path: root/riscv/trunk/compiler/riscv64/cpupi.pas
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Diffstat (limited to 'riscv/trunk/compiler/riscv64/cpupi.pas')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/riscv/trunk/compiler/riscv64/cpupi.pas b/riscv/trunk/compiler/riscv64/cpupi.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7678b07203
--- /dev/null
+++ b/riscv/trunk/compiler/riscv64/cpupi.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+ Copyright (c) 2002 by Florian Klaempfl
+ This unit contains the CPU specific part of tprocinfo
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ ****************************************************************************
+{ This unit contains the CPU specific part of tprocinfo. }
+unit cpupi;
+ interface
+ uses
+ cutils,aasmdata,
+ globtype, cgutils, cgbase,
+ procinfo, cpuinfo, psub;
+ type
+ trv64procinfo = class(tcgprocinfo)
+ stackframesize,
+ floatregstart : aint;
+ stackpaddingreg: TSuperRegister;
+ needs_frame_pointer: boolean;
+ constructor create(aparent: tprocinfo); override;
+ procedure set_first_temp_offset; override;
+ function calc_stackframe_size: longint; override;
+ end;
+ uses
+ globals, systems,
+ cpubase,
+ aasmtai,
+ tgobj,cgobj,
+ symconst, symsym, paramgr, symutil, symtable,
+ verbose,
+ aasmcpu;
+ constructor trv64procinfo.create(aparent: tprocinfo);
+ begin
+ inherited create(aparent);
+ maxpushedparasize := 0;
+ end;
+ procedure trv64procinfo.set_first_temp_offset;
+ begin
+ if (po_nostackframe in procdef.procoptions) then
+ begin
+ { maxpushedparasize sghould be zero,
+ if not we will get an error later. }
+ tg.setfirsttemp(maxpushedparasize);
+ exit;
+ end;
+ if tg.direction = -1 then
+ tg.setfirsttemp(-(1+12)*8)
+ else
+ tg.setfirsttemp(maxpushedparasize);
+ end;
+ function trv64procinfo.calc_stackframe_size: longint;
+ var
+ firstfloatreg,lastfloatreg,
+ r : byte;
+ floatsavesize : aword;
+ regs: tcpuregisterset;
+ begin
+ maxpushedparasize:=align(maxpushedparasize,max(current_settings.alignment.localalignmin,4));
+ floatsavesize:=0;
+ case current_settings.fputype of
+ fpu_fd:
+ begin
+ floatsavesize:=0;
+ regs:=cg.rg[R_FPUREGISTER].used_in_proc-paramanager.get_volatile_registers_fpu(pocall_stdcall);
+ for r:=RS_F0 to RS_F31 do
+ if r in regs then
+ inc(floatsavesize,8);
+ end;
+ end;
+ floatsavesize:=align(floatsavesize,max(current_settings.alignment.localalignmin,4));
+ result:=Align(tg.direction*tg.lasttemp,max(current_settings.alignment.localalignmin,4))+maxpushedparasize+aint(floatsavesize);
+ if tg.direction=1 then
+ floatregstart:=result-aint(floatsavesize)
+ else
+ floatregstart:=-result+maxpushedparasize;
+ end;
+ cprocinfo := trv64procinfo;