path: root/packages/ptc/examples/mojo.pp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/ptc/examples/mojo.pp')
1 files changed, 815 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/ptc/examples/mojo.pp b/packages/ptc/examples/mojo.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6fcc285a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ptc/examples/mojo.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,815 @@
+Ported to FPC by Nikolay Nikolov (
+Mojo demo for OpenPTC 1.0 C++ API
+Coded by Alex Evans and adapted to OpenPTC 1.0 by Glenn Fiedler
+nasty code by alex "statix" evans for ptc. (c) copyright alex evans 1998
+time... 02.00 am on 13/1/98.
+have fun
+it's my take on some classic light mask effect
+it's raytracing through properly modelled fog with occlusion, multiple
+shadow rays cast back to the light for each pixel ray, and erm, its
+s l o w... but it looks nice don't it?
+oh and fresnel fall off... or something
+define inv for interesting fx (not)
+Program Mojo;
+{$MODE objfpc}
+ ptc, SysUtils;
+ SC = 12;
+ NSEG = 5;
+ frandtab_seed : Uint16 = 54;
+ MaskMap : PUint8;
+ frandtab : Array[0..65535] Of Uint16;
+ FVector = Object
+{ Case Boolean Of
+ False : (X, Y, Z : Single);
+ True : (R, G, B : Single);}
+ X, Y, Z : Single;
+ Constructor Init;
+ Constructor Init(_x, _y, _z : Single);
+ Function Magnitude : Single;
+ Function MagnitudeSq : Single;
+ Procedure Normalise;
+ End;
+ FMatrix = Object
+ Row : Array[0..2] Of FVector;
+ Constructor Init;
+ Constructor Init(a, b, c : FVector);
+ Function Column0 : FVector;
+ Function Column1 : FVector;
+ Function Column2 : FVector;
+ Procedure MakeXRot(theta : Single);
+ Procedure MakeYRot(theta : Single);
+ Procedure MakeZRot(theta : Single);
+ Procedure MakeID;
+ Function Transpose : FMatrix;
+ Procedure TransposeInPlace;
+ Procedure Normalise;
+ End;
+ PRay = ^TRay;
+ TRay = Object
+ mPosn : FVector;
+ mDir : FVector;
+ Constructor Init(Const p, d : FVector);
+ End;
+ VLight = Class(TObject)
+ mAng : Single;
+ mPosn : FVector;
+ mTarget : FVector;
+ mAxis : FMatrix;
+ mCol : FVector;
+ p, p2, _d : FVector; { temp space }
+ Constructor Create(Const col : FVector);
+ Procedure Move(Const q : FVector);
+ Procedure MoveT(Const q : FVector);
+ Procedure Update;
+ Function Light(Const ray : TRay) : FVector;
+ Function CalcLight(t : Single) : Single;
+ End;
+Constructor FVector.Init;
+Constructor FVector.Init(_x, _y, _z : Single);
+ X := _x;
+ Y := _y;
+ Z := _z;
+Function FVector.Magnitude : Single;
+ Magnitude := Sqrt(Sqr(X) + Sqr(Y) + Sqr(Z));
+Function FVector.MagnitudeSq : Single;
+ MagnitudeSq := Sqr(X) + Sqr(Y) + Sqr(Z);
+Procedure FVector.Normalise;
+ l : Single;
+ l := 1 / Magnitude;
+ X *= l;
+ Y *= l;
+ Z *= l;
+Operator * (a, b : FVector) res : Single;
+ res := a.X * b.X + a.Y * b.Y + a.Z * b.Z;
+Operator * (a : FVector; b : Single) res : FVector;
+ res.X := a.X * b;
+ res.Y := a.Y * b;
+ res.Z := a.Z * b;
+Operator + (a, b : FVector) res : FVector;
+ res.X := a.X + b.X;
+ res.Y := a.Y + b.Y;
+ res.Z := a.Z + b.Z;
+Operator - (a, b : FVector) res : FVector;
+ res.X := a.X - b.X;
+ res.Y := a.Y - b.Y;
+ res.Z := a.Z - b.Z;
+Operator ** (a, b : FVector) res : FVector;
+ res.X := a.Y * b.Z - a.Z * b.Y;
+ res.Y := a.Z * b.X - a.X * b.Z;
+ res.Z := a.X * b.Y - a.Y * b.X;
+Constructor FMatrix.Init;
+Constructor FMatrix.Init(a, b, c : FVector);
+ Row[0] := a;
+ Row[1] := b;
+ Row[2] := c;
+Function FMatrix.Column0 : FVector;
+ res : FVector;
+ res.Init(Row[0].X, Row[1].X, Row[2].X);
+ Column0 := res;
+Function FMatrix.Column1 : FVector;
+ res : FVector;
+ res.Init(Row[0].Y, Row[1].Y, Row[2].Y);
+ Column1 := res;
+Function FMatrix.Column2 : FVector;
+ res : FVector;
+ res.Init(Row[0].Z, Row[1].Z, Row[2].Z);
+ Column2 := res;
+Procedure FMatrix.MakeXRot(theta : Single);
+ c, s : Single;
+ c := cos(theta);
+ s := sin(theta);
+ Row[1].Y := c; Row[1].Z := s; Row[1].X := 0;
+ Row[2].Y := -s; Row[2].Z := c; Row[2].X := 0;
+ Row[0].Y := 0; Row[0].Z := 0; Row[0].X := 1;
+Procedure FMatrix.MakeYRot(theta : Single);
+ c, s : Single;
+ c := cos(theta);
+ s := sin(theta);
+ Row[2].Z := c; Row[2].X := s; Row[2].Y := 0;
+ Row[0].Z := -s; Row[0].X := c; Row[0].Y := 0;
+ Row[1].Z := 0; Row[1].X := 0; Row[1].Y := 1;
+Procedure FMatrix.MakeZRot(theta : Single);
+ c, s : Single;
+ c := cos(theta);
+ s := sin(theta);
+ Row[0].X := c; Row[0].Y := s; Row[0].Z := 0;
+ Row[1].X := -s; Row[1].Y := c; Row[1].Z := 0;
+ Row[2].X := 0; Row[2].Y := 0; Row[2].Z := 1;
+Procedure FMatrix.MakeID;
+ Row[0].Init(1, 0, 0);
+ Row[1].Init(0, 1, 0);
+ Row[2].Init(0, 0, 1);
+Function FMatrix.Transpose : FMatrix;
+ res : FMatrix;
+ res.Init(Column0, Column1, Column2);
+ Transpose := res;
+Procedure FMatrix.TransposeInPlace;
+ Init(Column0, Column1, Column2);
+Procedure FMatrix.Normalise;
+ Row[2].Normalise;
+ Row[0] := Row[1]**Row[2];
+ Row[0].Normalise;
+ Row[1] := Row[2]**Row[0];
+ Row[1].Normalise;
+Operator * (Const m : FMatrix; Const a : Single) res : FMatrix;
+ res.Init(m.Row[0]*a, m.Row[1]*a, m.Row[2]*a);
+Operator * (Const m, a : FMatrix) res : FMatrix;
+ v1, v2, v3 : FVector;
+ v1.Init(m.Row[0].X*a.Row[0].X+m.Row[0].Y*a.Row[1].X+m.Row[0].Z*a.Row[2].X,
+ m.Row[0].X*a.Row[0].Y+m.Row[0].Y*a.Row[1].Y+m.Row[0].Z*a.Row[2].Y,
+ m.Row[0].X*a.Row[0].Z+m.Row[0].Y*a.Row[1].Z+m.Row[0].Z*a.Row[2].Z);
+ v2.Init(m.Row[1].X*a.Row[0].X+m.Row[1].Y*a.Row[1].X+m.Row[1].Z*a.Row[2].X,
+ m.Row[1].X*a.Row[0].Y+m.Row[1].Y*a.Row[1].Y+m.Row[1].Z*a.Row[2].Y,
+ m.Row[1].X*a.Row[0].Z+m.Row[1].Y*a.Row[1].Z+m.Row[1].Z*a.Row[2].Z);
+ v3.Init(m.Row[2].X*a.Row[0].X+m.Row[2].Y*a.Row[1].X+m.Row[2].Z*a.Row[2].X,
+ m.Row[2].X*a.Row[0].Y+m.Row[2].Y*a.Row[1].Y+m.Row[2].Z*a.Row[2].Y,
+ m.Row[2].X*a.Row[0].Z+m.Row[2].Y*a.Row[1].Z+m.Row[2].Z*a.Row[2].Z);
+ res.Init(v1, v2, v3);
+Operator * (Const m : FMatrix; Const a : FVector) res : FVector;
+ res.Init(a*m.Row[0], a*m.Row[1], a*m.Row[2]);
+Operator + (Const m, a : FMatrix) res : FMatrix;
+ res.Init(m.Row[0]+a.Row[0], m.Row[1]+a.Row[1], m.Row[2]+a.Row[2]);
+Operator - (Const m, a : FMatrix) res : FMatrix;
+ res.Init(m.Row[0]+a.Row[0], m.Row[1]+a.Row[1], m.Row[2]+a.Row[2]);
+Constructor TRay.Init(Const p, d : FVector);
+ mPosn := p;
+ mDir := d;
+ mDir.Normalise;
+Constructor VLight.Create(Const col : FVector);
+ mCol := col * 0.9;
+ mAng := 2.8;
+ mPosn.Init(0, 0, 20);
+ mTarget.Init(0, 0, 0.1);
+ mAxis.MakeID;
+ Update;
+Procedure VLight.Move(Const q : FVector);
+ mPosn := q;
+ Update;
+Procedure VLight.MoveT(Const q : FVector);
+ mTarget := q;
+ Update;
+Procedure VLight.Update;
+ mAxis.Row[2] := (mTarget - mPosn);
+ mAxis.Normalise;
+Function VLight.Light(Const ray : TRay) : FVector;
+ f, A, B, C, D, t1, t2, t3, fr, l1, l2, t, h : Single;
+ frc, x, y, q : Integer;
+ pp : FVector;
+ res : FVector;
+ f := 0;
+ p2 := ray.mPosn;
+ p := mAxis * (ray.mPosn - mPosn);
+ _d := mAxis * ray.mDir;
+ A := (_d.X*_d.X+_d.Y*_d.Y);
+ B := 2*(_d.X*p.X+_d.Y*p.Y)-mAng*(_d.Z);
+ C := (p.X*p.X+p.Y*p.Y)-mAng*(p.Z);
+ D := B*B-4*A*C;
+ If D <= 0 Then
+ Begin
+ res.Init(0, 0, 0);
+ Light := res;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ D := Sqrt(D);
+ A *= 2;
+ t1 := (-B-D)/A;
+ t2 := (-B+D)/A;
+ frc := 255;
+ t3 := -ray.mPosn.Z/ray.mDir.Z;
+ If t2<=0 Then
+ Begin
+ res.Init(0, 0, 0);
+ Light := res;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If t1<0 Then
+ t1 := 0;
+ If t3>0 Then
+ Begin
+ { clip to bitmap plane }
+ pp := ray.mPosn + ray.mDir*t3;
+ x := 160+Trunc(SC*pp.X);
+ If (x>=0) And (x<=319) Then
+ Begin
+ y := 100 + Trunc(SC*pp.Y);
+ If (y>=0) And (y<=199) Then
+ Begin
+ {res.Init(0, 0, 1);
+ Light := res;
+ Exit;}
+ frc := MaskMap[y*320+x];
+ If frc<1 Then
+ Begin
+ If t1>t3 Then
+ t1 := t3;
+ If t2>t3 Then
+ t2 := t3;
+ End;
+ End
+ Else
+ t3 := t2
+ End
+ Else
+ t3 := t2;
+ If (x >= 0) And (x <= 319) Then
+ Begin
+ y := 100 + Trunc(SC*pp.Y);
+ If (y >= 0) And (y <= 199) And (MaskMap[y*320 + x] < 128) Then
+ t3 := t2;
+ End;
+ If t1 > t3 Then
+ t1 := t3;
+ If t2 > t3 Then
+ t2 := t3;
+ End;
+ If t1>=t2 Then
+ Begin
+ res.Init(0, 0, 0);
+ Light := res;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ fr := frc/255;
+ l1 := CalcLight(t1);
+ If t1>t3 Then
+ l1 *= fr;
+ q := NSEG;
+ t := t1;
+ h := (t2-t1)/NSEG;
+ While (t<t3) And (q>0) And (t<t2) Do
+ Begin
+ t += h;
+ If (t>t2) Then
+ Begin
+ h -= t2-t;
+ t := t2;
+ q := 0;
+ End
+ Else
+ Dec(q);
+ h := (t-t1);
+ p += _d*h;
+ p2 += ray.mDir*h;
+ l2 := CalcLight(t);
+ f += (l1+l2)*h;
+ l1 := l2;
+ t1 := t;
+ End;
+ While (q>0) And (t<t2) Do
+ Begin
+ t += h;
+ If t>t2 Then
+ Begin
+ h -= t2-t;
+ t := t2;
+ q := 0;
+ End
+ Else
+ Dec(q);
+ p += _d*h;
+ p2 += ray.mDir*h;
+ l2 := CalcLight(t);
+ If t>t3 Then
+ l2 *= fr;
+ f += (l1+l2)*h;
+ l1 := l2;
+ t1 := t;
+ End;
+ Light := mCol*f;
+Function VLight.CalcLight(t : Single) : Single;
+ f : Single;
+ x, y, c : Integer;
+ { trace line to bitmap from mPosn to p2 }
+ If Not ((mPosn.Z > 0) Xor (p2.Z > 0)) Then
+ Begin
+ { fresnel fall off... }
+ CalcLight := p.Z / p.MagnitudeSq;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ f := -(mPosn.Z)/(p2.Z - mPosn.Z);
+ x := 160 + Trunc(SC*((p2.X-mPosn.X)*f+mPosn.X));
+ If (x < 0) Or (x > 319) Then
+ Begin
+ CalcLight := p.Z / p.MagnitudeSq;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ y := 100 + Trunc(SC*((p2.Y-mPosn.Y)*f+mPosn.Y));
+ If (y < 0) Or (y > 199) Then
+ Begin
+ CalcLight := p.Z / p.MagnitudeSq;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ c := MaskMap[y * 320 + x];
+ If (x < 0) Or (x > 319) Then
+ Begin
+ CalcLight := 0;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ y := 100 + Trunc(SC*((p2.Y-mPosn.Y)*f+mPosn.Y));
+ If (y < 0) Or (y > 199) Then
+ Begin
+ CalcLight := 0;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ c := 255 - MaskMap[y * 320 + x];
+ If c = 0 Then
+ Begin
+ CalcLight := 0;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ CalcLight := (c*(1/255))*p.Z / p.MagnitudeSq;
+Function CLIPC(f : Single) : Integer; {Inline;}
+ a : Integer;
+ a := Trunc(f * 255);
+ If a < 0 Then
+ a := 0
+ Else
+ If a > 255 Then
+ a := 255;
+ CLIPC := a;
+Procedure initfrand;
+ s, c1 : Integer;
+ FillChar(frandtab, SizeOf(frandtab), 0);
+ s := 1;
+ For c1 := 1 To 65535 Do
+ Begin
+ frandtab[c1] := s And $FFFF;
+ s := (((s Shr 4) Xor (s Shr 13) Xor (s Shr 15)) And 1) + (s Shl 1);
+ End;
+Function frand : Integer; {Inline;}
+ frand := frandtab[frandtab_seed];
+ frandtab_seed := (frandtab_seed + 1) And $FFFF;
+Procedure VLightPart(console : TPTCConsole; surface : TPTCSurface);
+ vl, vl2 : VLight;
+ camposn : FVector;
+ camaxis : FMatrix;
+ c1, c2, c3, ti, xx, yy, zz, i, a, x, y : Integer;
+ idx : Array[0..(200 Div 16) - 1, 0..(320 Div 16) - 1] Of Uint8;
+ order : Array[0..10*19 - 1, 0..1] Of Integer;
+ vlightt, t, cz, camf : Single;
+ col : FVector;
+ ray : TRay;
+ oc, c, c2_ : Uint32;
+ time, delta : Single;
+ pitch : Integer;
+ screenbuf, pd : PUint8;
+ tmp : FVector;
+ F : File;
+ oc := 0;
+ initfrand;
+ tmp.Init(0.1, 0.4, 1);
+ vl := VLight.Create(tmp);
+ tmp.Init(1, 0.5, 0.2);
+ vl2 := VLight.Create(tmp);
+ tmp.Init(0, 0, 20);
+ vl.Move(tmp);
+ tmp.Init(0, 6, 30);
+ vl2.Move(tmp);
+ camposn.Init(7, 0.5, -10);
+ camaxis.Init;
+ camaxis.MakeID;
+ tmp.Init(0, 0, 0);
+ camaxis.Row[2] := tmp - camposn;
+ camaxis.Normalise;
+ camf := 100;
+ MaskMap := GetMem(320 * 200);
+ FillChar(MaskMap^, 320 * 200, 0);
+ { load mojo.raw }
+ ASSign(F, 'mojo.raw');
+ Reset(F, 1);
+ BlockRead(F, MaskMap^, 320*200);
+ Close(F);
+ { build the order of the squares }
+ For c1 := 0 To 10*19 - 1 Do
+ Begin
+ order[c1, 0] := c1 Mod 19;
+ order[c1, 1] := (c1 Div 19) + 1;
+ End;
+ { swap them around }
+ For c1 := 0 To 9999 Do
+ Begin
+ c2 := Random(190);
+ c3 := Random(190);
+ ti := order[c2, 0]; order[c2, 0] := order[c3, 0]; order[c3, 0] := ti;
+ ti := order[c2, 1]; order[c2, 1] := order[c3, 1]; order[c3, 1] := ti;
+ End;
+ { time settings }
+ time := 0;
+ delta := 0.01; { this controls the speed of the effect }
+ { main loop }
+ While Not console.KeyPressed Do
+ Begin
+ { get surface data }
+ pitch := surface.pitch;
+ { light time (makes the effect loop) }
+ vlightt := 320 * Abs(Sin(time/5));
+ t := 13 - 0.1822 * vlightt;
+ cz := 1 - 0.01 * vlightt;
+ {tmp.Init(Sin(t)*5, Cos(t*-0.675+4543)*5, 15);
+ vl.Move(tmp);
+ tmp.Init(0, 0, -15);
+ vl.Move(tmp);}
+ tmp.Init(t, 0, 22);
+ vl.Move(tmp);
+ tmp.Init(-t, -7, 28);
+ vl2.Move(tmp);
+ camposn.Init(cz*4+9, cz, -t/7-13);
+ tmp.Init(0, 0, 0);
+ camaxis.Row[2] := tmp - camposn;
+ camaxis.Normalise;
+ FillChar(idx, SizeOf(idx), 25);
+ { swap them around }
+ For c1 := 0 To 99 Do
+ Begin
+ c2 := Random(190);
+ c3 := Random(190);
+ ti := order[c2, 0]; order[c2, 0] := order[c3, 0]; order[c3, 0] := ti;
+ ti := order[c2, 1]; order[c2, 1] := order[c3, 1]; order[c3, 1] := ti;
+ End;
+ For zz := 0 To 189 Do
+ Begin
+ xx := order[zz, 0];
+ yy := order[zz, 1];
+ i := 0;
+ { lock surface }
+ screenbuf := surface.lock;
+ Try
+ c2 := idx[yy, xx] Shr 1;
+ For c1 := 0 To c2 - 1 Do
+ Begin
+ a := frand And 255;
+ x := xx * 16 + (a And 15) + 6 + 4;
+ y := yy * 16 + (a Shr 4) + 6;
+ col.Init(0, 0, 0);
+ ray.Init(camposn, camaxis.Row[2]*camf+camaxis.Row[0]*(x-160)+camaxis.Row[1]*(y-100));
+ col += vl.Light(ray);
+ col += vl2.Light(ray);
+ c := (CLIPC(col.X) Shl 16) + (CLIPC(col.Y) Shl 8) + (CLIPC(col.Z));
+ pd := screenbuf + x*4 + y*pitch;
+ Inc(i, Abs(Integer(c And 255)-Integer(pd[321] And 255)) + Abs(Integer(c Shr 16)-Integer(pd[321] Shr 16)));
+ If c1 <> 0 Then
+ Inc(i, Abs(Integer(c And 255)-Integer(oc And 255)) + Abs(Integer(c Shr 16)-Integer(oc Shr 16)));
+ oc := c;
+ c2_ := (c Shr 1) And $7F7F7F;
+ PUint32(pd)[1] := ((PUint32(pd)[1]) Shr 1) And $7F7F7F+ c2_;
+ PUint32(pd)[2] := ((PUint32(pd)[2]) Shr 1) And $7F7F7F+ c2_;
+ Inc(pd, pitch);
+ PUint32(pd)[0] := ((PUint32(pd)[0]) Shr 1) And $7F7F7F+ c2_;
+ PUint32(pd)[1] := c;
+ PUint32(pd)[2] := c;
+ PUint32(pd)[3] := ((PUint32(pd)[3]) Shr 1) And $7F7F7F+ c2_;
+ Inc(pd, pitch);
+ PUint32(pd)[0] := ((PUint32(pd)[0]) Shr 1) And $7F7F7F+ c2_;
+ PUint32(pd)[1] := c;
+ PUint32(pd)[2] := c;
+ PUint32(pd)[3] := ((PUint32(pd)[3]) Shr 1) And $7F7F7F+ c2_;
+ Inc(pd, pitch);
+ PUint32(pd)[1] := ((PUint32(pd)[1]) Shr 1) And $7F7F7F+ c2_;
+ PUint32(pd)[2] := ((PUint32(pd)[2]) Shr 1) And $7F7F7F+ c2_;
+ End;
+ i *= 5;
+ i := i Div (3*idx[yy, xx]);
+ If i < 2 Then
+ i := 2;
+ If i > {256}255 Then
+ i := {256}255;
+ idx[yy, xx] := i;
+ Finally
+ { unlock surface }
+ surface.unlock;
+ End;
+ If (zz Mod 95) = 0 Then
+ Begin
+ { copy surface to console }
+ surface.copy(console);
+ { update console }
+ console.update;
+ End;
+ End;
+ { update time }
+ time += delta;
+ End;
+ FreeMem(MaskMap);
+ vl.Free;
+ vl2.Free;
+ format : TPTCFormat;
+ console : TPTCConsole;
+ surface : TPTCSurface;
+ format := Nil;
+ surface := Nil;
+ console := Nil;
+ Try
+ Try
+ { create format }
+ format := TPTCFormat.Create(32, $00FF0000, $0000FF00, $000000FF);
+ { create console }
+ console := TPTCConsole.Create;
+ { open console }
+'mojo by statix', 320, 200, format);
+ { create main drawing surface }
+ surface := TPTCSurface.Create(320, 200, format);
+ { do the light effect }
+ VLightPart(console, surface);
+ Finally
+ { close console }
+ console.close;
+ console.Free;
+ surface.Free;
+ format.Free;
+ End;
+ { print message to stdout }
+ Writeln('mojo by alex "statix" evans');
+ Writeln('to be used as an example of bad coding and good ptc');
+ Writeln('no responsibility taken for this!');
+ Writeln('enjoy ptc! it''s great');
+ Writeln;
+ Writeln('-statix 13/1/98');
+ Except
+ On error : TPTCError Do
+ { report error }
+ End;