path: root/packages/fcl-mustache/tests/tcspecs.pas
diff options
authormichael <michael@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2021-04-20 11:39:30 +0000
committermichael <michael@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2021-04-20 11:39:30 +0000
commit73ebe6abbe99cd7518f8dd5b9ec1106357ae8f88 (patch)
tree00d10dae5d3c9c9bd0930e72512643855bb69b97 /packages/fcl-mustache/tests/tcspecs.pas
parent4813da5171f4d11b23f06093bb346af7514f4322 (diff)
* Mustache templates implementation
git-svn-id: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/fcl-mustache/tests/tcspecs.pas')
1 files changed, 188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/fcl-mustache/tests/tcspecs.pas b/packages/fcl-mustache/tests/tcspecs.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5892733e37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/fcl-mustache/tests/tcspecs.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+ This file is part of the Free Pascal Run time library.
+ Copyright (c) 2021 by Michael Van Canneyt (
+ testcase for official Mustache tests
+ See the File COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
+ for details about the copyright.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ **********************************************************************}
+unit tcspecs;
+{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
+ Classes, SysUtils, fpcunit, testregistry, fpmustache, fpjson, jsonparser;
+ { TTestMustacheSpecs }
+ TTestMustacheSpecs = class(TTestCase)
+ private
+ FTests: TJSONArray;
+ procedure RunMustacheTest(aIndex: Integer; aTest: TJSONObject);
+ Public
+ class var BaseDir : string;
+ Public
+ Procedure Setup; override;
+ Procedure TearDown; override;
+ Procedure DoTest(aFileName : string);
+ Property Tests : TJSONArray Read FTests;
+ Published
+ Procedure TestComments;
+ Procedure TestDelimiters;
+ Procedure TestInterpolation;
+ Procedure TestInverted;
+ Procedure TestPartials;
+ Procedure TestSections;
+ end;
+{ TTestMustacheSpecs }
+procedure TTestMustacheSpecs.RunMustacheTest(aIndex : Integer; aTest : TJSONObject);
+ M : TMustache;
+ aTempl,aErr,aRes,aName : TMustacheString;
+ Parts : TJSONObject;
+ I : Integer;
+ Ok : Boolean;
+ Procedure TreeDump;
+ begin
+ if not OK then
+ begin
+ Writeln('Tree dump:');
+ Writeln(M.Dump);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Procedure InputDump;
+ begin
+ Writeln('Test : ',aIndex);
+ writeln(aTempl);
+ writeln(StringReplace(StringReplace(aTempl,#10,' ',[rfReplaceAll]),#13,' ',[rfReplaceAll]));
+ aName:='';
+ While Length(aName)<Length(aTempl) do
+ aName:=AName+'1234567890';
+ Writeln(aName);
+ end;
+ OK:=False;
+ aTempl:=aTest.Get('template','');
+ // InputDump;
+ M:=TMustache.CreateMustache(Nil,aTempl);
+ try
+ // Load partials
+ Parts:=aTest.Get('partials',TJSONObject(Nil));
+ if Assigned(Parts) then
+ for I:=0 to Parts.Count-1 do
+ M.Partials.Add(Parts.Names[i]+'='+Parts.Items[i].AsString);
+ // Set test name and run tests
+ aName:='Test '+IntToStr(aIndex)+': '+aTest.Get('name','');
+ Try
+ aErr:='';
+ aRes:=m.Render(aTest.Get('data',TJSONObject(Nil)));
+ except
+ on e : exception do
+ aErr:=E.ClassName+' '+E.message;
+ end;
+ if aErr<>'' then
+ Fail(aName+': Unexpected error: '+aErr);
+ AssertEquals(aName,aTest.Get('expected',''),aRes);
+ OK:=true;
+ finally
+ // TreeDump;
+ M.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TTestMustacheSpecs.Setup;
+ inherited Setup;
+procedure TTestMustacheSpecs.TearDown;
+ inherited TearDown;
+procedure TTestMustacheSpecs.DoTest(aFileName: string);
+ I : Integer;
+ F : TFileStream;
+ D : TJSONData;
+ FN : String;
+ D:=Nil;
+ FN:=IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(BaseDir)+aFileName+'.json';
+ F:=TFileStream.Create(FN,fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
+ try
+ D:=GetJSON(F);
+ if D is TJSONObject then
+ begin
+ Ftests:=(D as TJSONObject).Get('tests',TJSONArray(Nil));
+ if (FTests=Nil) then
+ Fail('Invalid mustache tests in '+FN);
+ end
+ else
+ Fail('Invalid JSON object in '+FN);
+ For I:=0 to Tests.Count-1 do
+ RunMustacheTest(I,Tests.Items[i] as TJSONObject);
+ finally
+ D.Free;
+ F.Free;
+ end;
+procedure TTestMustacheSpecs.TestComments;
+ DoTest('comments');
+procedure TTestMustacheSpecs.TestDelimiters;
+ DoTest('delimiters');
+procedure TTestMustacheSpecs.TestInterpolation;
+ DoTest('interpolation');
+procedure TTestMustacheSpecs.TestInverted;
+ DoTest('inverted');
+procedure TTestMustacheSpecs.TestPartials;
+ DoTest('partials');
+procedure TTestMustacheSpecs.TestSections;
+ DoTest('sections');
+ TTestMustacheSpecs.BaseDir:='spec/';
+ RegisterTest(TTestMustacheSpecs);