path: root/packages/pastojs/tests
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Diffstat (limited to 'packages/pastojs/tests')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/packages/pastojs/tests/tcoptimizations.pas b/packages/pastojs/tests/tcoptimizations.pas
index b580cf5388..ef1b202157 100644
--- a/packages/pastojs/tests/tcoptimizations.pas
+++ b/packages/pastojs/tests/tcoptimizations.pas
@@ -60,13 +60,11 @@ type
procedure TestOptShortRefGlobals_Program;
procedure TestOptShortRefGlobals_Unit_FromIntfImpl_ToIntfImpl;
procedure TestOptShortRefGlobals_Property;
- // ToDo: ShortRefGlobals_ExternalAndAbstract ObjFPC+Delphi
+ procedure TestOptShortRefGlobals_ExternalAbstract;
procedure TestOptShortRefGlobals_GenericFunction;
- procedure TestOptShortRefGlobals_GenericMethod_Call_ObjFPC;
- // ToDo: procedure TestOptShortRefGlobals_GenericMethod_Call_Delphi;
- // ToDo: GenericStaticMethod_Call ObjFPC+Delphi
+ procedure TestOptShortRefGlobals_GenericMethod_Call;
+ procedure TestOptShortRefGlobals_GenericStaticMethod_Call;
// ToDo: GenericMethod_CallInherited ObjFPC+Delphi
- // ToDo: GenericMethod_External ObjFPC+Delphi
// ToDo: procedure TestOptShortRefGlobals_GenericHelperMethod_Call_Delphi;
// ToDo: proc var
procedure TestOptShortRefGlobals_SameUnit_EnumType;
@@ -464,6 +462,94 @@ begin
+procedure TTestOptimizations.TestOptShortRefGlobals_ExternalAbstract;
+ AddModuleWithIntfImplSrc('UnitA.pas',
+ LinesToStr([
+ 'type',
+ ' TBird = class',
+ ' generic function FlyExt<T>(a: word = 103): T; external name ''Flying'';',
+ ' class procedure JumpVirtual(a: word = 104); virtual; abstract;',
+ ' class procedure RunStaticExt(a: word = 105); static; external name ''Running'';',
+ ' end;',
+ 'procedure SayExt(a: word = 106); external name ''Saying'';',
+ '']),
+ LinesToStr([
+ '']));
+ StartUnit(true,[supTObject]);
+ Add([
+ '{$optimization JSShortRefGlobals}',
+ 'interface',
+ 'uses unita;',
+ 'type',
+ ' TEagle = class(TBird)',
+ ' procedure Test;',
+ ' end;',
+ 'implementation',
+ 'procedure TEagle.Test;',
+ 'begin',
+ ' specialize FlyExt<Word>;',
+ ' specialize FlyExt<Word>(1);',
+ ' specialize JumpVirtual;',
+ ' specialize JumpVirtual(2);',
+ ' specialize RunStaticExt;',
+ ' specialize RunStaticExt(3);',
+ ' specialize SayExt;',
+ ' specialize SayExt(4);',
+ ' Self.specialize FlyExt<Word>;',
+ ' Self.specialize FlyExt<Word>(11);',
+ ' Self.specialize JumpVirtual;',
+ ' Self.specialize JumpVirtual(12);',
+ ' Self.specialize RunStaticExt;',
+ ' Self.specialize RunStaticExt(13);',
+ ' with Self do begin',
+ ' specialize FlyExt<Word>;',
+ ' specialize FlyExt<Word>(21);',
+ ' specialize JumpVirtual;',
+ ' specialize JumpVirtual(22);',
+ ' specialize RunStaticExt;',
+ ' specialize RunStaticExt(23);',
+ ' end;',
+ 'end;',
+ '']);
+ ConvertUnit;
+ CheckSource('TestOptShortRefGlobals_ExternalAbstract',
+ LinesToStr([
+ 'var $lt = null;',
+ 'var $lm = pas.UnitA;',
+ 'var $lt1 = $lm.TBird;',
+ 'rtl.createClass(this, "TEagle", $lt1, function () {',
+ ' $lt = this;',
+ ' this.Test = function () {',
+ ' this.Flying(103);',
+ ' this.Flying(1);',
+ ' this.$class.JumpVirtual(104);',
+ ' this.$class.JumpVirtual(2);',
+ ' this.Running(105);',
+ ' this.Running(3);',
+ ' Saying(106);',
+ ' Saying(4);',
+ ' this.Flying(103);',
+ ' this.Flying(11);',
+ ' this.$class.JumpVirtual(104);',
+ ' this.$class.JumpVirtual(12);',
+ ' this.Running(105);',
+ ' this.Running(13);',
+ ' this.Flying(103);',
+ ' this.Flying(21);',
+ ' this.$class.JumpVirtual(104);',
+ ' this.$class.JumpVirtual(22);',
+ ' this.Running(105);',
+ ' this.Running(23);',
+ ' };',
+ '});',
+ '']),
+ LinesToStr([
+ '']),
+ LinesToStr([
+ '']));
procedure TTestOptimizations.TestOptShortRefGlobals_GenericFunction;
@@ -511,7 +597,7 @@ begin
-procedure TTestOptimizations.TestOptShortRefGlobals_GenericMethod_Call_ObjFPC;
+procedure TTestOptimizations.TestOptShortRefGlobals_GenericMethod_Call;
@@ -623,6 +709,135 @@ begin
+procedure TTestOptimizations.TestOptShortRefGlobals_GenericStaticMethod_Call;
+ AddModuleWithIntfImplSrc('UnitA.pas',
+ LinesToStr([
+ 'type',
+ ' TBird = class',
+ ' generic class function Fly<T>(a: word = 13): T; static;',
+ ' class function Say(a: word = 13): word; static;',
+ ' end;',
+ '']),
+ LinesToStr([
+ 'generic class function TBird.Fly<T>(a: word): T;',
+ 'begin',
+ 'end;',
+ 'class function TBird.Say(a: word): word;',
+ 'begin',
+ 'end;',
+ '']));
+ StartUnit(true,[supTObject]);
+ Add([
+ '{$optimization JSShortRefGlobals}',
+ 'interface',
+ 'uses unita;',
+ 'type',
+ ' TFunc = function(a: word): word;',
+ ' TEagle = class(TBird)',
+ ' procedure Test;',
+ ' generic class function Run<T>(c: word = 25): T; static;',
+ ' class function Lay(c: word = 25): word; static;',
+ ' end;',
+ 'implementation',
+ 'procedure TEagle.Test;',
+ 'var f: TFunc;',
+ 'begin',
+ ' specialize Fly<Word>;',
+ ' specialize Fly<Word>(31);',
+ ' Say;',
+ ' Say(32);',
+ ' specialize Run<Word>;',
+ ' specialize Run<Word>(33);',
+ ' Lay;',
+ ' Lay(34);',
+ ' self.specialize Fly<Word>;',
+ ' self.specialize Fly<Word>(41);',
+ ' self.Say;',
+ ' self.Say(42);',
+ ' self.specialize Run<Word>;',
+ ' self.specialize Run<Word>(43);',
+ ' with Self do begin',
+ ' specialize Fly<Word>;',
+ ' specialize Fly<Word>(51);',
+ ' Say;',
+ ' Say(52);',
+ ' specialize Run<Word>;',
+ ' specialize Run<Word>(53);',
+ ' end;',
+ 'end;',
+ 'generic class function TEagle.Run<T>(c: word): T;',
+ 'begin',
+ 'end;',
+ 'class function TEagle.Lay(c: word): word;',
+ 'begin',
+ ' TEagle.specialize Fly<Word>;',
+ ' TEagle.specialize Fly<Word>(61);',
+ ' TEagle.Say;',
+ ' TEagle.Say(62);',
+ ' TEagle.specialize Run<Word>;',
+ ' specialize Run<Word>(63);',
+ ' Lay;',
+ ' Lay(64);',
+ 'end;',
+ '']);
+ ConvertUnit;
+ CheckSource('TestOptShortRefGlobals_GenericStaticMethod_Call',
+ LinesToStr([
+ 'var $lt = null;',
+ 'var $lp = null;',
+ 'var $lm = pas.UnitA;',
+ 'var $lt1 = $lm.TBird;',
+ 'var $lp1 = $lt1.Fly$G1;',
+ 'var $lp2 = $lt1.Say;',
+ 'rtl.createClass(this, "TEagle", $lt1, function () {',
+ ' $lt = this;',
+ ' this.Test = function () {',
+ ' $lp1(13);',
+ ' $lp1(31);',
+ ' $lp2(13);',
+ ' $lp2(32);',
+ ' $lp(25);',
+ ' $lp(33);',
+ ' $lt.Lay(25);',
+ ' $lt.Lay(34);',
+ ' $lp1(13);',
+ ' $lp1(41);',
+ ' $lp2(13);',
+ ' $lp2(42);',
+ ' $lp(25);',
+ ' $lp(43);',
+ ' $lp1(13);',
+ ' $lp1(51);',
+ ' $lp2(13);',
+ ' $lp2(52);',
+ ' $lp(25);',
+ ' $lp(53);',
+ ' };',
+ ' this.Lay = function (c) {',
+ ' var Result = 0;',
+ ' $lp1(13);',
+ ' $lp1(61);',
+ ' $lp2(13);',
+ ' $lp2(62);',
+ ' $lp(25);',
+ ' $lp(63);',
+ ' $lt.Lay(25);',
+ ' $lt.Lay(64);',
+ ' return Result;',
+ ' };',
+ ' this.Run$G1 = $lp = function (c) {',
+ ' var Result = 0;',
+ ' return Result;',
+ ' };',
+ '});',
+ '']),
+ LinesToStr([
+ '']),
+ LinesToStr([
+ '']));
procedure TTestOptimizations.TestOptShortRefGlobals_SameUnit_EnumType;