path: root/closures/compiler/powerpc64/rappcgas.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'closures/compiler/powerpc64/rappcgas.pas')
1 files changed, 799 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/closures/compiler/powerpc64/rappcgas.pas b/closures/compiler/powerpc64/rappcgas.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc69533689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/closures/compiler/powerpc64/rappcgas.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,799 @@
+ $Id: rappcgas.pas,v 1.19 2005/02/14 17:13:10 peter Exp $
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2002 by Carl Eric Codere and Peter Vreman
+ Does the parsing for the PowerPC GNU AS styled inline assembler.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit rappcgas;
+ raatt, rappc;
+ tppcattreader = class(tattreader)
+ function is_asmopcode(const s: string): boolean; override;
+ procedure handleopcode; override;
+ procedure BuildReference(oper: tppcoperand);
+ procedure BuildOperand(oper: tppcoperand);
+ procedure BuildOpCode(instr: tppcinstruction);
+ procedure ReadAt(oper: tppcoperand);
+ procedure ReadSym(oper: tppcoperand);
+ procedure ConvertCalljmp(instr: tppcinstruction);
+ end;
+ { helpers }
+ cutils,
+ { global }
+ globtype, verbose,
+ systems,
+ { aasm }
+ cpubase, aasmbase, aasmtai,aasmdata, aasmcpu,
+ { symtable }
+ symconst, symsym,
+ { parser }
+ procinfo,
+ rabase, rautils,
+ cgbase, cgobj
+ ;
+procedure tppcattreader.ReadSym(oper: tppcoperand);
+ tempstr, mangledname: string;
+ typesize, l, k: aint;
+ tempstr := actasmpattern;
+ Consume(AS_ID);
+ { typecasting? }
+ if (actasmtoken = AS_LPAREN) and
+ SearchType(tempstr, typesize) then
+ begin
+ oper.hastype := true;
+ Consume(AS_LPAREN);
+ BuildOperand(oper);
+ Consume(AS_RPAREN);
+ if oper.opr.typ in [OPR_REFERENCE, OPR_LOCAL] then
+ oper.SetSize(typesize, true);
+ end
+ else if not oper.SetupVar(tempstr, false) then
+ Message1(sym_e_unknown_id, tempstr);
+ { record.field ? }
+ if actasmtoken = AS_DOT then
+ begin
+ BuildRecordOffsetSize(tempstr, l, k, mangledname, false);
+ if (mangledname<>'') then
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ inc(oper.opr.ref.offset, l);
+ end;
+procedure tppcattreader.ReadAt(oper: tppcoperand);
+ { check for ...@ }
+ if actasmtoken = AS_AT then
+ begin
+ if (oper.opr.ref.symbol = nil) and
+ (oper.opr.ref.offset = 0) then
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ Consume(AS_AT);
+ if actasmtoken = AS_ID then
+ begin
+ if upper(actasmpattern) = 'L' then
+ oper.opr.ref.refaddr := addr_low
+ else if upper(actasmpattern) = 'HA' then
+ oper.opr.ref.refaddr := addr_higha
+ else if upper(actasmpattern) = 'H' then
+ oper.opr.ref.refaddr := addr_high
+ else if upper(actasmpattern) = 'HIGHERA' then
+ oper.opr.ref.refaddr := addr_highera
+ else if upper(actasmpattern) = 'HIGHESTA' then
+ oper.opr.ref.refaddr := addr_highesta
+ else if upper(actasmpattern) = 'HIGHER' then
+ oper.opr.ref.refaddr := addr_higher
+ else if upper(actasmpattern) = 'HIGHEST' then
+ oper.opr.ref.refaddr := addr_highest
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ { darwin/ppc64's relocation symbols are 32 bits }
+ if (target_info.system = system_powerpc64_darwin) and
+ (not (oper.opr.ref.refaddr in [addr_no, addr_low, addr_higha])) then
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ Consume(AS_ID);
+ end
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ end;
+procedure tppcattreader.BuildReference(oper: tppcoperand);
+ procedure Consume_RParen;
+ begin
+ if actasmtoken <> AS_RPAREN then
+ begin
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ RecoverConsume(true);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Consume(AS_RPAREN);
+ if not (actasmtoken in [AS_COMMA, AS_SEPARATOR, AS_END]) then
+ begin
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ RecoverConsume(true);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ l: aint;
+ relsym: string;
+ asmsymtyp: tasmsymtype;
+ Consume(AS_LPAREN);
+ case actasmtoken of
+ begin
+ { offset(offset) is invalid }
+ if oper.opr.Ref.Offset <> 0 then
+ begin
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ RecoverConsume(true);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ oper.opr.Ref.Offset := BuildConstExpression(false, true);
+ Consume(AS_RPAREN);
+ if actasmtoken = AS_AT then
+ ReadAt(oper);
+ end;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ AS_REGISTER: { (reg ... }
+ begin
+ if ((oper.opr.typ = OPR_REFERENCE) and (oper.opr.ref.base <> NR_NO)) or
+ ((oper.opr.typ = OPR_LOCAL) and (oper.opr.localsym.localloc.loc <>
+ message(asmr_e_cannot_index_relative_var);
+ oper.opr.ref.base := actasmregister;
+ Consume(AS_REGISTER);
+ { can either be a register or a right parenthesis }
+ { (reg) }
+ if actasmtoken = AS_RPAREN then
+ begin
+ Consume_RParen;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { (reg,reg .. }
+ Consume(AS_COMMA);
+ if (actasmtoken = AS_REGISTER) and
+ (oper.opr.Ref.Offset = 0) then
+ begin
+ oper.opr.ref.index := actasmregister;
+ Consume(AS_REGISTER);
+ Consume_RParen;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ RecoverConsume(false);
+ end;
+ end; {end case }
+ AS_ID:
+ begin
+ ReadSym(oper);
+ case actasmtoken of
+ begin
+ { add a constant expression? }
+ l:=BuildConstExpression(true,true);
+ case oper.opr.typ of
+ inc(oper.opr.val,l);
+ inc(oper.opr.localsymofs,l);
+ inc(oper.opr.ref.offset,l);
+ else
+ internalerror(200309202);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Consume(AS_MINUS);
+ BuildConstSymbolExpression(false,true,false,l,relsym,asmsymtyp);
+ if (relsym<>'') then
+ begin
+ if (oper.opr.typ = OPR_REFERENCE) then
+ oper.opr.ref.relsymbol:=current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(relsym)
+ else
+ begin
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ RecoverConsume(false);
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ case oper.opr.typ of
+ dec(oper.opr.val,l);
+ dec(oper.opr.localsymofs,l);
+ dec(oper.opr.ref.offset,l);
+ else
+ internalerror(2007092601);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Consume(AS_RPAREN);
+ if actasmtoken = AS_AT then
+ ReadAt(oper);
+ end;
+ AS_COMMA: { (, ... can either be scaling, or index }
+ begin
+ Consume(AS_COMMA);
+ { Index }
+ if (actasmtoken = AS_REGISTER) then
+ begin
+ oper.opr.ref.index := actasmregister;
+ Consume(AS_REGISTER);
+ { check for scaling ... }
+ Consume_RParen;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ RecoverConsume(false);
+ end;
+ end;
+ else
+ begin
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ RecoverConsume(false);
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure tppcattreader.BuildOperand(oper: tppcoperand);
+ expr: string;
+ typesize, l: aint;
+ procedure AddLabelOperand(hl: tasmlabel);
+ begin
+ if not (actasmtoken in [AS_PLUS, AS_MINUS, AS_LPAREN]) and
+ is_calljmp(actopcode) then
+ begin
+ oper.opr.typ := OPR_SYMBOL;
+ oper.opr.symbol := hl;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ oper.InitRef;
+ oper.opr.ref.symbol := hl;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure MaybeRecordOffset;
+ var
+ mangledname : string;
+ hasdot: boolean;
+ l,
+ toffset,
+ tsize: aint;
+ begin
+ if not (actasmtoken in [AS_DOT, AS_PLUS, AS_MINUS]) then
+ exit;
+ l := 0;
+ hasdot := (actasmtoken = AS_DOT);
+ if hasdot then
+ begin
+ if expr <> '' then
+ begin
+ BuildRecordOffsetSize(expr, toffset, tsize, mangledname, false);
+ if (oper.opr.typ<>OPR_CONSTANT) and
+ (mangledname<>'') then
+ Message(asmr_e_wrong_sym_type);
+ inc(l, toffset);
+ oper.SetSize(tsize, true);
+ end;
+ end;
+ if actasmtoken in [AS_PLUS, AS_MINUS] then
+ inc(l, BuildConstExpression(true, false));
+ case oper.opr.typ of
+ begin
+ { don't allow direct access to fields of parameters, because that
+ will generate buggy code. Allow it only for explicit typecasting }
+ if hasdot and
+ (not oper.hastype) and
+ (tabstractvarsym(oper.opr.localsym).owner.symtabletype =
+ parasymtable) and
+ (current_procinfo.procdef.proccalloption <> pocall_register) then
+ Message(asmr_e_cannot_access_field_directly_for_parameters);
+ inc(oper.opr.localsymofs, l)
+ end;
+ if (mangledname<>'') then
+ begin
+ if (oper.opr.val<>0) then
+ Message(asmr_e_wrong_sym_type);
+ oper.opr.typ:=OPR_SYMBOL;
+ oper.opr.symbol:=current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(mangledname);
+ end
+ else
+ inc(oper.opr.val,l);
+ inc(oper.opr.ref.offset, l);
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_symbol_ref);
+ else
+ internalerror(200309221);
+ end;
+ end;
+ function MaybeBuildReference: boolean;
+ { Try to create a reference, if not a reference is found then false
+ is returned }
+ begin
+ MaybeBuildReference := true;
+ case actasmtoken of
+ begin
+ oper.opr.ref.offset := BuildConstExpression(True, False);
+ if actasmtoken <> AS_LPAREN then
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax)
+ else
+ BuildReference(oper);
+ end;
+ BuildReference(oper);
+ AS_ID: { only a variable is allowed ... }
+ begin
+ ReadSym(oper);
+ case actasmtoken of
+ BuildReference(oper);
+ else
+ begin
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ Consume(actasmtoken);
+ end;
+ end; {end case }
+ end;
+ else
+ MaybeBuildReference := false;
+ end; { end case }
+ end;
+ tempreg: tregister;
+ hl: tasmlabel;
+ ofs: aint;
+ expr := '';
+ case actasmtoken of
+ AS_LPAREN: { Memory reference or constant expression }
+ begin
+ oper.InitRef;
+ BuildReference(oper);
+ end;
+ begin
+ { Constant memory offset }
+ { This must absolutely be followed by ( }
+ oper.InitRef;
+ oper.opr.ref.offset := BuildConstExpression(True, False);
+ if actasmtoken <> AS_LPAREN then
+ begin
+ ofs := oper.opr.ref.offset;
+ BuildConstantOperand(oper);
+ inc(oper.opr.val, ofs);
+ end
+ else
+ BuildReference(oper);
+ end;
+ AS_ID: { A constant expression, or a Variable ref. }
+ begin
+ { Local Label ? }
+ if is_locallabel(actasmpattern) then
+ begin
+ CreateLocalLabel(actasmpattern, hl, false);
+ Consume(AS_ID);
+ AddLabelOperand(hl);
+ end
+ else
+ { Check for label } if SearchLabel(actasmpattern, hl, false) then
+ begin
+ Consume(AS_ID);
+ AddLabelOperand(hl);
+ end
+ else
+ { probably a variable or normal expression }
+ { or a procedure (such as in CALL ID) }
+ begin
+ { is it a constant ? }
+ if SearchIConstant(actasmpattern, l) then
+ begin
+ if not (oper.opr.typ in [OPR_NONE, OPR_CONSTANT]) then
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_operand_type);
+ BuildConstantOperand(oper);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ expr := actasmpattern;
+ Consume(AS_ID);
+ { typecasting? }
+ if (actasmtoken = AS_LPAREN) and
+ SearchType(expr, typesize) then
+ begin
+ oper.hastype := true;
+ Consume(AS_LPAREN);
+ BuildOperand(oper);
+ Consume(AS_RPAREN);
+ if oper.opr.typ in [OPR_REFERENCE, OPR_LOCAL] then
+ oper.SetSize(typesize, true);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if oper.SetupVar(expr, false) then
+ ReadAt(oper)
+ else
+ begin
+ { look for special symbols ... }
+ if expr = '__HIGH' then
+ begin
+ consume(AS_LPAREN);
+ if not oper.setupvar('high' + actasmpattern, false) then
+ Message1(sym_e_unknown_id, 'high' + actasmpattern);
+ consume(AS_ID);
+ consume(AS_RPAREN);
+ end
+ else if expr = '__RESULT' then
+ oper.SetUpResult
+ else if expr = '__SELF' then
+ oper.SetupSelf
+ else if expr = '__OLDEBP' then
+ oper.SetupOldEBP
+ else
+ Message1(sym_e_unknown_id, expr);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if actasmtoken = AS_DOT then
+ MaybeRecordOffset;
+ { add a constant expression? }
+ if (actasmtoken = AS_PLUS) then
+ begin
+ l := BuildConstExpression(true, false);
+ case oper.opr.typ of
+ inc(oper.opr.val, l);
+ inc(oper.opr.localsymofs, l);
+ inc(oper.opr.ref.offset, l);
+ else
+ internalerror(200309202);
+ end;
+ end
+ end;
+ { Do we have a indexing reference, then parse it also }
+ if actasmtoken = AS_LPAREN then
+ BuildReference(oper);
+ end;
+ AS_REGISTER: { Register, a variable reference or a constant reference }
+ begin
+ { save the type of register used. }
+ tempreg := actasmregister;
+ Consume(AS_REGISTER);
+ if (actasmtoken in [AS_END, AS_SEPARATOR, AS_COMMA]) then
+ if is_condreg(tempreg) and
+ ((actopcode = A_BC) or
+ (actopcode = A_BCCTR) or
+ (actopcode = A_BCLR) or
+ (actopcode = A_TW) or
+ (actopcode = A_TWI)) then
+ begin
+ { it isn't a real operand, everything is stored in the condition }
+ oper.opr.typ := OPR_NONE;
+ := getsupreg(tempreg);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if not (oper.opr.typ in [OPR_NONE, OPR_REGISTER]) then
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_operand_type);
+ oper.opr.typ := OPR_REGISTER;
+ oper.opr.reg := tempreg;
+ end
+ else if is_condreg(tempreg) then
+ begin
+ if not (actcondition.cond in [C_T..C_DZF]) then
+ Message(asmr_e_syn_operand);
+ if actasmtoken = AS_STAR then
+ begin
+ consume(AS_STAR);
+ if (actasmtoken = AS_INTNUM) then
+ begin
+ consume(AS_INTNUM);
+ if actasmtoken = AS_PLUS then
+ begin
+ consume(AS_PLUS);
+ if (actasmtoken = AS_ID) then
+ begin
+ oper.opr.typ := OPR_NONE;
+ if actasmpattern = 'LT' then
+ actcondition.crbit := (getsupreg(tempreg) - (RS_CR0)) * 4
+ else if actasmpattern = 'GT' then
+ actcondition.crbit := (getsupreg(tempreg) - (RS_CR0)) * 4 + 1
+ else if actasmpattern = 'EQ' then
+ actcondition.crbit := (getsupreg(tempreg) - (RS_CR0)) * 4 + 2
+ else if actasmpattern = 'SO' then
+ actcondition.crbit := (getsupreg(tempreg) - (RS_CR0)) * 4 + 3
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_syn_operand);
+ consume(AS_ID);
+ end
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_syn_operand);
+ end
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_syn_operand);
+ end
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_syn_operand);
+ end
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_syn_operand);
+ end
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_syn_operand);
+ end;
+ else
+ begin
+ Message(asmr_e_syn_operand);
+ Consume(actasmtoken);
+ end;
+ end; { end case }
+ tppcattreader
+procedure tppcattreader.BuildOpCode(instr: tppcinstruction);
+ operandnum: longint;
+ { opcode }
+ if (actasmtoken <> AS_OPCODE) then
+ begin
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_or_missing_opcode);
+ RecoverConsume(true);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { Fill the instr object with the current state }
+ with instr do
+ begin
+ Opcode := ActOpcode;
+ condition := ActCondition;
+ end;
+ { We are reading operands, so opcode will be an AS_ID }
+ operandnum := 1;
+ Consume(AS_OPCODE);
+ { Zero operand opcode ? }
+ if actasmtoken in [AS_SEPARATOR, AS_END] then
+ begin
+ operandnum := 0;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { Read the operands }
+ repeat
+ case actasmtoken of
+ AS_COMMA: { Operand delimiter }
+ begin
+ if operandnum > Max_Operands then
+ Message(asmr_e_too_many_operands)
+ else
+ begin
+ { condition operands doesn't set the operand but write to the
+ condition field of the instruction
+ }
+ if instr.Operands[operandnum].opr.typ <> OPR_NONE then
+ Inc(operandnum);
+ end;
+ Consume(AS_COMMA);
+ end;
+ AS_END: { End of asm operands for this opcode }
+ begin
+ break;
+ end;
+ else
+ BuildOperand(instr.Operands[operandnum] as tppcoperand);
+ end; { end case }
+ until false;
+ if (operandnum = 1) and (instr.Operands[operandnum].opr.typ = OPR_NONE) then
+ dec(operandnum);
+ instr.Ops := operandnum;
+function tppcattreader.is_asmopcode(const s: string): boolean;
+ cond: tasmcondflag;
+ hs: string;
+ { making s a value parameter would break other assembler readers }
+ hs := s;
+ is_asmopcode := false;
+ { clear op code }
+ actopcode := A_None;
+ { clear condition }
+ fillchar(actcondition, sizeof(actcondition), 0);
+ { check for direction hint }
+ if hs[length(s)] = '-' then
+ begin
+ dec(ord(hs[0]));
+ actcondition.dirhint := DH_Minus;
+ end
+ else if hs[length(s)] = '+' then
+ begin
+ dec(ord(hs[0]));
+ actcondition.dirhint := DH_Plus;
+ end;
+ actopcode := tasmop(ptruint(iasmops.Find(hs)));
+ if actopcode <> A_NONE then
+ begin
+ if actcondition.dirhint <> DH_None then
+ message1(asmr_e_unknown_opcode, actasmpattern);
+ actasmtoken := AS_OPCODE;
+ is_asmopcode := true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { not found, check branch instructions }
+ if hs[1] = 'B' then
+ begin
+ { we can search here without an extra table which is sorted by string length
+ because we take the whole remaining string without the leading B }
+ if copy(hs, length(s) - 1, 2) = 'LR' then
+ begin
+ actopcode := A_BCLR;
+ setlength(hs, length(hs) - 2)
+ end
+ else if copy(hs, length(s) - 2, 3) = 'CTR' then
+ begin
+ actopcode := A_BCCTR;
+ setlength(hs, length(hs) - 3)
+ end
+ else
+ actopcode := A_BC;
+ for cond := low(TAsmCondFlag) to high(TAsmCondFlag) do
+ if copy(hs, 2, length(s) - 1) = UpperAsmCondFlag2Str[cond] then
+ begin
+ actcondition.simple := true;
+ actcondition.cond := cond;
+ if (cond in [C_LT, C_LE, C_EQ, C_GE, C_GT, C_NL, C_NE, C_NG, C_SO, C_NS,
+ C_UN, C_NU]) then
+ := RS_CR0;
+ actasmtoken := AS_OPCODE;
+ is_asmopcode := true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+procedure tppcattreader.ConvertCalljmp(instr: tppcinstruction);
+ if instr.Operands[1].opr.typ = OPR_CONSTANT then begin
+ if (instr.operands[1].opr.val > 31) or
+ (instr.operands[2].opr.typ <> OPR_CONSTANT) or
+ (instr.operands[2].opr.val > 31) or
+ not(instr.operands[3].opr.typ in [OPR_REFERENCE,OPR_SYMBOL]) then
+ Message(asmr_e_syn_operand);
+ { BO/BI notation }
+ instr.condition.simple := false;
+ := instr.operands[1].opr.val;
+ := instr.operands[2].opr.val;
+ instr.operands[1].free;
+ instr.operands[2].free;
+ instr.operands[2] := nil;
+ instr.operands[1] := instr.operands[3];
+ instr.operands[3] := nil;
+ instr.ops := 1;
+ end;
+ if instr.Operands[1].opr.typ = OPR_REFERENCE then begin
+ instr.Operands[1].opr.ref.refaddr:=addr_full;
+ if (instr.Operands[1].opr.ref.base<>NR_NO) or
+ (instr.Operands[1].opr.ref.index<>NR_NO) then
+ Message(asmr_e_syn_operand);
+ end;
+procedure tppcattreader.handleopcode;
+ instr: tppcinstruction;
+ instr := TPPCInstruction.Create(TPPCOperand);
+ BuildOpcode(instr);
+ instr.condition := actcondition;
+ if is_calljmp(instr.opcode) then
+ ConvertCalljmp(instr);
+ {
+ instr.AddReferenceSizes;
+ instr.SetInstructionOpsize;
+ instr.CheckOperandSizes;
+ }
+ instr.ConcatInstruction(curlist);
+ instr.Free;
+ Initialize
+ asmmode_ppc_att_info: tasmmodeinfo =
+ (
+ id: asmmode_ppc_gas;
+ idtxt: 'GAS';
+ casmreader: tppcattreader;
+ );
+ asmmode_ppc_standard_info: tasmmodeinfo =
+ (
+ id: asmmode_standard;
+ idtxt: 'STANDARD';
+ casmreader: tppcattreader;
+ );
+ RegisterAsmMode(asmmode_ppc_att_info);
+ RegisterAsmMode(asmmode_ppc_standard_info);