path: root/compiler/z80/raz80asm.pas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/z80/raz80asm.pas')
1 files changed, 2390 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/z80/raz80asm.pas b/compiler/z80/raz80asm.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90c8787d95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/z80/raz80asm.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,2390 @@
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2008 by Carl Eric Codere and Peter Vreman
+ Does the parsing for the Z80 styled inline assembler.
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+Unit raz80asm;
+ Interface
+ uses
+ cclasses,
+ globtype,
+ rasm,raz80,
+ aasmbase,cpubase;
+ type
+ tasmtoken = (
+ {------------------ Assembler directives --------------------}
+ {------------------ Assembler Operators --------------------}
+ AS_RELTYPE, // common token for relocation types
+ {------------------ Target-specific directive ---------------}
+ );
+ tasmkeyword = string[10];
+ const
+ { These tokens should be modified accordingly to the modifications }
+ { in the different enumerations. }
+ firstdirective = AS_DEFB;
+ lastdirective = AS_END;
+ token2str : array[tasmtoken] of tasmkeyword=(
+ '','Label','LLabel','string','integer',
+ 'float',',','(',
+ ')',':','.','+','-','*',
+ ';','identifier','register','opcode','condition','/','$',
+ '#','{','}','[',']',
+ '=',
+ 'defb','defw','END',
+ 'TYPE','SIZEOF','VMTOFFSET','%','<<','>>','!','&','|','^','~','@','reltype',
+ 'directive');
+ type
+ { input flags for BuildConstSymbolExpression }
+ tconstsymbolexpressioninputflag = (
+ cseif_needofs,
+ cseif_isref,
+ cseif_startingminus,
+ { allows using full reference-like syntax for constsymbol expressions,
+ for example:
+ Rec.Str[5] -> Rec.Str+5 }
+ cseif_referencelike
+ );
+ tconstsymbolexpressioninputflags = set of tconstsymbolexpressioninputflag;
+ { output flags for BuildConstSymbolExpression }
+ tconstsymbolexpressionoutputflag = (
+ cseof_isseg,
+ cseof_is_farproc_entry,
+ cseof_hasofs
+ );
+ tconstsymbolexpressionoutputflags = set of tconstsymbolexpressionoutputflag;
+ { tz80reader }
+ tz80reader = class(tasmreader)
+ actasmcond : TAsmCond;
+ actasmpattern_origcase : string;
+ actasmtoken : tasmtoken;
+ prevasmtoken : tasmtoken;
+ inexpression : boolean;
+ procedure SetupTables;
+ procedure GetToken;
+ function consume(t : tasmtoken):boolean;
+ procedure RecoverConsume(allowcomma:boolean);
+ procedure AddReferences(dest,src : tz80operand);
+ function is_locallabel(const s:string):boolean;
+ function is_asmopcode(const s: string):boolean;
+ Function is_asmdirective(const s: string):boolean;
+ function is_register(const s:string):boolean;
+ function is_condition(const s:string):boolean;
+ function is_targetdirective(const s: string):boolean;
+ procedure BuildRecordOffsetSize(const expr: string;out offset:tcgint;out size:tcgint; out mangledname: string; needvmtofs: boolean; out hastypecast: boolean);
+ procedure BuildConstSymbolExpression(in_flags: tconstsymbolexpressioninputflags;out value:tcgint;out asmsym:string;out asmsymtyp:TAsmsymtype;out size:tcgint;out out_flags:tconstsymbolexpressionoutputflags);
+ function BuildConstExpression:longint;
+ function BuildRefConstExpression(out size:tcgint;startingminus:boolean=false):longint;
+ procedure BuildConstantOperand(oper: tz80operand);
+ procedure BuildReference(oper : tz80operand);
+ procedure BuildOperand(oper: tz80operand;istypecast:boolean);
+ procedure BuildOpCode(instr:TZ80Instruction);
+ procedure handleopcode;
+ procedure ConvertCalljmp(instr : tz80instruction);
+ function Assemble: tlinkedlist;override;
+ end;
+ Implementation
+ uses
+ { helpers }
+ cutils,
+ { global }
+ globals,verbose,
+ systems,
+ { aasm }
+ cpuinfo,aasmtai,aasmdata,aasmcpu,
+ { symtable }
+ symconst,symbase,symtype,symsym,symtable,symdef,symutil,
+ { parser }
+ scanner,pbase,
+ procinfo,
+ rabase,rautils,
+ cgbase,cgutils,cgobj
+ ;
+ tz80reader
+ procedure tz80reader.SetupTables;
+ var
+ i: TAsmOp;
+ begin
+ iasmops:=TFPHashList.create;
+ for i:=firstop to lastop do
+ iasmops.Add(upper(std_op2str[i]),Pointer(PtrInt(i)));
+ end;
+ procedure tz80reader.GetToken;
+ var
+ len: Integer;
+ srsym : tsym;
+ srsymtable : TSymtable;
+ can_be_condition : Boolean;
+ begin
+ c:=scanner.c;
+ { certain instructions can have a condition, as an operand. We need to set this flag,
+ because 'C' can be either a register, or a condition, depending on the context }
+ can_be_condition:=(actasmtoken=AS_OPCODE) and (actopcode in [A_JP,A_JR,A_CALL,A_RET]);
+ { save old token and reset new token }
+ prevasmtoken:=actasmtoken;
+ actasmtoken:=AS_NONE;
+ { reset }
+ actasmpattern:='';
+ { while space and tab , continue scan... }
+ while c in [' ',#9] do
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ { get token pos }
+ if not (c in [#10,#13,'{',';','/','(']) then
+ current_scanner.gettokenpos;
+ { Local Label, Label, Directive, Prefix or Opcode }
+ if firsttoken and not(c in [#10,#13,'{',';','/','(']) then
+ begin
+ firsttoken:=FALSE;
+ len:=0;
+ { directive }
+ if c = '.' then
+ begin
+ inc(len);
+ actasmpattern[len]:=c;
+ { Let us point to the next character }
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ while c in ['A'..'Z','a'..'z','0'..'9','_','$'] do
+ begin
+ inc(len);
+ actasmpattern[len]:=c;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ end;
+ actasmpattern[0]:=chr(len);
+ { must be a directive }
+ if is_asmdirective(actasmpattern) then
+ exit;
+ if is_targetdirective(actasmpattern) then
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_TARGET_DIRECTIVE;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ Message1(asmr_e_not_directive_or_local_symbol,actasmpattern);
+ end;
+ { only opcodes, global and local labels are allowed now. }
+ while c in ['A'..'Z','a'..'z','0'..'9','_','@'] do
+ begin
+ inc(len);
+ actasmpattern[len]:=c;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ end;
+ actasmpattern[0]:=chr(len);
+ actasmpattern_origcase:=actasmpattern;
+ { Label ? }
+ if c = ':' then
+ begin
+ { Local label ? }
+ if is_locallabel(actasmpattern) then
+ actasmtoken:=AS_LLABEL
+ else
+ actasmtoken:=AS_LABEL;
+ { let us point to the next character }
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ firsttoken:=true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { Opcode ? }
+ if is_asmopcode(upper(actasmpattern)) then
+ begin
+ uppervar(actasmpattern);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { End of assemblerblock ? }
+ if upper(actasmpattern) = 'END' then
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_END;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ message1(asmr_e_unknown_opcode,actasmpattern);
+ actasmtoken:=AS_NONE;
+ end
+ else { else firsttoken }
+ { Here we must handle all possible cases }
+ begin
+ case c of
+ '.' : { possiblities : - local label reference , such as in jmp @local1 }
+ { - field of object/record }
+ { - directive. }
+ begin
+ if (prevasmtoken in [AS_ID,AS_RPAREN]) then
+ begin
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ actasmtoken:=AS_DOT;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ actasmpattern:=c;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ while c in ['A'..'Z','a'..'z','0'..'9','_','$'] do
+ begin
+ actasmpattern:=actasmpattern + c;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ end;
+ if is_asmdirective(actasmpattern) then
+ exit;
+ if is_targetdirective(actasmpattern) then
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_TARGET_DIRECTIVE;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { local label references and directives }
+ { are case sensitive }
+ actasmtoken:=AS_ID;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { identifier, register, prefix or directive }
+ '_','A'..'Z','a'..'z':
+ begin
+ len:=0;
+ while c in ['A'..'Z','a'..'z','0'..'9','_','$'] do
+ begin
+ inc(len);
+ actasmpattern[len]:=c;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ end;
+ actasmpattern[0]:=chr(len);
+ actasmpattern_origcase:=actasmpattern;
+ uppervar(actasmpattern);
+ {$ifdef x86}
+ { only x86 architectures have instruction prefixes }
+ { Opcode, can only be when the previous was a prefix }
+ If is_prefix(actopcode) and is_asmopcode(actasmpattern) then
+ Begin
+ uppervar(actasmpattern);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ {$endif x86}
+ { check for end which is a reserved word unlike the opcodes }
+ if actasmpattern = 'END' then
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_END;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if actasmpattern = 'TYPE' then
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_TYPE;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if actasmpattern = 'SIZEOF' then
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_SIZEOF;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if actasmpattern = 'VMTOFFSET' then
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_VMTOFFSET;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if can_be_condition and is_condition(actasmpattern) then
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_CONDITION;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if is_register(actasmpattern) then
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_REGISTER;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ { if next is a '.' and this is a unitsym then we also need to
+ parse the identifier }
+ if (c='.') then
+ begin
+ searchsym(actasmpattern,srsym,srsymtable);
+ if assigned(srsym) and
+ (srsym.typ=unitsym) and
+ (srsym.owner.symtabletype in [staticsymtable,globalsymtable]) and
+ srsym.owner.iscurrentunit then
+ begin
+ actasmpattern:=actasmpattern+c;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ while c in ['A'..'Z','a'..'z','0'..'9','_','$'] do
+ begin
+ actasmpattern:=actasmpattern + upcase(c);
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ actasmtoken:=AS_ID;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ //'%' : { register or modulo }
+ // handlepercent;
+ '1'..'9': { integer number }
+ begin
+ len:=0;
+ while c in ['0'..'9'] do
+ Begin
+ inc(len);
+ actasmpattern[len]:=c;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ end;
+ actasmpattern[0]:=chr(len);
+ actasmpattern:=tostr(ParseVal(actasmpattern,10));
+ actasmtoken:=AS_INTNUM;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ '0' : { octal,hexa,real or binary number. }
+ begin
+ actasmpattern:=c;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ case upcase(c) of
+ 'B': { binary }
+ Begin
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ while c in ['0','1'] do
+ Begin
+ actasmpattern:=actasmpattern + c;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ end;
+ actasmpattern:=tostr(ParseVal(actasmpattern,2));
+ actasmtoken:=AS_INTNUM;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ 'D': { real }
+ Begin
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ { get ridd of the 0d }
+ if (c in ['+','-']) then
+ begin
+ actasmpattern:=c;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ end
+ else
+ actasmpattern:='';
+ while c in ['0'..'9'] do
+ Begin
+ actasmpattern:=actasmpattern + c;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ end;
+ if c='.' then
+ begin
+ actasmpattern:=actasmpattern + c;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ while c in ['0'..'9'] do
+ Begin
+ actasmpattern:=actasmpattern + c;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ end;
+ if upcase(c) = 'E' then
+ begin
+ actasmpattern:=actasmpattern + c;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ if (c in ['+','-']) then
+ begin
+ actasmpattern:=actasmpattern + c;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ end;
+ while c in ['0'..'9'] do
+ Begin
+ actasmpattern:=actasmpattern + c;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ end;
+ end;
+ actasmtoken:=AS_REALNUM;
+ exit;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Message1(asmr_e_invalid_float_const,actasmpattern+c);
+ actasmtoken:=AS_NONE;
+ end;
+ end;
+ 'X': { hexadecimal }
+ Begin
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ while c in ['0'..'9','a'..'f','A'..'F'] do
+ Begin
+ actasmpattern:=actasmpattern + c;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ end;
+ actasmpattern:=tostr(ParseVal(actasmpattern,16));
+ actasmtoken:=AS_INTNUM;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ '1'..'7': { octal }
+ begin
+ actasmpattern:=actasmpattern + c;
+ while c in ['0'..'7'] do
+ Begin
+ actasmpattern:=actasmpattern + c;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ end;
+ actasmpattern:=tostr(ParseVal(actasmpattern,8));
+ actasmtoken:=AS_INTNUM;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ else { octal number zero value...}
+ Begin
+ actasmpattern:=tostr(ParseVal(actasmpattern,8));
+ actasmtoken:=AS_INTNUM;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end; { end case }
+ end;
+ '&' :
+ begin
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ actasmtoken:=AS_AND;
+ end;
+ '''' : { char }
+ begin
+ actasmpattern:='';
+ repeat
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ case c of
+ '\' :
+ begin
+ { copy also the next char so \" is parsed correctly }
+ actasmpattern:=actasmpattern+c;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ actasmpattern:=actasmpattern+c;
+ end;
+ '''' :
+ begin
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ break;
+ end;
+ #10,#13:
+ Message(scan_f_string_exceeds_line);
+ else
+ actasmpattern:=actasmpattern+c;
+ end;
+ until false;
+ actasmpattern:=EscapeToPascal(actasmpattern);
+ actasmtoken:=AS_STRING;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ '"' : { string }
+ begin
+ actasmpattern:='';
+ repeat
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ case c of
+ '\' :
+ begin
+ { copy also the next char so \" is parsed correctly }
+ actasmpattern:=actasmpattern+c;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ actasmpattern:=actasmpattern+c;
+ end;
+ '"' :
+ begin
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ break;
+ end;
+ #10,#13:
+ Message(scan_f_string_exceeds_line);
+ else
+ actasmpattern:=actasmpattern+c;
+ end;
+ until false;
+ actasmpattern:=EscapeToPascal(actasmpattern);
+ actasmtoken:=AS_STRING;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ //'$' :
+ // begin
+ // handledollar;
+ // exit;
+ // end;
+ '#' :
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_HASH;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ '[' :
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_LBRACKET;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ ']' :
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_RBRACKET;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ '{' :
+ begin
+ {$ifdef arm}
+ // the arm assembler uses { ... } for register sets
+ // but compiler directives {$... } are still allowed
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ if c<>'$' then
+ actasmtoken:=AS_LSBRACKET
+ else
+ begin
+ current_scanner.skipcomment(false);
+ GetToken;
+ end;
+ {$else arm}
+ current_scanner.skipcomment(true);
+ GetToken;
+ {$endif arm}
+ exit;
+ end;
+ {$ifdef arm}
+ '}' :
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_RSBRACKET;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ '=' :
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_EQUAL;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ {$endif arm}
+ ',' :
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_COMMA;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ '<' :
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_SHL;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ if c = '<' then
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ '>' :
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_SHL;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ if c = '>' then
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ '|' :
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_OR;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ '^' :
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_XOR;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ '(' :
+ begin
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ if c='*' then
+ begin
+ current_scanner.skipoldtpcomment(true);
+ GetToken;
+ end
+ else
+ actasmtoken:=AS_LPAREN;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ ')' :
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_RPAREN;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ ':' :
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_COLON;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ '+' :
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_PLUS;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ '-' :
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_MINUS;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ '*' :
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_STAR;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ '/' :
+ begin
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ if c='/' then
+ begin
+ current_scanner.skipdelphicomment;
+ GetToken;
+ end
+ else
+ actasmtoken:=AS_SLASH;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ '!', '~' :
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_NOT;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ '@' : { possiblities : - local label reference , such as in jmp @local1 }
+ { - @Result, @Code or @Data special variables. }
+ begin
+ actasmpattern:=c;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ while c in ['A'..'Z','a'..'z','0'..'9','_','@','$','&','?'] do
+ begin
+ actasmpattern:=actasmpattern + c;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ end;
+ actasmpattern_origcase:=actasmpattern;
+ uppervar(actasmpattern);
+ actasmtoken:=AS_ID;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ #13,#10:
+ begin
+ current_scanner.linebreak;
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ firsttoken:=TRUE;
+ actasmtoken:=AS_SEPARATOR;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ ';' :
+ begin
+ c:=current_scanner.asmgetchar;
+ firsttoken:=TRUE;
+ actasmtoken:=AS_SEPARATOR;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ else
+ current_scanner.illegal_char(c);
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function tz80reader.consume(t: tasmtoken): boolean;
+ begin
+ Consume:=true;
+ if t<>actasmtoken then
+ begin
+ Message2(scan_f_syn_expected,token2str[t],token2str[actasmtoken]);
+ Consume:=false;
+ end;
+ repeat
+ gettoken;
+ until actasmtoken<>AS_NONE;
+ end;
+ procedure tz80reader.RecoverConsume(allowcomma: boolean);
+ begin
+ while not (actasmtoken in [AS_SEPARATOR,AS_END]) do
+ begin
+ if allowcomma and (actasmtoken=AS_COMMA) then
+ break;
+ Consume(actasmtoken);
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure tz80reader.AddReferences(dest, src: tz80operand);
+ procedure AddRegister(reg:tregister;scalefactor:byte);
+ begin
+ if reg=NR_NO then
+ exit;
+ if (dest.opr.ref.base=NR_NO) and (scalefactor=1) then
+ begin
+ dest.opr.ref.base:=reg;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if dest.opr.ref.index=NR_NO then
+ begin
+ dest.opr.ref.index:=reg;
+ dest.opr.ref.scalefactor:=scalefactor;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if dest.opr.ref.index=reg then
+ begin
+ Inc(dest.opr.ref.scalefactor,scalefactor);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ Message(asmr_e_multiple_index);
+ end;
+ var
+ tmplocal: TOprRec;
+ segreg: TRegister;
+ begin
+ case dest.opr.typ of
+ begin
+ case src.opr.typ of
+ begin
+ AddRegister(src.opr.ref.base,1);
+ AddRegister(src.opr.ref.index,src.opr.ref.scalefactor);
+ Inc(dest.opr.ref.offset,src.opr.ref.offset);
+ Inc(dest.opr.constoffset,src.opr.constoffset);
+ dest.haslabelref:=dest.haslabelref or src.haslabelref;
+ dest.hasproc:=dest.hasproc or src.hasproc;
+ dest.hasvar:=dest.hasvar or src.hasvar;
+ if assigned(src.opr.ref.symbol) then
+ begin
+ if assigned(dest.opr.ref.symbol) then
+ Message(asmr_e_cant_have_multiple_relocatable_symbols);
+ dest.opr.ref.symbol:=src.opr.ref.symbol;
+ end;
+ if assigned(src.opr.ref.relsymbol) then
+ begin
+ if assigned(dest.opr.ref.relsymbol) then
+ Message(asmr_e_cant_have_multiple_relocatable_symbols);
+ dest.opr.ref.relsymbol:=src.opr.ref.relsymbol;
+ end;
+ if dest.opr.ref.refaddr=addr_no then
+ dest.opr.ref.refaddr:=src.opr.ref.refaddr;
+ end;
+ begin
+ tmplocal:=src.opr;
+ if dest.opr.ref.base<>NR_NO then
+ begin
+ if tmplocal.localindexreg=NR_NO then
+ begin
+ tmplocal.localindexreg:=dest.opr.ref.base;
+ tmplocal.localscale:=0;
+ end
+ else if tmplocal.localindexreg=dest.opr.ref.base then
+ tmplocal.localscale:=Min(tmplocal.localscale,1)+1
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_multiple_index);
+ end;
+ if dest.opr.ref.index<>NR_NO then
+ begin
+ if tmplocal.localindexreg=NR_NO then
+ begin
+ tmplocal.localindexreg:=dest.opr.ref.index;
+ tmplocal.localscale:=dest.opr.ref.scalefactor;
+ end
+ else if tmplocal.localindexreg=dest.opr.ref.index then
+ tmplocal.localscale:=Min(tmplocal.localscale,1)+Min(dest.opr.ref.scalefactor,1)
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_multiple_index);
+ end;
+ Inc(tmplocal.localconstoffset,dest.opr.constoffset);
+ Inc(tmplocal.localsymofs,dest.opr.ref.offset);
+ dest.opr:=tmplocal;
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(2018030701);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ case src.opr.typ of
+ begin
+ if src.opr.ref.base<>NR_NO then
+ begin
+ if dest.opr.localindexreg=NR_NO then
+ begin
+ dest.opr.localindexreg:=src.opr.ref.base;
+ dest.opr.localscale:=0;
+ end
+ else if dest.opr.localindexreg=src.opr.ref.base then
+ dest.opr.localscale:=Min(dest.opr.localscale,1)+1
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_multiple_index);
+ end;
+ if src.opr.ref.index<>NR_NO then
+ begin
+ if dest.opr.localindexreg=NR_NO then
+ begin
+ dest.opr.localindexreg:=src.opr.ref.index;
+ dest.opr.localscale:=src.opr.ref.scalefactor;
+ end
+ else if dest.opr.localindexreg=src.opr.ref.index then
+ dest.opr.localscale:=Min(dest.opr.localscale,1)+Min(src.opr.ref.scalefactor,1)
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_multiple_index);
+ end;
+ Inc(dest.opr.localconstoffset,src.opr.constoffset);
+ Inc(dest.opr.localsymofs,src.opr.ref.offset);
+ end;
+ Message(asmr_e_no_local_or_para_allowed);
+ else
+ internalerror(2018030703);
+ end;
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(2018030702);
+ end;
+ end;
+ function tz80reader.is_locallabel(const s: string): boolean;
+ begin
+ is_locallabel:=(length(s)>1) and (s[1]='@');
+ end;
+ function tz80reader.is_asmopcode(const s: string):boolean;
+ begin
+ actcondition:=C_None;
+ actopcode:=tasmop(PtrUInt(iasmops.Find(s)));
+ if actopcode<>A_NONE then
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=AS_OPCODE;
+ is_asmopcode:=true;
+ end
+ else
+ is_asmopcode:=false;
+ end;
+ function tz80reader.is_asmdirective(const s: string): boolean;
+ var
+ i : tasmtoken;
+ hs : string;
+ begin
+ hs:=lower(s);
+ for i:=firstdirective to lastdirective do
+ if hs=token2str[i] then
+ begin
+ actasmtoken:=i;
+ is_asmdirective:=true;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ is_asmdirective:=false;
+ end;
+ function tz80reader.is_register(const s:string):boolean;
+ begin
+ is_register:=false;
+ actasmregister:=std_regnum_search(lower(s));
+ if actasmregister<>NR_NO then
+ begin
+ is_register:=true;
+ actasmtoken:=AS_REGISTER;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function tz80reader.is_condition(const s: string): boolean;
+ var
+ condstr: string;
+ cond: TAsmCond;
+ begin
+ is_condition:=false;
+ actasmcond:=C_None;
+ condstr:=lower(s);
+ for cond in TAsmCond do
+ if (cond<>C_None) and (cond2str[cond]=condstr) then
+ begin
+ is_condition:=true;
+ actasmtoken:=AS_CONDITION;
+ actasmcond:=cond;
+ exit;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function tz80reader.is_targetdirective(const s: string): boolean;
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+ end;
+ procedure tz80reader.BuildRecordOffsetSize(const expr: string; out
+ offset: tcgint; out size: tcgint; out mangledname: string;
+ needvmtofs: boolean; out hastypecast: boolean);
+ var
+ s: string;
+ Begin
+ offset:=0;
+ size:=0;
+ mangledname:='';
+ hastypecast:=false;
+ s:=expr;
+ while (actasmtoken=AS_DOT) do
+ begin
+ Consume(AS_DOT);
+ if actasmtoken in [AS_ID,AS_REGISTER] then
+ begin
+ s:=s+'.'+actasmpattern;
+ consume(actasmtoken);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Consume(AS_ID);
+ RecoverConsume(true);
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if not GetRecordOffsetSize(s,offset,size,mangledname,needvmtofs,hastypecast) then
+ Message(asmr_e_building_record_offset);
+ end;
+ procedure tz80reader.BuildConstSymbolExpression(
+ in_flags: tconstsymbolexpressioninputflags; out value: tcgint; out
+ asmsym: string; out asmsymtyp: TAsmsymtype; out size: tcgint; out
+ out_flags: tconstsymbolexpressionoutputflags);
+ var
+ tempstr,expr,hs,mangledname : string;
+ parenlevel : longint;
+ l,k : tcgint;
+ hasparen,
+ errorflag,
+ needvmtofs : boolean;
+ prevtok : tasmtoken;
+ hl : tasmlabel;
+ hssymtyp : Tasmsymtype;
+ def : tdef;
+ sym : tsym;
+ srsymtable : TSymtable;
+ hastypecast : boolean;
+ Begin
+ { reset }
+ value:=0;
+ asmsym:='';
+ asmsymtyp:=AT_DATA;
+ size:=0;
+ out_flags:=[];
+ errorflag:=FALSE;
+ tempstr:='';
+ expr:='';
+ if cseif_startingminus in in_flags then
+ expr:='-';
+ inexpression:=TRUE;
+ parenlevel:=0;
+ sym:=nil;
+ needvmtofs:=FALSE;
+ Repeat
+ { Support ugly delphi constructs like: [ECX].1+2[EDX] }
+ if (cseif_isref in in_flags) and (actasmtoken=AS_LBRACKET) then
+ break;
+ if (cseif_referencelike in in_flags) and
+ (actasmtoken in [AS_LBRACKET,AS_RBRACKET]) then
+ case actasmtoken of
+ begin
+ Consume(AS_LBRACKET);
+ if (length(expr)>0) and
+ not (expr[length(expr)] in ['+','-']) then
+ expr:=expr+'+';
+ expr:=expr+'[';
+ end;
+ begin
+ Consume(AS_RBRACKET);
+ expr:=expr+']';
+ end;
+ else
+ ;
+ end;
+ Case actasmtoken of
+ Begin
+ Consume(AS_LPAREN);
+ expr:=expr + '(';
+ inc(parenlevel);
+ end;
+ Begin
+ { Keep the AS_PAREN in actasmtoken, it is maybe a typecast }
+ if parenlevel=0 then
+ break;
+ Consume(AS_RPAREN);
+ expr:=expr + ')';
+ dec(parenlevel);
+ end;
+ Begin
+ Consume(AS_SHL);
+ expr:=expr + '<';
+ end;
+ Begin
+ Consume(AS_SHR);
+ expr:=expr + '>';
+ end;
+ Begin
+ Consume(AS_SLASH);
+ expr:=expr + '/';
+ end;
+ Begin
+ Consume(AS_MOD);
+ expr:=expr + '%';
+ end;
+ Begin
+ Consume(AS_STAR);
+ if (cseif_isref in in_flags) and (actasmtoken=AS_REGISTER) then
+ break;
+ expr:=expr + '*';
+ end;
+ Begin
+ Consume(AS_PLUS);
+ if (cseif_isref in in_flags) and ((actasmtoken=AS_REGISTER) or (actasmtoken=AS_LBRACKET)) then
+ break;
+ expr:=expr + '+';
+ end;
+ Begin
+ Consume(AS_MINUS);
+ expr:=expr + '-';
+ end;
+ Begin
+ Consume(AS_AND);
+ expr:=expr + '&';
+ end;
+ Begin
+ Consume(AS_NOT);
+ expr:=expr + '~';
+ end;
+ Begin
+ Consume(AS_XOR);
+ expr:=expr + '^';
+ end;
+ AS_OR:
+ Begin
+ Consume(AS_OR);
+ expr:=expr + '|';
+ end;
+ Begin
+ expr:=expr + actasmpattern;
+ Consume(AS_INTNUM);
+ end;
+{$ifdef i8086}
+ begin
+ include(out_flags,cseof_isseg);
+ Consume(actasmtoken);
+ if actasmtoken<>AS_ID then
+ Message(asmr_e_seg_without_identifier);
+ end;
+{$endif i8086}
+ begin
+ {if (actasmtoken = AS_OFFSET) then
+ begin
+ include(in_flags,cseif_needofs);
+ include(out_flags,cseof_hasofs);
+ end
+ else}
+ needvmtofs:=true;
+ Consume(actasmtoken);
+ if actasmtoken<>AS_ID then
+ Message(asmr_e_offset_without_identifier);
+ end;
+ begin
+ l:=0;
+ hasparen:=false;
+ Consume(actasmtoken);
+ if actasmtoken=AS_LPAREN then
+ begin
+ hasparen:=true;
+ Consume(AS_LPAREN);
+ end;
+ if actasmtoken<>AS_ID then
+ Message(asmr_e_type_without_identifier)
+ else
+ begin
+ tempstr:=actasmpattern;
+ Consume(AS_ID);
+ if actasmtoken=AS_DOT then
+ begin
+ BuildRecordOffsetSize(tempstr,k,l,mangledname,false,hastypecast);
+ if mangledname<>'' then
+ { procsym }
+ Message(asmr_e_wrong_sym_type);
+ if hastypecast then
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ asmsearchsym(tempstr,sym,srsymtable);
+ if assigned(sym) then
+ begin
+ case sym.typ of
+ staticvarsym,
+ localvarsym,
+ paravarsym :
+ l:=tabstractvarsym(sym).getsize;
+ typesym :
+ l:=ttypesym(sym).typedef.size;
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_wrong_sym_type);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ Message1(sym_e_unknown_id,tempstr);
+ end;
+ end;
+ str(l, tempstr);
+ expr:=expr + tempstr;
+ if hasparen then
+ Consume(AS_RPAREN);
+ end;
+ //AS_PTR :
+ // begin
+ // { Support ugly delphi constructs like <constant> PTR [ref] }
+ // break;
+ // end;
+ begin
+ l:=0;
+ case Length(actasmpattern) of
+ 1 :
+ l:=ord(actasmpattern[1]);
+ 2 :
+ l:=ord(actasmpattern[2]) + ord(actasmpattern[1]) shl 8;
+ 3 :
+ l:=ord(actasmpattern[3]) +
+ Ord(actasmpattern[2]) shl 8 + ord(actasmpattern[1]) shl 16;
+ 4 :
+ l:=ord(actasmpattern[4]) + ord(actasmpattern[3]) shl 8 +
+ Ord(actasmpattern[2]) shl 16 + ord(actasmpattern[1]) shl 24;
+ else
+ Message1(asmr_e_invalid_string_as_opcode_operand,actasmpattern);
+ end;
+ str(l, tempstr);
+ expr:=expr + tempstr;
+ Consume(AS_STRING);
+ end;
+ AS_ID:
+ begin
+ hs:='';
+ hssymtyp:=AT_DATA;
+ def:=nil;
+ tempstr:=actasmpattern;
+ prevtok:=prevasmtoken;
+ { stop parsing a constant expression if we find an opcode after a
+ non-operator like "db $66 mov eax,ebx" }
+ if (prevtok in [AS_ID,AS_INTNUM,AS_RPAREN]) and
+ is_asmopcode(actasmpattern) then
+ break;
+ consume(AS_ID);
+ if (tempstr='@CODE') or (tempstr='@DATA') then
+ begin
+ if asmsym='' then
+ begin
+ asmsym:=tempstr;
+ asmsymtyp:=AT_SECTION;
+ end
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_cant_have_multiple_relocatable_symbols);
+ end
+ else if SearchIConstant(tempstr,l) then
+ begin
+ str(l, tempstr);
+ expr:=expr + tempstr;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if is_locallabel(tempstr) then
+ begin
+ CreateLocalLabel(tempstr,hl,false);
+ hssymtyp:=AT_FUNCTION;
+ end
+ else
+ if SearchLabel(tempstr,hl,false) then
+ begin
+ hssymtyp:=AT_FUNCTION;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ asmsearchsym(tempstr,sym,srsymtable);
+ if assigned(sym) then
+ begin
+ case sym.typ of
+ staticvarsym :
+ begin
+ hs:=tstaticvarsym(sym).mangledname;
+ def:=tstaticvarsym(sym).vardef;
+ end;
+ localvarsym,
+ paravarsym :
+ begin
+ Message(asmr_e_no_local_or_para_allowed);
+ end;
+ procsym :
+ begin
+ if Tprocsym(sym).ProcdefList.Count>1 then
+ Message(asmr_w_calling_overload_func);
+ hs:=tprocdef(tprocsym(sym).ProcdefList[0]).mangledname;
+{$ifdef i8086}
+ if is_proc_far(tprocdef(tprocsym(sym).ProcdefList[0]))
+ and not (po_interrupt in tprocdef(tprocsym(sym).ProcdefList[0]).procoptions) then
+ include(out_flags,cseof_is_farproc_entry)
+ else
+ exclude(out_flags,cseof_is_farproc_entry);
+{$endif i8086}
+ hssymtyp:=AT_FUNCTION;
+ end;
+ typesym :
+ begin
+ if not(ttypesym(sym).typedef.typ in [recorddef,objectdef]) then
+ Message(asmr_e_wrong_sym_type);
+ size:=ttypesym(sym).typedef.size;
+ end;
+ fieldvarsym :
+ begin
+ tempstr:=upper(tdef(sym.owner.defowner).GetTypeName)+'.'+tempstr;
+ end;
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_wrong_sym_type);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ Message1(sym_e_unknown_id,tempstr);
+ end;
+ { symbol found? }
+ if hs<>'' then
+ begin
+ if asmsym='' then
+ begin
+ asmsym:=hs;
+ asmsymtyp:=hssymtyp;
+ end
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_cant_have_multiple_relocatable_symbols);
+ if (expr='') or (expr[length(expr)]='+') then
+ begin
+ { don't remove the + if there could be a record field }
+ if actasmtoken<>AS_DOT then
+ delete(expr,length(expr),1);
+ end
+ else
+ //if (cseif_needofs in in_flags) then
+ // begin
+ // if (prevtok<>AS_OFFSET) then
+ // Message(asmr_e_need_offset);
+ // end
+ //else
+ Message(asmr_e_only_add_relocatable_symbol);
+ end;
+ if (actasmtoken=AS_DOT) or
+ (assigned(sym) and
+ is_normal_fieldvarsym(sym)) then
+ begin
+ BuildRecordOffsetSize(tempstr,l,size,hs,needvmtofs,hastypecast);
+ if hs <> '' then
+ hssymtyp:=AT_FUNCTION
+ else
+ begin
+ str(l, tempstr);
+ expr:=expr + tempstr;
+ end
+ end
+ else if (actasmtoken<>AS_DOT) and
+ assigned(sym) and
+ (sym.typ=typesym) and
+ (ttypesym(sym).typedef.typ in [recorddef,objectdef]) then
+ begin
+ { just a record type (without being followed by dot)
+ evaluates to 0. Ugly, but TP7 compatible. }
+ expr:=expr+'0';
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (expr='') or (expr[length(expr)] in ['+','-','/','*']) then
+ delete(expr,length(expr),1);
+ end;
+ if (actasmtoken=AS_LBRACKET) and
+ assigned(def) and
+ (def.typ=arraydef) then
+ begin
+ consume(AS_LBRACKET);
+ l:=BuildConstExpression;
+ if l<tarraydef(def).lowrange then
+ begin
+ Message(asmr_e_constant_out_of_bounds);
+ l:=0;
+ end
+ else
+ l:=(l-tarraydef(def).lowrange)*tarraydef(def).elesize;
+ str(l, tempstr);
+ expr:=expr + '+' + tempstr;
+ consume(AS_RBRACKET);
+ end;
+ end;
+ { check if there are wrong operator used like / or mod etc. }
+ if (hs<>'') and not(actasmtoken in [AS_MINUS,AS_PLUS,AS_COMMA,AS_SEPARATOR,AS_END,AS_RBRACKET]) then
+ Message(asmr_e_only_add_relocatable_symbol);
+ end;
+ //AS_DB,
+ //AS_DW,
+ //AS_DD,
+ //AS_DQ,
+ break;
+ else
+ begin
+ { write error only once. }
+ if not errorflag then
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_constant_expression);
+ { consume tokens until we find COMMA or SEPARATOR }
+ Consume(actasmtoken);
+ errorflag:=TRUE;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Until false;
+ { calculate expression }
+ if not ErrorFlag then
+ value:=CalculateExpression(expr)
+ else
+ value:=0;
+ { no longer in an expression }
+ inexpression:=FALSE;
+ end;
+ function tz80reader.BuildConstExpression: longint;
+ var
+ l,size : tcgint;
+ hs : string;
+ hssymtyp : TAsmsymtype;
+ out_flags : tconstsymbolexpressionoutputflags;
+ begin
+ BuildConstSymbolExpression([],l,hs,hssymtyp,size,out_flags);
+ if hs<>'' then
+ Message(asmr_e_relocatable_symbol_not_allowed);
+ BuildConstExpression:=l;
+ end;
+ function tz80reader.BuildRefConstExpression(out size: tcgint;
+ startingminus: boolean): longint;
+ var
+ l : tcgint;
+ hs : string;
+ hssymtyp : TAsmsymtype;
+ in_flags : tconstsymbolexpressioninputflags;
+ out_flags : tconstsymbolexpressionoutputflags;
+ begin
+ in_flags:=[cseif_isref];
+ if startingminus then
+ include(in_flags,cseif_startingminus);
+ BuildConstSymbolExpression(in_flags,l,hs,hssymtyp,size,out_flags);
+ if hs<>'' then
+ Message(asmr_e_relocatable_symbol_not_allowed);
+ BuildRefConstExpression:=l;
+ end;
+ procedure tz80reader.BuildConstantOperand(oper: tz80operand);
+ var
+ l,size : tcgint;
+ tempstr : string;
+ tempsymtyp : tasmsymtype;
+ cse_out_flags : tconstsymbolexpressionoutputflags;
+ begin
+ if not (oper.opr.typ in [OPR_NONE,OPR_CONSTANT]) then
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_operand_type);
+ BuildConstSymbolExpression([cseif_needofs],l,tempstr,tempsymtyp,size,cse_out_flags);
+ if tempstr<>'' then
+ begin
+ oper.opr.typ:=OPR_SYMBOL;
+ oper.opr.symofs:=l;
+ oper.opr.symbol:=current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(tempstr,tempsymtyp);
+ oper.opr.symseg:=cseof_isseg in cse_out_flags;
+ oper.opr.sym_farproc_entry:=cseof_is_farproc_entry in cse_out_flags;
+ end
+ else
+ if oper.opr.typ=OPR_NONE then
+ begin
+ oper.opr.typ:=OPR_CONSTANT;
+ oper.opr.val:=l;
+ end
+ else
+ inc(oper.opr.val,l);
+ end;
+ procedure tz80reader.BuildReference(oper: tz80operand);
+ var
+ scale : byte;
+ k,l,size : tcgint;
+ tempstr,hs : string;
+ tempsymtyp : tasmsymtype;
+ code : integer;
+ hreg : tregister;
+ GotStar,GotOffset,HadVar,
+ GotPlus,Negative,BracketlessReference : boolean;
+ hl : tasmlabel;
+ hastypecast: boolean;
+ tmpoper: tz80operand;
+ cse_in_flags: tconstsymbolexpressioninputflags;
+ cse_out_flags: tconstsymbolexpressionoutputflags;
+ begin
+ if actasmtoken=AS_LPAREN then
+ begin
+ Consume(AS_LPAREN);
+ BracketlessReference:=false;
+ end
+ else
+ BracketlessReference:=true;
+ if not(oper.opr.typ in [OPR_LOCAL,OPR_REFERENCE]) then
+ oper.InitRef;
+ GotStar:=false;
+ GotPlus:=true;
+ GotOffset:=false;
+ Negative:=false;
+ Scale:=0;
+ repeat
+ if GotOffset and (actasmtoken<>AS_ID) then
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ Case actasmtoken of
+ AS_ID, { Constant reference expression OR variable reference expression }
+ Begin
+ if not GotPlus then
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ GotStar:=false;
+ GotPlus:=false;
+ if (actasmtoken = AS_VMTOFFSET) or
+ (SearchIConstant(actasmpattern,l) or
+ SearchRecordType(actasmpattern)) then
+ begin
+ l:=BuildRefConstExpression(size,negative);
+ if size<>0 then
+ oper.SetSize(size,false);
+ negative:=false; { "l" was negated if necessary }
+ GotPlus:=(prevasmtoken=AS_PLUS);
+ GotStar:=(prevasmtoken=AS_STAR);
+ case oper.opr.typ of
+ begin
+ if GotStar then
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ Inc(oper.opr.localsymofs,l);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if GotStar then
+ oper.opr.ref.scalefactor:=l
+ else
+ Inc(oper.opr.ref.offset,l);
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(2019050715);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ Begin
+ if negative and not oper.hasvar then
+ Message(asmr_e_only_add_relocatable_symbol)
+ else if oper.hasvar and not GotOffset and
+ (not negative or assigned(oper.opr.ref.relsymbol)) then
+ Message(asmr_e_cant_have_multiple_relocatable_symbols);
+ HadVar:=oper.hasvar and GotOffset;
+ tempstr:=actasmpattern;
+ Consume(AS_ID);
+ { typecasting? }
+ if (actasmtoken=AS_LPAREN) and
+ SearchType(tempstr,l) then
+ begin
+ oper.hastype:=true;
+ oper.typesize:=l;
+ Consume(AS_LPAREN);
+ BuildOperand(oper,true);
+ Consume(AS_RPAREN);
+ end
+ else
+ if is_locallabel(tempstr) then
+ begin
+ CreateLocalLabel(tempstr,hl,false);
+ oper.InitRef;
+ oper.haslabelref:=true;
+ if not negative then
+ begin
+ oper.opr.ref.symbol:=hl;
+ oper.hasvar:=true;
+ end
+ else
+ oper.opr.ref.relsymbol:=hl;
+{$ifdef i8086}
+ if oper.opr.ref.segment=NR_NO then
+ oper.opr.ref.segment:=NR_CS;
+{$endif i8086}
+ end
+ else
+ if oper.SetupVar(tempstr,GotOffset) then
+ begin
+ { convert OPR_LOCAL register para into a reference base }
+ if (oper.opr.typ=OPR_LOCAL) and
+ AsmRegisterPara(oper.opr.localsym) then
+ oper.InitRefConvertLocal
+ else
+ begin
+{$ifdef x86_64}
+ if actasmtoken=AS_WRT then
+ begin
+ if (oper.opr.typ=OPR_REFERENCE) then
+ begin
+ Consume(AS_WRT);
+ Consume(AS___GOTPCREL);
+ if (oper.opr.ref.base<>NR_NO) or
+ (oper.opr.ref.index<>NR_NO) or
+ (oper.opr.ref.offset<>0) then
+ Message(asmr_e_wrong_gotpcrel_intel_syntax);
+ if tf_no_pic_supported in target_info.flags then
+ Message(asmr_e_no_gotpcrel_support);
+ oper.opr.ref.refaddr:=addr_pic;
+ oper.opr.ref.base:=NR_RIP;
+ end
+ else
+ message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ end;
+{$endif x86_64}
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ Message1(sym_e_unknown_id,tempstr);
+ { record.field ? }
+ if actasmtoken=AS_DOT then
+ begin
+ BuildRecordOffsetSize(tempstr,l,k,hs,false,hastypecast);
+ if (hs<>'') then
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_symbol_ref);
+ case oper.opr.typ of
+ inc(oper.opr.localsymofs,l);
+ inc(oper.opr.ref.offset,l);
+ else
+ internalerror(2019050716);
+ end;
+ if hastypecast then
+ oper.hastype:=true;
+ oper.SetSize(k,false);
+ end;
+ if GotOffset then
+ begin
+ if oper.hasvar and (oper.opr.ref.base=current_procinfo.framepointer) then
+ begin
+ if (oper.opr.typ=OPR_REFERENCE) then
+ oper.opr.ref.base:=NR_NO;
+ oper.hasvar:=hadvar;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if oper.hasvar and hadvar then
+ Message(asmr_e_cant_have_multiple_relocatable_symbols);
+ { should we allow ?? }
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ GotOffset:=false;
+ end;
+ Begin
+ Consume(AS_PLUS);
+ Negative:=false;
+ GotPlus:=true;
+ GotStar:=false;
+ Scale:=0;
+ end;
+ AS_DOT :
+ Begin
+ { Handle like a + }
+ Consume(AS_DOT);
+ Negative:=false;
+ GotPlus:=true;
+ GotStar:=false;
+ Scale:=0;
+ end;
+ begin
+ Consume(AS_MINUS);
+ Negative:=true;
+ GotPlus:=true;
+ GotStar:=false;
+ Scale:=0;
+ end;
+ AS_STAR : { Scaling, with eax*4 order }
+ begin
+ Consume(AS_STAR);
+ hs:='';
+ l:=0;
+ case actasmtoken of
+ AS_ID,
+ l:=BuildConstExpression;
+ Begin
+ hs:=actasmpattern;
+ Consume(AS_INTNUM);
+ end;
+ begin
+ case oper.opr.typ of
+ begin
+ if oper.opr.ref.scalefactor=0 then
+ begin
+ if scale<>0 then
+ begin
+ oper.opr.ref.scalefactor:=scale;
+ scale:=0;
+ end
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_wrong_scale_factor);
+ end
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ end;
+ begin
+ if oper.opr.localscale=0 then
+ begin
+ if scale<>0 then
+ begin
+ oper.opr.localscale:=scale;
+ scale:=0;
+ end
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_wrong_scale_factor);
+ end
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(2019050719);
+ end;
+ end;
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ end;
+ if actasmtoken<>AS_REGISTER then
+ begin
+ if hs<>'' then
+ val(hs,l,code);
+ case oper.opr.typ of
+ oper.opr.ref.scalefactor:=l;
+ oper.opr.localscale:=l;
+ else
+ internalerror(2019050717);
+ end;
+ if l>9 then
+ Message(asmr_e_wrong_scale_factor);
+ end;
+ GotPlus:=false;
+ GotStar:=false;
+ end;
+ begin
+ hreg:=actasmregister;
+ Consume(AS_REGISTER);
+ if not((GotPlus and (not Negative)) or
+ GotStar) then
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ { this register will be the index:
+ 1. just read a *
+ 2. next token is a *
+ 3. base register is already used }
+ case oper.opr.typ of
+ begin
+ if (oper.opr.localindexreg<>NR_NO) then
+ Message(asmr_e_multiple_index);
+ oper.opr.localindexreg:=hreg;
+ if scale<>0 then
+ begin
+ oper.opr.localscale:=scale;
+ scale:=0;
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if (GotStar) or
+ (actasmtoken=AS_STAR) or
+ (oper.opr.ref.base<>NR_NO) then
+ begin
+ if (oper.opr.ref.index<>NR_NO) then
+ Message(asmr_e_multiple_index);
+ oper.opr.ref.index:=hreg;
+ if scale<>0 then
+ begin
+ oper.opr.ref.scalefactor:=scale;
+ scale:=0;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ oper.opr.ref.base:=hreg;
+{$ifdef x86_64}
+ { non-GOT based RIP-relative accesses are also position-independent }
+ if (oper.opr.ref.base=NR_RIP) and
+ (oper.opr.ref.refaddr<>addr_pic) then
+ oper.opr.ref.refaddr:=addr_pic_no_got;
+{$endif x86_64}
+ end;
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(2019050718);
+ end;
+ GotPlus:=false;
+ GotStar:=false;
+ end;
+ // begin
+ // Consume(AS_OFFSET);
+ // GotOffset:=true;
+ // end;
+ AS_LPAREN : { Constant reference expression }
+ begin
+ if not GotPlus and not GotStar then
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ cse_in_flags:=[cseif_needofs,cseif_isref];
+ if GotPlus and negative then
+ include(cse_in_flags,cseif_startingminus);
+ BuildConstSymbolExpression(cse_in_flags,l,tempstr,tempsymtyp,size,cse_out_flags);
+ { already handled by BuildConstSymbolExpression(); must be
+ handled there to avoid [reg-1+1] being interpreted as
+ [reg-(1+1)] }
+ negative:=false;
+ if tempstr<>'' then
+ begin
+ if GotStar then
+ Message(asmr_e_only_add_relocatable_symbol);
+ if not assigned(oper.opr.ref.symbol) then
+ begin
+ oper.opr.ref.symbol:=current_asmdata.RefAsmSymbol(tempstr,tempsymtyp);
+{$ifdef i8086}
+ if cseof_isseg in cse_out_flags then
+ begin
+ if not (oper.opr.ref.refaddr in [addr_fardataseg,addr_dgroup]) then
+ oper.opr.ref.refaddr:=addr_seg;
+ end
+ else if (tempsymtyp=AT_FUNCTION) and (oper.opr.ref.segment=NR_NO) then
+ oper.opr.ref.segment:=NR_CS;
+{$endif i8086}
+ end
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_cant_have_multiple_relocatable_symbols);
+ end;
+ case oper.opr.typ of
+ begin
+ if GotStar then
+ oper.opr.ref.scalefactor:=l
+ else if (prevasmtoken = AS_STAR) then
+ begin
+ if scale<>0 then
+ scale:=l*scale
+ else
+ scale:=l;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Inc(oper.opr.ref.offset,l);
+ Inc(oper.opr.constoffset,l);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if GotStar then
+ oper.opr.localscale:=l
+ else if (prevasmtoken = AS_STAR) then
+ begin
+ if scale<>0 then
+ scale:=l*scale
+ else
+ scale:=l;
+ end
+ else
+ Inc(oper.opr.localsymofs,l);
+ end;
+ else
+ internalerror(2019050714);
+ end;
+ GotPlus:=(prevasmtoken=AS_PLUS) or
+ (prevasmtoken=AS_MINUS);
+ if GotPlus then
+ negative := prevasmtoken = AS_MINUS;
+ GotStar:=(prevasmtoken=AS_STAR);
+ end;
+ // begin
+ // if (GotPlus and Negative) or GotStar then
+ // Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ // tmpoper:=Tz80Operand.create;
+ // BuildReference(tmpoper);
+ // AddReferences(oper,tmpoper);
+ // tmpoper.Free;
+ // GotPlus:=false;
+ // GotStar:=false;
+ // end;
+ begin
+ if GotPlus or GotStar or BracketlessReference then
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ Consume(AS_RPAREN);
+ if actasmtoken=AS_LPAREN then
+ begin
+ tmpoper:=Tz80Operand.create;
+ BuildReference(tmpoper);
+ AddReferences(oper,tmpoper);
+ tmpoper.Free;
+ end;
+ break;
+ end;
+ begin
+ if not BracketlessReference then
+ begin
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ RecoverConsume(true);
+ end;
+ break;
+ end;
+ else
+ Begin
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax);
+ RecoverConsume(true);
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ until false;
+ end;
+ procedure tz80reader.BuildOperand(oper: tz80operand; istypecast: boolean);
+ procedure AddLabelOperand(hl:tasmlabel);
+ begin
+ if (oper.opr.typ=OPR_NONE) and
+ is_calljmp(actopcode) then
+ begin
+ oper.opr.typ:=OPR_SYMBOL;
+ oper.opr.symbol:=hl;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ oper.InitRef;
+ oper.opr.ref.symbol:=hl;
+ oper.haslabelref:=true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ var
+ l: tcgint;
+ tsize: tcgint;
+ expr: string;
+ hl: tasmlabel;
+ begin
+ repeat
+ case actasmtoken of
+ begin
+ case oper.opr.typ of
+ begin
+ l := BuildRefConstExpression(tsize);
+ if tsize<>0 then
+ oper.SetSize(tsize,false);
+ inc(oper.opr.ref.offset,l);
+ inc(oper.opr.constoffset,l);
+ end;
+ begin
+ l := BuildConstExpression;
+ inc(oper.opr.localsymofs,l);
+ inc(oper.opr.localconstoffset,l);
+ end;
+ BuildConstantOperand(oper);
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_operand_type);
+ end;
+ end;
+ begin
+ BuildReference(oper);
+ end;
+ AS_ID : { A constant expression, or a Variable ref. }
+ Begin
+ { Label or Special symbol reference? }
+ if actasmpattern[1] = '@' then
+ Begin
+ if actasmpattern = '@RESULT' then
+ Begin
+ oper.SetupResult;
+ Consume(AS_ID);
+ expr:='result';
+ end
+ else
+ if (actasmpattern = '@CODE') or (actasmpattern = '@DATA') then
+ begin
+ Message(asmr_w_CODE_and_DATA_not_supported);
+ Consume(AS_ID);
+ end
+ else
+ { Local Label }
+ begin
+ CreateLocalLabel(actasmpattern,hl,false);
+ Consume(AS_ID);
+ AddLabelOperand(hl);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ { support result for delphi modes }
+ if (m_objpas in current_settings.modeswitches) and (actasmpattern='RESULT') then
+ begin
+ oper.SetUpResult;
+ Consume(AS_ID);
+ expr:='result';
+ end
+ { probably a variable or normal expression }
+ { or a procedure (such as in CALL ID) }
+ else
+ Begin
+ { is it a constant ? }
+ if SearchIConstant(actasmpattern,l) then
+ Begin
+ case oper.opr.typ of
+ begin
+ l := BuildRefConstExpression(tsize);
+ if tsize<>0 then
+ oper.SetSize(tsize,false);
+ inc(oper.opr.ref.offset,l);
+ inc(oper.opr.constoffset,l);
+ end;
+ begin
+ l := BuildRefConstExpression(tsize);
+ if tsize<>0 then
+ oper.SetSize(tsize,false);
+ inc(oper.opr.localsymofs,l);
+ inc(oper.opr.localconstoffset,l);
+ end;
+ BuildConstantOperand(oper);
+ else
+ Message(asmr_e_invalid_operand_type);
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ { Check for pascal label }
+ if SearchLabel(actasmpattern,hl,false) then
+ begin
+ Consume(AS_ID);
+ AddLabelOperand(hl);
+ end
+ else
+ { is it a normal variable ? }
+ Begin
+ expr:=actasmpattern;
+ Consume(AS_ID);
+ { typecasting? }
+ if SearchType(expr,l) then
+ begin
+ oper.hastype:=true;
+ oper.typesize:=l;
+ case actasmtoken of
+ begin
+ { Support Type([Reference]) }
+ Consume(AS_LPAREN);
+ BuildOperand(oper,true);
+ { Delphi also supports Type(Register) and
+ interprets it the same as Type([Register]). }
+ if (oper.opr.typ = OPR_REGISTER) then
+ { This also sets base to the register. }
+ oper.InitRef;
+ Consume(AS_RPAREN);
+ end;
+ // begin
+ // { Support Var.Type[Index] }
+ // { Convert @label.Byte[1] to reference }
+ // if oper.opr.typ=OPR_SYMBOL then
+ // oper.initref;
+ // end;
+ else
+ ;
+ end;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if not oper.SetupVar(expr,false) then
+ Begin
+ { not a variable, check special variables.. }
+ if expr = 'SELF' then
+ begin
+ oper.SetupSelf;
+ expr:='self';
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Message1(sym_e_unknown_id,expr);
+ expr:='';
+ end;
+ end;
+ { indexed access to variable? }
+ //if actasmtoken=AS_LBRACKET then
+ // begin
+ // { ... then the operand size is not known anymore }
+ // oper.size:=OS_NO;
+ // BuildReference(oper);
+ // end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ AS_REGISTER : { Register, a variable reference or a constant reference }
+ begin
+ Consume(AS_REGISTER);
+ { Simple register }
+ if (oper.opr.typ <> OPR_NONE) then
+ Message(asmr_e_syn_operand);
+ oper.opr.typ:=OPR_REGISTER;
+ oper.opr.reg:=actasmregister;
+ oper.SetSize(tcgsize2size[reg_cgsize(oper.opr.reg)],true);
+ end;
+ begin
+ break;
+ end;
+ else
+ begin
+ Message(asmr_e_syn_operand);
+ RecoverConsume(true);
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ until false;
+ end;
+ procedure tz80reader.BuildOpCode(instr: TZ80Instruction);
+ var
+ operandnum: Integer;
+ begin
+ instr.opcode:=actopcode;
+ operandnum:=1;
+ Consume(AS_OPCODE);
+ { Zero operand opcode ? }
+ if actasmtoken in [AS_SEPARATOR,AS_END] then
+ exit;
+ { Condition (e.g. 'NC' in 'JP NC, label') }
+ if actasmtoken=AS_CONDITION then
+ begin
+ instr.condition:=actasmcond;
+ Consume(AS_CONDITION);
+ if actasmtoken in [AS_SEPARATOR,AS_END] then
+ exit;
+ if actasmtoken=AS_COMMA then
+ Consume(AS_COMMA);
+ end;
+ { Read Operands }
+ repeat
+ case actasmtoken of
+ { End of asm operands for this opcode }
+ break;
+ { Operand delimiter }
+ begin
+ { should have something before the comma }
+ if instr.operands[operandnum].opr.typ=OPR_NONE then
+ Message(asmr_e_syntax_error);
+ if operandnum >= max_operands then
+ Message(asmr_e_too_many_operands)
+ else
+ Inc(operandnum);
+ Consume(AS_COMMA);
+ end;
+ else
+ BuildOperand(instr.Operands[operandnum] as tz80operand,false);
+ end;
+ until false;
+ instr.ops:=operandnum;
+ end;
+ procedure tz80reader.handleopcode;
+ var
+ instr: TZ80Instruction;
+ begin
+ instr:=TZ80Instruction.create(TZ80Operand);
+ BuildOpcode(instr);
+ with instr do
+ begin
+ //CheckNonCommutativeOpcodes;
+ //AddReferenceSizes;
+ //SetInstructionOpsize;
+ //CheckOperandSizes;
+ ConcatInstruction(curlist);
+ end;
+ instr.Free;
+ end;
+ procedure tz80reader.ConvertCalljmp(instr : tz80instruction);
+ var
+ newopr : toprrec;
+ begin
+ if instr.Operands[1].opr.typ=OPR_REFERENCE then
+ begin
+ newopr.typ:=OPR_SYMBOL;
+ newopr.symbol:=instr.Operands[1].opr.ref.symbol;
+ newopr.symofs:=instr.Operands[1].opr.ref.offset;
+ if (instr.Operands[1].opr.ref.base<>NR_NO) or
+ (instr.Operands[1].opr.ref.index<>NR_NO) then
+ Message(asmr_e_syn_operand);
+ instr.Operands[1].opr:=newopr;
+ end;
+ end;
+ function tz80reader.Assemble: tlinkedlist;
+ var
+ hl: tasmlabel;
+ begin
+ Message1(asmr_d_start_reading,'Z80');
+ firsttoken:=TRUE;
+ { sets up all opcode and register tables in uppercase }
+ if not _asmsorted then
+ begin
+ SetupTables;
+ _asmsorted:=TRUE;
+ end;
+ curlist:=TAsmList.Create;
+ { we might need to know which parameters are passed in registers }
+ if not parse_generic then
+ current_procinfo.generate_parameter_info;
+ { start tokenizer }
+ gettoken;
+ { main loop }
+ repeat
+ case actasmtoken of
+ Begin
+ if CreateLocalLabel(actasmpattern,hl,true) then
+ ConcatLabel(curlist,hl);
+ Consume(AS_LLABEL);
+ end;
+ Begin
+ if SearchLabel(upper(actasmpattern),hl,true) then
+ begin
+ if hl.is_public then
+ ConcatPublic(curlist,actasmpattern_origcase);
+ ConcatLabel(curlist,hl);
+ end
+ else
+ Message1(asmr_e_unknown_label_identifier,actasmpattern);
+ Consume(AS_LABEL);
+ end;
+ begin
+ break; { end assembly block }
+ end;
+ begin
+ Consume(AS_SEPARATOR);
+ end;
+ begin
+ HandleOpCode;
+ end;
+ else
+ begin
+ Message(asmr_e_syntax_error);
+ RecoverConsume(false);
+ end;
+ end;
+ until false;
+ { check that all referenced local labels are defined }
+ checklocallabels;
+ { Return the list in an asmnode }
+ assemble:=curlist;
+ Message1(asmr_d_finish_reading,'Z80');
+ end;
+ Initialize
+{ asmmode_z80_att_info : tasmmodeinfo =
+ (
+ id : asmmode_z80_gas;
+ idtxt : 'GAS';
+ casmreader : tz80attreader;
+ );}
+ asmmode_z80_standard_info : tasmmodeinfo =
+ (
+ id : asmmode_standard;
+ idtxt : 'STANDARD';
+ casmreader : tz80reader;
+ );
+// RegisterAsmMode(asmmode_z80_att_info);
+ RegisterAsmMode(asmmode_z80_standard_info);