path: root/packages/ptc/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/ptc/src/')
1 files changed, 754 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/ptc/src/ b/packages/ptc/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4a67851a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ptc/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
+ Free Pascal port of the OpenPTC C++ library.
+ Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Nikolay Nikolov (
+ Original C++ version by Glenn Fiedler (
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ {$IFDEF GO32V2}
+ ConsoleTypesNumber = 4;
+ {$ENDIF GO32V2}
+ {$IFDEF Win32}
+ ConsoleTypesNumber = 2;
+ {$ENDIF Win32}
+ {$IFDEF WinCE}
+ ConsoleTypesNumber = 2;
+ {$ENDIF WinCE}
+ ConsoleTypesNumber = 1;
+ ConsoleTypes : Array[0..ConsoleTypesNumber - 1] Of
+ Record
+ ConsoleClass : Class Of TPTCBaseConsole;
+ Names : Array[1..2] Of String;
+ End =
+ (
+ {$IFDEF GO32V2}
+ (ConsoleClass : TVESAConsole; Names : ('VESA', '')),
+ (ConsoleClass : TVGAConsole; Names : ('VGA', 'Fakemode')),
+ (ConsoleClass : TCGAConsole; Names : ('CGA', '')),
+ (ConsoleClass : TTEXTFX2Console; Names : ('TEXTFX2', 'Text'))
+ {$ENDIF GO32V2}
+ {$IFDEF Win32}
+ (ConsoleClass : TDirectXConsole; Names : ('DirectX', '')),
+ (ConsoleClass : TGDIConsole; Names : ('GDI', ''))
+ {$ENDIF Win32}
+ {$IFDEF WinCE}
+ (ConsoleClass : TWinCEGAPIConsole; Names : ('GAPI', '')),
+ (ConsoleClass : TWinCEGDIConsole; Names : ('GDI', ''))
+ {$ENDIF WinCE}
+ (ConsoleClass : TX11Console; Names : ('X11', ''))
+ );
+Constructor TPTCConsole.Create;
+ I : Integer;
+ s : AnsiString;
+ Inherited Create;
+ console := Nil;
+ hacky_option_console_flag := False;
+ FillChar(m_modes, SizeOf(m_modes), 0);
+ For I := Low(m_modes) To High(m_modes) Do
+ m_modes[I] := TPTCMode.Create;
+ configure('/usr/share/ptcpas/ptcpas.conf');
+ s := fpgetenv('HOME');
+ If s = '' Then
+ s := '/';
+ If s[Length(s)] <> '/' Then
+ s := s + '/';
+ s := s + '.ptcpas.conf';
+ configure(s);
+ {$IFDEF Win32}
+ configure('ptcpas.cfg');
+ {$ENDIF Win32}
+ {$IFDEF GO32V2}
+ configure('ptcpas.cfg');
+ {$ENDIF GO32V2}
+ {$IFDEF WinCE}
+ {todo: configure WinCE}
+ {$ENDIF WinCE}
+Destructor TPTCConsole.Destroy;
+ I : Integer;
+ close;
+ console.Free;
+ For I := Low(m_modes) To High(m_modes) Do
+ m_modes[I].Free;
+ Inherited Destroy;
+Procedure TPTCConsole.configure(Const _file : String);
+ F : Text;
+ S : String;
+ AssignFile(F, _file);
+ {$I-}
+ Reset(F);
+ {$I+}
+ If IOResult <> 0 Then
+ Exit;
+ While Not EoF(F) Do
+ Begin
+ {$I-}
+ Readln(F, S);
+ {$I+}
+ If IOResult <> 0 Then
+ Break;
+ option(S);
+ End;
+ CloseFile(F);
+Function TPTCConsole.option(Const _option : String) : Boolean;
+ If _option = 'enable logging' Then
+ Begin
+ LOG_enabled := True;
+ option := True;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If _option = 'disable logging' Then
+ Begin
+ LOG_enabled := False;
+ option := True;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If Assigned(console) Then
+ option := console.option(_option)
+ Else
+ Begin
+ console := ConsoleCreate(_option);
+ If Assigned(console) Then
+ Begin
+ hacky_option_console_flag := True;
+ option := True;
+ End
+ Else
+ option := False;
+ End;
+Function TPTCConsole.modes : PPTCMode;
+ _console : TPTCBaseConsole;
+ index, mode : Integer;
+ local : Integer;
+ _modes : PPTCMode;
+ tmp : TPTCMode;
+ If Assigned(console) Then
+ modes := console.modes
+ Else
+ Begin
+ _console := Nil;
+ index := -1;
+ mode := 0;
+ Try
+ Repeat
+ Inc(index);
+ Try
+ _console := ConsoleCreate(index);
+ Except
+ On TPTCError Do Begin
+ FreeAndNil(_console);
+ Continue;
+ End;
+ End;
+ If _console = Nil Then
+ Break;
+ _modes := _console.modes;
+ local := 0;
+ While _modes[local].valid Do
+ Begin
+ m_modes[mode].Assign(_modes[local]);
+ Inc(local);
+ Inc(mode);
+ End;
+ FreeAndNil(_console);
+ Until False;
+ Finally
+ _console.Free;
+ End;
+ { todo: strip duplicate modes from list? }
+ tmp := TPTCMode.Create;
+ Try
+ m_modes[mode].Assign(tmp);
+ Finally
+ tmp.Free;
+ End;
+ modes := m_modes;
+ End;
+Procedure _title : String; _pages : Integer);{ Overload;}
+ composite, tmp : TPTCError;
+ index : Integer;
+ success : Boolean;
+ If Assigned(console) Then
+ Begin
+ Try
+, _pages);
+ Exit;
+ Except
+ On error : TPTCError Do Begin
+ FreeAndNil(console);
+ If hacky_option_console_flag Then
+ Begin
+ hacky_option_console_flag := False;
+ Raise TPTCError.Create('could not open console', error);
+ End;
+ End;
+ End;
+ End;
+ index := -1;
+ composite := TPTCError.Create;
+ success := False;
+ Try
+ Repeat
+ Inc(index);
+ Try
+ console := ConsoleCreate(index);
+ If console = Nil Then
+ Break;
+, _pages);
+ success := True;
+ Exit;
+ Except
+ On error : TPTCError Do Begin
+ tmp := TPTCError.Create(error.message, composite);
+ Try
+ composite.Assign(tmp);
+ Finally
+ tmp.Free;
+ End;
+ FreeAndNil(console);
+ Continue;
+ End;
+ End;
+ Until False;
+ console := Nil;
+ Raise TPTCError.Create(composite);
+ Finally
+ composite.Free;
+ If Not success Then
+ FreeAndNil(console);
+ End;
+Procedure _title : String; Const _format : TPTCFormat;
+ _pages : Integer);{ Overload;}
+ composite, tmp : TPTCError;
+ index : Integer;
+ success : Boolean;
+ If Assigned(console) Then
+ Begin
+ Try
+, _format, _pages);
+ Exit;
+ Except
+ On error : TPTCError Do Begin
+ FreeAndNil(console);
+ If hacky_option_console_flag Then
+ Begin
+ hacky_option_console_flag := False;
+ Raise TPTCError.Create('could not open console', error);
+ End;
+ End;
+ End;
+ End;
+ index := -1;
+ composite := TPTCError.Create;
+ success := False;
+ Try
+ Repeat
+ Inc(index);
+ Try
+ console := ConsoleCreate(index);
+ If console = Nil Then
+ Break;
+, _format, _pages);
+ success := True;
+ Exit;
+ Except
+ On error : TPTCError Do Begin
+ tmp := TPTCError.Create(error.message, composite);
+ Try
+ composite.Assign(tmp);
+ Finally
+ tmp.Free;
+ End;
+ FreeAndNil(console);
+ Continue;
+ End;
+ End;
+ Until False;
+ console := Nil;
+ Raise TPTCError.Create(composite);
+ Finally
+ composite.Free;
+ If Not success Then
+ FreeAndNil(console);
+ End;
+Procedure _title : String; _width, _height : Integer;
+ Const _format : TPTCFormat; _pages : Integer);{ Overload;}
+ composite, tmp : TPTCError;
+ index : Integer;
+ success : Boolean;
+ If Assigned(console) Then
+ Begin
+ Try
+, _width, _height, _format, _pages);
+ Exit;
+ Except
+ On error : TPTCError Do Begin
+ FreeAndNil(console);
+ If hacky_option_console_flag Then
+ Begin
+ hacky_option_console_flag := False;
+ Raise TPTCError.Create('could not open console', error);
+ End;
+ End;
+ End;
+ End;
+ index := -1;
+ composite := TPTCError.Create;
+ success := False;
+ Try
+ Repeat
+ Inc(index);
+ Try
+ console := ConsoleCreate(index);
+ If console = Nil Then
+ Break;
+, _width, _height, _format, _pages);
+ success := True;
+ Exit;
+ Except
+ On error : TPTCError Do Begin
+ tmp := TPTCError.Create(error.message, composite);
+ Try
+ composite.Assign(tmp);
+ Finally
+ tmp.Free;
+ End;
+ FreeAndNil(console);
+ Continue;
+ End;
+ End;
+ Until False;
+ console := Nil;
+ Raise TPTCError.Create(composite);
+ Finally
+ composite.Free;
+ If Not success Then
+ FreeAndNil(console);
+ End;
+Procedure _title : String; Const _mode : TPTCMode;
+ _pages : Integer);{ Overload;}
+ composite, tmp : TPTCError;
+ index : Integer;
+ success : Boolean;
+ If Assigned(console) Then
+ Begin
+ Try
+, _mode, _pages);
+ Exit;
+ Except
+ On error : TPTCError Do Begin
+ FreeAndNil(console);
+ If hacky_option_console_flag Then
+ Begin
+ hacky_option_console_flag := False;
+ Raise TPTCError.Create('could not open console', error);
+ End;
+ End;
+ End;
+ End;
+ index := -1;
+ composite := TPTCError.Create;
+ success := False;
+ Try
+ Repeat
+ Inc(index);
+ Try
+ console := ConsoleCreate(index);
+ If console = Nil Then
+ Break;
+, _mode, _pages);
+ success := True;
+ Exit;
+ Except
+ On error : TPTCError Do Begin
+ tmp := TPTCError.Create(error.message, composite);
+ Try
+ composite.Assign(tmp);
+ Finally
+ tmp.Free;
+ End;
+ FreeAndNil(console);
+ Continue;
+ End;
+ End;
+ Until False;
+ console := Nil;
+ Raise TPTCError.Create(composite);
+ Finally
+ composite.Free;
+ If Not success Then
+ FreeAndNil(console);
+ End;
+Procedure TPTCConsole.close;
+ If Assigned(console) Then
+ console.close;
+ hacky_option_console_flag := False;
+Procedure TPTCConsole.flush;
+ check;
+ console.flush;
+Procedure TPTCConsole.finish;
+ check;
+ console.finish;
+Procedure TPTCConsole.update;
+ check;
+ console.update;
+Procedure TPTCConsole.update(Const _area : TPTCArea);
+ check;
+ console.update(_area);
+Procedure TPTCConsole.copy(Var surface : TPTCBaseSurface);
+ check;
+ console.copy(surface);
+Procedure TPTCConsole.copy(Var surface : TPTCBaseSurface;
+ Const source, destination : TPTCArea);
+ check;
+ console.copy(surface, source, destination);
+Function TPTCConsole.lock : Pointer;
+ check;
+ lock := console.lock;
+Procedure TPTCConsole.unlock;
+ check;
+ console.unlock;
+Procedure TPTCConsole.load(Const pixels : Pointer;
+ _width, _height, _pitch : Integer;
+ Const _format : TPTCFormat;
+ Const _palette : TPTCPalette);
+ check;
+ console.load(pixels, _width, _height, _pitch, _format, _palette);
+Procedure TPTCConsole.load(Const pixels : Pointer;
+ _width, _height, _pitch : Integer;
+ Const _format : TPTCFormat;
+ Const _palette : TPTCPalette;
+ Const source, destination : TPTCArea);
+ check;
+ console.load(pixels, _width, _height, _pitch, _format, _palette,
+ source, destination);
+Procedure : Pointer;
+ _width, _height, _pitch : Integer;
+ Const _format : TPTCFormat;
+ Const _palette : TPTCPalette);
+ check;
+, _width, _height, _pitch, _format, _palette);
+Procedure : Pointer;
+ _width, _height, _pitch : Integer;
+ Const _format : TPTCFormat;
+ Const _palette : TPTCPalette;
+ Const source, destination : TPTCArea);
+ check;
+, _width, _height, _pitch, _format, _palette,
+ source, destination);
+Procedure TPTCConsole.clear;
+ check;
+ console.clear;
+Procedure TPTCConsole.clear(Const color : TPTCColor);
+ check;
+ console.clear(color);
+Procedure TPTCConsole.clear(Const color : TPTCColor;
+ Const _area : TPTCArea);
+ check;
+ console.clear(color, _area);
+Procedure TPTCConsole.palette(Const _palette : TPTCPalette);
+ check;
+ console.palette(_palette);
+Function TPTCConsole.Palette : TPTCPalette;
+ check;
+ Result := console.Palette;
+Procedure TPTCConsole.Clip(Const _area : TPTCArea);
+ check;
+ console.clip(_area);
+Function TPTCConsole.GetWidth : Integer;
+ check;
+ Result := console.GetWidth;
+Function TPTCConsole.GetHeight : Integer;
+ check;
+ Result := console.GetHeight;
+Function TPTCConsole.GetPitch : Integer;
+ check;
+ Result := console.GetPitch;
+Function TPTCConsole.GetPages : Integer;
+ check;
+ Result := console.GetPages;
+Function TPTCConsole.GetArea : TPTCArea;
+ check;
+ Result := console.GetArea;
+Function TPTCConsole.Clip : TPTCArea;
+ check;
+ Result := console.Clip;
+Function TPTCConsole.GetFormat : TPTCFormat;
+ check;
+ Result := console.GetFormat;
+Function TPTCConsole.GetName : String;
+ Result := '';
+ If Assigned(console) Then
+ Result := console.GetName
+ Else
+{$IFDEF GO32V2}
+ Result := 'DOS';
+{$ENDIF GO32V2}
+ Result := 'Win32';
+ Result := 'Linux';
+Function TPTCConsole.GetTitle : String;
+ check;
+ Result := console.GetTitle;
+Function TPTCConsole.GetInformation : String;
+ check;
+ Result := console.GetInformation;
+Function TPTCConsole.NextEvent(Var event : TPTCEvent; wait : Boolean; Const EventMask : TPTCEventMask) : Boolean;
+ check;
+ Result := console.NextEvent(event, wait, EventMask);
+Function TPTCConsole.PeekEvent(wait : Boolean; Const EventMask : TPTCEventMask) : TPTCEvent;
+ check;
+ Result := console.PeekEvent(wait, EventMask);
+Function TPTCConsole.ConsoleCreate(index : Integer) : TPTCBaseConsole;
+ Result := Nil;
+ If (index >= Low(ConsoleTypes)) And (index <= High(ConsoleTypes)) Then
+ Result := ConsoleTypes[index].ConsoleClass.Create;
+ If Result <> Nil Then
+ Result.KeyReleaseEnabled := KeyReleaseEnabled;
+Function TPTCConsole.ConsoleCreate(Const AName : String) : TPTCBaseConsole;
+ I, J : Integer;
+ Result := Nil;
+ If AName = '' Then
+ Exit;
+ For I := Low(ConsoleTypes) To High(ConsoleTypes) Do
+ For J := Low(ConsoleTypes[I].Names) To High(ConsoleTypes[I].Names) Do
+ If AName = ConsoleTypes[I].Names[J] Then
+ Begin
+ Result := ConsoleTypes[I].ConsoleClass.Create;
+ If Result <> Nil Then
+ Begin
+ Result.KeyReleaseEnabled := KeyReleaseEnabled;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ End;
+Procedure TPTCConsole.check;
+ If console = Nil Then
+ Raise TPTCError.Create('console is not open (core)');