path: root/packages/fcl-image/examples/textout.pp
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Diffstat (limited to 'packages/fcl-image/examples/textout.pp')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/fcl-image/examples/textout.pp b/packages/fcl-image/examples/textout.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..712f83b4e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/fcl-image/examples/textout.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+{$mode objfpc}{$h+}
+program textout;
+ cwstring,classes, sysutils, FPImage, FPCanvas, FPImgCanv, ftFont, FPWritePNG, freetype;
+ MyColor : TFPColor = (Red: $7FFF; Green: $0000; Blue: $FFFF; Alpha: alphaOpaque);
+procedure DoDraw(FN, fnChinese : String);
+ canvas : TFPcustomCAnvas;
+ image : TFPCustomImage;
+ writer : TFPCustomImageWriter;
+ f : TFreeTypeFont;
+ S : String;
+ U : UnicodeString;
+ f:=Nil;
+ image := TFPMemoryImage.Create (256,256);
+ Canvas := TFPImageCanvas.Create (image);
+ Writer := TFPWriterPNG.Create;
+ InitEngine;
+ with TFPWriterPNG(Writer) do
+ begin
+ indexed := false;
+ wordsized := false;
+ UseAlpha := false;
+ GrayScale := false;
+ end;
+ try
+ with Canvas as TFPImageCanvas do
+ begin
+ // Clear background
+ brush.FPcolor:=colwhite;
+ pen.mode := pmCopy;
+ := psSolid;
+ pen.width := 1;
+ pen.FPColor := colWhite;
+ FillRect(0,0,255,255);
+ // Set font
+ F:=TFreeTypeFont.Create;
+ Font:=F;
+ Font.Name:=FN;
+ Font.Size:=14;
+ Font.FPColor:=colBlack;
+ S:='Hello, world!';
+ Canvas.TextOut(20,20,S);
+ U:=UTF8Decode('привет, Мир!');
+ Font.FPColor:=colBlue;
+ Canvas.TextOut(50,50,U);
+ if (FNChinese<>'') then
+ begin
+ Font.Name:=FNChinese;
+ U:=UTF8Decode('你好,世界!');
+ Font.FPColor:=colRed;
+ Canvas.TextOut(20,100,U);
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ Font.Size:=10;
+ Canvas.TextOut(20,100,'No chinese font available.');
+ end;
+ U:=UTF8Decode('non-ASCII chars: ßéùµàçè§âêû');
+ Font.Size:=10;
+ Canvas.TextOut(20,180,U);
+ end;
+ writeln ('Saving to "TextTest.png" for inspection !');
+ Image.SaveToFile ('TextTest.png', writer);
+ finally
+ F.Free;
+ Canvas.Free;
+ image.Free;
+ writer.Free;
+ end;
+ D,FontFile, FontFileChinese : String;
+ Info : TSearchRec;
+ // Initialize font search path;
+ D := '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/';
+ DefaultSearchPath:=D;
+ if FindFirst(DefaultSearchPath+AllFilesMask,faDirectory,Info)=0 then
+ try
+ repeat
+ if (Info.Attr and faDirectory)<>0 then
+ if (Info.Name<>'.') and (<>'..') then
+ DefaultSearchPath:=DefaultSearchPath+';'+D+Info.Name;
+ Until FindNext(Info)<>0;
+ finally
+ FindClose(Info);
+ end;
+ FontFile:=ParamStr(1);
+ if FontFile='' then
+ FontFile:='LiberationSans-Regular.ttf';
+ FontFileChinese:=ParamStr(2);
+ if FontFileChinese='' then
+ With TFontManager.Create do
+ try
+ FontFileChinese:=SearchFont('wqy-microhei.ttc',False);
+ finally
+ Free;
+ end;
+ DoDraw(FontFile,FontFileChinese);