path: root/packages/gtk2/src/atk/
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Diffstat (limited to 'packages/gtk2/src/atk/')
1 files changed, 175 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/gtk2/src/atk/ b/packages/gtk2/src/atk/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..23524dd5da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/gtk2/src/atk/
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+// included by atk.pp
+{$IFDEF read_forward_definitions}
+ AtkCoordType:
+ @ATK_XY_SCREEN: specifies xy coordinates relative to the screen
+ @ATK_XY_WINDOW: specifies xy coordinates relative to the widgets
+ top-level window
+ Specifies how xy coordinates are to be interpreted. Used by functions such
+ as atk_component_get_position() and atk_text_get_character_extents()
+ }
+ PAtkCoordType = ^TAtkCoordType;
+ TAtkCoordType = (
+ );
+{$ENDIF read_forward_definitions}
+{$IFDEF read_interface_types}
+ A focus tracker is a function which is called when an anObject
+ receives focus.
+ }
+ TAtkEventListener = procedure (para1:PAtkObject); cdecl;
+ TAtkEventListenerInitProc = procedure;
+ TAtkEventListenerInit = procedure (para1: TAtkEventListenerInitProc); cdecl;
+ PAtkKeyEventStruct = ^TAtkKeyEventStruct;
+ TAtkKeyEventStruct = record
+ _type : gint;
+ state : guint;
+ keyval : guint;
+ length : gint;
+ _string : Pgchar;
+ keycode : guint16;
+ timestamp : guint32;
+ end;
+ TAtkKeySnoopFunc = function (event:PAtkKeyEventStruct; func_data:gpointer):gint; cdecl;
+ PAtkKeyEventType = ^TAtkKeyEventType;
+ TAtkKeyEventType = (
+ );
+ PAtkUtil = ^TAtkUtil;
+ TAtkUtil = record
+ parent : TGObject;
+ end;
+ PAtkUtilClass = ^TAtkUtilClass;
+ TAtkUtilClass = record
+ parent : TGObjectClass;
+ add_global_event_listener : function (listener:TGSignalEmissionHook; event_type:Pgchar):guint; cdecl;
+ remove_global_event_listener : procedure (listener_id:guint); cdecl;
+ add_key_event_listener : function (listener:TAtkKeySnoopFunc; data:gpointer):guint; cdecl;
+ remove_key_event_listener : procedure (listener_id:guint); cdecl;
+ get_root : function :PAtkObject; cdecl;
+ get_toolkit_name : function :Pgchar; cdecl;
+ get_toolkit_version : function :Pgchar; cdecl;
+ end;
+{$ENDIF read_interface_types}
+{$IFDEF read_interface_rest}
+function ATK_TYPE_UTIL : GType;
+function ATK_IS_UTIL(obj: pointer) : boolean;
+function ATK_UTIL(obj: pointer) : PAtkUtil;
+function ATK_UTIL_CLASS(klass: pointer) : PAtkUtilClass;
+function ATK_IS_UTIL_CLASS(klass: pointer) : boolean;
+function ATK_UTIL_GET_CLASS(obj: pointer) : PAtkUtilClass;
+function atk_util_get_type:GType; cdecl; external atklib;
+ Adds the specified function to the list of functions to be called
+ when an anObject receives focus.
+ }
+function atk_add_focus_tracker(focus_tracker:TAtkEventListener):guint; cdecl; external atklib;
+ Removes the specified focus tracker from the list of function
+ to be called when any anObject receives focus
+ }
+procedure atk_remove_focus_tracker(tracker_id:guint); cdecl; external atklib;
+ Specifies the function to be called for focus tracker initialization.
+ removal. This function should be called by an implementation of the
+ ATK interface if any specific work needs to be done to enable
+ focus tracking.
+ }
+procedure atk_focus_tracker_init(add_function:TAtkEventListenerInit); cdecl; external atklib;
+ Cause the focus tracker functions which have been specified to be
+ executed for the anObject.
+ }
+procedure atk_focus_tracker_notify(anObject:PAtkObject); cdecl; external atklib;
+ Adds the specified function to the list of functions to be called
+ when an event of type event_type occurs.
+ }
+function atk_add_global_event_listener(listener:TGSignalEmissionHook; event_type:Pgchar):guint; cdecl; external atklib;
+ Removes the specified event listener
+ }
+procedure atk_remove_global_event_listener(listener_id:guint); cdecl; external atklib;
+ Adds the specified function to the list of functions to be called
+ when an keyboard event occurs.
+ }
+function atk_add_key_event_listener(listener:TAtkKeySnoopFunc; data:gpointer):guint; cdecl; external atklib;
+ Removes the specified event listener
+ }
+procedure atk_remove_key_event_listener(listener_id:guint); cdecl; external atklib;
+ Returns the root accessible container for the current application.
+ }
+function atk_get_root:PAtkObject; cdecl; external atklib;
+ Returns name string for the GUI toolkit.
+ }
+function atk_get_toolkit_name:Pgchar; cdecl; external atklib;
+ Returns version string for the GUI toolkit.
+ }
+function atk_get_toolkit_version:Pgchar; cdecl; external atklib;
+{$ENDIF read_interface_rest}
+{$IFDEF read_implementation}
+function ATK_TYPE_UTIL : GType;
+ ATK_TYPE_UTIL:=atk_util_get_type;
+function ATK_IS_UTIL(obj: pointer) : boolean;
+function ATK_UTIL(obj: pointer) : PAtkUtil;
+function ATK_UTIL_CLASS(klass: pointer) : PAtkUtilClass;
+function ATK_IS_UTIL_CLASS(klass: pointer) : boolean;
+function ATK_UTIL_GET_CLASS(obj: pointer) : PAtkUtilClass;
+{$ENDIF read_implementation}