path: root/tests
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authoryury <yury@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2021-01-19 16:52:43 +0000
committeryury <yury@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2021-01-19 16:52:43 +0000
commita8eb0c1795bfe85fefde221489b66e05b95181b4 (patch)
tree1fd600d5e7caaf12414577fb4bbe0584d8a18076 /tests
parent235ac27378d1d715034150d7a09f3fb7cdb38231 (diff)
* Moved the tregistry2.pp test from packages to tests in order it to be run by daily test runs. tregistry2 has been failing for years and nobody has noticed this.
git-svn-id: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
1 files changed, 210 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test/packages/fcl-registry/tregistry2.pp b/tests/test/packages/fcl-registry/tregistry2.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db9c13ee2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test/packages/fcl-registry/tregistry2.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+ This unit tests mostly TRegIniFile to work properly and be Delphi compatible.
+ Please keep this unit Delphi compatible.
+{$ifdef FPC} {$mode delphi} {$endif}
+uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, registry;
+{$ifdef FPC}
+ {$WARN implicit_string_cast_loss off}
+ {$WARN symbol_deprecated off}
+{$endif FPC}
+ STestRegPath = 'Software\FPC-RegTest';
+procedure TestFailed(ErrCode: integer);
+ writeln('Test FAILED. Error code: ' + IntToStr(ErrCode));
+ Halt(ErrCode);
+procedure ClearReg(const KeyName: string = '');
+ with TRegistry.Create do
+ try
+ DeleteKey(STestRegPath);
+ finally
+ Free;
+ end;
+function NormPath(const s: string): string;
+ Result:=StringReplace(s, '/', '\', [rfReplaceAll]);
+procedure DoRegTest2;
+ reg: TRegistry;
+ ri: TRegIniFile;
+ rini: TRegistryIniFile;
+ sl: TStringList;
+ ClearReg;
+ try
+ reg:=TRegistry.Create;
+ try
+ { The test key must be deleted by ClearReg() }
+ if reg.KeyExists(STestRegPath) then
+ TestFailed(1);
+ if reg.OpenKey(STestRegPath, False) then
+ TestFailed(2);
+ if not reg.OpenKey(STestRegPath, True) then
+ TestFailed(5);
+ if NormPath(reg.CurrentPath) <> STestRegPath then
+ TestFailed(6);
+ reg.WriteString('Item1', '1');
+ if not reg.OpenKey('\' + STestRegPath + '\1', True) then
+ TestFailed(10);
+ reg.WriteString('Item2', '2');
+ if NormPath(reg.CurrentPath) <> STestRegPath + '\1' then
+ TestFailed(15);
+ reg.CloseKey;
+ if NormPath(reg.CurrentPath) <> '' then
+ TestFailed(20);
+ if reg.KeyExists(STestRegPath + '\' + STestRegPath) then
+ TestFailed(21);
+ finally
+ reg.Free;
+ end;
+ ri:=TRegIniFile.Create(STestRegPath);
+ with ri do
+ try
+ if ReadString('', 'Item1', '') <> '1' then
+ TestFailed(101);
+ if ReadString('1', 'Item2', '') <> '2' then
+ TestFailed(105);
+ if NormPath(ri.CurrentPath) <> STestRegPath then
+ TestFailed(110);
+ if ReadString('', 'Item1', '') <> '1' then
+ TestFailed(115);
+ if not ValueExists('Item1') then
+ TestFailed(120);
+ WriteInteger('1', 'Item3', 3);
+ sl:=TStringList.Create;
+ try
+ ReadSectionValues('1', sl);
+ if sl.Count <> 2 then
+ TestFailed(125);
+ if sl.Values['Item2'] <> '2' then
+ TestFailed(130);
+ if sl.Values['Item3'] <> '3' then
+ TestFailed(135);
+ finally
+ sl.Free;
+ end;
+ WriteInteger('', 'Item4', 4);
+ WriteInteger('', 'Item41', 41);
+ WriteInteger('', 'Item42', 42);
+ if GetDataType('Item4') <> rdString then
+ TestFailed(140);
+ if ReadString('', 'Item41', '') <> '41' then
+ TestFailed(141);
+ if ReadString('', 'Item42', '') <> '42' then
+ TestFailed(142);
+ finally
+ Free;
+ end;
+ { \ at the beginning of the path must be accepted }
+ ri:=TRegIniFile.Create('\' + STestRegPath);
+ with ri do
+ try
+ if ReadString('', 'Item1', '') <> '1' then
+ TestFailed(145);
+ finally
+ Free;
+ end;
+ { Write to non-existing key must work }
+ ri:=TRegIniFile.Create(STestRegPath + '\2\3\4');
+ with ri do
+ try
+ if FileName <> NormPath(CurrentPath) then
+ TestFailed(147);
+ if CurrentKey = 0 then
+ TestFailed(148);
+ WriteInteger('', 'Item5', 5);
+ WriteInteger('5', 'Item6', 6);
+ if ReadInteger('', 'Item5', 0) <> 5 then
+ TestFailed(150);
+ if ReadInteger('5', 'Item6', 0) <> 6 then
+ TestFailed(160);
+ finally
+ Free;
+ end;
+ rini:=TRegistryIniFile.Create(STestRegPath);
+ with rini do
+ try
+ if ReadString('', 'Item1', '') <> '1' then
+ TestFailed(201);
+ { \ is not allowed as a section name }
+ if ReadString('\', 'Item1', '') = '1' then
+ TestFailed(202);
+ if ReadString('1', 'Item2', '') <> '2' then
+ TestFailed(205);
+ { Trailing \ is allowed }
+ if ReadString('1\', 'Item2', '') <> '2' then
+ TestFailed(206);
+ if ReadString('', 'Item1', '') <> '1' then
+ TestFailed(210);
+ if not ValueExists('', 'Item4') then
+ TestFailed(215);
+ if not ValueExists('1', 'Item2') then
+ TestFailed(220);
+ if ReadInteger('2\3\4\5', 'Item6', 0) <> 6 then
+ TestFailed(225);
+ if ReadInteger('2\3\4', 'Item5', 0) <> 5 then
+ TestFailed(230);
+ EraseSection('2');
+ if SectionExists('2\3') then
+ TestFailed(245);
+ if ValueExists('2\3\4', 'Item5') then
+ TestFailed(240);
+ WriteString('2\3\4', 'Item10', '10');
+ if ReadInteger('2\3\4', 'Item10', 0) <> 10 then
+ TestFailed(245);
+ { Check access via a full path }
+ if not SectionExists('\' + STestRegPath) then
+ TestFailed(250);
+ if ReadInteger('\2\3\4', 'Item10', 0) = 10 then
+ TestFailed(255);
+ if ReadInteger('\' + STestRegPath + '\2\3\4', 'Item10', 0) <> 10 then
+ TestFailed(260);
+ finally
+ Free;
+ end;
+ finally
+ ClearReg;
+ end;
+ { Test if all test keys have been deleted by ClearReg() }
+ reg:=TRegistry.Create;
+ try
+ if reg.KeyExists(STestRegPath) then
+ TestFailed(501);
+ if reg.OpenKey(STestRegPath, False) then
+ TestFailed(502);
+ if reg.OpenKey(STestRegPath + '\2', False) then
+ TestFailed(503);
+ finally
+ reg.Free;
+ end;
+ DoRegTest2;