path: root/packages/ptc/examples/tunnel3d.pp
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Diffstat (limited to 'packages/ptc/examples/tunnel3d.pp')
1 files changed, 612 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/ptc/examples/tunnel3d.pp b/packages/ptc/examples/tunnel3d.pp
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+Ported to FPC by Nikolay Nikolov (
+ Tunnel3D demo for OpenPTC 1.0 C++ API
+ Realtime raytraced tunnel
+ Copyright (c) 1998 Christian Nentwich (
+ This source code is licensed under the GNU LGPL
+ And do not just blatantly cut&paste this into your demo :)
+Program Tunnel3D;
+{$MODE objfpc}
+ ptc, Math;
+ PVector = ^TVector;
+ TVector = Array[0..2] Of Single; { X,Y,Z }
+ TMatrix = Array[0..3, 0..3] Of Single;{ FIRST = COLUMN
+ [0, 0] [1, 0] [2, 0]
+ [0, 1] [1, 1] [2, 1]
+ [0, 2] [1, 2] [2, 2]
+ (I know the matrices are the wrong way round, so what, the code is quite
+ old :) }
+ TRayTunnel = Class(TObject)
+ Private
+ tunneltex : PUint8; { Texture }
+ pal : PUint8; { Original palette }
+ lookup : PUint32; { Lookup table for lighting }
+ sintab, costab : PSingle; { Take a guess }
+ u_array, v_array, l_array : PInteger; { Raytraced coordinates and light }
+ norms : PVector;
+ radius, radius_sqr : Single;
+ rot : TMatrix;
+ pos, light : TVector; { Position in the tunnel, pos of }
+ xa, ya, za : Integer; { lightsource, angles }
+ lightstatus : Boolean; { Following the viewer ? }
+ Public
+ Constructor Create(rad : Single); { Constructor takes the radius }
+ Destructor Destroy; Override;
+ Procedure load_texture;
+ Procedure tilt(x, y, z : Integer); { Rotate relative }
+ Procedure tilt(x, y, z : Integer; abs : Uint8); { Absolute }
+ Procedure move(dx, dy, dz : Single); { Relative move }
+ Procedure move(x, y, z : Single; abs : Uint8); { Absolute }
+ Procedure movelight(dx, dy, dz : Single);
+ Procedure movelight(x, y, z : Single; abs : Uint8);
+ Procedure locklight(lock : Boolean); { Make the light follow the viewer }
+ Procedure interpolate; { Raytracing }
+ Procedure draw(dest : PUint32); { Draw the finished tunnel }
+ End;
+Procedure vector_normalize(Var v : TVector);
+ length : Single;
+ length := v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2];
+ length := sqrt(length);
+ If length <> 0 Then
+ Begin
+ v[0] := v[0] / length;
+ v[1] := v[1] / length;
+ v[2] := v[2] / length;
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ v[0] := 0;
+ v[1] := 0;
+ v[2] := 0;
+ End;
+Procedure vector_times_matrix(Const v : TVector; Const m : TMatrix;
+ Var res : TVector);
+ i, j : Integer;
+ For j := 0 To 2 Do
+ Begin
+ res[j] := 0;
+ For i := 0 To 2 Do
+ res[j] := res[j] + (m[j, i] * v[i]);
+ End;
+Procedure matrix_idle(Var m : TMatrix);
+ FillChar(m, SizeOf(TMatrix), 0);
+ m[0, 0] := 1;
+ m[1, 1] := 1;
+ m[2, 2] := 1;
+ m[3, 3] := 1;
+Procedure matrix_times_matrix(Const m1, m2 : TMatrix; Var res : TMatrix);
+ i, j, k : Integer;
+ For j := 0 To 3 Do
+ For i := 0 To 3 Do
+ Begin
+ res[i, j] := 0;
+ For k := 0 To 3 Do
+ res[i, j] := res[i, j] + (m1[k, j] * m2[i, k]);
+ End;
+Procedure matrix_rotate_x(Var m : TMatrix; angle : Integer; sintab, costab : PSingle);
+ tmp, tmp2 : TMatrix;
+ matrix_idle(tmp);
+ tmp[1, 1] := costab[angle];
+ tmp[2, 1] := sintab[angle];
+ tmp[1, 2] := -sintab[angle];
+ tmp[2, 2] := costab[angle];
+ matrix_times_matrix(tmp, m, tmp2);
+ Move(tmp2, m, SizeOf(TMatrix));
+Procedure matrix_rotate_y(Var m : TMatrix; angle : Integer; sintab, costab : PSingle);
+ tmp, tmp2 : TMatrix;
+ matrix_idle(tmp);
+ tmp[0, 0] := costab[angle];
+ tmp[2, 0] := -sintab[angle];
+ tmp[0, 2] := sintab[angle];
+ tmp[2, 2] := costab[angle];
+ matrix_times_matrix(tmp, m, tmp2);
+ Move(tmp2, m, SizeOf(TMatrix));
+Procedure matrix_rotate_z(Var m : TMatrix; angle : Integer; sintab, costab : PSingle);
+ tmp, tmp2 : TMatrix;
+ matrix_idle(tmp);
+ tmp[0, 0] := costab[angle];
+ tmp[1, 0] := sintab[angle];
+ tmp[0, 1] := -sintab[angle];
+ tmp[1, 1] := costab[angle];
+ matrix_times_matrix(tmp, m, tmp2);
+ Move(tmp2, m, SizeOf(TMatrix));
+Constructor TRayTunnel.Create(rad : Single);
+ x, y : Single;
+ i, j : Integer;
+ tmp : TVector;
+ tunneltex := Nil;
+ sintab := Nil;
+ costab := Nil;
+ u_array := Nil;
+ v_array := Nil;
+ norms := Nil;
+ lookup := Nil;
+ pal := Nil;
+ radius := rad;
+ radius_sqr := rad * rad;
+ sintab := GetMem(1024 * SizeOf(Single)); { Set trigonometry and lookups }
+ costab := GetMem(1024 * SizeOf(Single));
+ u_array := GetMem(64 * 26 * SizeOf(Integer));
+ v_array := GetMem(64 * 26 * SizeOf(Integer));
+ l_array := GetMem(64 * 26 * SizeOf(Integer));
+ norms := GetMem(64 * 26 * 3 * SizeOf(Single));
+ lookup := GetMem(65 * 256 * SizeOf(Uint32));
+ pal := GetMem(768 * SizeOf(Uint8));
+ For i := 0 To 1023 Do
+ Begin
+ sintab[i] := sin(i * pi / 512);
+ costab[i] := cos(i * pi / 512);
+ End;
+ { Generate normal vectors }
+ y := -100;
+ For j := 0 To 25 Do
+ Begin
+ x := -160;
+ For i := 0 To 40 Do
+ Begin
+ tmp[0] := x;
+ tmp[1] := y;
+ tmp[2] := 128;
+ vector_normalize(tmp);
+ norms[j * 64 + i] := tmp;
+ x := x + 8;
+ End;
+ y := y + 8;
+ End;
+ { Reset tunnel and light position and all angles }
+ pos[0] := 0; pos[1] := 0; pos[2] := 0;
+ light[0] := 1; light[1] := 1; light[2] := 0;
+ xa := 0; ya := 0; za := 0;
+ lightstatus := False;
+ { Normalize light vector to length 1.0 }
+ vector_normalize(light);
+Destructor TRayTunnel.Destroy;
+ If Assigned(tunneltex) Then
+ FreeMem(tunneltex);
+ If Assigned(pal) Then
+ FreeMem(pal);
+ If Assigned(lookup) Then
+ FreeMem(lookup);
+ If Assigned(norms) Then
+ FreeMem(norms);
+ If Assigned(l_array) Then
+ FreeMem(l_array);
+ If Assigned(v_array) Then
+ FreeMem(v_array);
+ If Assigned(u_array) Then
+ FreeMem(u_array);
+ If Assigned(costab) Then
+ FreeMem(costab);
+ If Assigned(sintab) Then
+ FreeMem(sintab);
+Procedure TRayTunnel.load_texture;
+ texfile : File;
+ tmp : PUint8;
+ i, j : Uint32;
+ r, g, b : Uint32;
+ newoffs : Integer;
+ { Allocate tunnel texture 65536+33 bytes too big }
+ If tunneltex <> Nil Then
+ Begin
+ FreeMem(tunneltex);
+ tunneltex := Nil;
+ End;
+ tunneltex := GetMem(2*65536 + 33);
+ tmp := GetMem(65536);
+ { Align the texture on a 64k boundary }
+ While (PtrUInt(tunneltex) And $FFFF) <> 0 Do
+ Inc(tunneltex);
+ ASSign(texfile, 'tunnel3d.raw');
+ Reset(texfile, 1);
+ BlockRead(texfile, pal^, 768);
+ BlockRead(texfile, tmp^, 65536);
+ Close(texfile);
+ { Generate lookup table for lighting (65 because of possible inaccuracies) }
+ For j := 0 To 64 Do
+ For i := 0 To 255 Do
+ Begin
+ r := pal[i * 3] Shl 2;
+ g := pal[i * 3 + 1] Shl 2;
+ b := pal[i * 3 + 2] Shl 2;
+ r := (r * j) Shr 6;
+ g := (g * j) Shr 6;
+ b := (b * j) Shr 6;
+ If r > 255 Then
+ r := 255;
+ If g > 255 Then
+ g := 255;
+ If b > 255 Then
+ b := 255;
+ lookup[j * 256 + i] := (r Shl 16) Or (g Shl 8) Or b;
+ End;
+ { Arrange texture for cache optimised mapping }
+ For j := 0 To 255 Do
+ For i := 0 To 255 Do
+ Begin
+ newoffs := ((i Shl 8) And $F800) + (i And $0007) + ((j Shl 3) And $7F8);
+ (tunneltex + newoffs)^ := (tmp + j * 256 + i)^;
+ End;
+ FreeMem(tmp);
+Procedure TRayTunnel.interpolate;
+ ray, intsc, norm, lvec : TVector;
+ x, y, a, b, c, discr, t, res : Single;
+ i, j : Integer;
+ If lightstatus Then { Lightsource locked to viewpoint }
+ light := pos;
+ matrix_idle(rot);
+ matrix_rotate_x(rot, xa And $3FF, sintab, costab);
+ matrix_rotate_y(rot, ya And $3FF, sintab, costab);
+ matrix_rotate_z(rot, za And $3FF, sintab, costab);
+ { Constant factor }
+ c := 2 * (pos[0] * pos[0] + pos[1] * pos[1] - radius_sqr);
+ { Start raytracing }
+ y := -100;
+ For j := 0 To 25 Do
+ Begin
+ x := -160;
+ For i := 0 To 40 Do
+ Begin
+ vector_times_matrix(norms[(j Shl 6) + i], rot, ray);
+ a := 2 * (ray[0] * ray[0] + ray[1] * ray[1]);
+ b := 2 * (pos[0] * ray[0] + pos[1] * ray[1]);
+ discr := b * b - a * c;
+ If discr > 0 Then
+ Begin
+ discr := sqrt(discr);
+ t := (- b + discr) / a;
+ { Calculate intersection point }
+ intsc[0] := pos[0] + t * ray[0];
+ intsc[1] := pos[1] + t * ray[1];
+ intsc[2] := pos[2] + t * ray[2];
+ { Calculate texture index at intersection point (cylindrical mapping) }
+ { Try and adjust the 0.2 to stretch/shrink the texture }
+ u_array[(j Shl 6) + i] := Trunc(intsc[2] * 0.2) Shl 16;
+ v_array[(j Shl 6) + i] := Trunc(abs(arctan2(intsc[1], intsc[0]) * 256 / pi)) Shl 16;
+ { Calculate the dotproduct between the normal vector and the vector }
+ { from the intersection point to the lightsource }
+ norm[0] := intsc[0] / radius;
+ norm[1] := intsc[1] / radius;
+ norm[2] := 0;
+ lvec[0] := intsc[0] - light[0];
+ lvec[1] := intsc[1] - light[1];
+ lvec[2] := intsc[2] - light[2];
+ vector_normalize(lvec);
+ res := lvec[0] * norm[0] + lvec[1] * norm[1] + lvec[2] * norm[2];
+ { Scale the light a bit }
+ res *= res;
+ If res < 0 Then
+ res := 0;
+ If res > 1 Then
+ res := 1;
+ res *= 63;
+ { Put it into the light array }
+ l_array[(j Shl 6) + i] := Trunc(res) Shl 16;
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ u_array[(j Shl 6) + i] := 0;
+ v_array[(j Shl 6) + i] := 0;
+ l_array[(j Shl 6) + i] := 0;
+ End;
+ x := x + 8;
+ End;
+ y := y + 8;
+ End;
+Procedure TRayTunnel.draw(dest : PUint32);
+ x, y, lu, lv, ru, rv, liu, liv, riu, riv : Integer;
+ iu, iv, i, j, ll, rl, lil, ril, l, il : Integer;
+ iadr, adr, til_u, til_v, til_iu, til_iv : DWord;
+ bla : Uint8;
+ For j := 0 To 24 Do
+ For i := 0 To 39 Do
+ Begin
+ iadr := (j Shl 6) + i;
+ { Set up gradients }
+ lu := u_array[iadr]; ru := u_array[iadr + 1];
+ liu := (u_array[iadr + 64] - lu) Shr 3;
+ riu := (u_array[iadr + 65] - ru) Shr 3;
+ lv := v_array[iadr]; rv := v_array[iadr + 1];
+ liv := (v_array[iadr + 64] - lv) Shr 3;
+ riv := (v_array[iadr + 65] - rv) Shr 3;
+ ll := l_array[iadr]; rl := l_array[iadr + 1];
+ lil := (l_array[iadr + 64] - ll) Shr 3;
+ ril := (l_array[iadr + 65] - rl) Shr 3;
+ For y := 0 To 7 Do
+ Begin
+ iu := (ru - lu) Shr 3;
+ iv := (rv - lv) Shr 3;
+ l := ll;
+ il := (rl - ll) Shr 3;
+ { Mess up everything for the sake of cache optimised mapping :) }
+ til_u := DWord(((lu Shl 8) And $F8000000) Or ((lu Shr 1) And $00007FFF) Or (lu And $00070000));
+ til_v := DWord(((lv Shl 3) And $07F80000) Or ((lv Shr 1) And $00007FFF));
+ til_iu := DWord((((iu Shl 8) And $F8000000) Or ((iu Shr 1) And $00007FFF) Or
+ (iu And $00070000)) Or $07F88000);
+ til_iv := DWord((((iv Shl 3) And $07F80000) Or ((iv Shr 1) And $00007FFF)) Or $F8078000);
+ adr := til_u + til_v;
+ For x := 0 To 7 Do
+ Begin
+ { Interpolate texture u,v and light }
+ Inc(til_u, til_iu);
+ Inc(til_v, til_iv);
+ Inc(l, il);
+ adr := adr Shr 16;
+ til_u := til_u And DWord($F8077FFF);
+ til_v := til_v And $07F87FFF;
+ bla := (tunneltex + adr)^;
+ adr := til_u + til_v;
+ { Look up the light and write to buffer }
+ (dest + ((j Shl 3) + y) * 320 + (I Shl 3) + x)^ := lookup[((l And $3F0000) Shr 8) + bla];
+ End;
+ Inc(lu, liu); Inc(ru, riu);
+ Inc(lv, liv); Inc(rv, riv);
+ Inc(ll, lil); Inc(rl, ril);
+ End;
+ End;
+{ tilt rotates the viewer in the tunnel in a relative / absolute way }
+Procedure TRayTunnel.tilt(x, y, z : Integer);
+ xa := (xa + x) And $3FF;
+ ya := (ya + y) And $3FF;
+ za := (za + z) And $3FF;
+Procedure TRayTunnel.tilt(x, y, z : Integer; abs : Uint8);
+ xa := x And $3FF;
+ ya := y And $3FF;
+ za := z And $3FF;
+{ Relative / absolute move }
+Procedure TRayTunnel.move(dx, dy, dz : Single);
+ pos[0] := pos[0] + dx;
+ pos[1] := pos[1] + dy;
+ pos[2] := pos[2] + dz;
+Procedure TRayTunnel.move(x, y, z : Single; abs : Uint8);
+ pos[0] := x;
+ pos[1] := y;
+ pos[2] := z;
+{ Relative / absolute move for the lightsource }
+Procedure TRayTunnel.movelight(dx, dy, dz : Single);
+ light[0] := light[0] + dx;
+ light[1] := light[1] + dy;
+ light[2] := light[2] + dz;
+Procedure TRayTunnel.movelight(x, y, z : Single; abs : Uint8);
+ light[0] := x;
+ light[1] := y;
+ light[2] := z;
+{ Lock lightsource to the viewer }
+Procedure TRayTunnel.locklight(lock : Boolean);
+ lightstatus := lock;
+ console : TPTCConsole;
+ surface : TPTCSurface;
+ format : TPTCFormat;
+ tunnel : TRayTunnel;
+ posz, phase_x, phase_y : Single;
+ angle_x, angle_y : Integer;
+ buffer : PUint32;
+ format := Nil;
+ surface := Nil;
+ console := Nil;
+ tunnel := Nil;
+ Try
+ Try
+ format := TPTCFormat.Create(32, $00FF0000, $0000FF00, $000000FF);
+ console := TPTCConsole.create;
+'Tunnel3D demo', 320, 200, format);
+ surface := TPTCSurface.create(320, 200, format);
+ { Create a tunnel, radius=700 }
+ tunnel := TRayTunnel.Create(700);
+ tunnel.load_texture;
+ { Light follows the viewer }
+ tunnel.locklight(True);
+ posz := 80; phase_x := 0; phase_y := 0;
+ angle_x := 6; angle_y := 2;
+ While Not console.KeyPressed Do
+ Begin
+ buffer := surface.lock;
+ Try
+ tunnel.interpolate;
+ { Draw to offscreen buffer }
+ tunnel.draw(buffer);
+ Finally
+ surface.unlock;
+ End;
+ { And copy to screen }
+ surface.copy(console);
+ console.update;
+ tunnel.tilt(angle_x, angle_y, 0);
+ tunnel.move(sin(phase_x), cos(phase_y), posz);
+ phase_x := phase_x + 0.2;
+ phase_y := phase_y + 0.1;
+ End;
+ Finally
+ console.close;
+ console.Free;
+ surface.Free;
+ tunnel.Free;
+ format.Free;
+ End;
+ Except
+ On error : TPTCError Do
+ End;