path: root/utils
diff options
authormarco <marco@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2015-06-17 17:38:22 +0000
committermarco <marco@3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2>2015-06-17 17:38:22 +0000
commit3687fd24c6a6f423037b1180f4a286bc81f5416b (patch)
tree225a186c42ac7869c6ee60c79c0a2c6fb1dd6071 /utils
parent0f840f29d660c2b86a2474ff52edf3662b8835d1 (diff)
--- Merging r29489 into '.':
A utils/mkinsadd.pp --- Recording mergeinfo for merge of r29489 into '.': U . --- Merging r29490 into '.': U utils/fpmake.pp --- Recording mergeinfo for merge of r29490 into '.': G . --- Merging r29499 into '.': U utils/mkinsadd.pp --- Recording mergeinfo for merge of r29499 into '.': G . # revisions: 29489,29490,29499 git-svn-id: 3ad0048d-3df7-0310-abae-a5850022a9f2
Diffstat (limited to 'utils')
2 files changed, 480 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/fpmake.pp b/utils/fpmake.pp
index 9c0be023c4..074b529bfa 100644
--- a/utils/fpmake.pp
+++ b/utils/fpmake.pp
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ begin
+ P.Targets.AddProgram('mkinsadd.pp');
diff --git a/utils/mkinsadd.pp b/utils/mkinsadd.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4bec50ce71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/mkinsadd.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+ This file is part of Free Pascal build tools
+ Copyright (c) 2014-2015 by Tomas Hajny, member of the FPC core team.
+ This program takes processes one or more listing files created with
+ fpmake (e.g. using 'fpmake pkglist --target=<FPC_target> -zp units-'
+ for unit packages or without the '-zp <prefix>' for utils), compares
+ them to the text-mode installer configuration file install.dat and
+ creates file install.add which provides information about packages
+ missing in install.dat in a form allowing copy&paste of individual
+ lines into install.dat.
+ If the original description of a certain package as found in fpmake.pp
+ is too long for install.dat, the maximum length is marked
+ in the respective line in install.add using a pipe character ('|').
+ See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
+ for details about the copyright.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ **********************************************************************}
+program mkinsadd;
+ dos, objects;
+ MaxTarget = 5;
+ TargetListShort: array [1..MaxTarget] of string [3] = ('dos', 'emx', 'os2', 'w32', 'src');
+ TargetListLong: array [1..MaxTarget] of string = ('dos', 'emx', 'os2', '.i386-win32', '.source');
+ DefDiffFN = 'install.add';
+ PackageStr = 'package=';
+ UnitsStr = 'units-';
+ ZipExt = '.zip';
+ PPackageRec = ^TPackageRec;
+ TPackageRec = object (TObject)
+ Name, ShortName, Desc: PString;
+ Target: byte;
+ constructor Init (ALine: string);
+ function GetKeyStr: string;
+ function GetLine: string;
+ function GetSrcLine: string;
+ destructor Done; virtual;
+ end;
+ PPackageCollection = ^TPackageCollection;
+ TPackageCollection = object (TSortedCollection)
+ constructor Load (FN: string);
+ function LoadFile (FN: string; DupSrc: PPackageCollection): boolean;
+ function WriteFile (FN: string): boolean;
+ function Compare (Key1, Key2: pointer): sw_integer; virtual;
+ end;
+ PDatFile = ^TDatFile;
+ TDatFile = object (TObject)
+ DatCollection, LstCollection: PPackageCollection;
+ constructor LoadDat (FN: string);
+ function ReadLstFile (FN: string): boolean;
+ function WriteNew (FN: string): boolean;
+ destructor Done; virtual;
+ end;
+function LoCase (S: string): string;
+ I: longint;
+ for I := 1 to Length (S) do
+ if S [I] in ['A'..'Z'] then
+ S [I] := char (Ord (S [I]) + 32);
+ LoCase := S;
+constructor TPackageRec.Init (ALine: string);
+ I: longint;
+ J: byte;
+ N, SN, D, TS: string;
+ ALine2: string;
+ inherited Init;
+ N := '';
+ SN := '';
+ D := '';
+ TS := '';
+ ALine2 := LoCase (ALine);
+ if Copy (ALine2, 1, Length (PackageStr)) = PackageStr then
+ begin
+ Delete (ALine, 1, Length (PackageStr));
+ I := Pos ('[', ALine);
+ if I = 0 then
+ begin
+ I := Pos (',', ALine);
+ if I = 0 then
+ I := Succ (Length (ALine));
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ SN := Copy (ALine, Succ (I), Pos (',', ALine) - I - 2);
+ Delete (ALine, I, Length (SN) + 2);
+ end;
+ N := Copy (ALine, 1, Pred (I));
+ if Length (N) <= 12 then
+ SN := N
+ else if (Copy (N, 1, Length (UnitsStr)) = UnitsStr) and
+ (Length (N) - Length (UnitsStr) <= 11) then
+ SN := 'u' + Copy (N, Succ (Length (UnitsStr)),
+ Length (N) - Length (UnitsStr));
+ D := Copy (ALine, Succ (I), Length (ALine) - I);
+ end;
+ Name := NewStr (N);
+ if SN <> '' then
+ ShortName := NewStr (SN)
+ else
+ ShortName := nil;
+ Desc := NewStr (D);
+ Target := 0;
+ if SN <> '' then
+ begin
+ TS := LoCase (Copy (SN, Length (SN) - Length (ZipExt) - 2, 3));
+ if Length (TS) <> 3 then
+ TS := ''
+ else
+ for J := 1 to MaxTarget do
+ if TS = TargetListShort [J] then
+ begin
+ Target := J;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ I := Length (N) - Length (ZipExt);
+ while (I > 0) and (N [I] <> '.') do
+ Dec (I);
+ if I = 0 then
+ TS := LoCase (Copy (N, Length (SN) - Length (ZipExt) - 2, 3))
+ else
+ TS := LoCase (Copy (N, I, Length (N) - Length (ZipExt) - I + 1));
+ for J := 1 to MaxTarget do
+ if TS = TargetListLong [J] then
+ begin
+ Target := J;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if N = '' then
+ begin
+ WriteLn ('Err: Init failed (', ALine, ')!');
+ Fail;
+ end;
+destructor TPackageRec.Done;
+ DisposeStr (Name);
+ if ShortName <> nil then
+ DisposeStr (ShortName);
+ DisposeStr (Desc);
+ inherited Done;
+function TPackageRec.GetKeyStr: string;
+ G: string;
+ if ShortName <> nil then
+ begin
+ if Target = 0 then
+ G := LoCase (Copy (ShortName^, 1, Length (ShortName^) - Length (ZipExt)))
+ else
+ G := LoCase (Copy (ShortName^, 1, Length (ShortName^) - Length (ZipExt) - 3));
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if Name = nil then
+ begin
+ GetKeyStr := '';
+ WriteLn ('Err - GetKeyStr (nil)!');
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if Target = 0 then
+ G := LoCase (Copy (Name^, 1, Length (Name^) - Length (ZipExt)))
+ else
+ begin
+ if Copy (LoCase (Name^), 1, Length (UnitsStr)) = UnitsStr then
+ G := 'u' + LoCase (Copy (Name^, Succ (Length (UnitsStr)),
+ Length (Name^) - Length (UnitsStr) - Length (TargetListLong [Target])
+ - Length (ZipExt)))
+ else
+ G := LoCase (Copy (Name^, 1,
+ Length (Name^) - Length (TargetListLong [Target]) - Length (ZipExt)));
+ end;
+ end;
+ G := G + '.';
+ if Target <> 0 then
+ G := G + TargetListShort [Target];
+ GetKeyStr := G;
+function TPackageRec.GetLine: string;
+ G: string;
+ G := PackageStr + Name^;
+ if ShortName <> nil then
+ G := G + '[' + ShortName^ + ']';
+ if Length (Desc^) <= 45 then
+ G := G + ',' + Desc^
+ else
+ G := G + ',' + Copy (Desc^, 1, 45) + '|' +
+ Copy (Desc^, 46, Length (Desc^) - 45);
+ GetLine := G;
+function TPackageRec.GetSrcLine: string;
+ GS: string;
+ if Target = 0 then
+ GS := ''
+ else
+ begin
+ GS := PackageStr + Copy (Name^, 1,
+ Length (Name^) - Length (TargetListLong [Target]) - Length (ZipExt)) +
+ TargetListLong [MaxTarget] + ZipExt;
+ if ShortName <> nil then
+ GS := GS + '[' + Copy (ShortName^, 1, Length (ShortName^)
+ - Length (TargetListShort [Target]) - Length (ZipExt)) +
+ TargetListShort [MaxTarget] + ZipExt + ']';
+ GS := GS + ',' + Desc^;
+ end;
+ GetSrcLine := GS;
+constructor TDatFile.LoadDat (FN: string);
+ Init;
+ New (DatCollection, Load (FN));
+ New (LstCollection, Init (100, 50)); (* false? *)
+function TDatFile.ReadLstFile (FN: string): boolean;
+ ReadLstFile := LstCollection^.LoadFile (FN, DatCollection);
+function TDatFile.WriteNew (FN: string): boolean;
+ WriteNew := LstCollection^.WriteFile (FN);
+destructor TDatFile.Done;
+ Dispose (DatCollection, Done);
+ Dispose (LstCollection, Done);
+ inherited Done;
+constructor TPackageCollection.Load (FN: string);
+ Init (100, 50);
+ if not (LoadFile (FN, nil)) then
+ Fail;
+function TPackageCollection.LoadFile (FN: string; DupSrc: PPackageCollection): boolean;
+ F: text;
+ S: ansistring;
+ S2: string;
+ P, Q: PPackageRec;
+ I: SW_Integer;
+ Assign (F, FN);
+ Reset (F);
+ while not (Eof (F)) {and (LastErr = 0)} do
+ begin
+ S := '';
+ ReadLn (F, S);
+ if (Length (S) > 255) then
+ begin
+ WriteLn ('Error: Line too long!');
+ WriteLn (S);
+ Halt (255); (* Change error handling *)
+ end;
+ if Copy (LoCase (S), 1, Length (PackageStr)) = PackageStr then
+ begin
+ New (P, Init (S));
+ if DupSrc = nil then
+ S2 := ''
+ else
+ S2 := P^.GetSrcLine;
+ if (DupSrc = nil) or not (DupSrc^.Search (P, I)) then
+ Insert (P)
+ else
+ Dispose (P, Done);
+ if S2 <> '' then
+ begin
+ New (Q, Init (S2));
+ if (Q <> nil) and not (Search (Q, I)) and
+ ((DupSrc = nil) or not (DupSrc^.Search (Q, I))) then
+ Insert (Q)
+ else
+ Dispose (Q, Done);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Close (F);
+ LoadFile := IOResult = 0;
+ if P = nil then Fail else
+ begin
+ if P^.LastErr <> 0 then
+ begin
+ Dispose (P, Done);
+ Fail;
+ end else
+ begin
+ P^.ReadIni (@Self);
+ Dispose (P, Done);
+ end;
+ end;
+function TPackageCollection.WriteFile (FN: string): boolean;
+ F: text;
+ S: string;
+ P: PPackageRec;
+ I: SW_Integer;
+ J: byte;
+ Assign (F, FN);
+ Rewrite (F);
+ for J := 0 to MaxTarget do
+ for I := 0 to Count - 1 do
+ begin
+ P := At (I);
+ if (P <> nil) and (P^.Target = J) then
+ begin
+{ Write (P^.Name^, '|');
+ if P^.ShortName <> nil then
+ Write (P^.ShortName^, '|')
+ else
+ Write ('x|');
+ WriteLn (P^.Desc^, '|', P^.Target);
+ WriteLn (P^.GetKeyStr);
+ S := P^.GetLine;
+(* Signalize too long description *)
+ WriteLn (F, S);
+ end;
+ end;
+ Close (F);
+ WriteFile := IOResult = 0;
+function TPackageCollection.Compare (Key1, Key2: pointer): SW_Integer;
+ S1, S2: string;
+ S1 := LoCase (PPackageRec (Key1)^.GetKeyStr);
+ S2 := LoCase (PPackageRec (Key2)^.GetKeyStr);
+ if S1 < S2 then
+ Compare := -1
+ else if S1 > S2 then
+ Compare := 1
+ else
+ Compare := 0;
+function Base (const S: string): string;
+ D: DirStr;
+ N: NameStr;
+ E: ExtStr;
+ FSplit (S, D, N, E);
+ Base := N;
+procedure Error (const S: string; B: byte);
+ WriteLn;
+ WriteLn ('Error: ', S, '!!');
+ Halt (B);
+procedure Syntax;
+ WriteLn;
+ WriteLn ('Syntax: ', Base (ParamStr (0)),
+ ' <path_to_install.dat> <LstFile1> [<LstFile2>...]');
+ WriteLn;
+ WriteLn ('<LstFileN> files are expected to be in the format produced by fpmake');
+ WriteLn ('(e.g. using ''fpmake pkglist --target=<FPC_target> -zp units-''');
+ WriteLn ('for unit packages or without the ''-zp <prefix>'' parameter for utils).');
+ WriteLn;
+ WriteLn ('Program compares their content to the list of packages in the text-mode');
+ WriteLn ('installer configuration file install.dat and creates file install.add');
+ WriteLn ('with information about packages missing in install.dat in a form allowing');
+ WriteLn ('copy&paste of individual lines into install.dat.');
+ WriteLn;
+ WriteLn ('If the original description of a certain package as found in fpmake.pp is');
+ WriteLn ('too long for install.dat, the maximum length is marked in the respective line');
+ WriteLn ('in install.add using a pipe character (''|'') to give hint for manual editing.');
+ Halt;
+ I, J: byte;
+ DAT: TDatFile;
+ PrevCount: SW_Integer;
+ J := ParamCount;
+ if J < 2 then
+ begin
+ WriteLn;
+ WriteLn ('Error: Too few parameters!!');
+ Syntax;
+ end;
+ DAT.LoadDat (ParamStr (1));
+ if DAT.DatCollection <> nil then
+ WriteLn (LineEnding +
+ 'Source install.dat file (', ParamStr (1), ') loaded correctly: ',
+ DAT.DatCollection^.Count, ' records')
+ else
+ Error ('Failure while loading source install.dat file (' + ParamStr (1) +
+ ')', 1);
+ for I := 2 to J do
+ begin
+ PrevCount := DAT.LstCollection^.Count;
+ if DAT.ReadLstFile (ParamStr (I)) then
+ WriteLn ('Package listing #', Pred (I), ' (', ParamStr (I),
+ ') loaded correctly: ', DAT.LstCollection^.Count - PrevCount,
+ ' new records')
+ else
+ Error ('Failure while loading package listing (' + ParamStr (I) + ')', I);
+ end;
+ WriteLn ('Total: ', DAT.LstCollection^.Count, ' new records');
+ if DAT.WriteNew (DefDiffFN) then
+ WriteLn ('Output file (' + DefDiffFN + ') created successfully.')
+ else
+ Error ('Failure while trying to write records to the output file (' +
+ DefDiffFN + ')', Succ (J));
+ DAT.Done;