path: root/rtl/aros/intuition.pas
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1 files changed, 6090 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rtl/aros/intuition.pas b/rtl/aros/intuition.pas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0986ced48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rtl/aros/intuition.pas
@@ -0,0 +1,6090 @@
+ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
+ A file in Amiga system run time library.
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2003 by Nils Sjoholm
+ member of the Amiga RTL development team.
+ See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
+ for details about the copyright.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ **********************************************************************}
+ History:
+ Changed tNewWindow.MaxHeigth and tNewWindow.MaxWidth
+ from Word to Integer.
+ 30 May 2000.
+ Added overlay functions for Pchar->Strings, functions
+ and procedures.
+ 14 Jul 2000.
+ Added functions and procedures with array of const.
+ For use with fpc 1.0.7 They are in systemvartags.
+ 05 Nov 2002.
+ Removed amigaoverlays, use smartlink instead.
+ 05 Nov 2002.
+ Added the define use_amiga_smartlink.
+ 13 Jan 2003.
+ Update for AmigaOS 3.9.
+ New consts and new records.
+ 04 Feb 2003.
+ Changed integer > smallint.
+ 09 Feb 2003.
+ Nils Sjoholm
+unit intuition;
+{$mode objfpc}
+ Exec, Utility, agraphics, inputevent, timer, layers;
+//uses exec, graphics, utility, inputevent, timer, layers;
+ * NOTE: intuition/iobsolete.h is included at the END of this file!
+ }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ === IntuiText ========================================================== }
+{ ================================= ======================================= }
+{ IntuiText is a series of strings that start with a screen location
+ * (always relative to the upper-left corner of something) and then the
+ * text of the string. The text is null-terminated.
+ }
+ PIntuiText = ^TIntuiText;
+ TIntuiText = record
+ FrontPen,
+ BackPen: Byte; { the pen numbers for the rendering }
+ DrawMode: Byte; { the mode for rendering the text }
+ LeftEdge: SmallInt; { relative start location for the text }
+ TopEdge: SmallInt; { relative start location for the text }
+ ITextFont: PTextAttr; { if NULL, you accept the default }
+ IText: PChar; { pointer to null-terminated text }
+ NextText: PIntuiText; { continuation to TxWrite another text }
+ end;
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ === Border ============================================================= }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ Data type Border, used for drawing a series of lines which is intended for
+ * use as a border drawing, but which may, in fact, be used to render any
+ * arbitrary vector shape.
+ * The routine DrawBorder sets up the RastPort with the appropriate
+ * variables, then does a Move to the first coordinate, then does Draws
+ * to the subsequent coordinates.
+ * After all the Draws are done, if NextBorder is non-zero we call DrawBorder
+ * recursively
+ }
+ PBorder = ^TBorder;
+ TBorder = record
+ LeftEdge,
+ TopEdge: SmallInt; { initial offsets from the origin }
+ FrontPen,
+ BackPen: Byte; { pens numbers for rendering }
+ DrawMode: Byte; { mode for rendering }
+ Count: ShortInt; { number of XY pairs }
+ XY: Pointer; { vector coordinate pairs rel to LeftTop}
+ NextBorder: PBorder; { pointer to any other Border too }
+ end;
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ === MenuItem =========================================================== }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+ PMenuItem = ^TMenuItem;
+ TMenuItem = record
+ NextItem: PMenuItem; { pointer to next in chained list }
+ LeftEdge,
+ TopEdge: SmallInt; { position of the select box }
+ Width,
+ Height: SmallInt; { dimensions of the select box }
+ Flags: Word; { see the defines below }
+ MutualExclude: LongInt; { set bits mean this item excludes that }
+ ItemFill: Pointer; { points to Image, IntuiText, or NULL }
+ { when this item is pointed to by the cursor and the items highlight
+ * mode HIGHIMAGE is selected, this alternate image will be displayed
+ }
+ SelectFill: Pointer; { points to Image, IntuiText, or NULL }
+ Command: Char; { only if appliprog sets the COMMSEQ flag }
+ SubItem: PMenuItem; { if non-zero, DrawMenu shows "->" }
+ { The NextSelect field represents the menu number of next selected
+ * item (when user has drag-selected several items)
+ }
+ NextSelect: Word;
+ end;
+ CHECKIT = $0001; { whether to check this item if selected }
+ ITEMTEXT = $0002; { set if textual, clear if graphical item }
+ COMMSEQ = $0004; { set if there's an command sequence }
+ MENUTOGGLE = $0008; { set to toggle the check of a menu item }
+ ITEMENABLED = $0010; { set if this item is enabled }
+ { these are the SPECIAL HIGHLIGHT FLAG state meanings }
+ HIGHFLAGS = $00C0; { see definitions below for these bits }
+ HIGHIMAGE = $0000; { use the user's "select image" }
+ HIGHCOMP = $0040; { highlight by complementing the selectbox }
+ HIGHBOX = $0080; { highlight by "boxing" the selectbox }
+ HIGHNONE = $00C0; { don't highlight }
+ Checked = $0100; { if CHECKIT, then set this when selected }
+ ISDRAWN = $1000; { this item's subs are currently drawn }
+ HIGHITEM = $2000; { this item is currently highlighted }
+ MENUTOGGLED = $4000; { this item was already toggled }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ === Menu =============================================================== }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+ PMenu = ^TMenu;
+ TMenu = record
+ NextMenu: PMenu; { same level }
+ LeftEdge,
+ TopEdge: SmallInt; { position of the select box }
+ Width,
+ Height: SmallInt; { dimensions of the select box }
+ Flags: Word; { see flag definitions below }
+ MenuName: PChar; { text for this Menu Header }
+ FirstItem: PMenuItem; { pointer to first in chain }
+ { these mysteriously-named variables are for internal use only }
+ JazzX,
+ JazzY,
+ BeatX,
+ BeatY: SmallInt;
+ end;
+ MENUENABLED = $0001; { whether or not this menu is enabled }
+ MIDRAWN = $0100; { this menu's items are currently drawn }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ === Gadget ============================================================= }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+ PGadget = ^TGadget;
+ TGadget = record
+ NextGadget: PGadget; { next gadget in the list }
+ LeftEdge,
+ TopEdge: SmallInt; { "hit box" of gadget }
+ Width,
+ Height: SmallInt; { "hit box" of gadget }
+ Flags: Word; { see below for list of defines }
+ Activation: Word; { see below for list of defines }
+ GadgetType: Word; { see below for defines }
+ { appliprog can specify that the Gadget be rendered as either as Border
+ * or an Image. This variable points to which (or equals NULL if there's
+ * nothing to be rendered about this Gadget)
+ }
+ GadgetRender: Pointer;
+ { appliprog can specify "highlighted" imagery rather than algorithmic
+ * this can point to either Border or Image data
+ }
+ SelectRender: Pointer;
+ GadgetText: PIntuiText; { text for this gadget }
+ { by using the MutualExclude Word, the appliprog can describe
+ * which gadgets mutually-exclude which other ones. The bits
+ * in MutualExclude correspond to the gadgets in object containing
+ * the gadget list. If this gadget is selected and a bit is set
+ * in this gadget's MutualExclude and the gadget corresponding to
+ * that bit is currently selected (e.g. bit 2 set and gadget 2
+ * is currently selected) that gadget must be unselected.
+ * Intuition does the visual unselecting (with checkmarks) and
+ * leaves it up to the program to unselect internally
+ }
+ MutualExclude: LongInt;
+ { set bits mean this gadget excludes that gadget }
+ { pointer to a structure of special data required by Proportional,
+ * String and LongInt Gadgets
+ }
+ SpecialInfo: Pointer;
+ GadgetID: Word; { user-definable ID field }
+ UserData: Pointer;
+ { ptr to general purpose User data (ignored by In) }
+ end;
+ PExtGadget = ^TExtGadget;
+ TExtGadget = record
+ { The first fields match struct Gadget exactly }
+ NextGadget: PExtGadget; { Matches struct Gadget }
+ LeftEdge, TopEdge, { Matches struct Gadget }
+ Width, Height: SmallInt; { Matches struct Gadget }
+ Flags, { Matches struct Gadget }
+ Activation, { Matches struct Gadget }
+ GadgetType: Word; { Matches struct Gadget }
+ GadgetRender, { Matches struct Gadget }
+ SelectRender: Pointer; { Matches struct Gadget }
+ GadgetText: PIntuiText; { Matches struct Gadget }
+ MutualExclude: LongInt; { Matches struct Gadget }
+ SpecialInfo: Pointer; { Matches struct Gadget }
+ GadgetID: Word; { Matches struct Gadget }
+ UserData: Pointer; { Matches struct Gadget }
+ { These fields only exist under V39 and only if GFLG_EXTENDED is set }
+ MoreFlags: LongWord; { see GMORE_ flags below }
+ BoundsLeftEdge, { Bounding extent for gadget, valid }
+ BoundsTopEdge, { only if GMORE_BOUNDS is set. The }
+ BoundsWidth, { GFLG_RELxxx flags affect these }
+ BoundsHeight: SmallInt; { coordinates as well. }
+ end;
+ { --- Gadget.Flags values --- }
+ { combinations in these bits describe the highlight technique to be used }
+ GFLG_GADGHCOMP = $0000; { Complement the select box }
+ GFLG_GADGHBOX = $0001; { Draw a box around the image }
+ GFLG_GADGHIMAGE = $0002; { Blast in this alternate image }
+ GFLG_GADGHNONE = $0003; { don't highlight }
+ GFLG_GADGIMAGE = $0004; { set IF GadgetRender AND SelectRender
+ * point to an Image structure, clear
+ * if they point to Border structures
+ }
+{ combinations in these next two bits specify to which corner the gadget's
+ * Left & Top coordinates are relative. If relative to Top/Left,
+ * these are "normal" coordinates (everything is relative to something in
+ * this universe).
+ *
+ * Gadget positions and dimensions are relative to the window or
+ * requester which contains the gadget
+ }
+ GFLG_RELBOTTOM = $0008; { vert. pos. is relative to bottom edge }
+ GFLG_RELRIGHT = $0010; { horiz. pos. is relative to right edge }
+ GFLG_RELWIDTH = $0020; { width is relative to req/window }
+ GFLG_RELHEIGHT = $0040; { height is relative to req/window }
+{ New for V39: GFLG_RELSPECIAL allows custom gadget implementors to
+ * make gadgets whose position and size depend in an arbitrary way
+ * on their window's dimensions. The GM_LAYOUT method will be invoked
+ * for such a gadget (or any other GREL_xxx gadget) at suitable times,
+ * such as when the window opens or the window's size changes.
+ }
+ GFLG_RELSPECIAL = $4000; { custom gadget has special relativity.
+ * Gadget box values are absolutes, but
+ * can be changed via the GM_LAYOUT method.
+ }
+ GFLG_SELECTED = $0080; { you may initialize AND look at this }
+{ the GFLG_DISABLED flag is initialized by you and later set by Intuition
+ * according to your calls to On/OffGadget(). It specifies whether or not
+ * this Gadget is currently disabled from being selected
+ }
+ GFLG_DISABLED = $0100;
+{ These flags specify the type of text field that Gadget.GadgetText
+ * points to. In all normal (pre-V36) gadgets which you initialize
+ * this field should always be zero. Some types of gadget objects
+ * created from classes will use these fields to keep track of
+ * types of labels/contents that different from IntuiText, but are
+ * stashed in GadgetText.
+ }
+ GFLG_LABELITEXT = $0000; { GadgetText points to IntuiText }
+ GFLG_LABELSTRING = $1000; { GadgetText points to (UBYTE * ) }
+ GFLG_LABELIMAGE = $2000; { GadgetText points to Image (object) }
+ { New for V37: GFLG_TABCYCLE }
+ GFLG_TABCYCLE = $0200; { (string OR custom) gadget participates in
+ * cycling activation with Tab or Shift-Tab
+ }
+{ New for V37: GFLG_STRINGEXTEND. We discovered that V34 doesn't properly
+ * ignore the value we had chosen for the Gadget->Activation flag
+ * The Gadget->Flags bit GFLG_STRINGEXTEND is provided as a synonym which is
+ * safe under V34, and equivalent to GACT_STRINGEXTEND under V37.
+ * (Note that the two flags are not numerically equal)
+ }
+ GFLG_STRINGEXTEND = $0400; { this String Gadget has StringExtend }
+{ New for V39: GFLG_IMAGEDISABLE. This flag is automatically set if
+ * the custom image of this gadget knows how to do disabled rendering
+ * (more specifically, if its IA_SupportsDisable attribute is TRUE).
+ * Intuition uses this to defer the ghosting to the image-class,
+ * instead of doing it itself (the old compatible way).
+ * Do not set this flag yourself - Intuition will do it for you.
+ }
+ GFLG_IMAGEDISABLE = $0800; { Gadget's image knows how to do disabled
+ * rendering
+ }
+{ New for V39: If set, this bit means that the Gadget is actually
+ * a struct ExtGadget, with new fields and flags. All V39 boopsi
+ * gadgets are ExtGadgets. Never ever attempt to read the extended
+ * fields of a gadget if this flag is not set.
+ }
+ GFLG_EXTENDED = $8000; { Gadget is extended }
+ { --- Gadget.Activation flag values --- }
+{ Set GACT_RELVERIFY if you want to verify that the pointer was still over
+ * the gadget when the select button was released. Will cause
+ * an IDCMP_GADGETUP message to be sent if so.
+ }
+{ the flag GACT_IMMEDIATE, when set, informs the caller that the gadget
+ * was activated when it was activated. This flag works in conjunction with
+ * the GACT_RELVERIFY flag
+ }
+{ the flag GACT_ENDGADGET, when set, tells the system that this gadget,
+ * when selected, causes the Requester to be ended. Requesters
+ * that are ended are erased and unlinked from the system.
+ }
+{ the GACT_FOLLOWMOUSE flag, when set, specifies that you want to receive
+ * reports on mouse movements while this gadget is active.
+ * You probably want to set the GACT_IMMEDIATE flag when using
+ * GACT_FOLLOWMOUSE, since that's the only reasonable way you have of
+ * learning why Intuition is suddenly sending you a stream of mouse
+ * movement events. If you don't set GACT_RELVERIFY, you'll get at
+ * least one Mouse Position event.
+ }
+{ if any of the BORDER flags are set in a Gadget that's included in the
+ * Gadget list when a Window is opened, the corresponding Border will
+ * be adjusted to make room for the Gadget
+ }
+ GACT_BORDERSNIFF = $8000; { neither set nor rely on this bit }
+ GACT_TOGGLESELECT = $0100; { this bit for toggle-select mode }
+ GACT_BOOLEXTEND = $2000; { this Boolean Gadget has a BoolInfo }
+ { should properly be in StringInfo, but aren't }
+ GACT_STRINGLEFT = $0000; { NOTE WELL: that this has value zero }
+ GACT_LONGINT = $0800; { this String Gadget is for Long Ints }
+ GACT_ALTKEYMAP = $1000; { this String has an alternate keymap }
+ GACT_STRINGEXTEND = $2000; { this String Gadget has StringExtend }
+ }
+ GACT_ACTIVEGADGET = $4000; { this gadget is "active". This flag
+ * is maintained by Intuition, and you
+ * cannot count on its value persisting
+ * while you do something on your program's
+ * task. It can only be trusted by
+ * people implementing custom gadgets
+ }
+{ note $8000 is used above (GACT_BORDERSNIFF);
+ * all Activation flags defined }
+ { --- GADGET TYPES ------------------------------------------------------- }
+{ These are the Gadget type definitions for the variable GadgetType
+ * gadget number type MUST start from one. NO TYPES OF ZERO ALLOWED.
+ * first comes the mask for Gadget flags reserved for Gadget typing
+ }
+ GTYP_GADGETTYPE = $FC00; { all Gadget Global type flags (padded) }
+ GTYP_SYSGADGET = $8000; { 1 = Allocated by the system, 0 = by app. }
+ GTYP_SCRGADGET = $4000; { 1 = ScreenGadget, 0 = WindowGadget }
+ GTYP_GZZGADGET = $2000; { 1 = for WFLG_GIMMEZEROZERO borders }
+ GTYP_REQGADGET = $1000; { 1 = this is a Requester Gadget }
+ { system gadgets }
+ GTYP_SIZING = $0010;
+ GTYP_WUPFRONT = $0040;
+ GTYP_SUPFRONT = $0050;
+ GTYP_CLOSE = $0080;
+ { application gadgets }
+ GTYP_GADGET0002 = $0002;
+{* GTYP_GTYPEMASK is a mask you can apply to tell what class
+ * of gadget this is. The possible classes follow.
+ *}
+{ This bit in GadgetType is reserved for undocumented internal use
+ * by the Gadget Toolkit, and cannot be used nor relied on by
+ * applications: $0100;
+ }
+{ New for V39. Gadgets which have the GFLG_EXTENDED flag set are
+ * actually ExtGadgets, which have more flags. The GMORE_xxx
+ * identifiers describe those flags. For GMORE_SCROLLRASTER, see
+ * important information in the ScrollWindowRaster() autodoc.
+ * NB: GMORE_SCROLLRASTER must be set before the gadget is
+ * added to a window.
+ }
+ GMORE_BOUNDS = $00000001; { ExtGadget has valid Bounds }
+ GMORE_GADGETHELP = $00000002; { This gadget responds to gadget help }
+ GMORE_SCROLLRASTER = $00000004; { This (custom) gadget uses ScrollRaster }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ === BoolInfo======================================================= }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ This is the special data needed by an Extended Boolean Gadget
+ * Typically this structure will be pointed to by the Gadget field SpecialInfo
+ }
+ PBoolInfo = ^TBoolInfo;
+ TBoolInfo = record
+ Flags: Word; { defined below }
+ Mask: Pointer; { bit mask for highlighting and selecting
+ * mask must follow the same rules as an Image
+ * plane. It's width and height are determined
+ * by the width and height of the gadget's
+ * select box. (i.e. Gadget.Width and .Height).
+ }
+ Reserved: LongWord; { set to 0 }
+ end;
+{ set BoolInfo.Flags to this flag bit.
+ * in the future, additional bits might mean more stuff hanging
+ * off of BoolInfo.Reserved.
+ BOOLMASK = $0001; { extension is for masked gadget }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ === PropInfo =========================================================== }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ this is the special data required by the proportional Gadget
+ * typically, this data will be pointed to by the Gadget variable SpecialInfo
+ }
+ PPropInfo = ^TPropInfo;
+ TPropInfo = record
+ Flags: Word; { general purpose flag bits (see defines below) }
+ { You initialize the Pot variables before the Gadget is added to
+ * the system. Then you can look here for the current settings
+ * any time, even while User is playing with this Gadget. To
+ * adjust these after the Gadget is added to the System, use
+ * ModifyProp(); The Pots are the actual proportional settings,
+ * where a value of zero means zero and a value of MAXPOT means
+ * that the Gadget is set to its maximum setting.
+ }
+ HorizPot: Word; { 16-bit FixedPoint horizontal quantity percentage }
+ VertPot: Word; { 16-bit FixedPoint vertical quantity percentage }
+ { the 16-bit FixedPoint Body variables describe what percentage of
+ * the entire body of stuff referred to by this Gadget is actually
+ * shown at one time. This is used with the AUTOKNOB routines,
+ * to adjust the size of the AUTOKNOB according to how much of
+ * the data can be seen. This is also used to decide how far
+ * to advance the Pots when User hits the Container of the Gadget.
+ * For instance, if you were controlling the display of a 5-line
+ * Window of text with this Gadget, and there was a total of 15
+ * lines that could be displayed, you would set the VertBody value to
+ * (MAXBODY / (TotalLines / DisplayLines)) = MAXBODY / 3.
+ * Therefore, the AUTOKNOB would fill 1/3 of the container, and
+ * if User hits the Cotainer outside of the knob, the pot would
+ * advance 1/3 (plus or minus) If there's no body to show, or
+ * the total amount of displayable info is less than the display area,
+ * set the Body variables to the MAX. To adjust these after the
+ * Gadget is added to the System, use ModifyProp();
+ }
+ HorizBody: Word; { horizontal Body }
+ VertBody: Word; { vertical Body }
+ { these are the variables that Intuition sets and maintains }
+ CWidth: Word;
+ { Container width (with any relativity absoluted) }
+ CHeight: Word;
+ { Container height (with any relativity absoluted) }
+ HPotRes,
+ VPotRes: Word; { pot increments }
+ LeftBorder: Word; { Container borders }
+ TopBorder: Word; { Container borders }
+ end;
+ { --- FLAG BITS ---------------------------------------------------------- }
+ AUTOKNOB = $0001; { this flag sez: gimme that old auto-knob }
+{ NOTE: if you do not use an AUTOKNOB for a proportional gadget,
+ * you are currently limited to using a single Image of your own
+ * design: Intuition won't handle a linked list of images as
+ * a proportional gadget knob.
+ }
+ FREEHORIZ = $0002; { IF set, the knob can move horizontally }
+ FREEVERT = $0004; { IF set, the knob can move vertically }
+ PROPBORDERLESS = $0008; { IF set, no border will be rendered }
+ KNOBHIT = $0100; { set when this Knob is hit }
+ PROPNEWLOOK = $0010; { set this IF you want to get the new
+ * V36 look
+ }
+ KNOBHMIN = 6; { minimum horizontal size of the Knob }
+ KNOBVMIN = 4; { minimum vertical size of the Knob }
+ MAXBODY = $FFFF; { maximum body value }
+ MAXPOT = $FFFF; { maximum pot value }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ === StringInfo ========================================================= }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ this is the special data required by the string Gadget
+ * typically, this data will be pointed to by the Gadget variable SpecialInfo
+ }
+ PStringInfo = ^TStringInfo;
+ TStringInfo = record
+ { you initialize these variables, and then Intuition maintains them }
+ Buffer: PChar;
+ { the buffer containing the start and final string }
+ UndoBuffer: PChar; { optional buffer for undoing current entry }
+ BufferPos: SmallInt; { character position in Buffer }
+ MaxChars: SmallInt;
+ { max number of chars in Buffer (including NULL) }
+ DispPos: SmallInt;
+ { Buffer position of first displayed character }
+ { Intuition initializes and maintains these variables for you }
+ UndoPos: SmallInt; { character position in the undo buffer }
+ NumChars: SmallInt; { number of characters currently in Buffer }
+ DispCount: SmallInt;
+ { number of whole characters visible in Container }
+ CLeft,
+ CTop: SmallInt; { topleft offset of the container }
+ { you can initialize this variable before the gadget is submitted to
+ * Intuition, and then examine it later to discover what LongInt
+ * the user has entered (if the user never plays with the gadget,
+ * the value will be unchanged from your initial setting)
+ }
+ Extension: Pointer;
+ _LongInt: LongInt;
+ { If you want this Gadget to use your own Console keymapping, you
+ * set the ALTKEYMAP bit in the Activation flags of the Gadget, and then
+ * set this variable to point to your keymap. If you don't set the
+ * ALTKEYMAP, you'll get the standard ASCII keymapping.
+ }
+ AltKeyMap: Pointer;
+ end;
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ === Requester ========================================================== }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+ PRequester = ^TRequester;
+ TRequester = record
+ { the ClipRect and BitMap and used for rendering the requester }
+ OlderRequest: PRequester;
+ LeftEdge,
+ TopEdge: SmallInt; { dimensions of the entire box }
+ Width,
+ Height: SmallInt; { dimensions of the entire box }
+ RelLeft,
+ RelTop: SmallInt; { for Pointer relativity offsets }
+ ReqGadget: PGadget; { pointer to a list of Gadgets }
+ ReqBorder: PBorder; { the box's border }
+ ReqText: PIntuiText; { the box's text }
+ Flags: Word; { see definitions below }
+ { pen number for back-plane fill before draws }
+ BackFill: Byte;
+ { Layer in place of clip rect }
+ ReqLayer: PLayer;
+ ReqPad1: array [0..31] of Byte;
+ { If the BitMap plane pointers are non-zero, this tells the system
+ * that the image comes pre-drawn (if the appliprog wants to define
+ * it's own box, in any shape or size it wants!); this is OK by
+ * Intuition as long as there's a good correspondence between
+ * the image and the specified Gadgets
+ }
+ ImageBMap: PBitMap; { points to the BitMap of PREDRAWN imagery }
+ RWindow: Pointer; { added. points back to Window }
+ ReqImage: Pointer;
+ ReqPad2: array[0..31] of ShortInt;
+ end;
+ POINTREL = $0001; { if POINTREL set, TopLeft is relative to pointer}
+ PREDRAWN = $0002; { if ReqBMap points to predrawn Requester imagery }
+ NOISYREQ = $0004;
+ { if you don't want requester to filter input }
+ SIMPLEREQ = $0010;
+ { to use SIMPLEREFRESH layer (recommended) }
+ { New for V36 }
+ USEREQIMAGE = $0020;
+ { render linked list ReqImage after BackFill
+ * but before gadgets and text
+ }
+ { don't bother filling requester with Requester.BackFill pen }
+ REQOFFWINDOW = $1000; { part of one of the Gadgets was offwindow }
+ REQACTIVE = $2000; { this requester is active }
+ SYSREQUEST = $4000; { this requester caused by system }
+ DEFERREFRESH = $8000; { this Requester stops a Refresh broadcast }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ === Image ============================================================== }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ This is a brief image structure for very simple transfers of
+ * image data to a RastPort
+ }
+ PImage = ^TImage;
+ TImage = record
+ LeftEdge: SmallInt; { starting offset relative to some origin }
+ TopEdge: SmallInt; { starting offsets relative to some origin }
+ Width: SmallInt; { pixel size (though data is Word-aligned) }
+ Height,
+ Depth: SmallInt; { pixel sizes }
+ ImageData: Pointer; { pointer to the actual Word-aligned bits }
+ { the PlanePick and PlaneOnOff variables work much the same way as the
+ * equivalent GELS Bob variables. It's a space-saving
+ * mechanism for image data. Rather than defining the image data
+ * for every plane of the RastPort, you need define data only
+ * for the planes that are not entirely zero or one. As you
+ * define your Imagery, you will often find that most of the planes
+ * ARE just as color selectors. For instance, if you're designing
+ * a two-color Gadget to use colors two and three, and the Gadget
+ * will reside in a five-plane display, bit plane zero of your
+ * imagery would be all ones, bit plane one would have data that
+ * describes the imagery, and bit planes two through four would be
+ * all zeroes. Using these flags allows you to avoid wasting all
+ * that memory in this way: first, you specify which planes you
+ * want your data to appear in using the PlanePick variable. For
+ * each bit set in the variable, the next "plane" of your image
+ * data is blitted to the display. For each bit clear in this
+ * variable, the corresponding bit in PlaneOnOff is examined.
+ * If that bit is clear, a "plane" of zeroes will be used.
+ * If the bit is set, ones will go out instead. So, for our example:
+ * Gadget.PlanePick = $02;
+ * Gadget.PlaneOnOff = $01;
+ * Note that this also allows for generic Gadgets, like the
+ * System Gadgets, which will work in any number of bit planes.
+ * Note also that if you want an Image that is only a filled
+ * rectangle, you can get this by setting PlanePick to zero
+ * (pick no planes of data) and set PlaneOnOff to describe the pen
+ * color of the rectangle.
+ }
+ PlanePick,
+ PlaneOnOff: Byte;
+ { if the NextImage variable is not NULL, Intuition presumes that
+ * it points to another Image structure with another Image to be
+ * rendered
+ }
+ NextImage: PImage;
+ end;
+{ New for V39, Intuition supports the IESUBCLASS_NEWTABLET subclass
+ * of the IECLASS_NEWPOINTERPOS event. The ie_EventAddress of such
+ * an event points to a TabletData structure (see below).
+ *
+ * The TabletData structure contains certain elements including a taglist.
+ * The taglist can be used for special tablet parameters. A tablet driver
+ * should include only those tag-items the tablet supports. An application
+ * can listen for any tag-items that interest it. Note: an application
+ * must set the WA_TabletMessages attribute to TRUE to receive this
+ * extended information in its IntuiMessages.
+ *
+ * The definitions given here MUST be followed. Pay careful attention
+ * to normalization and the interpretation of signs.
+ *
+ * TABLETA_TabletZ: the current value of the tablet in the Z direction.
+ * This unsigned value should typically be in the natural units of the
+ * tablet. You should also provide TABLETA_RangeZ.
+ *
+ * TABLETA_RangeZ: the maximum value of the tablet in the Z direction.
+ * Normally specified along with TABLETA_TabletZ, this allows the
+ * application to scale the actual Z value across its range.
+ *
+ * TABLETA_AngleX: the angle of rotation or tilt about the X-axis. This
+ * number should be normalized to fill a signed long LongInt. Positive
+ * values imply a clockwise rotation about the X-axis when viewing
+ * from +X towards the origin.
+ *
+ * TABLETA_AngleY: the angle of rotation or tilt about the Y-axis. This
+ * number should be normalized to fill a signed long LongInt. Positive
+ * values imply a clockwise rotation about the Y-axis when viewing
+ * from +Y towards the origin.
+ *
+ * TABLETA_AngleZ: the angle of rotation or tilt about the Z axis. This
+ * number should be normalized to fill a signed long LongInt. Positive
+ * values imply a clockwise rotation about the Z-axis when viewing
+ * from +Z towards the origin.
+ *
+ * Note: a stylus that supports tilt should use the TABLETA_AngleX
+ * and TABLETA_AngleY attributes. Tilting the stylus so the tip
+ * points towards increasing or decreasing X is actually a rotation
+ * around the Y-axis. Thus, if the stylus tip points towards
+ * positive X, then that tilt is represented as a negative
+ * TABLETA_AngleY. Likewise, if the stylus tip points towards
+ * positive Y, that tilt is represented by positive TABLETA_AngleX.
+ *
+ * TABLETA_Pressure: the pressure reading of the stylus. The pressure
+ * should be normalized to fill a signed long LongInt. Typical devices
+ * won't generate negative pressure, but the possibility is not precluded.
+ * The pressure threshold which is considered to cause a button-click is
+ * expected to be set in a Preferences program supplied by the tablet
+ * vendor. The tablet driver would send IECODE_LBUTTON-type events as
+ * the pressure crossed that threshold.
+ *
+ * TABLETA_ButtonBits: ti_Data is a long LongInt whose bits are to
+ * be interpreted at the state of the first 32 buttons of the tablet.
+ *
+ * TABLETA_InProximity: ti_Data is a boolean. For tablets that support
+ * proximity, they should send the (TABLETA_InProximity,FALSE) tag item
+ * when the stylus is out of proximity. One possible use we can forsee
+ * is a mouse-blanking commodity which keys off this to blank the
+ * mouse. When this tag is absent, the stylus is assumed to be
+ * in proximity.
+ *
+ * TABLETA_ResolutionX: ti_Data is an unsigned long LongInt which
+ * is the x-axis resolution in dots per inch.
+ *
+ * TABLETA_ResolutionY: ti_Data is an unsigned long LongInt which
+ * is the y-axis resolution in dots per inch.
+ }
+ TABLETA_Dummy = (TAG_USER + $3A000) ;
+ TABLETA_TabletZ = (TABLETA_Dummy + $01);
+ TABLETA_RangeZ = (TABLETA_Dummy + $02);
+ TABLETA_AngleX = (TABLETA_Dummy + $03);
+ TABLETA_AngleY = (TABLETA_Dummy + $04);
+ TABLETA_AngleZ = (TABLETA_Dummy + $05);
+ TABLETA_Pressure = (TABLETA_Dummy + $06);
+ TABLETA_ButtonBits = (TABLETA_Dummy + $07);
+ TABLETA_InProximity = (TABLETA_Dummy + $08);
+ TABLETA_ResolutionX = (TABLETA_Dummy + $09);
+ TABLETA_ResolutionY = (TABLETA_Dummy + $0A);}
+{ If your window sets WA_TabletMessages to TRUE, then it will receive
+ * extended IntuiMessages (struct ExtIntuiMessage) whose eim_TabletData
+ * field points at a TabletData structure. This structure contains
+ * additional information about the input event.
+ }
+ PTabletData = ^TTabletData;
+ TTabletData = record
+ { Sub-pixel position of tablet, in screen coordinates,
+ * scaled to fill a UWORD fraction:
+ }
+ td_XFraction, td_YFraction: Word;
+ { Current tablet coordinates along each axis: }
+ td_TabletX, td_TabletY: LongWord;
+ { Tablet range along each axis. For example, if td_TabletX
+ * can take values 0-999, td_RangeX should be 1000.
+ }
+ td_RangeX, td_RangeY: LongWord;
+ { Pointer to tag-list of additional tablet attributes.
+ * See <intuition/intuition.h> for the tag values.
+ }
+ td_TagList: PTagItem;
+ end;
+{ If a tablet driver supplies a hook for ient_CallBack, it will be
+ * invoked in the standard hook manner. A0 will point to the Hook
+ * itself, A2 will point to the InputEvent that was sent, and
+ * A1 will point to a TabletHookData structure. The InputEvent's
+ * ie_EventAddress field points at the IENewTablet structure that
+ * the driver supplied.
+ *
+ * Based on the thd_Screen, thd_Width, and thd_Height fields, the driver
+ * should scale the ient_TabletX and ient_TabletY fields and store the
+ * result in ient_ScaledX, ient_ScaledY, ient_ScaledXFraction, and
+ * ient_ScaledYFraction.
+ *
+ * The tablet hook must currently return NULL. This is the only
+ * acceptable return-value under V39.
+ }
+ PTabletHookData = ^TTabletHookData;
+ TTabletHookData = record
+ { Pointer to the active screen:
+ * Note: if there are no open screens, thd_Screen will be NULL.
+ * thd_Width and thd_Height will then describe an NTSC 64$400
+ * screen. Please scale accordingly.
+ }
+ thd_Screen: Pointer;
+ { The width and height (measured in pixels of the active screen)
+ * that your are to scale to:
+ }
+ thd_Width,
+ thd_Height: LongWord;
+ { Non-zero if the screen or something about the screen
+ * changed since the last time you were invoked:
+ }
+ thd_ScreenChanged: LongInt;
+ end;
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ === IntuiMessage ======================================================= }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+ PIntuiMessage = ^TIntuiMessage;
+ TIntuiMessage = record
+ ExecMessage: TMessage;
+ { the Class bits correspond directly with the IDCMP Flags, except for the
+ * special bit LONELYMESSAGE (defined below)
+ }
+ IClass: LongWord;
+ { the Code field is for special values like MENU number }
+ Code: Word;
+ { the Qualifier field is a copy of the current InputEvent's Qualifier }
+ Qualifier: Word;
+ { IAddress contains particular addresses for Intuition functions, like
+ * the pointer to the Gadget or the Screen
+ }
+ IAddress: Pointer;
+ { when getting mouse movement reports, any event you get will have the
+ * the mouse coordinates in these variables. the coordinates are relative
+ * to the upper-left corner of your Window (GIMMEZEROZERO notwithstanding)
+ }
+ MouseX,
+ MouseY: SmallInt;
+ { the time values are copies of the current system clock time. Micros
+ * are in units of microseconds, Seconds in seconds.
+ }
+ Seconds,
+ Micros: LongWord;
+ { the IDCMPWindow variable will always have the Pointer of the Window of
+ * this IDCMP
+ }
+ IDCMPWindow: Pointer;
+ { system-use variable }
+ SpecialLink: PIntuiMessage;
+ end;
+{ New for V39:
+ * All IntuiMessages are now slightly extended. The ExtIntuiMessage
+ * structure has an additional field for tablet data, which is usually
+ * NULL. If a tablet driver which is sending IESUBCLASS_NEWTABLET
+ * events is installed in the system, windows with the WA_TabletMessages
+ * property set will find that eim_TabletData points to the TabletData
+ * structure. Applications must first check that this field is non-NULL;
+ * it will be NULL for certain kinds of message, including mouse activity
+ * generated from other than the tablet (i.e. the keyboard equivalents
+ * or the mouse itself).
+ *
+ * NEVER EVER examine any extended fields when running under pre-V39!
+ *
+ * NOTE: This structure is subject to grow in the future. Making
+ * assumptions about its size is A BAD IDEA.
+ }
+ PExtIntuiMessage = ^TExtIntuiMessage;
+ TExtIntuiMessage = record
+ eim_IntuiMessage: TIntuiMessage;
+ eim_TabletData: PTabletData;
+ end;
+ { --- IDCMP Classes ------------------------------------------------------ }
+{ Please refer to the Autodoc for OpenWindow() and to the Rom Kernel
+ * Manual for full details on the IDCMP classes.
+ }
+ IDCMP_SIZEVERIFY = $00000001;
+ IDCMP_NEWSIZE = $00000002;
+ IDCMP_MOUSEMOVE = $00000010;
+ IDCMP_GADGETDOWN = $00000020;
+ IDCMP_GADGETUP = $00000040;
+ IDCMP_REQSET = $00000080;
+ IDCMP_MENUPICK = $00000100;
+ IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW = $00000200;
+ IDCMP_RAWKEY = $00000400;
+ IDCMP_REQVERIFY = $00000800;
+ IDCMP_REQCLEAR = $00001000;
+ IDCMP_MENUVERIFY = $00002000;
+ IDCMP_NEWPREFS = $00004000;
+ IDCMP_DISKREMOVED = $00010000;
+ IDCMP_WBENCHMESSAGE = $00020000; { System use only }
+ IDCMP_DELTAMOVE = $00100000;
+ IDCMP_VANILLAKEY = $00200000;
+ IDCMP_INTUITICKS = $00400000;
+ { for notifications from "boopsi" gadgets }
+ IDCMP_IDCMPUPDATE = $00800000; { new for V36 }
+ { for getting help key report during menu session }
+ IDCMP_MENUHELP = $01000000; { new for V36 }
+ { for notification of any move/size/zoom/change window }
+ IDCMP_CHANGEWINDOW = $02000000; { new for V36 }
+ IDCMP_GADGETHELP = $04000000; { new for V39 }
+ { NOTEZ-BIEN: $80000000 is reserved for internal use }
+{ the IDCMP Flags do not use this special bit, which is cleared when
+ * Intuition sends its special message to the Task, and set when Intuition
+ * gets its Message back from the Task. Therefore, I can check here to
+ * find out fast whether or not this Message is available for me to send
+ }
+ { --- IDCMP Codes -------------------------------------------------------- }
+ { This group of codes is for the IDCMP_CHANGEWINDOW message }
+ CWCODE_MOVESIZE = $0000; { Window was moved and/or sized }
+ CWCODE_DEPTH = $0001; { Window was depth-arranged (new for V39) }
+ { This group of codes is for the IDCMP_MENUVERIFY function }
+ MENUHOT = $0001; { IntuiWants verification OR MENUCANCEL }
+ MENUCANCEL = $0002; { HOT Reply of this cancels Menu operation }
+ MENUWAITING = $0003; { Intuition simply wants a ReplyMsg() ASAP }
+{ These are internal tokens to represent state of verification attempts
+ * shown here as a clue.
+ }
+ OKOK = MENUHOT; { guy didn't care }
+ OKABORT = $0004; { window rendered question moot }
+ OKCANCEL = MENUCANCEL; { window sent cancel reply }
+ { This group of codes is for the IDCMP_WBENCHMESSAGE messages }
+ WBENCHOPEN = $0001;
+ WBENCHCLOSE = $0002;
+{ A data structure common in V36 Intuition processing }
+ PIBox = ^TIBox;
+ TIBox = record
+ Left,
+ Top,
+ Width,
+ Height: SmallInt;
+ end;
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ === Window ============================================================= }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+ PWindow = ^TWindow;
+ TWindow = record
+ NextWindow: PWindow; { for the linked list in a screen }
+ LeftEdge,
+ TopEdge: SmallInt; { screen dimensions of window }
+ Width,
+ Height: SmallInt; { screen dimensions of window }
+ MouseY,
+ MouseX: SmallInt; { relative to upper-left of window }
+ MinWidth,
+ MinHeight: SmallInt; { minimum sizes }
+ MaxWidth,
+ MaxHeight: SmallInt; { maximum sizes }
+ Flags: LongWord; { see below for defines }
+ MenuStrip: PMenu; { the strip of Menu headers }
+ Title: PChar; { the title text for this window }
+ FirstRequest: PRequester; { all active Requesters }
+ DMRequest: PRequester; { double-click Requester }
+ ReqCount: SmallInt; { count of reqs blocking Window }
+ WScreen: Pointer; { this Window's Screen }
+ RPort: PRastPort; { this Window's very own RastPort }
+ { the border variables describe the window border. If you specify
+ * GIMMEZEROZERO when you open the window, then the upper-left of the
+ * ClipRect for this window will be upper-left of the BitMap (with correct
+ * offsets when in SuperBitMap mode; you MUST select GIMMEZEROZERO when
+ * using SuperBitMap). If you don't specify ZeroZero, then you save
+ * memory (no allocation of RastPort, Layer, ClipRect and associated
+ * Bitmaps), but you also must offset all your writes by BorderTop,
+ * BorderLeft and do your own mini-clipping to prevent writing over the
+ * system gadgets
+ }
+ BorderLeft,
+ BorderTop,
+ BorderRight,
+ BorderBottom: ShortInt;
+ BorderRPort: pRastPort;
+ { You supply a linked-list of Gadgets for your Window.
+ * This list DOES NOT include system gadgets. You get the standard
+ * window system gadgets by setting flag-bits in the variable Flags (see
+ * the bit definitions below)
+ }
+ FirstGadget: PGadget;
+ { these are for opening/closing the windows }
+ Parent,
+ Descendant: PWindow;
+ { sprite data information for your own Pointer
+ * set these AFTER you Open the Window by calling SetPointer()
+ }
+ _Pointer: Pointer; { sprite data }
+ PtrHeight: ShortInt;
+ { sprite height (not including sprite padding) }
+ PtrWidth: ShortInt;
+ { sprite width (must be less than or equal to 16) }
+ XOffset,
+ YOffset: ShortInt; { sprite offsets }
+ { the IDCMP Flags and User's and Intuition's Message Ports }
+ IDCMPFlags: LongWord; { User-selected flags }
+ UserPort,
+ WindowPort: PMsgPort;
+ MessageKey: PIntuiMessage;
+ DetailPen,
+ BlockPen: Byte; { for bar/border/gadget rendering }
+ { the CheckMark is a pointer to the imagery that will be used when
+ * rendering MenuItems of this Window that want to be checkmarked
+ * if this is equal to NULL, you'll get the default imagery
+ }
+ CheckMark: PImage;
+ ScreenTitle: PChar; { if non-null, Screen title when Window is active }
+ { These variables have the mouse coordinates relative to the
+ * inner-Window of GIMMEZEROZERO Windows. This is compared with the
+ * MouseX and MouseY variables, which contain the mouse coordinates
+ * relative to the upper-left corner of the Window, GIMMEZEROZERO
+ * notwithstanding
+ }
+ GZZMouseX: SmallInt;
+ GZZMouseY: SmallInt;
+ { these variables contain the width and height of the inner-Window of
+ }
+ GZZWidth: SmallInt;
+ GZZHeight: SmallInt;
+ ExtData: Pointer;
+ UserData: Pointer;
+ { general-purpose pointer to User data extension }
+ {* jimm: NEW: 11/18/85: this pointer keeps a duplicate of what
+ * Window.RPort->Layer is _supposed_ to be pointing at
+ }
+ WLayer: PLayer;
+ { jimm: NEW 1.2: need to keep track of the font that
+ * OpenWindow opened, in case user SetFont's into RastPort
+ }
+ IFont: PTextFont;
+ {* (V36) another flag Word (the Flags field is used up).
+ * At present, all flag values are system private.
+ * Until further notice, you may not change nor use this field.
+ *}
+ MoreFlags: LongWord;
+ RelLeftEdge: SmallInt; // relative coordinates of the window
+ RelTopEdge: SmallInt;
+ FirstChild: PWindow; // pointer to first child
+ PrevChild: PWindow; // if window is a child of a window
+ NextChild: PWindow; // then they are concatenated here.
+ Parent2: PWindow; // parent of this window
+ {**** Data beyond this point are Intuition Private. DO NOT USE ****}
+ end;
+ { --- Flags requested at OpenWindow() time by the application --------- }
+ WFLG_SIZEGADGET = $00000001; { include sizing system-gadget? }
+ WFLG_DRAGBAR = $00000002; { include dragging system-gadget? }
+ WFLG_DEPTHGADGET = $00000004; { include depth arrangement gadget? }
+ WFLG_CLOSEGADGET = $00000008; { include close-box system-gadget? }
+ WFLG_SIZEBRIGHT = $00000010; { size gadget uses right border }
+ WFLG_SIZEBBOTTOM = $00000020; { size gadget uses bottom border }
+ { --- refresh modes ------------------------------------------------------ }
+ { combinations of the WFLG_REFRESHBITS select the refresh type }
+ WFLG_SMART_REFRESH = $00000000;
+ WFLG_SIMPLE_REFRESH = $00000040;
+ WFLG_SUPER_BITMAP = $00000080;
+ WFLG_BACKDROP = $00000100; { this is a backdrop window }
+ WFLG_REPORTMOUSE = $00000200; { to hear about every mouse move }
+ WFLG_GIMMEZEROZERO = $00000400; { a GimmeZeroZero window }
+ WFLG_BORDERLESS = $00000800; { to get a Window sans border }
+ WFLG_ACTIVATE = $00001000; { when Window opens, it's Active }
+ { --- Other User Flags --------------------------------------------------- }
+ WFLG_RMBTRAP = $00010000; { Catch RMB events for your own }
+ WFLG_NOCAREREFRESH = $00020000; { not to be bothered with REFRESH }
+ { - V36 new Flags which the programmer may specify in NewWindow.Flags }
+ WFLG_NW_EXTENDED = $00040000; { extension data provided }
+ { see struct ExtNewWindow }
+ { - V39 new Flags which the programmer may specify in NewWindow.Flags }
+ WFLG_NEWLOOKMENUS = $00200000; { window has NewLook menus }
+ { These flags are set only by Intuition. YOU MAY NOT SET THEM YOURSELF! }
+ WFLG_WINDOWACTIVE = $00002000; { this window is the active one }
+ WFLG_INREQUEST = $00004000; { this window is in request mode }
+ WFLG_MENUSTATE = $00008000; { Window is active with Menus on }
+ WFLG_WINDOWREFRESH = $01000000; { Window is currently refreshing }
+ WFLG_WBENCHWINDOW = $02000000; { WorkBench tool ONLY Window }
+ WFLG_WINDOWTICKED = $04000000; { only one timer tick at a time }
+ { --- V36 Flags to be set only by Intuition ------------------------- }
+ WFLG_VISITOR = $08000000; { visitor window }
+ WFLG_ZOOMED = $10000000; { identifies "zoom state" }
+ WFLG_HASZOOM = $20000000; { windowhas a zoom gadget }
+ { --- Other Window Values ---------------------------------------------- }
+ DEFAULTMOUSEQUEUE = (5); { no more mouse messages }
+{ --- see struct IntuiMessage for the IDCMP Flag definitions ------------- }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ === NewWindow ========================================================== }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+ PNewWindow = ^TNewWindow;
+ TNewWindow = record
+ LeftEdge,
+ TopEdge: SmallInt; { screen dimensions of window }
+ Width,
+ Height: SmallInt; { screen dimensions of window }
+ DetailPen,
+ BlockPen: Byte; { for bar/border/gadget rendering }
+ IDCMPFlags: LongWord; { User-selected IDCMP flags }
+ Flags: LongWord; { see Window struct for defines }
+ { You supply a linked-list of Gadgets for your Window.
+ * This list DOES NOT include system Gadgets. You get the standard
+ * system Window Gadgets by setting flag-bits in the variable Flags (see
+ * the bit definitions under the Window structure definition)
+ }
+ FirstGadget: PGadget;
+ { the CheckMark is a pointer to the imagery that will be used when
+ * rendering MenuItems of this Window that want to be checkmarked
+ * if this is equal to NULL, you'll get the default imagery
+ }
+ CheckMark: PImage;
+ Title: PChar; { the title text for this window }
+ { the Screen pointer is used only if you've defined a CUSTOMSCREEN and
+ * want this Window to open in it. If so, you pass the Pointer of the
+ * Custom Screen structure in this variable. Otherwise, this variable
+ * is ignored and doesn't have to be initialized.
+ }
+ Screen: Pointer;
+ { SUPER_BITMAP Window? If so, put the Pointer of your BitMap structure
+ * in this variable. If not, this variable is ignored and doesn't have
+ * to be initialized
+ }
+ BitMap: PBitMap;
+ { the values describe the minimum and maximum sizes of your Windows.
+ * these matter only if you've chosen the WINDOWSIZING Gadget option,
+ * which means that you want to let the User to change the size of
+ * this Window. You describe the minimum and maximum sizes that the
+ * Window can grow by setting these variables. You can initialize
+ * any one these to zero, which will mean that you want to duplicate
+ * the setting for that dimension (if MinWidth == 0, MinWidth will be
+ * set to the opening Width of the Window).
+ * You can change these settings later using SetWindowLimits().
+ * If you haven't asked for a SIZING Gadget, you don't have to
+ * initialize any of these variables.
+ }
+ MinWidth,
+ MinHeight: SmallInt; { minimums }
+ MaxWidth,
+ MaxHeight: SmallInt; { maximums }
+ { the type variable describes the Screen in which you want this Window to
+ * open. The type value can either be CUSTOMSCREEN or one of the
+ * system standard Screen Types such as WBENCHSCREEN. See the
+ * type definitions under the Screen structure
+ }
+ WType: Word; { is "type" in C includes }
+ end;
+{ The following structure is the future NewWindow. Compatibility
+ * issues require that the size of NewWindow not change.
+ * Data in the common part (NewWindow) indicates the the extension
+ * fields are being used.
+ * NOTE WELL: This structure may be subject to future extension.
+ * Writing code depending on its size is not allowed.
+ }
+ PExtNewWindow = ^TExtNewWindow;
+ TExtNewWindow = record
+ LeftEdge, TopEdge : SmallInt;
+ Width, Height : SmallInt;
+ DetailPen, BlockPen : Byte;
+ IDCMPFlags : LongWord;
+ Flags : LongWord;
+ FirstGadget : PGadget;
+ CheckMark : PImage;
+ Title : PChar;
+ WScreen : Pointer;
+ WBitMap : pBitMap;
+ MinWidth, MinHeight: SmallInt;
+ MaxWidth, MaxHeight: Word;
+ { the type variable describes the Screen in which you want this Window to
+ * open. The type value can either be CUSTOMSCREEN or one of the
+ * system standard Screen Types such as WBENCHSCREEN. See the
+ * type definitions under the Screen structure.
+ * A new possible value for this field is PUBLICSCREEN, which
+ * defines the window as a 'visitor' window. See below for
+ * additional information provided.
+ }
+ WType: Word;
+ { ------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * extensions for V36
+ * if the NewWindow Flag value WFLG_NW_EXTENDED is set, then
+ * this field is assumed to point to an array ( or chain of arrays)
+ * of TagItem structures. See also ExtNewScreen for another
+ * use of TagItems to pass optional data.
+ *
+ * see below for tag values and the corresponding data.
+ }
+ Extension: PTagItem;
+ end;
+ * The TagItem ID's (ti_Tag values) for OpenWindowTagList() follow.
+ * They are values in a TagItem array passed as extension/replacement
+ * values for the data in NewWindow. OpenWindowTagList() can actually
+ * work well with a NULL NewWindow pointer.
+ }
+ TAG_USER = $80000000;
+ TAG_DONE = 0; { terminates array of TagItems. ti_Data unused }
+ WA_Dummy = (TAG_USER + 99); { $80000063 }
+ { these tags simply override NewWindow parameters }
+ WA_Left = (WA_Dummy + $01);
+ WA_Top = (WA_Dummy + $02);
+ WA_Width = (WA_Dummy + $03);
+ WA_Height = (WA_Dummy + $04);
+ WA_DetailPen = (WA_Dummy + $05);
+ WA_BlockPen = (WA_Dummy + $06);
+ WA_IDCMP = (WA_Dummy + $07);
+ { "bulk" initialization of NewWindow.Flags }
+ WA_Flags = (WA_Dummy + $08);
+ WA_Gadgets = (WA_Dummy + $09);
+ WA_Checkmark = (WA_Dummy + $0A);
+ WA_Title = (WA_Dummy + $0B);
+ { means you don't have to call SetWindowTitles
+ * after you open your window
+ }
+ WA_ScreenTitle = (WA_Dummy + $0C);
+ WA_CustomScreen = (WA_Dummy + $0D);
+ WA_SuperBitMap = (WA_Dummy + $0E);
+ { also implies WFLG_SUPER_BITMAP property }
+ WA_MinWidth = (WA_Dummy + $0F);
+ WA_MinHeight = (WA_Dummy + $10);
+ WA_MaxWidth = (WA_Dummy + $11);
+ WA_MaxHeight = (WA_Dummy + $12);
+ { The following are specifications for new features }
+ WA_InnerWidth = (WA_Dummy + $13);
+ WA_InnerHeight = (WA_Dummy + $14);
+ { You can specify the dimensions of the interior
+ * region of your window, independent of what
+ * the border widths will be. You probably want
+ * to also specify WA_AutoAdjust to allow
+ * Intuition to move your window or even
+ * shrink it so that it is completely on screen.
+ }
+ WA_PubScreenName = (WA_Dummy + $15);
+ { declares that you want the window to open as
+ * a visitor on the public screen whose name is
+ * pointed to by (UBYTE * ) ti_Data
+ }
+ WA_PubScreen = (WA_Dummy + $16);
+ { open as a visitor window on the public screen
+ * whose Pointer is in (struct Screen * ) ti_Data.
+ * To ensure that this screen remains open, you
+ * should either be the screen's owner, have a
+ * window open on the screen, or use LockPubScreen().
+ }
+ WA_PubScreenFallBack = (WA_Dummy + $17);
+ { A Boolean, specifies whether a visitor window
+ * should "fall back" to the default public screen
+ * (or Workbench) if the named public screen isn't
+ * available
+ }
+ WA_WindowName = (WA_Dummy + $18);
+ { not implemented }
+ WA_Colors = (WA_Dummy + $19);
+ { a ColorSpec array for colors to be set
+ * when this window is active. This is not
+ * implemented, and may not be, since the default
+ * values to restore would be hard to track.
+ * We'd like to at least support per-window colors
+ * for the mouse pointer sprite.
+ }
+ WA_Zoom = (WA_Dummy + $1A);
+ { ti_Data points to an array of four Word's,
+ * the initial Left/Top/Width/Height values of
+ * the "alternate" zoom position/dimensions.
+ * It also specifies that you want a Zoom gadget
+ * for your window, whether or not you have a
+ * sizing gadget.
+ }
+ WA_MouseQueue = (WA_Dummy + $1B);
+ { ti_Data contains initial value for the mouse
+ * message backlog limit for this window.
+ }
+ WA_BackFill = (WA_Dummy + $1C);
+ { unimplemented at present: provides a "backfill
+ * hook" for your window's layer.
+ }
+ WA_RptQueue = (WA_Dummy + $1D);
+ { initial value of repeat key backlog limit }
+ { These Boolean tag items are alternatives to the NewWindow.Flags
+ * boolean flags with similar names.
+ }
+ WA_SizeGadget = (WA_Dummy + $1E);
+ WA_DragBar = (WA_Dummy + $1F);
+ WA_DepthGadget = (WA_Dummy + $20);
+ WA_CloseGadget = (WA_Dummy + $21);
+ WA_Backdrop = (WA_Dummy + $22);
+ WA_ReportMouse = (WA_Dummy + $23);
+ WA_NoCareRefresh = (WA_Dummy + $24);
+ WA_Borderless = (WA_Dummy + $25);
+ WA_Activate = (WA_Dummy + $26);
+ WA_RMBTrap = (WA_Dummy + $27);
+ WA_WBenchWindow = (WA_Dummy + $28); { PRIVATE!! }
+ WA_SimpleRefresh = (WA_Dummy + $29);
+ { only specify if TRUE }
+ WA_SmartRefresh = (WA_Dummy + $2A);
+ { only specify if TRUE }
+ WA_SizeBRight = (WA_Dummy + $2B);
+ WA_SizeBBottom = (WA_Dummy + $2C);
+ { New Boolean properties }
+ WA_AutoAdjust = (WA_Dummy + $2D);
+ { shift or squeeze the window's position and
+ * dimensions to fit it on screen.
+ }
+ WA_GimmeZeroZero = (WA_Dummy + $2E);
+ { equiv. to NewWindow.Flags WFLG_GIMMEZEROZERO }
+ { New for V37: WA_MenuHelp (ignored by V36) }
+ WA_MenuHelp = (WA_Dummy + $2F);
+ { Enables IDCMP_MENUHELP: Pressing HELP during menus
+ * will return IDCMP_MENUHELP message.
+ }
+ { New for V39: (ignored by V37 and earlier) }
+ WA_NewLookMenus = (WA_Dummy + $30);
+ { Set to TRUE if you want NewLook menus }
+ WA_AmigaKey = (WA_Dummy + $31);
+ { Pointer to image for Amiga-key equiv in menus }
+ WA_NotifyDepth = (WA_Dummy + $32);
+ { Requests IDCMP_CHANGEWINDOW message when
+ * window is depth arranged
+ * (imsg->Code = CWCODE_DEPTH)
+ }
+ { WA_Dummy + $33 is obsolete }
+ WA_Pointer = (WA_Dummy + $34);
+ { Allows you to specify a custom pointer
+ * for your window. ti_Data points to a
+ * pointer object you obtained via
+ * "pointerclass". NULL signifies the
+ * default pointer.
+ * This tag may be passed to OpenWindowTags()
+ * or SetWindowPointer().
+ }
+ WA_BusyPointer = (WA_Dummy + $35);
+ { ti_Data is boolean. Set to TRUE to
+ * request the standard busy pointer.
+ * This tag may be passed to OpenWindowTags()
+ * or SetWindowPointer().
+ }
+ WA_PointerDelay = (WA_Dummy + $36);
+ { ti_Data is boolean. Set to TRUE to
+ * request that the changing of the
+ * pointer be slightly delayed. The change
+ * will be called off if you call NewSetPointer()
+ * before the delay expires. This allows
+ * you to post a busy-pointer even if you think
+ * the busy-time may be very Word, without
+ * fear of a flashing pointer.
+ * This tag may be passed to OpenWindowTags()
+ * or SetWindowPointer().
+ }
+ WA_TabletMessages = (WA_Dummy + $37);
+ { ti_Data is a boolean. Set to TRUE to
+ * request that tablet information be included
+ * in IntuiMessages sent to your window.
+ * Requires that something (i.e. a tablet driver)
+ * feed IESUBCLASS_NEWTABLET InputEvents into
+ * the system. For a pointer to the TabletData,
+ * examine the ExtIntuiMessage->eim_TabletData
+ * field. It is UNSAFE to check this field
+ * when running on pre-V39 systems. It's always
+ * safe to check this field under V39 and up,
+ * though it may be NULL.
+ }
+ WA_HelpGroup = (WA_Dummy + $38);
+ { When the active window has gadget help enabled,
+ * other windows of the same HelpGroup number
+ * will also get GadgetHelp. This allows GadgetHelp
+ * to work for multi-windowed applications.
+ * Use GetGroupID() to get an ID number. Pass
+ * this number as ti_Data to all your windows.
+ * See also the HelpControl() function.
+ }
+ WA_HelpGroupWindow = (WA_Dummy + $39);
+ { When the active window has gadget help enabled,
+ * other windows of the same HelpGroup will also get
+ * GadgetHelp. This allows GadgetHelp to work
+ * for multi-windowed applications. As an alternative
+ * to WA_HelpGroup, you can pass a pointer to any
+ * other window of the same group to join its help
+ * group. Defaults to NULL, which has no effect.
+ * See also the HelpControl() function.
+ }
+WA_ToolBox = (WA_Dummy + 58);
+// AROS specific tags
+WA_Priority = (WA_Dummy + 100);
+WA_Parent = (WA_Dummy + 101);
+WA_InFrontOf = (WA_Dummy + 102);
+WA_Behind = (WA_Dummy + 103);
+WA_Visible = (WA_Dummy + 104);
+WA_Shape = (WA_Dummy + 105);
+WA_ShapeHook = (WA_Dummy + 106);
+{ HelpControl() flags:
+ *
+ * HC_GADGETHELP - Set this flag to enable Gadget-Help for one or more
+ * windows.
+ }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ === Remember =========================================================== }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ this structure is used for remembering what memory has been allocated to
+ * date by a given routine, so that a premature abort or systematic exit
+ * can deallocate memory cleanly, easily, and completely
+ }
+ PRemember = ^TRemember;
+ TRemember = record
+ NextRemember: PRemember;
+ RememberSize: LongWord;
+ Memory: Pointer;
+ end;
+ { === Color Spec ====================================================== }
+ { How to tell Intuition about RGB values for a color table entry. }
+ PColorSpec = ^TColorSpec;
+ TColorSpec = record
+ ColorIndex: SmallInt; { -1 terminates an array of ColorSpec }
+ Red: Word; { only the _bottom_ 4 bits recognized }
+ Green: Word; { only the _bottom_ 4 bits recognized }
+ Blue: Word; { only the _bottom_ 4 bits recognized }
+ end;
+ { === Easy Requester Specification ======================================= }
+ { see also autodocs for EasyRequest and BuildEasyRequest }
+ { NOTE: This structure may grow in size in the future }
+ PEasyStruct = ^TEasyStruct;
+ TEasyStruct = record
+ es_StructSize: LongWord; { should be sizeof (struct EasyStruct )}
+ es_Flags: LongWord; { should be 0 for now }
+ es_Title: PChar; { title of requester window }
+ es_TextFormat: PChar; { 'printf' style formatting string }
+ es_GadgetFormat: PChar; { 'printf' style formatting string }
+ end;
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ === Miscellaneous ====================================================== }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+ { = MENU STUFF =========================================================== }
+ NOMENU = $001F;
+ NOITEM = $003F;
+ NOSUB = $001F;
+ MENUNULL = -1;
+ { = =RJ='s peculiarities ================================================= }
+{ these defines are for the COMMSEQ and CHECKIT menu stuff. If CHECKIT,
+ * I'll use a generic Width (for all resolutions) for the CheckMark.
+ * If COMMSEQ, likewise I'll use this generic stuff
+ }
+{ these are the AlertNumber defines. if you are calling DisplayAlert()
+ * the AlertNumber you supply must have the ALERT_TYPE bits set to one
+ * of these patterns
+ }
+ ALERT_TYPE = $80000000;
+ RECOVERY_ALERT = $00000000; { the system can recover from this }
+ DEADEND_ALERT = $80000000; { no recovery possible, this is it }
+{ When you're defining IntuiText for the Positive and Negative Gadgets
+ * created by a call to AutoRequest(), these defines will get you
+ * reasonable-looking text. The only field without a define is the IText
+ * field; you decide what text goes with the Gadget
+ }
+{ -
+- }
+ { --- RAWMOUSE Codes and Qualifiers (Console OR IDCMP) ------------------- }
+ KEYCODE_Q = $10;
+ KEYCODE_X = $32;
+ KEYCODE_N = $36;
+ KEYCODE_M = $37;
+ KEYCODE_V = $34;
+ KEYCODE_B = $35;
+{ these are the display modes for which we have corresponding parameter
+ * settings in the config arrays
+ }
+ DMODECOUNT = $0002; { how many modes there are }
+ HIRESPICK = $0000;
+ LOWRESPICK = $0001;
+ EVENTMAX = 10; { size of event array }
+ { these are the system Gadget defines }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ === DrawInfo ========================================================= }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ This is a packet of information for graphics rendering. It originates
+ * with a Screen, and is gotten using GetScreenDrawInfo( screen );
+ }
+{ If you find dri_Version >= DRI_VERSION, you know this structure
+ * has at least the fields defined in this version of the include file
+ }
+ RI_VERSION = (1); { obsolete, will be removed }
+ DRI_VERSION = (1);
+ PDrawInfo = ^TDrawInfo;
+ TDrawInfo = record
+ dri_Version: Word; { will be DRI_VERSION }
+ dri_NumPens: Word; { guaranteed to be >= numDrIPens }
+ dri_Pens: Pointer; { pointer to pen array }
+ dri_Font: PTextFont; { screen default font }
+ dri_Depth: Word; { (initial) depth of screen bitmap }
+ dri_Resolution: record { from DisplayInfo database for initial display mode }
+ x: Word;
+ y: Word;
+ end;
+ dri_Flags: LongWord; { defined below }
+ { New for V39: dri_CheckMark, dri_AmigaKey. }
+ dri_CheckMark: PImage; { ImagePtr } { pointer to scaled checkmark image
+ * Will be NULL if DRI_VERSION < 2
+ }
+ dri_AmigaKey: PImage; { ImagePtr } { pointer to scaled Amiga-key image
+ * Will be NULL if DRI_VERSION < 2
+ }
+ dri_Reserved: array[0..4] of LongWord; { avoid recompilation ;^) }
+ end;
+ DRIF_NEWLOOK = $00000001; { specified SA_Pens, full treatment }
+ { rendering pen number indexes into DrawInfo.dri_Pens[] }
+ DETAILPEN = ($0000); { compatible Intuition rendering pens }
+ BLOCKPEN = ($0001); { compatible Intuition rendering pens }
+ TEXTPEN = ($0002); { text on background }
+ SHINEPEN = ($0003); { bright edge on 3D objects }
+ SHADOWPEN = ($0004); { dark edge on 3D objects }
+ FILLPEN = ($0005); { active-window/selected-gadget fill }
+ FILLTEXTPEN = ($0006); { text over FILLPEN }
+ BACKGROUNDPEN = ($0007); { always color 0 }
+ HIGHLIGHTTEXTPEN = ($0008); { special color text, on background }
+ { New for V39, only present if DRI_VERSION >= 2: }
+ BARDETAILPEN = ($0009); { text/detail in screen-bar/menus }
+ BARBLOCKPEN = ($000A); { screen-bar/menus fill }
+ BARTRIMPEN = ($000B); { trim under screen-bar }
+ NUMDRIPENS = ($0009);
+{ New for V39: It is sometimes useful to specify that a pen value
+ * is to be the complement of color zero to three. The "magic" numbers
+ * serve that purpose:
+ }
+ PEN_C3 = $FEFC; { Complement of color 3 }
+ PEN_C2 = $FEFD; { Complement of color 2 }
+ PEN_C1 = $FEFE; { Complement of color 1 }
+ PEN_C0 = $FEFF; { Complement of color 0 }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ === Screen ============================================================= }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+ PScreen = ^TScreen;
+ TScreen = record
+ NextScreen: PScreen; { linked list of screens }
+ FirstWindow: PWindow; { linked list Screen's Windows }
+ LeftEdge,
+ TopEdge: SmallInt; { parameters of the screen }
+ Width,
+ Height: SmallInt; { parameters of the screen }
+ MouseY,
+ MouseX: SmallInt; { position relative to upper-left }
+ Flags: Word; { see definitions below }
+ Title: PChar; { null-terminated Title text }
+ DefaultTitle: PChar; { for Windows without ScreenTitle }
+ { Bar sizes for this Screen and all Window's in this Screen }
+ BarHeight,
+ BarVBorder,
+ BarHBorder,
+ MenuVBorder,
+ MenuHBorder: ShortInt;
+ WBorTop,
+ WBorLeft,
+ WBorRight,
+ WBorBottom: ShortInt;
+ Font: PTextAttr; { this screen's default font }
+ { the display data structures for this Screen (note the prefix S)}
+ ViewPort: TViewPort; { describing the Screen's display }
+ RastPort: TRastPort; { describing Screen rendering }
+ BitMap: TBitMap; { extra copy of RastPort BitMap }
+ LayerInfo: TLayer_Info; { each screen gets a LayerInfo }
+ { You supply a linked-list of Gadgets for your Screen.
+ * This list DOES NOT include system Gadgets. You get the standard
+ * system Screen Gadgets by default
+ }
+ FirstGadget: PGadget;
+ DetailPen,
+ BlockPen: Byte; { for bar/border/gadget rendering }
+ { the following variable(s) are maintained by Intuition to support the
+ * DisplayBeep() color flashing technique
+ }
+ SaveColor0: Word;
+ { This layer is for the Screen and Menu bars }
+ BarLayer: PLayer;
+ ExtData: Pointer;
+ UserData: Pointer;
+ { general-purpose pointer to User data extension }
+ {**** Data below this point are SYSTEM PRIVATE ****}
+ end;
+{ The screen flags have the suffix "_f" added to avoid conflicts with
+ routine names. }
+ { --- FLAGS SET BY INTUITION --------------------------------------------- }
+{ The SCREENTYPE bits are reserved for describing various Screen types
+ * available under Intuition.
+ }
+ SCREENTYPE_f = $000F; { all the screens types available }
+ { --- the definitions for the Screen type ------------------------------- }
+ WBENCHSCREEN_f = $0001; { Ta Da! The Workbench }
+ CUSTOMSCREEN_f = $000F; { for that special look }
+ SHOWTITLE_f = $0010; { this gets set by a call to ShowTitle() }
+ BEEPING_f = $0020; { set when Screen is beeping }
+ CUSTOMBITMAP_f = $0040; { if you are supplying your own BitMap }
+ SCREENBEHIND_f = $0080; { if you want your screen to open behind
+ * already open screens
+ }
+ SCREENQUIET_f = $0100; { if you do not want Intuition to render
+ * into your screen (gadgets, title) }
+ SCREENHIRES = $0200; { do no use lowres gadgets (private) }
+ NS_EXTENDED = $1000; { ExtNewScreen.Extension is valid }
+ { V36 applications can use OpenScreenTagList() instead of NS_EXTENDED }
+ { New for V39: }
+ PENSHARED = $0400; { Screen opener set (SA_SharePens,TRUE) }
+ AUTOSCROLL = $4000; { screen is to autoscoll }
+ STDSCREENHEIGHT = -1; { supply in NewScreen.Height }
+ STDSCREENWIDTH = -1; { supply in NewScreen.Width }
+ * Screen attribute tag ID's. These are used in the ti_Tag field of
+ * TagItem arrays passed to OpenScreenTagList() (or in the
+ * ExtNewScreen.Extension field).
+ }
+{ Screen attribute tags. Please use these versions, not those in
+ * iobsolete.h.
+ }
+ SA_Dummy = (TAG_USER + 32);
+ * these items specify items equivalent to fields in NewScreen
+ }
+ SA_Left = (SA_Dummy + $0001);
+ SA_Top = (SA_Dummy + $0002);
+ SA_Width = (SA_Dummy + $0003);
+ SA_Height = (SA_Dummy + $0004);
+ { traditional screen positions and dimensions }
+ SA_Depth = (SA_Dummy + $0005);
+ { screen bitmap depth }
+ SA_DetailPen = (SA_Dummy + $0006);
+ { serves as default for windows, too }
+ SA_BlockPen = (SA_Dummy + $0007);
+ SA_Title = (SA_Dummy + $0008);
+ { default screen title }
+ SA_Colors = (SA_Dummy + $0009);
+ { ti_Data is an array of struct ColorSpec,
+ * terminated by ColorIndex = -1. Specifies
+ * initial screen palette colors.
+ }
+ SA_ErrorCode = (SA_Dummy + $000A);
+ { ti_Data points to LONG error code (values below)}
+ SA_Font = (SA_Dummy + $000B);
+ { equiv. to NewScreen.Font }
+ SA_SysFont = (SA_Dummy + $000C);
+ { Selects one of the preferences system fonts:
+ * 0 - old DefaultFont, fixed-width
+ * 1 - WB Screen preferred font
+ }
+ SA_Type = (SA_Dummy + $000D);
+ { equiv. to NewScreen.type }
+ SA_BitMap = (SA_Dummy + $000E);
+ { ti_Data is pointer to custom BitMap. This
+ * implies type of CUSTOMBITMAP
+ }
+ SA_PubName = (SA_Dummy + $000F);
+ { presence of this tag means that the screen
+ * is to be a public screen. Please specify
+ * BEFORE the two tags below
+ }
+ SA_PubSig = (SA_Dummy + $0010);
+ SA_PubTask = (SA_Dummy + $0011);
+ { Task ID and signal for being notified that
+ * the last window has closed on a public screen.
+ }
+ SA_DisplayID = (SA_Dummy + $0012);
+ { ti_Data is new extended display ID from
+ * <graphics/displayinfo.h>.
+ }
+ SA_DClip = (SA_Dummy + $0013);
+ { ti_Data points to a rectangle which defines
+ * screen display clip region
+ }
+ SA_Overscan = (SA_Dummy + $0014);
+ { was S_STDDCLIP. Set to one of the OSCAN_
+ * specifiers below to get a system standard
+ * overscan region for your display clip,
+ * screen dimensions (unless otherwise specified),
+ * and automatically centered position (partial
+ * support only so far).
+ * If you use this, you shouldn't specify
+ * SA_DClip. SA_Overscan is for "standard"
+ * overscan dimensions, SA_DClip is for
+ * your custom numeric specifications.
+ }
+ SA_Obsolete1 = (SA_Dummy + $0015);
+ { obsolete S_MONITORNAME }
+ {* booleans *}
+ SA_ShowTitle = (SA_Dummy + $0016);
+ { boolean equivalent to flag SHOWTITLE }
+ SA_Behind = (SA_Dummy + $0017);
+ { boolean equivalent to flag SCREENBEHIND }
+ SA_Quiet = (SA_Dummy + $0018);
+ { boolean equivalent to flag SCREENQUIET }
+ SA_AutoScroll = (SA_Dummy + $0019);
+ { boolean equivalent to flag AUTOSCROLL }
+ SA_Pens = (SA_Dummy + $001A);
+ { pointer to ~0 terminated UWORD array, as
+ * found in struct DrawInfo
+ }
+ SA_FullPalette = (SA_Dummy + $001B);
+ { boolean: initialize color table to entire
+ * preferences palette (32 for V36), rather
+ * than compatible pens 0-3, 17-19, with
+ * remaining palette as returned by GetColorMap()
+ }
+ SA_ColorMapEntries = (SA_Dummy + $001C);
+ { New for V39:
+ * Allows you to override the number of entries
+ * in the ColorMap for your screen. Intuition
+ * normally allocates (1<<depth) or 32, whichever
+ * is more, but you may require even more if you
+ * use certain V39 graphics.library features
+ * (eg. palette-banking).
+ }
+ SA_Parent = (SA_Dummy + $001D);
+ { New for V39:
+ * ti_Data is a pointer to a "parent" screen to
+ * attach this one to. Attached screens slide
+ * and depth-arrange together.
+ }
+ SA_Draggable = (SA_Dummy + $001E);
+ { New for V39:
+ * Boolean tag allowing non-draggable screens.
+ * Do not use without good reason!
+ * (Defaults to TRUE).
+ }
+ SA_Exclusive = (SA_Dummy + $001F);
+ { New for V39:
+ * Boolean tag allowing screens that won't share
+ * the display. Use sparingly! Starting with 3.01,
+ * attached screens may be SA_Exclusive. Setting
+ * SA_Exclusive for each screen will produce an
+ * exclusive family. (Defaults to FALSE).
+ }
+ SA_SharePens = (SA_Dummy + $0020);
+ { New for V39:
+ * For those pens in the screen's DrawInfo->dri_Pens,
+ * Intuition obtains them in shared mode (see
+ * graphics.library/ObtainPen()). For compatibility,
+ * Intuition obtains the other pens of a public
+ * screen as PEN_EXCLUSIVE. Screens that wish to
+ * manage the pens themselves should generally set
+ * this tag to TRUE. This instructs Intuition to
+ * leave the other pens unallocated.
+ }
+ SA_BackFill = (SA_Dummy + $0021);
+ { New for V39:
+ * provides a "backfill hook" for your screen's
+ * Layer_Info.
+ * See layers.library/InstallLayerInfoHook()
+ }
+ SA_Interleaved = (SA_Dummy + $0022);
+ { New for V39:
+ * Boolean tag requesting that the bitmap
+ * allocated for you be interleaved.
+ * (Defaults to FALSE).
+ }
+ SA_Colors32 = (SA_Dummy + $0023);
+ { New for V39:
+ * Tag to set the screen's initial palette colors
+ * at 32 bits-per-gun. ti_Data is a pointer
+ * to a table to be passed to the
+ * graphics.library/LoadRGB32() function.
+ * This format supports both runs of color
+ * registers and sparse registers. See the
+ * autodoc for that function for full details.
+ * Any color set here has precedence over
+ * the same register set by SA_Colors.
+ }
+ SA_VideoControl = (SA_Dummy + $0024);
+ { New for V39:
+ * ti_Data is a pointer to a taglist that Intuition
+ * will pass to graphics.library/VideoControl(),
+ * upon opening the screen.
+ }
+ SA_FrontChild = (SA_Dummy + $0025);
+ { New for V39:
+ * ti_Data is a pointer to an already open screen
+ * that is to be the child of the screen being
+ * opened. The child screen will be moved to the
+ * front of its family.
+ }
+ SA_BackChild = (SA_Dummy + $0026);
+ { New for V39:
+ * ti_Data is a pointer to an already open screen
+ * that is to be the child of the screen being
+ * opened. The child screen will be moved to the
+ * back of its family.
+ }
+ SA_LikeWorkbench = (SA_Dummy + $0027);
+ { New for V39:
+ * Set ti_Data to 1 to request a screen which
+ * is just like the Workbench. This gives
+ * you the same screen mode, depth, size,
+ * colors, etc., as the Workbench screen.
+ }
+ SA_Reserved = (SA_Dummy + $0028);
+ { Reserved for private Intuition use }
+ SA_MinimizeISG = (SA_Dummy + $0029);
+ { New for V40:
+ * For compatibility, Intuition always ensures
+ * that the inter-screen gap is at least three
+ * non-interlaced lines. If your application
+ * would look best with the smallest possible
+ * inter-screen gap, set ti_Data to TRUE.
+ * If you use the new graphics VideoControl()
+ * VC_NoColorPaletteLoad tag for your screen's
+ * ViewPort, you should also set this tag.
+ }
+{ this is an obsolete tag included only for compatibility with V35
+ * interim release for the A2024 and Viking monitors
+ }
+{ OpenScreen error codes, which are returned in the (optional) LONG
+ * pointed to by ti_Data for the SA_ErrorCode tag item
+ }
+ OSERR_NOMONITOR = (1); { named monitor spec not available }
+ OSERR_NOCHIPS = (2); { you need newer custom chips }
+ OSERR_NOMEM = (3); { couldn't get normal memory }
+ OSERR_NOCHIPMEM = (4); { couldn't get chipmem }
+ OSERR_PUBNOTUNIQUE = (5); { public screen name already used }
+ OSERR_UNKNOWNMODE = (6); { don't recognize mode asked for }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ === NewScreen ========================================================== }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+ PNewScreen = ^TNewScreen;
+ TNewScreen = record
+ LeftEdge,
+ TopEdge,
+ Width,
+ Height,
+ Depth: SmallInt; { screen dimensions }
+ DetailPen,
+ BlockPen: Byte; { for bar/border/gadget rendering }
+ ViewModes: Word; { the Modes for the ViewPort (and View) }
+ SType: Word; { the Screen type (see defines above) }
+ Font: PTextAttr; { this Screen's default text attributes }
+ DefaultTitle: PChar; { the default title for this Screen }
+ Gadgets: PGadget; { your own Gadgets for this Screen }
+ { if you are opening a CUSTOMSCREEN and already have a BitMap
+ * that you want used for your Screen, you set the flags CUSTOMBITMAP in
+ * the type field and you set this variable to point to your BitMap
+ * structure. The structure will be copied into your Screen structure,
+ * after which you may discard your own BitMap if you want
+ }
+ CustomBitMap: PBitMap;
+ end;
+ PExtNewScreen = ^TExtNewScreen;
+ TExtNewScreen = record
+ LeftEdge, TopEdge, Width, Height, Depth: SmallInt;
+ DetailPen, BlockPen: Byte;
+ ViewModes: Word;
+ ens_Type: Word; { type in C-Includes }
+ Font: PTextAttr;
+ DefaultTitle: PChar;
+ Gadgets: PGadget;
+ CustomBitMap: PBitMap;
+ Extension: PTagItem;
+ end;
+ { === Overscan Types === }
+ OSCAN_TEXT = (1); { entirely visible }
+ OSCAN_STANDARD = (2); { just past edges }
+ OSCAN_MAX = (3); { as much as possible }
+ OSCAN_VIDEO = (4); { even more than is possible }
+{ === Public Shared Screen Node === }
+{ This is the representative of a public shared screen.
+ * This is an internal data structure, but some functions may
+ * present a copy of it to the calling application. In that case,
+ * be aware that the screen pointer of the structure can NOT be
+ * used safely, since there is no guarantee that the referenced
+ * screen will remain open and a valid data structure.
+ *
+ * Never change one of these.
+ }
+ PPubScreenNode = ^TPubScreenNode;
+ TPubScreenNode = record
+ psn_Node: TNode; { ln_Name is screen name }
+ psn_Screen: PScreen;
+ psn_Flags: Word; { below }
+ psn_Size: SmallInt; { includes name buffer }
+ psn_VisitorCount: SmallInt; { how many visitor windows }
+ psn_SigTask: PTask; { who to signal when visitors gone }
+ psn_SigBit: Byte; { which signal }
+ end;
+ PSNF_PRIVATE = ($0001);
+ MAXPUBSCREENNAME = (139); { names no longer, please }
+ { pub screen modes }
+ SHANGHAI = $0001; { put workbench windows on pub screen }
+ POPPUBSCREEN = $0002; { pop pub screen to front when visitor opens }
+{ New for V39: Intuition has new screen depth-arrangement and movement
+ * functions called ScreenDepth() and ScreenPosition() respectively.
+ * These functions permit the old behavior of ScreenToFront(),
+ * ScreenToBack(), and MoveScreen(). ScreenDepth() also allows
+ * independent depth control of attached screens. ScreenPosition()
+ * optionally allows positioning screens even though they were opened
+ * (SA_Draggable,FALSE).
+ }
+{ For ScreenDepth(), specify one of SDEPTH_TOFRONT or SDEPTH_TOBACK,
+ * and optionally also SDEPTH_INFAMILY.
+ *
+ * NOTE: ONLY THE OWNER OF THE SCREEN should ever specify
+ * SDEPTH_INFAMILY. Commodities, "input helper" programs,
+ * or any other program that did not open a screen should never
+ * use that flag. (Note that this is a style-behavior
+ * requirement; there is no technical requirement that the
+ * task calling this function need be the task which opened
+ * the screen).
+ }
+ SDEPTH_TOFRONT = (0); { Bring screen to front }
+ SDEPTH_TOBACK = (1); { Send screen to back }
+ SDEPTH_INFAMILY = (2); { Move an attached screen with
+ * respect to other screens of
+ * its family
+ }
+ { Here's an obsolete name equivalent to SDEPTH_INFAMILY: }
+{ For ScreenPosition(), specify one of SPOS_RELATIVE, SPOS_ABSOLUTE,
+ * or SPOS_MAKEVISIBLE to describe the kind of screen positioning you
+ * wish to perform:
+ *
+ * SPOS_RELATIVE: The x1 and y1 parameters to ScreenPosition() describe
+ * the offset in coordinates you wish to move the screen by.
+ * SPOS_ABSOLUTE: The x1 and y1 parameters to ScreenPosition() describe
+ * the absolute coordinates you wish to move the screen to.
+ * SPOS_MAKEVISIBLE: (x1,y1)-(x2,y2) describes a rectangle on the
+ * screen which you would like autoscrolled into view.
+ *
+ * You may additionally set SPOS_FORCEDRAG along with any of the
+ * above. Set this if you wish to reposition an (SA_Draggable,FALSE)
+ * screen that you opened.
+ *
+ * NOTE: ONLY THE OWNER OF THE SCREEN should ever specify
+ * SPOS_FORCEDRAG. Commodities, "input helper" programs,
+ * or any other program that did not open a screen should never
+ * use that flag.
+ }
+ SPOS_RELATIVE = (0); { Coordinates are relative }
+ SPOS_ABSOLUTE = (1); { Coordinates are expressed as
+ * absolutes, not relatives.
+ }
+ SPOS_MAKEVISIBLE = (2); { Coordinates describe a box on
+ * the screen you wish to be
+ * made visible by autoscrolling
+ }
+ SPOS_FORCEDRAG = (4); { Move non-draggable screen }
+{ New for V39: Intuition supports double-buffering in screens,
+ * with friendly interaction with menus and certain gadgets.
+ * For each buffer, you need to get one of these structures
+ * from the AllocScreenBuffer() call. Never allocate your
+ * own ScreenBuffer structures!
+ *
+ * The sb_DBufInfo field is for your use. See the graphics.library
+ * AllocDBufInfo() autodoc for details.
+ }
+ PScreenBuffer = ^TScreenBuffer;
+ TScreenBuffer = record
+ sb_BitMap: PBitMap; { BitMap of this buffer }
+ sb_DBufInfo: PDBufInfo; { DBufInfo for this buffer }
+ end;
+{ These are the flags that may be passed to AllocScreenBuffer().
+ }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ === Preferences ======================================================== }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+ { these are the definitions for the printer configurations }
+ FILENAME_SIZE = 30; { Filename size }
+ POINTERSIZE = (1 + 16 + 1) * 2; { Size of Pointer data buffer }
+{ These defines are for the default font size. These actually describe the
+ * height of the defaults fonts. The default font type is the topaz
+ * font, which is a fixed width font that can be used in either
+ * eighty-column or sixty-column mode. The Preferences structure reflects
+ * which is currently selected by the value found in the variable FontSize,
+ * which may have either of the values defined below. These values actually
+ * are used to select the height of the default font. By changing the
+ * height, the resolution of the font changes as well.
+ }
+ PPreferences = ^TPreferences;
+ TPreferences = record
+ { the default font height }
+ FontHeight: ShortInt; { height for system default font }
+ { constant describing what's hooked up to the port }
+ PrinterPort: Byte; { printer port connection }
+ { the baud rate of the port }
+ BaudRate: Word; { baud rate for the serial port }
+ { various timing rates }
+ KeyRptSpeed: ttimeval; { repeat speed for keyboard }
+ KeyRptDelay: ttimeval; { Delay before keys repeat }
+ DoubleClick: ttimeval; { Interval allowed between clicks }
+ { Intuition Pointer data }
+ PointerMatrix: array [0..POINTERSIZE - 1] of Word;
+ { Definition of pointer sprite }
+ XOffset: ShortInt; { X-Offset for active 'bit' }
+ YOffset: ShortInt; { Y-Offset for active 'bit' }
+ color17: Word; {*********************************}
+ color18: Word; { Colours for sprite pointer }
+ color19: Word; {*********************************}
+ PointerTicks: Word; { Sensitivity of the pointer }
+ { Workbench Screen colors }
+ color0: Word; {*********************************}
+ color1: Word; { Standard default colours }
+ color2: Word; { Used in the Workbench }
+ color3: Word; {*********************************}
+ { positioning data for the Intuition View }
+ ViewXOffset: ShortInt; { Offset for top lefthand corner }
+ ViewYOffset: ShortInt; { X and Y dimensions }
+ ViewInitX,
+ ViewInitY: SmallInt; { View initial offset values }
+ EnableCLI: boolean; { CLI availability switch }
+ { printer configurations }
+ PrinterType: Word; { printer type }
+ PrinterFilename: array [0..FILENAME_SIZE - 1] of char;
+ { file for printer }
+ { print format and quality configurations }
+ PrintPitch: Word; { print pitch }
+ PrintQuality: Word; { print quality }
+ PrintSpacing: Word; { number of lines per inch }
+ PrintLeftMargin: Word; { left margin in characters }
+ PrintRightMargin: Word; { right margin in characters }
+ PrintImage: Word; { positive or negative }
+ PrintAspect: Word; { horizontal or vertical }
+ PrintShade: Word; { b&w, half-tone, or color }
+ PrintThreshold: SmallInt; { darkness ctrl for b/w dumps }
+ { print paper descriptors }
+ PaperSize: Word; { paper size }
+ PaperLength: Word; { paper length in number of lines }
+ PaperType: Word; { continuous or single sheet }
+ { Serial device settings: These are six nibble-fields in three bytes }
+ { (these look a little strange so the defaults will map out to zero) }
+ SerRWBits: Byte;
+ { upper nibble = (8-number of read bits) }
+ { lower nibble = (8-number of write bits) }
+ SerStopBuf: Byte;
+ { upper nibble = (number of stop bits - 1) }
+ { lower nibble = (table value for BufSize) }
+ SerParShk: Byte;
+ { upper nibble = (value for Parity setting) }
+ { lower nibble = (value for Handshake mode) }
+ LaceWB: Byte; { if workbench is to be interlaced }
+ WorkName: array [0..FILENAME_SIZE - 1] of char;
+ { temp file for printer }
+ RowSizeChange: ShortInt;
+ ColumnSizeChange: ShortInt;
+ PrintFlags: Word; { user preference flags }
+ PrintMaxWidth: Word; { max width of printed picture in 10ths/inch }
+ PrintMaxHeight: Word; { max height of printed picture in 10ths/inch }
+ PrintDensity: Byte; { print density }
+ PrintXOffset: Byte; { offset of printed picture in 10ths/inch }
+ wb_Width: Word; { override default workbench width }
+ wb_Height: Word; { override default workbench height }
+ wb_Depth: Byte; { override default workbench depth }
+ ext_size: Byte; { extension information -- do not touch! }
+ { extension size in blocks of 64 bytes }
+ end;
+ { Workbench Interlace (use one bit) }
+ LACEWB = $01;
+ LW_RESERVED = 1; { internal use only }
+ { PrinterPort }
+ { BaudRate }
+ BAUD_110 = $00;
+ BAUD_300 = $01;
+ BAUD_1200 = $02;
+ BAUD_2400 = $03;
+ BAUD_4800 = $04;
+ BAUD_9600 = $05;
+ BAUD_19200 = $06;
+ BAUD_MIDI = $07;
+ { PaperType }
+ FANFOLD = $00;
+ single = $80;
+ { PrintPitch }
+ PICA = $000;
+ ELITE = $400;
+ FINE = $800;
+ { PrintQuality }
+ DRAFT = $000;
+ LETTER = $100;
+ { PrintSpacing }
+ SIX_LPI = $000;
+ EIGHT_LPI = $200;
+ { Print Image }
+ { PrintAspect }
+ ASPECT_VERT = $01;
+ { PrintShade }
+ SHADE_BW = $00;
+ SHADE_COLOR = $02;
+ { PaperSize }
+ US_LETTER = $00;
+ US_LEGAL = $10;
+ N_TRACTOR = $20;
+ W_TRACTOR = $30;
+ { New PaperSizes for V36: }
+ EURO_A0 = $50; { European size A0: 841 x 1189 }
+ EURO_A1 = $60; { European size A1: 594 x 841 }
+ EURO_A2 = $70; { European size A2: 420 x 594 }
+ EURO_A3 = $80; { European size A3: 297 x 420 }
+ EURO_A4 = $90; { European size A4: 210 x 297 }
+ EURO_A5 = $A0; { European size A5: 148 x 210 }
+ EURO_A6 = $B0; { European size A6: 105 x 148 }
+ EURO_A7 = $C0; { European size A7: 74 x 105 }
+ EURO_A8 = $D0; { European size A8: 52 x 74 }
+ { PrinterType }
+ CUSTOM_NAME = $00;
+ ALPHA_P_101 = $01;
+ BROTHER_15XL = $02;
+ CBM_MPS1000 = $03;
+ DIAB_630 = $04;
+ DIAB_ADV_D25 = $05;
+ DIAB_C_150 = $06;
+ EPSON = $07;
+ EPSON_JX_80 = $08;
+ OKIMATE_20 = $09;
+ QUME_LP_20 = $0A;
+ { new printer entries, 3 October 1985 }
+ { Serial Input Buffer Sizes }
+ SBUF_512 = $00;
+ SBUF_1024 = $01;
+ SBUF_2048 = $02;
+ SBUF_4096 = $03;
+ SBUF_8000 = $04;
+ SBUF_16000 = $05;
+ { Serial Bit Masks }
+ SREAD_BITS = $F0; { for SerRWBits }
+ SSTOP_BITS = $F0; { for SerStopBuf }
+ SPARITY_BITS = $F0; { for SerParShk }
+{ Serial Parity (upper nibble, after being shifted by
+ * macro SPARNUM() )
+ }
+{ Serial Handshake Mode (lower nibble, after masking using
+ * macro SHANKNUM() )
+ }
+ { new defines for PrintFlags }
+ CORRECT_RED = $0001; { color correct red shades }
+ CORRECT_GREEN = $0002; { color correct green shades }
+ CORRECT_BLUE = $0004; { color correct blue shades }
+ CENTER_IMAGE = $0008; { center image on paper }
+ IGNORE_DIMENSIONS = $0000; { ignore max width/height settings }
+ BOUNDED_DIMENSIONS = $0010; { use max width/height as boundaries }
+ ABSOLUTE_DIMENSIONS = $0020; { use max width/height as absolutes }
+ PIXEL_DIMENSIONS = $0040; { use max width/height as prt pixels }
+ MULTIPLY_DIMENSIONS = $0080; { use max width/height as multipliers }
+ INTEGER_SCALING = $0100; { force integer scaling }
+ ORDERED_DITHERING = $0000; { ordered dithering }
+ HALFTONE_DITHERING = $0200; { halftone dithering }
+ FLOYD_DITHERING = $0400; { Floyd-Steinberg dithering }
+ ANTI_ALIAS = $0800; { anti-alias image }
+ GREY_SCALE2 = $1000; { for use with hi-res monitor }
+ { masks used for checking bits }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+{ === IntuitionBase ====================================================== }
+{ ======================================================================== }
+ * Be sure to protect yourself against someone modifying these data as
+ * you look at them. This is done by calling:
+ *
+ * lock = LockIBase(0), which returns an Integer. When done call
+ * UnlockIBase(lock) where lock is what LockIBase() returned.
+ }
+ PIntuitionBase = ^TIntuitionBase;
+ TIntuitionBase = record
+ { IntuitionBase should never be directly modified by programs }
+ { even a little bit, guys/gals; do you hear me? }
+ LibNode: TLibrary;
+ ViewLord: tView;
+ ActiveWindow: PWindow;
+ ActiveScreen: PScreen;
+ { the FirstScreen variable points to the frontmost Screen. Screens are
+ * then maintained in a front to back order using Screen.NextScreen
+ }
+ FirstScreen: PScreen; { for linked list of all screens }
+ Flags: LongWord; { see definitions below }
+ MouseY,
+ MouseX: SmallInt; { mouse position relative to View }
+ Seconds: LongWord; { timestamp of most current input event }
+ Micros: LongWord; { timestamp of most current input event }
+ { I told you this was private.
+ * The data beyond this point has changed, is changing, and
+ * will continue to change.
+ }
+ end;
+ * Package of information passed to custom and 'boopsi'
+ * gadget 'hook' functions. This structure is READ ONLY.
+ }
+ PGadgetInfo = ^TGadgetInfo;
+ TGadgetInfo = record
+ gi_Screen: PScreen; { ScreenPtr }
+ gi_Window: PWindow;
+ { null for screen gadgets }{ WindowPtr }
+ gi_Requester: PRequester;
+ { null IF not GTYP_REQGADGET }{ RequesterPtr }
+ { rendering information:
+ * don't use these without cloning/locking.
+ * Official way is to call ObtainRPort()
+ }
+ gi_RastPort: PRastPort; { RastPortPtr }
+ gi_Layer: pLayer; { LayerPtr }
+ { copy of dimensions of screen/window/g00/req(/group)
+ * that gadget resides in. Left/Top of this box is
+ * offset from window mouse coordinates to gadget coordinates
+ * screen gadgets: 0,0 (from screen coords)
+ * window gadgets (no g00): 0,0
+ * GTYP_GZZGADGETs (borderlayer): 0,0
+ * GZZ innerlayer gadget: borderleft, bordertop
+ * Requester gadgets: reqleft, reqtop
+ }
+ gi_Domain: TIBox;
+ gi_Pens: record
+ DetailPen: Byte;
+ BlockPen: Byte;
+ end;
+ { the Detail and Block pens in gi_DrInfo->dri_Pens[] are
+ * for the screen. Use the above for window-sensitive
+ * colors.
+ }
+ gi_DrInfo: PDrawInfo; { DrawInfoPtr }
+ { reserved space: this structure is extensible
+ * anyway, but using these saves some recompilation
+ }
+ gi_Reserved: array[0..5] of LongWord;
+ end;
+ {** system private data structure for now **}
+ { prop gadget extra info }
+ TPGX = record
+ pgx_Container: TIBox;
+ pgx_NewKnob: TIBox;
+ end;
+{ this casts MutualExclude for easy assignment of a hook
+ * pointer to the unused MutualExclude field of a custom gadget
+ }
+{** User visible handles on objects, classes, messages **}
+ Object_ = LongWord;
+ PObject_ = ^Object_;
+ ClassID = ^Byte;
+ you can use this type to point to a 'generic' message,
+ * in the object-oriented programming parlance. Based on
+ * the value of 'MethodID', you dispatch to processing
+ * for the various message types. The meaningful parameter
+ * packet structure definitions are defined below.
+typedef struct
+ LongWord MethodID;
+ method-specific data follows, some examples below
+ *Msg; }
+ PMsg = ^TMsg;
+ TMsg = record
+ MethodID: LongWord;
+ end;
+ * Class id strings for Intuition classes.
+ * There's no real reason to use the uppercase constants
+ * over the lowercase strings, but this makes a good place
+ * to list the names of the built-in classes.
+ }
+ ROOTCLASS: PChar = 'rootclass'; { classusr.h }
+ IMAGECLASS: PChar = 'imageclass'; { imageclass.h }
+ FRAMEICLASS: PChar = 'frameiclass';
+ SYSICLASS: PChar = 'sysiclass';
+ FILLRECTCLASS: PChar = 'fillrectclass';
+ GADGETCLASS: PChar = 'gadgetclass'; { gadgetclass.h }
+ PROPGCLASS: PChar = 'propgclass';
+ STRGCLASS: PChar = 'strgclass';
+ BUTTONGCLASS: PChar = 'buttongclass';
+ FRBUTTONCLASS: PChar = 'frbuttonclass';
+ GROUPGCLASS: PChar = 'groupgclass';
+ ICCLASS: PChar = 'icclass'; { icclass.h }
+ MODELCLASS: PChar = 'modelclass';
+ ITEXTICLASS: PChar = 'itexticlass';
+ POINTERCLASS: PChar = 'pointerclass'; { pointerclass.h }
+{ Dispatched method ID's
+ * NOTE: Applications should use Intuition entry points, not direct
+ * DoMethod() calls, for NewObject, DisposeObject, SetAttrs,
+ * SetGadgetAttrs, and GetAttr.
+ }
+ OM_Dummy = ($100);
+ OM_NEW = ($101); { 'object' parameter is 'true class' }
+ OM_DISPOSE = ($102); { delete self (no parameters) }
+ OM_SET = ($103); { set attributes (in tag list) }
+ OM_GET = ($104); { return single attribute value }
+ OM_ADDTAIL = ($105); { add self to a List (let root do it) }
+ OM_REMOVE = ($106); { remove self from list }
+ OM_NOTIFY = ($107); { send to self: notify dependents }
+ OM_UPDATE = ($108); { notification message from somebody }
+ OM_ADDMEMBER = ($109); { used by various classes with lists }
+ OM_REMMEMBER = ($10A); { used by various classes with lists }
+{ Parameter 'Messages' passed to methods }
+{ OM_NEW and OM_SET }
+ PopSet = ^TopSet;
+ TopSet = record
+ MethodID: LongWord;
+ ops_AttrList: PTagItem; { new attributes }
+ ops_GInfo: PGadgetInfo; { always there for gadgets,
+ * when SetGadgetAttrs() is used,
+ * but will be NULL for OM_NEW
+ }
+ end;
+ PopUpdate = ^TopUpdate;
+ TopUpdate = record
+ MethodID: LongWord;
+ opu_AttrList: PTagItem; { new attributes }
+ opu_GInfo: PGadgetInfo; { non-NULL when SetGadgetAttrs OR
+ * notification resulting from gadget
+ * input occurs.
+ }
+ opu_Flags: LongWord; { defined below }
+ end;
+{ this flag means that the update message is being issued from
+ * something like an active gadget, a la GACT_FOLLOWMOUSE. When
+ * the gadget goes inactive, it will issue a final update
+ * message with this bit cleared. Examples of use are for
+ * GACT_FOLLOWMOUSE equivalents for propgadclass, and repeat strobes
+ * for buttons.
+ }
+{ OM_GET }
+ popGet = ^topGet;
+ topGet = record
+ MethodID,
+ opg_AttrID: LongWord;
+ opg_Storage: Pointer; { may be other types, but 'int'
+ * types are all LongWord
+ }
+ end;
+ PopAddTail = ^TopAddTail;
+ TopAddTail = record
+ MethodID: LongWord;
+ opat_List: pList;
+ end;
+ PopMember = ^TopMember;
+ TopMember = record
+ MethodID: LongWord;
+ opam_Object: PObject_;
+ end;
+{** 'White box' access to struct IClass **}
+{ This structure is READ-ONLY, and allocated only by Intuition }
+ PIClass = ^TIClass;
+ TIClass = record
+ cl_Dispatcher: THook;
+ cl_Reserved: LongWord; { must be 0 }
+ cl_Super: PIClass;
+ cl_ID: ClassID;
+ { where within an object is the instance data for this class? }
+ cl_InstOffset: Word;
+ cl_InstSize: Word;
+ cl_UserData: LongWord; { per-class data of your choice }
+ cl_SubclassCount: LongWord;
+ { how many direct subclasses? }
+ cl_ObjectCount: LongWord;
+ { how many objects created of this class? }
+ cl_Flags: LongWord;
+ end;
+ CLF_INLIST = $00000001; { class is in public class list }
+{** 'White box' access to struct _Object **}
+ * We have this, the instance data of the root class, PRECEDING
+ * the 'object'. This is so that Gadget objects are Gadget pointers,
+ * and so on. If this structure grows, it will always have o_Class
+ * at the end, so the macro OCLASS(o) will always have the same
+ * offset back from the pointer returned from NewObject().
+ *
+ * This data structure is subject to change. Do not use the o_Node
+ * embedded structure.
+ }
+ P_Object = ^T_Object;
+ T_Object = record
+ o_Node: TMinNode;
+ o_Class: PIClass;
+ end;
+{ BOOPSI class libraries should use this structure as the base for their
+ * library data. This allows developers to obtain the class pointer for
+ * performing object-less inquiries. }
+ PClassLibrary = ^TClassLibrary;
+ TClassLibrary = record
+ cl_Lib: TLibrary; { Embedded library }
+ cl_Pad: UWord; { Align the structure }
+ cl_Class: PIClass; { Class pointer }
+ end;
+ * NOTE: <intuition/iobsolete.h> is included at the END of this file!
+ }
+{ Gadget Class attributes }
+ GA_Dummy = (TAG_USER + $30000);
+ { (LONG) Left edge of the gadget relative to the left edge of
+ * the window }
+ GA_Left = (GA_Dummy + $0001);
+ { (LONG) Left edge of the gadget relative to the right edge of
+ * the window }
+ GA_RelRight = (GA_Dummy + $0002);
+ { (LONG) Top edge of the gadget relative to the top edge of
+ * the window }
+ GA_Top = (GA_Dummy + $0003);
+ { (LONG) Top edge of the gadget relative to the bottom edge
+ * of the window }
+ GA_RelBottom = (GA_Dummy + $0004);
+ { (LONG) Width of the gadget }
+ GA_Width = (GA_Dummy + $0005);
+ { (LONG) Width of the gadget relative to the width of the
+ * window }
+ GA_RelWidth = (GA_Dummy + $0006);
+ { (LONG) Height of the gadget }
+ GA_Height = (GA_Dummy + $0007);
+ { (LONG) Height of the gadget relative to the height of
+ * the window }
+ GA_RelHeight = (GA_Dummy + $0008);
+ { (PChar) Gadget imagry is NULL terminated string }
+ GA_Text = (GA_Dummy + $0009); { ti_Data is (UBYTE * ) }
+ { (struct Image * ) Gadget imagry is an image }
+ GA_Image = (GA_Dummy + $000A);
+ { (struct Border * ) Gadget imagry is a border }
+ GA_Border = (GA_Dummy + $000B);
+ { (struct Image * ) Selected gadget imagry }
+ GA_SelectRender = (GA_Dummy + $000C);
+ GA_Highlight = (GA_Dummy + $000D);
+ { (BOOL) Indicate whether gadget is disabled or not.
+ * Defaults to FALSE. }
+ GA_Disabled = (GA_Dummy + $000E);
+ { (BOOL) Indicate whether the gadget is for
+ * WFLG_GIMMEZEROZERO window borders or not. Defaults
+ * to FALSE. }
+ GA_GZZGadget = (GA_Dummy + $000F);
+ { (UWord) Gadget ID assigned by the application }
+ GA_ID = (GA_Dummy + $0010);
+ { (APTR) Application specific data }
+ GA_UserData = (GA_Dummy + $0011);
+ { (APTR) Gadget specific data }
+ GA_SpecialInfo = (GA_Dummy + $0012);
+ { (BOOL) Indicate whether the gadget is selected or not.
+ * Defaults to FALSE }
+ GA_Selected = (GA_Dummy + $0013);
+ { (BOOL) When set tells the system that when this gadget
+ * is selected causes the requester that it is in to be
+ * ended. Defaults to FALSE. }
+ GA_EndGadget = (GA_Dummy + $0014);
+ { (BOOL) When set indicates that the gadget is to
+ * notify the application when it becomes active. Defaults
+ * to FALSE. }
+ GA_Immediate = (GA_Dummy + $0015);
+ { (BOOL) When set indicates that the application wants to
+ * verify that the pointer was still over the gadget when
+ * the select button is released. Defaults to FALSE. }
+ GA_RelVerify = (GA_Dummy + $0016);
+ { (BOOL) When set indicates that the application wants to
+ * be notified of mouse movements while the gadget is active.
+ * It is recommmended that GA_Immediate and GA_RelVerify are
+ * also used so that the active gadget can be tracked by the
+ * application. Defaults to FALSE. }
+ GA_FollowMouse = (GA_Dummy + $0017);
+ { (BOOL) Indicate whether the gadget is in the right border
+ * or not. Defaults to FALSE. }
+ GA_RightBorder = (GA_Dummy + $0018);
+ { (BOOL) Indicate whether the gadget is in the left border
+ * or not. Defaults to FALSE. }
+ GA_LeftBorder = (GA_Dummy + $0019);
+ { (BOOL) Indicate whether the gadget is in the top border
+ * or not. Defaults to FALSE. }
+ GA_TopBorder = (GA_Dummy + $001A);
+ { (BOOL) Indicate whether the gadget is in the bottom border
+ * or not. Defaults to FALSE. }
+ GA_BottomBorder = (GA_Dummy + $001B);
+ { (BOOL) Indicate whether the gadget is toggle-selected
+ * or not. Defaults to FALSE. }
+ GA_ToggleSelect = (GA_Dummy + $001C);
+ { (BOOL) Reserved for system use to indicate that the
+ * gadget belongs to the system. Defaults to FALSE. }
+ GA_SysGadget = (GA_Dummy + $001D);
+ { (UWord) Reserved for system use to indicate the
+ * gadget type. }
+ GA_SysGType = (GA_Dummy + $001E);
+ { (struct Gadget * ) Previous gadget in the linked list.
+ * NOTE: This attribute CANNOT be used to link new gadgets
+ * into the gadget list of an open window or requester.
+ * You must use AddGList(). }
+ GA_Previous = (GA_Dummy + $001F);
+ { (struct Gadget * ) Next gadget in the linked list. }
+ GA_Next = (GA_Dummy + $0020);
+ { (struct DrawInfo * ) Some gadgets need a DrawInfo at creation time }
+ GA_DrawInfo = (GA_Dummy + $0021);
+ { You should use at most ONE of GA_Text, GA_IntuiText, and GA_LabelImage }
+ { (struct IntuiText * ) Label is an IntuiText. }
+ GA_IntuiText = (GA_Dummy + $0022);
+ { (Object * ) Label is an image object. }
+ GA_LabelImage = (GA_Dummy + $0023);
+ { New for V37:
+ * Boolean indicates that this gadget is to participate in
+ * cycling activation with Tab or Shift-Tab.
+ }
+ GA_TabCycle = (GA_Dummy + $0024);
+ { New for V39:
+ * Boolean indicates that this gadget sends gadget-help
+ }
+ GA_GadgetHelp = (GA_Dummy + $0025);
+ { New for V39:
+ * ti_Data is a pointer to an IBox structure which is
+ * to be copied into the extended gadget's bounds.
+ }
+ GA_Bounds = (GA_Dummy + $0026);
+ { New for V39:
+ * Boolean indicates that this gadget has the "special relativity"
+ * property, which is useful for certain fancy relativity
+ * operations through the GM_LAYOUT method.
+ }
+ GA_RelSpecial = (GA_Dummy + $0027);
+ GA_TextAttr = GA_Dummy + 40;
+ { (struct TextAttr ) Indicate the font to use for the gadget.
+ New for V42. }
+ GA_ReadOnly = GA_Dummy + 41;
+ { (BOOL) Indicate that the gadget is read-only (non-selectable).
+ Defaults to FALSE. New for V42. }
+ GA_Underscore = GA_Dummy + 42;
+ { (UBYTE) Underscore/escape character for keyboard shortcuts.
+ Defaults to '_' . New for V44. }
+ GA_ActivateKey = GA_Dummy + 43;
+ { (PChar) Set/Get the gadgets shortcut/activation key(s)
+ Defaults to NULL. New for V44. }
+ GA_BackFill = GA_Dummy + 44;
+ { (struct Hook ) Backfill pattern hook.
+ Defaults to NULL. New for V44. }
+ GA_GadgetHelpText = GA_Dummy + 45;
+ Defaults to NULL. New for V44. }
+ GA_UserInput = GA_Dummy + 46;
+ { (BOOL) Notification tag indicates this notification is from the activite
+ gadget receiving user input - an attempt to make IDCMPUPDATE more efficient.
+ Defaults to FALSE. New for V44. }
+ { PROPGCLASS attributes }
+ PGA_Dummy = (TAG_USER + $31000);
+ PGA_Freedom = (PGA_Dummy + $0001);
+ { only one of FREEVERT or FREEHORIZ }
+ PGA_Borderless = (PGA_Dummy + $0002);
+ PGA_HorizPot = (PGA_Dummy + $0003);
+ PGA_HorizBody = (PGA_Dummy + $0004);
+ PGA_VertPot = (PGA_Dummy + $0005);
+ PGA_VertBody = (PGA_Dummy + $0006);
+ PGA_Total = (PGA_Dummy + $0007);
+ PGA_Visible = (PGA_Dummy + $0008);
+ PGA_Top = (PGA_Dummy + $0009);
+ { New for V37: }
+ PGA_NewLook = (PGA_Dummy + $000A);
+ { STRGCLASS attributes }
+ STRINGA_Dummy = (TAG_USER + $32000);
+ STRINGA_MaxChars = (STRINGA_Dummy + $0001);
+ STRINGA_Buffer = (STRINGA_Dummy + $0002);
+ STRINGA_UndoBuffer = (STRINGA_Dummy + $0003);
+ STRINGA_WorkBuffer = (STRINGA_Dummy + $0004);
+ STRINGA_BufferPos = (STRINGA_Dummy + $0005);
+ STRINGA_DispPos = (STRINGA_Dummy + $0006);
+ STRINGA_AltKeyMap = (STRINGA_Dummy + $0007);
+ STRINGA_Font = (STRINGA_Dummy + $0008);
+ STRINGA_Pens = (STRINGA_Dummy + $0009);
+ STRINGA_ActivePens = (STRINGA_Dummy + $000A);
+ STRINGA_EditHook = (STRINGA_Dummy + $000B);
+ STRINGA_EditModes = (STRINGA_Dummy + $000C);
+ { booleans }
+ STRINGA_ReplaceMode = (STRINGA_Dummy + $000D);
+ STRINGA_FixedFieldMode = (STRINGA_Dummy + $000E);
+ STRINGA_NoFilterMode = (STRINGA_Dummy + $000F);
+ STRINGA_Justification = (STRINGA_Dummy + $0010);
+ STRINGA_LongVal = (STRINGA_Dummy + $0011);
+ STRINGA_TextVal = (STRINGA_Dummy + $0012);
+ STRINGA_ExitHelp = (STRINGA_Dummy + $0013);
+ { STRINGA_ExitHelp is new for V37, and ignored by V36.
+ * Set this if you want the gadget to exit when Help is
+ * pressed. Look for a code of $5F, the rawkey code for Help
+ }
+ { Gadget Layout related attributes }
+ LAYOUTA_Dummy = (TAG_USER + $38000);
+ LAYOUTA_LayoutObj = (LAYOUTA_Dummy + $0001);
+ LAYOUTA_Spacing = (LAYOUTA_Dummy + $0002);
+ LAYOUTA_Orientation = (LAYOUTA_Dummy + $0003);
+ LAYOUTA_ChildMaxWidth = LAYOUTA_Dummy + $0004;
+ { (BOOL) Child objects are of equal width. Should default to TRUE for
+ gadgets with a horizontal orientation. New for V42. }
+ LAYOUTA_ChildMaxHeight = LAYOUTA_Dummy + $0005;
+ { (BOOL) Child objects are of equal height. Should default to TRUE for
+ gadgets with a vertical orientation. New for V42. }
+ { orientation values }
+ { Gadget Method ID's }
+ GM_Dummy = (-1); { not used for anything }
+ GM_HITTEST = (0); { return GMR_GADGETHIT IF you are clicked on
+ * (whether or not you are disabled).
+ }
+ GM_RENDER = (1); { draw yourself, in the appropriate state }
+ GM_GOACTIVE = (2); { you are now going to be fed input }
+ GM_HANDLEINPUT = (3); { handle that input }
+ GM_GOINACTIVE = (4); { whether or not by choice, you are done }
+ GM_HELPTEST = (5); { Will you send gadget help if the mouse is
+ * at the specified coordinates? See below
+ * for possible GMR_ values.
+ }
+ GM_LAYOUT = (6); { re-evaluate your size based on the GadgetInfo
+ * Domain. Do NOT re-render yourself yet, you
+ * will be called when it is time...
+ }
+{ Parameter "Messages" passed to gadget class methods }
+ PgpHitTest = ^TgpHitTest;
+ TgpHitTest = record
+ MethodID: LongWord;
+ gpht_GInfo: PGadgetInfo;
+ gpht_Mouse: record
+ x: SmallInt;
+ y: SmallInt;
+ end;
+ end;
+{ For GM_HITTEST, return GMR_GADGETHIT if you were indeed hit,
+ * otherwise return zero.
+ *
+ * For GM_HELPTEST, return GMR_NOHELPHIT (zero) if you were not hit.
+ * Typically, return GMR_HELPHIT if you were hit.
+ * It is possible to pass a UWord to the application via the Code field
+ * of the IDCMP_GADGETHELP message. Return GMR_HELPCODE or'd with
+ * the UWord-sized result you wish to return.
+ *
+ * GMR_HELPHIT yields a Code value of ((UWord) ~0), which should
+ * mean "nothing particular" to the application.
+ }
+ GMR_GADGETHIT = ($00000004); { GM_HITTEST hit }
+ GMR_NOHELPHIT = ($00000000); { GM_HELPTEST didn't hit }
+ GMR_HELPHIT = ($FFFFFFFF); { GM_HELPTEST hit, return code = ~0 }
+ GMR_HELPCODE = ($00010000); { GM_HELPTEST hit, return low Word as code }
+ pgpRender = ^tgpRender;
+ tgpRender = record
+ MethodID: LongWord;
+ gpr_GInfo: PGadgetInfo; { gadget context }
+ gpr_RPort: PRastPort; { all ready for use }
+ gpr_Redraw: LongInt; { might be a "highlight pass" }
+ end;
+{ values of gpr_Redraw }
+ GREDRAW_UPDATE = (2); { incremental update, e.g. prop slider }
+ GREDRAW_REDRAW = (1); { redraw gadget }
+ GREDRAW_TOGGLE = (0); { toggle highlight, IF applicable }
+ PgpInput = ^TgpInput;
+ TgpInput = record
+ MethodID: LongWord;
+ gpi_GInfo: PGadgetInfo;
+ gpi_IEvent: PInputEvent;
+ gpi_Termination: Pointer;
+ gpi_Mouse: record
+ x: SmallInt;
+ y: SmallInt;
+ end;
+ {* (V39) Pointer to TabletData structure, if this event originated
+ * from a tablet which sends IESUBCLASS_NEWTABLET events, or NULL if
+ * not.
+ *
+ *}
+ gpi_TabletData: PTabletData;
+ end;
+{ GM_HANDLEINPUT and GM_GOACTIVE return code flags }
+{ return GMR_MEACTIVE (0) alone if you want more input.
+ * Otherwise, return ONE of GMR_NOREUSE and GMR_REUSE, and optionally
+ }
+ GMR_NOREUSE = (2);
+ GMR_REUSE = (4);
+ GMR_VERIFY = (8); { you MUST set cgp_Termination }
+{ New for V37:
+ * You can end activation with one of GMR_NEXTACTIVE and GMR_PREVACTIVE,
+ * which instructs Intuition to activate the next or previous gadget
+ * that has GFLG_TABCYCLE set.
+ }
+ PgpGoInactive = ^TgpGoInactive;
+ TgpGoInactive = record
+ MethodID: LongWord;
+ gpgi_GInfo: PGadgetInfo;
+ { V37 field only! DO NOT attempt to read under V36! }
+ gpgi_Abort: LongWord; { gpgi_Abort=1 IF gadget was aborted
+ * by Intuition and 0 if gadget went
+ * inactive at its own request
+ }
+ end;
+{* New for V39: Intuition sends GM_LAYOUT to any GREL_ gadget when
+ * the gadget is added to the window (or when the window opens, if
+ * the gadget was part of the NewWindow.FirstGadget or the WA_Gadgets
+ * list), or when the window is resized. Your gadget can set the
+ * GA_RelSpecial property to get GM_LAYOUT events without Intuition
+ * changing the interpretation of your gadget select box. This
+ * allows for completely arbitrary resizing/repositioning based on
+ * window size.
+ *}
+{* GM_LAYOUT *}
+ PgpLayout = ^TgpLayout;
+ TgpLayout = record
+ MethodID: LongWord;
+ gpl_GInfo: PGadgetInfo;
+ gpl_Initial: LongWord; {* non-zero if this method was invoked
+ * during AddGList() or OpenWindow()
+ * time. zero if this method was invoked
+ * during window resizing.
+ *}
+ end;
+ {***************************************************************************}
+{ The GM_DOMAIN method is used to obtain the sizing requirements of an
+ * object for a class before ever creating an object. }
+ PgpDomain = ^TgpDomain;
+ TgpDomain = record
+ MethodID: LongWord;
+ gpd_GInfo: PGadgetInfo;
+ gpd_RPort: PRastPort; { RastPort to layout for }
+ gpd_Which: LONG;
+ gpd_Domain: TIBox; { Resulting domain }
+ gpd_Attrs: PTagItem; { Additional attributes }
+ end;
+ { Minimum size }
+ { Nominal size }
+{ Maximum size }
+{ The GM_KEYTEST method is used to determin if a key press matches an
+ * object's activation key(s). }
+{ GM_KEYTEST send this message.
+ }
+ PgpKeyTest = ^TgpKeyTest;
+ TgpKeyTest = record
+ MethodID: LongWord;
+ gpkt_GInfo: PGadgetInfo;
+ gpkt_IMsg: PIntuiMessage; { The IntuiMessage that triggered this }
+ gpkt_VanillaKey: LongWord;
+ end;
+ {***************************************************************************}
+{ The GM_KEYGOACTIVE method is called to "simulate" a gadget going down.
+ * A gadget should render itself in a selected state when receiving
+ * this message. If the class supports this method, it must return
+ *
+ * If a gadget returns zero for this method, it will subsequently be
+ * activated via ActivateGadget() with a NULL IEvent.
+ }
+ PgpKeyInput = ^TgpKeyInput;
+ TgpKeyInput = record
+ MethodID: LongWord; { GM_KEYGOACTIVE }
+ gpk_GInfo: PGadgetInfo;
+ gpk_IEvent: PInputEvent;
+ gpk_Termination: PLONG;
+ end;
+ GMR_KEYACTIVE = 1 shl 4;
+ { you MUST set gpk_Termination }
+ GMR_KEYVERIFY = 1 shl 5;
+{ The GM_KEYGOINACTIVE method is called to simulate the gadget release.
+ * Upon receiving this message, the gadget should do everything a
+ * normal gadget release would do.
+ }
+ PgpKeyGoInactive = ^TgpKeyGoInactive;
+ TgpKeyGoInactive = record
+ MethodID: LongWord;
+ gpki_GInfo: PGadgetInfo;
+ gpki_Abort: LongWord;
+ end;
+ ICM_Dummy = ($0401); { used for nothing }
+ ICM_SETLOOP = ($0402); { set/increment loop counter }
+ ICM_CLEARLOOP = ($0403); { clear/decrement loop counter }
+ ICM_CHECKLOOP = ($0404); { set/increment loop }
+ { interconnection attributes used by icclass, modelclass, and gadgetclass }
+ ICA_Dummy = (TAG_USER + $40000);
+ ICA_TARGET = (ICA_Dummy + 1);
+ { interconnection target }
+ ICA_MAP = (ICA_Dummy + 2);
+ { interconnection map tagitem list }
+ ICSPECIAL_CODE = (ICA_Dummy + 3);
+ { a "pseudo-attribute", see below. }
+{ Normally, the value for ICA_TARGET is some object pointer,
+ * but if you specify the special value ICTARGET_IDCMP, notification
+ * will be send as an IDCMP_IDCMPUPDATE message to the appropriate window's
+ * IDCMP port. See the definition of IDCMP_IDCMPUPDATE.
+ *
+ * When you specify ICTARGET_IDCMP for ICA_TARGET, the map you
+ * specify will be applied to derive the attribute list that is
+ * sent with the IDCMP_IDCMPUPDATE message. If you specify a map list
+ * which results in the attribute tag id ICSPECIAL_CODE, the
+ * lower sixteen bits of the corresponding ti_Data value will
+ * be copied into the Code field of the IDCMP_IDCMPUPDATE IntuiMessage.
+ }
+ ICTARGET_IDCMP = (not 0);
+{ if image.Depth is this, it's a new Image class object }
+ IA_Dummy = (TAG_USER + $20000);
+ IA_Left = (IA_Dummy + $01);
+ IA_Top = (IA_Dummy + $02);
+ IA_Width = (IA_Dummy + $03);
+ IA_Height = (IA_Dummy + $04);
+ IA_FGPen = (IA_Dummy + $05);
+ { IA_FGPen also means "PlanePick" }
+ IA_BGPen = (IA_Dummy + $06);
+ { IA_BGPen also means "PlaneOnOff" }
+ IA_Data = (IA_Dummy + $07);
+ { bitplanes, for classic image,
+ * other image classes may use it for other things
+ }
+ IA_LineWidth = (IA_Dummy + $08);
+ IA_Pens = (IA_Dummy + $0E);
+ { pointer to UWord pens[],
+ * ala DrawInfo.Pens, MUST be
+ * terminated by ~0. Some classes can
+ * choose to have this, or SYSIA_DrawInfo,
+ * or both.
+ }
+ IA_Resolution = (IA_Dummy + $0F);
+ { packed uwords for x/y resolution into a LongWord
+ * ala DrawInfo.Resolution
+ }
+ {*** see class documentation to learn which ****}
+ {*** classes recognize these ****}
+ IA_APattern = (IA_Dummy + $10);
+ IA_APatSize = (IA_Dummy + $11);
+ IA_Mode = (IA_Dummy + $12);
+ IA_Font = (IA_Dummy + $13);
+ IA_Outline = (IA_Dummy + $14);
+ IA_Recessed = (IA_Dummy + $15);
+ IA_DoubleEmboss = (IA_Dummy + $16);
+ IA_EdgesOnly = (IA_Dummy + $17);
+ {*** "sysiclass" attributes ****}
+ SYSIA_Size = (IA_Dummy + $0B);
+ { 's below }
+ SYSIA_Depth = (IA_Dummy + $0C);
+ { this is unused by Intuition. SYSIA_DrawInfo
+ * is used instead for V36
+ }
+ SYSIA_Which = (IA_Dummy + $0D);
+ { see 's below }
+ SYSIA_DrawInfo = (IA_Dummy + $18);
+ { pass to sysiclass, please }
+ {**** obsolete: don't use these, use IA_Pens ****}
+ SYSIA_Pens = IA_Pens;
+ IA_ShadowPen = (IA_Dummy + $09);
+ IA_HighlightPen = (IA_Dummy + $0A);
+ { New for V39: }
+ SYSIA_ReferenceFont = (IA_Dummy + $19);
+ { Font to use as reference for scaling
+ * certain sysiclass images
+ }
+ IA_SupportsDisable = (IA_Dummy + $1a);
+ { By default, Intuition ghosts gadgets itself,
+ * instead of relying on IDS_DISABLED or
+ * IDS_SELECTEDDISABLED. An imageclass that
+ * supports these states should return this attribute
+ * as TRUE. You cannot set or clear this attribute,
+ * however.
+ }
+ IA_FrameType = (IA_Dummy + $1b);
+ { Starting with V39, FrameIClass recognizes
+ * several standard types of frame. Use one
+ * of the FRAME_ specifiers below. Defaults
+ }
+ IA_Underscore = IA_Dummy + $1c;
+ { V44, Indicate underscore keyboard shortcut for image labels.
+ (UBYTE) Defaults to '_'
+ }
+ IA_Scalable = IA_Dummy + $1d;
+ { V44, Attribute indicates this image is allowed
+ to/can scale its rendering.
+ (BOOL) Defaults to FALSE.
+ }
+ IA_ActivateKey = IA_Dummy + $1e;
+ { V44, Used to get an underscored label shortcut.
+ Useful for labels attached to string gadgets.
+ (UBYTE) Defaults to NULL.
+ }
+ IA_Screen = IA_Dummy + $1f;
+ { V44 Screen pointer, may be useful/required by certain classes.
+ (struct Screen )
+ }
+ IA_Precision = IA_Dummy + $20;
+ { V44 Precision value, typically pen precision but may be
+ used for similar custom purposes.
+ (LongWord)
+ }
+ {* next attribute: (IA_Dummy + $1c) *}
+ {***********************************************}
+ { data values for SYSIA_Size }
+ * SYSIA_Which tag data values:
+ * Specifies which system gadget you want an image for.
+ * Some numbers correspond to internal Intuition s
+ }
+ DEPTHIMAGE = ($00);
+ ZOOMIMAGE = ($01);
+ SIZEIMAGE = ($02);
+ CLOSEIMAGE = ($03);
+ SDEPTHIMAGE = ($05); { screen depth gadget }
+ LEFTIMAGE = ($0A);
+ UPIMAGE = ($0B);
+ DOWNIMAGE = ($0D);
+ MXIMAGE = ($0F); { mutual exclude "button" }
+ {* New for V39: *}
+ MENUCHECK = ($10); { Menu checkmark image }
+ AMIGAKEY = ($11); { Menu Amiga-key image }
+{ Data values for IA_FrameType (recognized by FrameIClass)
+ *
+ * FRAME_DEFAULT: The standard V37-type frame, which has
+ * thin edges.
+ * FRAME_BUTTON: Standard button gadget frames, having thicker
+ * sides and nicely edged corners.
+ * FRAME_RIDGE: A ridge such as used by standard string gadgets.
+ * You can recess the ridge to get a groove image.
+ * FRAME_ICONDROPBOX: A broad ridge which is the standard imagery
+ * for areas in AppWindows where icons may be dropped.
+ }
+ { image message id's }
+ IM_DRAW = $202; { draw yourself, with "state" }
+ IM_HITTEST = $203; { return TRUE IF click hits image }
+ IM_ERASE = $204; { erase yourself }
+ IM_MOVE = $205; { draw new AND erase old, smoothly }
+ IM_DRAWFRAME = $206; { draw with specified dimensions }
+ IM_FRAMEBOX = $207; { get recommended frame around some box}
+ IM_HITFRAME = $208; { hittest with dimensions }
+ IM_ERASEFRAME = $209; { hittest with dimensions }
+ IM_DOMAINFRAME = $20A;{ query image for its domain info (V44) }
+ { image draw states or styles, for IM_DRAW }
+ IDS_NORMAL = (0);
+ IDS_SELECTED = (1); { for selected gadgets }
+ IDS_DISABLED = (2); { for disabled gadgets }
+ IDS_BUSY = (3); { for future functionality }
+ IDS_INDETERMINATE = (4); { for future functionality }
+ IDS_INACTIVENORMAL = (5); { normal, in inactive window border }
+ IDS_INACTIVESELECTED = (6); { selected, in inactive border }
+ IDS_INACTIVEDISABLED = (7); { disabled, in inactive border }
+ IDS_SELECTEDDISABLED = 8; { disabled and selected }
+ { oops, please forgive spelling error by jimm }
+ PimpFrameBox = ^TimpFrameBox;
+ TimpFrameBox = record
+ MethodID: LongWord;
+ imp_ContentsBox: PIBox; { input: relative box of contents }
+ imp_FrameBox: PIBox; { output: rel. box of encl frame }
+ imp_DrInfo: PDrawInfo;
+ imp_FrameFlags: LongWord;
+ end;
+ FRAMEF_SPECIFY = (1); { Make do with the dimensions of FrameBox
+ * provided.
+ }
+ PimpDraw = ^TimpDraw;
+ TimpDraw = record
+ MethodID: LongWord;
+ imp_RPort: PRastPort;
+ imp_Offset: record
+ x: Word;
+ y: Word;
+ end;
+ imp_State: LongWord;
+ imp_DrInfo: PDrawInfo;
+ { these parameters only valid for IM_DRAWFRAME }
+ imp_Dimensions: record
+ Width: Word;
+ Height: Word;
+ end;
+ end;
+ { NOTE: This is a subset of impDraw }
+ PimpErase = ^TimpErase;
+ TimpErase = record
+ MethodID: LongWord;
+ imp_RPort: PRastPort;
+ imp_Offset: record
+ x: Word;
+ y: Word;
+ end;
+ { these parameters only valid for IM_ERASEFRAME }
+ imp_Dimensions: record
+ Width: Word;
+ Height: Word;
+ end;
+ end;
+ PimpHitTest = ^TimpHitTest;
+ TimpHitTest = record
+ MethodID: LongWord;
+ imp_Point: record
+ x: Word;
+ y: Word;
+ end;
+ { these parameters only valid for IM_HITFRAME }
+ imp_Dimensions: record
+ Width: Word;
+ Height: Word;
+ end;
+ end;
+{ The IM_DOMAINFRAME method is used to obtain the sizing
+ * requirements of an image object within a layout group.
+ }
+ PimpDomainFrame = ^TimpDomainFrame;
+ TimpDomainFrame = record
+ MethodID: LongWord;
+ imp_DrInfo: PDrawInfo;
+ imp_RPort: PRastPort;
+ imp_Which: Long;
+ imp_Domain: TIBox;
+ imp_Attrs: PTagItem;
+ end;
+ { Accepted vales for imp_Which.
+ }
+{ ** 'boopsi' pointer class interface }
+{ The following tags are recognized at NewObject() time by
+ * pointerclass:
+ *
+ * POINTERA_BitMap (struct BitMap * ) - Pointer to bitmap to
+ * get pointer imagery from. Bitplane data need not be
+ * in chip RAM.
+ * POINTERA_XOffset (Long) - X-offset of the pointer hotspot.
+ * POINTERA_YOffset (Long) - Y-offset of the pointer hotspot.
+ * POINTERA_WordWidth (LongWord) - designed width of the pointer in words
+ * POINTERA_XResolution (LongWord) - one of the POINTERXRESN_ flags below
+ * POINTERA_YResolution (LongWord) - one of the POINTERYRESN_ flags below
+ *
+ }
+ POINTERA_Dummy = (TAG_USER + $39000);
+ POINTERA_BitMap = (POINTERA_Dummy + $01);
+ POINTERA_XOffset = (POINTERA_Dummy + $02);
+ POINTERA_YOffset = (POINTERA_Dummy + $03);
+ POINTERA_WordWidth = (POINTERA_Dummy + $04);
+ POINTERA_XResolution = (POINTERA_Dummy + $05);
+ POINTERA_YResolution = (POINTERA_Dummy + $06);
+{ These are the choices for the POINTERA_XResolution attribute which
+ * will determine what resolution pixels are used for this pointer.
+ *
+ * POINTERXRESN_DEFAULT (ECS-compatible pointer width)
+ * = 70 ns if SUPERHIRES-type mode, 140 ns if not
+ *
+ * = Same as pixel speed of screen
+ *
+ * POINTERXRESN_LORES (pointer always in lores-like pixels)
+ * = 140 ns in 15kHz modes, 70 ns in 31kHz modes
+ *
+ * POINTERXRESN_HIRES (pointer always in hires-like pixels)
+ * = 70 ns in 15kHz modes, 35 ns in 31kHz modes
+ *
+ * POINTERXRESN_140NS (pointer always in 140 ns pixels)
+ * = 140 ns always
+ *
+ * POINTERXRESN_70NS (pointer always in 70 ns pixels)
+ * = 70 ns always
+ *
+ * POINTERXRESN_35NS (pointer always in 35 ns pixels)
+ * = 35 ns always
+ }
+{ These are the choices for the POINTERA_YResolution attribute which
+ * will determine what vertical resolution is used for this pointer.
+ *
+ * = In 15 kHz modes, the pointer resolution will be the same
+ * as a non-interlaced screen. In 31 kHz modes, the pointer
+ * will be doubled vertically. This means there will be about
+ * 200-256 pointer lines per screen.
+ *
+ * = Where the hardware/software supports it, the pointer resolution
+ * will be high. This means there will be about 400-480 pointer
+ * lines per screen. POINTERYRESN_HIGHASPECT also means that
+ * when the pointer comes out double-height due to hardware/software
+ * restrictions, its width would be doubled as well, if possible
+ * (to preserve aspect).
+ *
+ * = Will attempt to match the vertical resolution of the pointer
+ * to the screen's vertical resolution. POINTERYRESN_SCREENASPECT also
+ * means that when the pointer comes out double-height due to
+ * hardware/software restrictions, its width would be doubled as well,
+ * if possible (to preserve aspect).
+ *
+ }
+{ Compatibility note:
+ *
+ * The AA chipset supports variable sprite width and resolution, but
+ * the setting of width and resolution is global for all sprites.
+ * When no other sprites are in use, Intuition controls the sprite
+ * width and sprite resolution for correctness based on pointerclass
+ * attributes specified by the creator of the pointer. Intuition
+ * controls sprite resolution with the VTAG_DEFSPRITERESN_SET tag
+ * to VideoControl(). Applications can override this on a per-viewport
+ * basis with the VTAG_SPRITERESN_SET tag to VideoControl().
+ *
+ * If an application uses a sprite other than the pointer sprite,
+ * Intuition will automatically regenerate the pointer sprite's image in
+ * a compatible width. This might involve BitMap scaling of the imagery
+ * you supply.
+ *
+ * If any sprites other than the pointer sprite were obtained with the
+ * old GetSprite() call, Intuition assumes that the owner of those
+ * sprites is unaware of sprite resolution, hence Intuition will set the
+ * default sprite resolution (VTAG_DEFSPRITERESN_SET) to ECS-compatible,
+ * instead of as requested by the various pointerclass attributes.
+ *
+ * No resolution fallback occurs when applications use ExtSprites.
+ * Such applications are expected to use VTAG_SPRITERESN_SET tag if
+ * necessary.
+ *
+ * NB: Under release V39, only sprite width compatibility is implemented.
+ * Sprite resolution compatibility was added for V40.
+ }
+ PStringExtend = ^TStringExtend;
+ TStringExtend = record
+ { display specifications }
+ Font: PTextFont; { must be an open Font (not TextAttr) }
+ Pens: array[0..1] of Byte; { color of text/backgroun }
+ ActivePens: array[0..1] of Byte; { colors when gadget is active }
+ { edit specifications }
+ InitialModes: LongWord; { initial mode flags, below }
+ EditHook: PHook; { IF non-NULL, must supply WorkBuffer }
+ WorkBuffer: PChar; { must be as large as StringInfo.Buffer}
+ Reserved: array[0..3] of LongWord; { set to 0 }
+ end;
+ pSGWork = ^tSGWork;
+ tSGWork = record
+ { set up when gadget is first activated }
+ Gad: PGadget; { the contestant itself }
+ { Gadget in C-Includes }
+ StrInfo: PStringInfo;
+ { easy access to sinfo }{ StrInfo in C-Includes }
+ WorkBuffer: PChar; { intuition's planned result }
+ PrevBuffer: PChar; { what was there before }
+ Modes: LongWord; { current mode }
+ { modified for each input event }
+ IEvent: PInputEvent; { actual event: do not change }
+ Code: Word; { character code, IF one Byte }
+ BufferPos: SmallInt; { cursor position }
+ NumChars: SmallInt;
+ Actions: LongWord; { what Intuition will do }
+ LongInt_: LongInt; { temp storage for LongInt }
+ GInfo: PGadgetInfo;
+ { see cghooks.h }{ GadgetInfo in C-Includes }
+ EditOp: Word; { from constants below }
+ end;
+{ SGWork.EditOp -
+ * These values indicate what basic type of operation the global
+ * editing hook has performed on the string before your gadget's custom
+ * editing hook gets called. You do not have to be concerned with the
+ * value your custom hook leaves in the EditOp field, only if you
+ * write a global editing hook.
+ *
+ * For most of these general edit operations, you'll want to compare
+ * the BufferPos and NumChars of the StringInfo (before global editing)
+ * and SGWork (after global editing).
+ }
+ EO_NOOP = ($0001);
+ { did nothing }
+ EO_DELBACKWARD = ($0002);
+ { deleted some chars (maybe 0). }
+ EO_DELFORWARD = ($0003);
+ { deleted some characters under and in front of the cursor }
+ EO_MOVECURSOR = ($0004);
+ { moved the cursor }
+ EO_ENTER = ($0005);
+ { "enter" or "return" key, terminate }
+ EO_RESET = ($0006);
+ { current Intuition-style undo }
+ EO_REPLACECHAR = ($0007);
+ { replaced one character and (maybe) advanced cursor }
+ EO_INSERTCHAR = ($0008);
+ { inserted one char into string or added one at end }
+ EO_BADFORMAT = ($0009);
+ { didn't like the text data, e.g., Bad LONGINT }
+ EO_BIGCHANGE = ($000A); { unused by Intuition }
+ { complete or major change to the text, e.g. new string }
+ EO_UNDO = ($000B); { unused by Intuition }
+ { some other style of undo }
+ EO_CLEAR = ($000C);
+ { clear the string }
+ EO_SPECIAL = ($000D); { unused by Intuition }
+ { some operation that doesn't fit into the categories here }
+ { Mode Flags definitions (ONLY first group allowed as InitialModes) }
+ SGM_REPLACE = (1); { replace mode }
+{ please initialize StringInfo with in-range value of BufferPos
+ * if you are using SGM_REPLACE mode.
+ }
+ SGM_FIXEDFIELD = (2); { fixed length buffer }
+ { always set SGM_REPLACE, too }
+ SGM_NOFILTER = (4); { don't filter control chars }
+ { SGM_EXITHELP is new for V37, and ignored by V36: }
+ SGM_EXITHELP = (128); { exit with code = $5F IF HELP hit }
+ { These Mode Flags are for internal use only }
+ SGM_NOCHANGE = (8); { no edit changes yet }
+ SGM_NOWORKB = (16); { Buffer == PrevBuffer }
+ SGM_CONTROL = (32); { control char escape mode }
+ SGM_LONGINT = (64); { an intuition LongInt gadget }
+ { String Gadget Action Flags (put in SGWork.Actions by EditHook) }
+ SGA_USE = ($1); { use contents of SGWork }
+ SGA_END = ($2); { terminate gadget, code in Code field }
+ SGA_BEEP = ($4); { flash the screen for the user }
+ SGA_REUSE = ($8); { reuse input event }
+ SGA_REDISPLAY = ($10); { gadget visuals changed }
+ { New for V37: }
+ SGA_NEXTACTIVE = ($20); { Make next possible gadget active. }
+ SGA_PREVACTIVE = ($40); { Make previous possible gadget active.}
+ { function id for only existing custom string gadget edit hook }
+ SGH_KEY = (1); { process editing keystroke }
+ SGH_CLICK = (2); { process mouse click cursor position }
+{ Here's a brief summary of how the custom string gadget edit hook works:
+ * You provide a hook in StringInfo.Extension.EditHook.
+ * The hook is called in the standard way with the 'object'
+ * a pointer to SGWork, and the 'message' a pointer to a command
+ * block, starting either with (LongWord) SGH_KEY, SGH_CLICK,
+ * or something new.
+ *
+ * You return 0 if you don't understand the command (SGH_KEY is
+ * required and assumed). Return non-zero if you implement the
+ * command.
+ *
+ * SGH_KEY:
+ * There are no parameters following the command LongWord.
+ *
+ * Intuition will put its idea of proper values in the SGWork
+ * before calling you, and if you leave SGA_USE set in the
+ * SGWork.Actions field, Intuition will use the values
+ * found in SGWork fields WorkBuffer, NumChars, BufferPos,
+ * and LongInt, copying the WorkBuffer back to the StringInfo
+ * Buffer.
+ *
+ * NOTE WELL: You may NOT change other SGWork fields.
+ *
+ * If you clear SGA_USE, the string gadget will be unchanged.
+ *
+ * If you set SGA_END, Intuition will terminate the activation
+ * of the string gadget. If you also set SGA_REUSE, Intuition
+ * will reuse the input event after it deactivates your gadget.
+ *
+ * In this case, Intuition will put the value found in SGWork.Code
+ * into the IntuiMessage.Code field of the IDCMP_GADGETUP message it
+ * sends to the application.
+ *
+ * If you set SGA_BEEP, Intuition will call DisplayBeep(); use
+ * this if the user has typed in error, or buffer is full.
+ *
+ * Set SGA_REDISPLAY if the changes to the gadget warrant a
+ * gadget redisplay. Note: cursor movement requires a redisplay.
+ *
+ * Starting in V37, you may set SGA_PREVACTIVE or SGA_NEXTACTIVE
+ * when you set SGA_END. This tells Intuition that you want
+ * the next or previous gadget with GFLG_TABCYCLE to be activated.
+ *
+ * This hook command is called when Intuition wants to position
+ * the cursor in response to a mouse click in the string gadget.
+ *
+ * Again, here are no parameters following the command LongWord.
+ *
+ * This time, Intuition has already calculated the mouse position
+ * character cell and put it in SGWork.BufferPos. The previous
+ * BufferPos value remains in the SGWork.StringInfo.BufferPos.
+ *
+ * Intuition will again use the SGWork fields listed above for
+ * SGH_KEY. One restriction is that you are NOT allowed to set
+ * SGA_END or SGA_REUSE for this command. Intuition will not
+ * stand for a gadget which goes inactive when you click in it.
+ *
+ * You should always leave the SGA_REDISPLAY flag set, since Intuition
+ * uses this processing when activating a string gadget.
+ }
+ PNewDecorator = ^TNewDecorator;
+ TNewDecorator = record
+ nd_Node: TNode;
+ nd_Port: PMsgPort;
+ nd_cnt: LongWord;
+ nd_Pattern: PChar;
+ nd_IntPattern: PChar;
+ nd_Window: PObject_;
+ nd_Screen: PObject_;
+ nd_Menu: PObject_;
+ end;
+function ActivateGadget(Gadgets: PGadget; Window: PWindow;
+ Requester: PRequester): Boolean;
+procedure ActivateWindow(Window: PWindow);
+procedure AddClass(ClassPtr: PIClass);
+function AddGadget(Window: PWindow; Gadget: PGadget; Position: LongWord): Word;
+function AddGList(Window: PWindow; Gadget: PGadget; Position: LongWord;
+ NumGad: LongInt; Requester: PRequester): Word;
+function AllocIntuiMessage(Window: PWindow): PIntuiMessage;
+function AllocRemember(var RememberKey: PRemember; Size: LongWord;
+ Flags: LongWord): Pointer;
+function AllocScreenBuffer(Sc: PScreen; Bm: PBitMap; Flags: LongWord): PScreenBuffer;
+procedure AlohaWorkbench(MsgPort: PMsgPort);
+function AutoRequest(Window: PWindow; const Body: PIntuiText;
+ const PosText: PIntuiText; const NegText: PIntuiText; PFlag: LongWord;
+ NFlag: LongWord; Width: LongWord; Height: LongWord): Boolean;
+procedure BeginRefresh(Window: PWindow);
+function BuildEasyRequestArgs(Window : PWindow;const easyStruct : PEasyStruct; idcmp : LongWord;const args : Pointer) : PWindow;
+function BuildSysRequest(Window: PWindow; const Body: PIntuiText;
+ const PosText: PIntuiText; const NegText: PIntuiText; Flags: LongWord;
+ Width: LongWord; Height: LongWord): PWindow;
+function ChangeScreenBuffer(Sc: PScreen; Sb: PScreenBuffer): LongWord;
+procedure ChangeWindowBox(Window: PWindow; left: LongInt; top: LongInt;
+ Width: LongInt; Height: LongInt);
+function ClearDMRequest(Window: PWindow): Boolean;
+procedure ClearMenuStrip(Window: PWindow);
+procedure ClearPointer(Window: PWindow);
+procedure CloseScreen(Screen: PScreen);
+procedure CloseWindow(Window: PWindow);
+function CloseWorkBench: Boolean;
+procedure ChangeDecoration(ID: LongWord; Decor: PNewDecorator);
+function ChangeWindowShape(Window: PWindow; NewShape: PRegion; CallBack: PHook): PRegion;
+procedure CurrentTime(var Seconds: LongWord; var Micros: LongWord);
+function DisplayAlert(AlertNumber: LongWord;
+ const string_: PChar; Height: LongWord): Boolean;
+procedure DisplayBeep(Screen: PScreen);
+procedure DisposeObject(obj : Pointer);
+function DoGadgetMethodA(Gad: PGadget; Win: PWindow; Req: PRequester; Message: TMsg): LongWord;
+function DoNotify(Cl: PClass; O: PObject_; Ic: Pointer; Msg: TopUpdate): Pointer;
+function DoubleClick(SSeconds: LongWord; SMicros: LongWord;
+ CSeconds: LongWord; CMicros: LongWord): Boolean;
+procedure DrawBorder(Rp: PRastPort;
+ const Border: PBorder; LeftOffset: LongInt; TopOffset: LongInt);
+procedure DrawImage(Rp: PRastPort; Image: PImage; LeftOffset: LongInt;
+ TopOffset: LongInt);
+procedure DrawImageState(Rp : PRastPort; Image : PImage; LeftOffset : LongInt; TopOffset : LongInt; state : LongWord;const DrawInfo : PDrawInfo);
+function EasyRequestArgs(Window: PWindow;
+ const EasyStruct: PEasyStruct; IdcmpPtr: PLongWord; const args: Pointer): LongInt;
+procedure EndRefresh(Window: PWindow; Complete: Boolean);
+procedure EndRequest(Requester: PRequester; Window: PWindow);
+function EndScreenNotify(Notify: Pointer): Boolean;
+procedure EraseImage(Rp : PRastPort; Image : PImage; LeftOffset : LongInt; TopOffset : LongInt);
+function FindClass(ClassID: PChar): PIClass;
+function FreeClass(ClassPtr : PIClass) : Boolean;
+procedure FreeICData(ICData: Pointer);
+procedure FreeIntuiMessage(IMsg: PIntuiMessage);
+procedure FreeMonitorList(Obj: Pointer);
+procedure FreeRemember(var RememberKey: PRemember; ReallyForget: LongInt);
+procedure FreeScreenBuffer(Sc: PScreen; Sb: PScreenBuffer);
+procedure FreeScreenDrawInfo(Screen : PScreen; DrawInfo : PDrawInfo);
+procedure FreeSysRequest(Window: PWindow);
+procedure GadgetMouse(Gadget: PGadget; gInfo: PGadgetInfo; mousePoint: psmallint);
+function GetAttr(attrID: LongWord; obj: Pointer; storagePtr: PLongWord): LongWord;
+procedure GetDefaultPubScreen(nameBuffer : PChar);
+function GetDefPrefs(preferences: PPreferences; Size: LongInt): PPreferences;
+function GetMonitorList(Tags: PTagItem): Pointer;
+function GetPrefs(preferences: PPreferences; Size: LongInt): PPreferences;
+function GetScreenData(buffer: Pointer; Size: LongWord; type_: LongWord;
+ const Screen: PScreen): Boolean;
+function GetScreenDrawInfo(Screen : PScreen) : PDrawInfo;
+procedure HelpControl(Win: PWindow; Flags: LongWord);
+procedure HideWindow(Window: PWindow);
+procedure InitRequester(Requester: PRequester);
+function IntuiTextLength(const iText: PIntuiText): LongInt;
+function ItemAddress(const menuStrip: pMenu; menuNumber: LongWord): PMenuItem;
+function IsWindowVisible(Window: PWindow): LongWord;
+procedure LendMenus(FromWindow: PWindow; ToWindow: PWindow);
+function LockIBase(LockNumber: LongWord): LongWord;
+function LockPubScreen(const Name: PChar): PScreen;
+function LockPubScreenList: PList;
+function MakeClass(const classID : PChar;const superClassID : PChar;const superClassPtr : PIClass; instanceSize : LongWord; Flags : LongWord) : PIClass;
+function MakeScreen(Screen: PScreen): LongInt;
+function ModifyIDCMP(Window: PWindow; Flags: LongWord): Boolean;
+procedure ModifyProp(Gadget: PGadget; Window: PWindow; Requester: PRequester;
+ Flags: LongWord; HorizPot: LongWord; VertPot: LongWord;
+ HorizBody: LongWord; VertBody: LongWord);
+procedure MoveScreen(Screen: PScreen; Dx: LongInt; Dy: LongInt);
+procedure MoveWindow(Window: PWindow; Dx: LongInt; Dy: LongInt);
+procedure MoveWindowInFrontOf(Window: PWindow; BehindWindow: PWindow);
+procedure NewModifyProp(Gadget: PGadget; Window: PWindow;
+ Requester: PRequester; Flags: LongWord; HorizPot: LongWord;
+ VertPot: LongWord; HorizBody: LongWord; VertBody: LongWord; NumGad: LongInt);
+function NewObjectA(ClassPtr : PIClass;const classID : PChar;const tagList : PTagItem) : Pointer;
+function NextObject(ObjectPtrPtr: Pointer): PIClass;
+function NextPubScreen(const Screen: PScreen; Namebuf: PChar): PChar;
+function ObtainGIRPort(GInfo: PGadgetInfo): PRastPort;
+procedure OffGadget(Gadget: PGadget; Window: PWindow; Requester: PRequester);
+procedure OffMenu(Window: PWindow; MenuNumber: LongWord);
+procedure OnGadget(Gadget: PGadget; Window: PWindow; Requester: PRequester);
+procedure OnMenu(Window: PWindow; MenuNumber: LongWord);
+function OpenScreen(const NewScreen: PNewScreen): PScreen;
+function OpenScreenTagList(const NewScreen : PNewScreen;const tagList : PTagItem) : PScreen;
+function OpenWindow(const NewWindow: PNewWindow): PWindow;
+function OpenWindowTagList(const NewWindow: PNewWindow;
+ const TagList: PTagItem): PWindow;
+function OpenWorkBench: LongWord;
+function PointInImage(point : LongWord; Image : PImage) : Boolean;
+procedure PrintIText(Rp: PRastPort;
+ const IText: PIntuiText; Left: LongInt; Top: LongInt);
+function PubScreenStatus(Screen: PScreen; StatusFlags: LongWord): Word;
+function QueryOverscan(DisplayID: LongWord; Rect: pRectangle;
+ OScanType: LongInt): LongInt;
+procedure RefreshGadgets(Gadgets: PGadget; Window: PWindow; Requester: PRequester);
+procedure RefreshGList(Gadgets: PGadget; Window: PWindow;
+ Requester: PRequester; NumGad: LongInt);
+procedure RefreshWindowFrame(Window: PWindow);
+procedure ReleaseGIRPort(Rp: PRastPort);
+function RemakeDisplay: LongInt;
+procedure RemoveClass(ClassPtr: PIClass);
+function RemoveGadget(Window: PWindow; Gadget: PGadget): Word;
+function RemoveGList(RemPtr: PWindow; Gadget: PGadget; NumGad: LongInt): Word;
+procedure ReportMouse(flag: LongInt; Window: PWindow);
+function Request(Requester: PRequester; Window: PWindow): Boolean;
+function ResetMenuStrip(Window : PWindow; menu : pMenu) : Boolean;
+function RethinkDisplay: LongInt;
+procedure ScreenDepth(Screen: PScreen; Flags: LongWord; Reserved: Pointer);
+procedure ScreenPosition(Screen: PScreen; Flags: LongWord; X1: LongInt; Y1: LongInt; X2: LongInt; Y2: LongInt);
+procedure ScreenToBack(Screen: PScreen);
+procedure ScreenToFront(Screen: PScreen);
+procedure ScrollWindowRaster(Win: PWindow; Dx: LongInt; Dy: LongInt; XMin: LongInt; YMin: LongInt; XMax: LongInt; YMax: LongInt);
+procedure ScrollWindowRasterNoFill(Window: PWindow; Dx, Dy, XMin, YMin, XMax, YMax: Word);
+procedure SendIntuiMessage(Window: PWindow; IMsg: PIntuiMessage);
+function SetAttrsA(obj: Pointer; const TagList: PTagItem): LongWord;
+procedure SetDefaultPubScreen(const Name: PChar);
+procedure SetDefaultScreenFont(TextFont: PTextFont);
+function SetDMRequest(Window: PWindow; Requester: PRequester): Boolean;
+function SetEditHook(hook: PHook): PHook;
+function SetGadgetAttrsA(Gadget : PGadget; Window : PWindow; Requester : PRequester;const TagList : PTagItem) : LongWord;
+function SetMenuStrip(Window: PWindow; menu: pMenu): Boolean;
+function SetMouseQueue(Window: PWindow; queueLength: LongWord): LongInt;
+procedure SetPointer(Window: PWindow; Pointer_: PWord; Height: LongInt;
+ Width: LongInt; XOffset: LongInt; YOffset: LongInt);
+function SetPointerBounds(Screen: PScreen; Rect: TRectangle; Reserved: LongWord; Tags: PTagItem): LongWord;
+function SetPrefs(const Preferences: PPreferences; Size: LongInt;
+ Inform: LongInt): PPreferences;
+function SetPubScreenModes(modes: LongWord): Word;
+procedure SetWindowPointerA(Win : PWindow;const Taglist : PTagItem);
+procedure SetWindowTitles(Window: PWindow; const WindowTitle: PChar;
+ const ScreenTitle: PChar);
+procedure ShowTitle(Screen: PScreen; showIt: LongInt);
+procedure ShowWindow(Window: PWindow);
+procedure SizeWindow(Window: PWindow; Dx: LongInt; Dy: LongInt);
+function StartScreenNotifyTagList(Tags: PTagItem): Pointer;
+function SysReqHandler(Window : PWindow; IdcmpPtr : PLongWord; waitInput : LongInt) : LongInt;
+function TimedDisplayAlert(AlertNumber: LongWord;const String_: PChar; Height: LongWord; Time: LongWord): Boolean;
+procedure UnlockIBase(LockNumber: LongWord);
+procedure UnlockPubScreen(const Name: PChar; Screen: PScreen);
+procedure UnlockPubScreenList;
+function ViewAddress: PView;
+function ViewPortAddress(const Window: PWindow): PViewPort;
+function WBenchToBack: Boolean;
+function WBenchToFront: Boolean;
+procedure WindowAction(Window: PWindow; Action: LongWord; Tags: PTagItem);
+function WindowLimits(Window: PWindow; WidthMin: LongInt; HeightMin: LongInt;
+ WidthMax: LongWord; HeightMax: LongWord): Boolean;
+procedure WindowToBack(Window: PWindow);
+procedure WindowToFront(Window: PWindow);
+procedure ZipWindow(Window: PWindow);
+function SetAttrs(Obj: Pointer; const Tags: array of const): LongWord;
+function OCLASS(O: Pointer): PIClass;
+function Has_Children(Win: PWindow): Boolean;
+function Is_Children(Win: PWindow): Boolean;
+{ Intuition macros }
+function INST_DATA (Cl: PIClass; O: P_Object): Pointer;
+function SIZEOF_INSTANCE (Cl: PIClass): LongInt;
+function BASEOBJECT (O: P_Object): Pointer;
+function _OBJ(O: P_Object): P_Object;
+function __OBJECT (O: Pointer): P_Object;
+function OCLASS (O: Pointer): PIClass;
+function SHIFTITEM (N: SmallInt): Word;
+function SHIFTMENU (N: SmallInt): Word;
+function SHIFTSUB (N: SmallInt): Word;
+function FULLMENUNUM (Menu, Item, Sub: SmallInt): Word;
+function IM_BGPEN (Im: PImage): Byte;
+function IM_BOX (Im: PImage): PIBox;
+function IM_FGPEN (Im: PImage): Byte;
+function GADGET_BOX (G: PGadget): PIBox;
+function CUSTOM_HOOK (Gadget: PGadget): PHook;
+function ITEMNUM(N : Word): Word;
+function MENUNUM(N : Word): Word;
+function SUBNUM(N : Word): Word; }
+//function DisplayAlert(AlertNumber : LongWord;const String_ : string; Height : LongWord) : Boolean;
+//function LockPubScreen(const Name : string) : PScreen;
+//function MakeClass(const ClassID : string;const superClassID : PChar;const SuperClassPtr : PIClass; InstanceSize : LongWord; Flags : LongWord) : PIClass;
+//function MakeClass(const ClassID : PChar;const superClassID : string;const SuperClassPtr : PIClass; InstanceSize : LongWord; Flags : LongWord) : PIClass;
+//function MakeClass(const ClassID : string;const superClassID : string;const SuperClassPtr : PIClass; InstanceSize : LongWord; Flags : LongWord) : PIClass;
+//function NewObjectA(ClassPtr : PIClass;const ClassID : string;const TagList : PTagItem) : Pointer;
+//PROCEDURE SetDefaultPubScreen(const Name : string);
+//PROCEDURE SetWindowTitles(Window : PWindow;const WindowTitle : string;const ScreenTitle : PChar);
+//PROCEDURE SetWindowTitles(Window : PWindow;const WindowTitle : PChar;const ScreenTitle : string);
+//PROCEDURE SetWindowTitles(Window : PWindow;const WindowTitle : string;const ScreenTitle : string);
+//function TimedDisplayAlert(AlertNumber : LongWord;const String_ : string; Height : LongWord; Time : LongWord) : Boolean;
+//PROCEDURE UnlockPubScreen(const Name : string; Screen : PScreen);
+ tagsarray, longarray;
+function INST_DATA (Cl: PIClass; O: P_Object): Pointer;
+ INST_DATA := Pointer(LongInt(O) + Cl^.cl_InstOffset);
+function SIZEOF_INSTANCE (Cl: PIClass): LongInt;
+ SIZEOF_INSTANCE := Cl^.cl_InstOffset + Cl^.cl_InstSize + sizeof(T_Object);
+function BASEOBJECT (O: P_Object): Pointer;
+ BASEOBJECT := Pointer(LongInt(O) + sizeof(T_Object));
+function _OBJ(O: P_Object): P_Object;
+ _OBJ := P_Object(O);
+function __OBJECT (O: Pointer): P_Object;
+ __OBJECT := P_Object(LongInt(O) - sizeof(T_Object))
+function OCLASS (O: Pointer): PIClass;
+ Obj: P_Object;
+ Obj := P_Object(LongInt(O) - sizeof(T_Object));
+ OCLASS := Obj^.o_Class;
+function SHIFTITEM (N: SmallInt): Word;
+ SHIFTITEM := (N and $3f) shl 5
+function SHIFTMENU (N: SmallInt): Word;
+ SHIFTMENU := N and $1f
+function SHIFTSUB (N: SmallInt): Word;
+ SHIFTSUB := (N and $1f) shl 11
+function FULLMENUNUM (Menu, Item, Sub: SmallInt): Word;
+ FULLMENUNUM := ((Sub and $1f) shl 11) or
+ ((Item and $3f) shl 5) or
+ (Menu and $1f)
+{ The next functons _BGPEN AND _FGPEN aren't a full replacement of the
+ C macros because the C preprocessor makes it possible to set the
+ A/BPen values of the Image class objects as well. This can't work
+ in pascal, of course!
+function IM_BGPEN (Im: PImage): Byte;
+ IM_BGPEN := Im^.PlaneOnOff;
+function IM_BOX (Im: PImage): PIBox;
+ IM_BOX := PIBox(@Im^.LeftEdge);
+function IM_FGPEN (Im: PImage): Byte;
+ IM_FGPEN := Im^.PlanePick;
+function GADGET_BOX (G: PGadget): PIBox;
+ GADGET_BOX := PIBox(@G^.LeftEdge);
+function CUSTOM_HOOK (Gadget: PGadget): PHook;
+ CUSTOM_HOOK := PHook(Gadget^.MutualExclude);
+function ITEMNUM( N : Word): Word;
+ ITEMNUM := (N shr 5) and $3F
+function MENUNUM( N : Word): Word;
+ MENUNUM := N and $1f
+function SUBNUM( N : Word): Word;
+ SUBNUM := (N shr 11) and $1f
+function DisplayAlert(AlertNumber : LongWord;const String_ : string; Height : LongWord) : Boolean;
+ DisplayAlert := DisplayAlert(AlertNumber,pas2c(String_),Height);
+function LockPubScreen(const Name : string) : PScreen;
+ LockPubScreen := LockPubScreen(pas2c(Name));
+function MakeClass(const ClassID : string;const superClassID : PChar;const SuperClassPtr : PIClass; InstanceSize : LongWord; Flags : LongWord) : PIClass;
+ MakeClass := MakeClass(pas2c(ClassID),superClassID,SuperClassPtr,InstanceSize,Flags);
+function MakeClass(const ClassID : PChar;const superClassID : string;const SuperClassPtr : PIClass; InstanceSize : LongWord; Flags : LongWord) : PIClass;
+ MakeClass := MakeClass(ClassID,pas2c(superClassID),SuperClassPtr,InstanceSize,Flags);
+function MakeClass(const ClassID : string;const superClassID : string;const SuperClassPtr : PIClass; InstanceSize : LongWord; Flags : LongWord) : PIClass;
+ MakeClass := MakeClass(pas2c(ClassID),pas2c(superClassID),SuperClassPtr,InstanceSize,Flags);
+function NewObjectA(ClassPtr : PIClass;const ClassID : string;const TagList : PTagItem) : Pointer;
+ NewObjectA := NewObjectA(ClassPtr,pas2c(ClassID),Taglist);
+PROCEDURE SetDefaultPubScreen(const Name : string);
+ SetDefaultPubScreen(pas2c(Name));
+PROCEDURE SetWindowTitles(Window : PWindow;const WindowTitle : string;const ScreenTitle : PChar);
+ SetWindowTitles(Window,pas2c(WindowTitle),ScreenTitle);
+PROCEDURE SetWindowTitles(Window : PWindow;const WindowTitle : PChar;const ScreenTitle : string);
+ SetWindowTitles(Window,WindowTitle,pas2c(ScreenTitle));
+PROCEDURE SetWindowTitles(Window : PWindow;const WindowTitle : string;const ScreenTitle : string);
+ SetWindowTitles(Window,pas2c(WindowTitle),pas2c(ScreenTitle));
+function TimedDisplayAlert(AlertNumber : LongWord;const String_ : string; Height : LongWord; Time : LongWord) : Boolean;
+ TimedDisplayAlert := TimedDisplayAlert(AlertNumber,pas2c(String_),Height,Time);
+PROCEDURE UnlockPubScreen(const Name : string; Screen : PScreen);
+ UnlockPubScreen(pas2c(Name),Screen);
+ }
+ IntuitionBase: Pointer;
+function AddGadget(Window: PWindow; Gadget: PGadget; Position: LongWord): Word;
+ TLocalCall = function(Window: PWindow; Gadget: PGadget; Position: LongWord;
+ Base: Pointer): Word; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 7));
+ AddGadget := Call(Window, Gadget, Position, IntuitionBase);
+function ClearDMRequest(Window: PWindow): Boolean;
+ TLocalCall = function(Window: PWindow; Base: Pointer): Boolean; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 8));
+ Result := Call(Window, IntuitionBase);
+procedure ClearMenuStrip(Window: PWindow);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Window: PWindow; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 9));
+ Call(Window, IntuitionBase);
+procedure ClearPointer(Window: PWindow);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Window: PWindow; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 10));
+ Call(Window, IntuitionBase);
+procedure CloseScreen(Screen: PScreen);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Screen: PScreen; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 11));
+ Call(Screen, IntuitionBase);
+procedure CloseWindow(Window: PWindow);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Window: PWindow; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 12));
+ Call(Window, IntuitionBase);
+function CloseWorkBench: Boolean;
+ TLocalCall = function(Base: Pointer): Boolean; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 13));
+ Result := Call(IntuitionBase);
+procedure CurrentTime(var Seconds: LongWord; var Micros: LongWord);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(var Seconds: LongWord; var Micros: LongWord;
+ Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 14));
+ Call(Seconds, Micros, IntuitionBase);
+function DisplayAlert(AlertNumber: LongWord;
+ const String_: PChar; Height: LongWord): Boolean;
+ TLocalCall = function(AlertNumber: LongWord;
+ const String_: PChar; Height: LongWord; Base: Pointer): Boolean; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 15));
+ Result := Call(AlertNumber, String_, Height, IntuitionBase);
+procedure DisplayBeep(Screen: PScreen);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Screen: PScreen; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 16));
+ Call(Screen, IntuitionBase);
+function DoubleClick(SSeconds: LongWord; SMicros: LongWord;
+ CSeconds: LongWord; CMicros: LongWord): Boolean;
+ TLocalCall = function(SSeconds: LongWord; SMicros: LongWord;
+ CSeconds: LongWord; CMicros: LongWord; Base: Pointer): Boolean; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 17));
+ Result := Call(SSeconds, SMicros, CSeconds, CMicros, IntuitionBase);
+procedure DrawBorder(Rp: PRastPort;
+ const Border: PBorder; LeftOffset: LongInt; TopOffset: LongInt);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Rp: PRastPort;
+ const Border: PBorder; LeftOffset: LongInt; TopOffset: LongInt;
+ Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 18));
+ Call(Rp, Border, LeftOffset, TopOffset, IntuitionBase);
+procedure DrawImage(Rp: PRastPort; Image: PImage; LeftOffset: LongInt;
+ TopOffset: LongInt);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Rp: PRastPort; Image: PImage; LeftOffset: LongInt;
+ TopOffset: LongInt; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 19));
+ Call(Rp, Image, LeftOffset, TopOffset, IntuitionBase);
+procedure EndRequest(Requester: PRequester; Window: PWindow);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Requester: PRequester; Window: PWindow;
+ Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 20));
+ Call(Requester, Window, IntuitionBase);
+function GetDefPrefs(Preferences: PPreferences; Size: LongInt): PPreferences;
+ TLocalCall = function(Preferences: PPreferences; Size: LongInt;
+ Base: Pointer): PPreferences; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 21));
+ Result := Call(Preferences, Size, IntuitionBase);
+function GetPrefs(Preferences: PPreferences; Size: LongInt): PPreferences;
+ TLocalCall = function(Preferences: PPreferences; Size: LongInt;
+ Base: Pointer): PPreferences; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 22));
+ Result := Call(Preferences, Size, IntuitionBase);
+procedure InitRequester(Requester: PRequester);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Requester: PRequester; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 23));
+ Call(Requester, IntuitionBase);
+function ItemAddress(const MenuStrip: PMenu; MenuNumber: LongWord): PMenuItem;
+ TLocalCall = function(const MenuStrip: PMenu; MenuNumber: LongWord;
+ Base: Pointer): PMenuItem; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 24));
+ Result := Call(MenuStrip, MenuNumber, IntuitionBase);
+function ModifyIDCMP(Window: PWindow; Flags: LongWord): Boolean;
+ TLocalCall = function(Window: PWindow; Flags: LongWord; Base: Pointer): Boolean;
+ cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 25));
+ Result := Call(Window, Flags, IntuitionBase);
+procedure ModifyProp(Gadget: PGadget; Window: PWindow; Requester: PRequester;
+ Flags: LongWord; HorizPot: LongWord; VertPot: LongWord;
+ HorizBody: LongWord; VertBody: LongWord);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Gadget: PGadget; Window: PWindow;
+ Requester: PRequester; Flags: LongWord; HorizPot: LongWord;
+ VertPot: LongWord; HorizBody: LongWord; VertBody: LongWord; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 26));
+ Call(Gadget, Window, Requester, Flags, HorizPot, VertPot, HorizBody,
+ VertBody, IntuitionBase);
+procedure MoveScreen(Screen: PScreen; Dx: LongInt; Dy: LongInt);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Screen: PScreen; Dx: LongInt; Dy: LongInt;
+ Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 27));
+ Call(Screen, Dx, Dy, IntuitionBase);
+procedure MoveWindow(Window: PWindow; Dx: LongInt; Dy: LongInt);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Window: PWindow; Dx: LongInt; Dy: LongInt;
+ Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 28));
+ Call(Window, Dx, Dy, IntuitionBase);
+procedure OffGadget(Gadget: PGadget; Window: PWindow; Requester: PRequester);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Gadget: PGadget; Window: PWindow;
+ Requester: PRequester; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 29));
+ Call(Gadget, Window, Requester, IntuitionBase);
+procedure OffMenu(Window: PWindow; MenuNumber: LongWord);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Window: PWindow; MenuNumber: LongWord;
+ Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 30));
+ Call(Window, MenuNumber, IntuitionBase);
+procedure OnGadget(Gadget: PGadget; Window: PWindow; Requester: PRequester);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Gadget: PGadget; Window: PWindow;
+ Requester: PRequester; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 31));
+ Call(Gadget, Window, Requester, IntuitionBase);
+procedure OnMenu(Window: PWindow; MenuNumber: LongWord);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Window: PWindow; MenuNumber: LongWord;
+ Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 32));
+ Call(Window, MenuNumber, IntuitionBase);
+function OpenScreen(const NewScreen: PNewScreen): PScreen;
+ TLocalCall = function(const NewScreen: PNewScreen; Base: Pointer): PScreen; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 33));
+ Result := Call(NewScreen, IntuitionBase);
+function OpenWindow(const NewWindow: PNewWindow): PWindow;
+ TLocalCall = function(const NewWindow: PNewWindow; Base: Pointer): PWindow; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 34));
+ Result := Call(NewWindow, IntuitionBase);
+function OpenWorkBench: LongWord;
+ TLocalCall = function(Base: Pointer): LongWord; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 35));
+ Result := Call(IntuitionBase);
+procedure PrintIText(Rp: PRastPort;
+ const IText: PIntuiText; Left: LongInt; Top: LongInt);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Rp: PRastPort;
+ const IText: PIntuiText; Left: LongInt; Top: LongInt; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 36));
+ Call(Rp, IText, Left, Top, IntuitionBase);
+procedure RefreshGadgets(gadgets: PGadget; Window: PWindow; Requester: PRequester);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(gadgets: PGadget; Window: PWindow;
+ Requester: PRequester; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 37));
+ Call(gadgets, Window, Requester, IntuitionBase);
+function RemoveGadget(Window: PWindow; Gadget: PGadget): Word;
+ TLocalCall = function(Window: PWindow; Gadget: PGadget; Base: Pointer): Word;
+ cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 38));
+ Result := Call(Window, Gadget, IntuitionBase);
+procedure ReportMouse(flag: LongInt; Window: PWindow);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(flag: LongInt; Window: PWindow; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 39));
+ Call(flag, Window, IntuitionBase);
+function Request(Requester: PRequester; Window: PWindow): Boolean;
+ TLocalCall = function(Requester: PRequester; Window: PWindow;
+ Base: Pointer): Boolean; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 40));
+ Result := Call(Requester, Window, IntuitionBase);
+procedure ScreenToBack(Screen: PScreen);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Screen: PScreen; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 41));
+ Call(Screen, IntuitionBase);
+procedure ScreenToFront(Screen: PScreen);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Screen: PScreen; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 42));
+ Call(Screen, IntuitionBase);
+function SetDMRequest(Window: PWindow; Requester: PRequester): Boolean;
+ TLocalCall = function(Window: PWindow; Requester: PRequester;
+ Base: Pointer): Boolean; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 43));
+ Result := Call(Window, Requester, IntuitionBase);
+function SetMenuStrip(Window: PWindow; Menu: pMenu): Boolean;
+ TLocalCall = function(Window: PWindow; Menu: pMenu; Base: Pointer): Boolean; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 44));
+ Result := Call(Window, Menu, IntuitionBase);
+procedure SetPointer(Window: PWindow; Pointer_: PWord; Height: LongInt;
+ Width: LongInt; XOffset: LongInt; YOffset: LongInt);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Window: PWindow; Pointer_: PWord; Height: LongInt;
+ Width: LongInt; XOffset: LongInt; YOffset: LongInt; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 45));
+ Call(Window, Pointer_, Height, Width, XOffset, YOffset, IntuitionBase);
+procedure SetWindowTitles(Window: PWindow; const WindowTitle: PChar;
+ const ScreenTitle: PChar);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Window: PWindow; const WindowTitle: PChar;
+ const ScreenTitle: PChar; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 46));
+ Call(Window, WindowTitle, ScreenTitle, IntuitionBase);
+procedure ShowTitle(Screen: PScreen; showIt: LongInt);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Screen: PScreen; showIt: LongInt; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 47));
+ Call(Screen, showit, IntuitionBase);
+procedure SizeWindow(Window: PWindow; Dx: LongInt; Dy: LongInt);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Window: PWindow; Dx: LongInt; Dy: LongInt;
+ Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 48));
+ Call(Window, Dx, Dy, IntuitionBase);
+function ViewAddress: PView;
+ TLocalCall = function(Base: Pointer): PView; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 49));
+ Result := Call(IntuitionBase);
+function ViewPortAddress(const Window: PWindow): PViewPort;
+ TLocalCall = function(Window: PWindow; Base: Pointer): PViewPort; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 50));
+ Result := Call(Window, IntuitionBase);
+procedure WindowToBack(Window: PWindow);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Window: PWindow; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 51));
+ Call(Window, IntuitionBase);
+procedure WindowToFront(Window: PWindow);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Window: PWindow; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 52));
+ Call(Window, IntuitionBase);
+function WindowLimits(Window: PWindow; WidthMin: LongInt; HeightMin: LongInt;
+ WidthMax: LongWord; HeightMax: LongWord): Boolean;
+ TLocalCall = function(Window: PWindow; WidthMin: LongInt;
+ HeightMin: LongInt; WidthMax: LongWord; HeightMax: LongWord;
+ Base: Pointer): Boolean; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 53));
+ Result := Call(Window, WidthMin, HeightMin, WidthMax, HeightMax, IntuitionBase);
+function SetPrefs(const Preferences: PPreferences; Size: LongInt;
+ Inform: LongInt): PPreferences;
+ TLocalCall = function(const Preferences: PPreferences; Size: LongInt;
+ Inform: LongInt; Base: Pointer): PPreferences; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 54));
+ Result := Call(Preferences, Size, Inform, IntuitionBase);
+function IntuiTextLength(const IText: PIntuiText): LongInt;
+ TLocalCall = function(const IText: PIntuiText; Base: Pointer): LongInt; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 55));
+ Result := Call(IText, IntuitionBase);
+function WBenchToBack: Boolean;
+ TLocalCall = function(Base: Pointer): Boolean; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 56));
+ Result := Call(IntuitionBase);
+function WBenchToFront: Boolean;
+ TLocalCall = function(Base: Pointer): Boolean; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 57));
+ Result := Call(IntuitionBase);
+function AutoRequest(Window: PWindow; const Body: PIntuiText;
+ const PosText: PIntuiText; const NegText: PIntuiText; PFlag: LongWord;
+ NFlag: LongWord; Width: LongWord; Height: LongWord): Boolean;
+ TLocalCall = function(Window: PWindow; const Body: PIntuiText;
+ const PosText: PIntuiText; const NegText: PIntuiText; PFlag: LongWord;
+ NFlag: LongWord; Width: LongWord; Height: LongWord; Base: Pointer): Boolean; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 58));
+ Result := Call(Window, Body, PosText, NegText, PFlag, NFlag, Width,
+ Height, IntuitionBase);
+procedure BeginRefresh(Window: PWindow);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Window: PWindow; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 59));
+ Call(Window, IntuitionBase);
+function BuildSysRequest(Window: PWindow; const Body: PIntuiText;
+ const PosText: PIntuiText; const NegText: PIntuiText; Flags: LongWord;
+ Width: LongWord; Height: LongWord): PWindow;
+ TLocalCall = function(Window: PWindow; const Body: PIntuiText;
+ const PosText: PIntuiText; const NegText: PIntuiText; Flags: LongWord;
+ Width: LongWord; Height: LongWord; Base: Pointer): PWindow; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 60));
+ Result := Call(Window, Body, PosText, NegText, Flags, Width, Height, IntuitionBase);
+procedure EndRefresh(Window: PWindow; Complete: Boolean);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Window: PWindow; Complete: Boolean; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 61));
+ Call(Window, Complete, IntuitionBase);
+procedure FreeSysRequest(Window: PWindow);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Window: PWindow; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 62));
+ Call(Window, IntuitionBase);
+function MakeScreen(Screen: PScreen): LongInt;
+ TLocalCall = function(Screen: PScreen; Base: Pointer): LongInt; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 63));
+ Result := Call(Screen, IntuitionBase);
+function RemakeDisplay: LongInt;
+ TLocalCall = function(Base: Pointer): LongInt; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 64));
+ Result := Call(IntuitionBase);
+function RethinkDisplay: LongInt;
+ TLocalCall = function(Base: Pointer): LongInt; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 65));
+ Result := Call(IntuitionBase);
+function AllocRemember(var RememberKey: PRemember; Size: LongWord;
+ Flags: LongWord): Pointer;
+ TLocalCall = function(var RememberKey: PRemember; Size: LongWord;
+ Flags: LongWord; Base: Pointer): Pointer; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 66));
+ Result := Call(RememberKey, Size, Flags, IntuitionBase);
+procedure AlohaWorkbench(MsgPort: PMsgPort);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(MsgPort: PMsgPort; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 67));
+ Call(MsgPort, IntuitionBase);
+procedure FreeRemember(var RememberKey: PRemember; ReallyForget: LongInt);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(var RememberKey: PRemember; ReallyForget: LongInt;
+ Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 68));
+ Call(RememberKey, ReallyForget, IntuitionBase);
+function LockIBase(LockNumber: LongWord): LongWord;
+ TLocalCall = function(LockNumber: LongWord; Base: Pointer): LongWord; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 69));
+ Result := Call(LockNumber, IntuitionBase);
+procedure UnlockIBase(LockNumber: LongWord);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(LockNumber: LongWord; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 70));
+ Call(LockNumber, IntuitionBase);
+function GetScreenData(buffer: Pointer; Size: LongWord; type_: LongWord;
+ const Screen: PScreen): Boolean;
+ TLocalCall = function(buffer: Pointer; Size: LongWord; type_: LongWord;
+ const Screen: PScreen; Base: Pointer): Boolean; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 71));
+ Result := Call(buffer, Size, type_, Screen, IntuitionBase);
+procedure RefreshGList(gadgets: PGadget; Window: PWindow;
+ Requester: PRequester; NumGad: LongInt);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(gadgets: PGadget; Window: PWindow;
+ Requester: PRequester; NumGad: LongInt; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 72));
+ Call(gadgets, Window, Requester, NumGad, IntuitionBase);
+function AddGList(Window: PWindow; Gadget: PGadget; Position: LongWord;
+ NumGad: LongInt; Requester: PRequester): Word;
+ TLocalCall = function(Window: PWindow; Gadget: PGadget; Position: LongWord;
+ NumGad: LongInt; Requester: PRequester; Base: Pointer): Word; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 73));
+ Result := Call(Window, Gadget, Position, NumGad, Requester, IntuitionBase);
+function RemoveGList(RemPtr: PWindow; Gadget: PGadget; NumGad: LongInt): Word;
+ TLocalCall = function(RemPtr: PWindow; Gadget: PGadget; NumGad: LongInt;
+ Base: Pointer): Word; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 74));
+ Result := Call(RemPtr, Gadget, NumGad, IntuitionBase);
+procedure ActivateWindow(Window: PWindow);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Window: PWindow; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 75));
+ Call(Window, IntuitionBase);
+procedure RefreshWindowFrame(Window: PWindow);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Window: PWindow; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 76));
+ Call(Window, IntuitionBase);
+function ActivateGadget(gadgets: PGadget; Window: PWindow;
+ Requester: PRequester): Boolean;
+ TLocalCall = function(gadgets: PGadget; Window: PWindow;
+ Requester: PRequester; Base: Pointer): Boolean; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 77));
+ Result := Call(gadgets, Window, Requester, IntuitionBase);
+procedure NewModifyProp(Gadget: PGadget; Window: PWindow;
+ Requester: PRequester; Flags: LongWord; HorizPot: LongWord;
+ VertPot: LongWord; HorizBody: LongWord; VertBody: LongWord; NumGad: LongInt);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Gadget: PGadget; Window: PWindow;
+ Requester: PRequester; Flags: LongWord; HorizPot: LongWord;
+ VertPot: LongWord; HorizBody: LongWord; VertBody: LongWord;
+ NumGad: LongInt; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 78));
+ Call(Gadget, Window, Requester, Flags, HorizPot, VertPot, HorizBody,
+ VertBody, NumGad, IntuitionBase);
+function QueryOverscan(DisplayID: LongWord; Rect: pRectangle;
+ OScanType: LongInt): LongInt;
+ TLocalCall = function(DisplayID: LongWord; Rect: pRectangle;
+ OScanType: LongInt; Base: Pointer): LongInt; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 79));
+ Result := Call(DisplayID, Rect, OScanType, IntuitionBase);
+procedure MoveWindowInFrontOf(Window: PWindow; BehindWindow: PWindow);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Window: PWindow; BehindWindow: PWindow;
+ Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 80));
+ Call(Window, BehindWindow, IntuitionBase);
+procedure ChangeWindowBox(Window: PWindow; Left: LongInt; Top: LongInt;
+ Width: LongInt; Height: LongInt);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Window: PWindow; Left: LongInt; Top: LongInt;
+ Width: LongInt; Height: LongInt; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 81));
+ Call(Window, Left, Top, Width, Height, IntuitionBase);
+function SetEditHook(hook: PHook): PHook;
+ TLocalCall = function(hook: PHook; Base: Pointer): PHook; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 82));
+ Result := Call(hook, IntuitionBase);
+function SetMouseQueue(Window: PWindow; queueLength: LongWord): LongInt;
+ TLocalCall = function(Window: PWindow; queueLength: LongWord;
+ Base: Pointer): LongInt; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 83));
+ Result := Call(Window, queueLength, IntuitionBase);
+procedure ZipWindow(Window: PWindow);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Window: PWindow; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 84));
+ Call(Window, IntuitionBase);
+function LockPubScreen(const Name: PChar): PScreen;
+ TLocalCall = function(const Name: PChar; Base: Pointer): PScreen; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 85));
+ Result := Call(Name, IntuitionBase);
+procedure UnlockPubScreen(const Name: PChar; Screen: PScreen);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(const Name: PChar; Screen: PScreen; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 86));
+ Call(Name, Screen, IntuitionBase);
+function LockPubScreenList: pList;
+ TLocalCall = function(Base: Pointer): pList; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 87));
+ Result := Call(IntuitionBase);
+procedure UnlockPubScreenList;
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 88));
+ Call(IntuitionBase);
+function NextPubScreen(const Screen: PScreen; Namebuf: PChar): PChar;
+ TLocalCall = function(const Screen: PScreen; Namebuf: PChar;
+ Base: Pointer): PChar; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 89));
+ Result := Call(Screen, Namebuf, IntuitionBase);
+procedure SetDefaultPubScreen(const Name: PChar);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(const Name: PChar; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 90));
+ Call(Name, IntuitionBase);
+function SetPubScreenModes(modes: LongWord): Word;
+ TLocalCall = function(modes: LongWord; Base: Pointer): Word; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 91));
+ Result := Call(modes, IntuitionBase);
+function PubScreenStatus(Screen: PScreen; StatusFlags: LongWord): Word;
+ TLocalCall = function(Screen: PScreen; StatusFlags: LongWord;
+ Base: Pointer): Word; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 92));
+ Result := Call(Screen, StatusFlags, IntuitionBase);
+function ObtainGIRPort(GInfo: PGadgetInfo): PRastPort;
+ TLocalCall = function(GInfo: PGadgetInfo; Base: Pointer): PRastPort; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 93));
+ Result := Call(GInfo, IntuitionBase);
+procedure ReleaseGIRPort(Rp: PRastPort);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Rp: PRastPort; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 94));
+ Call(Rp, IntuitionBase);
+procedure GadgetMouse(Gadget: PGadget; GInfo: PGadgetInfo; mousePoint: psmallint);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Gadget: PGadget; GInfo: PGadgetInfo;
+ mousePoint: psmallint; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 95));
+ Call(Gadget, GInfo, mousePoint, IntuitionBase);
+function SetIPrefs(Data: Pointer; Length: LongWord; Typ: LongWord): LongWord;
+ TLocalCall = function(Data: Pointer; Length: LongWord; Typ: LongWord; Base: Pointer): LongWord; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 96));
+ Result := Call(Data, Length, Typ, IntuitionBase);
+procedure GetDefaultPubScreen(NameBuffer: PChar);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(NameBuffer: PChar; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 97));
+ Call(NameBuffer, IntuitionBase);
+function EasyRequestArgs(Window: PWindow;
+ const easyStruct: PEasyStruct; IdcmpPtr: PLongWord; const args: Pointer): LongInt;
+ TLocalCall = function(Window: PWindow;
+ const easyStruct: PEasyStruct; IdcmpPtr: PLongWord;
+ const args: Pointer; Base: Pointer): LongInt; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 98));
+ EasyRequestArgs := Call(Window, easyStruct, IdcmpPtr, args, IntuitionBase);
+function BuildEasyRequestArgs(Window: PWindow;const EasyStruct: PEasyStruct; Idcmp: LongWord;const Args: Pointer): PWindow;
+ TLocalCall = function(Window: PWindow;const EasyStruct: PEasyStruct; Idcmp: LongWord;const Args: Pointer; Base: Pointer): PWindow; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 99));
+ Result := Call(Window, EasyStruct, Idcmp, Args, IntuitionBase);
+function SysReqHandler(Window: PWindow; IdcmpPtr: PLongWord; WaitInput: LongInt): LongInt;
+ TLocalCall = function(Window: PWindow; IdcmpPtr: PLongWord; WaitInput: LongInt; Base: Pointer): LongWord; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 100));
+ Result := Call(Window, IdcmpPtr, WaitInput, IntuitionBase);
+function OpenWindowTagList(const NewWindow: PNewWindow;
+ const TagList: PTagItem): PWindow;
+ TOpenWindowTagList = function(const NewWindow: PNewWindow;
+ const TagList: PTagItem; Base: Pointer): PWindow; cdecl;
+ Call: TOpenWindowTagList;
+ Call := TOpenWindowTagList(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 101));
+ OpenWindowTagList := Call(NewWindow, TagList, IntuitionBase);
+function OpenScreenTagList(const NewScreen: PNewScreen;const tagList: PTagItem): PScreen;
+ TLocalCall = function(const NewScreen: PNewScreen;const tagList: PTagItem; Base: Pointer): PScreen; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 102));
+ Result := Call(NewScreen, tagList, IntuitionBase);
+procedure DrawImageState(Rp: PRastPort; Image: PImage; LeftOffset: LongInt; TopOffset: LongInt; State: LongWord;const DrawInfo: PDrawInfo);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Rp: PRastPort; Image: PImage; LeftOffset: LongInt; TopOffset: LongInt; State: LongWord;const DrawInfo: PDrawInfo; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 103));
+ Call(Rp, Image, LeftOffset, TopOffset, State, DrawInfo, IntuitionBase);
+function PointInImage(Point: LongWord; Image: PImage): Boolean;
+ TLocalCall = function(Point: LongWord; Image: PImage; Base: Pointer): Boolean; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 104));
+ Result := Call(Point, Image, IntuitionBase);
+procedure EraseImage(Rp: PRastPort; Image: PImage; LeftOffset: LongInt; TopOffset: LongInt);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Rp: PRastPort; Image: PImage; LeftOffset: LongInt; TopOffset: LongInt; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 105));
+ Call(Rp, Image, LeftOffset, TopOffset, IntuitionBase);
+function NewObjectA(ClassPtr: PIClass;const ClassID: PChar;const TagList: PTagItem): Pointer;
+ TLocalCall = function(ClassPtr: PIClass;const ClassID: PChar; Base: Pointer): Pointer; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 106));
+ Result := Call(ClassPtr, ClassID, IntuitionBase);
+procedure DisposeObject(Obj: Pointer);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Obj: Pointer; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 107));
+ Call(Obj, IntuitionBase);
+function SetAttrsA(Obj: Pointer; const TagList: PTagItem): LongWord;
+ TLocalCall = function(Obj: Pointer;
+ const TagList: PTagItem; Base: Pointer): LongWord; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 108));
+ Result := Call(Obj, TagList, IntuitionBase);
+function GetAttr(attrID: LongWord; Obj: Pointer; storagePtr: PLongWord): LongWord;
+ TLocalCall = function(attrID: LongWord; Obj: Pointer; storagePtr: PLongWord;
+ Base: Pointer): LongWord; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 109));
+ Result := Call(attrID, Obj, storagePtr, IntuitionBase);
+function SetGadgetAttrsA(Gadget: PGadget; Window: PWindow; Requester: PRequester;const TagList: PTagItem): LongWord;
+ TLocalCall = function(Gadget: PGadget; Window: PWindow; Requester: PRequester;const TagList: PTagItem; Base: Pointer): LongWord; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 110));
+ Result := Call(Gadget, Window, Requester, TagList, IntuitionBase);
+function NextObject(ObjectPtrPtr: Pointer): PIClass;
+ TLocalCall = function(ObjectPtrPtr: Pointer; Base: Pointer): PIClass; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 111));
+ Result := Call(ObjectPtrPtr, IntuitionBase);
+function FindClass(ClassID: PChar): PIClass;
+ TLocalCall = function(ClassID: PChar; Base: Pointer): PIClass; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 112));
+ Result := Call(ClassID, IntuitionBase);
+function MakeClass(const ClassID: PChar;const SuperClassID: PChar;const SuperClassPtr: PIClass; InstanceSize: LongWord; Flags: LongWord): PIClass;
+ TLocalCall = function(const ClassID: PChar;const SuperClassID: PChar;const SuperClassPtr: PIClass; InstanceSize: LongWord; Flags: LongWord; Base: Pointer): PIClass; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 113));
+ Result := Call(ClassID, SuperClassID, SuperClassPtr, InstanceSize, Flags, IntuitionBase);
+procedure AddClass(ClassPtr: PIClass);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(ClassPtr: PIClass; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 114));
+ Call(ClassPtr, IntuitionBase);
+function GetScreenDrawInfo(Screen : PScreen) : PDrawInfo;
+ TLocalCall = function(Screen: PScreen; Base: Pointer): PDrawInfo; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 115));
+ Result := Call(Screen, IntuitionBase);
+procedure FreeScreenDrawInfo(Screen : PScreen; DrawInfo : PDrawInfo);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Screen : PScreen; DrawInfo : PDrawInfo; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 116));
+ Call(Screen, DrawInfo, IntuitionBase);
+function ResetMenuStrip(Window: PWindow; Menu: PMenu) : Boolean;
+ TLocalCall = function(Window: PWindow; Menu: PMenu; Base: Pointer): Boolean; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 117));
+ Result := Call(Window, Menu, IntuitionBase);
+procedure RemoveClass(ClassPtr : PIClass);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(ClassPtr: PIClass; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 118));
+ Call(ClassPtr, IntuitionBase);
+function FreeClass(ClassPtr : PIClass) : Boolean;
+ TLocalCall = function(ClassPtr : PIClass; Base: Pointer): Boolean; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 119));
+ Result := Call(ClassPtr, IntuitionBase);
+function AllocScreenBuffer(Sc: PScreen; Bm: PBitMap; Flags: LongWord): PScreenBuffer;
+ TLocalCall = function(Sc: PScreen; Bm: PBitMap; Flags: LongWord; Base: Pointer): PScreenBuffer; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 128));
+ Result := Call(Sc, Bm, Flags, IntuitionBase);
+procedure FreeScreenBuffer(Sc: PScreen; Sb: PScreenBuffer);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Sc: PScreen; Sb: PScreenBuffer; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 129));
+ Call(Sc, Sb, IntuitionBase);
+function ChangeScreenBuffer(Sc: PScreen; Sb: PScreenBuffer): LongWord;
+ TLocalCall = function(Sc: PScreen; Sb: PScreenBuffer; Base: Pointer): LongWord; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 130));
+ Result := Call(Sc, Sb, IntuitionBase);
+procedure ScreenDepth(Screen: PScreen; Flags: LongWord; Reserved: Pointer);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Screen: PScreen; Flags: LongWord; Reserved: Pointer; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 131));
+ Call(Screen, Flags, Reserved, IntuitionBase);
+procedure ScreenPosition(Screen: PScreen; Flags: LongWord; X1: LongInt; Y1: LongInt; X2: LongInt; Y2: LongInt);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Screen: PScreen; Flags: LongWord; X1: LongInt; Y1: LongInt; X2: LongInt; Y2: LongInt; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 132));
+ Call(Screen, Flags, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, IntuitionBase);
+procedure ScrollWindowRaster(Win: PWindow; Dx: LongInt; Dy: LongInt; XMin: LongInt; YMin: LongInt; XMax: LongInt; YMax: LongInt);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Win: PWindow; Dx: LongInt; Dy: LongInt; XMin: LongInt; YMin: LongInt; XMax: LongInt; YMax: LongInt; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 133));
+ Call(Win, Dx, Dy, XMin, YMin, XMax, YMax, IntuitionBase);
+procedure LendMenus(FromWindow: PWindow; ToWindow: PWindow);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(FromWindow: PWindow; ToWindow: PWindow; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 134));
+ Call(FromWindow, ToWindow, IntuitionBase);
+function DoGadgetMethodA(Gad: PGadget; Win: PWindow; Req: PRequester; Message: TMsg): LongWord;
+ TLocalCall = function(Gad: PGadget; Win: PWindow; Req: PRequester; Message: TMsg; Base: Pointer): LongWord; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 135));
+ Result := Call(Gad, Win, Req, Message, IntuitionBase);
+procedure SetWindowPointerA(Win: PWindow;const Taglist: PTagItem);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Win: PWindow;const Taglist: PTagItem; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 136));
+ Call(Win, Taglist, IntuitionBase);
+function TimedDisplayAlert(AlertNumber: LongWord;const String_: PChar; Height: LongWord; Time: LongWord): Boolean;
+ TLocalCall = function(AlertNumber: LongWord;const String_: PChar; Height: LongWord; Time: LongWord; Base: Pointer): Boolean; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 137));
+ Result := Call(AlertNumber, String_, Height, Time, IntuitionBase);
+procedure HelpControl(Win: PWindow; Flags: LongWord);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Win: PWindow; Flags: LongWord; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 138));
+ Call(Win, Flags, IntuitionBase);
+function IsWindowVisible(Window: PWindow): LongWord;
+ TLocalCall = function(Window: PWindow; Base: Pointer): LongWord; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 139));
+ Result := Call(Window, IntuitionBase);
+procedure ShowWindow(Window: PWindow);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Window: PWindow; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 140));
+ Call(Window, IntuitionBase);
+procedure HideWindow(Window: PWindow);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Window: PWindow; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 141));
+ Call(Window, IntuitionBase);
+function ChangeWindowShape(Window: PWindow; NewShape: PRegion; CallBack: PHook): PRegion;
+ TLocalCall = function(Window: PWindow; NewShape: PRegion; CallBack: PHook; Base: Pointer): PRegion; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 143));
+ Result := Call(Window, NewShape, CallBack, IntuitionBase);
+procedure SetDefaultScreenFont(TextFont: PTextFont);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(TextFont: PTextFont; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 144));
+ Call(TextFont, IntuitionBase);
+function DoNotify(Cl: PClass; O: PObject_; Ic: Pointer; Msg: TopUpdate): Pointer;
+ TLocalCall = function(Cl: PClass; O: PObject_; Ic: Pointer; Msg: TopUpdate; Base: Pointer): Pointer; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 145));
+ Result := Call(Cl, O, Ic, Msg, IntuitionBase);
+procedure FreeICData(ICData: Pointer);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(ICData: Pointer; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 146));
+ Call(ICData, IntuitionBase);
+function AllocIntuiMessage(Window: PWindow): PIntuiMessage;
+ TLocalCall = function(Window: PWindow; Base: Pointer): PIntuiMessage; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 148));
+ Result := Call(Window, IntuitionBase);
+procedure FreeIntuiMessage(IMsg: PIntuiMessage);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(IMsg: PIntuiMessage; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 149));
+ Call(IMsg, IntuitionBase);
+procedure SendIntuiMessage(Window: PWindow; IMsg: PIntuiMessage);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Window: PWindow; IMsg: PIntuiMessage; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 151));
+ Call(Window, IMsg, IntuitionBase);
+procedure ChangeDecoration(ID: LongWord; Decor: PNewDecorator);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(ID: LongWord; Decor: PNewDecorator; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 153));
+ Call(ID, Decor, IntuitionBase);
+procedure WindowAction(Window: PWindow; Action: LongWord; Tags: PTagItem);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Window: PWindow; Action: LongWord; Tags: PTagItem; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 157));
+ Call(Window, Action, Tags, IntuitionBase);
+procedure ScrollWindowRasterNoFill(Window: PWindow; Dx, Dy, XMin, YMin, XMax, YMax: Word);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Window: PWindow; Dx, Dy, XMin, YMin, XMax, YMax: Word; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 159));
+ Call(Window, Dx, Dy, XMin, YMin, XMax, YMax, IntuitionBase);
+function SetPointerBounds(Screen: PScreen; Rect: TRectangle; Reserved: LongWord; Tags: PTagItem): LongWord;
+ TLocalCall = function(Screen: PScreen; Rect: TRectangle; Reserved: LongWord; Tags: PTagItem; Base: Pointer): LongWord; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 160));
+ Result := Call(Screen, Rect, Reserved, Tags, IntuitionBase);
+function StartScreenNotifyTagList(Tags: PTagItem): Pointer;
+ TLocalCall = function(Tags: PTagItem; Base: Pointer): Pointer; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 161));
+ Result := Call(Tags, IntuitionBase);
+function EndScreenNotify(Notify: Pointer): Boolean;
+ TLocalCall = function(Notify: Pointer; Base: Pointer): Boolean; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 162));
+ Result := Call(Notify, IntuitionBase);
+function GetMonitorList(Tags: PTagItem): Pointer;
+ TLocalCall = function(Tags: PTagItem; Base: Pointer): Pointer; cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 163));
+ Result := Call(Tags, IntuitionBase);
+procedure FreeMonitorList(Obj: Pointer);
+ TLocalCall = procedure(Obj: Pointer; Base: Pointer); cdecl;
+ Call: TLocalCall;
+ Call := TLocalCall(GetLibAdress(IntuitionBase, 163));
+ Call(Obj, IntuitionBase);
+function SetAttrs(Obj: Pointer; const Tags: array of const): LongWord;
+ SetAttrs := SetAttrsA(Obj, readintags(Tags));
+function OCLASS(O: Pointer): PIClass;
+ Obj: P_Object;
+ Obj := P_Object(PtrUInt(O) - sizeof(T_Object));
+ OCLASS := Obj^.o_Class;
+function Has_Children(Win: PWindow): Boolean;
+ Result := Assigned(Win^.FirstChild);
+function Is_Children(Win: PWindow): Boolean;
+ Result := Assigned(Win^.Parent2);
+ IntuitionBase := OpenLibrary('intuition.library', 36);
+ CloseLibrary(IntuitionBase);
+end. (* UNIT INTUITION *)