path: root/packages/ptc/src/win32/directx/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/ptc/src/win32/directx/')
1 files changed, 1315 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/ptc/src/win32/directx/ b/packages/ptc/src/win32/directx/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a775448538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ptc/src/win32/directx/
@@ -0,0 +1,1315 @@
+ Free Pascal port of the OpenPTC C++ library.
+ Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Nikolay Nikolov (
+ Original C++ version by Glenn Fiedler (
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+{$DEFINE DEFAULT_FORMAT:=TPTCFormat.Create(32, $00FF0000, $0000FF00, $000000FF)}
+ {Output}
+ DEFAULT = 0;
+ {Window}
+ FIXED = 1;
+ {Primary}
+ DIRECT = 0;
+ {Nearest}
+ {Cursor}
+Function PChar2String(Q : PChar) : String;
+ I : Integer;
+ S : String;
+ S := '';
+ I := 0;
+ While Q[I] <> #0 Do
+ Begin
+ S := S + Q[I];
+ Inc(I);
+ End;
+ PChar2String := S;
+Constructor TDirectXConsole.Create;
+ { clear objects }
+ m_default_format := Nil;
+ m_hook := Nil;
+ m_window := Nil;
+ m_keyboard := Nil;
+ m_copy := Nil;
+ m_library := Nil;
+ m_display := Nil;
+ m_primary := Nil;
+ m_copy := TPTCCopy.Create;
+ m_library := TDirectXLibrary.Create;
+ m_display := TDirectXDisplay.Create;
+ m_primary := TDirectXPrimary.Create;
+ { defaults }
+ m_open := False;
+ m_locked := False;
+ m_cursor := True;
+ { clear strings }
+{ m_title[0] := #0;}
+ m_title := '';
+ { default option data }
+ m_frequency := 0;
+ m_default_width := DEFAULT_WIDTH;
+ m_default_height := DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
+ m_default_format := DEFAULT_FORMAT;
+ m_center_window := False;
+ m_synchronized_update := True;
+ m_output_mode := DEFAULT_OUTPUT;
+ m_window_mode := RESIZABLE;
+ m_primary_mode_windowed := SECONDARY;
+ m_primary_mode_fullscreen := DIRECT;
+ m_nearest_mode := NEAREST_DEFAULT;
+ m_cursor_mode := CURSOR_DEFAULT;
+ { configure console }
+ configure('ptc.cfg');
+ { setup display object }
+ m_display.setup(m_library.lpDD2);
+Destructor TDirectXConsole.Destroy;
+ { close }
+ close;
+ m_hook.Free;
+ m_keyboard.Free;
+ m_window.Free;
+ m_primary.Free;
+ m_display.Free;
+ m_library.Free;
+ m_copy.Free;
+ m_default_format.Free;
+ Inherited Destroy;
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.configure(Const _file : String);
+ F : Text;
+ S : String;
+ ASSignFile(F, _file);
+ {$I-}
+ Reset(F);
+ {$I+}
+ If IOResult <> 0 Then
+ Exit;
+ While Not EoF(F) Do
+ Begin
+ {$I-}
+ Readln(F, S);
+ {$I+}
+ If IOResult <> 0 Then
+ Break;
+ option(S);
+ End;
+ CloseFile(F);
+Function TDirectXConsole.option(Const _option : String) : Boolean;
+ tmp, tmp2 : Integer;
+ tmpformat : TPTCFormat;
+ LOG('console option', _option);
+ option := True;
+ If _option = 'default output' Then
+ Begin
+ m_output_mode := DEFAULT;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If _option = 'windowed output' Then
+ Begin
+ m_output_mode := WINDOWED;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If _option = 'fullscreen output' Then
+ Begin
+ m_output_mode := FULLSCREEN;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If System.Copy(_option, 1, 13) = 'default width' Then
+ Begin
+ If Length(_option) > 13 Then
+ Begin
+ Val(System.Copy(_option, 14, Length(_option)-13), m_default_width, tmp);
+ If m_default_width = 0 Then
+ m_default_width := DEFAULT_WIDTH;
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ m_default_width := DEFAULT_WIDTH;
+ End;
+ End;
+ If System.Copy(_option, 1, 14) = 'default height' Then
+ Begin
+ If Length(_option) > 14 Then
+ Begin
+ Val(System.Copy(_option, 15, Length(_option)-14), m_default_height, tmp);
+ If m_default_height = 0 Then
+ m_default_height := DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ m_default_height := DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
+ End;
+ End;
+ If System.Copy(_option, 1, 12) = 'default bits' Then
+ Begin
+ If Length(_option) > 12 Then
+ Begin
+ Val(System.Copy(_option, 13, Length(_option)-12), tmp, tmp2);
+ Case tmp Of
+ 8 : tmpformat := TPTCFormat.Create(8);
+ 16 : tmpformat := TPTCFormat.Create(16, $F800, $07E0, $001F);
+ 24 : tmpformat := TPTCFormat.Create(24, $00FF0000, $0000FF00, $000000FF);
+ 32 : tmpformat := TPTCFormat.Create(32, $00FF0000, $0000FF00, $000000FF);
+ Else
+ Exit(False);
+ End;
+ Try
+ m_default_format.ASSign(tmpformat);
+ Finally
+ tmpformat.Free;
+ End;
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ tmpformat := DEFAULT_FORMAT;
+ Try
+ m_default_format.ASSign(tmpformat);
+ Finally
+ tmpformat.Free;
+ End;
+ End;
+ End;
+ If _option = 'resizable window' Then
+ Begin
+ m_window_mode := RESIZABLE;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If _option = 'fixed window' Then
+ Begin
+ m_window_mode := FIXED;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If _option = 'windowed primary direct' Then
+ Begin
+ m_primary_mode_windowed := DIRECT;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If _option = 'windowed primary secondary' Then
+ Begin
+ m_primary_mode_windowed := SECONDARY;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If _option = 'fullscreen primary direct' Then
+ Begin
+ m_primary_mode_fullscreen := DIRECT;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If _option = 'fullscreen primary secondary' Then
+ Begin
+ m_primary_mode_fullscreen := SECONDARY;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If _option = 'center window' Then
+ Begin
+ m_center_window := True;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If _option = 'default window position' Then
+ Begin
+ m_center_window := False;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If _option = 'synchronized update' Then
+ Begin
+ m_synchronized_update := True;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If _option = 'unsynchronized update' Then
+ Begin
+ m_synchronized_update := False;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If _option = 'default nearest' Then
+ Begin
+ m_nearest_mode := NEAREST_DEFAULT;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If _option = 'center nearest' Then
+ Begin
+ m_nearest_mode := NEAREST_CENTERING;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If _option = 'default stretch' Then
+ Begin
+ m_nearest_mode := NEAREST_STRETCHING;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If _option = 'default cursor' Then
+ Begin
+ m_cursor_mode := CURSOR_DEFAULT;
+ update_cursor;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If _option = 'show cursor' Then
+ Begin
+ m_cursor_mode := CURSOR_SHOW;
+ update_cursor;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If _option = 'hide cursor' Then
+ Begin
+ m_cursor_mode := CURSOR_HIDE;
+ update_cursor;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If System.Copy(_option, 1, 9) = 'frequency' Then
+ Begin
+ If Length(_option) > 9 Then
+ Begin
+ Val(System.Copy(_option, 10, Length(_option)-9), m_frequency, tmp);
+ End
+ Else
+ m_frequency := 0;
+ End;
+ If _option = 'enable key buffering' Then
+ Begin
+ If m_keyboard = Nil Then
+ Begin
+ option := False;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ m_keyboard.enable;
+ End;
+ If _option = 'disable key buffering' Then
+ Begin
+ If m_keyboard = Nil Then
+ Begin
+ option := False;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ m_keyboard.disable;
+ End;
+ If _option = 'enable blocking' Then
+ Begin
+ m_primary.blocking(True);
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If _option = 'disable blocking' Then
+ Begin
+ m_primary.blocking(False);
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If _option = 'enable logging' Then
+ Begin
+ LOG_enabled := True;
+ option := True;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If _option = 'disable logging' Then
+ Begin
+ LOG_enabled := False;
+ option := True;
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ option := m_copy.option(_option);
+Function TDirectXConsole.modes : PPTCMode;
+ modes := m_display.modes;
+Procedure _title : String; _pages : Integer);
+ open(_title, m_default_format, _pages);
+Procedure _title : String; Const _format : TPTCFormat;
+ _pages : Integer);
+ open(_title, m_default_width, m_default_height, _format, _pages);
+Procedure _title : String; _width, _height : Integer;
+ Const _format : TPTCFormat; _pages : Integer);
+ m : TPTCMode;
+ { internal open nearest mode }
+ m := TPTCMode.Create(_width, _height, _format);
+ Try
+ internal_open(_title, 0, m, _pages, False);
+ Finally
+ m.Free;
+ End;
+Procedure _title : String; Const _mode : TPTCMode;
+ _pages : Integer);
+ { internal open exact mode }
+ internal_open(_title, 0, _mode, _pages, True);
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.close;
+ If m_open Then
+ Begin
+ If m_locked Then
+ Raise TPTCError.Create('console is still locked');
+ { flush all key presses }
+ While KeyPressed Do
+ ReadKey;
+ End;
+ internal_close;
+ Win32Cursor_resurrect;
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.flush;
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.flush');
+ CHECK_LOCK('TDirectXConsole.flush');
+ { [platform dependent code to flush all console operations] }
+ { handle cursor show flag }
+ If Not m_cursor Then
+ SetCursor(0);
+ { update window }
+ m_window.update;
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.finish;
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.finish');
+ CHECK_LOCK('TDirectXConsole.finish');
+ { [platform dependent code to finish all console operations] }
+ { handle cursor show flag }
+ If Not m_cursor Then
+ SetCursor(0);
+ { update window }
+ m_window.update;
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.update;
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.update');
+ CHECK_LOCK('TDirectXConsole.update');
+ { update primary surface }
+ m_primary.update;
+ { handle cursor show flag }
+ If Not m_cursor Then
+ SetCursor(0);
+ { update window }
+ m_window.update;
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.update(Const _area : TPTCArea);
+ { update }
+ update;
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.internal_ReadKey(k : TPTCKey);
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.internal_ReadKey');
+ m_keyboard.internal_ReadKey(m_window, k);
+Function TDirectXConsole.internal_PeekKey(k : TPTCKey) : Boolean;
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.internal_PeekKey');
+ Result := m_keyboard.internal_PeekKey(m_window, k);
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.copy(Var surface : TPTCBaseSurface);
+ pixels : Pointer;
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.copy(surface)');
+ CHECK_LOCK('TDirectXConsole.copy(surface)');
+ pixels := lock;
+ Try
+ surface.load(pixels, width, height, pitch, format, palette);
+ unlock;
+ Except
+ On error : TPTCError Do
+ Begin
+ unlock;
+ Raise TPTCError.Create('failed to copy console to surface', error);
+ End;
+ End;
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.copy(Var surface : TPTCBaseSurface;
+ Const source, destination : TPTCArea);
+ pixels : Pointer;
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.flush(surface, source, destination)');
+ CHECK_LOCK('TDirectXConsole.flush(surface, source, destination)');
+ pixels := lock;
+ Try
+ surface.load(pixels, width, height, pitch, format, palette, source, destination);
+ unlock;
+ Except
+ On error : TPTCError Do
+ Begin
+ unlock;
+ Raise TPTCError.Create('failed to copy console to surface', error);
+ End;
+ End;
+Function TDirectXConsole.lock : Pointer;
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.lock');
+ { fail if the console is already locked }
+ If m_locked Then
+ Raise TPTCError.Create('console is already locked');
+ { lock primary surface }
+ lock := m_primary.lock;
+ { surface is locked }
+ m_locked := True;
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.unlock;
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.unlock');
+ { fail if the console is not locked }
+ If Not m_locked Then
+ Raise TPTCError.Create('console is not locked');
+ { unlock primary surface }
+ m_primary.unlock;
+ { we are unlocked }
+ m_locked := False;
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.load(Const pixels : Pointer;
+ _width, _height, _pitch : Integer;
+ Const _format : TPTCFormat;
+ Const _palette : TPTCPalette);
+ Area_ : TPTCArea;
+ console_pixels : Pointer;
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.load(pixels, width, height, pitch, format, palette)');
+ CHECK_LOCK('TDirectXConsole.load(pixels, width, height, pitch, format, palette)');
+ If clip.Equals(area) Then
+ Begin
+ console_pixels := lock;
+ Try
+ Try
+ m_copy.request(_format, format);
+ m_copy.palette(_palette, palette);
+ m_copy.copy(pixels, 0, 0, _width, _height, _pitch, console_pixels, 0, 0,
+ width, height, pitch);
+ Except
+ On error : TPTCError Do
+ Begin
+ Raise TPTCError.Create('failed to load pixels to console', error);
+ End;
+ End;
+ Finally
+ unlock;
+ End;
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ Area_ := TPTCArea.Create(0, 0, width, height);
+ Try
+ load(pixels, _width, _height, _pitch, _format, _palette, Area_, area);
+ Finally
+ Area_.Free;
+ End;
+ End;
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.load(Const pixels : Pointer;
+ _width, _height, _pitch : Integer;
+ Const _format : TPTCFormat;
+ Const _palette : TPTCPalette;
+ Const source, destination : TPTCArea);
+ console_pixels : Pointer;
+ clipped_source, clipped_destination : TPTCArea;
+ tmp : TPTCArea;
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.load(pixels, width, height, pitch, format, palette, source, destination)');
+ CHECK_LOCK('TDirectXConsole.load(pixels, width, height, pitch, format, palette, source, destination)');
+ clipped_destination := Nil;
+ clipped_source := TPTCArea.Create;
+ Try
+ clipped_destination := TPTCArea.Create;
+ console_pixels := lock;
+ Try
+ Try
+ tmp := TPTCArea.Create(0, 0, _width, _height);
+ Try
+ TPTCClipper.clip(source, tmp, clipped_source, destination, clip, clipped_destination);
+ Finally
+ tmp.Free;
+ End;
+ m_copy.request(_format, format);
+ m_copy.palette(_palette, palette);
+ m_copy.copy(pixels, clipped_source.left,, clipped_source.width, clipped_source.height, _pitch,
+ console_pixels, clipped_destination.left,, clipped_destination.width, clipped_destination.height, pitch);
+ Except
+ On error:TPTCError Do
+ Begin
+ Raise TPTCError.Create('failed to load pixels to console area', error);
+ End;
+ End;
+ Finally
+ unlock;
+ End;
+ Finally
+ clipped_source.Free;
+ clipped_destination.Free;
+ End;
+Procedure : Pointer;
+ _width, _height, _pitch : Integer;
+ Const _format : TPTCFormat;
+ Const _palette : TPTCPalette);
+ Area_ : TPTCArea;
+ console_pixels : Pointer;
+ CHECK_OPEN(', width, height, pitch, format, palette)');
+ CHECK_LOCK(', width, height, pitch, format, palette)');
+ If clip.Equals(area) Then
+ Begin
+ console_pixels := lock;
+ Try
+ Try
+ m_copy.request(format, _format);
+ m_copy.palette(palette, _palette);
+ m_copy.copy(console_pixels, 0, 0, width, height, pitch, pixels, 0, 0,
+ _width, _height, _pitch);
+ Except
+ On error : TPTCError Do
+ Begin
+ Raise TPTCError.Create('failed to save console pixels', error);
+ End;
+ End;
+ Finally
+ unlock;
+ End;
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ Area_ := TPTCArea.Create(0, 0, width, height);
+ Try
+ save(pixels, _width, _height, _pitch, _format, _palette, area, Area_);
+ Finally
+ Area_.Free;
+ End;
+ End;
+Procedure : Pointer;
+ _width, _height, _pitch : Integer;
+ Const _format : TPTCFormat;
+ Const _palette : TPTCPalette;
+ Const source, destination : TPTCArea);
+ console_pixels : Pointer;
+ clipped_source, clipped_destination : TPTCArea;
+ tmp : TPTCArea;
+ CHECK_OPEN(', width, height, pitch, format, palette, source, destination)');
+ CHECK_LOCK(', width, height, pitch, format, palette, source, destination)');
+ clipped_destination := Nil;
+ clipped_source := TPTCArea.Create;
+ Try
+ clipped_destination := TPTCArea.Create;
+ console_pixels := lock;
+ Try
+ Try
+ tmp := TPTCArea.Create(0, 0, _width, _height);
+ Try
+ TPTCClipper.clip(source, clip, clipped_source, destination, tmp, clipped_destination);
+ Finally
+ tmp.Free;
+ End;
+ m_copy.request(format, _format);
+ m_copy.palette(palette, _palette);
+ m_copy.copy(console_pixels, clipped_source.left,, clipped_source.width, clipped_source.height, pitch,
+ pixels, clipped_destination.left,, clipped_destination.width, clipped_destination.height, _pitch);
+ Except
+ On error:TPTCError Do
+ Begin
+ Raise TPTCError.Create('failed to save console area pixels', error);
+ End;
+ End;
+ Finally
+ unlock;
+ End;
+ Finally
+ clipped_source.Free;
+ clipped_destination.Free;
+ End;
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.clear;
+ tmp : TPTCColor;
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.clear');
+ CHECK_LOCK('TDirectXConsole.clear');
+ If Then
+ tmp := TPTCColor.Create(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ Else
+ tmp := TPTCColor.Create(0);
+ Try
+ clear(tmp);
+ Finally
+ tmp.Free;
+ End;
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.clear(Const color : TPTCColor);
+ tmp : TPTCArea;
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.clear(color)');
+ CHECK_LOCK('TDirectXConsole.clear(color)');
+ tmp := TPTCArea.Create;
+ Try
+ clear(color, tmp);
+ Finally
+ tmp.Free;
+ End;
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.clear(Const color : TPTCColor;
+ Const _area : TPTCArea);
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.clear(color, area)');
+ CHECK_LOCK('TDirectXConsole.clear(color, area)');
+ m_primary.clear(color, _area);
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.palette(Const _palette : TPTCPalette);
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.palette(palette)');
+ m_primary.palette(_palette);
+Function TDirectXConsole.palette : TPTCPalette;
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.palette');
+ palette := m_primary.palette;
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.clip(Const _area : TPTCArea);
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.clip(area)');
+ m_primary.clip(_area);
+Function TDirectXConsole.width : Integer;
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.width');
+ width := m_primary.width;
+Function TDirectXConsole.height : Integer;
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.height');
+ height := m_primary.height;
+Function TDirectXConsole.pitch : Integer;
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.pitch');
+ pitch := m_primary.pitch;
+Function TDirectXConsole.pages : Integer;
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.pages');
+ pages := m_primary.pages;
+Function TDirectXConsole.area : TPTCArea;
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.area');
+ area := m_primary.area;
+Function TDirectXConsole.clip : TPTCArea;
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.clip');
+ clip := m_primary.clip;
+Function TDirectXConsole.format : TPTCFormat;
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.format');
+ format := m_primary.format;
+Function : String;
+ name := 'DirectX';
+Function TDirectXConsole.title : String;
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.title');
+ title := m_title;
+Function TDirectXConsole.information : String;
+ CHECK_OPEN('TDirectXConsole.information');
+ information := m_display.information;
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.internal_open(Const _title : String; window : HWND; Const mode : TPTCMode; _pages : Integer; exact : Boolean);
+ _width, _height : Integer;
+ _format : TPTCFormat;
+ Try
+ { recycle an already open console }
+ internal_recycle(_title, window, mode, _pages, exact);
+ Exit;
+ Except
+ On TPTCError Do
+ { could not recycle };
+ End;
+ { check that the mode is valid }
+ If Not mode.valid Then
+ Raise TPTCError.Create('invalid mode');
+ { get mode information }
+ _width := mode.width;
+ _height := mode.height;
+ _format := mode.format;
+ { start internal open }
+ internal_open_start(_title, window);
+ { check output mode }
+ Case m_output_mode Of
+ Try
+ { start fullscreen open }
+ internal_open_fullscreen_start(window, mode, exact);
+ { change fullscreen display }
+ internal_open_fullscreen_change(mode, exact);
+ { setup fullscreen display surfaces }
+ internal_open_fullscreen_surface(mode, _pages);
+ { finish fullscreen open }
+ internal_open_fullscreen_finish;
+ Except
+ On TPTCError Do
+ Begin
+ { internal open reset }
+ internal_open_reset;
+ { start windowed open }
+ internal_open_windowed_start(window, mode, exact);
+ { change windowed display display mode }
+ internal_open_windowed_change(mode, exact);
+ { setup windowed display }
+ internal_open_windowed_surface(mode, _pages);
+ { finish windowed open }
+ internal_open_windowed_finish;
+ End;
+ End;
+ WINDOWED : Begin
+ { start windowed open }
+ internal_open_windowed_start(window, mode, exact);
+ { change windowed display display mode }
+ internal_open_windowed_change(mode, exact);
+ { setup windowed display }
+ internal_open_windowed_surface(mode, _pages);
+ { finish windowed open }
+ internal_open_windowed_finish;
+ End;
+ { start fullscreen open }
+ internal_open_fullscreen_start(window, mode, exact);
+ { change fullscreen display }
+ internal_open_fullscreen_change(mode, exact);
+ { setup fullscreen display surfaces }
+ internal_open_fullscreen_surface(mode, _pages);
+ { finish fullscreen open }
+ internal_open_fullscreen_finish;
+ End;
+ End;
+ { finish internal open }
+ internal_open_finish;
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.internal_recycle(Const _title : String; window : HWND; Const mode : TPTCMode; _pages : Integer; exact : Boolean);
+ { Check if the console is open }
+ If not m_open Then
+ Raise TPTCError.Create('cannot recycle because it is not already open');
+ If window <> 0 Then
+ Begin
+ If (m_window.handle <> window) Or (Not (m_window.managed)) Then
+ Raise TPTCError.Create('cannot recycle with this user window');
+ End;
+ Case m_output_mode Of
+ If m_display.fullscreen Then
+ Begin
+ Try
+ internal_recycle_fullscreen(_title, window, mode, _pages, exact);
+ Except
+ On TPTCError Do
+ Raise TPTCError.Create('recycling fullscreen to windowed is not implemented');
+ End;
+ End
+ Else
+ Raise TPTCError.Create('recycling windowed to fullscreen is not implemented');
+ FULLSCREEN : internal_recycle_fullscreen(_title, window, mode, _pages, exact);
+ WINDOWED : internal_recycle_fullscreen(_title, window, mode, _pages, exact);
+ End;
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.internal_close;
+ m_open := False;
+ FreeAndNil(m_keyboard);
+ FreeAndNil(m_hook);
+ If m_primary <> Nil Then
+ m_primary.close;
+ If m_display <> Nil Then
+ m_display.close;
+ FreeAndNil(m_window);
+ If m_display <> Nil Then
+ m_display.restore;
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.internal_shutdown;
+ m_library.close;
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.internal_open_start(Const _title : String; window : HWND);
+ tmp : Array[0..1023] Of Char;
+ { close_down }
+ internal_close;
+ { check window }
+ If window = 0 Then
+ Begin
+ m_title := _title;
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ GetWindowText(window, @tmp, SizeOf(tmp));
+ m_title := PChar2String(@tmp);
+ End;
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.internal_open_finish;
+ FreeAndNil(m_keyboard);
+ m_keyboard := TWin32Keyboard.Create(m_window.handle, m_window.thread, False);
+ m_window.update;
+ m_open := True;
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.internal_open_reset;
+ FreeAndNil(m_keyboard);
+ FreeAndNil(m_hook);
+ m_primary.close;
+ FreeAndNil(m_window);
+ m_display.restore;
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.internal_open_fullscreen_start(window : HWND; Const mode : TPTCMode; exact : Boolean);
+ { test if display mode exists... }
+ If Not m_display.test(mode, exact) Then
+ Raise TPTCError.Create('display mode test failed!');
+ { handle cursor show mode }
+ If m_cursor_mode = CURSOR_SHOW Then
+ m_cursor := True
+ Else
+ m_cursor := False;
+ { save display }
+ { check window }
+ If window = 0 Then
+ m_window := TWin32Window.Create('PTC_DIRECTX_FULLSCREEN', m_title, WS_EX_TOPMOST, WS_POPUP Or WS_SYSMENU Or WS_VISIBLE, SW_NORMAL, 0, 0, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN), False, False)
+ Else
+ m_window := TWin32Window.Create(window);
+ { set window cursor }
+ m_window.cursor(m_cursor);
+ { set cooperative level }
+ m_display.cooperative(m_window.handle, True);
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.internal_open_fullscreen_change(Const mode : TPTCMode; exact : Boolean);
+, exact, m_frequency);
+ m_primary.blocking(True);
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.internal_open_fullscreen_surface(Const mode : TPTCMode; _pages : Integer);
+ primary : Boolean;
+ _secondary : Boolean;
+ _palette : Boolean;
+ complex : Boolean;
+ _secondary := (m_primary_mode_fullscreen = SECONDARY) Or (Not m_display.mode.Equals(mode));
+ _palette := m_display.mode.format.indexed;
+ m_primary.initialize(m_window, m_library.lpDD2);
+ complex := False;
+ primary := False;
+ { randy heit's primary setup }
+ While (Not primary) And (Not complex) Do
+ Begin
+ If _pages >= 1 Then
+ Try
+ m_primary.primary(_pages, True, True, _palette, complex);
+ primary := True;
+ Except
+ On TPTCError Do;
+ End;
+ If Not primary Then
+ Try
+ m_primary.primary(3, True, True, _palette, complex);
+ primary := True;
+ Except
+ On TPTCError Do
+ Try
+ m_primary.primary(2, True, True, _palette, complex);
+ primary := True;
+ Except
+ On TPTCError Do
+ Try
+ If Not _secondary Then
+ m_primary.primary(2, False, True, _palette, complex)
+ Else
+ m_primary.primary(1, False, True, _palette, complex);
+ primary := True;
+ Except
+ On TPTCError Do
+ complex := Not complex;
+ End;
+ End;
+ End;
+ End;
+ If _secondary Then
+ m_primary.secondary(mode.width, mode.height);
+ If m_nearest_mode = NEAREST_CENTERING Then
+ m_primary.centering(True);
+ If m_nearest_mode = NEAREST_STRETCHING Then
+ m_primary.centering(False);
+ {
+ original primary setup code (1.0.17)
+ ...
+ }
+ m_primary.synchronize(m_synchronized_update);
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.internal_open_fullscreen_finish;
+ FreeAndNil(m_hook);
+ { create hook on window }
+ m_hook := TDirectXHook.Create(Self, m_window.handle, GetCurrentThreadId, m_cursor, m_window.managed, True);
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.internal_open_windowed_start(window : HWND; Const mode : TPTCMode; exact : Boolean);
+ extended : Integer;
+ If m_cursor_mode = CURSOR_HIDE Then
+ m_cursor := False
+ Else
+ m_cursor := True;
+ FreeAndNil(m_window);
+ If window <> 0 Then
+ Begin
+ m_window := TWin32Window.Create(window);
+ End
+ Else
+ Begin
+ extended := 0;
+ If m_primary_mode_windowed = DIRECT Then
+ extended := WS_EX_TOPMOST;
+ Case m_window_mode Of
+ RESIZABLE : m_window := TWin32Window.Create('PTC_DIRECTX_WINDOWED_RESIZABLE', m_title,
+ extended, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW Or WS_VISIBLE, SW_NORMAL, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, mode.width, mode.height, m_center_window, False);
+ FIXED : m_window := TWin32Window.Create('PTC_DIRECTX_WINDOWED_FIXED', m_title,
+ extended, WS_VISIBLE Or WS_SYSMENU Or WS_CAPTION Or WS_MINIMIZE, SW_NORMAL, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, mode.width, mode.height, m_center_window, False);
+ End;
+ End;
+ m_window.cursor(m_cursor);
+ m_display.cooperative(m_window.handle, False);
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.internal_open_windowed_change(Const mode : TPTCMode; exact : Boolean);
+ If m_primary_mode_windowed = DIRECT Then
+ m_primary.blocking(True)
+ Else
+ m_primary.blocking(False);
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.internal_open_windowed_surface(Const mode : TPTCMode; _pages : Integer);
+ m_primary.initialize(m_window, m_library.lpDD2);
+ m_primary.primary(1, False, False, False, False);
+ If m_primary_mode_windowed = SECONDARY Then
+ m_primary.secondary(mode.width, mode.height);
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.internal_open_windowed_finish;
+ FreeAndNil(m_hook);
+ { create hook on window }
+ m_hook := TDirectXHook.Create(Self, m_window.handle, GetCurrentThreadId, m_cursor, m_window.managed, False);
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.internal_recycle_fullscreen(Const _title : String; window : HWND; Const mode : TPTCMode; _pages : Integer; exact : Boolean);
+ LOG('fullscreen open recycle');
+ m_primary.close;
+ internal_open_fullscreen_change(mode, exact);
+ internal_open_fullscreen_surface(mode, _pages);
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.internal_recycle_windowed(Const _title : String; window : HWND; Const mode : TPTCMode; _pages : Integer; exact : Boolean);
+ LOG('windowed open recycle');
+ m_primary.close;
+ m_window.resize(mode.width, mode.height);
+ internal_open_windowed_change(mode, exact);
+ internal_open_windowed_surface(mode, _pages);
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.paint;
+ If m_locked Or (Not m_open) Then
+ Exit;
+ m_primary.paint;
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.update_cursor;
+ If Not m_open Then
+ Exit;
+ If m_display.fullscreen Then
+ If m_cursor_mode = CURSOR_SHOW Then
+ m_cursor := True
+ Else
+ m_cursor := False
+ Else
+ If m_cursor_mode = CURSOR_HIDE Then
+ m_cursor := False
+ Else
+ m_cursor := True;
+ { update hook cursor }
+ m_hook.cursor(m_cursor);
+ { update window cursor }
+ m_window.cursor(m_cursor);
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.CHECK_OPEN(msg : String);
+ If Not m_open Then
+ Try
+ Raise TPTCError.Create('console is not open');
+ Except
+ On error : TPTCError Do
+ Raise TPTCError.Create(msg, error);
+ End;
+Procedure TDirectXConsole.CHECK_LOCK(msg : String);
+ If m_locked Then
+ Try
+ Raise TPTCError.Create('console is locked');
+ Except
+ On error : TPTCError Do
+ Raise TPTCError.Create(msg, error);
+ End;