path: root/closures/compiler/ognlm.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'closures/compiler/ognlm.pas')
1 files changed, 1521 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/closures/compiler/ognlm.pas b/closures/compiler/ognlm.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb0f558a0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/closures/compiler/ognlm.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1521 @@
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2006 by Peter Vreman
+ Copyright (c) 2011 by Armin Diehl
+ Contains the binary netware nlm executable writer
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit ognlm;
+ uses
+ { common }
+ cclasses,globtype,
+ { target }
+ systems,
+ aasmbase,assemble,link,
+ { output }
+ ogbase,
+ owbase,
+ ogcoff;
+ NLM File structures and constants
+LString0 -> 1 byte Length, Text, #0
+LString -> 1 byte length, Text
+Basic NLM File Structure:
+ nlm32_i386_external_fixed_header 130 bytes
+ NLM Description: LString0 2+n bytes
+ Stacksize 4 bytes
+ reserved = 0 4 bytes
+ ' LONG' 5 bytes
+ NLM screen name: LString0 2+n bytes
+ NLM thread name: LString0 2+n bytes
+Optional Headers beginning with stamp (without '')
+'VeRsIoN#': nlm32_i386_external_version_header 32 bytes
+'CoPyRiGhT=': LString0 2+n bytes
+'MeSsAgEs': nlm32_i386_external_extended_header 124 bytes
+'CuStHeAd': nlm32_i386_external_custom_header
+'CyGnUsEx': nlm32_i386_external_cygnus_ext_header 16 bytes
+ addr(32),addr(32),...
+ addr and $80000000 > 0 -> FixupToSeg=.text else .data
+ addr and $40000000 > 0 -> FixupInSeg=.text else .data
+ name LString 1+n bytes
+ number of references r 4 bytes
+ addresses r*4 bytes
+ name LString 1+n bytes
+ addr 4 bytes
+ addr and $80000000 > 0 -> .text else .data
+ ...
+ type (,1=.code,2,..=????) 1 byte
+ addr 4 bytes
+ name LString 1+n bytes
+ ...
+ NLM_MAX_THREAD_NAME_LENGTH = 71; // some netware docs limit this to 12 ?
+ NLM_DEFAULT_STACKSIZE = (32 * 1024);
+ NLM_SIGNATURE = 'NetWare Loadable Module'#$1A;
+ type
+ uint32 = longword;
+ nlm32_i386_external_fixed_header = packed record
+ signature : array[0..23] of char;
+ version : uint32;
+ (* The name of the module, which must be a DOS name (1-8 characters followed
+ by a period and a 1-3 character extension). The first byte is the byte
+ length of the name and the last byte is a null terminator byte. This
+ field is fixed length, and any unused bytes should be null bytes. The
+ value is set by the OUTPUT keyword to NLMLINK. *)
+ moduleName : string[13]; //array[0..13] of byte;
+ codeImageOffset : uint32; // The byte offset of the code image from the start of the file.
+ codeImageSize : uint32; // The size of the code image, in bytes.
+ dataImageOffset : uint32; // The byte offset of the data image from the start of the file.
+ dataImageSize : uint32; // The size of the data image, in bytes.
+ uninitializedDataSize : uint32; // The size of the uninitialized data region that the loader has to be
+ // allocated at load time. Uninitialized data follows the initialized
+ // data in the NLM address space.
+ customDataOffset : uint32; // The byte offset of the custom data from the start of the file. The
+ // custom data is set by the CUSTOM keyword to NLMLINK. It is possible
+ // for this to be EOF if there is no custom data.
+ customDataSize : uint32; // The size of the custom data, in bytes.
+ moduleDependencyOffset : uint32; // The byte offset of the module dependencies from the start of the file.
+ // The module dependencies are determined by the MODULE keyword in NLMLINK.
+ numberOfModuleDependencies : uint32; // he number of module dependencies at the moduleDependencyOffset.
+ relocationFixupOffset : uint32; // The byte offset of the relocation fixup data from the start of the file
+ numberOfRelocationFixups : uint32;
+ externalReferencesOffset : uint32;
+ numberOfExternalReferences : uint32;
+ publicsOffset : uint32;
+ numberOfPublics : uint32;
+ debugInfoOffset : uint32; // The byte offset of the internal debug info from the start of the file.
+ // It is possible for this to be EOF if there is no debug info.
+ numberOfDebugRecords : uint32;
+ codeStartOffset : uint32;
+ exitProcedureOffset : uint32;
+ checkUnloadProcedureOffset : uint32;
+ moduleType : uint32;
+ flags : uint32;
+ end;
+ { The version header is one of the optional auxiliary headers and
+ follows the fixed length and variable length NLM headers. }
+ { The header is recognized by "VeRsIoN#" in the stamp field. }
+ nlm32_i386_external_version_header = packed record
+ stamp : array[0..7] of char; // VeRsIoN#
+ majorVersion,
+ minorVersion,
+ revision,
+ year,
+ month,
+ day : uint32;
+ end;
+ { The header is recognized by "MeSsAgEs" in the stamp field. }
+ nlm32_i386_external_extended_header = packed record
+ stamp : array[0..7] of char; // MeSsAgEs
+ languageID : uint32;
+ messageFileOffset : uint32;
+ messageFileLength : uint32;
+ messageCount : uint32;
+ helpFileOffset : uint32;
+ helpFileLength : uint32;
+ RPCDataOffset : uint32;
+ RPCDataLength : uint32;
+ sharedCodeOffset : uint32;
+ sharedCodeLength : uint32;
+ sharedDataOffset : uint32;
+ sharedDataLength : uint32;
+ sharedRelocationFixupOffset : uint32;
+ sharedRelocationFixupCount : uint32;
+ sharedExternalReferenceOffset: uint32;
+ sharedExternalReferenceCount : uint32;
+ sharedPublicsOffset : uint32;
+ sharedPublicsCount : uint32;
+ sharedDebugRecordOffset : uint32;
+ sharedDebugRecordCount : uint32;
+ SharedInitializationOffset : uint32;
+ SharedExitProcedureOffset : uint32;
+ productID : longint;
+ reserved0 : longint;
+ reserved1 : longint;
+ reserved2 : longint;
+ reserved3 : longint;
+ reserved4 : longint;
+ reserved5 : longint;
+ end;
+ nlm32_i386_external_custom_header = packed record
+ stamp : array[0..7] of char; // CuStHeAd
+ hdrLength : uint32;
+ dataOffset : uint32;
+ dataLength : uint32;
+ //dataStamp : array[0..7] of char;
+ //hdr : uint32;
+ end;
+ { The internal Cygnus header is written out externally as a custom
+ header. We don't try to replicate that structure here. }
+ { The header is recognized by "CyGnUsEx" in the stamp field. }
+ { File location of debugging information. }
+ { Length of debugging information. }
+ nlm32_i386_external_cygnus_ext_header = packed record
+ stamp : array[0..7] of char; // CyGnUsEx
+ offset : uint32;
+ length : uint32;
+ end;
+ TNLMExeSection = class(TExeSection)
+ public
+ constructor createnw(AList:TFPHashObjectList;const n:string);
+ end;
+ TsecType = (Section_text,Section_data,Section_other);
+ TNLMexeoutput = class(texeoutput)
+ private
+ FRelocsGenerated,FImportsGenerated : boolean;
+ FNumRelocs : longword;
+ FNumExternals : longword;
+ FNumModules : longword;
+ FNumDebugSymbols : longword;
+ fSizeWoDebugSyms : longword;
+ FnumExports : longword;
+ NlmSymbols : TDynamicArray;
+ ExeSecsListSize : longint;
+ nlmImpNames, // name of import. module name as import
+ nlmImports : TFPHashObjectList; // name of import, list of relocs as object
+ headerAlignBytes : longint;
+ FexportFunctionOffsets:TFPList; // offsets in .exports for function addresses, an offset of $80000000 is needed
+ nlmHeader : nlm32_i386_external_fixed_header;
+ nlmVersionHeader : nlm32_i386_external_version_header;
+ nlmExtHeader : nlm32_i386_external_extended_header;
+ nlmCustHeader : nlm32_i386_external_custom_header;
+ //nlmHelpFileName : TCmdStr;
+ //nlmMessagesFileName: TCmdStr;
+ //nlmXdcFileName : TCmdStr;
+ nlmCopyright : string;
+ nlmThreadname : string;
+ nlmScreenname : string;
+ nlmDescription : string;
+ function totalheadersize:longword;
+ procedure createNlm_symbol(const name:shortstring;value:longword;secType:TSecType);
+ procedure globalsyms_create_symbol(p:TObject;arg:pointer);
+ procedure ExeSectionList_write_header(p:TObject;arg:pointer);
+ procedure ExeSectionList_calc_size(p:TObject;arg:pointer);
+ procedure ExeSectionList_write_data(p:TObject;arg:pointer);
+ procedure GenerateImports;
+ procedure GenerateExports;
+ procedure GenerateRelocs;
+ procedure ExeSectionList_pass2_header(p:TObject;arg:pointer);
+ protected
+ function writedata:boolean;override;
+ public
+ constructor create; override;
+ destructor destroy; override;
+ procedure MemPos_Header;override;
+ procedure DataPos_Header;override;
+ procedure fillNlmVersionHeader;
+ procedure GenerateLibraryImports(ImportLibraryList:TFPHashObjectList);override;
+ procedure Order_End;override;
+ procedure MemPos_ExeSection(const aname:string);override;
+ procedure DataPos_ExeSection(const aname:string);override;
+ procedure NLMwriteString (const s : string; terminateWithZero : boolean);
+ procedure objNLMwriteString (const s : string; terminateWithZero : boolean);
+ procedure ParseScript (linkscript:TCmdStrList); override;
+ end;
+ var
+ {for symbols defined in linker script. To generate a fixup we
+ need to know the segment (.text,.bss or .code) of the symbol
+ Pointer in list is used as TsecType
+ Filled by TInternalLinkerNetware.DefaultLinkScript }
+ nlmSpecialSymbols_Segments : TFPHashList;
+ type
+ TNLMCoffObjInput = class(TCoffObjInput)
+ constructor create;override;
+ end;
+ TNLMCoffassembler = class(tinternalassembler)
+ constructor create(smart:boolean);override;
+ end;
+ TNLMCoffObjData = class(TCoffObjData)
+ constructor create(const n:string);override;
+ end;
+ TNLMCoffObjOutput = class(TCoffObjOutput)
+ constructor create(AWriter:TObjectWriter);override;
+ end;
+ TNLMCoffObjSection = class(TCoffObjSection)
+ constructor create(AList:TFPHashObjectList;const Aname:string;Aalign:shortint;Aoptions:TObjSectionOptions);override;
+ end;
+ uses
+{$ifdef win32}
+ Windows,
+{$endif win32}
+ SysUtils,
+ cutils,verbose,globals,
+ fmodule,aasmdata,
+ ogmap,export
+ ;
+ Helpers
+ TStringObj = class (TObject)
+ fValue : string;
+ constructor create (value:string);
+ property value : string read fValue write fValue;
+ end;
+ constructor TStringObj.create(value:string);
+ begin
+ inherited create;
+ fValue := value;
+ end;
+function SectionType (aName : string) : TSecType;
+var s : string;
+ seg: ptruint;
+ s := copy(aName,1,5);
+ if s = '.text' then result := Section_text else
+ if (s = '.data') or (copy(s,1,4)='.bss') then result := Section_data else
+ if s[1] <> '.' then
+ begin
+ seg := ptruint(nlmSpecialSymbols_Segments.Find(aName));
+ if seg <> 0 then
+ result := TSecType(seg)
+ else
+ result := Section_other;
+ end else
+ result := Section_other;
+ TNLMexesection
+ constructor TNLMExeSection.createnw(AList:TFPHashObjectList;const n:string);
+ begin
+ inherited create(AList,n);
+ end;
+ TNLMexeoutput
+ constructor TNLMexeoutput.create;
+ begin
+ inherited create;
+ CExeSection:=TNLMExeSection;
+ CObjData:=TNLMCoffObjData;
+ MaxMemPos:=$7FFFFFFF;
+ SectionMemAlign:=$0;
+ SectionDataAlign:=0;
+ RelocSection := true; // always needed for NLM's
+ nlmImports := TFPHashObjectList.create(true);
+ nlmImpNames := TFPHashObjectList.create(false);
+ NlmSymbols := TDynamicArray.create(4096);
+ FexportFunctionOffsets := TFPList.Create;
+ end;
+ destructor TNLMexeoutput.destroy;
+ begin
+ if assigned(nlmImports) then
+ nlmImports.Free;
+ if assigned(nlmImpNames) then
+ nlmImpNames.Free;
+ if assigned(nlmSymbols) then
+ nlmSymbols.Free;
+ if assigned(FexportFunctionOffsets) then
+ FexportFunctionOffsets.Free;
+ inherited destroy;
+ end;
+ procedure TNLMexeoutput.createNlm_symbol(const name:shortstring;value:longword;secType:TSecType);
+ var
+ b:byte;
+ begin
+ //Comment (V_Debug,'TNLMexeoutput.write_symbol '+name);
+ { type (,1=.code,2,..=????) 1 byte
+ addr 4 bytes
+ name LString 1+n bytes }
+ case secType of
+ Section_Text : b := 1;
+ Section_Data : b := 0
+ else
+ exit;
+ end;
+ nlmSymbols.write(b,sizeof(b));
+ assert (sizeof(value)<>4);
+ nlmSymbols.write(value,sizeof(value));
+ nlmSymbols.write(name[0],length(name)+1);
+ inc(FNumDebugSymbols);
+ end;
+ procedure TNLMexeoutput.globalsyms_create_symbol(p:TObject;arg:pointer);
+ var
+ value : longword;
+ exesec : TExeSection;
+ i : integer;
+ secType : TsecType;
+ begin
+ if not assigned(texesymbol(p).objsymbol) then
+ internalerror(200603053);
+ with texesymbol(p).objsymbol do
+ begin
+ exesec:=TExeSection(objsection.exesection);
+ { There is no exesection defined for special internal symbols
+ like __image_base__ }
+ if assigned(exesec) then
+ begin
+ //secval:=exesec.secsymidx;
+ value:=address-exesec.mempos;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ value:=address;
+ end;
+ { reloctype address to the section in the executable }
+ secType := SectionType(objsection.Name);
+ if (secType = Section_Text) or (secType = Section_Data) then
+ begin
+ i := nlmImports.FindIndexOf(texesymbol(p).name);
+ if i < 0 then
+ createNlm_symbol(name,value,secType);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+function SecOpts(SecOptions:TObjSectionOptions):string;
+ begin
+ result := '[';
+ if oso_Data in SecOptions then result := result + 'oso_Data ';
+ { Is loaded into memory }
+ if oso_load in SecOptions then result := result + 'oso_load ';
+ { Not loaded into memory }
+ if oso_noload in SecOptions then result := result + 'oso_noload ';
+ { Read only }
+ if oso_readonly in SecOptions then result := result + 'oso_readonly ';
+ { Read/Write }
+ if oso_write in SecOptions then result := result + 'oso_write ';
+ { Contains executable instructions }
+ if oso_executable in SecOptions then result := result + 'oso_executable ';
+ { Never discard section }
+ if oso_keep in SecOptions then result := result + 'oso_keep ';
+ { Special common symbols }
+ if oso_common in SecOptions then result := result + 'oso_common ';
+ { Contains debug info and can be stripped }
+ if oso_debug in SecOptions then result := result + 'oso_debug ';
+ { Contains only strings }
+ if oso_strings in SecOptions then result := result + 'oso_strings ';
+ result := result + ']';
+ end;
+ procedure TNLMexeoutput.ExeSectionList_calc_size(p:TObject;arg:pointer);
+ var
+ objsec : TObjSection;
+ i : longint;
+ begin
+ with texesection(p) do
+ begin
+ { don't write normal section if writing only debug info }
+ if (ExeWriteMode=ewm_dbgonly) and
+ not(oso_debug in SecOptions) then
+ exit;
+ if oso_data in secoptions then
+ begin
+ inc (fSizeWoDebugSyms,(Align(fSizeWoDebugSyms,SectionDataAlign)-fSizeWoDebugSyms));
+ for i:=0 to ObjSectionList.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ objsec:=TObjSection(ObjSectionList[i]);
+ if oso_data in objsec.secoptions then
+ begin
+ inc(fSizeWoDebugSyms,objsec.size);
+ inc(fSizeWoDebugSyms,objsec.dataalignbytes);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure TNLMexeoutput.ExeSectionList_write_Data(p:TObject;arg:pointer);
+ var
+ objsec : TObjSection;
+ i,j : longint;
+ b : byte;
+ begin
+ with texesection(p) do
+ begin
+ { don't write normal section if writing only debug info }
+ if (ExeWriteMode=ewm_dbgonly) and
+ not(oso_debug in SecOptions) then
+ exit;
+ if oso_data in secoptions then
+ begin
+ //if Align(FWriter.Size,SectionDataAlign)-FWriter.Size>0 then
+ // writeln (name,' align ',Align(FWriter.Size,SectionDataAlign)-FWriter.Size,' SectionDataAlign:',SectionDataAlign);
+ FWriter.Writezeros(Align(FWriter.Size,SectionDataAlign)-FWriter.Size);
+ for i:=0 to ObjSectionList.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ objsec:=TObjSection(ObjSectionList[i]);
+ if oso_data in objsec.secoptions then
+ begin
+ if assigned(exemap) then
+ if > 0 then
+ exemap.Add(' 0x'+hexstr(objsec.DataPos,8)+': ';
+ //writeln (' ',,' size:',objsec.size,' relocs:',objsec.ObjRelocations.count,' DataPos:',objsec.DataPos,' MemPos:',objsec.MemPos);
+ {for j := 0 to objsec.ObjRelocations.count-1 do
+ begin
+ objreloc := TObjRelocation(objsec.ObjRelocations[j]);
+ with objreloc do
+ begin
+ write(' reloc DataOffset: ',DataOffset,' OrgSize:',OrgSize,' typ:',typ);
+ if assigned(symbol) then
+ write(' Name: '#39,symbol.Name,#39' bind:',symbol.bind,' address:',symbol.address,' Size:',symbol.size);
+ writeln;
+ end;
+ end;}
+ if not assigned( then
+ internalerror(200603042);
+ if copy (objsec.Name,1,5) = '.text' then
+ begin // write NOP's instead of zero's for .text, makes disassemble possible
+ b := $90; // NOP
+ if objsec.DataAlignBytes > 0 then
+ for j := 1 to objsec.DataAlignBytes do
+ FWriter.write(b,1);
+ end else
+ FWriter.writezeros(objsec.dataalignbytes);
+ //if objsec.dataalignbytes>0 then
+ // writeln (' ',name,' alignbytes: ',objsec.dataalignbytes);
+ if objsec.DataPos<>FWriter.Size then
+ internalerror(200602251);
+ FWriter.writearray(;
+ end else
+ begin
+ if assigned(exemap) then //TExeMap
+ exemap.Add(' skipping: ';
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function TNLMexeoutput.totalheadersize:longword;
+ var
+ varHdrSize,
+ optHdrSize,
+ hdrSize: longword;
+ begin
+ optHdrSize := 0;
+ inc(optHdrSize,2+length(nlmDescription));
+ inc(optHdrSize,8); // Stacksize+reserved
+ inc(optHdrSize,2+length(nlmScreenname));
+ inc(optHdrSize,2+length(nlmThreadname));
+ varHdrSize := 0;
+ if nwcopyright <> '' then
+ inc(varHdrSize,sizeof(NLM_COPYRIGHT_STAMP)+2+length(nlmCopyright));
+ hdrSize := sizeof(nlm32_i386_external_fixed_header)+
+ sizeof(nlm32_i386_external_extended_header)+
+ sizeof(nlm32_i386_external_custom_header)+
+ sizeof(nlm32_i386_external_version_header)+ // always
+ sizeof(nlm32_i386_external_cygnus_ext_header)+ // CyGnUsEx
+ varHdrSize+optHdrSize+
+ 8; // empty stamp
+ result := hdrSize;
+ end;
+ procedure TNLMexeoutput.MemPos_Header;
+ begin
+ { calculate start positions after the headers }
+ currmempos:=0;
+ end;
+ procedure TNLMexeoutput.ExeSectionList_write_header(p:TObject;arg:pointer);
+ var
+ nam : string;
+ u32,al : longword;
+ alignAmount:longint;
+ begin
+ with tExeSection(p) do
+ begin
+ //comment (v_debug,'ExeSectionList_write_header: '+name);
+ nam := name;
+ alignAmount := 4 - ((length (nam) + 1) MOD 4);
+ FWriter.write(nam[1],length(nam));
+ FWriter.WriteZeros(1+alignAmount);
+ al := 0;
+ // for .stab we have to ignore leading zeros due to alignment in file
+ if nam='.stab' then
+ if assigned(ObjSectionList[0]) then
+ al := TObjSection(ObjSectionList[0]).dataalignbytes;
+ u32 := dataPos+al; FWriter.write(u32,sizeof(u32));
+ u32 := size-al; FWriter.write(u32,sizeof(u32));
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure TNLMexeoutput.ExeSectionList_pass2_header(p:TObject;arg:pointer);
+ var len,alignAmount:longint;
+ begin
+ {list of sections, extension of binutils,CuStHeAd points to this list
+ The format of the section information is:
+ null terminated section name
+ zeroes to adjust to 4 byte boundary
+ 4 byte section data file pointer
+ 4 byte section size }
+ with TExeSection(p) do
+ begin
+ alignAmount := 4 - ((length (Name) + 1) MOD 4);
+ len := length(name) + 1 + alignAmount + 8;
+ if ObjSectionList.Count>0 then
+ inc(len,TObjSection(ObjSectionList[0]).dataalignbytes);
+ inc(plongint(arg)^,len);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure TNLMexeoutput.DataPos_Header;
+ begin
+ ExeSecsListSize:=0;
+ ExeSectionList.ForEachCall(@ExeSectionList_pass2_header,@ExeSecsListSize);
+ headerAlignBytes := align(totalheadersize+ExeSecsListSize,16)-(totalheadersize+ExeSecsListSize); // align as in TObjData.sectiontype2align
+ currdatapos:=totalheadersize+ExeSecsListSize+headerAlignBytes;
+ end;
+ procedure TNLMexeoutput.fillNlmVersionHeader;
+ var
+ hour,min,sec,hsec,Year,Month,Day : word;
+ begin
+ DecodeTime(Time,hour,min,sec,hsec);
+ DecodeDate(Date,year,month,day);
+ nlmVersionHeader.stamp := NLM_VERSION_STAMP;
+ if nlmVersionHeader.year = 0 then
+ begin
+ nlmVersionHeader.year := Year;
+ nlmVersionHeader.month := Month;
+ := Day;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function TNLMexeoutput.writedata:boolean;
+ var
+ dummyLong : array[0..4] of char;
+ textExeSec,
+ dataExeSec,
+ bssExeSec,
+ relocsExeSec,
+ exportsExeSec,
+ importsExeSec,
+ xdcExeSec,
+ messagesExeSec,
+ helpExeSec,
+ customExeSec : TExeSection;
+ hassymbols : boolean;
+ nlmCygnusHeader : nlm32_i386_external_cygnus_ext_header;
+ ModuleName : string;
+ exesym : TExeSymbol;
+ expOffset : PtrUInt;
+ expAddr : longword;
+ i : integer;
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+ textExeSec:=FindExeSection('.text');
+ dataExeSec:=FindExeSection('.data');
+ bssExeSec:=FindExeSection('.bss');
+ relocsExeSec:=FindExeSection('.reloc');
+ importsExeSec:=FindExeSection('.imports');
+ exportsExeSec:=FindExeSection('.exports');
+ xdcExeSec:=FindExeSection('.xdc');
+ messagesExeSec:=FindExeSection('.messages');
+ helpExeSec:=FindExeSection('.help');
+ customExeSec:=FindExeSection('.custom');
+ // exported function need the upper bit in the address
+ // to be set (=CODE), do this here to avoid another
+ // reloc type. The ExportFunctionOffsets list was
+ // filled in GenerateExports
+ if FexportFunctionOffsets.Count>0 then
+ begin
+ if not assigned(exportsExeSec) then
+ internalerror(201103201); // we have to have a .export section
+ if not assigned(exportsExeSec.ObjSectionList[0]) then
+ internalerror(201103202); // nothing in the .exports section but we have data in FexportFunctionOffsets
+ for i := 0 to FexportFunctionOffsets.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ expOffset := PtrUint(FexportFunctionOffsets[i]);
+ if TObjSection(exportsExeSec.ObjSectionList[0]).Data.size < expOffset+3 then
+ internalerror(201103203); // offset in FexportFunctionOffsets out of range
+ with TObjSection(exportsExeSec.ObjSectionList[0]) do
+ begin // set the upper bit of address to indicate .text
+ expAddr := expAddr or $80000000;
+ Data.write(expAddr,4);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if not assigned(TextExeSec) or
+ not assigned(RelocsExeSec) or
+ not assigned(DataExeSec) then
+ internalerror(200602231); // we have to have .data, .text and .reloc
+ { do we need to write symbols? }
+ hassymbols:=(ExeWriteMode=ewm_dbgonly) or
+ (
+ (ExeWriteMode=ewm_exefull) and
+ not(cs_link_strip in current_settings.globalswitches)
+ );
+ { Initial header, will be updated later }
+ nlmHeader.signature := NLM_SIGNATURE;
+ nlmHeader.version := NLM_HEADER_VERSION;
+ moduleName := upperCase(current_module.exefilename^);
+ nlmHeader.moduleName := moduleName;
+ nlmHeader.codeImageOffset := TextExeSec.DataPos+TObjSection(TextExeSec.ObjSectionList[0]).dataalignbytes; // ??? may be that align has to be moved to fixups/imports
+ nlmHeader.codeImageSize := TextExeSec.Size;
+ nlmHeader.dataImageOffset := DataExeSec.DataPos;
+ nlmHeader.dataImageSize := DataExeSec.Size;
+ if assigned(BSSExeSec) then
+ nlmHeader.uninitializedDataSize:=BSSExeSec.Size;
+ if assigned(customExeSec) then
+ begin
+ nlmHeader.customDataOffset := customExeSec.DataPos;
+ nlmHeader.customDataSize := customExeSec.Size;
+ end;
+ if FNumModules > 0 then
+ begin
+ nlmHeader.moduleDependencyOffset := FindExeSection('.modules').DataPos+4; // 4 bytes dummy
+ nlmHeader.numberOfModuleDependencies := FNumModules;
+ end;
+ nlmHeader.relocationFixupOffset := relocsExeSec.DataPos;
+ nlmHeader.numberOfRelocationFixups := FNumRelocs;
+ nlmHeader.externalReferencesOffset := importsExeSec.DataPos+4; // 4 bytes dummy
+ nlmHeader.numberOfExternalReferences := FNumExternals;
+ if assigned(exportsExeSec) then
+ if exportsExeSec.Size>0 then
+ begin
+ nlmHeader.publicsOffset := exportsExeSec.dataPos;
+ nlmHeader.numberOfPublics := FnumExports;
+ end;
+ nlmHeader.codeStartOffset := EntrySym.Address;
+ {exit function}
+ exesym:=texesymbol(ExeSymbolList.Find('_Stop'));
+ if assigned(exesym) then
+ nlmHeader.exitProcedureOffset := exesym.ObjSymbol.address;
+ {check exit function}
+ exesym:=texesymbol(ExeSymbolList.Find('FPC_NW_CHECKFUNCTION'));
+ if assigned(exesym) then
+ nlmHeader.checkUnloadProcedureOffset := exesym.ObjSymbol.address;
+ // calc file pos after all exesections
+ fSizeWoDebugSyms := totalheadersize + ExeSecsListSize + headerAlignBytes;
+ ExeSectionList.ForEachCall(@ExeSectionList_calc_size,nil);
+ nlmExtHeader.stamp := NLM_MESSAGES_STAMP;
+ //extHeader.languageID // TODO: where to get this from ?
+ if assigned(messagesExeSec) then
+ begin
+ nlmExtHeader.messageFileOffset := messagesExeSec.DataPos;
+ nlmExtHeader.messageFileLength := messagesExeSec.Size;
+ end;
+ //nlmExtHeader.messageCount // TODO: how is messageCount set ?
+ if assigned(helpExeSec) then
+ begin
+ nlmExtHeader.helpFileOffset := helpExeSec.DataPos;
+ nlmExtHeader.helpFileLength := helpExeSec.Size;
+ end;
+ //nlmExtHeader.productID // TODO: were does this came from ?
+ if assigned(xdcExeSec) then
+ begin
+ nlmExtHeader.RPCDataOffset := xdcExeSec.DataPos;
+ nlmExtHeader.RPCDataLength := xdcExeSec.Size;
+ end;
+ if hassymbols then
+ begin
+ nlmHeader.debugInfoOffset := fSizeWoDebugSyms;
+ ExeSymbolList.ForEachCall(@globalsyms_create_symbol,nil);
+ nlmHeader.numberOfDebugRecords := FNumDebugSymbols;
+ end;
+ fillNlmVersionHeader;
+ FWriter.write(nlmHeader,sizeof(nlmHeader));
+ { variable header }
+ NLMWriteString(nlmDescription,true);
+ if stacksize < NLM_DEFAULT_STACKSIZE then stacksize := NLM_DEFAULT_STACKSIZE;
+ FWriter.Write(stacksize,4);
+ FWriter.writezeros(4);
+ dummyLong := ' LONG';
+ FWriter.Write(dummyLong,sizeof(dummyLong)); // old thread name
+ NLMWriteString(nlmScreenname,true);
+ NLMWriteString(nlmThreadname,true);
+ {version}
+ FWriter.Write(nlmVersionHeader,sizeof(nlmVersionHeader));
+ {copyright}
+ if nlmCopyright <> '' then
+ begin
+ NLMWriteString(nlmCopyright,true);
+ end;
+ {messages}
+ FWriter.write(nlmExtHeader,sizeof(nlmExtHeader));
+ {custhead}
+ nlmCustHeader.stamp := NLM_CUSTOM_STAMP;
+ nlmCustHeader.dataLength := ExeSecsListSize;
+ nlmCustHeader.dataOffset := totalheadersize;
+ nlmCustHeader.hdrLength := $10; // why 16 ?, this is what binutils write
+ FWriter.write(nlmCustHeader,sizeof(nlmCustHeader));
+ {CyGnUsEx}
+ // bfd has a strange way to read the sections:
+ // the section directory is written under CuStHeAd
+ // when bfd finds the neader "CyGnUsEx", it uses the
+ // offset and size from CuStHeAd to read the section table
+ nlmCygnusHeader.stamp := NLM_CYGNUS_STAMP; // CyGnUsEx
+ // ld writes some unknown values here, bfd irgnores the values at all
+ // lets write the offset and length of the segment table
+ nlmCygnusHeader.offset := nlmCustHeader.dataLength;
+ nlmCygnusHeader.length := nlmCustHeader.dataOffset;
+ FWriter.write(nlmCygnusHeader,sizeof(nlmCygnusHeader));
+ FWriter.WriteZeros(8); // empty stamp + align next to 16 bytes
+ if FWriter.Size<>totalheadersize then
+ internalerror(201103061); // headersize <> header written
+ { Section headers, CuStHeAd points to this section, not needed by
+ netware. Can be used to find the section in the nlm file, binutils
+ will use this section }
+ ExeSectionList.ForEachCall(@ExeSectionList_write_header,nil);
+ FWriter.WriteZeros(headerAlignBytes);
+ if FWriter.Size<>totalheadersize+ExeSecsListSize+headerAlignBytes then
+ internalerror(201103062);
+ { Section data }
+ if assigned(exemap) then
+ begin
+ exemap.Add('');
+ exemap.Add('NLM file offsets:');
+ end;
+ ExeSectionList.ForEachCall(@ExeSectionList_write_data,nil);
+ if hassymbols then
+ FWriter.writearray(NlmSymbols); // specific symbols for the internal netware debugger
+ result:=true;
+ end;
+ procedure TNLMexeoutput.GenerateLibraryImports(ImportLibraryList:TFPHashObjectList);
+ var
+ idata5objsection : TObjSection;
+ basedllname : string;
+ function AddImport(const afuncname,amangledname:string; isvar:boolean):TObjSymbol;
+ var
+ secname:string;
+ begin
+ //Comment (V_Debug,'TNLMexeoutput.GenerateLibraryImports.AddImport '+afuncName);
+ result:=nil;
+ if assigned(exemap) then
+ exemap.Add(' Importing Function '+afuncname);
+ if not isvar then
+ with internalobjdata do
+ begin
+ secname:=basedllname+'_i_'+amangledname;
+ idata5objsection:=createsection(sec_idata5, secname);
+ internalobjdata.SetSection(idata5objsection);
+ result:=internalobjdata.SymbolDefine('_'+amangledname,AB_IMPORT,AT_FUNCTION);
+ end;
+ end;
+ var
+ i,j : longint;
+ ImportLibrary : TImportLibrary;
+ ImportSymbol : TImportSymbol;
+ exesym : TExeSymbol;
+ importAddressList : TFPObjectList;
+ begin
+ if ImportLibraryList.Count > 0 then
+ begin
+ {objsec:=}internalObjData.createsection('.imports',0,[oso_data,oso_keep]);
+ i := 0;
+ internalobjdata.writebytes(i,4); // dummy to avoid deletion
+ {objsec:=}internalObjData.createsection('.modules',0,[oso_data,oso_keep]);
+ internalobjdata.writebytes(i,4); // dummy to avoid deletion
+ end;
+ for i:=0 to ImportLibraryList.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ ImportLibrary:=TImportLibrary(ImportLibraryList[i]);
+ idata5objsection:=nil;
+ for j:=0 to ImportLibrary.ImportSymbolList.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ ImportSymbol:=TImportSymbol(ImportLibrary.ImportSymbolList[j]);
+ exesym:=TExeSymbol(ExeSymbolList.Find(ImportSymbol.MangledName));
+ if assigned(exesym) and
+ (exesym.State<>symstate_defined) then
+ begin
+ basedllname:=ExtractFileName(ImportLibrary.Name);
+ exesym.objsymbol:=AddImport(ImportSymbol.Name,ImportSymbol.MangledName,ImportSymbol.IsVar);
+ exesym.State:=symstate_defined;
+ importAddressList := TFPObjectList.create(false);
+ nlmImports.Add(ImportSymbol.Name,importAddressList);
+ if pos('.',basedllname) = 0 then
+ basedllname := basedllname + '.nlm';
+ nlmImpNames.Add(ImportSymbol.Name,TStringObj.create(lower(basedllname)));
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ PackUnresolvedExeSymbols('after DLL imports');
+ GenerateExports;
+ end;
+ procedure TNLMexeoutput.GenerateImports;
+ var
+ exesec,
+ impexesec : TExeSection;
+ objsec : TObjSection;
+ objreloc : TObjRelocation;
+ i,j,k : integer;
+ importAddressList : TFPObjectList;
+ name,mName : string;
+ b : byte;
+ modules : string;
+ modName : TStringObj;
+ begin
+ if FImportsGenerated then exit;
+ FImportsGenerated := true;
+ impexesec:=FindExeSection('.imports');
+ if impexesec=nil then exit;
+ for i:=0 to ExeSectionList.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ exesec:=TExeSection(ExeSectionList[i]);
+ for j:=0 to exesec.ObjSectionList.count-1 do
+ begin
+ objsec:=TObjSection(exesec.ObjSectionList[j]);
+ if j=0 then
+ begin
+ exesec.DataPos:=objSec.DataPos;
+ exesec.MemPos:=objSec.MemPos;
+ end;
+ if (copy(,1,5) <> '.text') and (copy(,1,4) <> '.bss') and (copy(,1,5) <> '.data') then
+ continue;
+ for k:=0 to objsec.ObjRelocations.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ objreloc := TObjRelocation(objsec.ObjRelocations[k]);
+ if assigned(objreloc.symbol) then
+ begin
+ //writeln (,' ',objreloc.symbol.bind);
+ if objreloc.symbol.bind = AB_IMPORT then
+ begin
+ importAddressList := TFPObjectList(nlmImports.Find(;
+ if assigned(importAddressList) then
+ begin
+ objreloc.objsection := objsec; // points to idata5
+ importAddressList.Add(objreloc);
+ end else
+ begin
+ comment(v_error,' is external but not defined in nlm imports');
+ end;
+ end;
+ end
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ modules := '';
+ for i := 0 to nlmImports.count-1 do
+ begin
+ importAddressList := TFPObjectList(nlmImports.Items[i]);
+ if importAddressList.Count > 0 then
+ begin
+ name := nlmImports.NameOfIndex(i);
+ // find the module to be imported and add it to the list
+ // of modules to be auto loaded
+ modName := TStringObj(nlmImpNames.Find(name));
+ if assigned(modName) then
+ begin
+ mName := modName.Value;
+ if mName <> '' then
+ if copy(mName,1,1) <> '!' then // special, with ! only the imp will be included but no module is autoloaded, needed i.e. for netware.imp
+ begin
+ if pos(mName+';',modules) < 1 then
+ begin
+ modules := modules + mName + ';';
+ inc(FNumModules);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ internalobjdata.SetSection(TObjSection(impexesec.ObjSectionList[0]));
+ objNLMwriteString (name,false); // name of symbol
+ k := importAddressList.Count;
+ internalobjdata.writebytes(k,sizeof(k)); // number of references
+ inc(FNumExternals);
+ for j := 0 to importAddressList.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ objreloc := TObjRelocation(importAddressList[j]);
+ objsec := objreloc.objsection;
+ if oso_executable in objreloc.objsection.SecOptions then
+ begin
+ if objreloc.typ <> RELOC_RELATIVE then comment(v_error,'reference to external symbols must be RELOC_RELATIVE');
+ // TODO: how to check if size is 4 ????
+ k := objsec.MemPos + objreloc.DataOffset;
+ k := k or $40000000;
+ // TODO: data|code if we support importing data symbols
+ // i do not know if this is possible with netware
+ internalobjdata.writebytes(k,sizeof(k)); // address
+ // the netware loader requires an offset at the import address
+ // for call = E8 this is -4
+ // TODO: how can we check the needed offset ??
+ if objreloc.DataOffset > 0 then
+ begin
+ if b <> $E8 then
+ comment(v_error,'no rcall (E8) before imported symbol target address');
+ k := -4;
+ objsec.Data.write(k,sizeof(k));
+ end else
+ begin
+ k := 0;
+ objsec.Data.write(k,sizeof(k));
+ end;
+ objreloc.typ := RELOC_NONE; // to avoid that TCoffObjSection.fixuprelocs changes the address again
+ end else
+ comment(v_error,'Importing of symbols only supported for .text');
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ exesec := FindExeSection('.modules');
+ if not assigned(exesec) then internalerror(201103272); // exe section .modules does not exist ???
+ internalobjdata.SetSection(TObjSection(exesec.ObjSectionList[0]));
+ for i := 1 to FNumModules do
+ begin
+ name := GetToken(modules,';');
+ objNLMwriteString (name,false);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure TNLMexeoutput.GenerateExports;
+ var
+ hp : texported_item; { for exports }
+ len : byte;
+ addr: longword;
+ exesym : texesymbol;
+ begin
+ internalObjData.createsection('.exports',0,[oso_data,oso_keep]);
+ {name LString 1+n bytes
+ addr 4 bytes
+ addr and $80000000 > 0 -> .text else .data}
+ hp:=texported_item(current_module._exports.first);
+ if assigned(hp) then
+ if assigned(exemap) then
+ exemap.Add('');
+ while assigned(hp) do
+ begin
+ { Export the Symbol }
+ if assigned(exemap) then
+ exemap.Add(' Exporting Function '+hp.sym.prettyname+' as '^);
+ len := length(^);
+ internalobjdata.writebytes(len,1);
+ internalobjdata.writebytes(^[1],len);
+ exesym:=texesymbol(ExeSymbolList.Find(hp.sym.prettyname));
+ if not assigned(exesym) then
+ begin
+ comment(v_error,'exported symbol '+hp.sym.prettyname+' not found');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ // for exported functions we have to set the upper bit
+ // this will be done in .writedata
+ if not hp.is_var then
+ FexportFunctionOffsets.Add(pointer(PtrUInt(internalobjdata.CurrObjSec.Size)));
+ internalobjdata.writereloc(0,4,exesym.ObjSymbol,RELOC_ABSOLUTE32);
+ addr := 0;
+ internalobjdata.writebytes(addr,4);
+ inc(FnumExports);
+ hp:=texported_item(;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure TNLMexeoutput.GenerateRelocs;
+ var
+ exesec : TExeSection;
+ objsec : TObjSection;
+ objreloc : TObjRelocation;
+ i,j,k : longint;
+ offset : longword;
+ inSec,toSec : TsecType;
+ targetSectionName : string;
+ begin
+ if not RelocSection or FRelocsGenerated then
+ exit;
+ exesec:=FindExeSection('.reloc');
+ if exesec=nil then
+ exit;
+ objsec:=internalObjData.createsection('.reloc',0,exesec.SecOptions+[oso_data]);
+ exesec.AddObjSection(objsec);
+ for i:=0 to ExeSectionList.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ exesec:=TExeSection(ExeSectionList[i]);
+ for j:=0 to exesec.ObjSectionList.count-1 do
+ begin
+ objsec:=TObjSection(exesec.ObjSectionList[j]);
+ //writeln ('Relocs for ',,' - ',;
+ { create relocs only for sections which are loaded in memory }
+ if not (oso_load in objsec.SecOptions) then
+ continue;
+ { create relocs only for .text and .data }
+ inSec := SectionType (;
+ if (inSec <> Section_Text) and (inSec <> Section_Data) then
+ continue;
+ for k:=0 to objsec.ObjRelocations.Count-1 do
+ begin
+ objreloc:=TObjRelocation(objsec.ObjRelocations[k]);
+ if objreloc.typ <> RELOC_ABSOLUTE then
+ continue;
+ offset:=objsec.MemPos+objreloc.dataoffset;
+ targetSectionName := '';
+ if objreloc.symbol <> nil then
+ begin
+ // writeln (' MemPos',objsec.MemPos,
+ // ' dataOfs:',objreloc.dataoffset,' ',,
+ // ' objreloc.symbol: ',,
+ // ' ',,
+ // ' ',objreloc.symbol.Typ,' ',objrel
+ // oc.symbol.bind,' ',objreloc.Typ);
+ if[1] <> '.' then
+ targetSectionName := // specials like __bss_start__
+ else // dont use because it begins with *
+ targetSectionName := copy(,1,5); // all others begin with .segment, we only have to check for .text, .data or .bss
+ end else
+ internalerror(2011030603);
+ toSec := SectionType(targetSectionName);
+ if (toSec = Section_Text) or (toSec = Section_Data) then
+ begin
+ if (inSec = Section_text) then offset := offset or $40000000;
+ if (toSec = Section_text) then offset := offset or $80000000;
+ internalObjData.writebytes(offset,4);
+ inc(FNumRelocs);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ FRelocsGenerated:=true;
+ end;
+ procedure TNLMexeoutput.Order_End;
+ var
+ exesec : TExeSection;
+ begin
+ inherited;
+ exesec:=FindExeSection('.reloc');
+ if exesec=nil then
+ exit;
+ exesec.SecOptions:=exesec.SecOptions + [oso_Data,oso_keep,oso_load];
+ end;
+ procedure TNLMexeoutput.MemPos_ExeSection(const aname:string);
+ begin
+ if aname='.reloc' then
+ GenerateRelocs;
+ if aname='.imports' then
+ GenerateImports;
+ if aname='.data' then
+ currMemPos := 0; // both, data and code in the nlm have a start offset of 0
+ inherited;
+ end;
+ procedure TNLMexeoutput.DataPos_ExeSection(const aname:string);
+ begin
+ inherited;
+ end;
+ procedure TNLMexeoutput.NLMwriteString (const s : string; terminateWithZero : boolean);
+ var len : byte;
+ begin
+ if length(s) > 254 then len := 254 else len := length(s);
+ FWriter.Write(len,1);
+ if len > 0 then
+ FWriter.write(s[1],len);
+ if terminateWithZero then
+ FWriter.writeZeros(1);
+ end;
+ procedure TNLMexeoutput.objNLMwriteString (const s : string; terminateWithZero : boolean);
+ var len : byte;
+ begin
+ if length(s) > 254 then len := 254 else len := length(s);
+ Internalobjdata.writebytes(len,1);
+ if len > 0 then
+ Internalobjdata.writebytes(s[1],len);
+ if terminateWithZero then
+ begin
+ len := 0;
+ Internalobjdata.writebytes(s[1],len);
+ end;
+ end;
+ { parse netware specific linker options }
+ procedure TNLMexeoutput.ParseScript (linkscript:TCmdStrList);
+ var
+ hp : TCmdStrListItem;
+ opt,keyword,s : string;
+ i : integer;
+ function toInteger(s:string; min,max:integer; var res:integer):boolean;
+ var
+ code:word;
+ begin
+ result := false;
+ val (s,res,code);
+ if code<>0 then exit;
+ if (res < min) or (res > max) then exit;
+ result := true;
+ end;
+ procedure loadFile (const secName, fileName, Desc : string);
+ var
+ fileBuf : array [0..4095] of char;
+ bytesRead : longint;
+ fileH : THandle;
+ fn : TCmdStr;
+ begin
+ fn := fileName;
+ if not fileExists(fn) then
+ if not unitsearchpath.FindFile(fileName,true,fn) then
+ begin
+ comment(v_error,'can not find '+desc+' file '+fileName);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ fileH := fileOpen (fn,fmOpenRead);
+ if fileH = THandle(-1) then
+ begin
+ comment(v_error,'can not open '+desc+' file '+fn);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { load file into section }
+ internalObjData.createsection(secName,0,[oso_data,oso_keep]);
+ repeat
+ bytesRead := fileRead(fileH,fileBuf,sizeof(fileBuf));
+ if bytesRead > 0 then
+ internalobjdata.writebytes(fileBuf,bytesRead);
+ until bytesRead < sizeof(fileBuf);
+ fileClose(fileH);
+ end;
+ begin
+ hp:=TCmdStrListItem(linkscript.first);
+ while assigned(hp) do
+ begin
+ opt:=hp.str;
+ if (opt='') or (opt[1]='#') then
+ continue;
+ keyword:=Upper(GetToken(opt,' '));
+ if keyword = 'AUTOUNLOAD' then
+ begin
+ nlmHeader.flags:=nlmHeader.flags or NLM_FLAGS_AUTOUNLOAD;
+ end else
+ if keyword = 'COPYRIGHT' then
+ begin
+ nlmCopyright := GetToken(opt,' ');
+ end else
+ if keyword = 'CUSTOM' then
+ begin
+ loadFile ('.custom',GetToken(opt,' '),'custom data');
+ end;
+ if keyword = 'DATE' then // month day 4-digit-year
+ begin
+ if not toInteger(GetToken(opt,' '),1,12,i) then comment(v_error,'DATE: invalid month')
+ else nlmVersionHeader.month := i;
+ if not toInteger(GetToken(opt,' '),1,31,i) then comment(v_error,'DATE: invalid day')
+ else := i;
+ if not toInteger(GetToken(opt,' '),1900,3000,i) then comment(v_error,'DATE: invalid year')
+ else nlmVersionHeader.year := i;
+ end else
+ if keyword = 'DEBUG' then
+ begin
+ // ignore
+ end else
+ if keyword = 'DESCRIPTION' then
+ begin
+ nlmDescription := GetToken(opt,' ');
+ if length (nlmDescription) > NLM_MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH then
+ nlmDescription := copy (nlmDescription,1,NLM_MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH);
+ end else
+ if keyword = 'FLAG' then
+ begin
+ s := upper(GetToken(opt,' '));
+ if (not toInteger(GetToken(opt,' '),1,$FFFFFFF,i)) or ((s <> 'ON') and (S <> 'OFF')) then comment(v_error,'FLAG: invalid') else
+ if (s='ON') then
+ nlmHeader.flags:=nlmHeader.flags or i else
+ nlmHeader.flags:=nlmHeader.flags and ($FFFFFFF-i);
+ end else
+ if keyword = 'HELP' then
+ begin
+ loadFile ('.help',GetToken(opt,' '),'help');
+ end else
+ if keyword = 'MESSAGES' then
+ begin
+ loadFile ('.messages',GetToken(opt,' '),'message');
+ end else
+ if keyword = 'MULTIPLE' then
+ begin
+ nlmHeader.flags:=nlmHeader.flags or NLM_FLAGS_MULTILOAD;
+ end else
+ if keyword = 'OS_DOMAIN' then
+ begin
+ nlmHeader.flags:=nlmHeader.flags or NLM_FLAGS_OSDOMAIN;
+ end else
+ if keyword = 'PSEUDOPREEMPTION' then
+ begin
+ nlmHeader.flags:=nlmHeader.flags or NLM_FLAGS_PSEUDOPREEMPTION;
+ end else
+ if keyword = 'REENTRANT' then
+ begin
+ nlmHeader.flags:=nlmHeader.flags or NLM_FLAGS_REENTRANT;
+ end else
+ if keyword = 'SCREENNAME' then
+ begin
+ nlmScreenname := GetToken(opt,' ');
+ if length(nlmScreenname) > NLM_MAX_SCREEN_NAME_LENGTH then
+ nlmScreenName := copy (nlmScreenName,1,NLM_MAX_SCREEN_NAME_LENGTH);
+ end else
+ if (keyword = 'STACK') or (keyword = 'STACKSIZE') then
+ begin
+ if (not toInteger(GetToken(opt,' '),1,$FFFFFFF,i)) then comment(v_error,'invalid stacksize') else
+ stacksize := i;
+ end else
+ if keyword = 'SYNCHRONIZE' then
+ begin
+ nlmHeader.flags:=nlmHeader.flags or NLM_FLAGS_SYNCHRONIZE;
+ end else
+ if keyword = 'THREADNAME' then
+ begin
+ nlmThreadname := GetToken(opt,' ');
+ if length(nlmThreadname) > NLM_MAX_THREAD_NAME_LENGTH then
+ nlmThreadname := copy (nlmThreadname,1,NLM_MAX_THREAD_NAME_LENGTH);
+ end else
+ if keyword = 'TYPE' then
+ begin
+ if (not toInteger(GetToken(opt,' '),1,16,i)) then comment(v_error,'invalid TYPE') else
+ nlmHeader.moduleType := i; // TODO: set executable extension (.DSK, .LAN, ...)
+ end else
+ if keyword = 'VERSION' then
+ begin
+ if (not toInteger(GetToken(opt,' '),0,$FFFFFFF,i)) then comment(v_error,'invalid major version') else
+ nlmVersionHeader.majorVersion := i;
+ if (not toInteger(GetToken(opt,' '),0,99,i)) then comment(v_error,'invalid minor version') else
+ nlmVersionHeader.minorVersion := i;
+ if (not toInteger(GetToken(opt,' '),0,$FFFFFFF,i)) then comment(v_error,'invalid minor version') else
+ if i > 26 then
+ nlmVersionHeader.revision := 0 else
+ nlmVersionHeader.revision := i;
+ end else
+ if keyword = 'XDCDATA' then
+ begin
+ loadFile ('.xdc',GetToken(opt,' '),'xdc');
+ end;
+ { TODO: check for unknown options. This means all handled option
+ (also in link.pas) have to be flagged if processed }
+ hp:=TCmdStrListItem(;
+ end;
+ end;
+ TNLMCoffObjData
+ constructor TNLMCoffObjData.create(const n:string);
+ begin
+ inherited createcoff(n,true,TNLMCoffObjSection);
+ end;
+ TNLMoffObjSection
+ constructor TNLMCoffObjSection.create(AList:TFPHashObjectList;const aname:string;aalign:shortint;aoptions:TObjSectionOptions);
+ begin
+ inherited create(alist,aname,aalign,aoptions);
+ end;
+ constructor TNLMCoffObjOutput.create(AWriter:TObjectWriter);
+ begin
+ // ??????
+ // if win32=false, .stabs and .stabstr will be written without oso_debug
+ // Without oso_debug the sections will be removed by the linker
+ inherited createcoff(AWriter,{win32}true);
+ cobjdata:=TNLMCoffObjData;
+ end;
+ TDJCoffAssembler
+ constructor TNLMCoffAssembler.Create(smart:boolean);
+ begin
+ inherited Create(smart);
+ CObjOutput:=TNLMCoffObjOutput;
+ end;
+ constructor TNLMCoffObjInput.create;
+ begin
+ inherited createcoff(true);
+ cobjdata:=TNLMCoffObjData;
+ end;
+ Initialize
+ as_i386_nlmcoff_info : tasminfo =
+ (
+ id : as_i386_nlmcoff;
+ idtxt : 'NLMCOFF';
+ asmbin : '';
+ asmcmd : '';
+ supported_targets : [system_i386_Netware,system_i386_netwlibc];
+ flags : [af_outputbinary,af_smartlink_sections];
+ labelprefix : '.L';
+ comment : '';
+ );
+{$ifdef i386}
+ RegisterAssembler(as_i386_nlmcoff_info,TNLMCoffAssembler);
+{$endif i386}