path: root/avx512-0037785/compiler/verbose.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'avx512-0037785/compiler/verbose.pas')
1 files changed, 363 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/avx512-0037785/compiler/verbose.pas b/avx512-0037785/compiler/verbose.pas
index ba2c8e6c10..a6003eeaf2 100644
--- a/avx512-0037785/compiler/verbose.pas
+++ b/avx512-0037785/compiler/verbose.pas
@@ -119,6 +119,22 @@ interface
procedure DoneVerbose;
+ const
+ printnodespacing = ' ';
+ var
+ { indention used when writing a node tree to the screen }
+ printnodeindention : string;
+ { Node dumping support functions }
+ procedure printnodeindent; inline;
+ procedure printnodeunindent; inline;
+{$ifdef DEBUG_NODE_XML}
+ function SanitiseXMLString(const S: ansistring): ansistring;
+ function WritePointer(const P: Pointer): ansistring;
+ function WriteConstPUInt(const P: TConstPtrUInt): ansistring;
+ function WriteGUID(const GUID: TGUID): ansistring;
+{$endif DEBUG_NODE_XML}
@@ -1019,6 +1035,353 @@ implementation
+ procedure printnodeindent; inline;
+ begin
+ printnodeindention:=printnodeindention+printnodespacing;
+ end;
+ procedure printnodeunindent; inline;
+ begin
+ delete(printnodeindention,1,length(printnodespacing));
+ end;
+ {$ifdef DEBUG_NODE_XML}
+ function WritePointer(const P: Pointer): ansistring;
+ begin
+ case PtrUInt(P) of
+ 0:
+ WritePointer := 'nil';
+ 1..$FFFF:
+ WritePointer := '$' + hexstr(PtrUInt(P), 4);
+ {$if sizeof(Pointer) > 4}
+ $10000..$FFFFFFFF:
+ WritePointer := '$' + hexstr(PtrUInt(P), 8);
+ {$ifend sizeof(Pointer) > 4}
+ else
+ WritePointer := '$' + hexstr(PtrUInt(P), 2*sizeof(Pointer));
+ end;
+ end;
+ function WriteConstPUInt(const P: TConstPtrUInt): ansistring;
+ begin
+ case P of
+ 0:
+ WriteConstPUInt := 'nil';
+ 1..$FFFF:
+ WriteConstPUInt := '$' + hexstr(P, 4);
+ {$if sizeof(TConstPtrUInt) > 4}
+ $10000..$FFFFFFFF:
+ WriteConstPUInt := '$' + hexstr(P, 8);
+ {$ifend sizeof(TConstPtrUInt) >= 4}
+ else
+ WriteConstPUInt := '$' + hexstr(P, 2*sizeof(TConstPtrUInt));
+ end;
+ end;
+ function WriteGUID(const GUID: TGUID): ansistring;
+ var
+ i: Integer;
+ begin
+ Result := '{' + hexstr(GUID.D1, 8) + '-' + hexstr(GUID.D2, 4) + '-' + hexstr(GUID.D3, 4) + '-';
+ for i := 0 to 7 do
+ Result := Result + hexstr(GUID.D4[i], 2);
+ Result := Result + '}';
+ end;
+ function SanitiseXMLString(const S: ansistring): ansistring;
+ var
+ X, UTF8Len, UTF8Char, CurrentChar: Integer;
+ needs_quoting, in_quotes, add_end_quote: Boolean;
+ DoASCII: Boolean;
+ { Write the given byte as #xxx }
+ procedure EncodeControlChar(Value: Byte);
+ begin
+ if X = Length(Result) then
+ add_end_quote := False;
+ Delete(Result, X, 1);
+ if in_quotes then
+ begin
+ Insert('#' + tostr(Value) + '''', Result, X);
+ { If the entire string consists of control characters, it
+ doesn't need quoting, so only set the flag here }
+ needs_quoting := True;
+ in_quotes := False;
+ end
+ else
+ Insert('#' + tostr(Value), Result, X);
+ end;
+ { Write the given byte as either a plain character or an XML keyword }
+ procedure EncodeStandardChar(Value: Byte);
+ begin
+ if not in_quotes then
+ begin
+ in_quotes := True;
+ if (X < Length(Result)) then
+ begin
+ needs_quoting := True;
+ Insert('''', Result, X + 1)
+ end;
+ end;
+ { Check the character for anything that could be mistaken for an XML element }
+ case CurrentChar of
+ Ord('#'):
+ { Required to differentiate '#27' from the escape code #27, for example }
+ needs_quoting:=true;
+ Ord('<'):
+ begin
+ Delete(Result, X, 1);
+ Insert('&lt;', Result, X);
+ end;
+ Ord('>'):
+ begin
+ Delete(Result, X, 1);
+ Insert('&gt;', Result, X);
+ end;
+ Ord('&'):
+ begin
+ Delete(Result, X, 1);
+ Insert('&amp;', Result, X);
+ end;
+ Ord('"'):
+ begin
+ needs_quoting := True;
+ Delete(Result, X, 1);
+ Insert('&quot;', Result, X);
+ end;
+ Ord(''''):
+ begin
+ needs_quoting:=true;
+ { Simply double it like in pascal strings }
+ Insert('''', Result, X);
+ end;
+ else
+ { Do nothing };
+ end;
+ end;
+ { Convert character between $80 and $FF to UTF-8 }
+ procedure EncodeExtendedChar(Value: Byte);
+ begin
+ if not in_quotes then
+ begin
+ in_quotes := True;
+ if (X < Length(Result)) then
+ begin
+ needs_quoting := True;
+ Insert('''', Result, X + 1)
+ end;
+ end;
+ case Value of
+ $80..$BF: { Add $C2 before the value }
+ Insert(#$C2, Result, X);
+ $C0..$FF: { Zero the $40 bit and add $C3 before the value }
+ begin
+ Result[X] := Char(Byte(Result[X]) and $BF);
+ Insert(#$C3, Result, X);
+ end;
+ else
+ { Previous conditions should prevent this procedure from being
+ called if Value < $80 }
+ InternalError(2019061901);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ needs_quoting := False;
+ Result := S;
+ { Gets set to True if an invalid UTF-8 sequence is found }
+ DoASCII := False;
+ { By setting in_quotes to false here, we can exclude the single
+ quotation marks surrounding the string if it doesn't contain any
+ control characters, or consists entirely of control characters. }
+ in_quotes := False;
+ add_end_quote := True;
+ X := Length(Result);
+ while X > 0 do
+ begin
+ CurrentChar := Ord(Result[X]);
+ { Control characters and extended characters need special handling }
+ case CurrentChar of
+ $00..$1F, $7F:
+ EncodeControlChar(CurrentChar);
+ $20..$7E:
+ EncodeStandardChar(CurrentChar);
+ { UTF-8 continuation byte }
+ $80..$BF:
+ begin
+ if not in_quotes then
+ begin
+ in_quotes := True;
+ if (X < Length(Result)) then
+ begin
+ needs_quoting := True;
+ Insert('''', Result, X + 1)
+ end;
+ end;
+ UTF8Char := CurrentChar and $3F; { The data bits of the continuation byte }
+ UTF8Len := 1; { This variable actually holds 1 less than the length }
+ { By setting DoASCII to true, it marks the string as 'invalid UTF-8'
+ automatically if it reaches the beginning of the string unexpectedly }
+ DoASCII := True;
+ Dec(X);
+ while X > 0 do
+ begin
+ CurrentChar := Ord(Result[X]);
+ case CurrentChar of
+ { A standard character here is invalid UTF-8 }
+ $00..$7F:
+ Break;
+ { Another continuation byte }
+ $80..$BF:
+ begin
+ UTF8Char := UTF8Char or ((CurrentChar and $3F) shl (6 * UTF8Len));
+ Inc(UTF8Len);
+ if UTF8Len >= 4 then
+ { Sequence too long }
+ Break;
+ end;
+ { Lead byte for 2-byte sequences }
+ $C2..$DF:
+ begin
+ if UTF8Len <> 1 then Break;
+ UTF8Char := UTF8Char or ((CurrentChar and $1F) shl 6);
+ { Check to see if the code is in range and not part of an 'overlong' sequence }
+ case UTF8Char of
+ $0080..$07FF:
+ DoASCII := False;
+ else
+ { Do nothing - DoASCII is already true }
+ end;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ { Lead byte for 3-byte sequences }
+ $E0..$EF:
+ begin
+ if UTF8Len <> 2 then Break;
+ UTF8Char := UTF8Char or ((CurrentChar and $0F) shl 12);
+ { Check to see if the code is in range and not part of an 'overlong' sequence }
+ case UTF8Char of
+ $0800..$D7FF, $E000..$FFFF: { $D800..$DFFF is reserved and hence invalid }
+ DoASCII := False;
+ else
+ { Do nothing - DoASCII is already true }
+ end;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ { Lead byte for 4-byte sequences }
+ $F0..$F4:
+ begin
+ if UTF8Len <> 3 then Break;
+ UTF8Char := UTF8Char or ((CurrentChar and $07) shl 18);
+ { Check to see if the code is in range and not part of an 'overlong' sequence }
+ case UTF8Char of
+ $010000..$10FFFF:
+ DoASCII := False;
+ else
+ { Do nothing - DoASCII is already true }
+ end;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ { Invalid character }
+ else
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if DoASCII then
+ Break;
+ { If all is fine, we don't need to encode any more characters }
+ end;
+ { Invalid UTF-8 bytes and lead bytes without continuation bytes }
+ $C0..$FF:
+ begin
+ DoASCII := True;
+ Break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Dec(X);
+ end;
+ { UTF-8 failed, so encode the string as plain ASCII }
+ if DoASCII then
+ begin
+ { Reset the flags and Result }
+ needs_quoting := False;
+ Result := S;
+ in_quotes := False;
+ add_end_quote := True;
+ for X := Length(Result) downto 1 do
+ begin
+ CurrentChar := Ord(Result[X]);
+ { Control characters and extended characters need special handling }
+ case CurrentChar of
+ $00..$1F, $7F:
+ EncodeControlChar(CurrentChar);
+ $20..$7E:
+ EncodeStandardChar(CurrentChar);
+ { Extended characters }
+ else
+ EncodeExtendedChar(CurrentChar);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if needs_quoting then
+ begin
+ if in_quotes then
+ Result := '''' + Result;
+ if add_end_quote then
+ Result := Result + '''';
+ end;
+ end;
+ {$endif DEBUG_NODE_XML}