path: root/packages/fcl-web/examples/echo/README.txt
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diff --git a/packages/fcl-web/examples/echo/README.txt b/packages/fcl-web/examples/echo/README.txt
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+Responds with the calling and system parameters, example
+Demonstrates how to create a basic fpweb application. It responds to a request
+with a list of received/sent parameters, server settings and variables.
+Note, that other than the main project file (echo.lpr) there is not much that
+needs to change with using fpweb, no matter if we create CGI/FCGI applications
+or Apache modules. The web server config is different for each, of course.
+1. Compiling
+1.a; with FPC
+1.b; with Lazarus
+2. Setup
+2.a; as CGI
+2.b; as Apache module
+2.c; as FCGI
+1. Compiling:
+We can either use FPC directly, or Lazarus to compile the CGI/FCGI/Apache
+module application. The main project .lpr file, as well as the Lazarus .lpi is
+in the cgi/fcgi/apache directories.
+1.a; with FPC
+Enter to the directory (cgi/fcgi/apache) that has the .lpr file you wish to
+compile, and then execute the command
+fpc -Fu../webmodule echo.lpr
+The -Fu parameter shows FPC where to find the web module source code. All
+three web applications share the same web module code.
+1.b; with Lazarus
+It needs the WebLaz Package installed. Open the .lpi file from the choosen
+application directory (cgi/fcgi/apache), and then
+Run -> Build from the menu.
+2. Setup:
+2.a; as CGI
+http://<WebServer>/cgi-bin/<CGIExecutableName>/ should start the example if
+everything is set up properly.
+Note: You need to change the CGI application name if needed (for example, on
+Linux it is not echo.exe).
+Also, if your server is listening on port 80 instead of 8080, you can leave
+the :8080 part from the calling URL.
+2.b; as Apache module
+http://<WebServer>/<ApacheLocationName>/ should start the example if
+everything is set up properly.
+if in the Apache configuration file (ex: httpd.conf) it was set up as:
+LoadModule mod_echo "<path_to_mod>/echo.dll"
+<Location /myapache>
+ SetHandler mod_echo
+ Order allow,deny
+ Allow from all
+Note: You need to change the module name if needed. For example on Linux,
+the module can be or just simply libecho and not echo.dll .
+Note: If you recompile an Apache module while the module itself is loaded into
+the Apache server, the compilation will fail, because the file is in use
+(Apache modules stay in the memory). So first, you always need to stop the
+Apache server before you recompile or before you copy over the new version of
+the created module.
+2.c; as FCGI
+http://<WebServer>/<ApacheScriptAliasName>/ should start the example if
+everything is set up properly.
+if in the Apache configuration file (ex: httpd.conf) it was set up as:
+LoadModule fastcgi_module "<path_to_mod>/mod_fastcgi-2.4.6-AP22.dll"
+<IfModule mod_fastcgi.c>
+ <Directory "<path_to_fcgi_app>">
+# Options +ExecCGI <- not needed if ScriptAlias is used below
+ Order allow,deny
+ Allow from all
+ </Directory>
+#External FCGI app, has to start manually, Apache will not do it
+ FastCgiExternalServer "<path_to_fcgi_app>/echo.exe" -host -idle-timeout 30 -flush
+#optionally, to shorten the calling URL and to not display the executable file name (if used, no +ExecCGI is needed above)
+ ScriptAlias /myfcgi "<path_to_fcgi_app>/echo.exe"
+Note: You need to change the module name if needed. For example on Linux,
+the module is not mod_fastcgi-2.4.6-AP22.dll but (need to be
+compiled from sources found at ).
+The port (2015 in this example) must match the one set in the project main
+file (echo.lpr).
+The FCGI application must be running in order for this demo to work (external
+FCGI server setup). Do not forget to restart it after changes and
+Also, mod_fastcgi is not the same as mod_fcgid that the Apache project is
+developing. The latter does not support external FCGI server apps.
+There are other ways than external FCGI server apps to handle the FCGI
+protocol and both mod_fastcgi and mod_fcgid supports that. However, external
+FCGI servers are the best for debugging and development, that is why the
+examples do it that way.