path: root/packages/googleapi/src/googlekgsearch.pp
diff options
authorsteve <steve@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2016-05-30 16:57:13 +0000
committersteve <steve@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2016-05-30 16:57:13 +0000
commit6b082ee8b43e52fe18c5799f8f4c82a8c7519f5b (patch)
treef906b179f5b20f4be91a286f8f5a01fc4fac51e2 /packages/googleapi/src/googlekgsearch.pp
parent554d71b9e544a9776797dcca9983060fd998fd0b (diff)
parentba5f910eaac131cb7d3553c9bef173a81c422a1c (diff)
auto-merge: trunk -> InterfaceRTTIinterfacertti
git-svn-id: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/googleapi/src/googlekgsearch.pp')
1 files changed, 370 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/googleapi/src/googlekgsearch.pp b/packages/googleapi/src/googlekgsearch.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ee39b5a65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/googleapi/src/googlekgsearch.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+unit googlekgsearch;
+{$MODE objfpc}
+uses sysutils, classes, googleservice, restbase, googlebase;
+ //Top-level schema types
+ TSearchResponse = Class;
+ TSearchResponseArray = Array of TSearchResponse;
+ //Anonymous types, using auto-generated names
+ { --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TSearchResponse
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------}
+ TSearchResponse = Class(TGoogleBaseObject)
+ Private
+ Fcontext : TJSONSchema;
+ F_type : TJSONSchema;
+ FitemListElement : TTJSONSchemaArray;
+ Protected
+ Class Function ExportPropertyName(Const AName : String) : string; override;
+ //Property setters
+ Procedure Setcontext(AIndex : Integer; const AValue : TJSONSchema); virtual;
+ Procedure Set_type(AIndex : Integer; const AValue : TJSONSchema); virtual;
+ Procedure SetitemListElement(AIndex : Integer; const AValue : TTJSONSchemaArray); virtual;
+ //2.6.4. bug workaround
+ {$IFDEF VER2_6}
+ Procedure SetArrayLength(Const AName : String; ALength : Longint); override;
+ {$ENDIF VER2_6}
+ Public
+ Published
+ Property context : TJSONSchema Index 0 Read Fcontext Write Setcontext;
+ Property _type : TJSONSchema Index 8 Read F_type Write Set_type;
+ Property itemListElement : TTJSONSchemaArray Index 16 Read FitemListElement Write SetitemListElement;
+ end;
+ TSearchResponseClass = Class of TSearchResponse;
+ { --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TEntitiesResource
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------}
+ //Optional query Options for TEntitiesResource, method Search
+ TEntitiesSearchOptions = Record
+ query : String;
+ ids : String;
+ languages : String;
+ types : String;
+ indent : boolean;
+ prefix : boolean;
+ limit : integer;
+ end;
+ TEntitiesResource = Class(TGoogleResource)
+ Public
+ Class Function ResourceName : String; override;
+ Class Function DefaultAPI : TGoogleAPIClass; override;
+ Function Search(AQuery : string = '') : TSearchResponse;
+ Function Search(AQuery : TEntitiessearchOptions) : TSearchResponse;
+ end;
+ { --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TKgsearchAPI
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------}
+ TKgsearchAPI = Class(TGoogleAPI)
+ Private
+ FEntitiesInstance : TEntitiesResource;
+ Function GetEntitiesInstance : TEntitiesResource;virtual;
+ Public
+ //Override class functions with API info
+ Class Function APIName : String; override;
+ Class Function APIVersion : String; override;
+ Class Function APIRevision : String; override;
+ Class Function APIID : String; override;
+ Class Function APITitle : String; override;
+ Class Function APIDescription : String; override;
+ Class Function APIOwnerDomain : String; override;
+ Class Function APIOwnerName : String; override;
+ Class Function APIIcon16 : String; override;
+ Class Function APIIcon32 : String; override;
+ Class Function APIdocumentationLink : String; override;
+ Class Function APIrootUrl : string; override;
+ Class Function APIbasePath : string;override;
+ Class Function APIbaseURL : String;override;
+ Class Function APIProtocol : string;override;
+ Class Function APIservicePath : string;override;
+ Class Function APIbatchPath : String;override;
+ Class Function APIAuthScopes : TScopeInfoArray;override;
+ Class Function APINeedsAuth : Boolean;override;
+ Class Procedure RegisterAPIResources; override;
+ //Add create function for resources
+ Function CreateEntitiesResource(AOwner : TComponent) : TEntitiesResource;virtual;overload;
+ Function CreateEntitiesResource : TEntitiesResource;virtual;overload;
+ //Add default on-demand instances for resources
+ Property EntitiesResource : TEntitiesResource Read GetEntitiesInstance;
+ end;
+{ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TSearchResponse
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------}
+Procedure TSearchResponse.Setcontext(AIndex : Integer; const AValue : TJSONSchema);
+ If (Fcontext=AValue) then exit;
+ Fcontext:=AValue;
+ MarkPropertyChanged(AIndex);
+Procedure TSearchResponse.Set_type(AIndex : Integer; const AValue : TJSONSchema);
+ If (F_type=AValue) then exit;
+ F_type:=AValue;
+ MarkPropertyChanged(AIndex);
+Procedure TSearchResponse.SetitemListElement(AIndex : Integer; const AValue : TTJSONSchemaArray);
+ If (FitemListElement=AValue) then exit;
+ FitemListElement:=AValue;
+ MarkPropertyChanged(AIndex);
+Class Function TSearchResponse.ExportPropertyName(Const AName : String) :String;
+ Case AName of
+ '_type' : Result:='type';
+ else
+ Result:=Inherited ExportPropertyName(AName);
+ end;
+//2.6.4. bug workaround
+{$IFDEF VER2_6}
+Procedure TSearchResponse.SetArrayLength(Const AName : String; ALength : Longint);
+ Case AName of
+ 'itemlistelement' : SetLength(FitemListElement,ALength);
+ else
+ Inherited SetArrayLength(AName,ALength);
+ end;
+{$ENDIF VER2_6}
+{ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TEntitiesResource
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------}
+Class Function TEntitiesResource.ResourceName : String;
+ Result:='entities';
+Class Function TEntitiesResource.DefaultAPI : TGoogleAPIClass;
+ Result:=TkgsearchAPI;
+Function TEntitiesResource.Search(AQuery : string = '') : TSearchResponse;
+ _HTTPMethod = 'GET';
+ _Path = 'v1/entities:search';
+ _Methodid = '';
+ Result:=ServiceCall(_HTTPMethod,_Path,AQuery,Nil,TSearchResponse) as TSearchResponse;
+Function TEntitiesResource.Search(AQuery : TEntitiessearchOptions) : TSearchResponse;
+ _Q : String;
+ _Q:='';
+ AddToQuery(_Q,'query',AQuery.query);
+ AddToQuery(_Q,'ids',AQuery.ids);
+ AddToQuery(_Q,'languages',AQuery.languages);
+ AddToQuery(_Q,'types',AQuery.types);
+ AddToQuery(_Q,'indent',AQuery.indent);
+ AddToQuery(_Q,'prefix',AQuery.prefix);
+ AddToQuery(_Q,'limit',AQuery.limit);
+ Result:=Search(_Q);
+{ --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ TKgsearchAPI
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------}
+Class Function TKgsearchAPI.APIName : String;
+ Result:='kgsearch';
+Class Function TKgsearchAPI.APIVersion : String;
+ Result:='v1';
+Class Function TKgsearchAPI.APIRevision : String;
+ Result:='20151215';
+Class Function TKgsearchAPI.APIID : String;
+ Result:='kgsearch:v1';
+Class Function TKgsearchAPI.APITitle : String;
+ Result:='Knowledge Graph Search API';
+Class Function TKgsearchAPI.APIDescription : String;
+ Result:='Knowledge Graph Search API allows developers to search the Google Knowledge Graph for entities.';
+Class Function TKgsearchAPI.APIOwnerDomain : String;
+ Result:='';
+Class Function TKgsearchAPI.APIOwnerName : String;
+ Result:='Google';
+Class Function TKgsearchAPI.APIIcon16 : String;
+ Result:='';
+Class Function TKgsearchAPI.APIIcon32 : String;
+ Result:='';
+Class Function TKgsearchAPI.APIdocumentationLink : String;
+ Result:='';
+Class Function TKgsearchAPI.APIrootUrl : string;
+ Result:='';
+Class Function TKgsearchAPI.APIbasePath : string;
+ Result:='';
+Class Function TKgsearchAPI.APIbaseURL : String;
+ Result:='';
+Class Function TKgsearchAPI.APIProtocol : string;
+ Result:='rest';
+Class Function TKgsearchAPI.APIservicePath : string;
+ Result:='';
+Class Function TKgsearchAPI.APIbatchPath : String;
+ Result:='batch';
+Class Function TKgsearchAPI.APIAuthScopes : TScopeInfoArray;
+ SetLength(Result,0);
+Class Function TKgsearchAPI.APINeedsAuth : Boolean;
+ Result:=False;
+Class Procedure TKgsearchAPI.RegisterAPIResources;
+ TSearchResponse.RegisterObject;
+Function TKgsearchAPI.GetEntitiesInstance : TEntitiesResource;
+ if (FEntitiesInstance=Nil) then
+ FEntitiesInstance:=CreateEntitiesResource;
+ Result:=FEntitiesInstance;
+Function TKgsearchAPI.CreateEntitiesResource : TEntitiesResource;
+ Result:=CreateEntitiesResource(Self);
+Function TKgsearchAPI.CreateEntitiesResource(AOwner : TComponent) : TEntitiesResource;
+ Result:=TEntitiesResource.Create(AOwner);
+ Result.API:=Self.API;
+ TKgsearchAPI.RegisterAPI;