path: root/compiler/z80/rgcpu.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/z80/rgcpu.pas')
1 files changed, 260 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/z80/rgcpu.pas b/compiler/z80/rgcpu.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69e41285d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/z80/rgcpu.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2008 by Florian Klaempfl
+ This unit implements the Z80 specific class for the register
+ allocator
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+unit rgcpu;
+ interface
+ uses
+ aasmbase,aasmtai,aasmdata,aasmcpu,aasmsym,
+ cgbase,cgutils,
+ cpubase,
+ rgobj;
+ type
+ trgcpu = class(trgobj)
+ procedure add_constraints(reg:tregister);override;
+ procedure do_spill_read(list: TAsmList; pos: tai; const spilltemp: treference; tempreg: tregister; orgsupreg: tsuperregister); override;
+ procedure do_spill_written(list: TAsmList; pos: tai; const spilltemp: treference; tempreg: tregister; orgsupreg: tsuperregister); override;
+ function do_spill_replace(list : TAsmList;instr : tai_cpu_abstract_sym; orgreg : tsuperregister;const spilltemp : treference) : boolean; override;
+ end;
+ trgintcpu = class(trgcpu)
+ procedure add_cpu_interferences(p : tai);override;
+ end;
+ implementation
+ uses
+ verbose, cutils,
+ cgobj,
+ procinfo;
+ procedure trgcpu.add_constraints(reg:tregister);
+ var
+ supreg,i : Tsuperregister;
+ begin
+ case getsubreg(reg) of
+ begin
+ { Some registers have no 8-bit subregister }
+ supreg:=getsupreg(reg);
+ add_edge(supreg,RS_IX);
+ add_edge(supreg,RS_IY);
+ add_edge(supreg,RS_SP);
+ end;
+ else
+ ;
+ end;
+ end;
+ procedure trgcpu.do_spill_read(list: TAsmList; pos: tai; const spilltemp: treference; tempreg: tregister; orgsupreg: tsuperregister);
+ var
+ helpins : tai;
+ tmpref : treference;
+ helplist : TAsmList;
+ hreg : tregister;
+ begin
+ // if abs(spilltemp.offset)>127 then
+ // begin
+ // Internalerror(2017032701);
+// helplist:=TAsmList.create;
+// helplist.concat(taicpu.op_reg_const(A_LDI,NR_R26,lo(word(spilltemp.offset))));
+// helplist.concat(taicpu.op_reg_const(A_LDI,NR_R27,hi(word(spilltemp.offset))));
+// helplist.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_ADD,NR_R26,spilltemp.base));
+// helplist.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_ADC,NR_R27,GetNextReg(spilltemp.base)));
+// reference_reset_base(tmpref,NR_R26,0,1,[]);
+// helpins:=spilling_create_load(tmpref,tempreg);
+// helplist.concat(helpins);
+// list.insertlistafter(pos,helplist);
+ // end
+ // else
+ inherited;
+ end;
+ procedure trgcpu.do_spill_written(list: TAsmList; pos: tai; const spilltemp: treference; tempreg: tregister; orgsupreg: tsuperregister);
+ var
+ tmpref : treference;
+ helplist : TAsmList;
+ hreg : tregister;
+ begin
+ // if abs(spilltemp.offset)>127 then
+ // begin
+ // Internalerror(2017032702);
+// helplist:=TAsmList.create;
+// helplist.concat(taicpu.op_reg_const(A_LDI,NR_R26,lo(word(spilltemp.offset))));
+// helplist.concat(taicpu.op_reg_const(A_LDI,NR_R27,hi(word(spilltemp.offset))));
+// helplist.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_ADD,NR_R26,spilltemp.base));
+// helplist.concat(taicpu.op_reg_reg(A_ADC,NR_R27,GetNextReg(spilltemp.base)));
+// reference_reset_base(tmpref,NR_R26,0,1,[]);
+// helplist.concat(spilling_create_store(tempreg,tmpref));
+// list.insertlistafter(pos,helplist);
+ // end
+ // else
+ inherited;
+ end;
+ procedure trgintcpu.add_cpu_interferences(p : tai);
+ var
+ r : tsuperregister;
+ begin
+ //if p.typ=ait_instruction then
+ // begin
+ // case taicpu(p).opcode of
+ // A_CPI,
+ // A_ANDI,
+ // A_ORI,
+ // A_SUBI,
+ // A_SBCI,
+ // A_LDI:
+ // for r:=RS_R0 to RS_R15 do
+ // add_edge(r,GetSupReg(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg));
+ // A_MULS:
+ // begin
+ // for r:=RS_R0 to RS_R15 do
+ // add_edge(r,GetSupReg(taicpu(p).oper[0]^.reg));
+ // for r:=RS_R0 to RS_R15 do
+ // add_edge(r,GetSupReg(taicpu(p).oper[1]^.reg));
+ // end;
+ // end;
+ // end;
+ end;
+ function trgcpu.do_spill_replace(list:TAsmList;instr:tai_cpu_abstract_sym;orgreg:tsuperregister;const spilltemp:treference):boolean;
+ var
+ b : byte;
+ begin
+ result:=false;
+ if (spilltemp.offset<-128) or (spilltemp.offset>127) then
+ exit;
+ { Replace 'ld orgreg,src' with 'ld spilltemp,src'
+ and 'ld dst,orgreg' with 'ld dst,spilltemp' }
+ with instr do
+ begin
+ if (opcode=A_LD) and (ops=2) and (oper[1]^.typ=top_reg) and (oper[0]^.typ=top_reg) then
+ begin
+ if (getregtype(oper[0]^.reg)=regtype) and
+ (get_alias(getsupreg(oper[0]^.reg))=orgreg) and
+ (get_alias(getsupreg(oper[1]^.reg))<>orgreg) then
+ begin
+ instr.loadref(0,spilltemp);
+ result:=true;
+ end
+ else if (getregtype(oper[1]^.reg)=regtype) and
+ (get_alias(getsupreg(oper[1]^.reg))=orgreg) and
+ (get_alias(getsupreg(oper[0]^.reg))<>orgreg) then
+ begin
+ instr.loadref(1,spilltemp);
+ result:=true;
+ end;
+ end
+ { Replace 'ld orgreg,const' with 'ld spilltemp,const' }
+ else if (opcode=A_LD) and (ops=2) and (oper[1]^.typ=top_const) and (oper[0]^.typ=top_reg) then
+ begin
+ if (getregtype(oper[0]^.reg)=regtype) and
+ (get_alias(getsupreg(oper[0]^.reg))=orgreg) then
+ begin
+ instr.loadref(0,spilltemp);
+ result:=true;
+ end;
+ end
+ { Replace 'add A,orgreg' with 'add A,spilltemp'
+ and 'adc A,orgreg' with 'adc A,spilltemp'
+ and 'sub A,orgreg' with 'sub A,spilltemp'
+ and 'sbc A,orgreg' with 'sbc A,spilltemp'
+ and 'and A,orgreg' with 'and A,spilltemp'
+ and 'or A,orgreg' with 'or A,spilltemp'
+ and 'xor A,orgreg' with 'xor A,spilltemp'
+ and 'cp A,orgreg' with 'cp A,spilltemp' }
+ else if (opcode in [A_ADD,A_ADC,A_SUB,A_SBC,A_AND,A_OR,A_XOR,A_CP]) and (ops=2) and (oper[1]^.typ=top_reg) and (oper[0]^.typ=top_reg) then
+ begin
+ { we don't really need to check whether the first register is 'A',
+ because that's the only register allowed as a destination for
+ these instructions }
+ if (getregtype(oper[1]^.reg)=regtype) and
+ (get_alias(getsupreg(oper[1]^.reg))=orgreg) and
+ (get_alias(getsupreg(oper[0]^.reg))<>orgreg) then
+ begin
+ instr.loadref(1,spilltemp);
+ result:=true;
+ end;
+ end
+ { Replace 'bit const,orgreg' with 'bit const,spilltemp'
+ and 'set const,orgreg' with 'set const,spilltemp'
+ and 'res const,orgreg' with 'res const,spilltemp' }
+ else if (opcode in [A_BIT,A_SET,A_RES]) and (ops=2) and (oper[1]^.typ=top_reg) and (oper[0]^.typ=top_const) then
+ begin
+ if (getregtype(oper[1]^.reg)=regtype) and
+ (get_alias(getsupreg(oper[1]^.reg))=orgreg) then
+ begin
+ instr.loadref(1,spilltemp);
+ result:=true;
+ end;
+ end
+ { Replace 'inc orgreg' with 'inc spilltemp'
+ and 'dec orgreg' with 'dec spilltemp'
+ and 'add orgreg' with 'add spilltemp'
+ and 'adc orgreg' with 'adc spilltemp'
+ and 'sub orgreg' with 'sub spilltemp'
+ and 'sbc orgreg' with 'sbc spilltemp'
+ and 'and orgreg' with 'and spilltemp'
+ and 'or orgreg' with 'or spilltemp'
+ and 'xor orgreg' with 'xor spilltemp'
+ and 'cp orgreg' with 'cp spilltemp'
+ and 'rlc orgreg' with 'rlc spilltemp'
+ and 'rl orgreg' with 'rl spilltemp'
+ and 'rrc orgreg' with 'rrc spilltemp'
+ and 'rr orgreg' with 'rr spilltemp'
+ and 'sla orgreg' with 'sla spilltemp'
+ and 'sra orgreg' with 'sra spilltemp'
+ and 'srl orgreg' with 'srl spilltemp' }
+ else if (opcode in [A_INC,A_DEC,A_ADD,A_ADC,A_SUB,A_SBC,A_AND,A_OR,A_XOR,A_CP,
+ A_RLC,A_RL,A_RRC,A_RR,A_SLA,A_SRA,A_SRL]) and (ops=1) and (oper[0]^.typ=top_reg) then
+ begin
+ if (getregtype(oper[0]^.reg)=regtype) and
+ (get_alias(getsupreg(oper[0]^.reg))=orgreg) then
+ begin
+ instr.loadref(0,spilltemp);
+ result:=true;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;