path: root/closures/compiler/arm/aasmcpu.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'closures/compiler/arm/aasmcpu.pas')
1 files changed, 2807 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/closures/compiler/arm/aasmcpu.pas b/closures/compiler/arm/aasmcpu.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ced8fc361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/closures/compiler/arm/aasmcpu.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,2807 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2003 by Florian Klaempfl
+ Contains the assembler object for the ARM
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit aasmcpu;
+ cclasses,globtype,globals,verbose,
+ aasmbase,aasmtai,aasmdata,aasmsym,
+ ogbase,
+ symtype,
+ cpubase,cpuinfo,cgbase,cgutils;
+ const
+ { "mov reg,reg" source operand number }
+ { "mov reg,reg" source operand number }
+ O_MOV_DEST = 0;
+ { Operand types }
+ OT_NONE = $00000000;
+ OT_BITS8 = $00000001; { size, and other attributes, of the operand }
+ OT_BITS16 = $00000002;
+ OT_BITS32 = $00000004;
+ OT_BITS64 = $00000008; { FPU only }
+ OT_BITS80 = $00000010;
+ OT_FAR = $00000020; { this means 16:16 or 16:32, like in CALL/JMP }
+ OT_NEAR = $00000040;
+ OT_SHORT = $00000080;
+ OT_BITSTINY = $00000100; { fpu constant }
+ $00000200;
+ OT_SIZE_MASK = $000003FF; { all the size attributes }
+ OT_NON_SIZE = longint(not OT_SIZE_MASK);
+ OT_SIGNED = $00000100; { the operand need to be signed -128-127 }
+ OT_TO = $00000200; { operand is followed by a colon }
+ { reverse effect in FADD, FSUB &c }
+ OT_COLON = $00000400;
+ OT_SHIFTEROP = $00000800;
+ OT_REGISTER = $00001000;
+ OT_IMMEDIATE = $00002000;
+ OT_REGLIST = $00008000;
+ OT_IMM8 = $00002001;
+ OT_IMM24 = $00002002;
+ OT_IMM32 = $00002004;
+ OT_IMM64 = $00002008;
+ OT_IMM80 = $00002010;
+ OT_IMMTINY = $00002100;
+ OT_IMMSHIFTER= $00002200;
+ OT_REGMEM = $00200000; { for r/m, ie EA, operands }
+ OT_REGNORM = $00201000; { 'normal' reg, qualifies as EA }
+ OT_REG8 = $00201001;
+ OT_REG16 = $00201002;
+ OT_REG32 = $00201004;
+ OT_REG64 = $00201008;
+ OT_VREG = $00201010; { vector register }
+ OT_REGF = $00201020; { coproc register }
+ OT_MEMORY = $00204000; { register number in 'basereg' }
+ OT_MEM8 = $00204001;
+ OT_MEM16 = $00204002;
+ OT_MEM32 = $00204004;
+ OT_MEM64 = $00204008;
+ OT_MEM80 = $00204010;
+ { word/byte load/store }
+ OT_AM2 = $00010000;
+ { misc ld/st operations }
+ OT_AM3 = $00020000;
+ { multiple ld/st operations }
+ OT_AM4 = $00040000;
+ { co proc. ld/st operations }
+ OT_AM5 = $00080000;
+ OT_AMMASK = $000f0000;
+ { IT instruction }
+ OT_CONDITION = $00100000;
+ OT_FPUREG = $01000000; { floating point stack registers }
+ OT_REG_SMASK = $00070000; { special register operands: these may be treated differently }
+ { a mask for the following }
+ OT_MEM_OFFS = $00604000; { special type of EA }
+ { simple [address] offset }
+ OT_ONENESS = $00800000; { special type of immediate operand }
+ OT_UNITY = $00802000; { for shift/rotate instructions }
+ instabentries = {$i}
+ maxinfolen = 5;
+ IF_NONE = $00000000;
+ IF_ARMMASK = $000F0000;
+ IF_ARM7 = $00070000;
+ IF_FPMASK = $00F00000;
+ IF_FPA = $00100000;
+ { if the instruction can change in a second pass }
+ IF_PASS2 = longint($80000000);
+ type
+ TInsTabCache=array[TasmOp] of longint;
+ PInsTabCache=^TInsTabCache;
+ tinsentry = record
+ opcode : tasmop;
+ ops : byte;
+ optypes : array[0..3] of longint;
+ code : array[0..maxinfolen] of char;
+ flags : longint;
+ end;
+ pinsentry=^tinsentry;
+ const
+ InsTab : array[0..instabentries-1] of TInsEntry={$i}
+ var
+ InsTabCache : PInsTabCache;
+ type
+ taicpu = class(tai_cpu_abstract_sym)
+ oppostfix : TOpPostfix;
+ wideformat : boolean;
+ roundingmode : troundingmode;
+ procedure loadshifterop(opidx:longint;const so:tshifterop);
+ procedure loadregset(opidx:longint; regsetregtype: tregistertype; regsetsubregtype: tsubregister; const s:tcpuregisterset);
+ procedure loadconditioncode(opidx:longint;const cond:tasmcond);
+ procedure loadmodeflags(opidx:longint;const flags:tcpumodeflags);
+ constructor op_none(op : tasmop);
+ constructor op_reg(op : tasmop;_op1 : tregister);
+ constructor op_ref(op : tasmop;const _op1 : treference);
+ constructor op_const(op : tasmop;_op1 : longint);
+ constructor op_reg_reg(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2 : tregister);
+ constructor op_reg_ref(op : tasmop;_op1 : tregister;const _op2 : treference);
+ constructor op_reg_const(op:tasmop; _op1: tregister; _op2: aint);
+ constructor op_ref_regset(op:tasmop; _op1: treference; regtype: tregistertype; subreg: tsubregister; _op2: tcpuregisterset);
+ constructor op_reg_reg_reg(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2,_op3 : tregister);
+ constructor op_reg_reg_const(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2 : tregister; _op3: aint);
+ constructor op_reg_reg_sym_ofs(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2 : tregister; _op3: tasmsymbol;_op3ofs: longint);
+ constructor op_reg_reg_ref(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2 : tregister; const _op3: treference);
+ constructor op_reg_reg_shifterop(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2 : tregister;_op3 : tshifterop);
+ constructor op_reg_reg_reg_shifterop(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2,_op3 : tregister;_op4 : tshifterop);
+ { SFM/LFM }
+ constructor op_reg_const_ref(op : tasmop;_op1 : tregister;_op2 : aint;_op3 : treference);
+ { ITxxx }
+ constructor op_cond(op: tasmop; cond: tasmcond);
+ { CPSxx }
+ constructor op_modeflags(op: tasmop; flags: tcpumodeflags);
+ constructor op_modeflags_const(op: tasmop; flags: tcpumodeflags; a: aint);
+ { *M*LL }
+ constructor op_reg_reg_reg_reg(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2,_op3,_op4 : tregister);
+ { this is for Jmp instructions }
+ constructor op_cond_sym(op : tasmop;cond:TAsmCond;_op1 : tasmsymbol);
+ constructor op_sym(op : tasmop;_op1 : tasmsymbol);
+ constructor op_sym_ofs(op : tasmop;_op1 : tasmsymbol;_op1ofs:longint);
+ constructor op_reg_sym_ofs(op : tasmop;_op1 : tregister;_op2:tasmsymbol;_op2ofs : longint);
+ constructor op_sym_ofs_ref(op : tasmop;_op1 : tasmsymbol;_op1ofs:longint;const _op2 : treference);
+ function is_same_reg_move(regtype: Tregistertype):boolean; override;
+ function spilling_get_operation_type(opnr: longint): topertype;override;
+ { assembler }
+ public
+ { the next will reset all instructions that can change in pass 2 }
+ procedure ResetPass1;override;
+ procedure ResetPass2;override;
+ function CheckIfValid:boolean;
+ function GetString:string;
+ function Pass1(objdata:TObjData):longint;override;
+ procedure Pass2(objdata:TObjData);override;
+ protected
+ procedure ppuloadoper(ppufile:tcompilerppufile;var o:toper);override;
+ procedure ppuwriteoper(ppufile:tcompilerppufile;const o:toper);override;
+ procedure ppubuildderefimploper(var o:toper);override;
+ procedure ppuderefoper(var o:toper);override;
+ private
+ { next fields are filled in pass1, so pass2 is faster }
+ inssize : shortint;
+ insoffset : longint;
+ LastInsOffset : longint; { need to be public to be reset }
+ insentry : PInsEntry;
+ function InsEnd:longint;
+ procedure create_ot(objdata:TObjData);
+ function Matches(p:PInsEntry):longint;
+ function calcsize(p:PInsEntry):shortint;
+ procedure gencode(objdata:TObjData);
+ function NeedAddrPrefix(opidx:byte):boolean;
+ procedure Swapoperands;
+ function FindInsentry(objdata:TObjData):boolean;
+ end;
+ tai_align = class(tai_align_abstract)
+ { nothing to add }
+ end;
+ tai_thumb_func = class(tai)
+ constructor create;
+ end;
+ function spilling_create_load(const ref:treference;r:tregister):Taicpu;
+ function spilling_create_store(r:tregister; const ref:treference):Taicpu;
+ function setoppostfix(i : taicpu;pf : toppostfix) : taicpu;
+ function setroundingmode(i : taicpu;rm : troundingmode) : taicpu;
+ function setcondition(i : taicpu;c : tasmcond) : taicpu;
+ { inserts pc relative symbols at places where they are reachable
+ and transforms special instructions to valid instruction encodings }
+ procedure finalizearmcode(list,listtoinsert : TAsmList);
+ { inserts .pdata section and dummy function prolog needed for arm-wince exception handling }
+ procedure InsertPData;
+ procedure InitAsm;
+ procedure DoneAsm;
+ uses
+ cutils,rgobj,itcpugas;
+ procedure taicpu.loadshifterop(opidx:longint;const so:tshifterop);
+ begin
+ allocate_oper(opidx+1);
+ with oper[opidx]^ do
+ begin
+ if typ<>top_shifterop then
+ begin
+ clearop(opidx);
+ new(shifterop);
+ end;
+ shifterop^:=so;
+ typ:=top_shifterop;
+ if assigned(add_reg_instruction_hook) then
+ add_reg_instruction_hook(self,shifterop^.rs);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure taicpu.loadregset(opidx:longint; regsetregtype: tregistertype; regsetsubregtype: tsubregister; const s:tcpuregisterset);
+ var
+ i : byte;
+ begin
+ allocate_oper(opidx+1);
+ with oper[opidx]^ do
+ begin
+ if typ<>top_regset then
+ begin
+ clearop(opidx);
+ new(regset);
+ end;
+ regset^:=s;
+ regtyp:=regsetregtype;
+ subreg:=regsetsubregtype;
+ typ:=top_regset;
+ case regsetregtype of
+ for i:=RS_R0 to RS_R15 do
+ begin
+ if assigned(add_reg_instruction_hook) and (i in regset^) then
+ add_reg_instruction_hook(self,newreg(R_INTREGISTER,i,regsetsubregtype));
+ end;
+ { both RS_S0 and RS_D0 range from 0 to 31 }
+ for i:=RS_D0 to RS_D31 do
+ begin
+ if assigned(add_reg_instruction_hook) and (i in regset^) then
+ add_reg_instruction_hook(self,newreg(R_MMREGISTER,i,regsetsubregtype));
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure taicpu.loadconditioncode(opidx:longint;const cond:tasmcond);
+ begin
+ allocate_oper(opidx+1);
+ with oper[opidx]^ do
+ begin
+ if typ<>top_conditioncode then
+ clearop(opidx);
+ cc:=cond;
+ typ:=top_conditioncode;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure taicpu.loadmodeflags(opidx: longint; const flags: tcpumodeflags);
+ begin
+ allocate_oper(opidx+1);
+ with oper[opidx]^ do
+ begin
+ if typ<>top_modeflags then
+ clearop(opidx);
+ modeflags:=flags;
+ typ:=top_modeflags;
+ end;
+ end;
+ taicpu Constructors
+ constructor taicpu.op_none(op : tasmop);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ end;
+ { for pld }
+ constructor taicpu.op_ref(op : tasmop;const _op1 : treference);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=1;
+ loadref(0,_op1);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_reg(op : tasmop;_op1 : tregister);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=1;
+ loadreg(0,_op1);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_const(op : tasmop;_op1 : longint);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=1;
+ loadconst(0,aint(_op1));
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_reg_reg(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2 : tregister);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=2;
+ loadreg(0,_op1);
+ loadreg(1,_op2);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_reg_const(op:tasmop; _op1: tregister; _op2: aint);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=2;
+ loadreg(0,_op1);
+ loadconst(1,aint(_op2));
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_ref_regset(op:tasmop; _op1: treference; regtype: tregistertype; subreg: tsubregister; _op2: tcpuregisterset);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=2;
+ loadref(0,_op1);
+ loadregset(1,regtype,subreg,_op2);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_reg_ref(op : tasmop;_op1 : tregister;const _op2 : treference);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=2;
+ loadreg(0,_op1);
+ loadref(1,_op2);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2,_op3 : tregister);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=3;
+ loadreg(0,_op1);
+ loadreg(1,_op2);
+ loadreg(2,_op3);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg_reg(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2,_op3,_op4 : tregister);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=4;
+ loadreg(0,_op1);
+ loadreg(1,_op2);
+ loadreg(2,_op3);
+ loadreg(3,_op4);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_reg_reg_const(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2 : tregister; _op3: aint);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=3;
+ loadreg(0,_op1);
+ loadreg(1,_op2);
+ loadconst(2,aint(_op3));
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_reg_const_ref(op : tasmop;_op1 : tregister;_op2 : aint;_op3 : treference);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=3;
+ loadreg(0,_op1);
+ loadconst(1,_op2);
+ loadref(2,_op3);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_cond(op: tasmop; cond: tasmcond);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=0;
+ condition := cond;
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_modeflags(op: tasmop; flags: tcpumodeflags);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops := 1;
+ loadmodeflags(0,flags);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_modeflags_const(op: tasmop; flags: tcpumodeflags; a: aint);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops := 2;
+ loadmodeflags(0,flags);
+ loadconst(1,a);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_reg_reg_sym_ofs(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2 : tregister; _op3: tasmsymbol;_op3ofs: longint);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=3;
+ loadreg(0,_op1);
+ loadreg(1,_op2);
+ loadsymbol(0,_op3,_op3ofs);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_reg_reg_ref(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2 : tregister; const _op3: treference);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=3;
+ loadreg(0,_op1);
+ loadreg(1,_op2);
+ loadref(2,_op3);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_reg_reg_shifterop(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2 : tregister;_op3 : tshifterop);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=3;
+ loadreg(0,_op1);
+ loadreg(1,_op2);
+ loadshifterop(2,_op3);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_reg_reg_reg_shifterop(op : tasmop;_op1,_op2,_op3 : tregister;_op4 : tshifterop);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=4;
+ loadreg(0,_op1);
+ loadreg(1,_op2);
+ loadreg(2,_op3);
+ loadshifterop(3,_op4);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_cond_sym(op : tasmop;cond:TAsmCond;_op1 : tasmsymbol);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ condition:=cond;
+ ops:=1;
+ loadsymbol(0,_op1,0);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_sym(op : tasmop;_op1 : tasmsymbol);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=1;
+ loadsymbol(0,_op1,0);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_sym_ofs(op : tasmop;_op1 : tasmsymbol;_op1ofs:longint);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=1;
+ loadsymbol(0,_op1,_op1ofs);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_reg_sym_ofs(op : tasmop;_op1 : tregister;_op2:tasmsymbol;_op2ofs : longint);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=2;
+ loadreg(0,_op1);
+ loadsymbol(1,_op2,_op2ofs);
+ end;
+ constructor taicpu.op_sym_ofs_ref(op : tasmop;_op1 : tasmsymbol;_op1ofs:longint;const _op2 : treference);
+ begin
+ inherited create(op);
+ ops:=2;
+ loadsymbol(0,_op1,_op1ofs);
+ loadref(1,_op2);
+ end;
+ function taicpu.is_same_reg_move(regtype: Tregistertype):boolean;
+ begin
+ { allow the register allocator to remove unnecessary moves }
+ result:=(((opcode=A_MOV) and (regtype = R_INTREGISTER)) or
+ ((opcode=A_MVF) and (regtype = R_FPUREGISTER) and (oppostfix in [PF_None,PF_D])) or
+ (((opcode=A_FCPYS) or (opcode=A_FCPYD)) and (regtype = R_MMREGISTER))
+ ) and
+ (condition=C_None) and
+ (ops=2) and
+ (oper[0]^.typ=top_reg) and
+ (oper[1]^.typ=top_reg) and
+ (oper[0]^.reg=oper[1]^.reg);
+ end;
+ function spilling_create_load(const ref:treference;r:tregister):Taicpu;
+ var
+ op: tasmop;
+ begin
+ case getregtype(r) of
+ result:=taicpu.op_reg_ref(A_LDR,r,ref);
+ { use lfm because we don't know the current internal format
+ and avoid exceptions
+ }
+ result:=taicpu.op_reg_const_ref(A_LFM,r,1,ref);
+ begin
+ case getsubreg(r) of
+ op:=A_FLDD;
+ op:=A_FLDS;
+ else
+ internalerror(2009112905);
+ end;
+ result:=taicpu.op_reg_ref(op,r,ref);
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(200401041);
+ end;
+ end;
+ function spilling_create_store(r:tregister; const ref:treference):Taicpu;
+ var
+ op: tasmop;
+ begin
+ case getregtype(r) of
+ result:=taicpu.op_reg_ref(A_STR,r,ref);
+ { use sfm because we don't know the current internal format
+ and avoid exceptions
+ }
+ result:=taicpu.op_reg_const_ref(A_SFM,r,1,ref);
+ begin
+ case getsubreg(r) of
+ op:=A_FSTD;
+ op:=A_FSTS;
+ else
+ internalerror(2009112904);
+ end;
+ result:=taicpu.op_reg_ref(op,r,ref);
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(200401041);
+ end;
+ end;
+ function taicpu.spilling_get_operation_type(opnr: longint): topertype;
+ begin
+ case opcode of
+ A_LFM,
+ if opnr=0 then
+ result:=operand_write
+ else
+ result:=operand_read;
+ result:=operand_read;
+ if opnr in [0,1] then
+ result:=operand_readwrite
+ else
+ result:=operand_read;
+ if opnr in [0,1] then
+ result:=operand_write
+ else
+ result:=operand_read;
+ { important is what happens with the involved registers }
+ if opnr=0 then
+ result := operand_read
+ else
+ { check for pre/post indexed }
+ result := operand_read;
+ //Thumb2
+ if opnr in [0] then
+ result:=operand_write
+ else
+ result:=operand_read;
+ if opnr in [0] then
+ result:=operand_write
+ else
+ result:=operand_read;
+ if opnr in [0,1,2] then
+ result:=operand_write;
+ else
+ internalerror(200403151);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure BuildInsTabCache;
+ var
+ i : longint;
+ begin
+ new(instabcache);
+ FillChar(instabcache^,sizeof(tinstabcache),$ff);
+ i:=0;
+ while (i<InsTabEntries) do
+ begin
+ if InsTabCache^[InsTab[i].Opcode]=-1 then
+ InsTabCache^[InsTab[i].Opcode]:=i;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure InitAsm;
+ begin
+ if not assigned(instabcache) then
+ BuildInsTabCache;
+ end;
+ procedure DoneAsm;
+ begin
+ if assigned(instabcache) then
+ begin
+ dispose(instabcache);
+ instabcache:=nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function setoppostfix(i : taicpu;pf : toppostfix) : taicpu;
+ begin
+ i.oppostfix:=pf;
+ result:=i;
+ end;
+ function setroundingmode(i : taicpu;rm : troundingmode) : taicpu;
+ begin
+ i.roundingmode:=rm;
+ result:=i;
+ end;
+ function setcondition(i : taicpu;c : tasmcond) : taicpu;
+ begin
+ i.condition:=c;
+ result:=i;
+ end;
+ Function SimpleGetNextInstruction(Current: tai; Var Next: tai): Boolean;
+ Begin
+ Current:=tai(Current.Next);
+ While Assigned(Current) And (Current.typ In SkipInstr) Do
+ Current:=tai(Current.Next);
+ Next:=Current;
+ If Assigned(Next) And Not(Next.typ In SkipInstr) Then
+ Result:=True
+ Else
+ Begin
+ Next:=Nil;
+ Result:=False;
+ End;
+ End;
+ function armconstequal(hp1,hp2: tai): boolean;
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+ if hp1.typ<>hp2.typ then
+ exit;
+ case hp1.typ of
+ tai_const:
+ result:=
+ (tai_const(hp2).sym=tai_const(hp).sym) and
+ (tai_const(hp2).value=tai_const(hp).value) and
+ (tai(hp2.previous).typ=ait_label);
+ tai_const:
+ result:=
+ (tai_const(hp2).sym=tai_const(hp).sym) and
+ (tai_const(hp2).value=tai_const(hp).value) and
+ (tai(hp2.previous).typ=ait_label);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure insertpcrelativedata(list,listtoinsert : TAsmList);
+ var
+ curinspos,
+ penalty,
+ lastinspos,
+ { increased for every data element > 4 bytes inserted }
+ extradataoffset,
+ limit: longint;
+ curop : longint;
+ curtai : tai;
+ curdatatai,hp,hp2 : tai;
+ curdata : TAsmList;
+ l : tasmlabel;
+ doinsert,
+ removeref : boolean;
+ begin
+ curdata:=TAsmList.create;
+ lastinspos:=-1;
+ curinspos:=0;
+ extradataoffset:=0;
+ limit:=1016;
+ curtai:=tai(list.first);
+ doinsert:=false;
+ while assigned(curtai) do
+ begin
+ { instruction? }
+ case curtai.typ of
+ ait_instruction:
+ begin
+ { walk through all operand of the instruction }
+ for curop:=0 to taicpu(curtai).ops-1 do
+ begin
+ { reference? }
+ if (taicpu(curtai).oper[curop]^.typ=top_ref) then
+ begin
+ { pc relative symbol? }
+ curdatatai:=tai(taicpu(curtai).oper[curop]^.ref^.symboldata);
+ if assigned(curdatatai) and
+ { move only if we're at the first reference of a label }
+ (taicpu(curtai).oper[curop]^.ref^.offset=0) then
+ begin
+ { check if symbol already used. }
+ { if yes, reuse the symbol }
+ hp:=tai(;
+ removeref:=false;
+ if assigned(hp) then
+ begin
+ case hp.typ of
+ ait_const:
+ begin
+ if (tai_const(hp).consttype=aitconst_64bit) then
+ inc(extradataoffset);
+ end;
+ ait_comp_64bit,
+ ait_real_64bit:
+ begin
+ inc(extradataoffset);
+ end;
+ ait_real_80bit:
+ begin
+ inc(extradataoffset,2);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (hp.typ=ait_const) then
+ begin
+ hp2:=tai(curdata.first);
+ while assigned(hp2) do
+ begin
+ { if armconstequal(hp2,hp) then }
+ if (hp2.typ=ait_const) and (tai_const(hp2).sym=tai_const(hp).sym)
+ and (tai_const(hp2).value=tai_const(hp).value) and (tai(hp2.previous).typ=ait_label)
+ then
+ begin
+ with taicpu(curtai).oper[curop]^.ref^ do
+ begin
+ symboldata:=hp2.previous;
+ symbol:=tai_label(hp2.previous).labsym;
+ end;
+ removeref:=true;
+ break;
+ end;
+ hp2:=tai(;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ { move or remove symbol reference }
+ repeat
+ hp:=tai(;
+ listtoinsert.remove(curdatatai);
+ if removeref then
+ else
+ curdata.concat(curdatatai);
+ curdatatai:=hp;
+ until (curdatatai=nil) or (curdatatai.typ=ait_label);
+ if lastinspos=-1 then
+ lastinspos:=curinspos;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ inc(curinspos);
+ end;
+ ait_const:
+ begin
+ inc(curinspos);
+ if (tai_const(curtai).consttype=aitconst_64bit) then
+ inc(curinspos);
+ end;
+ ait_real_32bit:
+ begin
+ inc(curinspos);
+ end;
+ ait_comp_64bit,
+ ait_real_64bit:
+ begin
+ inc(curinspos,2);
+ end;
+ ait_real_80bit:
+ begin
+ inc(curinspos,3);
+ end;
+ end;
+ { special case for case jump tables }
+ if SimpleGetNextInstruction(curtai,hp) and
+ (tai(hp).typ=ait_instruction) and
+ (taicpu(hp).opcode=A_LDR) and
+ (taicpu(hp).oper[0]^.typ=top_reg) and
+ (taicpu(hp).oper[0]^.reg=NR_PC) then
+ begin
+ penalty:=1;
+ hp:=tai(;
+ while assigned(hp) and (hp.typ=ait_const) do
+ begin
+ inc(penalty);
+ hp:=tai(;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ penalty:=0;
+ { FLD/FST VFP instructions have a limit of +/- 1024, not 4096 }
+ if SimpleGetNextInstruction(curtai,hp) and
+ (tai(hp).typ=ait_instruction) and
+ ((taicpu(hp).opcode=A_FLDS) or
+ (taicpu(hp).opcode=A_FLDD)) then
+ limit:=254;
+ { don't miss an insert }
+ doinsert:=doinsert or
+ (not(curdata.empty) and
+ (curinspos-lastinspos+penalty+extradataoffset>limit));
+ { split only at real instructions else the test below fails }
+ if doinsert and (curtai.typ=ait_instruction) and
+ (
+ { don't split loads of pc to lr and the following move }
+ not(
+ (taicpu(curtai).opcode=A_MOV) and
+ (taicpu(curtai).oper[0]^.typ=top_reg) and
+ (taicpu(curtai).oper[0]^.reg=NR_R14) and
+ (taicpu(curtai).oper[1]^.typ=top_reg) and
+ (taicpu(curtai).oper[1]^.reg=NR_PC)
+ )
+ ) then
+ begin
+ lastinspos:=-1;
+ extradataoffset:=0;
+ limit:=1016;
+ doinsert:=false;
+ hp:=tai(;
+ current_asmdata.getjumplabel(l);
+ curdata.insert(taicpu.op_sym(A_B,l));
+ curdata.concat(tai_label.create(l));
+ list.insertlistafter(curtai,curdata);
+ curtai:=hp;
+ end
+ else
+ curtai:=tai(;
+ end;
+ list.concatlist(curdata);
+ end;
+ procedure ensurethumb2encodings(list: TAsmList);
+ var
+ curtai: tai;
+ op2reg: TRegister;
+ begin
+ { Do Thumb-2 16bit -> 32bit transformations }
+ curtai:=tai(list.first);
+ while assigned(curtai) do
+ begin
+ case curtai.typ of
+ ait_instruction:
+ begin
+ case taicpu(curtai).opcode of
+ A_ADD:
+ begin
+ { Set wide flag for ADD Rd,Rn,Rm where registers are over R7(high register set) }
+ if taicpu(curtai).ops = 3 then
+ begin
+ if taicpu(curtai).oper[2]^.typ in [top_reg,top_shifterop] then
+ begin
+ if taicpu(curtai).oper[2]^.typ = top_reg then
+ op2reg := taicpu(curtai).oper[2]^.reg
+ else if taicpu(curtai).oper[2]^.shifterop^.rs <> NR_NO then
+ op2reg := taicpu(curtai).oper[2]^.shifterop^.rs
+ else
+ op2reg := NR_NO;
+ if op2reg <> NR_NO then
+ begin
+ if (taicpu(curtai).oper[0]^.reg >= NR_R8) or
+ (taicpu(curtai).oper[1]^.reg >= NR_R8) or
+ (op2reg >= NR_R8) then
+ begin
+ taicpu(curtai).wideformat:=true;
+ { Handle special cases where register rules are violated by optimizer/user }
+ { if d == 13 || (d == 15 && S == ‘0’) || n == 15 || m IN [13,15] then UNPREDICTABLE; }
+ { Transform ADD.W Rx, Ry, R13 into ADD.W Rx, R13, Ry }
+ if (op2reg = NR_R13) and (taicpu(curtai).oper[2]^.typ = top_reg) then
+ begin
+ taicpu(curtai).oper[2]^.reg := taicpu(curtai).oper[1]^.reg;
+ taicpu(curtai).oper[1]^.reg := op2reg;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ curtai:=tai(curtai.Next);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure finalizearmcode(list, listtoinsert: TAsmList);
+ begin
+ insertpcrelativedata(list, listtoinsert);
+ { Do Thumb-2 16bit -> 32bit transformations }
+ if current_settings.cputype in cpu_thumb2 then
+ ensurethumb2encodings(list);
+ end;
+ procedure InsertPData;
+ var
+ prolog: TAsmList;
+ begin
+ prolog:=TAsmList.create;
+ new_section(prolog,sec_code,'FPC_EH_PROLOG',sizeof(pint),secorder_begin);
+ prolog.concat(Tai_const.Createname('_ARM_ExceptionHandler', 0));
+ prolog.concat(Tai_const.Create_32bit(0));
+ prolog.concat(Tai_symbol.Createname_global('FPC_EH_CODE_START',AT_DATA,0));
+ { dummy function }
+ prolog.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_MOV,NR_R15,NR_R14));
+ current_asmdata.asmlists[al_start].insertList(prolog);
+ prolog.Free;
+ new_section(current_asmdata.asmlists[al_end],sec_pdata,'',sizeof(pint));
+ current_asmdata.asmlists[al_end].concat(Tai_const.Createname('FPC_EH_CODE_START', 0));
+ current_asmdata.asmlists[al_end].concat(Tai_const.Create_32bit(longint($ffffff01)));
+ end;
+ Floating point instruction format information, taken from the linux kernel
+ ARM Floating Point Instruction Classes
+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
+ |c o n d|1 1 0 P|U|u|W|L| Rn |v| Fd |0|0|0|1| o f f s e t | CPDT
+ |c o n d|1 1 0 P|U|w|W|L| Rn |x| Fd |0|0|1|0| o f f s e t | CPDT (copro 2)
+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
+ |c o n d|1 1 1 0|a|b|c|d|e| Fn |j| Fd |0|0|0|1|f|g|h|0|i| Fm | CPDO
+ |c o n d|1 1 1 0|a|b|c|L|e| Fn | Rd |0|0|0|1|f|g|h|1|i| Fm | CPRT
+ |c o n d|1 1 1 0|a|b|c|1|e| Fn |1|1|1|1|0|0|0|1|f|g|h|1|i| Fm | comparisons
+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
+ CPDT data transfer instructions
+ LDF, STF, LFM (copro 2), SFM (copro 2)
+ CPDO dyadic arithmetic instructions
+ CPDO monadic arithmetic instructions
+ CPRT joint arithmetic/data transfer instructions
+ FIX (arithmetic followed by load/store)
+ FLT (load/store followed by arithmetic)
+ CMF, CNF CMFE, CNFE (comparisons)
+ WFS, RFS (write/read floating point status register)
+ WFC, RFC (write/read floating point control register)
+ cond condition codes
+ P pre/post index bit: 0 = postindex, 1 = preindex
+ U up/down bit: 0 = stack grows down, 1 = stack grows up
+ W write back bit: 1 = update base register (Rn)
+ L load/store bit: 0 = store, 1 = load
+ Rn base register
+ Rd destination/source register
+ Fd floating point destination register
+ Fn floating point source register
+ Fm floating point source register or floating point constant
+ uv transfer length (TABLE 1)
+ wx register count (TABLE 2)
+ abcd arithmetic opcode (TABLES 3 & 4)
+ ef destination size (rounding precision) (TABLE 5)
+ gh rounding mode (TABLE 6)
+ j dyadic/monadic bit: 0 = dyadic, 1 = monadic
+ i constant bit: 1 = constant (TABLE 6)
+ */
+ /*
+ +-------------------------+---+---+---------+---------+
+ | Precision | u | v | FPSR.EP | length |
+ +-------------------------+---+---+---------+---------+
+ | Single | 0 | 0 | x | 1 words |
+ | Double | 1 | 1 | x | 2 words |
+ | Extended | 1 | 1 | x | 3 words |
+ | Packed decimal | 1 | 1 | 0 | 3 words |
+ | Expanded packed decimal | 1 | 1 | 1 | 4 words |
+ +-------------------------+---+---+---------+---------+
+ Note: x = don't care
+ */
+ /*
+ +---+---+---------------------------------+
+ | w | x | Number of registers to transfer |
+ +---+---+---------------------------------+
+ | 0 | 1 | 1 |
+ | 1 | 0 | 2 |
+ | 1 | 1 | 3 |
+ | 0 | 0 | 4 |
+ +---+---+---------------------------------+
+ */
+ /*
+ TABLE 3: Dyadic Floating Point Opcodes
+ +---+---+---+---+----------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
+ | a | b | c | d | Mnemonic | Description | Operation |
+ +---+---+---+---+----------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
+ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ADF | Add | Fd := Fn + Fm |
+ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | MUF | Multiply | Fd := Fn * Fm |
+ | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | SUF | Subtract | Fd := Fn - Fm |
+ | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | RSF | Reverse subtract | Fd := Fm - Fn |
+ | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | DVF | Divide | Fd := Fn / Fm |
+ | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | RDF | Reverse divide | Fd := Fm / Fn |
+ | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | POW | Power | Fd := Fn ^ Fm |
+ | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | RPW | Reverse power | Fd := Fm ^ Fn |
+ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | RMF | Remainder | Fd := IEEE rem(Fn/Fm) |
+ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | FML | Fast Multiply | Fd := Fn * Fm |
+ | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | FDV | Fast Divide | Fd := Fn / Fm |
+ | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | FRD | Fast reverse divide | Fd := Fm / Fn |
+ | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | POL | Polar angle (ArcTan2) | Fd := arctan2(Fn,Fm) |
+ | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | | undefined instruction | trap |
+ | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | | undefined instruction | trap |
+ | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | undefined instruction | trap |
+ +---+---+---+---+----------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
+ Note: POW, RPW, POL are deprecated, and are available for backwards
+ compatibility only.
+ */
+ /*
+ TABLE 4: Monadic Floating Point Opcodes
+ +---+---+---+---+----------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
+ | a | b | c | d | Mnemonic | Description | Operation |
+ +---+---+---+---+----------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
+ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | MVF | Move | Fd := Fm |
+ | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | MNF | Move negated | Fd := - Fm |
+ | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | ABS | Absolute value | Fd := abs(Fm) |
+ | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | RND | Round to integer | Fd := int(Fm) |
+ | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | SQT | Square root | Fd := sqrt(Fm) |
+ | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | LOG | Log base 10 | Fd := log10(Fm) |
+ | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | LGN | Log base e | Fd := ln(Fm) |
+ | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | EXP | Exponent | Fd := e ^ Fm |
+ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | SIN | Sine | Fd := sin(Fm) |
+ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | COS | Cosine | Fd := cos(Fm) |
+ | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | TAN | Tangent | Fd := tan(Fm) |
+ | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | ASN | Arc Sine | Fd := arcsin(Fm) |
+ | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | ACS | Arc Cosine | Fd := arccos(Fm) |
+ | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | ATN | Arc Tangent | Fd := arctan(Fm) |
+ | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | URD | Unnormalized round | Fd := int(Fm) |
+ | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | NRM | Normalize | Fd := norm(Fm) |
+ +---+---+---+---+----------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
+ Note: LOG, LGN, EXP, SIN, COS, TAN, ASN, ACS, ATN are deprecated, and are
+ available for backwards compatibility only.
+ */
+ /*
+ +-------------------------+---+---+
+ | Rounding Precision | e | f |
+ +-------------------------+---+---+
+ | IEEE Single precision | 0 | 0 |
+ | IEEE Double precision | 0 | 1 |
+ | IEEE Extended precision | 1 | 0 |
+ | undefined (trap) | 1 | 1 |
+ +-------------------------+---+---+
+ */
+ /*
+ +---------------------------------+---+---+
+ | Rounding Mode | g | h |
+ +---------------------------------+---+---+
+ | Round to nearest (default) | 0 | 0 |
+ | Round toward plus infinity | 0 | 1 |
+ | Round toward negative infinity | 1 | 0 |
+ | Round toward zero | 1 | 1 |
+ +---------------------------------+---+---+
+ function taicpu.GetString:string;
+ var
+ i : longint;
+ s : string;
+ addsize : boolean;
+ begin
+ s:='['+gas_op2str[opcode];
+ for i:=0 to ops-1 do
+ begin
+ with oper[i]^ do
+ begin
+ if i=0 then
+ s:=s+' '
+ else
+ s:=s+',';
+ { type }
+ addsize:=false;
+ if (ot and OT_VREG)=OT_VREG then
+ s:=s+'vreg'
+ else
+ if (ot and OT_FPUREG)=OT_FPUREG then
+ s:=s+'fpureg'
+ else
+ if (ot and OT_REGISTER)=OT_REGISTER then
+ begin
+ s:=s+'reg';
+ addsize:=true;
+ end
+ else
+ if (ot and OT_REGLIST)=OT_REGLIST then
+ begin
+ s:=s+'reglist';
+ addsize:=false;
+ end
+ else
+ if (ot and OT_IMMEDIATE)=OT_IMMEDIATE then
+ begin
+ s:=s+'imm';
+ addsize:=true;
+ end
+ else
+ if (ot and OT_MEMORY)=OT_MEMORY then
+ begin
+ s:=s+'mem';
+ addsize:=true;
+ if (ot and OT_AM2)<>0 then
+ s:=s+' am2 ';
+ end
+ else
+ s:=s+'???';
+ { size }
+ if addsize then
+ begin
+ if (ot and OT_BITS8)<>0 then
+ s:=s+'8'
+ else
+ if (ot and OT_BITS16)<>0 then
+ s:=s+'24'
+ else
+ if (ot and OT_BITS32)<>0 then
+ s:=s+'32'
+ else
+ if (ot and OT_BITSSHIFTER)<>0 then
+ s:=s+'shifter'
+ else
+ s:=s+'??';
+ { signed }
+ if (ot and OT_SIGNED)<>0 then
+ s:=s+'s';
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ GetString:=s+']';
+ end;
+ procedure taicpu.ResetPass1;
+ begin
+ { we need to reset everything here, because the choosen insentry
+ can be invalid for a new situation where the previously optimized
+ insentry is not correct }
+ InsEntry:=nil;
+ InsSize:=0;
+ LastInsOffset:=-1;
+ end;
+ procedure taicpu.ResetPass2;
+ begin
+ { we are here in a second pass, check if the instruction can be optimized }
+ if assigned(InsEntry) and
+ ((InsEntry^.flags and IF_PASS2)<>0) then
+ begin
+ InsEntry:=nil;
+ InsSize:=0;
+ end;
+ LastInsOffset:=-1;
+ end;
+ function taicpu.CheckIfValid:boolean;
+ begin
+ Result:=False; { unimplemented }
+ end;
+ function taicpu.Pass1(objdata:TObjData):longint;
+ var
+ ldr2op : array[PF_B..PF_T] of tasmop = (
+ str2op : array[PF_B..PF_T] of tasmop = (
+ begin
+ Pass1:=0;
+ { Save the old offset and set the new offset }
+ InsOffset:=ObjData.CurrObjSec.Size;
+ { Error? }
+ if (Insentry=nil) and (InsSize=-1) then
+ exit;
+ { set the file postion }
+ current_filepos:=fileinfo;
+ { tranlate LDR+postfix to complete opcode }
+ if (opcode=A_LDR) and (oppostfix<>PF_None) then
+ begin
+ if (oppostfix in [low(ldr2op)..high(ldr2op)]) then
+ opcode:=ldr2op[oppostfix]
+ else
+ internalerror(2005091001);
+ if opcode=A_None then
+ internalerror(2005091004);
+ { postfix has been added to opcode }
+ oppostfix:=PF_None;
+ end
+ else if (opcode=A_STR) and (oppostfix<>PF_None) then
+ begin
+ if (oppostfix in [low(str2op)..high(str2op)]) then
+ opcode:=str2op[oppostfix]
+ else
+ internalerror(2005091002);
+ if opcode=A_None then
+ internalerror(2005091003);
+ { postfix has been added to opcode }
+ oppostfix:=PF_None;
+ end;
+ { Get InsEntry }
+ if FindInsEntry(objdata) then
+ begin
+ InsSize:=4;
+ LastInsOffset:=InsOffset;
+ Pass1:=InsSize;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ LastInsOffset:=-1;
+ end;
+ procedure taicpu.Pass2(objdata:TObjData);
+ begin
+ { error in pass1 ? }
+ if insentry=nil then
+ exit;
+ current_filepos:=fileinfo;
+ { Generate the instruction }
+ GenCode(objdata);
+ end;
+ procedure taicpu.ppuloadoper(ppufile:tcompilerppufile;var o:toper);
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure taicpu.ppuwriteoper(ppufile:tcompilerppufile;const o:toper);
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure taicpu.ppubuildderefimploper(var o:toper);
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure taicpu.ppuderefoper(var o:toper);
+ begin
+ end;
+ function taicpu.InsEnd:longint;
+ begin
+ Result:=0; { unimplemented }
+ end;
+ procedure taicpu.create_ot(objdata:TObjData);
+ var
+ i,l,relsize : longint;
+ dummy : byte;
+ currsym : TObjSymbol;
+ begin
+ if ops=0 then
+ exit;
+ { update oper[].ot field }
+ for i:=0 to ops-1 do
+ with oper[i]^ do
+ begin
+ case typ of
+ top_regset:
+ begin
+ end;
+ top_reg :
+ begin
+ case getregtype(reg) of
+ ot:=OT_FPUREG;
+ else
+ internalerror(2005090901);
+ end;
+ end;
+ top_ref :
+ begin
+ if ref^.refaddr=addr_no then
+ begin
+ { create ot field }
+ { we should get the size here dependend on the
+ instruction }
+ if (ot and OT_SIZE_MASK)=0 then
+ ot:=OT_MEMORY or OT_BITS32
+ else
+ ot:=OT_MEMORY or (ot and OT_SIZE_MASK);
+ if (ref^.base=NR_NO) and (ref^.index=NR_NO) then
+ ot:=ot or OT_MEM_OFFS;
+ { if we need to fix a reference, we do it here }
+ { pc relative addressing }
+ if (ref^.base=NR_NO) and
+ (ref^.index=NR_NO) and
+ (ref^.shiftmode=SM_None)
+ { at least we should check if the destination symbol
+ is in a text section }
+ { and
+ (ref^.symbol^.owner="text") } then
+ ref^.base:=NR_PC;
+ { determine possible address modes }
+ if (ref^.base<>NR_NO) and
+ (
+ (
+ (ref^.index=NR_NO) and
+ (ref^.shiftmode=SM_None) and
+ (ref^.offset>=-4097) and
+ (ref^.offset<=4097)
+ ) or
+ (
+ (ref^.shiftmode=SM_None) and
+ (ref^.offset=0)
+ ) or
+ (
+ (ref^.index<>NR_NO) and
+ (ref^.shiftmode<>SM_None) and
+ (ref^.shiftimm<=31) and
+ (ref^.offset=0)
+ )
+ ) then
+ ot:=ot or OT_AM2;
+ if (ref^.index<>NR_NO) and
+ (oppostfix in [PF_IA,PF_IB,PF_DA,PF_DB,PF_FD,PF_FA,PF_ED,PF_EA]) and
+ (
+ (ref^.base=NR_NO) and
+ (ref^.shiftmode=SM_None) and
+ (ref^.offset=0)
+ ) then
+ ot:=ot or OT_AM4;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ l:=ref^.offset;
+ currsym:=ObjData.symbolref(ref^.symbol);
+ if assigned(currsym) then
+ inc(l,currsym.address);
+ relsize:=(InsOffset+2)-l;
+ if (relsize<-33554428) or (relsize>33554428) then
+ ot:=OT_IMM32
+ else
+ ot:=OT_IMM24;
+ end;
+ end;
+ top_local :
+ begin
+ { we should get the size here dependend on the
+ instruction }
+ if (ot and OT_SIZE_MASK)=0 then
+ ot:=OT_MEMORY or OT_BITS32
+ else
+ ot:=OT_MEMORY or (ot and OT_SIZE_MASK);
+ end;
+ top_const :
+ begin
+ if is_shifter_const(val,dummy) then
+ else
+ ot:=OT_IMM32
+ end;
+ top_none :
+ begin
+ { generated when there was an error in the
+ assembler reader. It never happends when generating
+ assembler }
+ end;
+ top_shifterop:
+ begin
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(200402261);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function taicpu.Matches(p:PInsEntry):longint;
+ { * IF_SM stands for Size Match: any operand whose size is not
+ * explicitly specified by the template is `really' intended to be
+ * the same size as the first size-specified operand.
+ * Non-specification is tolerated in the input instruction, but
+ * _wrong_ specification is not.
+ *
+ * IF_SM2 invokes Size Match on only the first _two_ operands, for
+ * three-operand instructions such as SHLD: it implies that the
+ * first two operands must match in size, but that the third is
+ * required to be _unspecified_.
+ *
+ * IF_SB invokes Size Byte: operands with unspecified size in the
+ * template are really bytes, and so no non-byte specification in
+ * the input instruction will be tolerated. IF_SW similarly invokes
+ * Size Word, and IF_SD invokes Size Doubleword.
+ *
+ * (The default state if neither IF_SM nor IF_SM2 is specified is
+ * that any operand with unspecified size in the template is
+ * required to have unspecified size in the instruction too...)
+ }
+ var
+ i{,j,asize,oprs} : longint;
+ {siz : array[0..3] of longint;}
+ begin
+ Matches:=100;
+ writeln(getstring,'---');
+ { Check the opcode and operands }
+ if (p^.opcode<>opcode) or (p^.ops<>ops) then
+ begin
+ Matches:=0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { Check that no spurious colons or TOs are present }
+ for i:=0 to p^.ops-1 do
+ if (oper[i]^.ot and (not p^.optypes[i]) and (OT_COLON or OT_TO))<>0 then
+ begin
+ Matches:=0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { Check that the operand flags all match up }
+ for i:=0 to p^.ops-1 do
+ begin
+ if ((p^.optypes[i] and (not oper[i]^.ot)) or
+ ((p^.optypes[i] and OT_SIZE_MASK) and
+ ((p^.optypes[i] xor oper[i]^.ot) and OT_SIZE_MASK)))<>0 then
+ begin
+ if ((p^.optypes[i] and (not oper[i]^.ot) and OT_NON_SIZE) or
+ (oper[i]^.ot and OT_SIZE_MASK))<>0 then
+ begin
+ Matches:=0;
+ exit;
+ end
+ else
+ Matches:=1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ { check postfixes:
+ the existance of a certain postfix requires a
+ particular code }
+ { update condition flags
+ or floating point single }
+ if (oppostfix=PF_S) and
+ not(p^.code[0] in [#$04]) then
+ begin
+ Matches:=0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { floating point size }
+ if (oppostfix in [PF_D,PF_E,PF_P,PF_EP]) and
+ not(p^.code[0] in []) then
+ begin
+ Matches:=0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { multiple load/store address modes }
+ if (oppostfix in [PF_IA,PF_IB,PF_DA,PF_DB,PF_FD,PF_FA,PF_ED,PF_EA]) and
+ not(p^.code[0] in [
+ // ldr,str,ldrb,strb
+ #$17,
+ // stm,ldm
+ #$26
+ ]) then
+ begin
+ Matches:=0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { we shouldn't see any opsize prefixes here }
+ if (oppostfix in [PF_B,PF_SB,PF_BT,PF_H,PF_SH,PF_T]) then
+ begin
+ Matches:=0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if (roundingmode<>RM_None) and not(p^.code[0] in []) then
+ begin
+ Matches:=0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { Check operand sizes }
+ { as default an untyped size can get all the sizes, this is different
+ from nasm, but else we need to do a lot checking which opcodes want
+ size or not with the automatic size generation }
+ (*
+ asize:=longint($ffffffff);
+ if (p^.flags and IF_SB)<>0 then
+ asize:=OT_BITS8
+ else if (p^.flags and IF_SW)<>0 then
+ asize:=OT_BITS16
+ else if (p^.flags and IF_SD)<>0 then
+ asize:=OT_BITS32;
+ if (p^.flags and IF_ARMASK)<>0 then
+ begin
+ siz[0]:=0;
+ siz[1]:=0;
+ siz[2]:=0;
+ if (p^.flags and IF_AR0)<>0 then
+ siz[0]:=asize
+ else if (p^.flags and IF_AR1)<>0 then
+ siz[1]:=asize
+ else if (p^.flags and IF_AR2)<>0 then
+ siz[2]:=asize;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { we can leave because the size for all operands is forced to be
+ the same
+ but not if IF_SB IF_SW or IF_SD is set PM }
+ if asize=-1 then
+ exit;
+ siz[0]:=asize;
+ siz[1]:=asize;
+ siz[2]:=asize;
+ end;
+ if (p^.flags and (IF_SM or IF_SM2))<>0 then
+ begin
+ if (p^.flags and IF_SM2)<>0 then
+ oprs:=2
+ else
+ oprs:=p^.ops;
+ for i:=0 to oprs-1 do
+ if ((p^.optypes[i] and OT_SIZE_MASK) <> 0) then
+ begin
+ for j:=0 to oprs-1 do
+ siz[j]:=p^.optypes[i] and OT_SIZE_MASK;
+ break;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ oprs:=2;
+ { Check operand sizes }
+ for i:=0 to p^.ops-1 do
+ begin
+ if ((p^.optypes[i] and OT_SIZE_MASK)=0) and
+ ((oper[i]^.ot and OT_SIZE_MASK and (not siz[i]))<>0) and
+ { Immediates can always include smaller size }
+ ((oper[i]^.ot and OT_IMMEDIATE)=0) and
+ (((p^.optypes[i] and OT_SIZE_MASK) or siz[i])<(oper[i]^.ot and OT_SIZE_MASK)) then
+ Matches:=2;
+ end;
+ *)
+ end;
+ function taicpu.calcsize(p:PInsEntry):shortint;
+ begin
+ result:=4;
+ end;
+ function taicpu.NeedAddrPrefix(opidx:byte):boolean;
+ begin
+ Result:=False; { unimplemented }
+ end;
+ procedure taicpu.Swapoperands;
+ begin
+ end;
+ function taicpu.FindInsentry(objdata:TObjData):boolean;
+ var
+ i : longint;
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+ { Things which may only be done once, not when a second pass is done to
+ optimize }
+ if (Insentry=nil) or ((InsEntry^.flags and IF_PASS2)<>0) then
+ begin
+ { create the .ot fields }
+ create_ot(objdata);
+ { set the file postion }
+ current_filepos:=fileinfo;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { we've already an insentry so it's valid }
+ result:=true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { Lookup opcode in the table }
+ InsSize:=-1;
+ i:=instabcache^[opcode];
+ if i=-1 then
+ begin
+ Message1(asmw_e_opcode_not_in_table,gas_op2str[opcode]);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ insentry:=@instab[i];
+ while (insentry^.opcode=opcode) do
+ begin
+ if matches(insentry)=100 then
+ begin
+ result:=true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ insentry:=@instab[i];
+ end;
+ Message1(asmw_e_invalid_opcode_and_operands,GetString);
+ { No instruction found, set insentry to nil and inssize to -1 }
+ insentry:=nil;
+ inssize:=-1;
+ end;
+ procedure taicpu.gencode(objdata:TObjData);
+ var
+ bytes : dword;
+ i_field : byte;
+ procedure setshifterop(op : byte);
+ begin
+ case oper[op]^.typ of
+ top_const:
+ begin
+ i_field:=1;
+ bytes:=bytes or dword(oper[op]^.val and $fff);
+ end;
+ top_reg:
+ begin
+ i_field:=0;
+ bytes:=bytes or (getsupreg(oper[op]^.reg) shl 16);
+ { does a real shifter op follow? }
+ if (op+1<=op) and (oper[op+1]^.typ=top_shifterop) then
+ begin
+ end;
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(2005091103);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ bytes:=$0;
+ { evaluate and set condition code }
+ { condition code allowed? }
+ { setup rest of the instruction }
+ case insentry^.code[0] of
+ #$08:
+ begin
+ { set instruction code }
+ bytes:=bytes or (ord(insentry^.code[1]) shl 26);
+ bytes:=bytes or (ord(insentry^.code[2]) shl 21);
+ { set destination }
+ bytes:=bytes or (getsupreg(oper[0]^.reg) shl 12);
+ { create shifter op }
+ setshifterop(1);
+ { set i field }
+ bytes:=bytes or (i_field shl 25);
+ { set s if necessary }
+ if oppostfix=PF_S then
+ bytes:=bytes or (1 shl 20);
+ end;
+ #$ff:
+ internalerror(2005091101);
+ else
+ internalerror(2005091102);
+ end;
+ { we're finished, write code }
+ objdata.writebytes(bytes,sizeof(bytes));
+ end;
+{$ifdef dummy}
+static void gencode (long segment, long offset, int bits,
+ insn *ins, char *codes, long insn_end)
+ int has_S_code; /* S - setflag */
+ int has_B_code; /* B - setflag */
+ int has_T_code; /* T - setflag */
+ int has_W_code; /* ! => W flag */
+ int has_F_code; /* ^ => S flag */
+ int keep;
+ unsigned char c;
+ unsigned char bytes[4];
+ long data, size;
+ static int cc_code[] = /* bit pattern of cc */
+ { /* order as enum in */
+ 0x0E, 0x03, 0x02, 0x00, /* nasm.h */
+ 0x0A, 0x0C, 0x08, 0x0D,
+ 0x09, 0x0B, 0x04, 0x01,
+ 0x05, 0x07, 0x06,
+ };
+#ifdef DEBUG
+static char *CC[] =
+ { /* condition code names */
+ "AL", "CC", "CS", "EQ",
+ "GE", "GT", "HI", "LE",
+ "LS", "LT", "MI", "NE",
+ "PL", "VC", "VS", "",
+ "S"
+ has_S_code = (ins->condition & C_SSETFLAG);
+ has_B_code = (ins->condition & C_BSETFLAG);
+ has_T_code = (ins->condition & C_TSETFLAG);
+ has_W_code = (ins->condition & C_EXSETFLAG);
+ has_F_code = (ins->condition & C_FSETFLAG);
+ ins->condition = (ins->condition & 0x0F);
+ if (rt_debug)
+ {
+ printf ("gencode: instruction: %s%s", insn_names[ins->opcode],
+ CC[ins->condition & 0x0F]);
+ if (has_S_code)
+ printf ("S");
+ if (has_B_code)
+ printf ("B");
+ if (has_T_code)
+ printf ("T");
+ if (has_W_code)
+ printf ("!");
+ if (has_F_code)
+ printf ("^");
+ printf ("\n");
+ c = *codes;
+ printf (" (%d) decode - '0x%02X'\n", ins->operands, c);
+ bytes[0] = 0xB;
+ bytes[1] = 0xE;
+ bytes[2] = 0xE;
+ bytes[3] = 0xF;
+ }
+ // First condition code in upper nibble
+ if (ins->condition < C_NONE)
+ {
+ c = cc_code[ins->condition] << 4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ c = cc_code[C_AL] << 4; // is often ALWAYS but not always
+ }
+ switch (keep = *codes)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ // B, BL
+ ++codes;
+ c |= *codes++;
+ bytes[0] = c;
+ if (ins->oprs[0].segment != segment)
+ {
+ // fais une relocation
+ c = 1;
+ data = 0; // Let the linker locate ??
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ c = 0;
+ data = ins->oprs[0].offset - (offset + 8);
+ if (data % 4)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "offset not aligned on 4 bytes");
+ }
+ }
+ if (data >= 0x1000)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "too long offset");
+ }
+ data = data >> 2;
+ bytes[1] = (data >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ bytes[2] = (data >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ bytes[3] = (data ) & 0xFF;
+ if (c == 1)
+ {
+// out (offset, segment, &bytes[0], OUT_RAWDATA+1, NO_SEG, NO_SEG);
+ out (offset, segment, &bytes[0], OUT_REL3ADR+4, ins->oprs[0].segment, NO_SEG);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ out (offset, segment, &bytes[0], OUT_RAWDATA+4, NO_SEG, NO_SEG);
+ }
+ return;
+ case 2:
+ // SWI
+ ++codes;
+ c |= *codes++;
+ bytes[0] = c;
+ data = ins->oprs[0].offset;
+ bytes[1] = (data >> 16) & 0xFF;
+ bytes[2] = (data >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ bytes[3] = (data) & 0xFF;
+ out (offset, segment, &bytes, OUT_RAWDATA+4, NO_SEG, NO_SEG);
+ return;
+ case 3:
+ // BX
+ ++codes;
+ c |= *codes++;
+ bytes[0] = c;
+ bytes[1] = *codes++;
+ bytes[2] = *codes++;
+ bytes[3] = *codes++;
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1);
+ if (c == 15) // PC
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_WARNING, "'BX' with R15 has undefined behaviour");
+ }
+ else if (c > 15)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "Illegal register specified for 'BX'");
+ }
+ bytes[3] |= (c & 0x0F);
+ out (offset, segment, bytes, OUT_RAWDATA+4, NO_SEG, NO_SEG);
+ return;
+ case 4: // AND Rd,Rn,Rm
+ case 5: // AND Rd,Rn,Rm,<shift>Rs
+ case 6: // AND Rd,Rn,Rm,<shift>imm
+ case 7: // AND Rd,Rn,<shift>imm
+ ++codes;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (rt_debug)
+ {
+ printf (" decode - '0x%02X'\n", keep);
+ printf (" code - '0x%02X'\n", (unsigned char) ( *codes));
+ }
+ bytes[0] = c | *codes;
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[1] = *codes;
+ if (has_S_code)
+ bytes[1] |= 0x10;
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[1],1);
+ // Rn in low nibble
+ bytes[1] |= c;
+ // Rd in high nibble
+ bytes[2] = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1) << 4;
+ if (keep != 7)
+ {
+ // Rm in low nibble
+ bytes[3] = regval (&ins->oprs[2],1);
+ }
+ // Shifts if any
+ if (keep == 5 || keep == 6)
+ {
+ // Shift in bytes 2 and 3
+ if (keep == 5)
+ {
+ // Rs
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[3],1);
+ bytes[2] |= c;
+ c = 0x10; // Set bit 4 in byte[3]
+ }
+ if (keep == 6)
+ {
+ c = (ins->oprs[3].offset) & 0x1F;
+ // #imm
+ bytes[2] |= c >> 1;
+ if (c & 0x01)
+ {
+ bytes[3] |= 0x80;
+ }
+ c = 0; // Clr bit 4 in byte[3]
+ }
+ // <shift>
+ c |= shiftval (&ins->oprs[3]) << 5;
+ bytes[3] |= c;
+ }
+ // reg,reg,imm
+ if (keep == 7)
+ {
+ int shimm;
+ shimm = imm_shift (ins->oprs[2].offset);
+ if (shimm == -1)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "cannot create that constant");
+ }
+ bytes[3] = shimm & 0xFF;
+ bytes[2] |= (shimm & 0xF00) >> 8;
+ }
+ out (offset, segment, bytes, OUT_RAWDATA+4, NO_SEG, NO_SEG);
+ return;
+ case 8: // MOV Rd,Rm
+ case 9: // MOV Rd,Rm,<shift>Rs
+ case 0xA: // MOV Rd,Rm,<shift>imm
+ case 0xB: // MOV Rd,<shift>imm
+ ++codes;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ if (rt_debug)
+ {
+ printf (" decode - '0x%02X'\n", keep);
+ printf (" code - '0x%02X'\n", (unsigned char) ( *codes));
+ }
+ bytes[0] = c | *codes;
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[1] = *codes;
+ if (has_S_code)
+ bytes[1] |= 0x10;
+ // Rd in high nibble
+ bytes[2] = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1) << 4;
+ if (keep != 0x0B)
+ {
+ // Rm in low nibble
+ bytes[3] = regval (&ins->oprs[1],1);
+ }
+ // Shifts if any
+ if (keep == 0x09 || keep == 0x0A)
+ {
+ // Shift in bytes 2 and 3
+ if (keep == 0x09)
+ {
+ // Rs
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[2],1);
+ bytes[2] |= c;
+ c = 0x10; // Set bit 4 in byte[3]
+ }
+ if (keep == 0x0A)
+ {
+ c = (ins->oprs[2].offset) & 0x1F;
+ // #imm
+ bytes[2] |= c >> 1;
+ if (c & 0x01)
+ {
+ bytes[3] |= 0x80;
+ }
+ c = 0; // Clr bit 4 in byte[3]
+ }
+ // <shift>
+ c |= shiftval (&ins->oprs[2]) << 5;
+ bytes[3] |= c;
+ }
+ // reg,imm
+ if (keep == 0x0B)
+ {
+ int shimm;
+ shimm = imm_shift (ins->oprs[1].offset);
+ if (shimm == -1)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "cannot create that constant");
+ }
+ bytes[3] = shimm & 0xFF;
+ bytes[2] |= (shimm & 0xF00) >> 8;
+ }
+ out (offset, segment, bytes, OUT_RAWDATA+4, NO_SEG, NO_SEG);
+ return;
+ case 0xC: // CMP Rn,Rm
+ case 0xD: // CMP Rn,Rm,<shift>Rs
+ case 0xE: // CMP Rn,Rm,<shift>imm
+ case 0xF: // CMP Rn,<shift>imm
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c | *codes++;
+ bytes[1] = *codes;
+ // Implicit S code
+ bytes[1] |= 0x10;
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1);
+ // Rn in low nibble
+ bytes[1] |= c;
+ // No destination
+ bytes[2] = 0;
+ if (keep != 0x0B)
+ {
+ // Rm in low nibble
+ bytes[3] = regval (&ins->oprs[1],1);
+ }
+ // Shifts if any
+ if (keep == 0x0D || keep == 0x0E)
+ {
+ // Shift in bytes 2 and 3
+ if (keep == 0x0D)
+ {
+ // Rs
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[2],1);
+ bytes[2] |= c;
+ c = 0x10; // Set bit 4 in byte[3]
+ }
+ if (keep == 0x0E)
+ {
+ c = (ins->oprs[2].offset) & 0x1F;
+ // #imm
+ bytes[2] |= c >> 1;
+ if (c & 0x01)
+ {
+ bytes[3] |= 0x80;
+ }
+ c = 0; // Clr bit 4 in byte[3]
+ }
+ // <shift>
+ c |= shiftval (&ins->oprs[2]) << 5;
+ bytes[3] |= c;
+ }
+ // reg,imm
+ if (keep == 0x0F)
+ {
+ int shimm;
+ shimm = imm_shift (ins->oprs[1].offset);
+ if (shimm == -1)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "cannot create that constant");
+ }
+ bytes[3] = shimm & 0xFF;
+ bytes[2] |= (shimm & 0xF00) >> 8;
+ }
+ out (offset, segment, bytes, OUT_RAWDATA+4, NO_SEG, NO_SEG);
+ return;
+ case 0x10: // MRS Rd,<psr>
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c | *codes++;
+ bytes[1] = *codes++;
+ // Rd
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1);
+ bytes[2] = c << 4;
+ bytes[3] = 0;
+ c = ins->oprs[1].basereg;
+ if (c == R_CPSR || c == R_SPSR)
+ {
+ if (c == R_SPSR)
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x40;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "CPSR or SPSR expected");
+ }
+ out (offset, segment, bytes, OUT_RAWDATA+4, NO_SEG, NO_SEG);
+ return;
+ case 0x11: // MSR <psr>,Rm
+ case 0x12: // MSR <psrf>,Rm
+ case 0x13: // MSR <psrf>,#expression
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c | *codes++;
+ bytes[1] = *codes++;
+ bytes[2] = *codes;
+ if (keep == 0x11 || keep == 0x12)
+ {
+ // Rm
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[1],1);
+ bytes[3] = c;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int shimm;
+ shimm = imm_shift (ins->oprs[1].offset);
+ if (shimm == -1)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "cannot create that constant");
+ }
+ bytes[3] = shimm & 0xFF;
+ bytes[2] |= (shimm & 0xF00) >> 8;
+ }
+ c = ins->oprs[0].basereg;
+ if ( keep == 0x11)
+ {
+ if ( c == R_CPSR || c == R_SPSR)
+ {
+ if ( c== R_SPSR)
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x40;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "CPSR or SPSR expected");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( c == R_CPSR_FLG || c == R_SPSR_FLG)
+ {
+ if ( c== R_SPSR_FLG)
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x40;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "CPSR_flg or SPSR_flg expected");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x14: // MUL Rd,Rm,Rs
+ case 0x15: // MULA Rd,Rm,Rs,Rn
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c | *codes++;
+ bytes[1] = *codes++;
+ bytes[3] = *codes;
+ // Rd
+ bytes[1] |= regval (&ins->oprs[0],1);
+ if (has_S_code)
+ bytes[1] |= 0x10;
+ // Rm
+ bytes[3] |= regval (&ins->oprs[1],1);
+ // Rs
+ bytes[2] = regval (&ins->oprs[2],1);
+ if (keep == 0x15)
+ {
+ bytes[2] |= regval (&ins->oprs[3],1) << 4;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x16: // SMLAL RdHi,RdLo,Rm,Rs
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c | *codes++;
+ bytes[1] = *codes++;
+ bytes[3] = *codes;
+ // RdHi
+ bytes[1] |= regval (&ins->oprs[1],1);
+ if (has_S_code)
+ bytes[1] |= 0x10;
+ // RdLo
+ bytes[2] = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1) << 4;
+ // Rm
+ bytes[3] |= regval (&ins->oprs[2],1);
+ // Rs
+ bytes[2] |= regval (&ins->oprs[3],1);
+ break;
+ case 0x17: // LDR Rd, expression
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c | *codes++;
+ bytes[1] = *codes++;
+ // Rd
+ bytes[2] = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1) << 4;
+ if (has_B_code)
+ bytes[1] |= 0x40;
+ if (has_T_code)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "'T' not allowed in pre-index mode");
+ }
+ if (has_W_code)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "'!' not allowed");
+ }
+ // Rn - implicit R15
+ bytes[1] |= 0xF;
+ if (ins->oprs[1].segment != segment)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "label not in same segment");
+ }
+ data = ins->oprs[1].offset - (offset + 8);
+ if (data < 0)
+ {
+ data = -data;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x80;
+ }
+ if (data >= 0x1000)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "too long offset");
+ }
+ bytes[2] |= ((data & 0xF00) >> 8);
+ bytes[3] = data & 0xFF;
+ break;
+ case 0x18: // LDR Rd, [Rn]
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c | *codes++;
+ bytes[1] = *codes++;
+ // Rd
+ bytes[2] = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1) << 4;
+ if (has_B_code)
+ bytes[1] |= 0x40;
+ if (has_T_code)
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x20; // write-back
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bytes[0] |= 0x01; // implicit pre-index mode
+ }
+ if (has_W_code)
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x20; // write-back
+ }
+ // Rn
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[1],1);
+ bytes[1] |= c;
+ if (c == 0x15) // R15
+ data = -8;
+ else
+ data = 0;
+ if (data < 0)
+ {
+ data = -data;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x80;
+ }
+ bytes[2] |= ((data & 0xF00) >> 8);
+ bytes[3] = data & 0xFF;
+ break;
+ case 0x19: // LDR Rd, [Rn,#expression]
+ case 0x20: // LDR Rd, [Rn,Rm]
+ case 0x21: // LDR Rd, [Rn,Rm,shift]
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c | *codes++;
+ bytes[1] = *codes++;
+ // Rd
+ bytes[2] = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1) << 4;
+ if (has_B_code)
+ bytes[1] |= 0x40;
+ // Rn
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[1],1);
+ bytes[1] |= c;
+ if (ins->oprs[ins->operands-1].bracket) // FIXME: Bracket on last operand -> pre-index <--
+ {
+ bytes[0] |= 0x01; // pre-index mode
+ if (has_W_code)
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x20;
+ }
+ if (has_T_code)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "'T' not allowed in pre-index mode");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (has_T_code) // Forced write-back in post-index mode
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x20;
+ }
+ if (has_W_code)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "'!' not allowed in post-index mode");
+ }
+ }
+ if (keep == 0x19)
+ {
+ data = ins->oprs[2].offset;
+ if (data < 0)
+ {
+ data = -data;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x80;
+ }
+ if (data >= 0x1000)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "too long offset");
+ }
+ bytes[2] |= ((data & 0xF00) >> 8);
+ bytes[3] = data & 0xFF;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ins->oprs[2].minus == 0)
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x80;
+ }
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[2],1);
+ bytes[3] = c;
+ if (keep == 0x21)
+ {
+ c = ins->oprs[3].offset;
+ if (c > 0x1F)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "too large shiftvalue");
+ c = c & 0x1F;
+ }
+ bytes[2] |= c >> 1;
+ if (c & 0x01)
+ {
+ bytes[3] |= 0x80;
+ }
+ bytes[3] |= shiftval (&ins->oprs[3]) << 5;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x22: // LDRH Rd, expression
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c | 0x01; // Implicit pre-index
+ bytes[1] = *codes++;
+ // Rd
+ bytes[2] = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1) << 4;
+ // Rn - implicit R15
+ bytes[1] |= 0xF;
+ if (ins->oprs[1].segment != segment)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "label not in same segment");
+ }
+ data = ins->oprs[1].offset - (offset + 8);
+ if (data < 0)
+ {
+ data = -data;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x80;
+ }
+ if (data >= 0x100)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "too long offset");
+ }
+ bytes[3] = *codes++;
+ bytes[2] |= ((data & 0xF0) >> 4);
+ bytes[3] |= data & 0xF;
+ break;
+ case 0x23: // LDRH Rd, Rn
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c | 0x01; // Implicit pre-index
+ bytes[1] = *codes++;
+ // Rd
+ bytes[2] = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1) << 4;
+ // Rn
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[1],1);
+ bytes[1] |= c;
+ if (c == 0x15) // R15
+ data = -8;
+ else
+ data = 0;
+ if (data < 0)
+ {
+ data = -data;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x80;
+ }
+ if (data >= 0x100)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "too long offset");
+ }
+ bytes[3] = *codes++;
+ bytes[2] |= ((data & 0xF0) >> 4);
+ bytes[3] |= data & 0xF;
+ break;
+ case 0x24: // LDRH Rd, Rn, expression
+ case 0x25: // LDRH Rd, Rn, Rm
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c;
+ bytes[1] = *codes++;
+ // Rd
+ bytes[2] = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1) << 4;
+ // Rn
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[1],1);
+ bytes[1] |= c;
+ if (ins->oprs[ins->operands-1].bracket) // FIXME: Bracket on last operand -> pre-index <--
+ {
+ bytes[0] |= 0x01; // pre-index mode
+ if (has_W_code)
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x20;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (has_W_code)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "'!' not allowed in post-index mode");
+ }
+ }
+ bytes[3] = *codes++;
+ if (keep == 0x24)
+ {
+ data = ins->oprs[2].offset;
+ if (data < 0)
+ {
+ data = -data;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x80;
+ }
+ if (data >= 0x100)
+ {
+ errfunc (ERR_NONFATAL, "too long offset");
+ }
+ bytes[2] |= ((data & 0xF0) >> 4);
+ bytes[3] |= data & 0xF;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ins->oprs[2].minus == 0)
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x80;
+ }
+ c = regval (&ins->oprs[2],1);
+ bytes[3] |= c;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x26: // LDM/STM Rn, {reg-list}
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c;
+ bytes[0] |= ( *codes >> 4) & 0xF;
+ bytes[1] = ( *codes << 4) & 0xF0;
+ ++codes;
+ if (has_W_code)
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x20;
+ }
+ if (has_F_code)
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x40;
+ }
+ // Rn
+ bytes[1] |= regval (&ins->oprs[0],1);
+ data = ins->oprs[1].basereg;
+ bytes[2] = ((data >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ bytes[3] = (data & 0xFF);
+ break;
+ case 0x27: // SWP Rd, Rm, [Rn]
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] = c;
+ bytes[0] |= *codes++;
+ bytes[1] = regval (&ins->oprs[2],1);
+ if (has_B_code)
+ {
+ bytes[1] |= 0x40;
+ }
+ bytes[2] = regval (&ins->oprs[0],1) << 4;
+ bytes[3] = *codes++;
+ bytes[3] |= regval (&ins->oprs[1],1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ errfunc (ERR_FATAL, "unknown decoding of instruction");
+ bytes[0] = c;
+ // And a fix nibble
+ ++codes;
+ bytes[0] |= *codes++;
+ if ( *codes == 0x01) // An I bit
+ {
+ }
+ if ( *codes == 0x02) // An I bit
+ {
+ }
+ ++codes;
+ }
+ out (offset, segment, bytes, OUT_RAWDATA+4, NO_SEG, NO_SEG);
+{$endif dummy}
+ constructor tai_thumb_func.create;
+ begin
+ inherited create;
+ typ:=ait_thumb_func;
+ end;
+ cai_align:=tai_align;