path: root/closures/compiler/aggas.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'closures/compiler/aggas.pas')
1 files changed, 1636 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/closures/compiler/aggas.pas b/closures/compiler/aggas.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1fed1d0b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/closures/compiler/aggas.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1636 @@
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2006 by the Free Pascal team
+ This unit implements the generic part of the GNU assembler
+ (v2.8 or later) writer
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+{ Base unit for writing GNU assembler output.
+unit aggas;
+ uses
+ cclasses,
+ globtype,globals,
+ aasmbase,aasmtai,aasmdata,aasmcpu,
+ assemble;
+ type
+ TCPUInstrWriter = class;
+ {# This is a derived class which is used to write
+ GAS styled assembler.
+ }
+ { TGNUAssembler }
+ TGNUAssembler=class(texternalassembler)
+ protected
+ function sectionname(atype:TAsmSectiontype;const aname:string;aorder:TAsmSectionOrder):string;virtual;
+ function sectionattrs_coff(atype:TAsmSectiontype):string;virtual;
+ procedure WriteSection(atype:TAsmSectiontype;const aname:string;aorder:TAsmSectionOrder);
+ procedure WriteExtraHeader;virtual;
+ procedure WriteInstruction(hp: tai);
+ procedure WriteWeakSymbolDef(s: tasmsymbol); virtual;
+ public
+ function MakeCmdLine: TCmdStr; override;
+ procedure WriteTree(p:TAsmList);override;
+ procedure WriteAsmList;override;
+ destructor destroy; override;
+ private
+ setcount: longint;
+ procedure WriteDecodedSleb128(a: int64);
+ procedure WriteDecodedUleb128(a: qword);
+ function NextSetLabel: string;
+ protected
+ InstrWriter: TCPUInstrWriter;
+ end;
+ {# This is the base class for writing instructions.
+ The WriteInstruction() method must be overridden
+ to write a single instruction to the assembler
+ file.
+ }
+ TCPUInstrWriter = class
+ constructor create(_owner: TGNUAssembler);
+ procedure WriteInstruction(hp : tai); virtual; abstract;
+ protected
+ owner: TGNUAssembler;
+ end;
+ { TAppleGNUAssembler }
+ TAppleGNUAssembler=class(TGNUAssembler)
+ protected
+ function sectionname(atype:TAsmSectiontype;const aname:string;aorder:TAsmSectionOrder):string;override;
+ procedure WriteWeakSymbolDef(s: tasmsymbol); override;
+ end;
+ TAoutGNUAssembler=class(TGNUAssembler)
+ function sectionname(atype:TAsmSectiontype;const aname:string;aorder:TAsmSectionOrder):string;override;
+ end;
+ uses
+ SysUtils,
+ cutils,cfileutl,systems,
+ fmodule,finput,verbose,
+ itcpugas,cpubase;
+ const
+ line_length = 70;
+ var
+ symendcount : longint;
+ type
+{$ifdef cpuextended}
+ t80bitarray = array[0..9] of byte;
+{$endif cpuextended}
+ t64bitarray = array[0..7] of byte;
+ t32bitarray = array[0..3] of byte;
+{ Support routines }
+ function single2str(d : single) : string;
+ var
+ hs : string;
+ begin
+ str(d,hs);
+ { replace space with + }
+ if hs[1]=' ' then
+ hs[1]:='+';
+ single2str:='0d'+hs
+ end;
+ function double2str(d : double) : string;
+ var
+ hs : string;
+ begin
+ str(d,hs);
+ { replace space with + }
+ if hs[1]=' ' then
+ hs[1]:='+';
+ double2str:='0d'+hs
+ end;
+ function extended2str(e : extended) : string;
+ var
+ hs : string;
+ begin
+ str(e,hs);
+ { replace space with + }
+ if hs[1]=' ' then
+ hs[1]:='+';
+ extended2str:='0d'+hs
+ end;
+ { convert floating point values }
+ { to correct endian }
+ procedure swap64bitarray(var t: t64bitarray);
+ var
+ b: byte;
+ begin
+ b:= t[7];
+ t[7] := t[0];
+ t[0] := b;
+ b := t[6];
+ t[6] := t[1];
+ t[1] := b;
+ b:= t[5];
+ t[5] := t[2];
+ t[2] := b;
+ b:= t[4];
+ t[4] := t[3];
+ t[3] := b;
+ end;
+ procedure swap32bitarray(var t: t32bitarray);
+ var
+ b: byte;
+ begin
+ b:= t[1];
+ t[1]:= t[2];
+ t[2]:= b;
+ b:= t[0];
+ t[0]:= t[3];
+ t[3]:= b;
+ end;
+ const
+ ait_const2str : array[aitconst_128bit..aitconst_half16bit] of string[20]=(
+ #9'.fixme128'#9,#9'.quad'#9,#9'.long'#9,#9'.short'#9,#9'.byte'#9,
+ #9'.sleb128'#9,#9'.uleb128'#9,
+ #9'.rva'#9,#9'.secrel32'#9,#9'.quad'#9,#9'.long'#9,#9'.short'#9
+ );
+{ GNU Assembler writer }
+ destructor TGNUAssembler.Destroy;
+ begin
+ inherited destroy;
+ end;
+ function TGNUAssembler.MakeCmdLine: TCmdStr;
+ begin
+ result := inherited MakeCmdLine;
+ // MWE: disabled again. It generates dwarf info for the generated .s
+ // files as well. This conflicts with the info we generate
+ // if = dbg_dwarf then
+ // result := result + ' --gdwarf-2';
+ end;
+ function TGNUAssembler.NextSetLabel: string;
+ begin
+ inc(setcount);
+ result := target_asm.labelprefix+'$set$'+tostr(setcount);
+ end;
+ function is_smart_section(atype:TAsmSectiontype):boolean;
+ begin
+ { For bss we need to set some flags that are target dependent,
+ it is easier to disable it for smartlinking. It doesn't take up
+ filespace }
+ result:=not(target_info.system in systems_darwin) and
+ create_smartlink_sections and
+ (atype<>sec_toc) and
+ (atype<>sec_user) and
+ { on embedded systems every byte counts, so smartlink bss too }
+ ((atype<>sec_bss) or (target_info.system in systems_embedded));
+ end;
+ function TGNUAssembler.sectionname(atype:TAsmSectiontype;const aname:string;aorder:TAsmSectionOrder):string;
+ const
+ secnames : array[TAsmSectiontype] of string[length('__DATA, __datacoal_nt,coalesced')] = ('','',
+ '.text',
+ '.data',
+{ why doesn't .rodata work? (FK) }
+{ sometimes we have to create a instead of .rodata, e.g. for }
+{ vtables (and anything else containing relocations), otherwise those are }
+{ not relocated properly on e.g. linux/ppc64. g++ generates there for a }
+{ vtable for a class called Window: }
+{ .section,"awG",@progbits,_ZTV6Window,comdat }
+{ TODO: not yet working}
+{$if defined(arm) or defined(powerpc)}
+ '.rodata',
+{$else arm}
+ '.data',
+{$endif arm}
+{$if defined(m68k)} { Amiga/m68k GNU AS doesn't seem to like .rodata (KB) }
+ '.data',
+ '.rodata',
+ '.bss',
+ '.threadvar',
+ '.pdata',
+ '', { stubs }
+ '__DATA,__nl_symbol_ptr',
+ '__DATA,__la_symbol_ptr',
+ '__DATA,__mod_init_func',
+ '__DATA,__mod_term_func',
+ '.stab',
+ '.stabstr',
+ '.idata$2','.idata$4','.idata$5','.idata$6','.idata$7','.edata',
+ '.eh_frame',
+ '.debug_frame','.debug_info','.debug_line','.debug_abbrev',
+ '.fpc',
+ '.toc',
+ '.init',
+ '.fini',
+ '.objc_class',
+ '.objc_meta_class',
+ '.objc_cat_cls_meth',
+ '.objc_cat_inst_meth',
+ '.objc_protocol',
+ '.objc_string_object',
+ '.objc_cls_meth',
+ '.objc_inst_meth',
+ '.objc_cls_refs',
+ '.objc_message_refs',
+ '.objc_symbols',
+ '.objc_category',
+ '.objc_class_vars',
+ '.objc_instance_vars',
+ '.objc_module_info',
+ '.objc_class_names',
+ '.objc_meth_var_types',
+ '.objc_meth_var_names',
+ '.objc_selector_strs',
+ '.objc_protocol_ext',
+ '.objc_class_ext',
+ '.objc_property',
+ '.objc_image_info',
+ '.objc_cstring_object',
+ '.objc_sel_fixup',
+ '__DATA,__objc_data',
+ '__DATA,__objc_const',
+ '.objc_superrefs',
+ '__DATA, __datacoal_nt,coalesced',
+ '.objc_classlist',
+ '.objc_nlclasslist',
+ '.objc_catlist',
+ '.obcj_nlcatlist',
+ '.objc_protolist'
+ );
+ secnames_pic : array[TAsmSectiontype] of string[length('__DATA, __datacoal_nt,coalesced')] = ('','',
+ '.text',
+ '.data.rel',
+ '.data.rel',
+ '.data.rel',
+ '.bss',
+ '.threadvar',
+ '.pdata',
+ '', { stubs }
+ '__DATA,__nl_symbol_ptr',
+ '__DATA,__la_symbol_ptr',
+ '__DATA,__mod_init_func',
+ '__DATA,__mod_term_func',
+ '.stab',
+ '.stabstr',
+ '.idata$2','.idata$4','.idata$5','.idata$6','.idata$7','.edata',
+ '.eh_frame',
+ '.debug_frame','.debug_info','.debug_line','.debug_abbrev',
+ '.fpc',
+ '.toc',
+ '.init',
+ '.fini',
+ '.objc_class',
+ '.objc_meta_class',
+ '.objc_cat_cls_meth',
+ '.objc_cat_inst_meth',
+ '.objc_protocol',
+ '.objc_string_object',
+ '.objc_cls_meth',
+ '.objc_inst_meth',
+ '.objc_cls_refs',
+ '.objc_message_refs',
+ '.objc_symbols',
+ '.objc_category',
+ '.objc_class_vars',
+ '.objc_instance_vars',
+ '.objc_module_info',
+ '.objc_class_names',
+ '.objc_meth_var_types',
+ '.objc_meth_var_names',
+ '.objc_selector_strs',
+ '.objc_protocol_ext',
+ '.objc_class_ext',
+ '.objc_property',
+ '.objc_image_info',
+ '.objc_cstring_object',
+ '.objc_sel_fixup',
+ '__DATA, __objc_data',
+ '__DATA, __objc_const',
+ '.objc_superrefs',
+ '__DATA, __datacoal_nt,coalesced',
+ '.objc_classlist',
+ '.objc_nlclasslist',
+ '.objc_catlist',
+ '.obcj_nlcatlist',
+ '.objc_protolist'
+ );
+ var
+ sep : string[3];
+ secname : string;
+ begin
+ if (cs_create_pic in current_settings.moduleswitches) and
+ not(target_info.system in systems_darwin) then
+ secname:=secnames_pic[atype]
+ else
+ secname:=secnames[atype];
+{$ifdef m68k}
+ { old Amiga GNU AS doesn't support .section .fpc }
+ if (atype=sec_fpc) and (target_info.system = system_m68k_amiga) then
+ secname:=secnames[sec_data];
+ if (atype=sec_fpc) and (Copy(aname,1,3)='res') then
+ begin
+ result:=secname+'.'+aname;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if (atype=sec_threadvar) and
+ (target_info.system in (systems_windows+systems_wince)) then
+ secname:='.tls';
+ { go32v2 stub only loads .text and .data sections, and allocates space for .bss.
+ Thus, data which normally goes into .rodata and .rodata_norel sections must
+ end up in .data section }
+ if (atype in [sec_rodata,sec_rodata_norel]) and
+ (target_info.system=system_i386_go32v2) then
+ secname:='.data';
+ { section type user gives the user full controll on the section name }
+ if atype=sec_user then
+ secname:=aname;
+ if is_smart_section(atype) and (aname<>'') then
+ begin
+ case aorder of
+ secorder_begin :
+ sep:='.b_';
+ secorder_end :
+ sep:='.z_';
+ else
+ sep:='.n_';
+ end;
+ result:=secname+sep+aname
+ end
+ else
+ result:=secname;
+ end;
+ function TGNUAssembler.sectionattrs_coff(atype:TAsmSectiontype):string;
+ begin
+ case atype of
+ sec_code, sec_init, sec_fini, sec_stub:
+ result:='x';
+ { TODO: must be individual for each section }
+ sec_user:
+ result:='d';
+ sec_data, sec_data_lazy, sec_data_nonlazy, sec_fpc,
+ sec_idata2, sec_idata4, sec_idata5, sec_idata6, sec_idata7:
+ result:='d';
+ { TODO: these need a fix to become read-only }
+ sec_rodata, sec_rodata_norel:
+ result:='d';
+ sec_bss:
+ result:='b';
+ { TODO: Somewhat questionable. FPC does not allow initialized threadvars,
+ so no sense to mark it as containing data. But Windows allows it to
+ contain data, and Linux even has .tdata and .tbss }
+ sec_threadvar:
+ result:='b';
+ sec_pdata, sec_edata, sec_eh_frame, sec_toc:
+ result:='r';
+ sec_stab,sec_stabstr,
+ sec_debug_frame,sec_debug_info,sec_debug_line,sec_debug_abbrev:
+ result:='n';
+ else
+ result:=''; { defaults to data+load }
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure TGNUAssembler.WriteSection(atype:TAsmSectiontype;const aname:string;aorder:TAsmSectionOrder);
+ var
+ s : string;
+ begin
+ AsmLn;
+ case target_info.system of
+ system_i386_OS2,
+ system_i386_EMX,
+ system_m68k_amiga, { amiga has old GNU AS (2.14), which blews up from .section (KB) }
+ system_m68k_linux: ;
+ system_powerpc_darwin,
+ system_i386_darwin,
+ system_i386_iphonesim,
+ system_powerpc64_darwin,
+ system_x86_64_darwin,
+ system_arm_darwin:
+ begin
+ if (atype in [sec_stub,sec_objc_data,sec_objc_const,sec_data_coalesced]) then
+ AsmWrite('.section ');
+ end
+ else
+ AsmWrite('.section ');
+ end;
+ s:=sectionname(atype,aname,aorder);
+ AsmWrite(s);
+ case atype of
+ sec_fpc :
+ if aname = 'resptrs' then
+ AsmWrite(', "a", @progbits');
+ sec_stub :
+ begin
+ case target_info.system of
+ { there are processor-independent shortcuts available }
+ { for this, namely .symbol_stub and .picsymbol_stub, but }
+ { they don't work and gcc doesn't use them either... }
+ system_powerpc_darwin,
+ system_powerpc64_darwin:
+ if (cs_create_pic in current_settings.moduleswitches) then
+ AsmWriteln('__TEXT,__picsymbolstub1,symbol_stubs,pure_instructions,32')
+ else
+ AsmWriteln('__TEXT,__symbol_stub1,symbol_stubs,pure_instructions,16');
+ system_i386_darwin,
+ system_i386_iphonesim:
+ AsmWriteln('__IMPORT,__jump_table,symbol_stubs,self_modifying_code+pure_instructions,5');
+ system_arm_darwin:
+ if (cs_create_pic in current_settings.moduleswitches) then
+ AsmWriteln('.section __TEXT,__picsymbolstub4,symbol_stubs,none,16')
+ else
+ AsmWriteln('.section __TEXT,__symbol_stub4,symbol_stubs,none,12')
+ { darwin/x86-64 uses RIP-based GOT addressing, no symbol stubs }
+ else
+ internalerror(2006031101);
+ end;
+ end;
+ else
+ { GNU AS won't recognize '.text.n_something' section name as belonging
+ to '.text' and assigns default attributes to it, which is not
+ always correct. We have to fix it.
+ TODO: This likely applies to all systems which smartlink without
+ creating libraries }
+ if (target_info.system in [system_i386_win32,system_x86_64_win64]) and
+ is_smart_section(atype) and (aname<>'') then
+ begin
+ s:=sectionattrs_coff(atype);
+ if (s<>'') then
+ AsmWrite(',"'+s+'"');
+ end;
+ end;
+ AsmLn;
+ LastSecType:=atype;
+ end;
+ procedure TGNUAssembler.WriteDecodedUleb128(a: qword);
+ var
+ i,len : longint;
+ buf : array[0..63] of byte;
+ begin
+ len:=EncodeUleb128(a,buf);
+ for i:=0 to len-1 do
+ begin
+ if (i > 0) then
+ AsmWrite(',');
+ AsmWrite(tostr(buf[i]));
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure TGNUAssembler.WriteDecodedSleb128(a: int64);
+ var
+ i,len : longint;
+ buf : array[0..255] of byte;
+ begin
+ len:=EncodeSleb128(a,buf);
+ for i:=0 to len-1 do
+ begin
+ if (i > 0) then
+ AsmWrite(',');
+ AsmWrite(tostr(buf[i]));
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure TGNUAssembler.WriteTree(p:TAsmList);
+ function needsObject(hp : tai_symbol) : boolean;
+ begin
+ needsObject :=
+ (
+ assigned( and
+ (tai( in [ait_const,ait_datablock,
+ ait_real_32bit,ait_real_64bit,ait_real_80bit,ait_comp_64bit])
+ ) or
+ (hp.sym.typ=AT_DATA);
+ end;
+ procedure doalign(alignment: byte; use_op: boolean; fillop: byte; out last_align: longint);
+ var
+ i: longint;
+ begin
+ last_align:=alignment;
+ if alignment>1 then
+ begin
+ if not(target_info.system in systems_darwin) then
+ begin
+ AsmWrite(#9'.balign '+tostr(alignment));
+ if use_op then
+ AsmWrite(','+tostr(fillop))
+{$ifdef x86}
+ { force NOP as alignment op code }
+ else if LastSecType=sec_code then
+ AsmWrite(',0x90');
+{$endif x86}
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { darwin as only supports .align }
+ if not ispowerof2(alignment,i) then
+ internalerror(2003010305);
+ AsmWrite(#9'.align '+tostr(i));
+ last_align:=i;
+ end;
+ AsmLn;
+ end;
+ end;
+ var
+ ch : char;
+ hp : tai;
+ constdef : taiconst_type;
+ s,t : string;
+ i,pos,l : longint;
+ InlineLevel : longint;
+ last_align : longint;
+ co : comp;
+ sin : single;
+ d : double;
+{$ifdef cpuextended}
+ e : extended;
+{$endif cpuextended}
+ do_line : boolean;
+ sepChar : char;
+ begin
+ if not assigned(p) then
+ exit;
+ last_align := 2;
+ InlineLevel:=0;
+ { lineinfo is only needed for al_procedures (PFV) }
+ do_line:=(cs_asm_source in current_settings.globalswitches) or
+ ((cs_lineinfo in current_settings.moduleswitches)
+ and (p=current_asmdata.asmlists[al_procedures]));
+ hp:=tai(p.first);
+ while assigned(hp) do
+ begin
+ prefetch(pointer(^);
+ if not(hp.typ in SkipLineInfo) then
+ begin
+ current_filepos:=tailineinfo(hp).fileinfo;
+ { no line info for inlined code }
+ if do_line and (inlinelevel=0) then
+ WriteSourceLine(hp as tailineinfo);
+ end;
+ case hp.typ of
+ ait_comment :
+ Begin
+ AsmWrite(target_asm.comment);
+ AsmWritePChar(tai_comment(hp).str);
+ AsmLn;
+ End;
+ ait_regalloc :
+ begin
+ if (cs_asm_regalloc in current_settings.globalswitches) then
+ begin
+ AsmWrite(#9+target_asm.comment+'Register ');
+ repeat
+ AsmWrite(std_regname(Tai_regalloc(hp).reg));
+ if ( or
+ (tai(<>ait_regalloc) or
+ (tai_regalloc(<>tai_regalloc(hp).ratype) then
+ break;
+ hp:=tai(;
+ AsmWrite(',');
+ until false;
+ AsmWrite(' ');
+ AsmWriteLn(regallocstr[tai_regalloc(hp).ratype]);
+ end;
+ end;
+ ait_tempalloc :
+ begin
+ if (cs_asm_tempalloc in current_settings.globalswitches) then
+ WriteTempalloc(tai_tempalloc(hp));
+ end;
+ ait_align :
+ begin
+ doalign(tai_align_abstract(hp).aligntype,tai_align_abstract(hp).use_op,tai_align_abstract(hp).fillop,last_align);
+ end;
+ ait_section :
+ begin
+ if tai_section(hp).sectype<>sec_none then
+{$ifdef avr}
+ WriteSection(tai_section(hp).sectype,ReplaceForbiddenChars(tai_section(hp).name^),tai_section(hp).secorder)
+{$else avr}
+ WriteSection(tai_section(hp).sectype,tai_section(hp).name^,tai_section(hp).secorder)
+{$endif avr}
+ else
+ begin
+{$ifdef EXTDEBUG}
+ AsmWrite(target_asm.comment);
+ AsmWriteln(' sec_none');
+{$endif EXTDEBUG}
+ end;
+ end;
+ ait_datablock :
+ begin
+ if (target_info.system in systems_darwin) then
+ begin
+ { On Mac OS X you can't have common symbols in a shared library
+ since those are in the TEXT section and the text section is
+ read-only in shared libraries (so it can be shared among different
+ processes). The alternate code creates some kind of common symbols
+ in the data segment.
+ }
+ if tai_datablock(hp).is_global then
+ begin
+ asmwrite('.globl ');
+ asmwriteln(tai_datablock(hp);
+ asmwriteln('.data');
+ asmwrite('.zerofill __DATA, __common, ');
+ asmwrite(tai_datablock(hp);
+ asmwriteln(', '+tostr(tai_datablock(hp).size)+','+tostr(last_align));
+ if not(LastSecType in [sec_data,sec_none]) then
+ writesection(LastSecType,'',secorder_default);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ asmwrite(#9'.lcomm'#9);
+ asmwrite(tai_datablock(hp);
+ asmwrite(','+tostr(tai_datablock(hp).size));
+ asmwrite(','+tostr(last_align));
+ asmln;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+{$ifdef USE_COMM_IN_BSS}
+ if writingpackages then
+ begin
+ { The .comm is required for COMMON symbols. These are used
+ in the shared library loading. All the symbols declared in
+ the .so file need to resolve to the data allocated in the main
+ program (PFV) }
+ if tai_datablock(hp).is_global then
+ begin
+ asmwrite(#9'.comm'#9);
+{$ifdef avr}
+ asmwrite(ReplaceForbiddenChars(tai_datablock(hp);
+{$else avr}
+ asmwrite(tai_datablock(hp);
+{$endif avr}
+ asmwrite(','+tostr(tai_datablock(hp).size));
+ asmwrite(','+tostr(last_align));
+ asmln;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ asmwrite(#9'.lcomm'#9);
+{$ifdef avr}
+ asmwrite(ReplaceForbiddenChars(tai_datablock(hp);
+{$else avr}
+ asmwrite(tai_datablock(hp);
+{$endif avr}
+ asmwrite(','+tostr(tai_datablock(hp).size));
+ asmwrite(','+tostr(last_align));
+ asmln;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+{$endif USE_COMM_IN_BSS}
+ begin
+ if Tai_datablock(hp).is_global then
+ begin
+ asmwrite(#9'.globl ');
+{$ifdef avr}
+ asmwriteln(ReplaceForbiddenChars(Tai_datablock(hp);
+{$else avr}
+ asmwriteln(Tai_datablock(hp);
+{$endif avr}
+ end;
+ if (target_info.system <> system_arm_linux) then
+ sepChar := '@'
+ else
+ sepChar := '%';
+{$ifdef avr}
+ if (tf_needs_symbol_type in target_info.flags) then
+ asmwriteln(#9'.type '+ReplaceForbiddenChars(Tai_datablock(hp)','+sepChar+'object');
+ if (tf_needs_symbol_size in target_info.flags) and (tai_datablock(hp).size > 0) then
+ asmwriteln(#9'.size '+ReplaceForbiddenChars(Tai_datablock(hp)','+tostr(Tai_datablock(hp).size));
+ asmwrite(ReplaceForbiddenChars(Tai_datablock(hp);
+{$else avr}
+ if (tf_needs_symbol_type in target_info.flags) then
+ asmwriteln(#9'.type '+Tai_datablock(hp)','+sepChar+'object');
+ if (tf_needs_symbol_size in target_info.flags) and (tai_datablock(hp).size > 0) then
+ asmwriteln(#9'.size '+Tai_datablock(hp)','+tostr(Tai_datablock(hp).size));
+ asmwrite(Tai_datablock(hp);
+{$endif avr}
+ asmwriteln(':');
+ asmwriteln(#9'.zero '+tostr(Tai_datablock(hp).size));
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ait_const:
+ begin
+ constdef:=tai_const(hp).consttype;
+ case constdef of
+{$ifndef cpu64bitaddr}
+ aitconst_128bit :
+ begin
+ internalerror(200404291);
+ end;
+ aitconst_64bit :
+ begin
+ if assigned(tai_const(hp).sym) then
+ internalerror(200404292);
+ AsmWrite(ait_const2str[aitconst_32bit]);
+ if target_info.endian = endian_little then
+ begin
+ AsmWrite(tostr(longint(lo(tai_const(hp).value))));
+ AsmWrite(',');
+ AsmWrite(tostr(longint(hi(tai_const(hp).value))));
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ AsmWrite(tostr(longint(hi(tai_const(hp).value))));
+ AsmWrite(',');
+ AsmWrite(tostr(longint(lo(tai_const(hp).value))));
+ end;
+ AsmLn;
+ end;
+{$endif cpu64bitaddr}
+ aitconst_uleb128bit,
+ aitconst_sleb128bit,
+{$ifdef cpu64bitaddr}
+ aitconst_128bit,
+ aitconst_64bit,
+{$endif cpu64bitaddr}
+ aitconst_32bit,
+ aitconst_16bit,
+ aitconst_8bit,
+ aitconst_rva_symbol,
+ aitconst_secrel32_symbol,
+ aitconst_darwin_dwarf_delta32,
+ aitconst_darwin_dwarf_delta64,
+ aitconst_half16bit:
+ begin
+ if (target_info.system in systems_darwin) and
+ (constdef in [aitconst_uleb128bit,aitconst_sleb128bit]) then
+ begin
+ AsmWrite(ait_const2str[aitconst_8bit]);
+ case tai_const(hp).consttype of
+ aitconst_uleb128bit:
+ WriteDecodedUleb128(qword(tai_const(hp).value));
+ aitconst_sleb128bit:
+ WriteDecodedSleb128(int64(tai_const(hp).value));
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ AsmWrite(ait_const2str[constdef]);
+ l:=0;
+ t := '';
+ repeat
+ if assigned(tai_const(hp).sym) then
+ begin
+ if assigned(tai_const(hp).endsym) then
+ begin
+ if (constdef in [aitconst_darwin_dwarf_delta32,aitconst_darwin_dwarf_delta64]) then
+ begin
+ s := NextSetLabel;
+ t := #9'.set '+s+','+tai_const(hp)'-'+tai_const(hp);
+ end
+ else
+ s:=tai_const(hp)'-'+tai_const(hp)
+ end
+ else
+ s:=tai_const(hp);
+{$ifdef avr}
+ s:=ReplaceForbiddenChars(s);
+{$endif avr}
+ if tai_const(hp).value<>0 then
+ s:=s+tostr_with_plus(tai_const(hp).value);
+ end
+ else
+{$ifdef cpu64bitaddr}
+ s:=tostr(tai_const(hp).value);
+{$else cpu64bitaddr}
+ { 64 bit constants are already handled above in this case }
+ s:=tostr(longint(tai_const(hp).value));
+{$endif cpu64bitaddr}
+ if constdef = aitconst_half16bit then
+ s:='('+s+')/2';
+ AsmWrite(s);
+ inc(l,length(s));
+ { Values with symbols are written on a single line to improve
+ reading of the .s file (PFV) }
+ if assigned(tai_const(hp).sym) or
+ not(LastSecType in [sec_data,sec_rodata,sec_rodata_norel]) or
+ (l>line_length) or
+ ( or
+ (tai(<>ait_const) or
+ (tai_const(<>constdef) or
+ assigned(tai_const( then
+ break;
+ hp:=tai(;
+ AsmWrite(',');
+ until false;
+ if (t <> '') then
+ begin
+ AsmLn;
+ AsmWrite(t);
+ end;
+ end;
+ AsmLn;
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(200704251);
+ end;
+ end;
+ { the "and defined(FPC_HAS_TYPE_EXTENDED)" isn't optimal but currently the only solution
+ it prevents proper cross compilation to i386 though
+ }
+{$if defined(cpuextended) and defined(FPC_HAS_TYPE_EXTENDED)}
+ ait_real_80bit :
+ begin
+ if do_line then
+ AsmWriteLn(target_asm.comment+'value: '+extended2str(tai_real_80bit(hp).value));
+ { Make sure e is a extended type, bestreal could be
+ a different type (bestreal) !! (PFV) }
+ e:=tai_real_80bit(hp).value;
+ AsmWrite(#9'.byte'#9);
+ for i:=0 to 9 do
+ begin
+ if i<>0 then
+ AsmWrite(',');
+ AsmWrite(tostr(t80bitarray(e)[i]));
+ end;
+ for i:=11 to tai_real_80bit(hp).savesize do
+ AsmWrite(',0');
+ AsmLn;
+ end;
+{$endif cpuextended}
+ ait_real_64bit :
+ begin
+ if do_line then
+ AsmWriteLn(target_asm.comment+'value: '+double2str(tai_real_64bit(hp).value));
+ d:=tai_real_64bit(hp).value;
+ { swap the values to correct endian if required }
+ if source_info.endian <> target_info.endian then
+ swap64bitarray(t64bitarray(d));
+ AsmWrite(#9'.byte'#9);
+{$ifdef arm}
+ if tai_real_64bit(hp).formatoptions=fo_hiloswapped then
+ begin
+ for i:=4 to 7 do
+ begin
+ if i<>4 then
+ AsmWrite(',');
+ AsmWrite(tostr(t64bitarray(d)[i]));
+ end;
+ for i:=0 to 3 do
+ begin
+ AsmWrite(',');
+ AsmWrite(tostr(t64bitarray(d)[i]));
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+{$endif arm}
+ begin
+ for i:=0 to 7 do
+ begin
+ if i<>0 then
+ AsmWrite(',');
+ AsmWrite(tostr(t64bitarray(d)[i]));
+ end;
+ end;
+ AsmLn;
+ end;
+ ait_real_32bit :
+ begin
+ if do_line then
+ AsmWriteLn(target_asm.comment+'value: '+single2str(tai_real_32bit(hp).value));
+ sin:=tai_real_32bit(hp).value;
+ { swap the values to correct endian if required }
+ if source_info.endian <> target_info.endian then
+ swap32bitarray(t32bitarray(sin));
+ AsmWrite(#9'.byte'#9);
+ for i:=0 to 3 do
+ begin
+ if i<>0 then
+ AsmWrite(',');
+ AsmWrite(tostr(t32bitarray(sin)[i]));
+ end;
+ AsmLn;
+ end;
+ ait_comp_64bit :
+ begin
+ if do_line then
+ AsmWriteLn(target_asm.comment+'value: '+extended2str(tai_comp_64bit(hp).value));
+ AsmWrite(#9'.byte'#9);
+ co:=comp(tai_comp_64bit(hp).value);
+ { swap the values to correct endian if required }
+ if source_info.endian <> target_info.endian then
+ swap64bitarray(t64bitarray(co));
+ for i:=0 to 7 do
+ begin
+ if i<>0 then
+ AsmWrite(',');
+ AsmWrite(tostr(t64bitarray(co)[i]));
+ end;
+ AsmLn;
+ end;
+ ait_string :
+ begin
+ pos:=0;
+ for i:=1 to tai_string(hp).len do
+ begin
+ if pos=0 then
+ begin
+ AsmWrite(#9'.ascii'#9'"');
+ pos:=20;
+ end;
+ ch:=tai_string(hp).str[i-1];
+ case ch of
+ #0, {This can't be done by range, because a bug in FPC}
+ #1..#31,
+ #128..#255 : s:='\'+tostr(ord(ch) shr 6)+tostr((ord(ch) and 63) shr 3)+tostr(ord(ch) and 7);
+ '"' : s:='\"';
+ '\' : s:='\\';
+ else
+ s:=ch;
+ end;
+ AsmWrite(s);
+ inc(pos,length(s));
+ if (pos>line_length) or (i=tai_string(hp).len) then
+ begin
+ AsmWriteLn('"');
+ pos:=0;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ait_label :
+ begin
+ if (tai_label(hp).labsym.is_used) then
+ begin
+ if (tai_label(hp).labsym.bind=AB_PRIVATE_EXTERN) then
+ begin
+ AsmWrite(#9'.private_extern ');
+ AsmWriteln(tai_label(hp);
+ end;
+ if tai_label(hp).labsym.bind in [AB_GLOBAL,AB_PRIVATE_EXTERN] then
+ begin
+ AsmWrite('.globl'#9);
+{$ifdef avr}
+ AsmWriteLn(ReplaceForbiddenChars(tai_label(hp);
+{$else avr}
+ AsmWriteLn(tai_label(hp);
+{$endif avr}
+ end;
+{$ifdef avr}
+ AsmWrite(ReplaceForbiddenChars(tai_label(hp);
+{$else avr}
+ AsmWrite(tai_label(hp);
+{$endif avr}
+ AsmWriteLn(':');
+ end;
+ end;
+ ait_symbol :
+ begin
+ if (tai_symbol(hp).sym.bind=AB_PRIVATE_EXTERN) then
+ begin
+ AsmWrite(#9'.private_extern ');
+{$ifdef avr}
+ AsmWriteln(ReplaceForbiddenChars(tai_symbol(hp);
+{$else avr}
+ AsmWriteln(tai_symbol(hp);
+{$endif avr}
+ end;
+ if (target_info.system = system_powerpc64_linux) and
+ (tai_symbol(hp).sym.typ = AT_FUNCTION) and (cs_profile in current_settings.moduleswitches) then
+ AsmWriteLn('.globl _mcount');
+ if tai_symbol(hp).is_global then
+ begin
+ AsmWrite('.globl'#9);
+{$ifdef avr}
+ AsmWriteln(ReplaceForbiddenChars(tai_symbol(hp);
+{$else avr}
+ AsmWriteln(tai_symbol(hp);
+{$endif avr}
+ end;
+ if (target_info.system = system_powerpc64_linux) and
+ (tai_symbol(hp).sym.typ = AT_FUNCTION) then
+ begin
+ AsmWriteLn('.section ".opd", "aw"');
+ AsmWriteLn('.align 3');
+ AsmWriteLn(tai_symbol(hp) + ':');
+ AsmWriteLn('.quad .' + tai_symbol(hp) + ', .TOC.@tocbase, 0');
+ AsmWriteLn('.previous');
+ AsmWriteLn('.size ' + tai_symbol(hp) + ', 24');
+ if (tai_symbol(hp).is_global) then
+ AsmWriteLn('.globl .' + tai_symbol(hp);
+ AsmWriteLn('.type .' + tai_symbol(hp) + ', @function');
+ { the dotted name is the name of the actual function entry }
+ AsmWrite('.');
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (target_info.system <> system_arm_linux) then
+ sepChar := '@'
+ else
+ sepChar := '#';
+ if (tf_needs_symbol_type in target_info.flags) then
+ begin
+ AsmWrite(#9'.type'#9 + tai_symbol(hp);
+ if (needsObject(tai_symbol(hp))) then
+ AsmWriteLn(',' + sepChar + 'object')
+ else
+ AsmWriteLn(',' + sepChar + 'function');
+ end;
+ end;
+{$ifdef avr}
+ if not(tai_symbol(hp).has_value) then
+ AsmWriteLn(ReplaceForbiddenChars(tai_symbol(hp) + ':'))
+ else
+ AsmWriteLn(ReplaceForbiddenChars(tai_symbol(hp) + '=' + tostr(tai_symbol(hp).value)));
+{$else avr}
+ if not(tai_symbol(hp).has_value) then
+ AsmWriteLn(tai_symbol(hp) + ':')
+ else
+ AsmWriteLn(tai_symbol(hp) + '=' + tostr(tai_symbol(hp).value));
+{$endif avr}
+ end;
+{$ifdef arm}
+ ait_thumb_func:
+ begin
+ AsmWriteLn(#9'.thumb_func');
+ end;
+{$endif arm}
+ ait_symbol_end :
+ begin
+ if tf_needs_symbol_size in target_info.flags then
+ begin
+ s:=target_asm.labelprefix+'e'+tostr(symendcount);
+ inc(symendcount);
+ AsmWriteLn(s+':');
+ AsmWrite(#9'.size'#9);
+ if (target_info.system = system_powerpc64_linux) and (tai_symbol_end(hp).sym.typ = AT_FUNCTION) then
+ AsmWrite('.');
+{$ifdef avr}
+ AsmWrite(ReplaceForbiddenChars(tai_symbol_end(hp);
+{$else avr}
+ AsmWrite(tai_symbol_end(hp);
+{$endif avr}
+ AsmWrite(', '+s+' - ');
+ if (target_info.system = system_powerpc64_linux) and (tai_symbol_end(hp).sym.typ = AT_FUNCTION) then
+ AsmWrite('.');
+{$ifdef avr}
+ AsmWriteLn(ReplaceForbiddenChars(tai_symbol_end(hp);
+{$else avr}
+ AsmWriteLn(tai_symbol_end(hp);
+{$endif avr}
+ end;
+ end;
+ ait_instruction :
+ begin
+ WriteInstruction(hp);
+ end;
+ ait_stab :
+ begin
+ if assigned(tai_stab(hp).str) then
+ begin
+ AsmWrite(#9'.'+stabtypestr[tai_stab(hp).stabtype]+' ');
+ AsmWritePChar(tai_stab(hp).str);
+ AsmLn;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ait_force_line,
+ ait_function_name :
+ ;
+ ait_cutobject :
+ begin
+ if SmartAsm then
+ begin
+ { only reset buffer if nothing has changed }
+ if AsmSize=AsmStartSize then
+ AsmClear
+ else
+ begin
+ AsmClose;
+ DoAssemble;
+ AsmCreate(tai_cutobject(hp).place);
+ end;
+ { avoid empty files }
+ while assigned( and (tai( in [ait_cutobject,ait_section,ait_comment]) do
+ begin
+ if tai( then
+ LastSecType:=tai_section(;
+ hp:=tai(;
+ end;
+ if LastSecType<>sec_none then
+ WriteSection(LastSecType,'',secorder_default);
+ AsmStartSize:=AsmSize;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ait_marker :
+ if tai_marker(hp).kind=mark_NoLineInfoStart then
+ inc(InlineLevel)
+ else if tai_marker(hp).kind=mark_NoLineInfoEnd then
+ dec(InlineLevel);
+ ait_directive :
+ begin
+ AsmWrite('.'+directivestr[tai_directive(hp).directive]+' ');
+ if assigned(tai_directive(hp).name) then
+ AsmWrite(tai_directive(hp).name^);
+ AsmLn;
+ end;
+ ait_seh_directive :
+ begin
+{$ifdef TEST_WIN64_SEH}
+ AsmWrite(sehdirectivestr[tai_seh_directive(hp).kind]);
+ case tai_seh_directive(hp).datatype of
+ sd_none:;
+ sd_string:
+ begin
+ AsmWrite(' '+tai_seh_directive(hp)^);
+ if (tai_seh_directive(hp).data.flags and 1)<>0 then
+ AsmWrite(',@except');
+ if (tai_seh_directive(hp).data.flags and 2)<>0 then
+ AsmWrite(',@unwind');
+ end;
+ sd_reg:
+ AsmWrite(' '+gas_regname(tai_seh_directive(hp).data.reg));
+ sd_offset:
+ AsmWrite(' '+tostr(tai_seh_directive(hp).data.offset));
+ sd_regoffset:
+ AsmWrite(' '+gas_regname(tai_seh_directive(hp).data.reg)+', '+
+ tostr(tai_seh_directive(hp).data.offset));
+ end;
+ AsmLn;
+{$endif TEST_WIN64_SEH}
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(2006012201);
+ end;
+ hp:=tai(;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure TGNUAssembler.WriteExtraHeader;
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure TGNUAssembler.WriteInstruction(hp: tai);
+ begin
+ InstrWriter.WriteInstruction(hp);
+ end;
+ procedure TGNUAssembler.WriteWeakSymbolDef(s: tasmsymbol);
+ begin
+ AsmWriteLn(#9'.weak ';
+ end;
+ procedure TGNUAssembler.WriteAsmList;
+ var
+ n : string;
+ hal : tasmlisttype;
+ i: longint;
+ begin
+{$ifdef EXTDEBUG}
+ if assigned(current_module.mainsource) then
+ Comment(V_Debug,'Start writing gas-styled assembler output for '+current_module.mainsource^);
+ if assigned(current_module.mainsource) then
+ n:=ExtractFileName(current_module.mainsource^)
+ else
+ n:=InputFileName;
+ { gcc does not add it either for Darwin (and AIX). Grep for
+ }
+ if not(target_info.system in systems_darwin) then
+ AsmWriteLn(#9'.file "'+FixFileName(n)+'"');
+ WriteExtraHeader;
+ AsmStartSize:=AsmSize;
+ symendcount:=0;
+ for hal:=low(TasmlistType) to high(TasmlistType) do
+ begin
+ AsmWriteLn(target_asm.comment+'Begin asmlist '+AsmlistTypeStr[hal]);
+ writetree(current_asmdata.asmlists[hal]);
+ AsmWriteLn(target_asm.comment+'End asmlist '+AsmlistTypeStr[hal]);
+ end;
+ { add weak symbol markers }
+ for i:=0 to current_asmdata.asmsymboldict.count-1 do
+ if (tasmsymbol(current_asmdata.asmsymboldict[i]).bind=AB_WEAK_EXTERNAL) then
+ writeweaksymboldef(tasmsymbol(current_asmdata.asmsymboldict[i]));
+ if create_smartlink_sections and
+ (target_info.system in systems_darwin) then
+ AsmWriteLn(#9'.subsections_via_symbols');
+ { "no executable stack" marker for Linux }
+ if (target_info.system in systems_linux) and
+ not(cs_executable_stack in current_settings.moduleswitches) then
+ begin
+ AsmWriteLn('.section .note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits');
+ end;
+ AsmLn;
+{$ifdef EXTDEBUG}
+ if assigned(current_module.mainsource) then
+ Comment(V_Debug,'Done writing gas-styled assembler output for '+current_module.mainsource^);
+{$endif EXTDEBUG}
+ end;
+{ Apple/GNU Assembler writer }
+ function TAppleGNUAssembler.sectionname(atype:TAsmSectiontype;const aname:string;aorder:TAsmSectionOrder):string;
+ begin
+ if (target_info.system in systems_darwin) then
+ case atype of
+ sec_bss:
+ { all bss (lcomm) symbols are automatically put in the right }
+ { place by using the lcomm assembler directive }
+ atype := sec_none;
+ sec_debug_frame,
+ sec_eh_frame:
+ begin
+ result := '.section __DWARF,__debug_info,regular,debug';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ sec_debug_line:
+ begin
+ result := '.section __DWARF,__debug_line,regular,debug';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ sec_debug_info:
+ begin
+ result := '.section __DWARF,__debug_info,regular,debug';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ sec_debug_abbrev:
+ begin
+ result := '.section __DWARF,__debug_abbrev,regular,debug';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ sec_rodata:
+ begin
+ result := '.const_data';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ sec_rodata_norel:
+ begin
+ result := '.const';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ sec_fpc:
+ begin
+ result := '.section __TEXT, .fpc, regular, no_dead_strip';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ sec_code:
+ begin
+ if (aname='fpc_geteipasebx') or
+ (aname='fpc_geteipasecx') then
+ begin
+ result:='.section __TEXT,__textcoal_nt,coalesced,pure_instructions'#10'.weak_definition '+aname+
+ #10'.private_extern '+aname;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ sec_data_nonlazy:
+ begin
+ result:='.section __DATA, __nl_symbol_ptr,non_lazy_symbol_pointers';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ sec_data_lazy:
+ begin
+ result:='.section __DATA, __la_symbol_ptr,lazy_symbol_pointers';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ sec_init_func:
+ begin
+ result:='.section __DATA, __mod_init_func, mod_init_funcs';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ sec_term_func:
+ begin
+ result:='.section __DATA, __mod_term_func, mod_term_funcs';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ sec_objc_protocol_ext:
+ begin
+ result:='.section __OBJC, __protocol_ext, regular, no_dead_strip';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ sec_objc_class_ext:
+ begin
+ result:='.section __OBJC, __class_ext, regular, no_dead_strip';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ sec_objc_property:
+ begin
+ result:='.section __OBJC, __property, regular, no_dead_strip';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ sec_objc_image_info:
+ begin
+ result:='.section __OBJC, __image_info, regular, no_dead_strip';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ sec_objc_cstring_object:
+ begin
+ result:='.section __OBJC, __cstring_object, regular, no_dead_strip';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ sec_objc_sel_fixup:
+ begin
+ result:='.section __OBJC, __sel_fixup, regular, no_dead_strip';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ sec_objc_message_refs:
+ begin
+ if (target_info.system in systems_objc_nfabi) then
+ begin
+ result:='.section __DATA, __objc_selrefs, literal_pointers, no_dead_strip';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ sec_objc_cls_refs:
+ begin
+ if (target_info.system in systems_objc_nfabi) then
+ begin
+ result:='.section __DATA, __objc_clsrefs, regular, no_dead_strip';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ sec_objc_meth_var_names,
+ sec_objc_class_names:
+ begin
+ if (target_info.system in systems_objc_nfabi) then
+ begin
+ result:='.cstring';
+ exit
+ end;
+ end;
+ sec_objc_inst_meth,
+ sec_objc_cls_meth,
+ sec_objc_cat_inst_meth,
+ sec_objc_cat_cls_meth:
+ begin
+ if (target_info.system in systems_objc_nfabi) then
+ begin
+ result:='.section __DATA, __objc_const';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ sec_objc_meta_class,
+ sec_objc_class:
+ begin
+ if (target_info.system in systems_objc_nfabi) then
+ begin
+ result:='.section __DATA, __objc_data';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ sec_objc_sup_refs:
+ begin
+ result:='.section __DATA, __objc_superrefs, regular, no_dead_strip';
+ exit
+ end;
+ sec_objc_classlist:
+ begin
+ result:='.section __DATA, __objc_classlist, regular, no_dead_strip';
+ exit
+ end;
+ sec_objc_nlclasslist:
+ begin
+ result:='.section __DATA, __objc_nlclasslist, regular, no_dead_strip';
+ exit
+ end;
+ sec_objc_catlist:
+ begin
+ result:='.section __DATA, __objc_catlist, regular, no_dead_strip';
+ exit
+ end;
+ sec_objc_nlcatlist:
+ begin
+ result:='.section __DATA, __objc_nlcatlist, regular, no_dead_strip';
+ exit
+ end;
+ sec_objc_protolist:
+ begin
+ result:='.section __DATA, __objc_protolist, coalesced, no_dead_strip';
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ result := inherited sectionname(atype,aname,aorder);
+ end;
+ procedure TAppleGNUAssembler.WriteWeakSymbolDef(s: tasmsymbol);
+ begin
+ AsmWriteLn(#9'.weak_reference ';
+ end;
+{ a.out/GNU Assembler writer }
+ function TAoutGNUAssembler.sectionname(atype:TAsmSectiontype;const aname:string;aorder:TAsmSectionOrder):string;
+ const
+(* Translation table - replace unsupported section types with basic ones. *)
+ SecXTable: array[TAsmSectionType] of TAsmSectionType = (
+ sec_none,
+ sec_none,
+ sec_code,
+ sec_data,
+ sec_data (* sec_rodata *),
+ sec_data (* sec_rodata_norel *),
+ sec_bss,
+ sec_data (* sec_threadvar *),
+ { used for wince exception handling }
+ sec_code (* sec_pdata *),
+ { used for darwin import stubs }
+ sec_code (* sec_stub *),
+ sec_data,(* sec_data_nonlazy *)
+ sec_data,(* sec_data_lazy *)
+ sec_data,(* sec_init_func *)
+ sec_data,(* sec_term_func *)
+ { stabs }
+ sec_stab,sec_stabstr,
+ { win32 }
+ sec_data (* sec_idata2 *),
+ sec_data (* sec_idata4 *),
+ sec_data (* sec_idata5 *),
+ sec_data (* sec_idata6 *),
+ sec_data (* sec_idata7 *),
+ sec_data (* sec_edata *),
+ { C++ exception handling unwinding (uses dwarf) }
+ sec_eh_frame,
+ { dwarf }
+ sec_debug_frame,
+ sec_debug_info,
+ sec_debug_line,
+ sec_debug_abbrev,
+ { ELF resources (+ references to stabs debug information sections) }
+ sec_code (* sec_fpc *),
+ { Table of contents section }
+ sec_code (* sec_toc *),
+ sec_code (* sec_init *),
+ sec_code (* sec_fini *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_class *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_meta_class *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_cat_cls_meth *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_cat_inst_meth *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_protocol *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_string_object *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_cls_meth *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_inst_meth *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_cls_refs *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_message_refs *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_symbols *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_category *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_class_vars *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_instance_vars *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_module_info *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_class_names *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_meth_var_types *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_meth_var_names *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_selector_strs *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_protocol_ext *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_class_ext *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_property *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_image_info *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_cstring_object *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_sel_fixup *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_data *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_const *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_sup_refs *),
+ sec_none (* sec_data_coalesced *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_classlist *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_nlclasslist *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_catlist *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_nlcatlist *),
+ sec_none (* sec_objc_protlist *)
+ );
+ begin
+ Result := inherited SectionName (SecXTable [AType], AName, AOrder);
+ end;
+{ Abstract Instruction Writer }
+ constructor TCPUInstrWriter.create(_owner: TGNUAssembler);
+ begin
+ inherited create;
+ owner := _owner;
+ end;