path: root/closures/compiler/pdecobj.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'closures/compiler/pdecobj.pas')
1 files changed, 1281 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/closures/compiler/pdecobj.pas b/closures/compiler/pdecobj.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c29df2437
--- /dev/null
+++ b/closures/compiler/pdecobj.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,1281 @@
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Florian Klaempfl
+ Does object types for Free Pascal
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit pdecobj;
+ uses
+ cclasses,
+ globtype,symconst,symtype,symdef;
+ { parses a object declaration }
+ function object_dec(objecttype:tobjecttyp;const n:tidstring;genericdef:tstoreddef;genericlist:TFPObjectList;fd : tobjectdef;helpertype:thelpertype) : tobjectdef;
+ function class_constructor_head:tprocdef;
+ function class_destructor_head:tprocdef;
+ function constructor_head:tprocdef;
+ function destructor_head:tprocdef;
+ procedure struct_property_dec(is_classproperty:boolean);
+ uses
+ sysutils,cutils,
+ globals,verbose,systems,tokens,
+ symbase,symsym,symtable,
+ node,nld,nmem,ncon,ncnv,ncal,
+ fmodule,scanner,
+ pbase,pexpr,pdecsub,pdecvar,ptype,pdecl,pgenutil,ppu
+ ;
+ const
+ { Please leave this here, this module should NOT use
+ these variables.
+ Declaring it as string here results in an error when compiling (PFV) }
+ current_procinfo = 'error';
+ var
+ current_objectdef : tobjectdef absolute current_structdef;
+ function class_constructor_head:tprocdef;
+ var
+ pd : tprocdef;
+ begin
+ result:=nil;
+ consume(_CONSTRUCTOR);
+ { must be at same level as in implementation }
+ parse_proc_head(current_structdef,potype_class_constructor,pd);
+ if not assigned(pd) then
+ begin
+ consume(_SEMICOLON);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ pd.calcparas;
+ if (pd.maxparacount>0) then
+ Message(parser_e_no_paras_for_class_constructor);
+ consume(_SEMICOLON);
+ include(current_structdef.objectoptions,oo_has_class_constructor);
+ current_module.flags:=current_module.flags or uf_classinits;
+ { no return value }
+ pd.returndef:=voidtype;
+ result:=pd;
+ end;
+ function constructor_head:tprocdef;
+ var
+ pd : tprocdef;
+ begin
+ result:=nil;
+ consume(_CONSTRUCTOR);
+ { must be at same level as in implementation }
+ parse_proc_head(current_structdef,potype_constructor,pd);
+ if not assigned(pd) then
+ begin
+ consume(_SEMICOLON);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if (cs_constructor_name in current_settings.globalswitches) and
+ (<>'INIT') then
+ Message(parser_e_constructorname_must_be_init);
+ consume(_SEMICOLON);
+ include(current_structdef.objectoptions,oo_has_constructor);
+ { Set return type, class and record constructors return the
+ created instance, object constructors return boolean }
+ if is_class(pd.struct) or is_record(pd.struct) then
+ pd.returndef:=pd.struct
+ else
+{$ifdef CPU64bitaddr}
+ pd.returndef:=bool64type;
+{$else CPU64bitaddr}
+ pd.returndef:=bool32type;
+{$endif CPU64bitaddr}
+ result:=pd;
+ end;
+ procedure struct_property_dec(is_classproperty:boolean);
+ var
+ p : tpropertysym;
+ begin
+ { check for a class, record or helper }
+ if not((is_class_or_interface_or_dispinterface(current_structdef) or is_record(current_structdef) or is_objectpascal_helper(current_structdef)) or
+ (not(m_tp7 in current_settings.modeswitches) and (is_object(current_structdef)))) then
+ Message(parser_e_syntax_error);
+ consume(_PROPERTY);
+ p:=read_property_dec(is_classproperty,current_structdef);
+ consume(_SEMICOLON);
+ if try_to_consume(_DEFAULT) then
+ begin
+ if oo_has_default_property in current_structdef.objectoptions then
+ message(parser_e_only_one_default_property);
+ include(current_structdef.objectoptions,oo_has_default_property);
+ include(p.propoptions,ppo_defaultproperty);
+ if not(ppo_hasparameters in p.propoptions) then
+ message(parser_e_property_need_paras);
+ if (token=_COLON) then
+ begin
+ Message(parser_e_field_not_allowed_here);
+ consume_all_until(_SEMICOLON);
+ end;
+ consume(_SEMICOLON);
+ end;
+ { parse possible enumerator modifier }
+ if try_to_consume(_ENUMERATOR) then
+ begin
+ if (token = _ID) then
+ begin
+ if pattern='CURRENT' then
+ begin
+ if oo_has_enumerator_current in current_structdef.objectoptions then
+ message(parser_e_only_one_enumerator_current);
+ if not p.propaccesslist[palt_read].empty then
+ begin
+ include(current_structdef.objectoptions,oo_has_enumerator_current);
+ include(p.propoptions,ppo_enumerator_current);
+ end
+ else
+ Message(parser_e_enumerator_current_is_not_valid) // property has no reader
+ end
+ else
+ Message1(parser_e_invalid_enumerator_identifier, pattern);
+ consume(token);
+ end
+ else
+ Message(parser_e_enumerator_identifier_required);
+ consume(_SEMICOLON);
+ end;
+ { hint directives, these can be separated by semicolons here,
+ that needs to be handled here with a loop (PFV) }
+ while try_consume_hintdirective(p.symoptions,p.deprecatedmsg) do
+ Consume(_SEMICOLON);
+ end;
+ function class_destructor_head:tprocdef;
+ var
+ pd : tprocdef;
+ begin
+ result:=nil;
+ consume(_DESTRUCTOR);
+ parse_proc_head(current_structdef,potype_class_destructor,pd);
+ if not assigned(pd) then
+ begin
+ consume(_SEMICOLON);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ pd.calcparas;
+ if (pd.maxparacount>0) then
+ Message(parser_e_no_paras_for_class_destructor);
+ consume(_SEMICOLON);
+ include(current_structdef.objectoptions,oo_has_class_destructor);
+ current_module.flags:=current_module.flags or uf_classinits;
+ { no return value }
+ pd.returndef:=voidtype;
+ result:=pd;
+ end;
+ function destructor_head:tprocdef;
+ var
+ pd : tprocdef;
+ begin
+ result:=nil;
+ consume(_DESTRUCTOR);
+ parse_proc_head(current_structdef,potype_destructor,pd);
+ if not assigned(pd) then
+ begin
+ consume(_SEMICOLON);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if (cs_constructor_name in current_settings.globalswitches) and
+ (<>'DONE') then
+ Message(parser_e_destructorname_must_be_done);
+ pd.calcparas;
+ if not(pd.maxparacount=0) and
+ (m_fpc in current_settings.modeswitches) then
+ Message(parser_e_no_paras_for_destructor);
+ consume(_SEMICOLON);
+ include(current_structdef.objectoptions,oo_has_destructor);
+ { no return value }
+ pd.returndef:=voidtype;
+ result:=pd;
+ end;
+ procedure setinterfacemethodoptions;
+ var
+ i : longint;
+ def : tdef;
+ begin
+ include(current_structdef.objectoptions,oo_has_virtual);
+ for i:=0 to current_structdef.symtable.DefList.count-1 do
+ begin
+ def:=tdef(current_structdef.symtable.DefList[i]);
+ if assigned(def) and
+ (def.typ=procdef) then
+ begin
+ include(tprocdef(def).procoptions,po_virtualmethod);
+ tprocdef(def).forwarddef:=false;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure setobjcclassmethodoptions;
+ var
+ i : longint;
+ def : tdef;
+ begin
+ for i:=0 to current_structdef.symtable.DefList.count-1 do
+ begin
+ def:=tdef(current_structdef.symtable.DefList[i]);
+ if assigned(def) and
+ (def.typ=procdef) then
+ begin
+ include(tprocdef(def).procoptions,po_virtualmethod);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure handleImplementedInterface(intfdef : tobjectdef);
+ begin
+ if not is_interface(intfdef) then
+ begin
+ Message1(type_e_interface_type_expected,intfdef.typename);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if current_objectdef.find_implemented_interface(intfdef)<>nil then
+ Message1(sym_e_duplicate_id,intfdef.objname^)
+ else
+ begin
+ { allocate and prepare the GUID only if the class
+ implements some interfaces. }
+ if current_objectdef.ImplementedInterfaces.count = 0 then
+ current_objectdef.prepareguid;
+ current_objectdef.ImplementedInterfaces.Add(TImplementedInterface.Create(intfdef));
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure handleImplementedProtocol(intfdef : tobjectdef);
+ begin
+ intfdef:=find_real_objcclass_definition(intfdef,false);
+ if not is_objcprotocol(intfdef) then
+ begin
+ Message1(type_e_protocol_type_expected,intfdef.typename);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if ([oo_is_forward,oo_is_formal] * intfdef.objectoptions <> []) then
+ begin
+ Message1(parser_e_forward_protocol_declaration_must_be_resolved,intfdef.objrealname^);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if current_objectdef.find_implemented_interface(intfdef)<>nil then
+ Message1(sym_e_duplicate_id,intfdef.objname^)
+ else
+ begin
+ current_objectdef.ImplementedInterfaces.Add(TImplementedInterface.Create(intfdef));
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure readImplementedInterfacesAndProtocols(intf: boolean);
+ var
+ hdef : tdef;
+ begin
+ while try_to_consume(_COMMA) do
+ begin
+ { use single_type instead of id_type for specialize support }
+ single_type(hdef,[stoAllowSpecialization,stoParseClassParent]);
+ if (hdef.typ<>objectdef) then
+ begin
+ if intf then
+ Message1(type_e_interface_type_expected,hdef.typename)
+ else
+ Message1(type_e_protocol_type_expected,hdef.typename);
+ continue;
+ end;
+ if intf then
+ handleImplementedInterface(tobjectdef(hdef))
+ else
+ handleImplementedProtocol(tobjectdef(hdef));
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure readinterfaceiid;
+ var
+ p : tnode;
+ valid : boolean;
+ begin
+ p:=comp_expr(true,false);
+ if p.nodetype=stringconstn then
+ begin
+ stringdispose(current_objectdef.iidstr);
+ current_objectdef.iidstr:=stringdup(strpas(tstringconstnode(p).value_str));
+ valid:=string2guid(current_objectdef.iidstr^,current_objectdef.iidguid^);
+ if (current_objectdef.objecttype in [odt_interfacecom,odt_dispinterface]) and
+ not valid then
+ Message(parser_e_improper_guid_syntax);
+ include(current_structdef.objectoptions,oo_has_valid_guid);
+ end
+ else
+ Message(parser_e_illegal_expression);
+ end;
+ procedure get_cpp_class_external_status(od: tobjectdef);
+ var
+ hs: string;
+ begin
+ { C++ classes can be external -> all methods inside are external
+ (defined at the class level instead of per method, so that you cannot
+ define some methods as external and some not)
+ }
+ if try_to_consume(_EXTERNAL) then
+ begin
+ if token in [_CSTRING,_CWSTRING,_CCHAR,_CWCHAR] then
+ begin
+ { Always add library prefix and suffix to create an uniform name }
+ hs:=get_stringconst;
+ if ExtractFileExt(hs)='' then
+ hs:=ChangeFileExt(hs,target_info.sharedlibext);
+ if Copy(hs,1,length(target_info.sharedlibprefix))<>target_info.sharedlibprefix then
+ hs:=target_info.sharedlibprefix+hs;
+ od.import_lib:=stringdup(hs);
+ end;
+ include(od.objectoptions, oo_is_external);
+ { check if we shall use another name for the class }
+ if try_to_consume(_NAME) then
+ od.objextname:=stringdup(get_stringconst)
+ else
+ od.objextname:=stringdup(od.objrealname^);
+ include(od.objectoptions,oo_is_external);
+ end
+ else
+ od.objextname:=stringdup(od.objrealname^);
+ { ToDo: read the namespace of the class (influences the mangled name)}
+ end;
+ procedure get_objc_class_or_protocol_external_status(od: tobjectdef);
+ begin
+ { Objective-C classes can be external -> all messages inside are
+ external (defined at the class level instead of per method, so
+ that you cannot define some methods as external and some not)
+ }
+ if try_to_consume(_EXTERNAL) then
+ begin
+ if try_to_consume(_NAME) then
+ od.objextname:=stringdup(get_stringconst)
+ else
+ { the external name doesn't matter for formally declared
+ classes, and allowing to specify one would mean that we would
+ have to check it for consistency with the actual definition
+ later on }
+ od.objextname:=stringdup(od.objrealname^);
+ include(od.objectoptions,oo_is_external);
+ end
+ else
+ od.objextname:=stringdup(od.objrealname^);
+ end;
+ procedure parse_object_options;
+ begin
+ case current_objectdef.objecttype of
+ odt_object,odt_class:
+ begin
+ while true do
+ begin
+ if try_to_consume(_ABSTRACT) then
+ include(current_structdef.objectoptions,oo_is_abstract)
+ else
+ if try_to_consume(_SEALED) then
+ include(current_structdef.objectoptions,oo_is_sealed)
+ else
+ break;
+ end;
+ if [oo_is_abstract, oo_is_sealed] * current_structdef.objectoptions = [oo_is_abstract, oo_is_sealed] then
+ Message(parser_e_abstract_and_sealed_conflict);
+ end;
+ odt_cppclass:
+ get_cpp_class_external_status(current_objectdef);
+ odt_objcclass,odt_objcprotocol,odt_objccategory:
+ get_objc_class_or_protocol_external_status(current_objectdef);
+ odt_helper: ; // nothing
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure parse_parent_classes;
+ var
+ intfchildof,
+ childof : tobjectdef;
+ hdef : tdef;
+ hasparentdefined : boolean;
+ begin
+ childof:=nil;
+ intfchildof:=nil;
+ hasparentdefined:=false;
+ { reads the parent class }
+ if (token=_LKLAMMER) or
+ is_objccategory(current_structdef) then
+ begin
+ consume(_LKLAMMER);
+ { use single_type instead of id_type for specialize support }
+ single_type(hdef,[stoAllowSpecialization, stoParseClassParent]);
+ if (not assigned(hdef)) or
+ (hdef.typ<>objectdef) then
+ begin
+ if assigned(hdef) then
+ Message1(type_e_class_type_expected,hdef.typename)
+ else if is_objccategory(current_structdef) then
+ { a category must specify the class to extend }
+ Message(type_e_objcclass_type_expected);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ childof:=tobjectdef(hdef);
+ { a mix of class, interfaces, objects and cppclasses
+ isn't allowed }
+ case current_objectdef.objecttype of
+ odt_class:
+ if not(is_class(childof)) then
+ begin
+ if is_interface(childof) then
+ begin
+ { we insert the interface after the child
+ is set, see below
+ }
+ intfchildof:=childof;
+ childof:=class_tobject;
+ end
+ else
+ Message(parser_e_mix_of_classes_and_objects);
+ end
+ else
+ if oo_is_sealed in childof.objectoptions then
+ Message1(parser_e_sealed_descendant,childof.typename);
+ odt_interfacecorba,
+ odt_interfacecom:
+ begin
+ if not(is_interface(childof)) then
+ Message(parser_e_mix_of_classes_and_objects);
+ current_objectdef.objecttype:=childof.objecttype;
+ end;
+ odt_cppclass:
+ if not(is_cppclass(childof)) then
+ Message(parser_e_mix_of_classes_and_objects);
+ odt_objcclass:
+ if not(is_objcclass(childof) or
+ is_objccategory(childof)) then
+ begin
+ if is_objcprotocol(childof) then
+ begin
+ if not(oo_is_classhelper in current_structdef.objectoptions) then
+ begin
+ intfchildof:=childof;
+ childof:=nil;
+ CGMessage(parser_h_no_objc_parent);
+ end
+ else
+ { a category must specify the class to extend }
+ CGMessage(type_e_objcclass_type_expected);
+ end
+ else
+ Message(parser_e_mix_of_classes_and_objects);
+ end
+ else
+ childof:=find_real_objcclass_definition(childof,true);
+ odt_objcprotocol:
+ begin
+ if not(is_objcprotocol(childof)) then
+ Message(parser_e_mix_of_classes_and_objects);
+ intfchildof:=childof;
+ childof:=nil;
+ end;
+ odt_object:
+ if not(is_object(childof)) then
+ Message(parser_e_mix_of_classes_and_objects)
+ else
+ if oo_is_sealed in childof.objectoptions then
+ Message1(parser_e_sealed_descendant,childof.typename);
+ odt_dispinterface:
+ Message(parser_e_dispinterface_cant_have_parent);
+ odt_helper:
+ if not is_objectpascal_helper(childof) then
+ begin
+ Message(type_e_helper_type_expected);
+ childof:=nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ hasparentdefined:=true;
+ end;
+ { if no parent class, then a class get tobject as parent }
+ if not assigned(childof) then
+ begin
+ case current_objectdef.objecttype of
+ odt_class:
+ if current_objectdef<>class_tobject then
+ childof:=class_tobject;
+ odt_interfacecom:
+ if current_objectdef<>interface_iunknown then
+ childof:=interface_iunknown;
+ odt_dispinterface:
+ childof:=interface_idispatch;
+ odt_objcclass:
+ CGMessage(parser_h_no_objc_parent);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if assigned(childof) then
+ begin
+ { Forbid not completly defined objects to be used as parents. This will
+ also prevent circular loops of classes, because we set the forward flag
+ at the start of the new definition and will reset it below after the
+ parent has been set }
+ if (oo_is_forward in childof.objectoptions) then
+ Message1(parser_e_forward_declaration_must_be_resolved,childof.objrealname^)
+ else if not(oo_is_formal in childof.objectoptions) then
+ current_objectdef.set_parent(childof)
+ else
+ Message1(sym_e_objc_formal_class_not_resolved,childof.objrealname^);
+ end;
+ { remove forward flag, is resolved }
+ exclude(current_structdef.objectoptions,oo_is_forward);
+ if hasparentdefined then
+ begin
+ if current_objectdef.objecttype in [odt_class,odt_objcclass,odt_objcprotocol] then
+ begin
+ if assigned(intfchildof) then
+ if current_objectdef.objecttype=odt_class then
+ handleImplementedInterface(intfchildof)
+ else
+ handleImplementedProtocol(intfchildof);
+ readImplementedInterfacesAndProtocols(current_objectdef.objecttype=odt_class);
+ end;
+ consume(_RKLAMMER);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure parse_extended_type(helpertype:thelpertype);
+ var
+ hdef: tdef;
+ begin
+ if not is_objectpascal_helper(current_structdef) then
+ Internalerror(2011021103);
+ if helpertype=ht_none then
+ Internalerror(2011021001);
+ consume(_FOR);
+ single_type(hdef,[stoParseClassParent]);
+ if (not assigned(hdef)) or
+ not (hdef.typ in [objectdef,recorddef]) then
+ begin
+ if helpertype=ht_class then
+ Message1(type_e_class_type_expected,hdef.typename)
+ else
+ if helpertype=ht_record then
+ Message1(type_e_record_type_expected,hdef.typename);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ case helpertype of
+ ht_class:
+ begin
+ if not is_class(hdef) then
+ Message1(type_e_class_type_expected,hdef.typename);
+ { a class helper must extend the same class or a subclass
+ of the class extended by the parent class helper }
+ if assigned(current_objectdef.childof) then
+ begin
+ if not is_class(current_objectdef.childof.extendeddef) then
+ Internalerror(2011021101);
+ if not hdef.is_related(current_objectdef.childof.extendeddef) then
+ Message1(type_e_class_helper_must_extend_subclass,current_objectdef.childof.extendeddef.typename);
+ end;
+ end;
+ ht_record:
+ begin
+ if not is_record(hdef) then
+ Message1(type_e_record_type_expected,hdef.typename);
+ { a record helper must extend the same record as the
+ parent helper }
+ if assigned(current_objectdef.childof) then
+ begin
+ if not is_record(current_objectdef.childof.extendeddef) then
+ Internalerror(2011021102);
+ if hdef<>current_objectdef.childof.extendeddef then
+ Message1(type_e_record_helper_must_extend_same_record,current_objectdef.childof.extendeddef.typename);
+ end;
+ end;
+ else
+ hdef:=nil;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if assigned(hdef) then
+ current_objectdef.extendeddef:=hdef
+ else
+ current_objectdef.extendeddef:=generrordef;
+ end;
+ procedure parse_guid;
+ begin
+ { read GUID }
+ if (current_objectdef.objecttype in [odt_interfacecom,odt_interfacecorba,odt_dispinterface]) and
+ try_to_consume(_LECKKLAMMER) then
+ begin
+ readinterfaceiid;
+ consume(_RECKKLAMMER);
+ end
+ else if (current_objectdef.objecttype=odt_dispinterface) then
+ message(parser_e_dispinterface_needs_a_guid);
+ end;
+ procedure parse_object_members;
+ procedure chkobjc(pd: tprocdef);
+ begin
+ if is_objc_class_or_protocol(pd.struct) then
+ begin
+ include(pd.procoptions,po_objc);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure chkcpp(pd:tprocdef);
+ begin
+ { nothing currently }
+ end;
+ procedure maybe_parse_hint_directives(pd:tprocdef);
+ var
+ dummysymoptions : tsymoptions;
+ deprecatedmsg : pshortstring;
+ begin
+ dummysymoptions:=[];
+ deprecatedmsg:=nil;
+ while try_consume_hintdirective(dummysymoptions,deprecatedmsg) do
+ Consume(_SEMICOLON);
+ if assigned(pd) then
+ begin
+ pd.symoptions:=pd.symoptions+dummysymoptions;
+ pd.deprecatedmsg:=deprecatedmsg;
+ end
+ else
+ stringdispose(deprecatedmsg);
+ end;
+ var
+ pd : tprocdef;
+ has_destructor,
+ oldparse_only: boolean;
+ object_member_blocktype : tblock_type;
+ fields_allowed, is_classdef, classfields: boolean;
+ vdoptions: tvar_dec_options;
+ begin
+ { empty class declaration ? }
+ if (current_objectdef.objecttype in [odt_class,odt_objcclass]) and
+ (token=_SEMICOLON) then
+ exit;
+ { in "publishable" classes the default access type is published }
+ if (oo_can_have_published in current_structdef.objectoptions) then
+ current_structdef.symtable.currentvisibility:=vis_published
+ else
+ current_structdef.symtable.currentvisibility:=vis_public;
+ has_destructor:=false;
+ fields_allowed:=true;
+ is_classdef:=false;
+ classfields:=false;
+ object_member_blocktype:=bt_general;
+ repeat
+ case token of
+ _TYPE :
+ begin
+ if not(current_objectdef.objecttype in [odt_class,odt_object,odt_helper]) then
+ Message(parser_e_type_var_const_only_in_records_and_classes);
+ consume(_TYPE);
+ object_member_blocktype:=bt_type;
+ end;
+ _VAR :
+ begin
+ if not(current_objectdef.objecttype in [odt_class,odt_object,odt_helper]) then
+ Message(parser_e_type_var_const_only_in_records_and_classes);
+ consume(_VAR);
+ fields_allowed:=true;
+ object_member_blocktype:=bt_general;
+ classfields:=is_classdef;
+ is_classdef:=false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if not(current_objectdef.objecttype in [odt_class,odt_object,odt_helper]) then
+ Message(parser_e_type_var_const_only_in_records_and_classes);
+ consume(_CONST);
+ object_member_blocktype:=bt_const;
+ end;
+ _ID :
+ begin
+ if is_objcprotocol(current_structdef) and
+ ((idtoken=_REQUIRED) or
+ (idtoken=_OPTIONAL)) then
+ begin
+ current_structdef.symtable.currentlyoptional:=(idtoken=_OPTIONAL);
+ consume(idtoken)
+ end
+ else case idtoken of
+ begin
+ if is_interface(current_structdef) or
+ is_objc_protocol_or_category(current_structdef) then
+ Message(parser_e_no_access_specifier_in_interfaces);
+ consume(_PRIVATE);
+ current_structdef.symtable.currentvisibility:=vis_private;
+ include(current_structdef.objectoptions,oo_has_private);
+ fields_allowed:=true;
+ is_classdef:=false;
+ classfields:=false;
+ object_member_blocktype:=bt_general;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if is_interface(current_structdef) or
+ is_objc_protocol_or_category(current_structdef) then
+ Message(parser_e_no_access_specifier_in_interfaces);
+ consume(_PROTECTED);
+ current_structdef.symtable.currentvisibility:=vis_protected;
+ include(current_structdef.objectoptions,oo_has_protected);
+ fields_allowed:=true;
+ is_classdef:=false;
+ classfields:=false;
+ object_member_blocktype:=bt_general;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if is_interface(current_structdef) or
+ is_objc_protocol_or_category(current_structdef) then
+ Message(parser_e_no_access_specifier_in_interfaces);
+ consume(_PUBLIC);
+ current_structdef.symtable.currentvisibility:=vis_public;
+ fields_allowed:=true;
+ is_classdef:=false;
+ classfields:=false;
+ object_member_blocktype:=bt_general;
+ end;
+ begin
+ { we've to check for a pushlished section in non- }
+ { publishable classes later, if a real declaration }
+ { this is the way, delphi does it }
+ if is_interface(current_structdef) then
+ Message(parser_e_no_access_specifier_in_interfaces);
+ { Objective-C classes do not support "published",
+ as basically everything is published. }
+ if is_objc_class_or_protocol(current_structdef) then
+ Message(parser_e_no_objc_published);
+ consume(_PUBLISHED);
+ current_structdef.symtable.currentvisibility:=vis_published;
+ fields_allowed:=true;
+ is_classdef:=false;
+ classfields:=false;
+ object_member_blocktype:=bt_general;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if is_interface(current_structdef) or
+ is_objc_protocol_or_category(current_structdef) then
+ Message(parser_e_no_access_specifier_in_interfaces);
+ consume(_STRICT);
+ if token=_ID then
+ begin
+ case idtoken of
+ begin
+ consume(_PRIVATE);
+ current_structdef.symtable.currentvisibility:=vis_strictprivate;
+ include(current_structdef.objectoptions,oo_has_strictprivate);
+ end;
+ begin
+ consume(_PROTECTED);
+ current_structdef.symtable.currentvisibility:=vis_strictprotected;
+ include(current_structdef.objectoptions,oo_has_strictprotected);
+ end;
+ else
+ message(parser_e_protected_or_private_expected);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ message(parser_e_protected_or_private_expected);
+ fields_allowed:=true;
+ is_classdef:=false;
+ classfields:=false;
+ object_member_blocktype:=bt_general;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if object_member_blocktype=bt_general then
+ begin
+ if is_interface(current_structdef) or
+ is_objc_protocol_or_category(current_structdef) or
+ is_objectpascal_helper(current_structdef) then
+ Message(parser_e_no_vars_in_interfaces);
+ if (current_structdef.symtable.currentvisibility=vis_published) and
+ not(oo_can_have_published in current_structdef.objectoptions) then
+ Message(parser_e_cant_have_published);
+ if (not fields_allowed) then
+ Message(parser_e_field_not_allowed_here);
+ vdoptions:=[vd_object];
+ if classfields then
+ include(vdoptions,vd_class);
+ read_record_fields(vdoptions);
+ end
+ else if object_member_blocktype=bt_type then
+ types_dec(true)
+ else if object_member_blocktype=bt_const then
+ consts_dec(true)
+ else
+ internalerror(201001110);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ struct_property_dec(is_classdef);
+ fields_allowed:=false;
+ is_classdef:=false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ is_classdef:=false;
+ { read class method/field/property }
+ consume(_CLASS);
+ { class modifier is only allowed for procedures, functions, }
+ { constructors, destructors, fields and properties }
+ Message(parser_e_procedure_or_function_expected);
+ if is_interface(current_structdef) then
+ Message(parser_e_no_static_method_in_interfaces)
+ else
+ { class methods are also allowed for Objective-C protocols }
+ is_classdef:=true;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (current_structdef.symtable.currentvisibility=vis_published) and
+ not(oo_can_have_published in current_structdef.objectoptions) then
+ Message(parser_e_cant_have_published);
+ oldparse_only:=parse_only;
+ parse_only:=true;
+ pd:=parse_proc_dec(is_classdef,current_structdef);
+ { this is for error recovery as well as forward }
+ { interface mappings, i.e. mapping to a method }
+ { which isn't declared yet }
+ if assigned(pd) then
+ begin
+ parse_object_proc_directives(pd);
+ { check if dispid is set }
+ if is_dispinterface(pd.struct) and not (po_dispid in pd.procoptions) then
+ begin
+ pd.dispid:=tobjectdef(pd.struct).get_next_dispid;
+ include(pd.procoptions, po_dispid);
+ end;
+ { all Macintosh Object Pascal methods are virtual. }
+ { this can't be a class method, because macpas mode }
+ { has no m_class }
+ if (m_mac in current_settings.modeswitches) then
+ include(pd.procoptions,po_virtualmethod);
+ { for record helpers only static class methods are allowed }
+ if is_objectpascal_helper(current_structdef) and
+ is_record(current_objectdef.extendeddef) and
+ is_classdef and not (po_staticmethod in pd.procoptions) then
+ MessagePos(pd.fileinfo, parser_e_class_methods_only_static_in_records);
+ handle_calling_convention(pd);
+ { add definition to procsym }
+ proc_add_definition(pd);
+ { add procdef options to objectdef options }
+ if (po_msgint in pd.procoptions) then
+ include(current_structdef.objectoptions,oo_has_msgint);
+ if (po_msgstr in pd.procoptions) then
+ include(current_structdef.objectoptions,oo_has_msgstr);
+ if (po_virtualmethod in pd.procoptions) then
+ include(current_structdef.objectoptions,oo_has_virtual);
+ chkcpp(pd);
+ chkobjc(pd);
+ end;
+ maybe_parse_hint_directives(pd);
+ parse_only:=oldparse_only;
+ fields_allowed:=false;
+ is_classdef:=false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (current_structdef.symtable.currentvisibility=vis_published) and
+ not(oo_can_have_published in current_structdef.objectoptions) then
+ Message(parser_e_cant_have_published);
+ if not is_classdef and not(current_structdef.symtable.currentvisibility in [vis_public,vis_published]) then
+ Message(parser_w_constructor_should_be_public);
+ if is_interface(current_structdef) then
+ Message(parser_e_no_con_des_in_interfaces);
+ { Objective-C does not know the concept of a constructor }
+ if is_objc_class_or_protocol(current_structdef) then
+ Message(parser_e_objc_no_constructor_destructor);
+ if is_objectpascal_helper(current_structdef) then
+ if is_classdef then
+ { class constructors are not allowed in class helpers }
+ Message(parser_e_no_class_constructor_in_helpers)
+ else
+ if is_record(current_objectdef.extendeddef) then
+ { as long as constructors aren't allowed in records they
+ aren't allowed in helpers either }
+ Message(parser_e_no_constructor_in_records);
+ { only 1 class constructor is allowed }
+ if is_classdef and (oo_has_class_constructor in current_structdef.objectoptions) then
+ Message1(parser_e_only_one_class_constructor_allowed, current_structdef.objrealname^);
+ oldparse_only:=parse_only;
+ parse_only:=true;
+ if is_classdef then
+ pd:=class_constructor_head
+ else
+ pd:=constructor_head;
+ parse_object_proc_directives(pd);
+ handle_calling_convention(pd);
+ { add definition to procsym }
+ proc_add_definition(pd);
+ { add procdef options to objectdef options }
+ if (po_virtualmethod in pd.procoptions) then
+ include(current_structdef.objectoptions,oo_has_virtual);
+ chkcpp(pd);
+ maybe_parse_hint_directives(pd);
+ parse_only:=oldparse_only;
+ fields_allowed:=false;
+ is_classdef:=false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (current_structdef.symtable.currentvisibility=vis_published) and
+ not(oo_can_have_published in current_structdef.objectoptions) then
+ Message(parser_e_cant_have_published);
+ if not is_classdef then
+ if has_destructor then
+ Message(parser_n_only_one_destructor)
+ else
+ has_destructor:=true;
+ if is_interface(current_structdef) then
+ Message(parser_e_no_con_des_in_interfaces);
+ { (class) destructors are not allowed in class helpers }
+ if is_objectpascal_helper(current_structdef) then
+ Message(parser_e_no_destructor_in_records);
+ if not is_classdef and (current_structdef.symtable.currentvisibility<>vis_public) then
+ Message(parser_w_destructor_should_be_public);
+ { Objective-C does not know the concept of a destructor }
+ if is_objc_class_or_protocol(current_structdef) then
+ Message(parser_e_objc_no_constructor_destructor);
+ { only 1 class destructor is allowed }
+ if is_classdef and (oo_has_class_destructor in current_structdef.objectoptions) then
+ Message1(parser_e_only_one_class_destructor_allowed, current_structdef.objrealname^);
+ oldparse_only:=parse_only;
+ parse_only:=true;
+ if is_classdef then
+ pd:=class_destructor_head
+ else
+ pd:=destructor_head;
+ parse_object_proc_directives(pd);
+ handle_calling_convention(pd);
+ { add definition to procsym }
+ proc_add_definition(pd);
+ { add procdef options to objectdef options }
+ if (po_virtualmethod in pd.procoptions) then
+ include(current_structdef.objectoptions,oo_has_virtual);
+ chkcpp(pd);
+ maybe_parse_hint_directives(pd);
+ parse_only:=oldparse_only;
+ fields_allowed:=false;
+ is_classdef:=false;
+ end;
+ _END :
+ begin
+ consume(_END);
+ break;
+ end;
+ else
+ consume(_ID); { Give a ident expected message, like tp7 }
+ end;
+ until false;
+ end;
+ function object_dec(objecttype:tobjecttyp;const n:tidstring;genericdef:tstoreddef;genericlist:TFPObjectList;fd : tobjectdef;helpertype:thelpertype) : tobjectdef;
+ var
+ old_current_structdef: tabstractrecorddef;
+ old_current_genericdef,
+ old_current_specializedef: tstoreddef;
+ old_parse_generic: boolean;
+ list: TFPObjectList;
+ s: String;
+ st: TSymtable;
+ begin
+ old_current_structdef:=current_structdef;
+ old_current_genericdef:=current_genericdef;
+ old_current_specializedef:=current_specializedef;
+ old_parse_generic:=parse_generic;
+ current_structdef:=nil;
+ current_genericdef:=nil;
+ current_specializedef:=nil;
+ { objects and class types can't be declared local }
+ if not( in [globalsymtable,staticsymtable,objectsymtable,recordsymtable]) and
+ not assigned(genericlist) then
+ Message(parser_e_no_local_objects);
+ { reuse forward objectdef? }
+ if assigned(fd) then
+ begin
+ if fd.objecttype<>objecttype then
+ begin
+ Message(parser_e_forward_mismatch);
+ { recover }
+ current_structdef:=tobjectdef.create(current_objectdef.objecttype,n,nil);
+ include(current_structdef.objectoptions,oo_is_forward);
+ end
+ else
+ current_structdef:=fd
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { anonym objects aren't allow (o : object a : longint; end;) }
+ if n='' then
+ Message(parser_f_no_anonym_objects);
+ { create new class }
+ current_structdef:=tobjectdef.create(objecttype,n,nil);
+ { include always the forward flag, it'll be removed after the parent class have been
+ added. This is to prevent circular childof loops }
+ include(current_structdef.objectoptions,oo_is_forward);
+ if (cs_compilesystem in current_settings.moduleswitches) then
+ begin
+ case current_objectdef.objecttype of
+ odt_interfacecom :
+ if (current_structdef.objname^='IUNKNOWN') then
+ interface_iunknown:=current_objectdef
+ else
+ if (current_structdef.objname^='IDISPATCH') then
+ interface_idispatch:=current_objectdef;
+ odt_class :
+ if (current_structdef.objname^='TOBJECT') then
+ class_tobject:=current_objectdef;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (current_module.modulename^='OBJCBASE') then
+ begin
+ case current_objectdef.objecttype of
+ odt_objcclass:
+ if (current_objectdef.objname^='Protocol') then
+ objc_protocoltype:=current_objectdef;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ { usage of specialized type inside its generic template }
+ if assigned(genericdef) then
+ current_specializedef:=current_structdef
+ { reject declaration of generic class inside generic class }
+ else if assigned(genericlist) then
+ current_genericdef:=current_structdef;
+ { nested types of specializations are specializations as well }
+ if assigned(old_current_structdef) and
+ (df_specialization in old_current_structdef.defoptions) then
+ include(current_structdef.defoptions,df_specialization);
+ { set published flag in $M+ mode, it can also be inherited and will
+ be added when the parent class set with tobjectdef.set_parent (PFV) }
+ if (cs_generate_rtti in current_settings.localswitches) and
+ (current_objectdef.objecttype in [odt_interfacecom,odt_class,odt_helper]) then
+ include(current_structdef.objectoptions,oo_can_have_published);
+ { Objective-C objectdefs can be "formal definitions", in which case
+ the syntax is "type tc = objcclass external;" -> we have to parse
+ its object options (external) already here, to make sure that such
+ definitions are recognised as formal defs }
+ if objecttype in [odt_objcclass,odt_objcprotocol,odt_objccategory] then
+ parse_object_options;
+ { forward def? }
+ if not assigned(fd) and
+ (token=_SEMICOLON) then
+ begin
+ { add to the list of definitions to check that the forward
+ is resolved. this is required for delphi mode }
+ current_module.checkforwarddefs.add(current_structdef);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ { change objccategories into objcclass helpers }
+ if (objecttype=odt_objccategory) then
+ begin
+ current_objectdef.objecttype:=odt_objcclass;
+ include(current_structdef.objectoptions,oo_is_classhelper);
+ end;
+ { include the class helper flag for Object Pascal helpers }
+ if (objecttype=odt_helper) then
+ include(current_objectdef.objectoptions,oo_is_classhelper);
+ { parse list of options (abstract / sealed) }
+ if not(objecttype in [odt_objcclass,odt_objcprotocol,odt_objccategory]) then
+ parse_object_options;
+ symtablestack.push(current_structdef.symtable);
+ insert_generic_parameter_types(current_structdef,genericdef,genericlist);
+ { when we are parsing a generic already then this is a generic as
+ well }
+ if old_parse_generic then
+ include(current_structdef.defoptions, df_generic);
+ parse_generic:=(df_generic in current_structdef.defoptions);
+ { parse list of parent classes }
+ { for record helpers in mode Delphi this is not allowed }
+ if not (is_objectpascal_helper(current_objectdef) and
+ (m_delphi in current_settings.modeswitches) and
+ (helpertype=ht_record)) then
+ parse_parent_classes
+ else
+ { remove forward flag, is resolved (this is normally done inside
+ parse_parent_classes) }
+ exclude(current_structdef.objectoptions,oo_is_forward);
+ { parse extended type for helpers }
+ if is_objectpascal_helper(current_structdef) then
+ parse_extended_type(helpertype);
+ { parse optional GUID for interfaces }
+ parse_guid;
+ { parse and insert object members }
+ parse_object_members;
+ symtablestack.pop(current_structdef.symtable);
+ end;
+ { generate vmt space if needed }
+ if not(oo_has_vmt in current_structdef.objectoptions) and
+ not(oo_is_forward in current_structdef.objectoptions) and
+ (
+ ([oo_has_virtual,oo_has_constructor,oo_has_destructor]*current_structdef.objectoptions<>[]) or
+ (current_objectdef.objecttype in [odt_class])
+ ) then
+ current_objectdef.insertvmt;
+ { for implemented classes with a vmt check if there is a constructor }
+ if (oo_has_vmt in current_structdef.objectoptions) and
+ not(oo_is_forward in current_structdef.objectoptions) and
+ not(oo_has_constructor in current_structdef.objectoptions) and
+ not is_objc_class_or_protocol(current_structdef) then
+ Message1(parser_w_virtual_without_constructor,current_structdef.objrealname^);
+ if is_interface(current_structdef) or
+ is_objcprotocol(current_structdef) then
+ setinterfacemethodoptions
+ else if is_objcclass(current_structdef) then
+ setobjcclassmethodoptions;
+ { if this helper is defined in the implementation section of the unit
+ or inside the main project file, the extendeddefs list of the current
+ module must be updated (it will be removed when poping the symtable) }
+ if is_objectpascal_helper(current_structdef) and
+ (current_objectdef.extendeddef.typ in [recorddef,objectdef]) then
+ begin
+ { the topmost symtable must be a static symtable }
+ st:=current_structdef.owner;
+ while st.symtabletype in [objectsymtable,recordsymtable] do
+ st:=st.defowner.owner;
+ if st.symtabletype=staticsymtable then
+ begin
+ s:=make_mangledname('',tabstractrecorddef(current_objectdef.extendeddef).symtable,'');
+ list:=TFPObjectList(current_module.extendeddefs.Find(s));
+ if not assigned(list) then
+ begin
+ list:=TFPObjectList.Create(false);
+ current_module.extendeddefs.Add(s, list);
+ end;
+ list.add(current_structdef);
+ end;
+ end;
+ tabstractrecordsymtable(current_objectdef.symtable).addalignmentpadding;
+ { return defined objectdef }
+ result:=current_objectdef;
+ { restore old state }
+ current_structdef:=old_current_structdef;
+ current_genericdef:=old_current_genericdef;
+ current_specializedef:=old_current_specializedef;
+ parse_generic:=old_parse_generic;
+ end;