diff options
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 358 deletions
diff --git a/packages/fcl-res/src/ b/packages/fcl-res/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index bf25c78675..0000000000
--- a/packages/fcl-res/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
- SErrInvalidPropertyType = 'Porco dio! %d';
- CharToOrdFuncty = Function(var charpo: Pointer): Cardinal;
-function ReadWord(str : TStream) : word;
- Result:=str.ReadWord;
- Result:=SwapEndian(Result);
- {$ENDIF}
-function ReadDWord(str : TStream) : longword;
- Result:=str.ReadDWord;
- Result:=SwapEndian(Result);
- {$ENDIF}
-function CharToOrd(var P: Pointer): Cardinal;
- result:= ord(pchar(P)^);
- inc(pchar(P));
-function WideCharToOrd(var P: Pointer): Cardinal;
- result:= ord(pwidechar(P)^);
- inc(pwidechar(P));
-function Utf8ToOrd(var P:Pointer): Cardinal;
- // Should also check for illegal utf8 combinations
- Result := Ord(PChar(P)^);
- Inc(P);
- if (Result and $80) <> 0 then
- if (Ord(Result) and %11100000) = %11000000 then begin
- Result := ((Result and %00011111) shl 6)
- or (ord(PChar(P)^) and %00111111);
- Inc(P);
- end else if (Ord(Result) and %11110000) = %11100000 then begin
- Result := ((Result and %00011111) shl 12)
- or ((ord(PChar(P)^) and %00111111) shl 6)
- or (ord((PChar(P)+1)^) and %00111111);
- Inc(P,2);
- end else begin
- Result := ((ord(Result) and %00011111) shl 18)
- or ((ord(PChar(P)^) and %00111111) shl 12)
- or ((ord((PChar(P)+1)^) and %00111111) shl 6)
- or (ord((PChar(P)+2)^) and %00111111);
- Inc(P,3);
- end;
-procedure MyObjectBinaryToText(Input, Output: TStream);
- procedure OutStr(s: String);
- begin
- if Length(s) > 0 then
- Output.Write(s[1], Length(s));
- end;
- procedure OutLn(s: String);
- begin
- OutStr(s + #10);
- end;
- procedure Outchars(P, LastP : Pointer; CharToOrdFunc: CharToOrdFuncty);
- var
- res, NewStr: String;
- w: Cardinal;
- InString, NewInString: Boolean;
- begin
- if p = nil then begin
- res:= '''''';
- end
- else
- begin
- res := '';
- InString := False;
- while P < LastP do
- begin
- NewInString := InString;
- w := CharToOrdfunc(P);
- if w = ord('''') then
- begin //quote char
- if not InString then
- NewInString := True;
- NewStr := '''''';
- end
- else if (Ord(w) >= 32) and (Ord(w) < 127) then
- begin //printable ascii
- if not InString then
- NewInString := True;
- NewStr := char(w);
- end
- else
- begin //ascii control chars, non ascii
- if InString then
- NewInString := False;
- NewStr := '#' + IntToStr(w);
- end;
- if NewInString <> InString then
- begin
- NewStr := '''' + NewStr;
- InString := NewInString;
- end;
- res := res + NewStr;
- end;
- if InString then
- res := res + '''';
- end;
- OutStr(res);
- end;
- procedure OutString(s: String);
- begin
- OutChars(Pointer(S),PChar(S)+Length(S),@CharToOrd);
- end;
- procedure OutWString(W: WideString);
- begin
- OutChars(Pointer(W),pwidechar(W)+Length(W),@WideCharToOrd);
- end;
- procedure OutUtf8Str(s: String);
- begin
- OutChars(Pointer(S),PChar(S)+Length(S),@Utf8ToOrd);
- end;
- function ReadInt(ValueType: TValueType): LongInt;
- begin
- case ValueType of
- vaInt8: Result := ShortInt(Input.ReadByte);
- vaInt16: Result := SmallInt(ReadWord(Input));
- vaInt32: Result := LongInt(ReadDWord(Input));
- end;
- end;
- function ReadInt: LongInt;
- begin
- Result := ReadInt(TValueType(Input.ReadByte));
- end;
- function ReadSStr: String;
- var
- len: Byte;
- begin
- len := Input.ReadByte;
- SetLength(Result, len);
- if (len > 0) then
- Input.Read(Result[1], len);
- end;
- function ReadLStr: String;
- var
- len: DWord;
- begin
- len := ReadDWord(Input);
- SetLength(Result, len);
- if (len > 0) then
- Input.Read(Result[1], len);
- end;
- function ReadWStr: WideString;
- var
- len: DWord;
- begin
- len := ReadDword(Input);
- SetLength(Result, len);
- if (len > 0) then
- Input.Read(Pointer(@Result[1])^, len*2);
- end;
- procedure ReadPropList(indent: String);
- procedure ProcessValue(ValueType: TValueType; Indent: String);
- procedure ProcessBinary;
- var
- ToDo, DoNow, i: LongInt;
- lbuf: array[0..31] of Byte;
- s: String;
- begin
- ToDo := ReadDWord(Input);
- OutLn('{');
- while ToDo > 0 do begin
- DoNow := ToDo;
- if DoNow > 32 then DoNow := 32;
- Dec(ToDo, DoNow);
- s := Indent + ' ';
- Input.Read(lbuf, DoNow);
- for i := 0 to DoNow - 1 do
- s := s + IntToHex(lbuf[i], 2);
- OutLn(s);
- end;
- OutLn(indent + '}');
- end;
- var
- s: String;
-{ len: LongInt; }
- IsFirst: Boolean;
- ext: Extended;
- begin
- case ValueType of
- vaList: begin
- OutStr('(');
- IsFirst := True;
- while True do begin
- ValueType := TValueType(Input.ReadByte);
- if ValueType = vaNull then break;
- if IsFirst then begin
- OutLn('');
- IsFirst := False;
- end;
- OutStr(Indent + ' ');
- ProcessValue(ValueType, Indent + ' ');
- end;
- OutLn(Indent + ')');
- end;
- vaInt8: OutLn(IntToStr(ShortInt(Input.ReadByte)));
- vaInt16: OutLn( IntToStr(SmallInt(ReadWord(Input))));
- vaInt32: OutLn(IntToStr(LongInt(ReadDWord(Input))));
- vaExtended: begin
- Input.Read(ext, SizeOf(ext));
- Str(ext,S);// Do not use localized strings.
- OutLn(S);
- end;
- vaString: begin
- OutString(ReadSStr);
- OutLn('');
- end;
- vaIdent: OutLn(ReadSStr);
- vaFalse: OutLn('False');
- vaTrue: OutLn('True');
- vaBinary: ProcessBinary;
- vaSet: begin
- OutStr('[');
- IsFirst := True;
- while True do begin
- s := ReadSStr;
- if Length(s) = 0 then break;
- if not IsFirst then OutStr(', ');
- IsFirst := False;
- OutStr(s);
- end;
- OutLn(']');
- end;
- vaLString:
- begin
- OutString(ReadLStr);
- OutLn('');
- end;
- vaWString:
- begin
- OutWString(ReadWStr);
- OutLn('');
- end;
- vaNil:
- OutLn('nil');
- vaCollection: begin
- OutStr('<');
- while Input.ReadByte <> 0 do begin
- OutLn(Indent);
- Input.Seek(-1, soFromCurrent);
- OutStr(indent + ' item');
- ValueType := TValueType(Input.ReadByte);
- if ValueType <> vaList then
- OutStr('[' + IntToStr(ReadInt(ValueType)) + ']');
- OutLn('');
- ReadPropList(indent + ' ');
- OutStr(indent + ' end');
- end;
- OutLn('>');
- end;
- {vaSingle: begin OutLn('!!Single!!'); exit end;
- vaCurrency: begin OutLn('!!Currency!!'); exit end;
- vaDate: begin OutLn('!!Date!!'); exit end;}
- vaUTF8String: begin
- OutUtf8Str(ReadLStr);
- OutLn('');
- end;
- else
- Raise EReadError.CreateFmt(SErrInvalidPropertyType,[Ord(ValueType)]);
- end;
- end;
- var mystr : shortstring;
- begin
- while Input.ReadByte <> 0 do begin
- Input.Seek(-1, soFromCurrent);
- mystr:=ReadSStr;
- OutStr(indent + mystr + ' = ');
- ProcessValue(TValueType(Input.ReadByte), Indent);
- end;
- end;
- procedure ReadObject(indent: String);
- var
- b: Byte;
- ObjClassName, ObjName: String;
- ChildPos: LongInt;
- begin
- // Check for FilerFlags
- b := Input.ReadByte;
- if (b and $f0) = $f0 then begin
- if (b and 2) <> 0 then ChildPos := ReadInt;
- end else begin
- b := 0;
- Input.Seek(-1, soFromCurrent);
- end;
- ObjClassName := ReadSStr;
- ObjName := ReadSStr;
- OutStr(Indent);
- if (b and 1) <> 0 then OutStr('inherited')
- else
- if (b and 4) <> 0 then OutStr('inline')
- else OutStr('object');
- OutStr(' ');
- if ObjName <> '' then
- OutStr(ObjName + ': ');
- OutStr(ObjClassName);
- if (b and 2) <> 0 then OutStr('[' + IntToStr(ChildPos) + ']');
- OutLn('');
- ReadPropList(indent + ' ');
- while Input.ReadByte <> 0 do begin
- Input.Seek(-1, soFromCurrent);
- ReadObject(indent + ' ');
- end;
- OutLn(indent + 'end');
- end;
- PLongWord = ^LongWord;
- signature: PChar = 'TPF0';
- if Input.ReadDWord <> PLongWord(Pointer(signature))^ then
- raise EReadError.Create('Illegal stream image' {###SInvalidImage});
- ReadObject('');