path: root/closures/compiler/optvirt.pas
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1 files changed, 1181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/closures/compiler/optvirt.pas b/closures/compiler/optvirt.pas
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index 0000000000..9646c1b172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/closures/compiler/optvirt.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1181 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2008 by Jonas Maebe
+ Virtual methods optimizations (devirtualization)
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit optvirt;
+ interface
+ uses
+ globtype,
+ cclasses,
+ symtype,symdef,
+ wpobase;
+ type
+ { node in an inheritance tree, contains a link to the parent type (if any) and to all
+ child types
+ }
+ tinheritancetreenode = class
+ private
+ fdef: tobjectdef;
+ fparent: tinheritancetreenode;
+ fchilds: tfpobjectlist;
+ fcalledvmtmethods: tbitset;
+ finstantiated: boolean;
+ function getchild(index: longint): tinheritancetreenode;
+ public
+ constructor create(_parent: tinheritancetreenode; _def: tobjectdef; _instantiated: boolean);
+ { destroys both this node and all of its siblings }
+ destructor destroy; override;
+ function childcount: longint;
+ function haschilds: boolean;
+ property childs[index: longint]: tinheritancetreenode read getchild;
+ property parent: tinheritancetreenode read fparent;
+ property def: tobjectdef read fdef;
+ property instantiated: boolean read finstantiated write finstantiated;
+ { if def is not yet a child of this node, add it. In all cases, return node containing
+ this def (either new or existing one
+ }
+ function maybeaddchild(_def: tobjectdef; _instantiated: boolean): tinheritancetreenode;
+ function findchild(_def: tobjectdef): tinheritancetreenode;
+ end;
+ tinheritancetreecallback = procedure(node: tinheritancetreenode; arg: pointer) of object;
+ tinheritancetree = class
+ private
+ { just a regular node with parent = nil }
+ froots: tinheritancetreenode;
+ classrefdefs: tfpobjectlist;
+ procedure foreachnodefromroot(root: tinheritancetreenode; proctocall: tinheritancetreecallback; arg: pointer);
+ function registerinstantiatedobjectdefrecursive(def: tobjectdef; instantiated: boolean): tinheritancetreenode;
+ procedure markvmethods(node: tinheritancetreenode; p: pointer);
+ procedure printobjectvmtinfo(node: tinheritancetreenode; arg: pointer);
+ procedure addcalledvmtentries(node: tinheritancetreenode; arg: pointer);
+ function getnodefordef(def: tobjectdef): tinheritancetreenode;
+ public
+ constructor create;
+ destructor destroy; override;
+ { adds an objectdef (the def itself, and all of its parents that do not yet exist) to
+ the tree, and returns the leaf node
+ }
+ procedure registerinstantiatedobjdef(def: tdef);
+ procedure registerinstantiatedclassrefdef(def: tdef);
+ procedure registercalledvmtentries(entries: tcalledvmtentries);
+ procedure checkforclassrefinheritance(def: tdef);
+ procedure foreachnode(proctocall: tinheritancetreecallback; arg: pointer);
+ procedure foreachleafnode(proctocall: tinheritancetreecallback; arg: pointer);
+ procedure optimizevirtualmethods;
+ procedure printvmtinfo;
+ end;
+ { devirtualisation information for a class }
+ tclassdevirtinfo = class(tfphashobject)
+ private
+ { array (indexed by vmt entry nr) of replacement statically callable method names }
+ fstaticmethodnames: tfplist;
+ { is this class instantiated by the program? }
+ finstantiated: boolean;
+ function isstaticvmtentry(vmtindex: longint; out replacementname: pshortstring): boolean;
+ public
+ constructor create(hashobjectlist:tfphashobjectlist;const n: shortstring; instantiated: boolean);
+ destructor destroy; override;
+ property instantiated: boolean read finstantiated;
+ procedure addstaticmethod(vmtindex: longint; const replacementname: shortstring);
+ end;
+ { devirtualisation information for all classes in a unit }
+ tunitdevirtinfo = class(tfphashobject)
+ private
+ { hashtable of classes }
+ fclasses: tfphashobjectlist;
+ public
+ constructor create(hashobjectlist:tfphashobjectlist;const n: shortstring);reintroduce;
+ destructor destroy; override;
+ function addclass(const n: shortstring; instantiated: boolean): tclassdevirtinfo;
+ function findclass(const n: shortstring): tclassdevirtinfo;
+ end;
+ { devirtualisation information for all units in a program }
+ { tprogdevirtinfo }
+ tprogdevirtinfo = class(twpodevirtualisationhandler)
+ private
+ { hashtable of tunitdevirtinfo (which contain tclassdevirtinfo) }
+ funits: tfphashobjectlist;
+ procedure converttreenode(node: tinheritancetreenode; arg: pointer);
+ function addunitifnew(const n: shortstring): tunitdevirtinfo;
+ function findunit(const n: shortstring): tunitdevirtinfo;
+ function getstaticname(forvmtentry: boolean; objdef, procdef: tdef; out staticname: string): boolean;
+ procedure documentformat(writer: twposectionwriterintf);
+ public
+ constructor create; override;
+ destructor destroy; override;
+ class function getwpotype: twpotype; override;
+ class function generatesinfoforwposwitches: twpoptimizerswitches; override;
+ class function performswpoforswitches: twpoptimizerswitches; override;
+ class function sectionname: shortstring; override;
+ { information collection }
+ procedure constructfromcompilerstate; override;
+ procedure storewpofilesection(writer: twposectionwriterintf); override;
+ { information providing }
+ procedure loadfromwpofilesection(reader: twposectionreaderintf); override;
+ function staticnameforcallingvirtualmethod(objdef, procdef: tdef; out staticname: string): boolean; override;
+ function staticnameforvmtentry(objdef, procdef: tdef; out staticname: string): boolean; override;
+ end;
+ implementation
+ uses
+ cutils,
+ fmodule,
+ symconst,
+ symbase,
+ symtable,
+ nobj,
+ verbose;
+ const
+ DEVIRT_SECTION_NAME = 'contextinsensitive_devirtualization';
+ { *************************** tinheritancetreenode ************************* }
+ constructor tinheritancetreenode.create(_parent: tinheritancetreenode; _def: tobjectdef; _instantiated: boolean);
+ begin
+ fparent:=_parent;
+ fdef:=_def;
+ finstantiated:=_instantiated;
+ if assigned(_def) then
+ fcalledvmtmethods:=tbitset.create(_def.vmtentries.count);
+ end;
+ destructor tinheritancetreenode.destroy;
+ begin
+ { fchilds owns its members, so it will free them too }
+ inherited destroy;
+ end;
+ function tinheritancetreenode.childcount: longint;
+ begin
+ if assigned(fchilds) then
+ result:=fchilds.count
+ else
+ result:=0;
+ end;
+ function tinheritancetreenode.haschilds: boolean;
+ begin
+ result:=assigned(fchilds)
+ end;
+ function tinheritancetreenode.getchild(index: longint): tinheritancetreenode;
+ begin
+ result:=tinheritancetreenode(fchilds[index]);
+ end;
+ function tinheritancetreenode.maybeaddchild(_def: tobjectdef; _instantiated: boolean): tinheritancetreenode;
+ begin
+ { sanity check }
+ if assigned(_def.childof) then
+ begin
+ if (_def.childof<>def) then
+ internalerror(2008092201);
+ end
+ else if assigned(fparent) then
+ internalerror(2008092202);
+ if not assigned(fchilds) then
+ fchilds:=tfpobjectlist.create(true);
+ { def already a child -> return }
+ result:=findchild(_def);
+ if assigned(result) then
+ result.finstantiated:=result.finstantiated or _instantiated
+ else
+ begin
+ { not found, add new child }
+ result:=tinheritancetreenode.create(self,_def,_instantiated);
+ fchilds.add(result);
+ end;
+ end;
+ function tinheritancetreenode.findchild(_def: tobjectdef): tinheritancetreenode;
+ var
+ i: longint;
+ begin
+ result:=nil;
+ if assigned(fchilds) then
+ for i := 0 to fchilds.count-1 do
+ if (tinheritancetreenode(fchilds[i]).def=_def) then
+ begin
+ result:=tinheritancetreenode(fchilds[i]);
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ { *************************** tinheritancetree ************************* }
+ constructor tinheritancetree.create;
+ begin
+ froots:=tinheritancetreenode.create(nil,nil,false);
+ classrefdefs:=tfpobjectlist.create(false);
+ end;
+ destructor tinheritancetree.destroy;
+ begin
+ inherited destroy;
+ end;
+ function tinheritancetree.registerinstantiatedobjectdefrecursive(def: tobjectdef; instantiated: boolean): tinheritancetreenode;
+ begin
+ if assigned(def.childof) then
+ begin
+ { recursively add parent, of which we have no info about whether or not it is
+ instantiated at this point -> default to false (will be overridden by "true"
+ if this class is instantioted, since then registerinstantiatedobjdef() will
+ be called for this class as well)
+ }
+ result:=registerinstantiatedobjectdefrecursive(def.childof,false);
+ { and add ourselves to the parent }
+ result:=result.maybeaddchild(def,instantiated);
+ end
+ else
+ { add ourselves to the roots }
+ result:=froots.maybeaddchild(def,instantiated);
+ end;
+ procedure tinheritancetree.registerinstantiatedobjdef(def: tdef);
+ begin
+ { add the def }
+ if (def.typ=objectdef) then
+ registerinstantiatedobjectdefrecursive(tobjectdef(def),true)
+ else
+ internalerror(2008092401);
+ end;
+ procedure tinheritancetree.registerinstantiatedclassrefdef(def: tdef);
+ begin
+ { queue for later checking (these are the objectdefs
+ to which the classrefdefs point) }
+ if (def.typ=objectdef) then
+ classrefdefs.add(def)
+ else
+ internalerror(2008101401);
+ end;
+ function tinheritancetree.getnodefordef(def: tobjectdef): tinheritancetreenode;
+ begin
+ if assigned(def.childof) then
+ begin
+ result:=getnodefordef(def.childof);
+ if assigned(result) then
+ result:=result.findchild(def);
+ end
+ else
+ result:=froots.findchild(def);
+ end;
+ procedure tinheritancetree.registercalledvmtentries(entries: tcalledvmtentries);
+ var
+ node: tinheritancetreenode;
+ begin
+ node:=getnodefordef(tobjectdef(entries.objdef));
+ { it's possible that no instance of this class or its descendants are
+ instantiated
+ }
+ if not assigned(node) then
+ exit;
+ { now mark these methods as (potentially) called for this type and for
+ all of its descendants
+ }
+ addcalledvmtentries(node,entries.calledentries);
+ foreachnodefromroot(node,@addcalledvmtentries,entries.calledentries);
+ end;
+ procedure tinheritancetree.checkforclassrefinheritance(def: tdef);
+ var
+ i: longint;
+ begin
+ if (def.typ=objectdef) then
+ begin
+{$ifdef debug_devirt}
+ write(' Checking for classrefdef inheritance of ',def.typename);
+{$endif debug_devirt}
+ for i:=0 to classrefdefs.count-1 do
+ if tobjectdef(def).is_related(tobjectdef(classrefdefs[i])) then
+ begin
+{$ifdef debug_devirt}
+ writeln('... Found: inherits from Class Of ',tobjectdef(classrefdefs[i]).typename);
+{$endif debug_devirt}
+ registerinstantiatedobjdef(def);
+ exit;
+ end;
+{$ifdef debug_devirt}
+ writeln('... Not found!');
+{$endif debug_devirt}
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tinheritancetree.foreachnodefromroot(root: tinheritancetreenode; proctocall: tinheritancetreecallback; arg: pointer);
+ procedure process(const node: tinheritancetreenode);
+ var
+ i: longint;
+ begin
+ for i:=0 to node.childcount-1 do
+ if node.childs[i].haschilds then
+ begin
+ proctocall(node.childs[i],arg);
+ process(node.childs[i])
+ end
+ else
+ proctocall(node.childs[i],arg);
+ end;
+ begin
+ process(root);
+ end;
+ procedure tinheritancetree.foreachnode(proctocall: tinheritancetreecallback; arg: pointer);
+ begin
+ foreachnodefromroot(froots,proctocall,arg);
+ end;
+ procedure tinheritancetree.foreachleafnode(proctocall: tinheritancetreecallback; arg: pointer);
+ procedure process(const node: tinheritancetreenode);
+ var
+ i: longint;
+ begin
+ for i:=0 to node.childcount-1 do
+ if node.childs[i].haschilds then
+ process(node.childs[i])
+ else
+ proctocall(node.childs[i],arg);
+ end;
+ begin
+ process(froots);
+ end;
+ procedure tinheritancetree.markvmethods(node: tinheritancetreenode; p: pointer);
+ var
+ currnode: tinheritancetreenode;
+ pd: tprocdef;
+ i: longint;
+ makeallvirtual: boolean;
+ begin
+ writeln('processing leaf node ',node.def.typename);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ { todo: also process interfaces (ImplementedInterfaces) }
+ if (node.def.vmtentries.count=0) then
+ exit;
+ { process all vmt entries for this class/object }
+ for i:=0 to node.def.vmtentries.count-1 do
+ begin
+ currnode:=node;
+ { extra tprocdef(tobject(..)) typecasts so that -CR can catch
+ errors in case the vmtentries are not properly (re)deref'd }
+ pd:=tprocdef(tobject(pvmtentry(currnode.def.vmtentries[i])^.procdef));
+ { abstract methods cannot be called directly }
+ if (po_abstractmethod in pd.procoptions) then
+ continue;
+ writeln(' method ',pd.typename);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ { Now mark all virtual methods static that are the same in parent
+ classes as in this instantiated child class (only instantiated
+ classes can be leaf nodes, since only instantiated classes were
+ added to the tree).
+ If a first child does not override a parent method while a
+ a second one does, the first will mark it as statically
+ callable, but the second will set it to not statically callable.
+ In the opposite situation, the first will mark it as not
+ statically callable and the second will leave it alone.
+ }
+ makeallvirtual:=false;
+ repeat
+ if { stop when this method does not exist in a parent }
+ (currnode.def.vmtentries.count<=i) then
+ break;
+ if not assigned(currnode.def.vmcallstaticinfo) then
+ currnode.def.vmcallstaticinfo:=allocmem(currnode.def.vmtentries.count*sizeof(tvmcallstatic));
+ { if this method cannot be called, we can just mark it as
+ unreachable. This will cause its static name to be set to
+ FPC_ABSTRACTERROR later on. Exception: published methods are
+ always reachable (via RTTI).
+ }
+ if (pd.visibility<>vis_published) and
+ not(currnode.fcalledvmtmethods.isset(i)) then
+ begin
+ currnode.def.vmcallstaticinfo^[i]:=vmcs_unreachable;
+ currnode:=currnode.parent;
+ end
+ { same procdef as in all instantiated childs? (yes or don't know) }
+ else if (currnode.def.vmcallstaticinfo^[i] in [vmcs_default,vmcs_yes]) then
+ begin
+ { methods in uninstantiated classes can be made static if
+ they are the same in all instantiated derived classes
+ }
+ if ((pvmtentry(currnode.def.vmtentries[i])^.procdef=pd) or
+ (not currnode.instantiated and
+ (currnode.def.vmcallstaticinfo^[i]=vmcs_default))) and
+ not makeallvirtual then
+ begin
+ writeln(' marking as static for ',currnode.def.typename);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ currnode.def.vmcallstaticinfo^[i]:=vmcs_yes;
+ { this is in case of a non-instantiated parent of an instantiated child:
+ the method declared in the child will always be called here
+ }
+ pvmtentry(currnode.def.vmtentries[i])^.procdef:=pd;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ writeln(' marking as non-static for ',currnode.def.typename);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ { this vmt entry must also remain virtual for all parents }
+ makeallvirtual:=true;
+ currnode.def.vmcallstaticinfo^[i]:=vmcs_no;
+ end;
+ currnode:=currnode.parent;
+ end
+ else if (currnode.def.vmcallstaticinfo^[i]=vmcs_no) then
+ begin
+ writeln(' not processing parents, already non-static for ',currnode.def.typename);
+ {$ENDIF}
+ { parents are already set to vmcs_no, so no need to continue }
+ currnode:=nil;
+ end
+ else
+ currnode:=currnode.parent;
+ until not assigned(currnode) or
+ not assigned(currnode.def);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tinheritancetree.optimizevirtualmethods;
+ begin
+ foreachleafnode(@markvmethods,nil);
+ end;
+ procedure tinheritancetree.printobjectvmtinfo(node: tinheritancetreenode; arg: pointer);
+ var
+ i,
+ totaldevirtualised,
+ totalvirtual,
+ totalunreachable: ptrint;
+ begin
+ totaldevirtualised:=0;
+ totalvirtual:=0;
+ totalunreachable:=0;
+ writeln(node.def.typename);
+ if (node.def.vmtentries.count=0) then
+ begin
+ writeln(' No virtual methods!');
+ exit;
+ end;
+ for i:=0 to node.def.vmtentries.count-1 do
+ if (po_virtualmethod in pvmtentry(node.def.vmtentries[i])^.procdef.procoptions) then
+ begin
+ inc(totalvirtual);
+ if (node.def.vmcallstaticinfo^[i]=vmcs_yes) then
+ begin
+ inc(totaldevirtualised);
+ writeln(' Devirtualised: ',pvmtentry(node.def.vmtentries[i])^.procdef.typename);
+ end
+ else if (node.def.vmcallstaticinfo^[i]=vmcs_unreachable) then
+ begin
+ inc(totalunreachable);
+ writeln(' Unreachable: ',pvmtentry(node.def.vmtentries[i])^.procdef.typename);
+ end;
+ end;
+ writeln('Total devirtualised/unreachable/all: ',totaldevirtualised,'/',totalunreachable,'/',totalvirtual);
+ writeln;
+ end;
+ procedure tinheritancetree.addcalledvmtentries(node: tinheritancetreenode; arg: pointer);
+ var
+ vmtentries: tbitset absolute arg;
+ begin
+ node.fcalledvmtmethods.addset(vmtentries);
+ end;
+ procedure tinheritancetree.printvmtinfo;
+ begin
+ foreachnode(@printobjectvmtinfo,nil);
+ end;
+ { helper routines: decompose an object & procdef combo into a unitname, class name and vmtentry number
+ (unit name where the objectdef is declared, class name of the objectdef, vmtentry number of the
+ procdef -- procdef does not necessarily belong to objectdef, it may also belong to a descendant
+ or parent)
+ }
+ procedure defunitclassname(objdef: tobjectdef; out unitname, classname: pshortstring);
+ const
+ mainprogname: string[2] = 'P$';
+ var
+ mainsymtab,
+ objparentsymtab : tsymtable;
+ begin
+ objparentsymtab:=objdef.symtable;
+ mainsymtab:=objparentsymtab.defowner.owner;
+ { main symtable must be static or global }
+ if not(mainsymtab.symtabletype in [staticsymtable,globalsymtable]) then
+ internalerror(200204175);
+ if (TSymtable(main_module.localsymtable)=mainsymtab) and
+ (not main_module.is_unit) then
+ { same convention as for mangled names }
+ unitname:=@mainprogname
+ else
+ classname:=tobjectdef(objparentsymtab.defowner).objname;
+ end;
+ procedure defsdecompose(objdef: tobjectdef; procdef: tprocdef; out unitname, classname: pshortstring; out vmtentry: longint);
+ begin
+ defunitclassname(objdef,unitname,classname);
+ vmtentry:=procdef.extnumber;
+ { if it's $ffff, this is not a valid virtual method }
+ if (vmtentry=$ffff) then
+ internalerror(2008100509);
+ end;
+ { tclassdevirtinfo }
+ constructor tclassdevirtinfo.create(hashobjectlist:tfphashobjectlist;const n: shortstring; instantiated: boolean);
+ begin
+ inherited create(hashobjectlist,n);
+ finstantiated:=instantiated;
+ fstaticmethodnames:=tfplist.create;
+ end;
+ destructor tclassdevirtinfo.destroy;
+ var
+ i: longint;
+ begin
+ for i:=0 to fstaticmethodnames.count-1 do
+ if assigned(fstaticmethodnames[i]) then
+ freemem(fstaticmethodnames[i]);
+ inherited destroy;
+ end;
+ procedure tclassdevirtinfo.addstaticmethod(vmtindex: longint;
+ const replacementname: shortstring);
+ begin
+ if (vmtindex>=fstaticmethodnames.count) then
+ fstaticmethodnames.Count:=vmtindex+10;
+ fstaticmethodnames[vmtindex]:=stringdup(replacementname);
+ end;
+ function tclassdevirtinfo.isstaticvmtentry(vmtindex: longint; out
+ replacementname: pshortstring): boolean;
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+ if (vmtindex>=fstaticmethodnames.count) then
+ exit;
+ replacementname:=fstaticmethodnames[vmtindex];
+ result:=assigned(replacementname);
+ end;
+ { tunitdevirtinfo }
+ constructor tunitdevirtinfo.create(hashobjectlist:tfphashobjectlist;const n: shortstring);
+ begin
+ inherited create(hashobjectlist,n);
+ fclasses:=tfphashobjectlist.create(true);
+ end;
+ destructor tunitdevirtinfo.destroy;
+ begin
+ inherited destroy;
+ end;
+ function tunitdevirtinfo.addclass(const n: shortstring; instantiated: boolean): tclassdevirtinfo;
+ begin
+ result:=findclass(n);
+ { can't have two classes with the same name in a single unit }
+ if assigned(result) then
+ internalerror(2008100501);
+ result:=tclassdevirtinfo.create(fclasses,n,instantiated);
+ end;
+ function tunitdevirtinfo.findclass(const n: shortstring): tclassdevirtinfo;
+ begin
+ result:=tclassdevirtinfo(fclasses.find(n));
+ end;
+ { tprogdevirtinfo }
+ procedure tprogdevirtinfo.converttreenode(node: tinheritancetreenode; arg: pointer);
+ var
+ i: longint;
+ unitid, classid: pshortstring;
+ unitdevirtinfo: tunitdevirtinfo;
+ classdevirtinfo: tclassdevirtinfo;
+ begin
+ if (not node.instantiated) and
+ (node.def.vmtentries.count=0) then
+ exit;
+ { always add a class entry for an instantiated class, so we can
+ fill the vmt's of non-instantiated classes with calls to
+ FPC_ABSTRACTERROR during the optimisation phase
+ }
+ defunitclassname(node.def,unitid,classid);
+ unitdevirtinfo:=addunitifnew(unitid^);
+ classdevirtinfo:=unitdevirtinfo.addclass(classid^,node.instantiated);
+ if (node.def.vmtentries.count=0) then
+ exit;
+ for i:=0 to node.def.vmtentries.count-1 do
+ if (po_virtualmethod in pvmtentry(node.def.vmtentries[i])^.procdef.procoptions) then
+ case node.def.vmcallstaticinfo^[i] of
+ vmcs_yes:
+ begin
+ { add info about devirtualised vmt entry }
+ classdevirtinfo.addstaticmethod(i,pvmtentry(node.def.vmtentries[i])^.procdef.mangledname);
+ end;
+ vmcs_unreachable:
+ begin
+ { static reference to FPC_ABSTRACTERROR }
+ classdevirtinfo.addstaticmethod(i,'FPC_ABSTRACTERROR');
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ constructor tprogdevirtinfo.create;
+ begin
+ inherited create;
+ end;
+ destructor tprogdevirtinfo.destroy;
+ begin
+ inherited destroy;
+ end;
+ class function tprogdevirtinfo.getwpotype: twpotype;
+ begin
+ result:=wpo_devirtualization_context_insensitive;
+ end;
+ class function tprogdevirtinfo.generatesinfoforwposwitches: twpoptimizerswitches;
+ begin
+ result:=[cs_wpo_devirtualize_calls,cs_wpo_optimize_vmts];
+ end;
+ class function tprogdevirtinfo.performswpoforswitches: twpoptimizerswitches;
+ begin
+ result:=[cs_wpo_devirtualize_calls,cs_wpo_optimize_vmts];
+ end;
+ class function tprogdevirtinfo.sectionname: shortstring;
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure tprogdevirtinfo.constructfromcompilerstate;
+ var
+ hp: tmodule;
+ i: longint;
+ inheritancetree: tinheritancetree;
+ begin
+ { register all instantiated class/object types }
+ hp:=tmodule(loaded_units.first);
+ while assigned(hp) do
+ begin
+ if assigned(hp.wpoinfo.createdobjtypes) then
+ for i:=0 to hp.wpoinfo.createdobjtypes.count-1 do
+ tdef(hp.wpoinfo.createdobjtypes[i]).register_created_object_type;
+ if assigned(hp.wpoinfo.createdclassrefobjtypes) then
+ for i:=0 to hp.wpoinfo.createdclassrefobjtypes.count-1 do
+ tobjectdef(hp.wpoinfo.createdclassrefobjtypes[i]).register_created_classref_type;
+ if assigned(hp.wpoinfo.maybecreatedbyclassrefdeftypes) then
+ for i:=0 to hp.wpoinfo.maybecreatedbyclassrefdeftypes.count-1 do
+ tobjectdef(hp.wpoinfo.maybecreatedbyclassrefdeftypes[i]).register_maybe_created_object_type;
+ hp:=tmodule(;
+ end;
+ inheritancetree:=tinheritancetree.create;
+ { add all constructed class/object types to the tree }
+ writeln('constructed object/class/classreftypes in ',current_module.realmodulename^);
+ for i := 0 to current_module.wpoinfo.createdobjtypes.count-1 do
+ begin
+ inheritancetree.registerinstantiatedobjdef(tdef(current_module.wpoinfo.createdobjtypes[i]));
+ write(' ',tdef(current_module.wpoinfo.createdobjtypes[i]).GetTypeName);
+ case tdef(current_module.wpoinfo.createdobjtypes[i]).typ of
+ objectdef:
+ case tobjectdef(current_module.wpoinfo.createdobjtypes[i]).objecttype of
+ odt_object:
+ writeln(' (object)')
+ ;
+ odt_class:
+ writeln(' (class)')
+ ;
+ else
+ internalerror(2008092101);
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(2008092102);
+ end;
+ end;
+ { register all instantiated classrefdefs with the tree }
+ for i := 0 to current_module.wpoinfo.createdclassrefobjtypes.count-1 do
+ begin
+ inheritancetree.registerinstantiatedclassrefdef(tdef(current_module.wpoinfo.createdclassrefobjtypes[i]));
+ write(' Class Of ',tdef(current_module.wpoinfo.createdclassrefobjtypes[i]).GetTypeName);
+ case tdef(current_module.wpoinfo.createdclassrefobjtypes[i]).typ of
+ objectdef:
+ writeln(' (classrefdef)')
+ ;
+ else
+ internalerror(2008101101);
+ end;
+ end;
+ { now add all objectdefs that are referred somewhere (via a
+ loadvmtaddr node) and that are derived from an instantiated
+ classrefdef to the tree (as they can, in theory, all
+ be instantiated as well)
+ }
+ for i := 0 to current_module.wpoinfo.maybecreatedbyclassrefdeftypes.count-1 do
+ begin
+ inheritancetree.checkforclassrefinheritance(tdef(current_module.wpoinfo.maybecreatedbyclassrefdeftypes[i]));
+ write(' Class Of ',tdef(current_module.wpoinfo.maybecreatedbyclassrefdeftypes[i]).GetTypeName);
+ case tdef(current_module.wpoinfo.maybecreatedbyclassrefdeftypes[i]).typ of
+ objectdef:
+ writeln(' (classrefdef)')
+ ;
+ else
+ internalerror(2008101101);
+ end;
+ end;
+ { add info about called virtual methods }
+ hp:=tmodule(loaded_units.first);
+ while assigned(hp) do
+ begin
+ if assigned(hp.wpoinfo.calledvmtentries) then
+ for i:=0 to hp.wpoinfo.calledvmtentries.count-1 do
+ inheritancetree.registercalledvmtentries(tcalledvmtentries(hp.wpoinfo.calledvmtentries[i]));
+ hp:=tmodule(;
+ end;
+ inheritancetree.optimizevirtualmethods;
+{$ifdef DEBUG_DEVIRT}
+ inheritancetree.printvmtinfo;
+{$endif DEBUG_DEVIRT}
+ inheritancetree.foreachnode(@converttreenode,nil);
+ end;
+ function tprogdevirtinfo.addunitifnew(const n: shortstring): tunitdevirtinfo;
+ begin
+ if assigned(funits) then
+ result:=findunit(n)
+ else
+ begin
+ funits:=tfphashobjectlist.create;
+ result:=nil;
+ end;
+ if not assigned(result) then
+ begin
+ result:=tunitdevirtinfo.create(funits,n);
+ end;
+ end;
+ function tprogdevirtinfo.findunit(const n: shortstring): tunitdevirtinfo;
+ begin
+ result:=tunitdevirtinfo(funits.find(n));
+ end;
+ procedure tprogdevirtinfo.loadfromwpofilesection(reader: twposectionreaderintf);
+ var
+ unitid,
+ classid,
+ vmtentryname: string;
+ vmttype: string[15];
+ vmtentrynrstr: string[7];
+ classinstantiated: string[1];
+ vmtentry, error: longint;
+ unitdevirtinfo: tunitdevirtinfo;
+ classdevirtinfo: tclassdevirtinfo;
+ instantiated: boolean;
+ begin
+ { format:
+ # unitname^
+ unit1^
+ # classname&
+ class1&
+ # instantiated?
+ 1
+ # vmt type (base or some interface)
+ basevmt
+ # vmt entry nr
+ 0
+ # name of routine to call instead
+ staticvmtentryforslot0
+ 5
+ staticvmtentryforslot5
+ intfvmt1
+ 0
+ staticvmtentryforslot0
+ # non-instantiated class (but if we encounter a variable of this
+ # type, we can optimise class to vmtentry 1)
+ class2&
+ 0
+ basevmt
+ 1
+ staticvmtentryforslot1
+ # instantiated class without optimisable virtual methods
+ class3&
+ 1
+ unit2^
+ 1
+ class3&
+ ...
+ currently, only basevmt is supported (no interfaces yet)
+ }
+ { could be empty if no classes or so }
+ if not reader.sectiongetnextline(unitid) then
+ exit;
+ repeat
+ if (unitid='') or
+ (unitid[length(unitid)]<>'^') then
+ internalerror(2008100502);
+ { cut off the trailing ^ }
+ setlength(unitid,length(unitid)-1);
+ unitdevirtinfo:=addunitifnew(unitid);
+ { now read classes }
+ if not reader.sectiongetnextline(classid) then
+ internalerror(2008100505);
+ repeat
+ if (classid='') or
+ (classid[length(classid)]<>'&') then
+ internalerror(2008100503);
+ { instantiated? }
+ if not reader.sectiongetnextline(classinstantiated) then
+ internalerror(2008101901);
+ instantiated:=classinstantiated='1';
+ { cut off the trailing & }
+ setlength(classid,length(classid)-1);
+ classdevirtinfo:=unitdevirtinfo.addclass(classid,instantiated);
+ { last class could be an instantiated class without any
+ optimisable methods. }
+ if not reader.sectiongetnextline(vmttype) then
+ exit;
+ { any optimisable virtual methods? }
+ if (vmttype<>'') then
+ begin
+ { interface info is not yet supported }
+ if (vmttype<>'basevmt') then
+ internalerror(2008100507);
+ { read all vmt entries for this class }
+ while reader.sectiongetnextline(vmtentrynrstr) and
+ (vmtentrynrstr<>'') do
+ begin
+ val(vmtentrynrstr,vmtentry,error);
+ if (error<>0) then
+ internalerror(2008100504);
+ if not reader.sectiongetnextline(vmtentryname) or
+ (vmtentryname='') then
+ internalerror(2008100508);
+ classdevirtinfo.addstaticmethod(vmtentry,vmtentryname);
+ end;
+ end;
+ { end of section -> exit }
+ if not(reader.sectiongetnextline(classid)) then
+ exit;
+ until (classid='') or
+ (classid[length(classid)]='^');
+ { next unit, or error }
+ unitid:=classid;
+ until false;
+ end;
+ procedure tprogdevirtinfo.documentformat(writer: twposectionwriterintf);
+ begin
+ writer.sectionputline('# section format:');
+ writer.sectionputline('# unit1^');
+ writer.sectionputline('# class1& ; classname&');
+ writer.sectionputline('# 1 ; instantiated or not');
+ writer.sectionputline('# basevmt ; vmt type (base or some interface)');
+ writer.sectionputline('# # vmt entry nr');
+ writer.sectionputline('# 0 ; vmt entry nr');
+ writer.sectionputline('# staticvmtentryforslot0 ; name or routine to call instead');
+ writer.sectionputline('# 5');
+ writer.sectionputline('# staticvmtentryforslot5');
+ writer.sectionputline('# intfvmt1');
+ writer.sectionputline('# 0');
+ writer.sectionputline('# staticvmtentryforslot0');
+ writer.sectionputline('#');
+ writer.sectionputline('# class2&');
+ writer.sectionputline('# 0 ; non-instantiated class (can be variables of this type, e.g. TObject)');
+ writer.sectionputline('# basevmt');
+ writer.sectionputline('# 1');
+ writer.sectionputline('# staticvmtentryforslot1');
+ writer.sectionputline('#');
+ writer.sectionputline('# class3& ; instantiated class without optimisable virtual methods');
+ writer.sectionputline('# 1');
+ writer.sectionputline('#');
+ writer.sectionputline('# unit2^');
+ writer.sectionputline('# 1');
+ writer.sectionputline('# class3&');
+ writer.sectionputline('# ...');
+ writer.sectionputline('#');
+ writer.sectionputline('# currently, only basevmt is supported (no interfaces yet)');
+ writer.sectionputline('#');
+ end;
+ procedure tprogdevirtinfo.storewpofilesection(writer: twposectionwriterintf);
+ var
+ unitcount,
+ classcount,
+ vmtentrycount: longint;
+ unitdevirtinfo: tunitdevirtinfo;
+ classdevirtinfo: tclassdevirtinfo;
+ first: boolean;
+ begin
+ writer.startsection(DEVIRT_SECTION_NAME);
+ { if there are no optimised virtual methods, we have stored no info }
+ if not assigned(funits) then
+ exit;
+ documentformat(writer);
+ for unitcount:=0 to funits.count-1 do
+ begin
+ unitdevirtinfo:=tunitdevirtinfo(funits[unitcount]);
+ writer.sectionputline('^');
+ for classcount:=0 to unitdevirtinfo.fclasses.count-1 do
+ begin
+ classdevirtinfo:=tclassdevirtinfo(tunitdevirtinfo(funits[unitcount]).fclasses[classcount]);
+ writer.sectionputline('&');
+ writer.sectionputline(tostr(ord(classdevirtinfo.instantiated)));
+ first:=true;
+ for vmtentrycount:=0 to classdevirtinfo.fstaticmethodnames.count-1 do
+ if assigned(classdevirtinfo.fstaticmethodnames[vmtentrycount]) then
+ begin
+ if first then
+ begin
+ writer.sectionputline('basevmt');
+ first:=false;
+ end;
+ writer.sectionputline(tostr(vmtentrycount));
+ writer.sectionputline(pshortstring(classdevirtinfo.fstaticmethodnames[vmtentrycount])^);
+ end;
+ writer.sectionputline('');
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function tprogdevirtinfo.getstaticname(forvmtentry: boolean; objdef, procdef: tdef; out staticname: string): boolean;
+ var
+ unitid,
+ classid,
+ newname: pshortstring;
+ unitdevirtinfo: tunitdevirtinfo;
+ classdevirtinfo: tclassdevirtinfo;
+ vmtentry: longint;
+ realobjdef: tobjectdef;
+ begin
+ { if we don't have any devirtualisation info, exit }
+ if not assigned(funits) then
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+ exit
+ end;
+ { class methods are in the regular vmt, so we can handle classrefs
+ the same way as plain objectdefs
+ }
+ if (objdef.typ=classrefdef) then
+ realobjdef:=tobjectdef(tclassrefdef(objdef).pointeddef)
+ else if (objdef.typ=objectdef) and
+ (tobjectdef(objdef).objecttype in [odt_class,odt_object]) then
+ realobjdef:=tobjectdef(objdef)
+ else
+ begin
+ { we don't support interfaces yet }
+ result:=false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { if it's for a vmtentry of an objdef and the objdef is
+ not instantiated, then we can fill the vmt with pointers
+ to FPC_ABSTRACTERROR, except for published methods
+ (these can be called via rtti, so always have to point
+ to the original method)
+ }
+ if forvmtentry and
+ (tprocdef(procdef).visibility=vis_published) then
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { get the component names for the class/procdef combo }
+ defsdecompose(realobjdef,tprocdef(procdef),unitid,classid,vmtentry);
+ { If we don't have information about a particular unit/class/method,
+ it means that such class cannot be instantiated. So if we are
+ looking up information for a vmt entry, we can always safely return
+ FPC_ABSTRACTERROR if we do not find anything, unless it's a
+ published method (but those are handled already above) or a
+ class method (can be called even if the class is not instantiated).
+ }
+ result:=
+ forvmtentry and
+ not(po_classmethod in tprocdef(procdef).procoptions);
+ staticname:='FPC_ABSTRACTERROR';
+ { do we have any info for this unit? }
+ unitdevirtinfo:=findunit(unitid^);
+ if not assigned(unitdevirtinfo) then
+ exit;
+ { and for this class? }
+ classdevirtinfo:=unitdevirtinfo.findclass(classid^);
+ if not assigned(classdevirtinfo) then
+ exit;
+ if forvmtentry and
+ (objdef.typ=objectdef) and
+ not classdevirtinfo.instantiated and
+ { virtual class methods can be called even if the class is not instantiated }
+ not(po_classmethod in tprocdef(procdef).procoptions) then
+ begin
+ { already set above
+ staticname:='FPC_ABSTRACTERROR';
+ }
+ result:=true;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { now check whether it can be devirtualised, and if so to what }
+ result:=classdevirtinfo.isstaticvmtentry(vmtentry,newname);
+ if result then
+ staticname:=newname^;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function tprogdevirtinfo.staticnameforcallingvirtualmethod(objdef, procdef: tdef; out staticname: string): boolean;
+ begin
+ result:=getstaticname(false,objdef,procdef,staticname);
+ end;
+ function tprogdevirtinfo.staticnameforvmtentry(objdef, procdef: tdef; out staticname: string): boolean;
+ begin
+ result:=getstaticname(true,objdef,procdef,staticname);
+ end;