path: root/packages/fcl-passrc/examples/testunit1.pp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/fcl-passrc/examples/testunit1.pp')
1 files changed, 713 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/fcl-passrc/examples/testunit1.pp b/packages/fcl-passrc/examples/testunit1.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..263c8c7135
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/fcl-passrc/examples/testunit1.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,713 @@
+//This is only for testing the parser, it is not intended to be runable in a real
+//program but for checking the contructs to be parsed well.
+//All statements are written like testparser would print them out to diff the
+//result with this file again to show differences.
+//Based on /utils/fpdoc/testunit.pp
+{$mode objfpc}
+unit testunit1;
+ uses
+ SysUtils,Classes;
+ const
+ AnIntegerConst=1;
+ AStringConst='Hello, World!';
+ AFLoatconst=1.23;
+ ABooleanConst=True;
+ ATypedConst: Integer=3;
+ AnArrayConst: Array[1..3] of Integer=(1,2,3);
+ ARecordConst: TMethod=(Code:nil;Data:nil);
+ ASetConst=[true,false];
+ ADeprecatedConst=1 deprecated;
+ Type
+ TAnEnumType=(one,two,three);
+ TASetType=set of TAnEnumType;
+ TAnArrayType=Array[1..10] of Integer;
+ TASubRangeType=one..two;
+ TABooleanArrayType=Array[Boolean] of Integer;
+ TARecordType=record
+ X,Y: Integer;
+ Z: String;
+ end;
+ TAVariantRecordType=record
+ A: String;
+ Case Integer of
+ 1: (X,Y : Integer);
+ 2: (phi,Omega : Real);
+ end;
+ TAVariantRecordType2=record
+ A: String;
+ Case Atype : Integer of
+ 1 : (X,Y : Integer);
+ 2 : (phi,Omega : Real);
+ end;
+ MyRec = Record
+ X : Longint;
+ Case byte of
+ 2 : (Y : Longint;
+ case byte of
+ 3 : (Z : Longint);
+ );
+ end;
+// TADeprecatedType = Integer deprecated;
+ { TMyParentClass }
+ TMyParentClass=Class(TComponent)
+ Private
+ FI: Integer;
+ Function GetA(AIndex: Integer): String;
+ Function GetIP(AIndex: integer): String;
+ procedure SetA(AIndex: Integer; const AValue: String);
+ procedure SetIP(AIndex: integer; const AValue: String);
+ Procedure WriteI(AI: Integer);
+ Function ReadI: Integer;
+ Protected
+ Procedure AProtectedMethod;
+ Property AProtectedProp: Integer Read FI Write FI;
+ Public
+ Constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
+ Destructor Destroy; override;
+ Procedure AVirtualProc; virtual;
+ Procedure AnAbstractProc; virtual; abstract;
+ Procedure AMessageProc(var Msg);message 123;
+ Procedure AStringMessageProc(var Msg);message '123';
+ Procedure ADeprecatedProc; deprecated;
+ Procedure APlatformProc; Platform;
+ Property IntProp: Integer Read FI Write Fi;
+ Property IntROProp: Integer Read FI;
+ Property GetIntProp: Integer Read ReadI Write WriteI;
+ Property AnArrayProp[AIndex: Integer]: String Read GetA Write SetA;
+ Property AnIndexProp: String Index 1 Read GetIP Write SetIP;
+ Property AnIndexProp2: String Index 2 Read GetIP Write SetIP;
+ Published
+ Procedure SomePublishedMethod;
+ end;
+ { TMyChildClass }
+ TMyChildClass=Class(TMyParentClass)
+ Public
+ Procedure AVirtualProc; Override;
+ Procedure AnAbstractProc; Override;
+ Published
+ Property AProtectedProp;
+ end;
+ TPasFunctionType=Class(TPasProcedureType)
+ public
+ destructor Destroy; override;
+ Class Function TypeName: string; override;
+ Function ElementTypeName: string; override;
+ Function GetDeclaration(Full: boolean): string; override;
+ public
+ ResultEl: TPasResultElement;
+ end;
+ var
+ ASimpleVar: Integer;
+ ATypedVar: TMethod;
+ ARecordVar: Record
+ A,B: Integer;
+ end;
+ AnArrayVar: Array[1..10] of Integer;
+ ATypedArray: Array[TanEnumType] of Integer;
+ AInitVar: Integer=1;
+ ADeprecatedVar: Integer deprecated;
+ ACVarVar: Integer ; cvar;
+ AnExternalVar: Integer ;external name 'avar';
+ AnExternalLibVar: Integer ;external 'library' name 'avar';
+ Procedure SimpleProc;
+ Procedure OverloadedProc(A: Integer);
+ Procedure OverloadedProc(B: String);
+ Function SimpleFunc: Integer;
+ Function OverloadedFunc(A: Integer): Integer;
+ Function OverloadedFunc(B: String): Integer;
+ Procedure ConstArgProc(const A: Integer);
+ Procedure VarArgProc(var A: Integer);
+ Procedure OutArgProc(out A: Integer);
+ Procedure UntypedVarArgProc(var A);
+ Procedure UntypedConstArgProc(const A);
+ Procedure UntypedOutArgProc(out A);
+ Procedure ArrayArgProc(A: TAnArrayType);
+ Procedure OpenArrayArgProc(A: Array of string);
+ Procedure ConstArrayArgProc(A: Array of const);
+ Procedure externalproc; external;
+ Procedure externalnameProc; external name 'aname';
+ Procedure externallibnameProc; external 'alibrary' name 'aname';
+ Procedure SimpleProc;
+ procedure SubProc;
+ begin
+ s:= s+'a';
+ end;
+ begin
+ a:= 1;
+ c:= a+b;
+ for i:= 1 to 10 do
+ write(a);
+ end;
+ Procedure OverloadedProc(A: Integer);
+ begin
+ if i=1 then ;
+ end;
+ Procedure OverloadedProc(B: String);
+ begin
+ end;
+ Function SimpleFunc: Integer;
+ begin
+ end;
+ Function OverloadedFunc(A: Integer): Integer;
+ begin
+ end;
+ Function OverloadedFunc(B: String): Integer;
+ begin
+ end;
+ Procedure ArrayArgProc(A: TAnArrayType);
+ begin
+ end;
+ Procedure OpenArrayArgProc(A: Array of String);
+ begin
+ end;
+ Procedure ConstArrayArgProc(A: Array of const);
+ begin
+ end;
+ Procedure ConstArgProc(const A: Integer);
+ begin
+ end;
+ Procedure VarArgProc(var A: Integer);
+ begin
+ end;
+ Procedure OutArgProc(out A: Integer);
+ begin
+ end;
+ Procedure UntypedVarArgProc(var A);
+ begin
+ end;
+ Procedure UntypedConstArgProc(const A);
+ begin
+ end;
+ Procedure UntypedOutArgProc(out A);
+ begin
+ end;
+{ TMyChildClass }
+ procedure TMyChildClass.AVirtualProc;
+ begin
+ inherited AVirtualProc;
+ end;
+ procedure TMyChildClass.AnAbstractProc;
+ procedure SubCProc;
+ begin
+ sc:= sc+'ac';
+ end;
+ begin
+ // Cannot call ancestor
+ end;
+{ TMyParentClass }
+ procedure TMyParentClass.WriteI(AI: Integer);
+ begin
+ end;
+ Function TMyParentClass.GetA(AIndex: Integer): String;
+ begin
+ end;
+ Function TMyParentClass.GetIP(AIndex: integer): String;
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure TMyParentClass.SetA(AIndex: Integer; const AValue: String);
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure TMyParentClass.SetIP(AIndex: integer; const AValue: String);
+ begin
+ end;
+ Function TMyParentClass.ReadI: Integer;
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure TMyParentClass.AProtectedMethod;
+ begin
+ end;
+ constructor TMyParentClass.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
+ begin
+ inherited Create(AOwner);
+ end;
+ destructor TMyParentClass.Destroy;
+ begin
+ inherited Destroy;
+ end;
+ procedure TMyParentClass.AVirtualProc;
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure TMyParentClass.AMessageProc(var Msg);
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure TMyParentClass.AStringMessageProc(var Msg);
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure TMyParentClass.ADeprecatedProc;
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure TMyParentClass.APlatformProc;
+ begin
+ end;
+ procedure TMyParentClass.SomePublishedMethod;
+ begin
+ end;
+ Class Function TPasFunctionType.TypeName: String;
+ begin
+ Result:= 'Function';
+ end;
+ procedure Statements;
+ const
+ cint=1;
+ cint1=-1;
+ creal=3.1415;
+ Addi=1+2;
+ Subs=2-3;
+ Muti=3*3;
+ Divi=3/5;
+ //Powe=2^3;
+ Modu=5 mod 3;
+ IDiv=5 div 3;
+ fals= not TRUE;
+ cand=true and false;
+ cor=true or false;
+ cxor=true xor false;
+ lt=2<3;
+ gt=3>2;
+ let=2<=3;
+ get=3>=2;
+ LeftShift=2 shl 3;
+ RightShift=2 shr 3;
+ ConstString='01'+'ab';
+ Type
+ Passenger=Record
+ Name: String[30];
+ Flight: String[10];
+ end;
+ Type
+ AR=record
+ X,Y: LongInt;
+ end;
+ //PAR = Record;
+ var
+ TheCustomer: Passenger;
+ L: ^LongInt;
+ P: PPChar;
+ S,T: Ar;
+ begin
+ X:= X+Y;
+ //EparserError on C++ style
+ //X+=Y; { Same as X := X+Y, needs -Sc command line switch}
+ //x-=y;
+ //X/=2; { Same as X := X/2, needs -Sc command line switch}
+ //x*=y;
+ Done:= False;
+ Weather:= Good;
+ //MyPi := 4* Tan(1); warum * ?
+ L^:= 3;
+ P^^:= 'A';
+ Usage;
+ WriteLn('Pascal is an easy language !');
+ Doit();
+ //label jumpto;
+ //Jumpto :
+ // Statement;
+ //Goto jumpto;
+ Case i of
+ 3: DoSomething;
+ 1..5: DoSomethingElse;
+ end;
+ Case C of
+ 'a': WriteLn('A pressed');
+ 'b': WriteLn('B pressed');
+ 'c': WriteLn('C pressed');
+ else
+ WriteLn('unknown letter pressed : ',C);
+ end;
+ Case C of
+ 'a','e','i','o','u': WriteLn('vowel pressed');
+ 'y': WriteLn('This one depends on the language');
+ else
+ WriteLn('Consonant pressed');
+ end;
+ Case Number of
+ 1..10: WriteLn('Small number');
+ 11..100: WriteLn('Normal, medium number');
+ else
+ WriteLn('HUGE number');
+ end;
+ case block of
+ 1: begin
+ writeln('1');
+ end;
+ 2: writeln('2');
+ else
+ writeln('3');
+ writeln('4');
+ end;
+ If exp1 Then
+ If exp2 then
+ Stat1
+ else
+ stat2;
+ If exp3 Then
+ begin
+ If exp4 then
+ Stat5
+ else
+ stat6
+ end;
+ If exp7 Then
+ begin
+ If exp8 then
+ Stat9
+ end
+ else
+ stat2;
+ if i is integer then
+ begin
+ write('integer');
+ end
+ else
+ if i is real then
+ begin
+ write('real');
+ end
+ else
+ write('0');
+ if Today in[Monday..Friday] then
+ WriteLn('Must work harder')
+ else
+ WriteLn('Take a day off.');
+ for Day:= Monday to Friday do
+ Work;
+ for I:= 100 downto 1 do
+ WriteLn('Counting down : ',i);
+ for I:= 1 to 7*dwarfs do
+ KissDwarf(i);
+ for i:= 0 to 10 do
+ begin
+ j:= 2+1;
+ write(i,j);
+ end;
+ repeat
+ WriteLn('I =',i);
+ I:= I+2;
+ until I>100;
+ repeat
+ X:= X/2;
+ until x<10e-3;
+ I:= I+2;
+ while i<=100 do
+ begin
+ WriteLn('I =',i);
+ I:= I+2;
+ end;
+ X:= X/2;
+ while x>=10e-3 do
+ dec(x);
+ while x>0 do
+ while y>0 do
+ begin
+ dec(x);
+ dec(y);
+ end;
+ while x>0 do
+ if x>2 then
+ dec(x)
+ else
+ dec(x,2);
+ X:= 2+3;
+ TheCustomer.Name:= 'Michael';
+ TheCustomer.Flight:= 'PS901';
+ With TheCustomer do
+ begin
+ Name:= 'Michael';
+ Flight:= 'PS901';
+ end;
+ With A,B,C,D do
+ Statement;
+ With A do
+ With B do
+ With C do
+ With D do
+ Statement;
+ S.X:= 1;S.Y:= 1;
+ T.X:= 2;T.Y:= 2;
+ With S,T do
+ WriteLn(X,' ',Y);
+ {asm
+ Movl $1,%ebx
+ Movl $0,%eax
+ addl %eax,%ebx
+ end; ['EAX','EBX'];}
+ try
+ try
+ M:= ParseSource(E,cmdl,'linux','i386');
+ except
+ on excep: EParserError do
+ begin
+ writeln(excep.message,' line:',excep.row,' column:',excep.column,' file:',excep.filename);
+ raise ;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Decls:= M.InterfaceSection.Declarations;
+ for I:= 0 to Decls.Count-1 do
+ Writeln('Interface item ',I,': ');
+ FreeAndNil(M);
+ finally
+ FreeAndNil(E)
+ end;
+ raise EParserError.Create(Format(SParserErrorAtToken, [Msg, CurTokenName]) {$ifdef addlocation}+' ('+inttostr(scanner.currow)+' '+inttostr(scanner.curcolumn)+')'{$endif},Scanner.CurFilename, Scanner.CurRow, Scanner.CurColumn);
+ // try else
+ end;
+ procedure Expression;
+ begin
+ A:= a+b *c /(-e+f)*3 div 2 + 4 mod 5 - 2 shl 3 + 3 shr 1 ;
+ b:= (a and not b) or c xor d;
+ u:= i<=2 or a<>b or j>=3;
+ u:= i=1 or a>b or b<a or i<>2;
+ u:= i in [1..2];
+ If F=@AddOne Then
+ WriteLn('Functions are equal');
+ If F()=Addone then
+ WriteLn('Functions return same values ');
+ z:= [today,tomorrow];
+ z:= [Monday..Friday,Sunday];
+ z:= [2,3*2,6*2,9*2];
+ z:= ['A'..'Z','a'..'z','0'..'9'];
+ x:= Byte('A');
+ x:= Char(48);
+ x:= boolean(1);
+ x:= longint(@Buffer);
+ x:= Integer('A');
+ x:= Char(4875);
+ x:= Word(@Buffer);
+ B:= Byte(C);
+ Char(B):= C;
+ TWordRec(W).L:= $FF;
+ TWordRec(W).H:= 0;
+ S:= TObject(P).ClassName;
+ P:= @MyProc; //warum @ ? fix pparser 769 ?
+ Dirname:= Dirname+'\';
+ W:= [mon,tue]+[wed,thu,fri]; // equals [mon,tue,wed,thu,fri]
+ W:= [mon,tue,wed]-[wed]; // equals [mon,tue]
+ W:= [mon,tue,wed]*[wed,thu,fri]; // equals [wed] warum * ?
+ (C as TEdit).Text:= 'Some text';
+ C:= O as TComponent;
+ if A is TComponent then ;
+ If A is B then ;
+ Inherited ;
+ Inherited Test;
+ if true then
+ Inherited
+ else
+ DoNothing;
+ if true then
+ Inherited Test
+ else
+ DoNothing;
+ Inherited P:= 3;
+ Inherited SetP1(3);
+ Result:= Char(P and $FF);
+ Result:= Char((Inherited P) and $FF);
+ Inherited P:= Ord(AValue);
+ Result:= Inherited InterPretOption(Cmd,Arg);
+ raise Exception.Create(SErrMultipleSourceFiles);
+ if Filename<>'' then
+ raise Exception.Create(SErrMultipleSourceFiles);
+ if Filename<>'' then
+ raise Exception.Create(SErrMultipleSourceFiles)
+ else
+ Filename:= s;
+ Self.Write(EscapeText(AText));
+ TObject.Create(Self);
+ end;
+ constructor TPasPackage.Create(const AName: String; AParent: TPasElement);
+ begin
+ if (Length(AName)>0)and(AName[1]<>'#') then
+ Inherited Create('#'+AName,AParent)
+ else
+ Inherited Create(AName,AParent);
+ Modules:= TList.Create;
+ end;
+ Function TPascalScanner.FetchToken: TToken;
+ var
+ IncludeStackItem: TIncludeStackItem;
+ begin
+ while true do
+ begin
+ Result:= DoFetchToken;
+ if FCurToken=tkEOF then
+ if FIncludeStack.Count>0 then
+ begin
+ CurSourceFile.Free;
+ IncludeStackItem:= TIncludeStackItem(FIncludeStack[FIncludeStack.Count-1]);
+ FIncludeStack.Delete(FIncludeStack.Count-1);
+ FCurSourceFile:= IncludeStackItem.SourceFile;
+ FCurFilename:= IncludeStackItem.Filename;
+ FCurToken:= IncludeStackItem.Token;
+ FCurTokenString:= IncludeStackItem.TokenString;
+ FCurLine:= IncludeStackItem.Line;
+ FCurRow:= IncludeStackItem.Row;
+ TokenStr:= IncludeStackItem.TokenStr;
+ IncludeStackItem.Free;
+ Result:= FCurToken;
+ end
+ else
+ break
+ else
+ if not PPIsSkipping then
+ break;
+ end;
+ end;
+ Procedure IFS;
+ begin
+ if true then
+ repeat
+ until false
+ else
+ Noting;
+ end;
+ Procedure IFS(x: integer); overload;
+ begin
+ if true then
+ case x of
+ 1: writeln;
+ 2: write;
+ else
+ writeln('#');
+ end
+ else
+ Noting;
+ end;
+ Procedure IFS1;
+ begin
+ if true then
+ while true do
+ Something
+ else
+ Noting;
+ end;
+ Procedure IFS3;
+ begin
+ if true then
+ if true then
+ write
+ else
+ writeln;
+ end;
+ hallo:= valid;