path: root/closures/compiler/ncgcal.pas
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1 files changed, 976 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/closures/compiler/ncgcal.pas b/closures/compiler/ncgcal.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46cf0fb1ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/closures/compiler/ncgcal.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,976 @@
+ {
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl
+ Generate assembler for call nodes
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit ncgcal;
+ uses
+ cpubase,
+ globtype,
+ parabase,cgutils,
+ symdef,node,ncal;
+ type
+ tcgcallparanode = class(tcallparanode)
+ private
+ tempcgpara : tcgpara;
+ procedure push_addr_para;
+ procedure push_value_para;
+ public
+ constructor create(expr,next : tnode);override;
+ destructor destroy;override;
+ procedure secondcallparan;override;
+ end;
+ tcgcallnode = class(tcallnode)
+ private
+ procedure handle_return_value;
+ procedure release_unused_return_value;
+ procedure release_para_temps;
+ procedure pushparas;
+ procedure freeparas;
+ protected
+ retloc: tcgpara;
+ framepointer_paraloc : tcgpara;
+ {# This routine is used to push the current frame pointer
+ on the stack. This is used in nested routines where the
+ value of the frame pointer is always pushed as an extra
+ parameter.
+ The default handling is the standard handling used on
+ most stack based machines, where the frame pointer is
+ the first invisible parameter.
+ }
+ procedure pop_parasize(pop_size:longint);virtual;
+ procedure extra_interrupt_code;virtual;
+ procedure extra_call_code;virtual;
+ procedure extra_post_call_code;virtual;
+ procedure do_syscall;virtual;abstract;
+ { The function result is returned in a tcgpara. This tcgpara has to
+ be translated into a tlocation so the rest of the code generator
+ can work with it. This routine decides what the most appropriate
+ tlocation is and sets self.location based on that. }
+ procedure set_result_location(realresdef: tstoreddef);virtual;
+ public
+ procedure pass_generate_code;override;
+ destructor destroy;override;
+ end;
+ uses
+ systems,
+ cutils,verbose,globals,
+ cpuinfo,
+ symconst,symtable,defutil,paramgr,
+ cgbase,pass_2,
+ aasmbase,aasmtai,aasmdata,
+ nbas,nmem,nld,ncnv,nutils,
+{$ifdef x86}
+ cga,cgx86,aasmcpu,
+{$endif x86}
+ ncgutil,
+ cgobj,tgobj,
+ procinfo,
+ wpobase;
+ constructor tcgcallparanode.create(expr,next : tnode);
+ begin
+ inherited create(expr,next);
+ tempcgpara.init;
+ end;
+ destructor tcgcallparanode.destroy;
+ begin
+ tempcgpara.done;
+ inherited destroy;
+ end;
+ procedure tcgcallparanode.push_addr_para;
+ begin
+ if not(left.location.loc in [LOC_CREFERENCE,LOC_REFERENCE]) then
+ internalerror(200304235);
+ cg.a_loadaddr_ref_cgpara(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,left.location.reference,tempcgpara);
+ end;
+ procedure tcgcallparanode.push_value_para;
+ begin
+ { we've nothing to push when the size of the parameter is 0 }
+ if left.resultdef.size=0 then
+ exit;
+ { Move flags and jump in register to make it less complex }
+ location_force_reg(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,left.location,def_cgsize(left.resultdef),false);
+ { load the parameter's tlocation into its cgpara }
+ gen_load_loc_cgpara(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,left.resultdef,left.location,tempcgpara)
+ end;
+ procedure tcgcallparanode.secondcallparan;
+ var
+ href : treference;
+ otlabel,
+ oflabel : tasmlabel;
+ begin
+ if not(assigned(parasym)) then
+ internalerror(200304242);
+ { Skip nothingn nodes which are used after disabling
+ a parameter }
+ if (left.nodetype<>nothingn) then
+ begin
+ otlabel:=current_procinfo.CurrTrueLabel;
+ oflabel:=current_procinfo.CurrFalseLabel;
+ current_asmdata.getjumplabel(current_procinfo.CurrTrueLabel);
+ current_asmdata.getjumplabel(current_procinfo.CurrFalseLabel);
+ secondpass(left);
+ maybechangeloadnodereg(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,left,true);
+ { release memory for refcnt out parameters }
+ if (parasym.varspez=vs_out) and
+ is_managed_type(left.resultdef) then
+ begin
+ location_get_data_ref(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,left.location,href,false,sizeof(pint));
+ if is_open_array(resultdef) then
+ begin
+ { if elementdef is not managed, omit fpc_decref_array
+ because it won't do anything anyway }
+ if is_managed_type(tarraydef(resultdef).elementdef) then
+ begin
+ if third=nil then
+ InternalError(201103063);
+ secondpass(third);
+ cg.g_array_rtti_helper(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,tarraydef(resultdef).elementdef,
+ href,third.location,'FPC_FINALIZE_ARRAY');
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ cg.g_finalize(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,left.resultdef,href)
+ end;
+ paramanager.createtempparaloc(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,aktcallnode.procdefinition.proccalloption,parasym,not followed_by_stack_tainting_call_cached,tempcgpara);
+ { handle varargs first, because parasym is not valid }
+ if (cpf_varargs_para in callparaflags) then
+ begin
+ if paramanager.push_addr_param(vs_value,left.resultdef,
+ aktcallnode.procdefinition.proccalloption) then
+ push_addr_para
+ else
+ push_value_para;
+ end
+ { hidden parameters }
+ else if (vo_is_hidden_para in parasym.varoptions) then
+ begin
+ { don't push a node that already generated a pointer type
+ by address for implicit hidden parameters }
+ if (vo_is_funcret in parasym.varoptions) or
+ { pass "this" in C++ classes explicitly as pointer
+ because push_addr_param might not be true for them }
+ (is_cppclass(parasym.vardef) and (vo_is_self in parasym.varoptions)) or
+ (not(left.resultdef.typ in [pointerdef,classrefdef]) and
+ paramanager.push_addr_param(parasym.varspez,parasym.vardef,
+ aktcallnode.procdefinition.proccalloption)) then
+ push_addr_para
+ else
+ push_value_para;
+ end
+ { formal def }
+ else if (parasym.vardef.typ=formaldef) then
+ begin
+ { allow passing of a constant to a const formaldef }
+ if (parasym.varspez=vs_const) and
+ (left.location.loc in [LOC_CONSTANT,LOC_REGISTER]) then
+ location_force_mem(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,left.location);
+ push_addr_para;
+ end
+ { Normal parameter }
+ else
+ begin
+ { don't push a node that already generated a pointer type
+ by address for implicit hidden parameters }
+ if (not(
+ (vo_is_hidden_para in parasym.varoptions) and
+ (left.resultdef.typ in [pointerdef,classrefdef])
+ ) and
+ paramanager.push_addr_param(parasym.varspez,parasym.vardef,
+ aktcallnode.procdefinition.proccalloption)) and
+ { dyn. arrays passed to an array of const must be passed by value, see tests/webtbs/tw4219.pp }
+ not(
+ is_array_of_const(parasym.vardef) and
+ is_dynamic_array(left.resultdef)
+ ) then
+ begin
+ { Passing a var parameter to a var parameter, we can
+ just push the address transparently }
+ if (left.nodetype=loadn) and
+ (tloadnode(left).is_addr_param_load) then
+ begin
+ if (left.location.reference.index<>NR_NO) or
+ (left.location.reference.offset<>0) then
+ internalerror(200410107);
+ cg.a_load_reg_cgpara(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,OS_ADDR,left.location.reference.base,tempcgpara)
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { Force to be in memory }
+ if not(left.location.loc in [LOC_CREFERENCE,LOC_REFERENCE]) then
+ location_force_mem(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,left.location);
+ push_addr_para;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ push_value_para;
+ end;
+ current_procinfo.CurrTrueLabel:=otlabel;
+ current_procinfo.CurrFalseLabel:=oflabel;
+ { update return location in callnode when this is the function
+ result }
+ if assigned(parasym) and
+ (vo_is_funcret in parasym.varoptions) then
+ location_copy(aktcallnode.location,left.location);
+ end;
+ { next parameter }
+ if assigned(right) then
+ tcallparanode(right).secondcallparan;
+ end;
+{$if first_mm_imreg = 0}
+ {$WARN 4044 OFF} { Comparison might be always false ... }
+ procedure tcgcallnode.extra_interrupt_code;
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure tcgcallnode.extra_call_code;
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure tcgcallnode.extra_post_call_code;
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure tcgcallnode.set_result_location(realresdef: tstoreddef);
+ begin
+ if realresdef.is_intregable or
+ realresdef.is_fpuregable or
+ { avoid temporarily storing pointer-sized entities that can't be
+ regvars, such as reference-counted pointers, to memory --
+ no exception can occur right now (except in case of existing
+ memory corruption), and we'd store them to a regular temp
+ anyway and that is not safer than keeping them in a register }
+ ((realresdef.size=sizeof(aint)) and
+ (retloc.location^.loc=LOC_REGISTER) and
+ not assigned(retloc.location^.next)) then
+ location_allocate_register(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,location,realresdef,false)
+ else
+ begin
+ location_reset_ref(location,LOC_REFERENCE,def_cgsize(realresdef),0);
+ tg.GetTemp(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,retloc.intsize,retloc.Alignment,tt_normal,location.reference);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcgcallnode.pop_parasize(pop_size:longint);
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure tcgcallnode.handle_return_value;
+ var
+ realresdef: tstoreddef;
+ begin
+ { Check that the return location is set when the result is passed in
+ a parameter }
+ if (procdefinition.proctypeoption<>potype_constructor) and
+ paramanager.ret_in_param(resultdef,procdefinition.proccalloption) then
+ begin
+ { self.location is set near the end of secondcallparan so it
+ refers to the implicit result parameter }
+ if location.loc<>LOC_REFERENCE then
+ internalerror(200304241);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if not assigned(typedef) then
+ realresdef:=tstoreddef(resultdef)
+ else
+ realresdef:=tstoreddef(typedef);
+{$ifdef x86}
+ if (retloc.location^.loc=LOC_FPUREGISTER) then
+ begin
+ tcgx86(cg).inc_fpu_stack;
+ location_reset(location,LOC_FPUREGISTER,retloc.location^.size);
+ location.register:=retloc.location^.register;
+ end
+ else
+{$endif x86}
+ begin
+ { get a tlocation that can hold the return value that's currently in
+ the the return value's tcgpara }
+ set_result_location(realresdef);
+ { Do not move the physical register to a virtual one in case
+ the return value is not used, because if the virtual one is
+ then mapped to the same register as the physical one, we will
+ end up with two deallocs of this register (one inserted here,
+ one inserted by the register allocator), which unbalances the
+ register allocation information. The return register(s) will
+ be freed by location_free() in release_unused_return_value
+ (mantis #13536). }
+ if (cnf_return_value_used in callnodeflags) or
+ assigned(funcretnode) then
+ begin
+ gen_load_cgpara_loc(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,realresdef,retloc,location,false);
+{$ifdef arm}
+ if (resultdef.typ=floatdef) and
+ (location.loc=LOC_REGISTER) and
+ (current_settings.fputype in [fpu_fpa,fpu_fpa10,fpu_fpa11]) then
+ begin
+ location_force_mem(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,location);
+ end;
+{$endif arm}
+ end;
+ end;
+ { copy value to the final location if this was already provided to the
+ callnode. This must be done after the call node, because the location can
+ also be used as parameter and may not be finalized yet }
+ if assigned(funcretnode) then
+ begin
+ funcretnode.pass_generate_code;
+ { Decrease refcount for refcounted types, this can be skipped when
+ we have used a temp, because then it is already done from tempcreatenode.
+ Also no finalize is needed, because there is no risk of exceptions from the
+ function since this is code is only executed after the function call has returned }
+ if is_managed_type(funcretnode.resultdef) and
+ (funcretnode.nodetype<>temprefn) then
+ cg.g_finalize(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,funcretnode.resultdef,funcretnode.location.reference);
+ case location.loc of
+ begin
+{$ifndef cpu64bitalu}
+ if location.size in [OS_64,OS_S64] then
+ cg64.a_load64_reg_loc(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,location.register64,funcretnode.location)
+ else
+ cg.a_load_reg_loc(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,location.size,location.register,funcretnode.location);
+ location_free(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,location);
+ end;
+ begin
+ case funcretnode.location.loc of
+ cg.a_load_ref_reg(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,location.size,location.size,location.reference,funcretnode.location.register);
+ cg.g_concatcopy(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,location.reference,funcretnode.location.reference,resultdef.size);
+ else
+ internalerror(200802121);
+ end;
+ location_freetemp(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,location);
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(200709085);
+ end;
+ location := funcretnode.location;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcgcallnode.release_unused_return_value;
+ begin
+ { When the result is not used we need to finalize the result and
+ can release the temp. This need to be after the callcleanupblock
+ tree is generated, because that converts the temp from persistent to normal }
+ if not(cnf_return_value_used in callnodeflags) then
+ begin
+ case location.loc of
+ begin
+ if is_managed_type(resultdef) then
+ cg.g_finalize(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,resultdef,location.reference);
+ tg.ungetiftemp(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,location.reference);
+ end;
+{$ifdef x86}
+ begin
+ { release FPU stack }
+ tcgx86(cg).dec_fpu_stack;
+ end;
+{$endif x86}
+ end;
+ if (retloc.intsize<>0) then
+ paramanager.freecgpara(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,retloc);
+ location_reset(location,LOC_VOID,OS_NO);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcgcallnode.release_para_temps;
+ var
+ hp,
+ hp2 : tnode;
+ ppn : tcallparanode;
+ begin
+ { Release temps from parameters }
+ ppn:=tcallparanode(left);
+ while assigned(ppn) do
+ begin
+ if assigned(ppn.left) then
+ begin
+ { don't release the funcret temp }
+ if not(assigned(ppn.parasym)) or
+ not(vo_is_funcret in ppn.parasym.varoptions) then
+ location_freetemp(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,ppn.left.location);
+ { process also all nodes of an array of const }
+ hp:=ppn.left;
+ while (hp.nodetype=typeconvn) do
+ hp:=ttypeconvnode(hp).left;
+ if (hp.nodetype=arrayconstructorn) and
+ assigned(tarrayconstructornode(hp).left) then
+ begin
+ while assigned(hp) do
+ begin
+ hp2:=tarrayconstructornode(hp).left;
+ { ignore typeconvs and addrn inserted by arrayconstructn for
+ passing a shortstring }
+ if (hp2.nodetype=typeconvn) and
+ (tunarynode(hp2).left.nodetype=addrn) then
+ hp2:=tunarynode(tunarynode(hp2).left).left;
+ location_freetemp(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,hp2.location);
+ hp:=tarrayconstructornode(hp).right;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ppn:=tcallparanode(ppn.right);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcgcallnode.pushparas;
+ var
+ ppn : tcgcallparanode;
+ callerparaloc,
+ tmpparaloc : pcgparalocation;
+ sizeleft: aint;
+ htempref,
+ href : treference;
+ calleralignment,
+ tmpalignment: longint;
+ skipiffinalloc: boolean;
+ begin
+ { copy all resources to the allocated registers }
+ ppn:=tcgcallparanode(left);
+ while assigned(ppn) do
+ begin
+ if (ppn.left.nodetype<>nothingn) then
+ begin
+ { better check for the real location of the parameter here, when stack passed parameters
+ are saved temporary in registers, checking for the tmpparaloc.loc is wrong
+ }
+ paramanager.freecgpara(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,ppn.tempcgpara);
+ tmpparaloc:=ppn.tempcgpara.location;
+ sizeleft:=ppn.tempcgpara.intsize;
+ calleralignment:=ppn.parasym.paraloc[callerside].alignment;
+ tmpalignment:=ppn.tempcgpara.alignment;
+ if (tmpalignment=0) or
+ (calleralignment=0) then
+ internalerror(2009020701);
+ callerparaloc:=ppn.parasym.paraloc[callerside].location;
+ skipiffinalloc:=
+ not paramanager.use_fixed_stack or
+ not(ppn.followed_by_stack_tainting_call_cached);
+ while assigned(callerparaloc) do
+ begin
+ { Every paraloc must have a matching tmpparaloc }
+ if not assigned(tmpparaloc) then
+ internalerror(200408224);
+ if callerparaloc^.size<>tmpparaloc^.size then
+ internalerror(200408225);
+ case callerparaloc^.loc of
+ begin
+ if tmpparaloc^.loc<>LOC_REGISTER then
+ internalerror(200408221);
+ if getsupreg(callerparaloc^.register)<first_int_imreg then
+ cg.getcpuregister(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,callerparaloc^.register);
+ cg.a_load_reg_reg(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,tmpparaloc^.size,tmpparaloc^.size,
+ tmpparaloc^.register,callerparaloc^.register);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if tmpparaloc^.loc<>LOC_FPUREGISTER then
+ internalerror(200408222);
+ if getsupreg(callerparaloc^.register)<first_fpu_imreg then
+ cg.getcpuregister(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,callerparaloc^.register);
+ cg.a_loadfpu_reg_reg(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,tmpparaloc^.size,ppn.tempcgpara.size,tmpparaloc^.register,callerparaloc^.register);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if tmpparaloc^.loc<>LOC_MMREGISTER then
+ internalerror(200408223);
+ if getsupreg(callerparaloc^.register)<first_mm_imreg then
+ cg.getcpuregister(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,callerparaloc^.register);
+ cg.a_loadmm_reg_reg(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,tmpparaloc^.size,tmpparaloc^.size,
+ tmpparaloc^.register,callerparaloc^.register,mms_movescalar);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if not(skipiffinalloc and
+ paramanager.is_stack_paraloc(callerparaloc)) then
+ begin
+ { Can't have a data copied to the stack, every location
+ must contain a valid size field }
+ if (tmpparaloc^.size=OS_NO) and
+ ((tmpparaloc^.loc<>LOC_REFERENCE) or
+ assigned(tmpparaloc^.next)) then
+ internalerror(200501281);
+ reference_reset_base(href,callerparaloc^.reference.index,callerparaloc^.reference.offset,calleralignment);
+ { copy parameters in case they were moved to a temp. location because we've a fixed stack }
+ case tmpparaloc^.loc of
+ begin
+ reference_reset_base(htempref,tmpparaloc^.reference.index,tmpparaloc^.reference.offset,tmpalignment);
+ { use concatcopy, because it can also be a float which fails when
+ load_ref_ref is used }
+ if (ppn.tempcgpara.size <> OS_NO) then
+ cg.g_concatcopy(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,htempref,href,tcgsize2size[tmpparaloc^.size])
+ else
+ cg.g_concatcopy(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,htempref,href,sizeleft)
+ end;
+ cg.a_load_reg_ref(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,tmpparaloc^.size,tmpparaloc^.size,tmpparaloc^.register,href);
+ cg.a_loadfpu_reg_ref(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,tmpparaloc^.size,tmpparaloc^.size,tmpparaloc^.register,href);
+ cg.a_loadmm_reg_ref(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,tmpparaloc^.size,tmpparaloc^.size,tmpparaloc^.register,href,mms_movescalar);
+ else
+ internalerror(200402081);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ dec(sizeleft,tcgsize2size[tmpparaloc^.size]);
+ callerparaloc:=callerparaloc^.next;
+ tmpparaloc:=tmpparaloc^.next;
+ end;
+ end;
+ ppn:=tcgcallparanode(ppn.right);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcgcallnode.freeparas;
+ var
+ ppn : tcgcallparanode;
+ begin
+ { free the resources allocated for the parameters }
+ ppn:=tcgcallparanode(left);
+ while assigned(ppn) do
+ begin
+ if (ppn.left.nodetype<>nothingn) then
+ begin
+ if (ppn.parasym.paraloc[callerside].location^.loc <> LOC_REFERENCE) then
+ paramanager.freecgpara(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,ppn.parasym.paraloc[callerside]);
+ end;
+ ppn:=tcgcallparanode(ppn.right);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tcgcallnode.pass_generate_code;
+ var
+ name_to_call: shortstring;
+ regs_to_save_int,
+ regs_to_save_fpu,
+ regs_to_save_mm : Tcpuregisterset;
+ href : treference;
+ pop_size : longint;
+ vmtoffset : aint;
+ pvreg,
+ vmtreg : tregister;
+ oldaktcallnode : tcallnode;
+ retlocitem: pcgparalocation;
+{$ifdef vtentry}
+ sym : tasmsymbol;
+{$endif vtentry}
+{$ifdef x86_64}
+ cgpara : tcgpara;
+{$endif x86_64}
+ begin
+ if not assigned(procdefinition) or
+ not(procdefinition.has_paraloc_info in [callerside,callbothsides]) then
+ internalerror(200305264);
+ if assigned(callinitblock) then
+ secondpass(tnode(callinitblock));
+ regs_to_save_int:=paramanager.get_volatile_registers_int(procdefinition.proccalloption);
+ regs_to_save_fpu:=paramanager.get_volatile_registers_fpu(procdefinition.proccalloption);
+ regs_to_save_mm:=paramanager.get_volatile_registers_mm(procdefinition.proccalloption);
+ { Include Function result registers }
+ if (not is_void(resultdef)) then
+ begin
+ { The forced returntype may have a different size than the one
+ declared for the procdef }
+ if not assigned(typedef) then
+ retloc:=procdefinition.funcretloc[callerside]
+ else
+ retloc:=paramanager.get_funcretloc(procdefinition,callerside,typedef);
+ retlocitem:=retloc.location;
+ while assigned(retlocitem) do
+ begin
+ case retlocitem^.loc of
+ include(regs_to_save_int,getsupreg(retlocitem^.register));
+ include(regs_to_save_fpu,getsupreg(retlocitem^.register));
+ include(regs_to_save_mm,getsupreg(retlocitem^.register));
+ ;
+ else
+ internalerror(2004110213);
+ end;
+ retlocitem:=retlocitem^.next;
+ end;
+ end;
+ { Process parameters, register parameters will be loaded
+ in imaginary registers. The actual load to the correct
+ register is done just before the call }
+ oldaktcallnode:=aktcallnode;
+ aktcallnode:=self;
+ if assigned(left) then
+ tcallparanode(left).secondcallparan;
+ aktcallnode:=oldaktcallnode;
+ { procedure variable or normal function call ? }
+ if (right=nil) then
+ begin
+ { register call for WPO (must be done before wpo test below,
+ otherwise optimised called methods are no longer registered)
+ }
+ if (po_virtualmethod in procdefinition.procoptions) and
+ not is_objectpascal_helper(tprocdef(procdefinition).struct) and
+ assigned(methodpointer) and
+ (methodpointer.nodetype<>typen) and
+ (not assigned(current_procinfo) or
+ wpoinfomanager.symbol_live(current_procinfo.procdef.mangledname)) then
+ tobjectdef(tprocdef(procdefinition).struct).register_vmt_call(tprocdef(procdefinition).extnumber);
+{$ifdef vtentry}
+ if not is_interface(tprocdef(procdefinition)._class) then
+ begin
+ inc(current_asmdata.NextVTEntryNr);
+ current_asmdata.CurrAsmList.Concat(tai_symbol.CreateName('VTREF'+tostr(current_asmdata.NextVTEntryNr)+'_'+tprocdef(procdefinition).struct.vmt_mangledname+'$$'+tostr(vmtoffset div sizeof(pint)),AT_FUNCTION,0));
+ end;
+{$endif vtentry}
+ name_to_call:='';
+ if assigned(fobjcforcedprocname) then
+ name_to_call:=fobjcforcedprocname^;
+ { When methodpointer is typen we don't need (and can't) load
+ a pointer. We can directly call the correct procdef (PFV) }
+ if (name_to_call='') and
+ (po_virtualmethod in procdefinition.procoptions) and
+ not is_objectpascal_helper(tprocdef(procdefinition).struct) and
+ assigned(methodpointer) and
+ (methodpointer.nodetype<>typen) and
+ not wpoinfomanager.can_be_devirtualized(methodpointer.resultdef,procdefinition,name_to_call) then
+ begin
+ { virtual methods require an index }
+ if tprocdef(procdefinition).extnumber=$ffff then
+ internalerror(200304021);
+ secondpass(methodpointer);
+ { Load VMT from self }
+ if methodpointer.resultdef.typ=objectdef then
+ gen_load_vmt_register(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,tobjectdef(methodpointer.resultdef),methodpointer.location,vmtreg)
+ else
+ begin
+ { Load VMT value in register }
+ location_force_reg(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,methodpointer.location,OS_ADDR,false);
+ vmtreg:=methodpointer.location.register;
+ end;
+ { test validity of VMT }
+ if not(is_interface(tprocdef(procdefinition).struct)) and
+ not(is_cppclass(tprocdef(procdefinition).struct)) then
+ cg.g_maybe_testvmt(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,vmtreg,tobjectdef(tprocdef(procdefinition).struct));
+ { Call through VMT, generate a VTREF symbol to notify the linker }
+ vmtoffset:=tobjectdef(tprocdef(procdefinition).struct).vmtmethodoffset(tprocdef(procdefinition).extnumber);
+ { register call for WPO }
+ if (not assigned(current_procinfo) or
+ wpoinfomanager.symbol_live(current_procinfo.procdef.mangledname)) then
+ tobjectdef(tprocdef(procdefinition).struct).register_vmt_call(tprocdef(procdefinition).extnumber);
+{$ifndef x86}
+ pvreg:=cg.getintregister(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,OS_ADDR);
+{$endif not x86}
+ reference_reset_base(href,vmtreg,vmtoffset,sizeof(pint));
+{$ifndef x86}
+ cg.a_load_ref_reg(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,OS_ADDR,OS_ADDR,href,pvreg);
+{$endif not x86}
+ { Load parameters that are in temporary registers in the
+ correct parameter register }
+ if assigned(left) then
+ begin
+ pushparas;
+ { free the resources allocated for the parameters }
+ freeparas;
+ end;
+ cg.alloccpuregisters(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,R_INTREGISTER,regs_to_save_int);
+ if cg.uses_registers(R_FPUREGISTER) then
+ cg.alloccpuregisters(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,R_FPUREGISTER,regs_to_save_fpu);
+ if cg.uses_registers(R_MMREGISTER) then
+ cg.alloccpuregisters(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,R_MMREGISTER,regs_to_save_mm);
+ { call method }
+ extra_call_code;
+{$ifdef x86}
+ cg.a_call_ref(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,href);
+{$else x86}
+ cg.a_call_reg(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,pvreg);
+{$endif x86}
+ extra_post_call_code;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { Load parameters that are in temporary registers in the
+ correct parameter register }
+ if assigned(left) then
+ begin
+ pushparas;
+ { free the resources allocated for the parameters }
+ freeparas;
+ end;
+ cg.alloccpuregisters(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,R_INTREGISTER,regs_to_save_int);
+ if cg.uses_registers(R_FPUREGISTER) then
+ cg.alloccpuregisters(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,R_FPUREGISTER,regs_to_save_fpu);
+ if cg.uses_registers(R_MMREGISTER) then
+ cg.alloccpuregisters(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,R_MMREGISTER,regs_to_save_mm);
+ if procdefinition.proccalloption=pocall_syscall then
+ do_syscall
+ else
+ begin
+ { Calling interrupt from the same code requires some
+ extra code }
+ if (po_interrupt in procdefinition.procoptions) then
+ extra_interrupt_code;
+ extra_call_code;
+ if (name_to_call='') then
+ cg.a_call_name(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,tprocdef(procdefinition).mangledname,po_weakexternal in procdefinition.procoptions)
+ else
+ cg.a_call_name(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,name_to_call,po_weakexternal in procdefinition.procoptions);
+ extra_post_call_code;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ { now procedure variable case }
+ begin
+ secondpass(right);
+ pvreg:=cg.getintregister(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,OS_ADDR);
+ { Only load OS_ADDR from the reference }
+ if right.location.loc in [LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_CREFERENCE] then
+ cg.a_load_ref_reg(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,OS_ADDR,OS_ADDR,right.location.reference,pvreg)
+ else
+ cg.a_load_loc_reg(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,OS_ADDR,right.location,pvreg);
+ location_freetemp(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,right.location);
+ { Load parameters that are in temporary registers in the
+ correct parameter register }
+ if assigned(left) then
+ begin
+ pushparas;
+ { free the resources allocated for the parameters }
+ freeparas;
+ end;
+ cg.alloccpuregisters(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,R_INTREGISTER,regs_to_save_int);
+ if cg.uses_registers(R_FPUREGISTER) then
+ cg.alloccpuregisters(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,R_FPUREGISTER,regs_to_save_fpu);
+ if cg.uses_registers(R_MMREGISTER) then
+ cg.alloccpuregisters(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,R_MMREGISTER,regs_to_save_mm);
+ { Calling interrupt from the same code requires some
+ extra code }
+ if (po_interrupt in procdefinition.procoptions) then
+ extra_interrupt_code;
+ extra_call_code;
+ cg.a_call_reg(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,pvreg);
+ extra_post_call_code;
+ end;
+ { Need to remove the parameters from the stack? }
+ if (procdefinition.proccalloption in clearstack_pocalls) then
+ begin
+ pop_size:=pushedparasize;
+ { for Cdecl functions we don't need to pop the funcret when it
+ was pushed by para. Except for safecall functions with
+ safecall-exceptions enabled. In that case the funcret is always
+ returned as a para which is considered a normal para on the
+ c-side, so the funcret has to be pop'ed normally. }
+ if not ((procdefinition.proccalloption=pocall_safecall) and
+ (tf_safecall_exceptions in target_info.flags)) and
+ paramanager.ret_in_param(procdefinition.returndef,procdefinition.proccalloption) then
+ dec(pop_size,sizeof(pint));
+ { Remove parameters/alignment from the stack }
+ pop_parasize(pop_size);
+ end
+ { frame pointer parameter is popped by the caller when it's passed the
+ Delphi way }
+ else if (po_delphi_nested_cc in procdefinition.procoptions) and
+ not paramanager.use_fixed_stack then
+ pop_parasize(sizeof(pint));
+ { Release registers, but not the registers that contain the
+ function result }
+ if (not is_void(resultdef)) then
+ begin
+ retlocitem:=retloc.location;
+ while assigned(retlocitem) do
+ begin
+ case retlocitem^.loc of
+ exclude(regs_to_save_int,getsupreg(retlocitem^.register));
+ exclude(regs_to_save_fpu,getsupreg(retlocitem^.register));
+ exclude(regs_to_save_mm,getsupreg(retlocitem^.register));
+ ;
+ else
+ internalerror(2004110214);
+ end;
+ retlocitem:=retlocitem^.next;
+ end;
+ end;
+{$if defined(x86) or defined(arm)}
+ if (procdefinition.proccalloption=pocall_safecall) and
+ (tf_safecall_exceptions in target_info.flags) then
+ begin
+{$ifdef x86_64}
+ cgpara.init;
+ paramanager.getintparaloc(pocall_default,1,cgpara);
+ cg.a_load_reg_cgpara(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,OS_ADDR,NR_RAX,cgpara);
+ cgpara.done;
+{$endif x86_64}
+ cg.allocallcpuregisters(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList);
+ cg.a_call_name(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,'FPC_SAFECALLCHECK',false);
+ cg.deallocallcpuregisters(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList);
+ end;
+ if cg.uses_registers(R_MMREGISTER) then
+ cg.dealloccpuregisters(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,R_MMREGISTER,regs_to_save_mm);
+ if cg.uses_registers(R_FPUREGISTER) then
+ cg.dealloccpuregisters(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,R_FPUREGISTER,regs_to_save_fpu);
+ cg.dealloccpuregisters(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,R_INTREGISTER,regs_to_save_int);
+ { handle function results }
+ if (not is_void(resultdef)) then
+ handle_return_value
+ else
+ location_reset(location,LOC_VOID,OS_NO);
+ { convert persistent temps for parameters and function result to normal temps }
+ if assigned(callcleanupblock) then
+ secondpass(tnode(callcleanupblock));
+ { release temps and finalize unused return values, must be
+ after the callcleanupblock because that converts temps
+ from persistent to normal }
+ release_unused_return_value;
+ { release temps of paras }
+ release_para_temps;
+ { perhaps i/o check ? }
+ if (cs_check_io in current_settings.localswitches) and
+ (po_iocheck in procdefinition.procoptions) and
+ not(po_iocheck in current_procinfo.procdef.procoptions) and
+ { no IO check for methods and procedure variables }
+ (right=nil) and
+ not(po_virtualmethod in procdefinition.procoptions) then
+ begin
+ cg.allocallcpuregisters(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList);
+ cg.a_call_name(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList,'FPC_IOCHECK',false);
+ cg.deallocallcpuregisters(current_asmdata.CurrAsmList);
+ end;
+ end;
+ destructor tcgcallnode.destroy;
+ begin
+ if assigned(typedef) then
+ retloc.done;
+ inherited destroy;
+ end;
+ ccallparanode:=tcgcallparanode;
+ ccallnode:=tcgcallnode;