks.AddTrack(const ATitle, AExtra: String): TCDTrack;
+ Result:=AddTrack(ATitle,AExtra,0);
+function TCDTracks.AddTrack(const ATitle: String): TCDTrack;
+ Result:=AddTrack(ATitle,'',0);
+{ TCDDisks }
+function TCDDisks.GetD(AIndex : Integer): TCDDisk;
+ Result:=Items[AIndex] as TCDDisk;
+procedure TCDDisks.SetD(AIndex : Integer; const AValue: TCDDisk);
+ Items[AIndex]:=AValue;
+function TCDDisks.AddDisk(ADiscID: String): TCDDisk;
+ Result:=Self.AddDisk();
+ Result.DiscID:=ADiscID;
+function TCDDisks.AddDisk: TCDDisk;
+ Result:=Add as TCDDisk;
+{ TCDDBParser }
+procedure TCDDBParser.SetDisks(const AValue: TCDDisks);
+ if FDisks=AValue then exit;
+ FDisks.Assign(AValue);
+procedure TCDDBParser.CheckDisk;
+ If (FDisk=Nil) then
+ Raise ECDDBParser.Create(SErrNoDisk)
+function TCDDBParser.CreateDisks: TCDDisks;
+ Result:=TCDDisks.Create(TCDDisk);
+function TCDDBParser.IsComment(const L: String): Boolean;
+ Result:=(Length(L)=0) or (L[1]='#');
+function TCDDBParser.GetTrack(const TrackNo: Integer): TCDTrack;
+ If (TrackNo<0) then
+ Raise ECDDBParser.CreateFmt(SErrInvalidTrackNo,[TrackNo]);
+ CheckDisk;
+ If (TrackNo>FDisk.Tracks.Count) then
+ Raise ECDDBParser.CreateFmt(SErrInvalidTrackNo,[TrackNo]);
+ If (TrackNo=FDisk.Tracks.Count) then
+ Result:=FDisk.Tracks.AddTrack('')
+ else
+ Result:=FDisk.Tracks[TrackNo]
+constructor TCDDBParser.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+ FDisks:=CreateDisks;
+destructor TCDDBParser.Destroy;
+ FreeAndNil(FDisks);
+ inherited Destroy;
+Function TCDDBParser.StdReplacements(S : String) : String;
+ Result:=StringReplace(S,'\n',sLineBreak,[rfReplaceAll]);
+Function TCDDBParser.ParseExtraDiskData(AData : String) : Boolean;
+ FDisk.Extra:=FDisk.Extra+StdReplacements(AData);
+Function TCDDBParser.ParseExtraTrackData(ATrack : TCDTrack; AData : String) : Boolean;
+ ATrack.Extra:=ATrack.Extra+StdReplacements(AData);
+Procedure TCDDBParser.SplitTitle(Const ALine: String; Var AArtist, ATitle : String; PreferTitle : boolean);
+ P,L : Integer;
+ // Artist / Title
+ L:=Length(ALine);
+ P:=Pos('/',ALine);
+ If (P=0) and Not PreferTitle then
+ P:=L+1;
+ AArtist:=Trim(Copy(ALine,1,P-1));
+ ATitle:=Trim(Copy(ALine,P+1,L-P));
+Function TCDDBParser.ParseCDDBReadResponse(Response: TStrings; WithHeader : Boolean = True) : Integer;
+ I,P : Integer;
+ L,Args,A,T : String;
+ TrackID : Integer;
+ Track : TCDTrack;
+ Result:=-1;
+ FDisks.Clear;
+ If WithHeader and (Response.Count>0) then
+ begin
+ L:=Response[0];
+ If Not (CheckCDDBCmdResult(L) in [200,210]) then
+ Raise ECDDBParser.CreateFmt(SErrCDDBResponse,[L]);
+ end;
+ FDisk:=Nil;
+ Result:=0;
+ Try
+ Try
+ I:=Ord(WithHeader);
+ While (I<Response.Count) do
+ begin
+ L:=Response[i];
+ If Not IsComment(L) then
+ begin
+ P:=Pos('=',L);
+ Args:=Copy(L,P+1,Length(L)-P);
+ L:=Uppercase(Copy(L,1,P-1));
+ If (L='DISCID') then
+ FDisk:=FDisks.AddDisk(Args)
+ else
+ begin
+ CheckDisk;
+ If (L='DTITLE') then
+ begin
+ SplitTitle(Args,A,T,True);
+ FDisk.Title:=T;
+ FDisk.Performer:=A;
+ end
+ else if (L='EXTD') then
+ ParseExtraDiskData(Args)
+ else if (Copy(L,1,6)='TTITLE') then
+ begin
+ Delete(L,1,6);
+ TrackID:=StrToIntDef(L,-1);
+ Track:=GetTrack(TrackID);
+ SplitTitle(Args,A,T,True);
+ Track.Title:=T;
+ Track.Performer:=A;
+ end
+ else if (Copy(L,1,6)='EXTT') then
+ begin
+ Delete(L,1,6);
+ TrackID:=StrToIntDef(L,-1);
+ Track:=GetTrack(TrackID);
+ ParseExtraTrackData(Track,Args);
+ end
+ else if (Copy(L,1,9)='PLAYORDER') then
+ begin
+ FDisk.PlayOrder:=Trim(Args);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Inc(I);
+ end;
+ except
+ On E : Exception do
+ begin
+ E.Message:=Format(SErrParsingLine,[I,E.MEssage]);
+ Raise;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Result:=FDisks.Count;
+ Finally
+ FDisk:=Nil;
+ end;
+Function TCDDBParser.ParseCDDBReadResponse(Response: TStream; WithHeader : Boolean = True) : Integer;
+ L : TStringList;
+ L:=TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ L.LoadFromStream(Response);
+ Result:=ParseCDDBReadResponse(L,WithHeader);
+ finally
+ L.Free;
+ end;
+function TCDDBParser.ParseCDDBQueryResponse(Response: TStrings;
+ Matches: TCDDBQueryMatches; WithHeader: Boolean): Integer;
+ I,CmdRes : Integer;
+ L : String;
+ D,C,T,P : String;
+ Matches.Clear;
+ Result:=-1;
+ If WithHeader and (Response.Count>0) then
+ begin
+ L:=Response[0];
+ CmdRes:=CheckCDDBCmdResult(L);
+ If (CmdRes=200) then
+ begin
+ SplitQueryResponse(L,C,D,T,P);
+ Matches.AddMatch(D,C,T,P);
+ Result:=1;
+ Exit;
+ end
+ else if (CmdRes<>210) then
+ Raise ECDDBParser.CreateFmt(SerrCDDBResponse,[L]);
+ end;
+ For I:=Ord(WithHeader) to Response.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ SplitQueryResponse(Response[i],C,D,T,P);
+ Matches.AddMatch(D,C,T,P);
+ end;
+ Result:=Matches.Count;
+function TCDDBParser.ParseCDDBQueryResponse(Response: TStream;
+ Matches: TCDDBQueryMatches; WithHeader: Boolean): Integer;
+ L : TStringList;
+ L:=TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ L.LoadFromStream(Response);
+ Result:=ParseCDDBQueryResponse(L,Matches,WithHeader);
+ finally
+ L.Free;
+ end;
+Function TCDDBParser.CheckCDDBCmdResult(Var S : String) : Integer;
+ P : integer;
+ P:=Pos(' ',S);
+ If (P=0) then
+ P:=Length(S)+1;
+ Result:=StrToIntDef(Copy(S,1,P-1),0);
+ Delete(S,1,P);
+Procedure TCDDBParser.SplitQueryResponse(AResponse :String; Var ACategory, ADiscID, ATitle, APerformer : String);
+ P : Integer;
+ P:=Pos(' ',AResponse);
+ ACategory:=Copy(AResponse,1,P-1);
+ Delete(AResponse,1,P);
+ P:=Pos(' ',AResponse);
+ ADiscId:=Copy(AResponse,1,P-1);
+ Delete(AResponse,1,P);
+ SplitTitle(AResponse,APerformer,ATitle,True);
+{ TCDDBQueryMatches }
+function TCDDBQueryMatches.GetM(AIndex : Integer): TCDDBQueryMatch;
+ Result:=TCDDBQueryMatch(Items[AIndex]);
+procedure TCDDBQueryMatches.SetM(AIndex : Integer; const AValue: TCDDBQueryMatch
+ );
+ Items[AIndex]:=AValue;
+function TCDDBQueryMatches.AddMatch(const ADiscID: Integer; const ACategory,
+ ATitle, APerformer: String): TCDDBQueryMatch;
+ Result:=AddMatch();
+ Result.DiscID:=ADiscID;
+ Result.Category:=ACategory;
+ Result.Title:=ATitle;
+ Result.Performer:=APerformer;
+function TCDDBQueryMatches.AddMatch(const ADiscID, ACategory, ATitle, APerformer : String): TCDDBQueryMatch;
+ Result:=AddMatch(StrToDiscID(ADiscID),ACategory,ATitle,APerformer);
+function TCDDBQueryMatches.AddMatch: TCDDBQueryMatch;
+ Result:=Add as TCDDBQueryMatch;
+{ TCDDBQueryMatch }
+procedure TCDDBQueryMatch.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
+ M : TCDDBQueryMatch;
+ if Source is TCDDBQueryMatch then
+ begin
+ M:=Source as TCDDBQueryMatch;
+ FDiscID:=M.FDiscID;
+ FCategory:=M.FCategory;
+ FPerformer:=M.FPerformer;
+ FTitle:=M.FTitle;
+ end
+ else
+ inherited Assign(Source);