path: root/closures/compiler/i386/daopt386.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'closures/compiler/i386/daopt386.pas')
1 files changed, 2816 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/closures/compiler/i386/daopt386.pas b/closures/compiler/i386/daopt386.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bdcaea11a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/closures/compiler/i386/daopt386.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,2816 @@
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Jonas Maebe, member of the Freepascal
+ development team
+ This unit contains the data flow analyzer and several helper procedures
+ and functions.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit daopt386;
+ globtype,
+ cclasses,aasmbase,aasmtai,aasmdata,aasmcpu,cgbase,cgutils,
+ cpubase;
+{******************************* Constants *******************************}
+{ Possible register content types }
+ con_Unknown = 0;
+ con_ref = 1;
+ con_const = 2;
+ { The contents aren't usable anymore for CSE, but they may still be }
+ { useful for detecting whether the result of a load is actually used }
+ con_invalid = 3;
+ { the reverse of the above (in case a (conditional) jump is encountered): }
+ { CSE is still possible, but the original instruction can't be removed }
+ con_noRemoveRef = 4;
+ { same, but for constants }
+ con_noRemoveConst = 5;
+ topsize2tcgsize: array[topsize] of tcgsize = (OS_NO,
+ OS_8,OS_16,OS_32,OS_64,OS_16,OS_32,OS_32,
+ OS_16,OS_32,OS_64,
+ OS_F32,OS_F64,OS_F80,OS_C64,OS_F128,
+ OS_M32,
+ OS_NO,
+ OS_NO);
+{********************************* Types *********************************}
+ TRegEnum = RS_EAX..RS_ESP;
+ TRegArray = Array[TRegEnum] of tsuperregister;
+ TRegSet = Set of TRegEnum;
+ toptreginfo = Record
+ NewRegsEncountered, OldRegsEncountered: TRegSet;
+ RegsLoadedForRef: TRegSet;
+ lastReload: array[RS_EAX..RS_ESP] of tai;
+ New2OldReg: TRegArray;
+ end;
+{possible actions on an operand: read, write or modify (= read & write)}
+ TOpAction = (OpAct_Read, OpAct_Write, OpAct_Modify, OpAct_Unknown);
+{the possible states of a flag}
+ TFlagContents = (F_Unknown, F_notSet, F_Set);
+ TContent = Packed Record
+ {start and end of block instructions that defines the
+ content of this register.}
+ StartMod: tai;
+ MemWrite: taicpu;
+ {how many instructions starting with StarMod does the block consist of}
+ NrOfMods: Word;
+ {the type of the content of the register: unknown, memory, constant}
+ Typ: Byte;
+ case byte of
+ {starts at 0, gets increased everytime the register is written to}
+ 1: (WState: Byte;
+ {starts at 0, gets increased everytime the register is read from}
+ RState: Byte);
+ { to compare both states in one operation }
+ 2: (state: word);
+ end;
+{Contents of the integer registers}
+ TRegContent = Array[RS_EAX..RS_ESP] Of TContent;
+{contents of the FPU registers}
+// TRegFPUContent = Array[RS_ST..RS_ST7] Of TContent;
+{$ifdef tempOpts}
+{ linked list which allows searching/deleting based on value, no extra frills}
+ PSearchLinkedListItem = ^TSearchLinkedListItem;
+ TSearchLinkedListItem = object(TLinkedList_Item)
+ constructor init;
+ function equals(p: PSearchLinkedListItem): boolean; virtual;
+ end;
+ PSearchDoubleIntItem = ^TSearchDoubleInttem;
+ TSearchDoubleIntItem = object(TLinkedList_Item)
+ constructor init(_int1,_int2: longint);
+ function equals(p: PSearchLinkedListItem): boolean; virtual;
+ private
+ int1, int2: longint;
+ end;
+ PSearchLinkedList = ^TSearchLinkedList;
+ TSearchLinkedList = object(TLinkedList)
+ function searchByValue(p: PSearchLinkedListItem): boolean;
+ procedure removeByValue(p: PSearchLinkedListItem);
+ end;
+{$endif tempOpts}
+{information record with the contents of every register. Every tai object
+ gets one of these assigned: a pointer to it is stored in the OptInfo field}
+ TtaiProp = Record
+ Regs: TRegContent;
+{ FPURegs: TRegFPUContent;} {currently not yet used}
+ { allocated Registers }
+ UsedRegs: TRegSet;
+ { status of the direction flag }
+ DirFlag: TFlagContents;
+{$ifdef tempOpts}
+ { currently used temps }
+ tempAllocs: PSearchLinkedList;
+{$endif tempOpts}
+ { can this instruction be removed? }
+ CanBeRemoved: Boolean;
+ { are the resultflags set by this instruction used? }
+ FlagsUsed: Boolean;
+ end;
+ ptaiprop = ^TtaiProp;
+ TtaiPropBlock = Array[1..250000] Of TtaiProp;
+ PtaiPropBlock = ^TtaiPropBlock;
+ TInstrSinceLastMod = Array[RS_EAX..RS_ESP] Of Word;
+ TLabelTableItem = Record
+ taiObj: tai;
+{$ifDef JumpAnal}
+ InstrNr: Longint;
+ RefsFound: Word;
+ JmpsProcessed: Word
+{$endif JumpAnal}
+ end;
+ TLabelTable = Array[0..2500000] Of TLabelTableItem;
+ PLabelTable = ^TLabelTable;
+{*********************** procedures and functions ************************}
+procedure InsertLLItem(AsmL: TAsmList; prev, foll, new_one: TLinkedListItem);
+function RefsEqual(const R1, R2: TReference): Boolean;
+function isgp32reg(supreg: tsuperregister): Boolean;
+function reginref(supreg: tsuperregister; const ref: treference): boolean;
+function RegReadByInstruction(supreg: tsuperregister; hp: tai): boolean;
+function RegModifiedByInstruction(supreg: tsuperregister; p1: tai): boolean;
+function RegInInstruction(supreg: tsuperregister; p1: tai): boolean;
+function reginop(supreg: tsuperregister; const o:toper): boolean;
+function instrWritesFlags(p: tai): boolean;
+function instrReadsFlags(p: tai): boolean;
+function writeToMemDestroysContents(regWritten: tsuperregister; const ref: treference;
+ supreg: tsuperregister; size: tcgsize; const c: tcontent; var invalsmemwrite: boolean): boolean;
+function writeToRegDestroysContents(destReg, supreg: tsuperregister;
+ const c: tcontent): boolean;
+function writeDestroysContents(const op: toper; supreg: tsuperregister; size: tcgsize;
+ const c: tcontent; var memwritedestroyed: boolean): boolean;
+function sequenceDependsonReg(const Content: TContent; seqreg: tsuperregister; supreg: tsuperregister): Boolean;
+function GetNextInstruction(Current: tai; var Next: tai): Boolean;
+function GetLastInstruction(Current: tai; var Last: tai): Boolean;
+procedure SkipHead(var p: tai);
+function labelCanBeSkipped(p: tai_label): boolean;
+procedure RemoveLastDeallocForFuncRes(asmL: TAsmList; p: tai);
+function regLoadedWithNewValue(supreg: tsuperregister; canDependOnPrevValue: boolean;
+ hp: tai): boolean;
+procedure UpdateUsedRegs(var UsedRegs: TRegSet; p: tai);
+procedure AllocRegBetween(asml: TAsmList; reg: tregister; p1, p2: tai; var initialusedregs: tregset);
+function FindRegDealloc(supreg: tsuperregister; p: tai): boolean;
+function InstructionsEquivalent(p1, p2: tai; var RegInfo: toptreginfo): Boolean;
+function sizescompatible(loadsize,newsize: topsize): boolean;
+function OpsEqual(const o1,o2:toper): Boolean;
+ tdfaobj = class
+ constructor create(_list: TAsmList); virtual;
+ function pass_1(_blockstart: tai): tai;
+ function pass_generate_code: boolean;
+ procedure clear;
+ function getlabelwithsym(sym: tasmlabel): tai;
+ private
+ { asm list we're working on }
+ list: TAsmList;
+ { current part of the asm list }
+ blockstart, blockend: tai;
+ { the amount of taiObjects in the current part of the assembler list }
+ nroftaiobjs: longint;
+ { Array which holds all TtaiProps }
+ taipropblock: ptaipropblock;
+ { all labels in the current block: their value mapped to their location }
+ lolab, hilab, labdif: longint;
+ labeltable: plabeltable;
+ { Walks through the list to find the lowest and highest label number, inits the }
+ { labeltable and fixes/optimizes some regallocs }
+ procedure initlabeltable;
+ function initdfapass2: boolean;
+ procedure dodfapass2;
+ end;
+function FindLabel(L: tasmlabel; var hp: tai): Boolean;
+procedure incState(var S: Byte; amount: longint);
+{******************************* Variables *******************************}
+ dfa: tdfaobj;
+{*********************** end of Interface section ************************}
+{$ifdef csdebug}
+ cutils,
+ {$ifdef statedebug}
+ cutils,
+ {$else}
+ {$ifdef allocregdebug}
+ cutils,
+ {$endif}
+ {$endif}
+ globals, systems, verbose, symconst, cgobj,procinfo;
+ TRefCompare = function(const r1, r2: treference; size1, size2: tcgsize): boolean;
+ {How many instructions are between the current instruction and the last one
+ that modified the register}
+ NrOfInstrSinceLastMod: TInstrSinceLastMod;
+{$ifdef tempOpts}
+ constructor TSearchLinkedListItem.init;
+ begin
+ end;
+ function TSearchLinkedListItem.equals(p: PSearchLinkedListItem): boolean;
+ begin
+ equals := false;
+ end;
+ constructor TSearchDoubleIntItem.init(_int1,_int2: longint);
+ begin
+ int1 := _int1;
+ int2 := _int2;
+ end;
+ function TSearchDoubleIntItem.equals(p: PSearchLinkedListItem): boolean;
+ begin
+ equals := (TSearchDoubleIntItem(p).int1 = int1) and
+ (TSearchDoubleIntItem(p).int2 = int2);
+ end;
+ function TSearchLinkedList.FindByValue(p: PSearchLinkedListItem): boolean;
+ var temp: PSearchLinkedListItem;
+ begin
+ temp := first;
+ while (temp <> and
+ not(temp.equals(p)) do
+ temp :=;
+ searchByValue := temp <>;
+ end;
+ procedure TSearchLinkedList.removeByValue(p: PSearchLinkedListItem);
+ begin
+ temp := first;
+ while (temp <> and
+ not(temp.equals(p)) do
+ temp :=;
+ if temp <> then
+ begin
+ remove(temp);
+ dispose(temp,done);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure updateTempAllocs(var UsedRegs: TRegSet; p: tai);
+{updates UsedRegs with the RegAlloc Information coming after p}
+ repeat
+ while assigned(p) and
+ ((p.typ in (SkipInstr - [ait_RegAlloc])) or
+ ((p.typ = ait_label) and
+ labelCanBeSkipped(tai_label(current)))) Do
+ p := tai(;
+ while assigned(p) and
+ (p.typ=ait_RegAlloc) Do
+ begin
+ case tai_regalloc(p).ratype of
+ ra_alloc :
+ Include(UsedRegs, TRegEnum(getsupreg(tai_regalloc(p).reg)));
+ ra_dealloc :
+ Exclude(UsedRegs, TRegEnum(getsupreg(tai_regalloc(p).reg)));
+ end;
+ p := tai(;
+ end;
+ until not(assigned(p)) or
+ (not(p.typ in SkipInstr) and
+ not((p.typ = ait_label) and
+ labelCanBeSkipped(tai_label(current))));
+{$endif tempOpts}
+{************************ Create the Label table ************************}
+function findregalloc(supreg: tsuperregister; starttai: tai; ratyp: tregalloctype): boolean;
+{ Returns true if a ait_alloc object for reg is found in the block of tai's }
+{ starting with Starttai and ending with the next "real" instruction }
+ findregalloc := false;
+ repeat
+ while assigned(starttai) and
+ ((starttai.typ in (skipinstr - [ait_regalloc])) or
+ ((starttai.typ = ait_label) and
+ labelcanbeskipped(tai_label(starttai)))) do
+ starttai := tai(;
+ if assigned(starttai) and
+ (starttai.typ = ait_regalloc) then
+ begin
+ if (tai_regalloc(Starttai).ratype = ratyp) and
+ (getsupreg(tai_regalloc(Starttai).reg) = supreg) then
+ begin
+ findregalloc:=true;
+ break;
+ end;
+ starttai := tai(;
+ end
+ else
+ break;
+ until false;
+procedure RemoveLastDeallocForFuncRes(asml: TAsmList; p: tai);
+ procedure DoRemoveLastDeallocForFuncRes(asml: TAsmList; supreg: tsuperregister);
+ var
+ hp2: tai;
+ begin
+ hp2 := p;
+ repeat
+ hp2 := tai(hp2.previous);
+ if assigned(hp2) and
+ (hp2.typ = ait_regalloc) and
+ (tai_regalloc(hp2).ratype=ra_dealloc) and
+ (getregtype(tai_regalloc(hp2).reg) = R_INTREGISTER) and
+ (getsupreg(tai_regalloc(hp2).reg) = supreg) then
+ begin
+ asml.remove(hp2);
+ break;
+ end;
+ until not(assigned(hp2)) or regInInstruction(supreg,hp2);
+ end;
+ case current_procinfo.procdef.returndef.typ of
+ arraydef,recorddef,pointerdef,
+ stringdef,enumdef,procdef,objectdef,errordef,
+ filedef,setdef,procvardef,
+ classrefdef,forwarddef:
+ DoRemoveLastDeallocForFuncRes(asml,RS_EAX);
+ orddef:
+ if current_procinfo.procdef.returndef.size <> 0 then
+ begin
+ DoRemoveLastDeallocForFuncRes(asml,RS_EAX);
+ { for int64/qword }
+ if current_procinfo.procdef.returndef.size = 8 then
+ DoRemoveLastDeallocForFuncRes(asml,RS_EDX);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure getNoDeallocRegs(var regs: tregset);
+ regCounter: TSuperRegister;
+ regs := [];
+ case current_procinfo.procdef.returndef.typ of
+ arraydef,recorddef,pointerdef,
+ stringdef,enumdef,procdef,objectdef,errordef,
+ filedef,setdef,procvardef,
+ classrefdef,forwarddef:
+ regs := [RS_EAX];
+ orddef:
+ if current_procinfo.procdef.returndef.size <> 0 then
+ begin
+ regs := [RS_EAX];
+ { for int64/qword }
+ if current_procinfo.procdef.returndef.size = 8 then
+ regs := regs + [RS_EDX];
+ end;
+ end;
+ for regCounter := RS_EAX to RS_EBX do
+{ if not(regCounter in rg.usableregsint) then}
+ include(regs,regcounter);
+procedure AddRegDeallocFor(asml: TAsmList; reg: tregister; p: tai);
+ hp1: tai;
+ funcResRegs: tregset;
+{ funcResReg: boolean;}
+{ if not(supreg in rg.usableregsint) then
+ exit;}
+{ if not(supreg in [RS_EDI]) then
+ exit;}
+ getNoDeallocRegs(funcresregs);
+{ funcResRegs := funcResRegs - rg.usableregsint;}
+{ funcResRegs := funcResRegs - [RS_EDI];}
+{ funcResRegs := funcResRegs - [RS_EAX,RS_EBX,RS_ECX,RS_EDX,RS_ESI]; }
+{ funcResReg := getsupreg(reg) in funcresregs;}
+ hp1 := p;
+ while not(funcResReg and
+ (p.typ = ait_instruction) and
+ (taicpu(p).opcode = A_JMP) and
+ (tasmlabel(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.sym) = aktexit2label)) and
+ getLastInstruction(p, p) and
+ not(regInInstruction(supreg, p)) do
+ hp1 := p;
+ { don't insert a dealloc for registers which contain the function result }
+ { if they are followed by a jump to the exit label (for exit(...)) }
+{ if not(funcResReg) or
+ not((hp1.typ = ait_instruction) and
+ (taicpu(hp1).opcode = A_JMP) and
+ (tasmlabel(taicpu(hp1).oper[0]^.sym) = aktexit2label)) then }
+ begin
+ p := tai_regalloc.deAlloc(reg,nil);
+ insertLLItem(AsmL, hp1.previous, hp1, p);
+ end;
+{************************ Search the Label table ************************}
+function findlabel(l: tasmlabel; var hp: tai): boolean;
+{searches for the specified label starting from hp as long as the
+ encountered instructions are labels, to be able to optimize constructs like
+ jne l2 jmp l2
+ jmp l3 and l1:
+ l1: l2:
+ l2:}
+ p: tai;
+ p := hp;
+ while assigned(p) and
+ (p.typ in SkipInstr + [ait_label,ait_align]) Do
+ if (p.typ <> ait_Label) or
+ (tai_label(p).labsym <> l) then
+ GetNextInstruction(p, p)
+ else
+ begin
+ hp := p;
+ findlabel := true;
+ exit
+ end;
+ findlabel := false;
+{************************ Some general functions ************************}
+function tch2reg(ch: tinschange): tsuperregister;
+{converts a TChange variable to a TRegister}
+ ch2reg: array[CH_REAX..CH_REDI] of tsuperregister = (RS_EAX,RS_ECX,RS_EDX,RS_EBX,RS_ESP,RS_EBP,RS_ESI,RS_EDI);
+ if (ch <= CH_REDI) then
+ tch2reg := ch2reg[ch]
+ else if (ch <= CH_WEDI) then
+ tch2reg := ch2reg[tinschange(ord(ch) - ord(CH_REDI))]
+ else if (ch <= CH_RWEDI) then
+ tch2reg := ch2reg[tinschange(ord(ch) - ord(CH_WEDI))]
+ else if (ch <= CH_MEDI) then
+ tch2reg := ch2reg[tinschange(ord(ch) - ord(CH_RWEDI))]
+ else
+ InternalError($db)
+{ inserts new_one between prev and foll }
+procedure InsertLLItem(AsmL: TAsmList; prev, foll, new_one: TLinkedListItem);
+ if assigned(prev) then
+ if assigned(foll) then
+ begin
+ if assigned(new_one) then
+ begin
+ new_one.previous := prev;
+ := foll;
+ := new_one;
+ foll.previous := new_one;
+ { shgould we update line information }
+ if (not (tai(new_one).typ in SkipLineInfo)) and
+ (not (tai(foll).typ in SkipLineInfo)) then
+ tailineinfo(new_one).fileinfo := tailineinfo(foll).fileinfo;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ asml.Concat(new_one)
+ else
+ if assigned(foll) then
+ asml.Insert(new_one)
+{********************* Compare parts of tai objects *********************}
+function regssamesize(reg1, reg2: tregister): boolean;
+{returns true if Reg1 and Reg2 are of the same size (so if they're both
+ 8bit, 16bit or 32bit)}
+ if (reg1 = NR_NO) or (reg2 = NR_NO) then
+ internalerror(2003111602);
+ regssamesize := getsubreg(reg1) = getsubreg(reg2);
+procedure AddReg2RegInfo(OldReg, NewReg: TRegister; var RegInfo: toptreginfo);
+{updates the ???RegsEncountered and ???2???reg fields of RegInfo. Assumes that
+ OldReg and NewReg have the same size (has to be chcked in advance with
+ RegsSameSize) and that neither equals RS_INVALID}
+ newsupreg, oldsupreg: tsuperregister;
+ if (newreg = NR_NO) or (oldreg = NR_NO) then
+ internalerror(2003111601);
+ newsupreg := getsupreg(newreg);
+ oldsupreg := getsupreg(oldreg);
+ with RegInfo Do
+ begin
+ NewRegsEncountered := NewRegsEncountered + [newsupreg];
+ OldRegsEncountered := OldRegsEncountered + [oldsupreg];
+ New2OldReg[newsupreg] := oldsupreg;
+ end;
+procedure AddOp2RegInfo(const o:toper; var reginfo: toptreginfo);
+ case o.typ Of
+ top_reg:
+ if (o.reg <> NR_NO) then
+ AddReg2RegInfo(o.reg, o.reg, RegInfo);
+ top_ref:
+ begin
+ if o.ref^.base <> NR_NO then
+ AddReg2RegInfo(o.ref^.base, o.ref^.base, RegInfo);
+ if o.ref^.index <> NR_NO then
+ AddReg2RegInfo(o.ref^.index, o.ref^.index, RegInfo);
+ end;
+ end;
+function RegsEquivalent(oldreg, newreg: tregister; const oldinst, newinst: taicpu; var reginfo: toptreginfo; opact: topaction): Boolean;
+ if not((oldreg = NR_NO) or (newreg = NR_NO)) then
+ if RegsSameSize(oldreg, newreg) then
+ with reginfo do
+{here we always check for the 32 bit component, because it is possible that
+ the 8 bit component has not been set, event though NewReg already has been
+ processed. This happens if it has been compared with a register that doesn't
+ have an 8 bit component (such as EDI). in that case the 8 bit component is
+ still set to RS_NO and the comparison in the else-part will fail}
+ if (getsupreg(oldReg) in OldRegsEncountered) then
+ if (getsupreg(NewReg) in NewRegsEncountered) then
+ RegsEquivalent := (getsupreg(oldreg) = New2OldReg[getsupreg(newreg)])
+ { if we haven't encountered the new register yet, but we have encountered the
+ old one already, the new one can only be correct if it's being written to
+ (and consequently the old one is also being written to), otherwise
+ movl -8(%ebp), %eax and movl -8(%ebp), %eax
+ movl (%eax), %eax movl (%edx), %edx
+ are considered equivalent}
+ else
+ if (opact = opact_write) then
+ begin
+ AddReg2RegInfo(oldreg, newreg, reginfo);
+ RegsEquivalent := true
+ end
+ else
+ Regsequivalent := false
+ else
+ if not(getsupreg(newreg) in NewRegsEncountered) and
+ ((opact = opact_write) or
+ ((newreg = oldreg) and
+ (ptaiprop(oldinst.optinfo)^.regs[getsupreg(oldreg)].wstate =
+ ptaiprop(newinst.optinfo)^.regs[getsupreg(oldreg)].wstate) and
+ not(regmodifiedbyinstruction(getsupreg(oldreg),oldinst)))) then
+ begin
+ AddReg2RegInfo(oldreg, newreg, reginfo);
+ RegsEquivalent := true
+ end
+ else
+ RegsEquivalent := false
+ else
+ RegsEquivalent := false
+ else
+ RegsEquivalent := oldreg = newreg
+function RefsEquivalent(const r1, r2: treference; const oldinst, newinst: taicpu; var regInfo: toptreginfo): boolean;
+ RefsEquivalent :=
+ (r1.offset = r2.offset) and
+ RegsEquivalent(r1.base, r2.base, oldinst, newinst, reginfo, OpAct_Read) and
+ RegsEquivalent(r1.index, r2.index, oldinst, newinst, reginfo, OpAct_Read) and
+ (r1.segment = r2.segment) and (r1.scalefactor = r2.scalefactor) and
+ (r1.symbol = r2.symbol) and (r1.refaddr = r2.refaddr) and
+ (r1.relsymbol = r2.relsymbol);
+function refsequal(const r1, r2: treference): boolean;
+ refsequal :=
+ (r1.offset = r2.offset) and
+ (r1.segment = r2.segment) and (r1.base = r2.base) and
+ (r1.index = r2.index) and (r1.scalefactor = r2.scalefactor) and
+ (r1.symbol=r2.symbol) and (r1.refaddr = r2.refaddr) and
+ (r1.relsymbol = r2.relsymbol);
+// checks whether a write to r2 of size "size" contains address r1
+function refsoverlapping(const r1, r2: treference; size1, size2: tcgsize): boolean;
+ realsize1, realsize2: aint;
+ realsize1 := tcgsize2size[size1];
+ realsize2 := tcgsize2size[size2];
+ refsoverlapping :=
+ (r2.offset <= r1.offset+realsize1) and
+ (r1.offset <= r2.offset+realsize2) and
+ (r1.segment = r2.segment) and (r1.base = r2.base) and
+ (r1.index = r2.index) and (r1.scalefactor = r2.scalefactor) and
+ (r1.symbol=r2.symbol) and (r1.refaddr = r2.refaddr) and
+ (r1.relsymbol = r2.relsymbol);
+function isgp32reg(supreg: tsuperregister): boolean;
+{Checks if the register is a 32 bit general purpose register}
+ isgp32reg := false;
+{$push}{$warnings off}
+ if (supreg >= RS_EAX) and (supreg <= RS_EBX) then
+ isgp32reg := true
+function reginref(supreg: tsuperregister; const ref: treference): boolean;
+begin {checks whether ref contains a reference to reg}
+ reginref :=
+ ((ref.base <> NR_NO) and
+ (getsupreg(ref.base) = supreg)) or
+ ((ref.index <> NR_NO) and
+ (getsupreg(ref.index) = supreg))
+function RegReadByInstruction(supreg: tsuperregister; hp: tai): boolean;
+ p: taicpu;
+ opcount: longint;
+ RegReadByInstruction := false;
+ if hp.typ <> ait_instruction then
+ exit;
+ p := taicpu(hp);
+ case p.opcode of
+ regreadbyinstruction := true;
+ case p.ops of
+ 1:
+ regReadByInstruction :=
+ (supreg = RS_EAX) or reginop(supreg,p.oper[0]^);
+ 2,3:
+ regReadByInstruction :=
+ reginop(supreg,p.oper[0]^) or
+ reginop(supreg,p.oper[1]^);
+ end;
+ begin
+ regReadByInstruction :=
+ reginop(supreg,p.oper[0]^) or (supreg in [RS_EAX,RS_EDX]);
+ end;
+ else
+ begin
+ for opcount := 0 to p.ops-1 do
+ if (p.oper[opCount]^.typ = top_ref) and
+ reginref(supreg,p.oper[opcount]^.ref^) then
+ begin
+ RegReadByInstruction := true;
+ exit
+ end;
+ for opcount := 1 to maxinschanges do
+ case insprop[p.opcode].ch[opcount] of
+ if supreg = tch2reg(insprop[p.opcode].ch[opcount]) then
+ begin
+ RegReadByInstruction := true;
+ exit
+ end;
+ if //(p.oper[0]^.typ = top_reg) and
+ reginop(supreg,p.oper[0]^) then
+ begin
+ RegReadByInstruction := true;
+ exit
+ end;
+ Ch_RWOP2,Ch_ROP2,Ch_MOP2:
+ if //(p.oper[1]^.typ = top_reg) and
+ reginop(supreg,p.oper[1]^) then
+ begin
+ RegReadByInstruction := true;
+ exit
+ end;
+ Ch_RWOP3,Ch_ROP3,Ch_MOP3:
+ if //(p.oper[2]^.typ = top_reg) and
+ reginop(supreg,p.oper[2]^) then
+ begin
+ RegReadByInstruction := true;
+ exit
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+function regInInstruction(supreg: tsuperregister; p1: tai): boolean;
+{ Checks if reg is used by the instruction p1 }
+{ Difference with "regReadBysinstruction() or regModifiedByInstruction()": }
+{ this one ignores CH_ALL opcodes, while regModifiedByInstruction doesn't }
+ p: taicpu;
+ opcount: longint;
+ regInInstruction := false;
+ if p1.typ <> ait_instruction then
+ exit;
+ p := taicpu(p1);
+ case p.opcode of
+ regininstruction := true;
+ case p.ops of
+ 1:
+ regInInstruction :=
+ (supreg = RS_EAX) or reginop(supreg,p.oper[0]^);
+ 2,3:
+ regInInstruction :=
+ reginop(supreg,p.oper[0]^) or
+ reginop(supreg,p.oper[1]^) or
+ (assigned(p.oper[2]) and
+ reginop(supreg,p.oper[2]^));
+ end;
+ regInInstruction :=
+ reginop(supreg,p.oper[0]^) or
+ (supreg in [RS_EAX,RS_EDX])
+ else
+ begin
+ for opcount := 0 to p.ops-1 do
+ if (p.oper[opCount]^.typ = top_ref) and
+ reginref(supreg,p.oper[opcount]^.ref^) then
+ begin
+ regInInstruction := true;
+ exit
+ end;
+ for opcount := 1 to maxinschanges do
+ case insprop[p.opcode].Ch[opCount] of
+ if tch2reg(InsProp[p.opcode].Ch[opCount]) = supreg then
+ begin
+ regInInstruction := true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ CH_ROp1..CH_MOp1:
+ if reginop(supreg,p.oper[0]^) then
+ begin
+ regInInstruction := true;
+ exit
+ end;
+ Ch_ROp2..Ch_MOp2:
+ if reginop(supreg,p.oper[1]^) then
+ begin
+ regInInstruction := true;
+ exit
+ end;
+ Ch_ROp3..Ch_MOp3:
+ if reginop(supreg,p.oper[2]^) then
+ begin
+ regInInstruction := true;
+ exit
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+function reginop(supreg: tsuperregister; const o:toper): boolean;
+ reginop := false;
+ case o.typ Of
+ top_reg:
+ reginop :=
+ (getregtype(o.reg) = R_INTREGISTER) and
+ (supreg = getsupreg(o.reg));
+ top_ref:
+ reginop :=
+ ((o.ref^.base <> NR_NO) and
+ (supreg = getsupreg(o.ref^.base))) or
+ ((o.ref^.index <> NR_NO) and
+ (supreg = getsupreg(o.ref^.index)));
+ end;
+function RegModifiedByInstruction(supreg: tsuperregister; p1: tai): boolean;
+ InstrProp: TInsProp;
+ TmpResult: Boolean;
+ Cnt: Word;
+ TmpResult := False;
+ if supreg = RS_INVALID then
+ exit;
+ if (p1.typ = ait_instruction) then
+ case taicpu(p1).opcode of
+ With taicpu(p1) Do
+ TmpResult :=
+ ((ops = 1) and (supreg in [RS_EAX,RS_EDX])) or
+ ((ops = 2) and (getsupreg(oper[1]^.reg) = supreg)) or
+ ((ops = 3) and (getsupreg(oper[2]^.reg) = supreg));
+ With taicpu(p1) Do
+ TmpResult :=
+ (supreg in [RS_EAX,RS_EDX]);
+ else
+ begin
+ Cnt := 1;
+ InstrProp := InsProp[taicpu(p1).OpCode];
+ while (Cnt <= maxinschanges) and
+ (InstrProp.Ch[Cnt] <> Ch_None) and
+ not(TmpResult) Do
+ begin
+ case InstrProp.Ch[Cnt] Of
+ TmpResult := supreg = tch2reg(InstrProp.Ch[Cnt]);
+ Ch_RWOp1,Ch_WOp1,Ch_Mop1:
+ TmpResult := (taicpu(p1).oper[0]^.typ = top_reg) and
+ reginop(supreg,taicpu(p1).oper[0]^);
+ Ch_RWOp2,Ch_WOp2,Ch_Mop2:
+ TmpResult := (taicpu(p1).oper[1]^.typ = top_reg) and
+ reginop(supreg,taicpu(p1).oper[1]^);
+ Ch_RWOp3,Ch_WOp3,Ch_Mop3:
+ TmpResult := (taicpu(p1).oper[2]^.typ = top_reg) and
+ reginop(supreg,taicpu(p1).oper[2]^);
+ Ch_FPU: TmpResult := false; // supreg is supposed to be an intreg!! supreg in [RS_ST..RS_ST7,RS_MM0..RS_MM7];
+ Ch_ALL: TmpResult := true;
+ end;
+ inc(Cnt)
+ end
+ end
+ end;
+ RegModifiedByInstruction := TmpResult
+function instrWritesFlags(p: tai): boolean;
+ l: longint;
+ instrWritesFlags := true;
+ case p.typ of
+ ait_instruction:
+ begin
+ for l := 1 to maxinschanges do
+ if InsProp[taicpu(p).opcode].Ch[l] in [Ch_WFlags,Ch_RWFlags,Ch_All] then
+ exit;
+ end;
+ ait_label:
+ exit;
+ end;
+ instrWritesFlags := false;
+function instrReadsFlags(p: tai): boolean;
+ l: longint;
+ instrReadsFlags := true;
+ case p.typ of
+ ait_instruction:
+ begin
+ for l := 1 to maxinschanges do
+ if InsProp[taicpu(p).opcode].Ch[l] in [Ch_RFlags,Ch_RWFlags,Ch_All] then
+ exit;
+ end;
+ ait_label:
+ exit;
+ end;
+ instrReadsFlags := false;
+{********************* GetNext and GetLastInstruction *********************}
+function GetNextInstruction(Current: tai; var Next: tai): Boolean;
+{ skips ait_regalloc, ait_regdealloc and ait_stab* objects and puts the }
+{ next tai object in Next. Returns false if there isn't any }
+ repeat
+ if (Current.typ = ait_marker) and
+ (tai_Marker(current).Kind = mark_AsmBlockStart) then
+ begin
+ GetNextInstruction := False;
+ Next := Nil;
+ Exit
+ end;
+ Current := tai(current.Next);
+ while assigned(Current) and
+ ((current.typ in skipInstr) or
+ ((current.typ = ait_label) and
+ labelCanBeSkipped(tai_label(current)))) do
+ Current := tai(current.Next);
+{ if assigned(Current) and
+ (current.typ = ait_Marker) and
+ (tai_Marker(current).Kind = mark_NoPropInfoStart) then
+ begin
+ while assigned(Current) and
+ ((current.typ <> ait_Marker) or
+ (tai_Marker(current).Kind <> mark_NoPropInfoEnd)) Do
+ Current := tai(current.Next);
+ end;}
+ until not(assigned(Current)) or
+ (current.typ <> ait_Marker) or
+ not(tai_Marker(current).Kind in [mark_NoPropInfoStart,mark_NoPropInfoEnd]);
+ Next := Current;
+ if assigned(Current) and
+ not((current.typ in SkipInstr) or
+ ((current.typ = ait_label) and
+ labelCanBeSkipped(tai_label(current))))
+ then
+ GetNextInstruction :=
+ not((current.typ = ait_marker) and
+ (tai_marker(current).kind = mark_AsmBlockStart))
+ else
+ begin
+ GetNextInstruction := False;
+ Next := nil;
+ end;
+function GetLastInstruction(Current: tai; var Last: tai): boolean;
+{skips the ait-types in SkipInstr puts the previous tai object in
+ Last. Returns false if there isn't any}
+ repeat
+ Current := tai(current.previous);
+ while assigned(Current) and
+ (((current.typ = ait_Marker) and
+ not(tai_Marker(current).Kind in [mark_AsmBlockEnd{,mark_NoPropInfoEnd}])) or
+ (current.typ in SkipInstr) or
+ ((current.typ = ait_label) and
+ labelCanBeSkipped(tai_label(current)))) Do
+ Current := tai(current.previous);
+{ if assigned(Current) and
+ (current.typ = ait_Marker) and
+ (tai_Marker(current).Kind = mark_NoPropInfoEnd) then
+ begin
+ while assigned(Current) and
+ ((current.typ <> ait_Marker) or
+ (tai_Marker(current).Kind <> mark_NoPropInfoStart)) Do
+ Current := tai(current.previous);
+ end;}
+ until not(assigned(Current)) or
+ (current.typ <> ait_Marker) or
+ not(tai_Marker(current).Kind in [mark_NoPropInfoStart,mark_NoPropInfoEnd]);
+ if not(assigned(Current)) or
+ (current.typ in SkipInstr) or
+ ((current.typ = ait_label) and
+ labelCanBeSkipped(tai_label(current))) or
+ ((current.typ = ait_Marker) and
+ (tai_Marker(current).Kind = mark_AsmBlockEnd))
+ then
+ begin
+ Last := nil;
+ GetLastInstruction := False
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Last := Current;
+ GetLastInstruction := True;
+ end;
+procedure SkipHead(var p: tai);
+ oldp: tai;
+ repeat
+ oldp := p;
+ if (p.typ in SkipInstr) or
+ ((p.typ = ait_marker) and
+ (tai_Marker(p).Kind in [mark_AsmBlockEnd,mark_NoLineInfoStart,mark_NoLineInfoEnd])) then
+ GetNextInstruction(p,p)
+ else if ((p.Typ = Ait_Marker) and
+ (tai_Marker(p).Kind = mark_NoPropInfoStart)) then
+ {a marker of the mark_NoPropInfoStart can't be the first instruction of a
+ TAsmList list}
+ GetNextInstruction(tai(p.previous),p);
+ until p = oldp
+function labelCanBeSkipped(p: tai_label): boolean;
+ labelCanBeSkipped := not(p.labsym.is_used) or (p.labsym.labeltype<>alt_jump);
+{******************* The Data Flow Analyzer functions ********************}
+function regLoadedWithNewValue(supreg: tsuperregister; canDependOnPrevValue: boolean;
+ hp: tai): boolean;
+{ assumes reg is a 32bit register }
+ p: taicpu;
+ if not assigned(hp) or
+ (hp.typ <> ait_instruction) then
+ begin
+ regLoadedWithNewValue := false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ p := taicpu(hp);
+ regLoadedWithNewValue :=
+ (((p.opcode = A_MOV) or
+ (p.opcode = A_MOVZX) or
+ (p.opcode = A_MOVSX) or
+ (p.opcode = A_LEA)) and
+ (p.oper[1]^.typ = top_reg) and
+ (getsupreg(p.oper[1]^.reg) = supreg) and
+ (canDependOnPrevValue or
+ (p.oper[0]^.typ = top_const) or
+ ((p.oper[0]^.typ = top_reg) and
+ (getsupreg(p.oper[0]^.reg) <> supreg)) or
+ ((p.oper[0]^.typ = top_ref) and
+ not regInRef(supreg,p.oper[0]^.ref^)))) or
+ ((p.opcode = A_POP) and
+ (getsupreg(p.oper[0]^.reg) = supreg));
+procedure UpdateUsedRegs(var UsedRegs: TRegSet; p: tai);
+{updates UsedRegs with the RegAlloc Information coming after p}
+ repeat
+ while assigned(p) and
+ ((p.typ in (SkipInstr - [ait_RegAlloc])) or
+ ((p.typ = ait_label) and
+ labelCanBeSkipped(tai_label(p))) or
+ ((p.typ = ait_marker) and
+ (tai_Marker(p).Kind in [mark_AsmBlockEnd,mark_NoLineInfoStart,mark_NoLineInfoEnd]))) do
+ p := tai(;
+ while assigned(p) and
+ (p.typ=ait_RegAlloc) Do
+ begin
+ if (getregtype(tai_regalloc(p).reg) = R_INTREGISTER) then
+ begin
+ case tai_regalloc(p).ratype of
+ ra_alloc :
+ Include(UsedRegs, TRegEnum(getsupreg(tai_regalloc(p).reg)));
+ ra_dealloc :
+ Exclude(UsedRegs, TRegEnum(getsupreg(tai_regalloc(p).reg)));
+ end;
+ end;
+ p := tai(;
+ end;
+ until not(assigned(p)) or
+ (not(p.typ in SkipInstr) and
+ not((p.typ = ait_label) and
+ labelCanBeSkipped(tai_label(p))));
+procedure AllocRegBetween(asml: TAsmList; reg: tregister; p1, p2: tai; var initialusedregs: tregset);
+{ allocates register reg between (and including) instructions p1 and p2 }
+{ the type of p1 and p2 must not be in SkipInstr }
+{ note that this routine is both called from the peephole optimizer }
+{ where optinfo is not yet initialised) and from the cse (where it is) }
+ hp, start: tai;
+ removedsomething,
+ firstRemovedWasAlloc,
+ lastRemovedWasDealloc: boolean;
+ supreg: tsuperregister;
+{$ifdef EXTDEBUG}
+ if assigned(p1.optinfo) and
+ (ptaiprop(p1.optinfo)^.usedregs <> initialusedregs) then
+ internalerror(2004101010);
+{$endif EXTDEBUG}
+ start := p1;
+ if (reg = NR_ESP) or
+ (reg = current_procinfo.framepointer) or
+ not(assigned(p1)) then
+ { this happens with registers which are loaded implicitely, outside the }
+ { current block (e.g. esi with self) }
+ exit;
+ supreg := getsupreg(reg);
+ { make sure we allocate it for this instruction }
+ getnextinstruction(p2,p2);
+ lastRemovedWasDealloc := false;
+ removedSomething := false;
+ firstRemovedWasAlloc := false;
+{$ifdef allocregdebug}
+ hp := tai_comment.Create(strpnew('allocating '+std_regname(newreg(R_INTREGISTER,supreg,R_SUBWHOLE))+
+ ' from here...'));
+ insertllitem(asml,p1.previous,p1,hp);
+ hp := tai_comment.Create(strpnew('allocated '+std_regname(newreg(R_INTREGISTER,supreg,R_SUBWHOLE))+
+ ' till here...'));
+ insertllitem(asml,p2,,hp);
+{$endif allocregdebug}
+ if not(supreg in initialusedregs) then
+ begin
+ hp := tai_regalloc.alloc(reg,nil);
+ insertllItem(asmL,p1.previous,p1,hp);
+ include(initialusedregs,supreg);
+ end;
+ while assigned(p1) and
+ (p1 <> p2) do
+ begin
+ if assigned(p1.optinfo) then
+ include(ptaiprop(p1.optinfo)^.usedregs,supreg);
+ p1 := tai(;
+ repeat
+ while assigned(p1) and
+ (p1.typ in (SkipInstr-[ait_regalloc])) Do
+ p1 := tai(;
+{ remove all allocation/deallocation info about the register in between }
+ if assigned(p1) and
+ (p1.typ = ait_regalloc) then
+ if (getsupreg(tai_regalloc(p1).reg) = supreg) then
+ begin
+ if not removedSomething then
+ begin
+ firstRemovedWasAlloc := tai_regalloc(p1).ratype=ra_alloc;
+ removedSomething := true;
+ end;
+ lastRemovedWasDealloc := (tai_regalloc(p1).ratype=ra_dealloc);
+ hp := tai(p1.Next);
+ asml.Remove(p1);
+ p1 := hp;
+ end
+ else p1 := tai(;
+ until not(assigned(p1)) or
+ not(p1.typ in SkipInstr);
+ end;
+ if assigned(p1) then
+ begin
+ if firstRemovedWasAlloc then
+ begin
+ hp := tai_regalloc.Alloc(reg,nil);
+ insertLLItem(asmL,start.previous,start,hp);
+ end;
+ if lastRemovedWasDealloc then
+ begin
+ hp := tai_regalloc.DeAlloc(reg,nil);
+ insertLLItem(asmL,p1.previous,p1,hp);
+ end;
+ end;
+function FindRegDealloc(supreg: tsuperregister; p: tai): boolean;
+ hp: tai;
+ first: boolean;
+ findregdealloc := false;
+ first := true;
+ while assigned(p.previous) and
+ ((tai(p.previous).typ in (skipinstr+[ait_align])) or
+ ((tai(p.previous).typ = ait_label) and
+ labelCanBeSkipped(tai_label(p.previous)))) do
+ begin
+ p := tai(p.previous);
+ if (p.typ = ait_regalloc) and
+ (getregtype(tai_regalloc(p).reg) = R_INTREGISTER) and
+ (getsupreg(tai_regalloc(p).reg) = supreg) then
+ if (tai_regalloc(p).ratype=ra_dealloc) then
+ if first then
+ begin
+ findregdealloc := true;
+ break;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ findRegDealloc :=
+ getNextInstruction(p,hp) and
+ regLoadedWithNewValue(supreg,false,hp);
+ break
+ end
+ else
+ first := false;
+ end
+procedure incState(var S: Byte; amount: longint);
+{increases S by 1, wraps around at $ffff to 0 (so we won't get overflow
+ errors}
+ if (s <= $ff - amount) then
+ inc(s, amount)
+ else s := longint(s) + amount - $ff;
+function sequenceDependsonReg(const Content: TContent; seqreg: tsuperregister; supreg: tsuperregister): Boolean;
+{ Content is the sequence of instructions that describes the contents of }
+{ seqReg. reg is being overwritten by the current instruction. if the }
+{ content of seqReg depends on reg (ie. because of a }
+{ "movl (seqreg,reg), seqReg" instruction), this function returns true }
+ p: tai;
+ Counter: Word;
+ TmpResult: Boolean;
+ RegsChecked: TRegSet;
+ RegsChecked := [];
+ p := Content.StartMod;
+ TmpResult := False;
+ Counter := 1;
+ while not(TmpResult) and
+ (Counter <= Content.NrOfMods) Do
+ begin
+ if (p.typ = ait_instruction) and
+ ((taicpu(p).opcode = A_MOV) or
+ (taicpu(p).opcode = A_MOVZX) or
+ (taicpu(p).opcode = A_MOVSX) or
+ (taicpu(p).opcode = A_LEA)) and
+ (taicpu(p).oper[0]^.typ = top_ref) then
+ With taicpu(p).oper[0]^.ref^ Do
+ if ((base = current_procinfo.FramePointer) or
+ (assigned(symbol) and (base = NR_NO))) and
+ (index = NR_NO) then
+ begin
+ RegsChecked := RegsChecked + [getsupreg(taicpu(p).oper[1]^.reg)];
+ if supreg = getsupreg(taicpu(p).oper[1]^.reg) then
+ break;
+ end
+ else
+ tmpResult :=
+ regReadByInstruction(supreg,p) and
+ regModifiedByInstruction(seqReg,p)
+ else
+ tmpResult :=
+ regReadByInstruction(supreg,p) and
+ regModifiedByInstruction(seqReg,p);
+ inc(Counter);
+ GetNextInstruction(p,p)
+ end;
+ sequenceDependsonReg := TmpResult
+procedure invalidateDependingRegs(p1: ptaiprop; supreg: tsuperregister);
+ counter: tsuperregister;
+ for counter := RS_EAX to RS_EDI do
+ if counter <> supreg then
+ with p1^.regs[counter] Do
+ begin
+ if (typ in [con_ref,con_noRemoveRef]) and
+ sequenceDependsOnReg(p1^.Regs[counter],counter,supreg) then
+ if typ in [con_ref, con_invalid] then
+ typ := con_invalid
+ { con_noRemoveRef = con_unknown }
+ else
+ typ := con_unknown;
+ if assigned(memwrite) and
+ regInRef(counter,memwrite.oper[1]^.ref^) then
+ memwrite := nil;
+ end;
+procedure DestroyReg(p1: ptaiprop; supreg: tsuperregister; doincState:Boolean);
+{Destroys the contents of the register reg in the ptaiprop p1, as well as the
+ contents of registers are loaded with a memory location based on reg.
+ doincState is false when this register has to be destroyed not because
+ it's contents are directly modified/overwritten, but because of an indirect
+ action (e.g. this register holds the contents of a variable and the value
+ of the variable in memory is changed) }
+{$push}{$warnings off}
+ { the following happens for fpu registers }
+ if (supreg < low(NrOfInstrSinceLastMod)) or
+ (supreg > high(NrOfInstrSinceLastMod)) then
+ exit;
+ NrOfInstrSinceLastMod[supreg] := 0;
+ with p1^.regs[supreg] do
+ begin
+ if doincState then
+ begin
+ incState(wstate,1);
+ typ := con_unknown;
+ startmod := nil;
+ end
+ else
+ if typ in [con_ref,con_const,con_invalid] then
+ typ := con_invalid
+ { con_noRemoveRef = con_unknown }
+ else
+ typ := con_unknown;
+ memwrite := nil;
+ end;
+ invalidateDependingRegs(p1,supreg);
+{procedure AddRegsToSet(p: tai; var RegSet: TRegSet);
+ if (p.typ = ait_instruction) then
+ begin
+ case taicpu(p).oper[0]^.typ Of
+ top_reg:
+ if not(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg in [RS_NO,RS_ESP,current_procinfo.FramePointer]) then
+ RegSet := RegSet + [taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg];
+ top_ref:
+ With TReference(taicpu(p).oper[0]^) Do
+ begin
+ if not(base in [current_procinfo.FramePointer,RS_NO,RS_ESP])
+ then RegSet := RegSet + [base];
+ if not(index in [current_procinfo.FramePointer,RS_NO,RS_ESP])
+ then RegSet := RegSet + [index];
+ end;
+ end;
+ case taicpu(p).oper[1]^.typ Of
+ top_reg:
+ if not(taicpu(p).oper[1]^.reg in [RS_NO,RS_ESP,current_procinfo.FramePointer]) then
+ if RegSet := RegSet + [TRegister(TwoWords(taicpu(p).oper[1]^).Word1];
+ top_ref:
+ With TReference(taicpu(p).oper[1]^) Do
+ begin
+ if not(base in [current_procinfo.FramePointer,RS_NO,RS_ESP])
+ then RegSet := RegSet + [base];
+ if not(index in [current_procinfo.FramePointer,RS_NO,RS_ESP])
+ then RegSet := RegSet + [index];
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+function OpsEquivalent(const o1, o2: toper; const oldinst, newinst: taicpu; var RegInfo: toptreginfo; OpAct: TopAction): Boolean;
+begin {checks whether the two ops are equivalent}
+ OpsEquivalent := False;
+ if o1.typ=o2.typ then
+ case o1.typ Of
+ top_reg:
+ OpsEquivalent :=RegsEquivalent(o1.reg,o2.reg, oldinst, newinst, RegInfo, OpAct);
+ top_ref:
+ OpsEquivalent := RefsEquivalent(o1.ref^, o2.ref^, oldinst, newinst, RegInfo);
+ Top_Const:
+ OpsEquivalent := o1.val = o2.val;
+ Top_None:
+ OpsEquivalent := True
+ end;
+function OpsEqual(const o1,o2:toper): Boolean;
+begin {checks whether the two ops are equal}
+ OpsEqual := False;
+ if o1.typ=o2.typ then
+ case o1.typ Of
+ top_reg :
+ OpsEqual:=o1.reg=o2.reg;
+ top_ref :
+ OpsEqual := RefsEqual(o1.ref^, o2.ref^);
+ Top_Const :
+ OpsEqual:=o1.val=o2.val;
+ Top_None :
+ OpsEqual := True
+ end;
+function sizescompatible(loadsize,newsize: topsize): boolean;
+ begin
+ case loadsize of
+ S_B,S_BW,S_BL:
+ sizescompatible := (newsize = loadsize) or (newsize = S_B);
+ S_W,S_WL:
+ sizescompatible := (newsize = loadsize) or (newsize = S_W);
+ else
+ sizescompatible := newsize = S_L;
+ end;
+ end;
+function opscompatible(p1,p2: taicpu): boolean;
+ case p1.opcode of
+ opscompatible :=
+ ((p2.opcode = p1.opcode) or (p2.opcode = A_MOV)) and
+ sizescompatible(p1.opsize,p2.opsize);
+ else
+ opscompatible :=
+ (p1.opcode = p2.opcode) and
+ (p1.ops = p2.ops) and
+ (p1.opsize = p2.opsize);
+ end;
+function InstructionsEquivalent(p1, p2: tai; var RegInfo: toptreginfo): Boolean;
+{$ifdef csdebug}
+ hp: tai;
+{$endif csdebug}
+begin {checks whether two taicpu instructions are equal}
+ if assigned(p1) and assigned(p2) and
+ (tai(p1).typ = ait_instruction) and
+ (tai(p2).typ = ait_instruction) and
+ opscompatible(taicpu(p1),taicpu(p2)) and
+ (not(assigned(taicpu(p1).oper[0])) or
+ (taicpu(p1).oper[0]^.typ = taicpu(p2).oper[0]^.typ)) and
+ (not(assigned(taicpu(p1).oper[1])) or
+ (taicpu(p1).oper[1]^.typ = taicpu(p2).oper[1]^.typ)) and
+ (not(assigned(taicpu(p1).oper[2])) or
+ (taicpu(p1).oper[2]^.typ = taicpu(p2).oper[2]^.typ)) then
+ {both instructions have the same structure:
+ "<operator> <operand of type1>, <operand of type 2>"}
+ if ((taicpu(p1).opcode = A_MOV) or
+ (taicpu(p1).opcode = A_MOVZX) or
+ (taicpu(p1).opcode = A_MOVSX) or
+ (taicpu(p1).opcode = A_LEA)) and
+ (taicpu(p1).oper[0]^.typ = top_ref) {then .oper[1]^t = top_reg} then
+ if not(RegInRef(getsupreg(taicpu(p1).oper[1]^.reg), taicpu(p1).oper[0]^.ref^)) then
+ {the "old" instruction is a load of a register with a new value, not with
+ a value based on the contents of this register (so no "mov (reg), reg")}
+ if not(RegInRef(getsupreg(taicpu(p2).oper[1]^.reg), taicpu(p2).oper[0]^.ref^)) and
+ RefsEquivalent(taicpu(p1).oper[0]^.ref^, taicpu(p2).oper[0]^.ref^,taicpu(p1), taicpu(p2), reginfo) then
+ {the "new" instruction is also a load of a register with a new value, and
+ this value is fetched from the same memory location}
+ begin
+ With taicpu(p2).oper[0]^.ref^ Do
+ begin
+ if (base <> NR_NO) and
+ (not(getsupreg(base) in [getsupreg(current_procinfo.FramePointer), RS_ESP])) then
+ include(RegInfo.RegsLoadedForRef, getsupreg(base));
+ if (index <> NR_NO) and
+ (not(getsupreg(index) in [getsupreg(current_procinfo.FramePointer), RS_ESP])) then
+ include(RegInfo.RegsLoadedForRef, getsupreg(index));
+ end;
+ {add the registers from the reference (.oper[0]^) to the RegInfo, all registers
+ from the reference are the same in the old and in the new instruction
+ sequence}
+ AddOp2RegInfo(taicpu(p1).oper[0]^, RegInfo);
+ {the registers from .oper[1]^ have to be equivalent, but not necessarily equal}
+ InstructionsEquivalent :=
+ RegsEquivalent(taicpu(p1).oper[1]^.reg,
+ taicpu(p2).oper[1]^.reg, taicpu(p1), taicpu(p2), RegInfo, OpAct_Write);
+ end
+ {the registers are loaded with values from different memory locations. if
+ this was allowed, the instructions "mov -4(esi),eax" and "mov -4(ebp),eax"
+ would be considered equivalent}
+ else
+ InstructionsEquivalent := False
+ else
+ {load register with a value based on the current value of this register}
+ begin
+ With taicpu(p2).oper[0]^.ref^ Do
+ begin
+ if (base <> NR_NO) and
+ (not(getsupreg(base) in [getsupreg(current_procinfo.FramePointer),
+ getsupreg(taicpu(p2).oper[1]^.reg),RS_ESP])) then
+ {it won't do any harm if the register is already in RegsLoadedForRef}
+ begin
+ include(RegInfo.RegsLoadedForRef, getsupreg(base));
+{$ifdef csdebug}
+ Writeln(std_regname(base), ' added');
+{$endif csdebug}
+ end;
+ if (index <> NR_NO) and
+ (not(getsupreg(index) in [getsupreg(current_procinfo.FramePointer),
+ getsupreg(taicpu(p2).oper[1]^.reg),RS_ESP])) then
+ begin
+ include(RegInfo.RegsLoadedForRef, getsupreg(index));
+{$ifdef csdebug}
+ Writeln(std_regname(index), ' added');
+{$endif csdebug}
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (taicpu(p2).oper[1]^.reg <> NR_NO) and
+ (not(getsupreg(taicpu(p2).oper[1]^.reg) in [getsupreg(current_procinfo.FramePointer),RS_ESP])) then
+ begin
+ RegInfo.RegsLoadedForRef := RegInfo.RegsLoadedForRef -
+ [getsupreg(taicpu(p2).oper[1]^.reg)];
+{$ifdef csdebug}
+ Writeln(std_regname(newreg(R_INTREGISTER,getsupreg(taicpu(p2).oper[1]^.reg),R_SUBWHOLE)), ' removed');
+{$endif csdebug}
+ end;
+ InstructionsEquivalent :=
+ OpsEquivalent(taicpu(p1).oper[0]^, taicpu(p2).oper[0]^, taicpu(p1), taicpu(p2), RegInfo, OpAct_Read) and
+ OpsEquivalent(taicpu(p1).oper[1]^, taicpu(p2).oper[1]^, taicpu(p1), taicpu(p2), RegInfo, OpAct_Write)
+ end
+ else
+ {an instruction <> mov, movzx, movsx}
+ begin
+ {$ifdef csdebug}
+ hp := tai_comment.Create(strpnew('checking if equivalent'));
+ hp.previous := p2;
+ :=;
+ := hp;
+ := hp;
+ {$endif csdebug}
+ InstructionsEquivalent :=
+ (not(assigned(taicpu(p1).oper[0])) or
+ OpsEquivalent(taicpu(p1).oper[0]^, taicpu(p2).oper[0]^, taicpu(p1), taicpu(p2), RegInfo, OpAct_Unknown)) and
+ (not(assigned(taicpu(p1).oper[1])) or
+ OpsEquivalent(taicpu(p1).oper[1]^, taicpu(p2).oper[1]^, taicpu(p1), taicpu(p2), RegInfo, OpAct_Unknown)) and
+ (not(assigned(taicpu(p1).oper[2])) or
+ OpsEquivalent(taicpu(p1).oper[2]^, taicpu(p2).oper[2]^, taicpu(p1), taicpu(p2), RegInfo, OpAct_Unknown))
+ end
+ {the instructions haven't even got the same structure, so they're certainly
+ not equivalent}
+ else
+ begin
+ {$ifdef csdebug}
+ hp := tai_comment.Create(strpnew('different opcodes/format'));
+ hp.previous := p2;
+ :=;
+ := hp;
+ := hp;
+ {$endif csdebug}
+ InstructionsEquivalent := False;
+ end;
+ {$ifdef csdebug}
+ hp := tai_comment.Create(strpnew('instreq: '+tostr(byte(instructionsequivalent))));
+ hp.previous := p2;
+ :=;
+ := hp;
+ := hp;
+ {$endif csdebug}
+function InstructionsEqual(p1, p2: tai): Boolean;
+begin {checks whether two taicpu instructions are equal}
+ InstructionsEqual :=
+ assigned(p1) and assigned(p2) and
+ ((tai(p1).typ = ait_instruction) and
+ (tai(p1).typ = ait_instruction) and
+ (taicpu(p1).opcode = taicpu(p2).opcode) and
+ (taicpu(p1).oper[0]^.typ = taicpu(p2).oper[0]^.typ) and
+ (taicpu(p1).oper[1]^.typ = taicpu(p2).oper[1]^.typ) and
+ OpsEqual(taicpu(p1).oper[0]^.typ, taicpu(p1).oper[0]^, taicpu(p2).oper[0]^) and
+ OpsEqual(taicpu(p1).oper[1]^.typ, taicpu(p1).oper[1]^, taicpu(p2).oper[1]^))
+procedure readreg(p: ptaiprop; supreg: tsuperregister);
+ if supreg in [RS_EAX..RS_EDI] then
+ incState(p^.regs[supreg].rstate,1)
+procedure readref(p: ptaiprop; const ref: preference);
+ if ref^.base <> NR_NO then
+ readreg(p, getsupreg(ref^.base));
+ if ref^.index <> NR_NO then
+ readreg(p, getsupreg(ref^.index));
+procedure ReadOp(p: ptaiprop;const o:toper);
+ case o.typ Of
+ top_reg: readreg(p, getsupreg(o.reg));
+ top_ref: readref(p, o.ref);
+ end;
+function RefInInstruction(const ref: TReference; p: tai;
+ RefsEq: TRefCompare; size: tcgsize): Boolean;
+{checks whehter ref is used in p}
+ mysize: tcgsize;
+ TmpResult: Boolean;
+ TmpResult := False;
+ if (p.typ = ait_instruction) then
+ begin
+ mysize := topsize2tcgsize[taicpu(p).opsize];
+ if (taicpu(p).ops >= 1) and
+ (taicpu(p).oper[0]^.typ = top_ref) then
+ TmpResult := RefsEq(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.ref^,ref,mysize,size);
+ if not(TmpResult) and
+ (taicpu(p).ops >= 2) and
+ (taicpu(p).oper[1]^.typ = top_ref) then
+ TmpResult := RefsEq(taicpu(p).oper[1]^.ref^,ref,mysize,size);
+ if not(TmpResult) and
+ (taicpu(p).ops >= 3) and
+ (taicpu(p).oper[2]^.typ = top_ref) then
+ TmpResult := RefsEq(taicpu(p).oper[2]^.ref^,ref,mysize,size);
+ end;
+ RefInInstruction := TmpResult;
+function RefInSequence(const ref: TReference; Content: TContent;
+ RefsEq: TRefCompare; size: tcgsize): Boolean;
+{checks the whole sequence of Content (so StartMod and and the next NrOfMods
+ tai objects) to see whether ref is used somewhere}
+var p: tai;
+ Counter: Word;
+ TmpResult: Boolean;
+ p := Content.StartMod;
+ TmpResult := False;
+ Counter := 1;
+ while not(TmpResult) and
+ (Counter <= Content.NrOfMods) Do
+ begin
+ if (p.typ = ait_instruction) and
+ RefInInstruction(ref, p, RefsEq, size)
+ then TmpResult := True;
+ inc(Counter);
+ GetNextInstruction(p,p)
+ end;
+ RefInSequence := TmpResult
+// checks whether a write to r2 of size "size" contains address r1
+function arrayrefsoverlapping(const r1, r2: treference; size1, size2: tcgsize): Boolean;
+ realsize1, realsize2: aint;
+ realsize1 := tcgsize2size[size1];
+ realsize2 := tcgsize2size[size2];
+ arrayrefsoverlapping :=
+ (r2.offset <= r1.offset+realsize1) and
+ (r1.offset <= r2.offset+realsize2) and
+ (r1.segment = r2.segment) and
+ (r1.symbol=r2.symbol) and
+ (r1.base = r2.base)
+function isSimpleRef(const ref: treference): boolean;
+{ returns true if ref is reference to a local or global variable, to a }
+{ parameter or to an object field (this includes arrays). Returns false }
+{ otherwise. }
+ isSimpleRef :=
+ assigned(ref.symbol) or
+ (ref.base = current_procinfo.framepointer);
+function containsPointerRef(p: tai): boolean;
+{ checks if an instruction contains a reference which is a pointer location }
+ hp: taicpu;
+ count: longint;
+ containsPointerRef := false;
+ if p.typ <> ait_instruction then
+ exit;
+ hp := taicpu(p);
+ for count := 0 to hp.ops-1 do
+ begin
+ case hp.oper[count]^.typ of
+ top_ref:
+ if not isSimpleRef(hp.oper[count]^.ref^) then
+ begin
+ containsPointerRef := true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ top_none:
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+function containsPointerLoad(c: tcontent): boolean;
+{ checks whether the contents of a register contain a pointer reference }
+ p: tai;
+ count: longint;
+ containsPointerLoad := false;
+ p := c.startmod;
+ for count := c.nrOfMods downto 1 do
+ begin
+ if containsPointerRef(p) then
+ begin
+ containsPointerLoad := true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ getnextinstruction(p,p);
+ end;
+function writeToMemDestroysContents(regWritten: tsuperregister; const ref: treference;
+ supreg: tsuperregister; size: tcgsize; const c: tcontent; var invalsmemwrite: boolean): boolean;
+{ returns whether the contents c of reg are invalid after regWritten is }
+{ is written to ref }
+ refsEq: trefCompare;
+ if isSimpleRef(ref) then
+ begin
+ if (ref.index <> NR_NO) or
+ (assigned(ref.symbol) and
+ (ref.base <> NR_NO)) then
+ { local/global variable or parameter which is an array }
+ refsEq := @arrayRefsOverlapping
+ else
+ { local/global variable or parameter which is not an array }
+ refsEq := @refsOverlapping;
+ invalsmemwrite :=
+ assigned(c.memwrite) and
+ ((not(cs_opt_size in current_settings.optimizerswitches) and
+ containsPointerRef(c.memwrite)) or
+ refsEq(c.memwrite.oper[1]^.ref^,ref,topsize2tcgsize[c.memwrite.opsize],size));
+ if not(c.typ in [con_ref,con_noRemoveRef,con_invalid]) then
+ begin
+ writeToMemDestroysContents := false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { write something to a parameter, a local or global variable, so }
+ { * with uncertain optimizations on: }
+ { - destroy the contents of registers whose contents have somewhere a }
+ { "mov?? (ref), %reg". WhichReg (this is the register whose contents }
+ { are being written to memory) is not destroyed if it's StartMod is }
+ { of that form and NrOfMods = 1 (so if it holds ref, but is not a }
+ { expression based on ref) }
+ { * with uncertain optimizations off: }
+ { - also destroy registers that contain any pointer }
+ with c do
+ writeToMemDestroysContents :=
+ (typ in [con_ref,con_noRemoveRef]) and
+ ((not(cs_opt_size in current_settings.optimizerswitches) and
+ containsPointerLoad(c)
+ ) or
+ (refInSequence(ref,c,refsEq,size) and
+ ((supreg <> regWritten) or
+ not((nrOfMods = 1) and
+ {StarMod is always of the type ait_instruction}
+ (taicpu(StartMod).oper[0]^.typ = top_ref) and
+ refsEq(taicpu(StartMod).oper[0]^.ref^, ref, topsize2tcgsize[taicpu(StartMod).opsize],size)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ );
+ end
+ else
+ { write something to a pointer location, so }
+ { * with uncertain optimzations on: }
+ { - do not destroy registers which contain a local/global variable or }
+ { a parameter, except if DestroyRefs is called because of a "movsl" }
+ { * with uncertain optimzations off: }
+ { - destroy every register which contains a memory location }
+ begin
+ invalsmemwrite :=
+ assigned(c.memwrite) and
+ (not(cs_opt_size in current_settings.optimizerswitches) or
+ containsPointerRef(c.memwrite));
+ if not(c.typ in [con_ref,con_noRemoveRef,con_invalid]) then
+ begin
+ writeToMemDestroysContents := false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ with c do
+ writeToMemDestroysContents :=
+ (typ in [con_ref,con_noRemoveRef]) and
+ (not(cs_opt_size in current_settings.optimizerswitches) or
+ { for movsl }
+ ((ref.base = NR_EDI) and (ref.index = NR_EDI)) or
+ { don't destroy if reg contains a parameter, local or global variable }
+ containsPointerLoad(c)
+ );
+ end;
+function writeToRegDestroysContents(destReg, supreg: tsuperregister;
+ const c: tcontent): boolean;
+{ returns whether the contents c of reg are invalid after destReg is }
+{ modified }
+ writeToRegDestroysContents :=
+ (c.typ in [con_ref,con_noRemoveRef,con_invalid]) and
+ sequenceDependsOnReg(c,supreg,destReg);
+function writeDestroysContents(const op: toper; supreg: tsuperregister; size: tcgsize;
+ const c: tcontent; var memwritedestroyed: boolean): boolean;
+{ returns whether the contents c of reg are invalid after regWritten is }
+{ is written to op }
+ memwritedestroyed := false;
+ case op.typ of
+ top_reg:
+ writeDestroysContents :=
+ (getregtype(op.reg) = R_INTREGISTER) and
+ writeToRegDestroysContents(getsupreg(op.reg),supreg,c);
+ top_ref:
+ writeDestroysContents :=
+ writeToMemDestroysContents(RS_INVALID,op.ref^,supreg,size,c,memwritedestroyed);
+ else
+ writeDestroysContents := false;
+ end;
+procedure destroyRefs(p: tai; const ref: treference; regwritten: tsuperregister; size: tcgsize);
+{ destroys all registers which possibly contain a reference to ref, regWritten }
+{ is the register whose contents are being written to memory (if this proc }
+{ is called because of a "mov?? %reg, (mem)" instruction) }
+ counter: tsuperregister;
+ destroymemwrite: boolean;
+ for counter := RS_EAX to RS_EDI Do
+ begin
+ if writeToMemDestroysContents(regwritten,ref,counter,size,
+ ptaiprop(p.optInfo)^.regs[counter],destroymemwrite) then
+ destroyReg(ptaiprop(p.optInfo), counter, false)
+ else if destroymemwrite then
+ ptaiprop(p.optinfo)^.regs[counter].MemWrite := nil;
+ end;
+procedure DestroyAllRegs(p: ptaiprop; read, written: boolean);
+var Counter: tsuperregister;
+begin {initializes/desrtoys all registers}
+ For Counter := RS_EAX To RS_EDI Do
+ begin
+ if read then
+ readreg(p, Counter);
+ DestroyReg(p, Counter, written);
+ p^.regs[counter].MemWrite := nil;
+ end;
+ p^.DirFlag := F_Unknown;
+procedure DestroyOp(taiObj: tai; const o:Toper);
+{$ifdef statedebug}
+ hp: tai;
+{$endif statedebug}
+ case o.typ Of
+ top_reg:
+ begin
+{$ifdef statedebug}
+ hp := tai_comment.Create(strpnew('destroying '+std_regname(o.reg)));
+ :=;
+ hp.previous := taiobj;
+ := hp;
+ if assigned( then
+ := hp;
+{$endif statedebug}
+ DestroyReg(ptaiprop(taiObj.OptInfo), getsupreg(o.reg), true);
+ end;
+ top_ref:
+ begin
+ readref(ptaiprop(taiObj.OptInfo), o.ref);
+ DestroyRefs(taiObj, o.ref^, RS_INVALID,topsize2tcgsize[(taiobj as taicpu).opsize]);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure AddInstr2RegContents({$ifdef statedebug} asml: TAsmList; {$endif}
+p: taicpu; supreg: tsuperregister);
+{$ifdef statedebug}
+ hp: tai;
+{$endif statedebug}
+ With ptaiprop(p.optinfo)^.regs[supreg] Do
+ if (typ in [con_ref,con_noRemoveRef]) then
+ begin
+ incState(wstate,1);
+ { also store how many instructions are part of the sequence in the first }
+ { instructions ptaiprop, so it can be easily accessed from within }
+ { CheckSequence}
+ inc(NrOfMods, NrOfInstrSinceLastMod[supreg]);
+ ptaiprop(tai(StartMod).OptInfo)^.Regs[supreg].NrOfMods := NrOfMods;
+ NrOfInstrSinceLastMod[supreg] := 0;
+ invalidateDependingRegs(p.optinfo,supreg);
+ ptaiprop(p.optinfo)^.regs[supreg].memwrite := nil;
+{$ifdef StateDebug}
+ hp := tai_comment.Create(strpnew(std_regname(newreg(R_INTREGISTER,supreg,R_SUBWHOLE))+': '+tostr(ptaiprop(p.optinfo)^.Regs[supreg].WState)
+ + ' -- ' + tostr(ptaiprop(p.optinfo)^.Regs[supreg].nrofmods)));
+ InsertLLItem(AsmL, p,, hp);
+{$endif StateDebug}
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+{$ifdef statedebug}
+ hp := tai_comment.Create(strpnew('destroying '+std_regname(newreg(R_INTREGISTER,supreg,R_SUBWHOLE))));
+ insertllitem(asml,p,,hp);
+{$endif statedebug}
+ DestroyReg(ptaiprop(p.optinfo), supreg, true);
+{$ifdef StateDebug}
+ hp := tai_comment.Create(strpnew(std_regname(newreg(R_INTREGISTER,supreg,R_SUBWHOLE))+': '+tostr(ptaiprop(p.optinfo)^.Regs[supreg].WState)));
+ InsertLLItem(AsmL, p,, hp);
+{$endif StateDebug}
+ end
+procedure AddInstr2OpContents({$ifdef statedebug} asml: TAsmList; {$endif}
+p: taicpu; const oper: TOper);
+ if oper.typ = top_reg then
+ AddInstr2RegContents({$ifdef statedebug} asml, {$endif}p, getsupreg(oper.reg))
+ else
+ begin
+ ReadOp(ptaiprop(p.optinfo), oper);
+ DestroyOp(p, oper);
+ end
+{************************************** TDFAOBJ **************************************}
+constructor tdfaobj.create(_list: TAsmList);
+ list := _list;
+ blockstart := nil;
+ blockend := nil;
+ nroftaiobjs := 0;
+ taipropblock := nil;
+ lolab := 0;
+ hilab := 0;
+ labdif := 0;
+ labeltable := nil;
+procedure tdfaobj.initlabeltable;
+ labelfound: boolean;
+ p, prev: tai;
+ hp1, hp2: tai;
+{$ifdef i386}
+ regcounter,
+ supreg : tsuperregister;
+{$endif i386}
+ usedregs, nodeallocregs: tregset;
+ labelfound := false;
+ lolab := maxlongint;
+ hilab := 0;
+ p := blockstart;
+ prev := p;
+ while assigned(p) do
+ begin
+ if (tai(p).typ = ait_label) then
+ if not labelcanbeskipped(tai_label(p)) then
+ begin
+ labelfound := true;
+ if (tai_Label(p).labsym.labelnr < lolab) then
+ lolab := tai_label(p).labsym.labelnr;
+ if (tai_Label(p).labsym.labelnr > hilab) then
+ hilab := tai_label(p).labsym.labelnr;
+ end;
+ prev := p;
+ getnextinstruction(p, p);
+ end;
+ if (prev.typ = ait_marker) and
+ (tai_marker(prev).kind = mark_AsmBlockStart) then
+ blockend := prev
+ else blockend := nil;
+ if labelfound then
+ labdif := hilab+1-lolab
+ else labdif := 0;
+ usedregs := [];
+ if (labdif <> 0) then
+ begin
+ getmem(labeltable, labdif*sizeof(tlabeltableitem));
+ fillchar(labeltable^, labdif*sizeof(tlabeltableitem), 0);
+ end;
+ p := blockstart;
+ prev := p;
+ while (p <> blockend) do
+ begin
+ case p.typ of
+ ait_label:
+ if not labelcanbeskipped(tai_label(p)) then
+ labeltable^[tai_label(p).labsym.labelnr-lolab].taiobj := p;
+{$ifdef i386}
+ ait_regalloc:
+ if (getregtype(tai_regalloc(p).reg) = R_INTREGISTER) then
+ begin
+ supreg:=getsupreg(tai_regalloc(p).reg);
+ case tai_regalloc(p).ratype of
+ ra_alloc :
+ begin
+ if not(supreg in usedregs) then
+ include(usedregs, supreg)
+ else
+ begin
+ //addregdeallocfor(list, tai_regalloc(p).reg, p);
+ hp1 := tai(p.previous);
+ list.remove(p);
+ p := hp1;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ra_dealloc :
+ begin
+ exclude(usedregs, supreg);
+ hp1 := p;
+ hp2 := nil;
+ while not(findregalloc(supreg,tai(,ra_alloc)) and
+ getnextinstruction(hp1, hp1) and
+ regininstruction(getsupreg(tai_regalloc(p).reg), hp1) Do
+ hp2 := hp1;
+ if hp2 <> nil then
+ begin
+ hp1 := tai(p.previous);
+ list.remove(p);
+ insertllitem(list, hp2, tai(, p);
+ p := hp1;
+ end
+ else if findregalloc(getsupreg(tai_regalloc(p).reg), tai(,ra_alloc)
+ and getnextinstruction(p,hp1) then
+ begin
+ hp1 := tai(p.previous);
+ list.remove(p);
+ p := hp1;
+// don't include here, since then the allocation will be removed when it's processed
+// include(usedregs,supreg);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+{$endif i386}
+ end;
+ repeat
+ prev := p;
+ p := tai(;
+ until not(assigned(p)) or
+ (p = blockend) or
+ not(p.typ in (skipinstr - [ait_regalloc]));
+ end;
+{$ifdef i386}
+ { don't add deallocation for function result variable or for regvars}
+ getNoDeallocRegs(noDeallocRegs);
+ usedRegs := usedRegs - noDeallocRegs;
+ for regCounter := RS_EAX to RS_EDI do
+ if regCounter in usedRegs then
+ addRegDeallocFor(list,newreg(R_INTREGISTER,regCounter,R_SUBWHOLE),prev);
+{$endif i386}
+function tdfaobj.pass_1(_blockstart: tai): tai;
+ blockstart := _blockstart;
+ initlabeltable;
+ pass_1 := blockend;
+function tdfaobj.initdfapass2: boolean;
+{reserves memory for the PtaiProps in one big memory block when not using
+ TP, returns False if not enough memory is available for the optimizer in all
+ cases}
+ p: tai;
+ count: Longint;
+{ TmpStr: String; }
+ p := blockstart;
+ skiphead(p);
+ nroftaiobjs := 0;
+ while (p <> blockend) do
+ begin
+{$ifDef JumpAnal}
+ case p.typ of
+ ait_label:
+ begin
+ if not labelcanbeskipped(tai_label(p)) then
+ labeltable^[tai_label(p).labsym.labelnr-lolab].instrnr := nroftaiobjs
+ end;
+ ait_instruction:
+ begin
+ if taicpu(p).is_jmp then
+ begin
+ if (tasmlabel(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.sym).labsymabelnr >= lolab) and
+ (tasmlabel(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.sym).labsymabelnr <= hilab) then
+ inc(labeltable^[tasmlabel(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.sym).labsymabelnr-lolab].refsfound);
+ end;
+ end;
+{ ait_instruction:
+ begin
+ if (taicpu(p).opcode = A_PUSH) and
+ (taicpu(p).oper[0]^.typ = top_symbol) and
+ (PCSymbol(taicpu(p).oper[0]^)^.offset = 0) then
+ begin
+ TmpStr := StrPas(PCSymbol(taicpu(p).oper[0]^)^.symbol);
+ if}
+ end;
+{$endif JumpAnal}
+ inc(NrOftaiObjs);
+ getnextinstruction(p,p);
+ end;
+ if nroftaiobjs <> 0 then
+ begin
+ initdfapass2 := True;
+ getmem(taipropblock, nroftaiobjs*sizeof(ttaiprop));
+ fillchar(taiPropblock^,nroftaiobjs*sizeof(ttaiprop),0);
+ p := blockstart;
+ skiphead(p);
+ for count := 1 To nroftaiobjs do
+ begin
+ ptaiprop(p.optinfo) := @taipropblock^[count];
+ getnextinstruction(p, p);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ initdfapass2 := false;
+procedure tdfaobj.dodfapass2;
+{Analyzes the Data Flow of an assembler list. Starts creating the reg
+ contents for the instructions starting with p. Returns the last tai which has
+ been processed}
+ curprop, LastFlagsChangeProp: ptaiprop;
+ Cnt, InstrCnt : Longint;
+ InstrProp: TInsProp;
+ UsedRegs: TRegSet;
+ prev,p : tai;
+ tmpref: TReference;
+ tmpsupreg: tsuperregister;
+{$ifdef statedebug}
+ hp : tai;
+{$ifdef AnalyzeLoops}
+ hp : tai;
+ TmpState: Byte;
+{$endif AnalyzeLoops}
+ p := BlockStart;
+ LastFlagsChangeProp := nil;
+ prev := nil;
+ UsedRegs := [];
+ UpdateUsedregs(UsedRegs, p);
+ SkipHead(p);
+ BlockStart := p;
+ InstrCnt := 1;
+ fillchar(NrOfInstrSinceLastMod, SizeOf(NrOfInstrSinceLastMod), 0);
+ while (p <> Blockend) Do
+ begin
+ curprop := @taiPropBlock^[InstrCnt];
+ if assigned(prev)
+ then
+ begin
+{$ifdef JumpAnal}
+ if (p.Typ <> ait_label) then
+{$endif JumpAnal}
+ begin
+ curprop^.regs := ptaiprop(prev.OptInfo)^.Regs;
+ curprop^.DirFlag := ptaiprop(prev.OptInfo)^.DirFlag;
+ curprop^.FlagsUsed := false;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ fillchar(curprop^, SizeOf(curprop^), 0);
+{ For tmpreg := RS_EAX to RS_EDI Do
+ curprop^.regs[tmpreg].WState := 1;}
+ end;
+ curprop^.UsedRegs := UsedRegs;
+ curprop^.CanBeRemoved := False;
+ UpdateUsedRegs(UsedRegs, tai(p.Next));
+ For tmpsupreg := RS_EAX To RS_EDI Do
+ if NrOfInstrSinceLastMod[tmpsupreg] < 255 then
+ inc(NrOfInstrSinceLastMod[tmpsupreg])
+ else
+ begin
+ NrOfInstrSinceLastMod[tmpsupreg] := 0;
+ curprop^.regs[tmpsupreg].typ := con_unknown;
+ end;
+ case p.typ Of
+ ait_marker:;
+ ait_label:
+{$ifndef JumpAnal}
+ if not labelCanBeSkipped(tai_label(p)) then
+ DestroyAllRegs(curprop,false,false);
+{$else JumpAnal}
+ begin
+ if not labelCanBeSkipped(tai_label(p)) then
+ With LTable^[tai_Label(p).labsym^.labelnr-LoLab] Do
+{$ifDef AnalyzeLoops}
+ if (RefsFound = tai_Label(p).labsym^.RefCount)
+{$else AnalyzeLoops}
+ if (JmpsProcessed = tai_Label(p).labsym^.RefCount)
+{$endif AnalyzeLoops}
+ then
+{all jumps to this label have been found}
+{$ifDef AnalyzeLoops}
+ if (JmpsProcessed > 0)
+ then
+{$endif AnalyzeLoops}
+ {we've processed at least one jump to this label}
+ begin
+ if (GetLastInstruction(p, hp) and
+ not(((hp.typ = ait_instruction)) and
+ (taicpu_labeled(hp).is_jmp))
+ then
+ {previous instruction not a JMP -> the contents of the registers after the
+ previous intruction has been executed have to be taken into account as well}
+ For tmpsupreg := RS_EAX to RS_EDI Do
+ begin
+ if (curprop^.regs[tmpsupreg].WState <>
+ ptaiprop(hp.OptInfo)^.Regs[tmpsupreg].WState)
+ then DestroyReg(curprop, tmpsupreg, true)
+ end
+ end
+{$ifDef AnalyzeLoops}
+ else
+ {a label from a backward jump (e.g. a loop), no jump to this label has
+ already been processed}
+ if GetLastInstruction(p, hp) and
+ not(hp.typ = ait_instruction) and
+ (taicpu_labeled(hp).opcode = A_JMP))
+ then
+ {previous instruction not a jmp, so keep all the registers' contents from the
+ previous instruction}
+ begin
+ curprop^.regs := ptaiprop(hp.OptInfo)^.Regs;
+ curprop.DirFlag := ptaiprop(hp.OptInfo)^.DirFlag;
+ end
+ else
+ {previous instruction a jmp and no jump to this label processed yet}
+ begin
+ hp := p;
+ Cnt := InstrCnt;
+ {continue until we find a jump to the label or a label which has already
+ been processed}
+ while GetNextInstruction(hp, hp) and
+ not((hp.typ = ait_instruction) and
+ (taicpu(hp).is_jmp) and
+ (tasmlabel(taicpu(hp).oper[0]^.sym).labsymabelnr = tai_Label(p).labsym^.labelnr)) and
+ not((hp.typ = ait_label) and
+ (LTable^[tai_Label(hp).labsym^.labelnr-LoLab].RefsFound
+ = tai_Label(hp).labsym^.RefCount) and
+ (LTable^[tai_Label(hp).labsym^.labelnr-LoLab].JmpsProcessed > 0)) Do
+ inc(Cnt);
+ if (hp.typ = ait_label)
+ then
+ {there's a processed label after the current one}
+ begin
+ curprop^.regs := taiPropBlock^[Cnt].Regs;
+ curprop.DirFlag := taiPropBlock^[Cnt].DirFlag;
+ end
+ else
+ {there's no label anymore after the current one, or they haven't been
+ processed yet}
+ begin
+ GetLastInstruction(p, hp);
+ curprop^.regs := ptaiprop(hp.OptInfo)^.Regs;
+ curprop.DirFlag := ptaiprop(hp.OptInfo)^.DirFlag;
+ DestroyAllRegs(ptaiprop(hp.OptInfo),true,true)
+ end
+ end
+{$endif AnalyzeLoops}
+ else
+{not all references to this label have been found, so destroy all registers}
+ begin
+ GetLastInstruction(p, hp);
+ curprop^.regs := ptaiprop(hp.OptInfo)^.Regs;
+ curprop.DirFlag := ptaiprop(hp.OptInfo)^.DirFlag;
+ DestroyAllRegs(curprop,true,true)
+ end;
+ end;
+{$endif JumpAnal}
+ ait_stab, ait_force_line, ait_function_name:;
+ ait_align: ; { may destroy flags !!! }
+ ait_instruction:
+ begin
+ if taicpu(p).is_jmp or
+ (taicpu(p).opcode = A_JMP) then
+ begin
+{$ifNDef JumpAnal}
+ for tmpsupreg := RS_EAX to RS_EDI do
+ with curprop^.regs[tmpsupreg] do
+ case typ of
+ con_ref: typ := con_noRemoveRef;
+ con_const: typ := con_noRemoveConst;
+ con_invalid: typ := con_unknown;
+ end;
+{$else JumpAnal}
+ With LTable^[tasmlabel(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.sym).labsymabelnr-LoLab] Do
+ if (RefsFound = tasmlabel(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.sym).RefCount) then
+ begin
+ if (InstrCnt < InstrNr)
+ then
+ {forward jump}
+ if (JmpsProcessed = 0) then
+ {no jump to this label has been processed yet}
+ begin
+ taiPropBlock^[InstrNr].Regs := curprop^.regs;
+ taiPropBlock^[InstrNr].DirFlag := curprop.DirFlag;
+ inc(JmpsProcessed);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ For tmpreg := RS_EAX to RS_EDI Do
+ if (taiPropBlock^[InstrNr].Regs[tmpreg].WState <>
+ curprop^.regs[tmpreg].WState) then
+ DestroyReg(@taiPropBlock^[InstrNr], tmpreg, true);
+ inc(JmpsProcessed);
+ end
+{$ifdef AnalyzeLoops}
+ else
+{ backward jump, a loop for example}
+{ if (JmpsProcessed > 0) or
+ not(GetLastInstruction(taiObj, hp) and
+ (hp.typ = ait_labeled_instruction) and
+ (taicpu_labeled(hp).opcode = A_JMP))
+ then}
+{instruction prior to label is not a jmp, or at least one jump to the label
+ has yet been processed}
+ begin
+ inc(JmpsProcessed);
+ For tmpreg := RS_EAX to RS_EDI Do
+ if (taiPropBlock^[InstrNr].Regs[tmpreg].WState <>
+ curprop^.regs[tmpreg].WState)
+ then
+ begin
+ TmpState := taiPropBlock^[InstrNr].Regs[tmpreg].WState;
+ Cnt := InstrNr;
+ while (TmpState = taiPropBlock^[Cnt].Regs[tmpreg].WState) Do
+ begin
+ DestroyReg(@taiPropBlock^[Cnt], tmpreg, true);
+ inc(Cnt);
+ end;
+ while (Cnt <= InstrCnt) Do
+ begin
+ inc(taiPropBlock^[Cnt].Regs[tmpreg].WState);
+ inc(Cnt)
+ end
+ end;
+ end
+{ else }
+{instruction prior to label is a jmp and no jumps to the label have yet been
+ processed}
+{ begin
+ inc(JmpsProcessed);
+ For tmpreg := RS_EAX to RS_EDI Do
+ begin
+ TmpState := taiPropBlock^[InstrNr].Regs[tmpreg].WState;
+ Cnt := InstrNr;
+ while (TmpState = taiPropBlock^[Cnt].Regs[tmpreg].WState) Do
+ begin
+ taiPropBlock^[Cnt].Regs[tmpreg] := curprop^.regs[tmpreg];
+ inc(Cnt);
+ end;
+ TmpState := taiPropBlock^[InstrNr].Regs[tmpreg].WState;
+ while (TmpState = taiPropBlock^[Cnt].Regs[tmpreg].WState) Do
+ begin
+ DestroyReg(@taiPropBlock^[Cnt], tmpreg, true);
+ inc(Cnt);
+ end;
+ while (Cnt <= InstrCnt) Do
+ begin
+ inc(taiPropBlock^[Cnt].Regs[tmpreg].WState);
+ inc(Cnt)
+ end
+ end
+ end}
+{$endif AnalyzeLoops}
+ end;
+{$endif JumpAnal}
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ InstrProp := InsProp[taicpu(p).opcode];
+ case taicpu(p).opcode Of
+ begin
+ case taicpu(p).oper[0]^.typ Of
+ top_ref, top_reg:
+ case taicpu(p).oper[1]^.typ Of
+ top_reg:
+ begin
+{$ifdef statedebug}
+ hp := tai_comment.Create(strpnew('destroying '+std_regname(taicpu(p).oper[1]^.reg)));
+ insertllitem(list,p,,hp);
+{$endif statedebug}
+ readOp(curprop, taicpu(p).oper[0]^);
+ tmpsupreg := getsupreg(taicpu(p).oper[1]^.reg);
+ if reginop(tmpsupreg, taicpu(p).oper[0]^) and
+ (curprop^.regs[tmpsupreg].typ in [con_ref,con_noRemoveRef]) then
+ begin
+ with curprop^.regs[tmpsupreg] Do
+ begin
+ incState(wstate,1);
+ { also store how many instructions are part of the sequence in the first }
+ { instruction's ptaiprop, so it can be easily accessed from within }
+ { CheckSequence }
+ inc(nrOfMods, nrOfInstrSinceLastMod[tmpsupreg]);
+ ptaiprop(startmod.optinfo)^.regs[tmpsupreg].nrOfMods := nrOfMods;
+ nrOfInstrSinceLastMod[tmpsupreg] := 0;
+ { Destroy the contents of the registers }
+ { that depended on the previous value of }
+ { this register }
+ invalidateDependingRegs(curprop,tmpsupreg);
+ curprop^.regs[tmpsupreg].memwrite := nil;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+{$ifdef statedebug}
+ hp := tai_comment.Create(strpnew('destroying & initing '+std_regname(newreg(R_INTREGISTER,tmpsupreg,R_SUBWHOLE))));
+ insertllitem(list,p,,hp);
+{$endif statedebug}
+ destroyReg(curprop, tmpsupreg, true);
+ if not(reginop(tmpsupreg, taicpu(p).oper[0]^)) then
+ with curprop^.regs[tmpsupreg] Do
+ begin
+ typ := con_ref;
+ startmod := p;
+ nrOfMods := 1;
+ end
+ end;
+{$ifdef StateDebug}
+ hp := tai_comment.Create(strpnew(std_regname(newreg(R_INTREGISTER,tmpsupreg,R_SUBWHOLE))+': '+tostr(curprop^.regs[tmpsupreg].WState)));
+ insertllitem(list,p,,hp);
+{$endif StateDebug}
+ end;
+ top_ref:
+ begin
+ readref(curprop, taicpu(p).oper[1]^.ref);
+ if taicpu(p).oper[0]^.typ = top_reg then
+ begin
+ readreg(curprop, getsupreg(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg));
+ DestroyRefs(p, taicpu(p).oper[1]^.ref^, getsupreg(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg),topsize2tcgsize[taicpu(p).opsize]);
+ ptaiprop(p.optinfo)^.regs[getsupreg(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg)].memwrite :=
+ taicpu(p);
+ end
+ else
+ DestroyRefs(p, taicpu(p).oper[1]^.ref^, RS_INVALID,topsize2tcgsize[taicpu(p).opsize]);
+ end;
+ end;
+ top_Const:
+ begin
+ case taicpu(p).oper[1]^.typ Of
+ top_reg:
+ begin
+ tmpsupreg := getsupreg(taicpu(p).oper[1]^.reg);
+{$ifdef statedebug}
+ hp := tai_comment.Create(strpnew('destroying '+std_regname(newreg(R_INTREGISTER,tmpsupreg,R_SUBWHOLE))));
+ insertllitem(list,p,,hp);
+{$endif statedebug}
+ With curprop^.regs[tmpsupreg] Do
+ begin
+ DestroyReg(curprop, tmpsupreg, true);
+ typ := Con_Const;
+ StartMod := p;
+ nrOfMods := 1;
+ end
+ end;
+ top_ref:
+ begin
+ readref(curprop, taicpu(p).oper[1]^.ref);
+ DestroyRefs(p, taicpu(p).oper[1]^.ref^, RS_INVALID,topsize2tcgsize[taicpu(p).opsize]);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ ReadOp(curprop, taicpu(p).oper[0]^);
+ readreg(curprop,RS_EAX);
+ if (taicpu(p).OpCode = A_IDIV) or
+ (taicpu(p).OpCode = A_DIV) then
+ begin
+ readreg(curprop,RS_EDX);
+ end;
+{$ifdef statedebug}
+ hp := tai_comment.Create(strpnew('destroying eax and edx'));
+ insertllitem(list,p,,hp);
+{$endif statedebug}
+{ DestroyReg(curprop, RS_EAX, true);}
+ AddInstr2RegContents({$ifdef statedebug}list,{$endif}
+ taicpu(p), RS_EAX);
+ DestroyReg(curprop, RS_EDX, true);
+ LastFlagsChangeProp := curprop;
+ end;
+ begin
+ ReadOp(curprop,taicpu(p).oper[0]^);
+ if (taicpu(p).ops >= 2) then
+ ReadOp(curprop,taicpu(p).oper[1]^);
+ if (taicpu(p).ops <= 2) then
+ if (taicpu(p).ops=1) then
+ begin
+ readreg(curprop,RS_EAX);
+{$ifdef statedebug}
+ hp := tai_comment.Create(strpnew('destroying eax and edx'));
+ insertllitem(list,p,,hp);
+{$endif statedebug}
+{ DestroyReg(curprop, RS_EAX, true); }
+ AddInstr2RegContents({$ifdef statedebug}list,{$endif}
+ taicpu(p), RS_EAX);
+ DestroyReg(curprop,RS_EDX, true)
+ end
+ else
+ AddInstr2OpContents(
+ {$ifdef statedebug}list,{$endif}
+ taicpu(p), taicpu(p).oper[1]^)
+ else
+ AddInstr2OpContents({$ifdef statedebug}list,{$endif}
+ taicpu(p), taicpu(p).oper[2]^);
+ LastFlagsChangeProp := curprop;
+ end;
+ A_LEA:
+ begin
+ readop(curprop,taicpu(p).oper[0]^);
+ if reginref(getsupreg(taicpu(p).oper[1]^.reg),taicpu(p).oper[0]^.ref^) then
+ AddInstr2RegContents({$ifdef statedebug}list,{$endif}
+ taicpu(p), getsupreg(taicpu(p).oper[1]^.reg))
+ else
+ begin
+{$ifdef statedebug}
+ hp := tai_comment.Create(strpnew('destroying & initing'+
+ std_regname(taicpu(p).oper[1]^.reg)));
+ insertllitem(list,p,,hp);
+{$endif statedebug}
+ destroyreg(curprop,getsupreg(taicpu(p).oper[1]^.reg),true);
+ with curprop^.regs[getsupreg(taicpu(p).oper[1]^.reg)] Do
+ begin
+ typ := con_ref;
+ startmod := p;
+ nrOfMods := 1;
+ end
+ end;
+ end;
+ else
+ begin
+ Cnt := 1;
+ while (Cnt <= maxinschanges) and
+ (InstrProp.Ch[Cnt] <> Ch_None) Do
+ begin
+ case InstrProp.Ch[Cnt] Of
+ begin
+ tmpsupreg:=tch2reg(InstrProp.Ch[Cnt]);
+ readreg(curprop,tmpsupreg);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (InstrProp.Ch[Cnt] >= Ch_RWEAX) then
+ begin
+ tmpsupreg:=tch2reg(InstrProp.Ch[Cnt]);
+ readreg(curprop,tmpsupreg);
+ end;
+{$ifdef statedebug}
+ hp := tai_comment.Create(strpnew('destroying '+
+ std_regname(tch2reg(InstrProp.Ch[Cnt]))));
+ insertllitem(list,p,,hp);
+{$endif statedebug}
+ tmpsupreg:=tch2reg(InstrProp.Ch[Cnt]);
+ DestroyReg(curprop,tmpsupreg, true);
+ end;
+ begin
+ tmpsupreg:=tch2reg(InstrProp.Ch[Cnt]);
+ AddInstr2RegContents({$ifdef statedebug} list,{$endif}
+ taicpu(p),tmpsupreg);
+ end;
+ Ch_CDirFlag: curprop^.DirFlag := F_notSet;
+ Ch_SDirFlag: curprop^.DirFlag := F_Set;
+ Ch_Rop1: ReadOp(curprop, taicpu(p).oper[0]^);
+ Ch_Rop2: ReadOp(curprop, taicpu(p).oper[1]^);
+ Ch_ROp3: ReadOp(curprop, taicpu(p).oper[2]^);
+ Ch_Wop1..Ch_RWop1:
+ begin
+ if (InstrProp.Ch[Cnt] in [Ch_RWop1]) then
+ ReadOp(curprop, taicpu(p).oper[0]^);
+ DestroyOp(p, taicpu(p).oper[0]^);
+ end;
+ Ch_Mop1:
+ AddInstr2OpContents({$ifdef statedebug} list, {$endif}
+ taicpu(p), taicpu(p).oper[0]^);
+ Ch_Wop2..Ch_RWop2:
+ begin
+ if (InstrProp.Ch[Cnt] = Ch_RWop2) then
+ ReadOp(curprop, taicpu(p).oper[1]^);
+ DestroyOp(p, taicpu(p).oper[1]^);
+ end;
+ Ch_Mop2:
+ AddInstr2OpContents({$ifdef statedebug} list, {$endif}
+ taicpu(p), taicpu(p).oper[1]^);
+ Ch_WOp3..Ch_RWOp3:
+ begin
+ if (InstrProp.Ch[Cnt] = Ch_RWOp3) then
+ ReadOp(curprop, taicpu(p).oper[2]^);
+ DestroyOp(p, taicpu(p).oper[2]^);
+ end;
+ Ch_Mop3:
+ AddInstr2OpContents({$ifdef statedebug} list, {$endif}
+ taicpu(p), taicpu(p).oper[2]^);
+ Ch_WMemEDI:
+ begin
+ readreg(curprop, RS_EDI);
+ fillchar(tmpref, SizeOf(tmpref), 0);
+ tmpref.base := NR_EDI;
+ tmpref.index := NR_EDI;
+ DestroyRefs(p, tmpref,RS_INVALID,OS_32)
+ end;
+ Ch_RFlags:
+ if assigned(LastFlagsChangeProp) then
+ LastFlagsChangeProp^.FlagsUsed := true;
+ Ch_WFlags:
+ LastFlagsChangeProp := curprop;
+ Ch_RWFlags:
+ begin
+ if assigned(LastFlagsChangeProp) then
+ LastFlagsChangeProp^.FlagsUsed := true;
+ LastFlagsChangeProp := curprop;
+ end;
+ Ch_FPU:;
+ else
+ begin
+{$ifdef statedebug}
+ hp := tai_comment.Create(strpnew(
+ 'destroying all regs for prev instruction'));
+ insertllitem(list,p,,hp);
+{$endif statedebug}
+ DestroyAllRegs(curprop,true,true);
+ LastFlagsChangeProp := curprop;
+ end;
+ end;
+ inc(Cnt);
+ end
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+{$ifdef statedebug}
+ hp := tai_comment.Create(strpnew(
+ 'destroying all regs: unknown tai: '+tostr(ord(p.typ))));
+ insertllitem(list,p,,hp);
+{$endif statedebug}
+ DestroyAllRegs(curprop,true,true);
+ end;
+ end;
+ inc(InstrCnt);
+ prev := p;
+ GetNextInstruction(p, p);
+ end;
+function tdfaobj.pass_generate_code: boolean;
+ if initdfapass2 then
+ begin
+ dodfapass2;
+ pass_generate_code := true
+ end
+ else
+ pass_generate_code := false;
+function tdfaobj.getlabelwithsym(sym: tasmlabel): tai;
+ if (sym.labelnr >= lolab) and
+ (sym.labelnr <= hilab) then { range check, a jump can go past an assembler block! }
+ getlabelwithsym := labeltable^[sym.labelnr-lolab].taiobj
+ else
+ getlabelwithsym := nil;
+procedure tdfaobj.clear;
+ if labdif <> 0 then
+ begin
+ freemem(labeltable);
+ labeltable := nil;
+ end;
+ if assigned(taipropblock) then
+ begin
+ freemem(taipropblock, nroftaiobjs*sizeof(ttaiprop));
+ taipropblock := nil;
+ end;