path: root/closures/compiler/utils/fixtab.pp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'closures/compiler/utils/fixtab.pp')
1 files changed, 367 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/closures/compiler/utils/fixtab.pp b/closures/compiler/utils/fixtab.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e6c14f27c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/closures/compiler/utils/fixtab.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+program FixTab;
+uses Dos;
+ {Files}
+ InputExt='';
+ OutputExt='*';
+ InFile,
+ OutFile : string[80];
+ ParaFile : word;
+ TabSize : longint=8;
+ DosEol : boolean=false;
+ Verbose : boolean=false;
+ Routines
+ PathCh='/';
+ PathCh='\';
+Function SplitPath(Const HStr:String):String;
+ i : byte;
+ i:=Length(Hstr);
+ while (i>0) and (Hstr[i]<>PathCh) do
+ dec(i);
+ SplitPath:=Copy(Hstr,1,i);
+Function SplitFileName(Const HStr:String):String;
+ i : byte;
+ i:=Length(Hstr);
+ while (i>0) and (Hstr[i]<>PathCh) do
+ dec(i);
+ SplitFileName:=Copy(Hstr,i+1,255);
+Function SplitName(Const HStr:String):String;
+ i,j : byte;
+ i:=Length(Hstr);
+ j:=i;
+ while (i>0) and (Hstr[i]<>PathCh) do
+ dec(i);
+ while (j>0) and (Hstr[j]<>'.') do
+ dec(j);
+ if j<=i then
+ j:=255;
+ SplitName:=Copy(Hstr,i+1,j-(i+1));
+Function SplitExtension(Const HStr:String):String;
+ j,i : byte;
+ i:=Length(Hstr);
+ j:=i;
+ while (i>0) and (Hstr[i]<>PathCh) do
+ dec(i);
+ while (j>0) and (Hstr[j]<>'.') do
+ dec(j);
+ if j<=i then
+ j:=254;
+ SplitExtension:=Copy(Hstr,j+1,255);
+Function ChangeFileExt(Const HStr,ext:String):String;
+ if (Ext<>'') and (SplitExtension(HStr)='') then
+ ChangeFileExt:=Hstr+'.'+Ext
+ else
+ ChangeFileExt:=Hstr;
+Function ForceExtension(Const HStr,ext:String):String;
+ j : byte;
+ j:=length(Hstr);
+ while (j>0) and (Hstr[j]<>'.') do
+ dec(j);
+ if j=0 then
+ j:=255;
+ ForceExtension:=Copy(Hstr,1,j-1)+'.'+Ext;
+function UCase(Const Hstr:string):string;
+ i : byte;
+ for i:=1to Length(Hstr) do
+ UCase[i]:=Upcase(Hstr[i]);
+ UCase[0]:=chr(Length(Hstr));
+Function ESpace(HStr:String;len:byte):String;
+ while length(Hstr)<Len do
+ begin
+ inc(byte(Hstr[0]));
+ Hstr[Length(Hstr)]:=' ';
+ end;
+ ESpace:=Hstr;
+ Main Stuff
+ Done : array[0..1023] of string[32];
+ Total : word;
+Function FileDone(const fn:string):boolean;
+ i : word;
+ i:=0;
+ while (i<Total) and (Done[i]<>fn) do
+ inc(i);
+ if Done[i]=fn then
+ FileDone:=true
+ else
+ begin
+ Done[Total]:=fn;
+ inc(Total);
+ FileDone:=false;
+ end;
+procedure Convert(fn,nfn:string);
+ inbuftype=array[0..31999] of char;
+ outbuftype=array[0..63999] of char;
+ f,g : file;
+ inbuf : ^inbuftype;
+ outbuf : ^outbuftype;
+ Curr,
+ TabCol,
+ col,
+ i,last,
+ innum,
+ outnum : longint;
+ procedure WriteBuf;
+ begin
+ if i>last then
+ begin
+ move(InBuf^[last],OutBuf^[OutNum],i-last);
+ inc(OutNum,(i-last));
+ end;
+ Last:=i+1;
+ end;
+{Create New FileName}
+ if SplitExtension(nfn)='*' then
+ nfn:=ChangeFileExt(SplitPath(nfn)+SplitName(nfn),SplitExtension(fn));
+ if SplitName(nfn)='*' then
+ begin
+ if SplitPath(nfn)='' then
+ nfn:=ChangeFileExt(SplitPath(fn)+SplitName(fn),SplitExtension(nfn))
+ else
+ nfn:=ChangeFileExt(SplitPath(nfn)+SplitName(fn),SplitExtension(nfn));
+ end;
+ if FileDone(nfn) then
+ exit;
+{Open Files}
+ Write('Converting '+ESpace(fn,30)+' ');
+ if fn=nfn then
+ assign(g,ForceExtension(fn,'$T$'))
+ else
+ begin
+ Write('-> '+ESpace(nfn,30)+' ');
+ assign(g,nfn);
+ end;
+ new(inbuf);
+ new(outbuf);
+ assign(f,fn);
+ {$push}{$I-}
+ reset(f,1);
+ {$pop}
+ if ioresult<>0 then
+ exit;
+ {$push}{$I-}
+ rewrite(g,1);
+ {$pop}
+ if ioresult<>0 then
+ begin
+ close(f);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ Curr:=0;
+ col:=1;
+ last:=0;
+ repeat
+ blockread(f,InBuf^,sizeof(InBufType),innum);
+ outnum:=0;
+ if innum>0 then
+ begin
+ i:=0;
+ while (i<innum) do
+ begin
+ case InBuf^[i] of
+ #9 : begin
+ WriteBuf;
+ OutBuf^[OutNum]:=' ';
+ inc(OutNum);
+ inc(Col);
+ TabCol:=(((Col-1) div TabSize)+1)*TabSize;
+ while (Col<TabCol) do
+ begin
+ OutBuf^[OutNum]:=' ';
+ inc(OutNum);
+ inc(Col);
+ end;
+ end;
+ #13 : begin
+ WriteBuf;
+ while (outnum>0) and (outbuf^[outnum-1] in [' ',#9]) do
+ dec(outnum);
+ end;
+ #10 : begin
+ WriteBuf;
+ while (outnum>0) and (outbuf^[outnum-1] in [' ',#9]) do
+ dec(outnum);
+ if DosEol then
+ begin
+ OutBuf^[OutNum]:=#13;
+ inc(OutNum);
+ end;
+ OutBuf^[OutNum]:=#10;
+ inc(OutNum);
+ col:=0;
+ inc(Curr);
+ if (curr and 31)=0 then
+ Write(Curr:5,#8#8#8#8#8);
+ end;
+ else
+ inc(col);
+ end;
+ inc(i);
+ end;
+ WriteBuf;
+ last:=0;
+ end;
+ blockwrite(g,OutBuf^,outnum);
+ until innum=0;
+ WriteLn(Curr,' Lines');
+ close(g);
+ close(f);
+ if fn=nfn then
+ begin
+ erase(f);
+ rename(g,fn);
+ end;
+ dispose(outbuf);
+ dispose(inbuf);
+ General Stuff
+procedure getpara;
+ ch : char;
+ para : string[128];
+ i,j : word;
+ procedure helpscreen;
+ begin
+ writeln('Usage : '+SplitName(ParamStr(0))+' [Options] <InFile(s)>'#10);
+ writeln('<Options> can be : -O<OutFile> Specify OutFile Mask');
+ WriteLn(' -D Use MsDos #13#10 Eols');
+ writeln(' -T<size> Set Size of Tabs');
+ writeln(' -V be more verbose');
+ writeln(' -? or -H This HelpScreen');
+ halt(1);
+ end;
+ for i:=1to paramcount do
+ begin
+ para:=ucase(paramstr(i));
+ if (para[1]='-') then
+ begin
+ ch:=para[2];
+ delete(para,1,2);
+ case ch of
+ 'O' : OutFile:=ChangeFileExt(Para,OutputExt);
+ 'D' : DosEol:=true;
+ 'T' : Val(Para,TabSize,j);
+ 'V' : verbose:=true;
+ '?','H' : helpscreen;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if ParaFile=0 then
+ ParaFile:=i;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if (ParaFile=0) then
+ HelpScreen;
+ if OutFile='' then
+ OutFile:=ForceExtension('*',OutPutExt);
+ Dir : SearchRec;
+ i : word;
+ GetPara;
+ if Verbose then
+ begin
+ Writeln('fixtab v1.01 (C) 1999-2002 Peter Vreman');
+ Writeln('TabSize ',TabSize);
+ if DosEol then
+ WriteLn('Using MsDos Eols');
+ end;
+ for i:=ParaFile to ParamCount do
+ begin
+ InFile:=ChangeFileExt(ParamStr(i),InputExt);
+ FindFirst(InFile,$20,Dir);
+ while (DosError=0) do
+ begin
+ Convert(SplitPath(InFile)+Dir.Name,OutFile);
+ FindNext(Dir);
+ end;
+ end;