path: root/packages/fcl-xml/tests/testgen.pp
diff options
authormichael <michael@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2008-11-04 18:33:05 +0000
committermichael <michael@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2008-11-04 18:33:05 +0000
commitcfffdc0125a3ea03257e974b272b28d5a454860e (patch)
treefafa5b4797a1b7b9db327993d5a71854b4cf4b80 /packages/fcl-xml/tests/testgen.pp
parentb1b42155e3b45dce935adab290f8ddad1c144578 (diff)
* Patch from Sergei Gorelkin:
src/xmlread.pp, src/dom.pp * Improvements to attribute processing: attributes are now validated as they come. This enables reporting of the corresponding validation errors at correct positions (previously everything was reported at the end of element start-tag). * Search for a declaration for attribute, not for an attribute corresponding to the declaration. This reduces number of lookups (because unspecified attributes are not searched) and obsoletes the need in FDeclared field on every attribute. tests/domunit.pp, tests/testgen.pp: * Various improvements required to support converting of the DOM level 3 XPath module. git-svn-id: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/fcl-xml/tests/testgen.pp')
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/packages/fcl-xml/tests/testgen.pp b/packages/fcl-xml/tests/testgen.pp
index cb74d35d92..aaffb536b6 100644
--- a/packages/fcl-xml/tests/testgen.pp
+++ b/packages/fcl-xml/tests/testgen.pp
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ var
function PascalType(const s: WideString): string;
- if (s = 'DOMString') or (s = 'boolean') or (s = 'DOMError') then
+ if (s = 'DOMString') or (s = 'boolean') or (s = 'DOMError') or (s = 'double') then
result := s
else if s = 'int' then
result := 'Integer'
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ begin
result := '_collection'
else if s = 'List' then
result := '_list'
- else if Pos(WideString('DOM'), s) = 1 then
+ else if (Pos(WideString('DOM'), s) = 1) or (Pos(WideString('XPath'), s) = 1) then
result := 'T' + s
result := 'TDOM'+s;
@@ -147,6 +147,11 @@ begin
r := 'bad_condition(''contains intf=' + e['interface'] + ''')';
+ else if e.TagName = 'same' then
+ begin
+ // maybe it would be sufficient to just compare pointers, but let's emit a helper for now
+ r := 'IsSame('+ e['expected'] + ', ' + e['actual'] + ')';
+ end
else if e.TagName = 'not' then
child := e.FirstChild;
@@ -304,6 +309,10 @@ begin
s := node.TagName;
apinode := api.GetElementById(s);
+ // If not found by name only, try prepending the interface name.
+ // This enables support of same-named methods with different param lists on different objects
+ if (apinode = nil) and node.HasAttribute('interface') then
+ apinode := api.GetElementById(node['interface'] + '.' + s);
if assigned(apinode) then
// handle most of DOM API in consistent way
@@ -369,9 +378,15 @@ begin
// service (non-DOM) statements follow
else if s = 'append' then
- rslt.Add(indent + '_append(' + node['collection'] + ', ' + node['item'] + ');')
+ rslt.Add(indent + '_append(' + node['collection'] + ', ' + ReplaceQuotes(node['item']) + ');')
else if s = 'assign' then
- rslt.Add(indent + '_assign(' + node['var'] + ', ' + node['value'] + ');')
+ begin
+ cond := TypeOfVar(node['var']);
+ if (cond = '_collection') or (cond = '_list') then
+ rslt.Add(indent + '_assign(' + node['var'] + ', ' + node['value'] + ');')
+ else // emit an assignment operator. Force type for the case where they assign Document to Element.
+ rslt.Add(indent + node['var'] + ' := ' + TypeOfVar(node['var']) + '(' + ReplaceQuotes(node['value']) + ');');
+ end
else if s = 'increment' then
rslt.Add(indent + 'Inc(' + node['var'] + ', ' + node['value'] + ');')
else if s = 'decrement' then
@@ -433,6 +448,10 @@ begin
rslt.Add(indent + 'Load('+node['var']+', '''+ node['href']+''');')
else if s = 'implementationAttribute' then
rslt.Add(indent + s + '[''' + node['name'] + '''] := ' + node['value'] + ';')
+ else if s = 'createXPathEvaluator' then
+ rslt.Add(indent + node['var'] + ' := CreateXPathEvaluator(' + node['document'] + ');')
+ else if s = 'comment' then
+ rslt.Add(indent + '{ Source comment: ' + node.TextContent + ' }')
if not FailFlag then
@@ -442,12 +461,44 @@ begin
+procedure ConvertException(el: TDOMElement; const ExceptClass: string; indent: string);
+ excode: string;
+ if not SuccessVarFlag then
+ rslt.Insert(2, ' success: Boolean;');
+ SuccessVarFlag := True;
+ rslt.Add(indent+'success := False;');
+ rslt.Add(indent+'try');
+ child := el.FirstChild;
+ while assigned(child) do
+ begin
+ if child.nodeType = ELEMENT_NODE then
+ begin
+ excode := child.nodeName;
+ subchild := child.FirstChild;
+ while Assigned(subchild) do
+ begin
+ if subchild.nodeType = ELEMENT_NODE then
+ ConvertStatement(TDOMElement(subchild), indent + ' ');
+ subchild := subchild.NextSibling;
+ end;
+ end;
+ child := child.NextSibling;
+ end;
+ rslt.Add(indent+'except');
+ rslt.Add(indent+' on E: Exception do');
+ rslt.Add(indent+' success := (E is ' + ExceptClass +') and (' + ExceptClass + '(E).Code = ' + excode + ');');
+ rslt.Add(indent+'end;');
+ rslt.Add(indent+'AssertTrue('''+el['id']+''', success);');
procedure ConvertBlock(el: TDOMNode; indent: string);
curr: TDOMNode;
element: TDOMElement;
List: TList;
- cond, excode: string;
+ cond: string;
Frag: TDOMDocumentFragment;
I: Integer;
ElseNode: TDOMNode;
@@ -467,34 +518,9 @@ begin
element := TDOMElement(curr);
n := element.TagName;
if n = 'assertDOMException' then
- begin
- if not SuccessVarFlag then
- rslt.Insert(2, ' success: Boolean;');
- SuccessVarFlag := True;
- rslt.Add(indent+'success := False;');
- rslt.Add(indent+'try');
- child := curr.FirstChild;
- while assigned(child) do
- begin
- if child.nodeType = ELEMENT_NODE then
- begin
- excode := child.nodeName;
- subchild := child.FirstChild;
- while Assigned(subchild) do
- begin
- if subchild.nodeType = ELEMENT_NODE then
- ConvertStatement(TDOMElement(subchild), indent + ' ');
- subchild := subchild.NextSibling;
- end;
- end;
- child := child.NextSibling;
- end;
- rslt.Add(indent+'except');
- rslt.Add(indent+' on E: Exception do');
- rslt.Add(indent+' success := (E is EDOMError) and (EDOMError(E).Code = ' + excode + ');');
- rslt.Add(indent+'end;');
- rslt.Add(indent+'AssertTrue('''+element['id']+''', success);');
- end
+ ConvertException(element, 'EDOMError', indent)
+ else if n = 'assertXPathException' then
+ ConvertException(element, 'EXPathException', indent)
else if n = 'try' then
GetChildElements(curr, List);
@@ -658,7 +684,11 @@ begin
if subvars.Count > 0 then
- TypedConsts.Add(' ' + Node['name'] + ': array[0..' + IntToStr(subvars.Count-1) + '] of DOMString = (');
+ if TDOMElement(subvars[0]).HasAttribute('type') then
+ hs := PascalType(TDOMElement(subvars[0]).GetAttribute('type'))
+ else
+ hs := 'DOMString';
+ TypedConsts.Add(' ' + Node['name'] + ': array[0..' + IntToStr(subvars.Count-1) + '] of ' + hs + ' = (');
for J := 0 to subvars.Count-1 do
hs := ' ' + ReplaceQuotes(subvars[J].TextContent);
@@ -817,7 +847,12 @@ begin
if root['name'] = 'attrname' then
root['name'] := 'attr_name';
sl.Add('procedure ' + class_name + '.' + root['name'] + ';');
+ try
ConvertTest(root, sl);
+ except
+ Writeln('An exception occured while converting '+root['name']);
+ raise;
+ end;
if sl.Count > 0 then
all.add(' procedure '+root['name']+';');