path: root/rtl/aros/keyboard.pp
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Diffstat (limited to 'rtl/aros/keyboard.pp')
1 files changed, 469 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rtl/aros/keyboard.pp b/rtl/aros/keyboard.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..16e714f4e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rtl/aros/keyboard.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
+ Copyright (c) 2006 by Karoly Balogh
+ Keyboard unit for MorphOS and Amiga and AROS
+ See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
+ for details about the copyright.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ **********************************************************************}
+unit Keyboard;
+ video, exec,intuition, inputevent, mouse, sysutils, keymap;
+ LastShiftState : Byte; {set by handler for PollShiftStateEvent}
+ OldMouseX : LongInt;
+ OldmouseY : LongInt;
+ OldButtons: Word;
+procedure SysInitKeyboard;
+// writeln('sysinitkeyboard');
+ LastShiftState := 0;
+ OldMouseX := -1;
+ OldmouseY := -1;
+ OldButtons := 0;
+procedure SysDoneKeyboard;
+function IsMsgPortEmpty(Port: PMsgPort): Boolean; inline;
+ IsMsgPortEmpty := (Port^.mp_MsgList.lh_TailPred = @(Port^.mp_MsgList));
+ KeyQueue: TKeyEvent;
+ RawCodeEntry = record
+ rc,n,s,c,a : Word; { raw code, normal, shift, ctrl, alt }
+ end;
+ RawCodeTable : array[0..RCTABLE_MAXIDX] of RawCodeEntry =
+ (
+ (rc: 66; n: $0F09; s: $0F00; c: $9400; a: $A500; ), // TAB
+ (rc: 68; n: $1C0D; s: $1C0D; c: $1C0A; a: $1C0D; ), // Enter // shift, alt?
+ (rc: 69; n: $011B; s: $011B; c: $011B; a: $0100; ), // ESC // shift?
+ (rc: 70; n: $5300; s: $0700; c: $A300; a: $A200; ), // Delete
+ (rc: 71; n: $5200; s: $0500; c: $0400; a: $A200; ), // Insert
+ (rc: 72; n: $4900; s: $4900; c: $8400; a: $9900; ), // PgUP // shift?
+ (rc: 73; n: $5100; s: $5100; c: $7600; a: $A100; ), // PgDOWN // shift?
+ (rc: 76; n: $4800; s: $4800; c: $8D00; a: $9800; ), // UP // shift?
+ (rc: 77; n: $5000; s: $5000; c: $9100; a: $A000; ), // DOWN // shift?
+ (rc: 78; n: $4D00; s: $4D00; c: $7400; a: $9D00; ), // RIGHT // shift?
+ (rc: 79; n: $4B00; s: $4B00; c: $7300; a: $9B00; ), // LEFT // shift?
+ (rc: 80; n: $3B00; s: $5400; c: $5E00; a: $6800; ), // F1
+ (rc: 81; n: $3C00; s: $5500; c: $5F00; a: $6900; ), // F2
+ (rc: 82; n: $3D00; s: $5600; c: $6000; a: $6A00; ), // F3
+ (rc: 83; n: $3E00; s: $5700; c: $6100; a: $6B00; ), // F4
+ (rc: 84; n: $3F00; s: $5800; c: $6200; a: $6C00; ), // F5
+ (rc: 85; n: $4000; s: $5900; c: $6300; a: $6D00; ), // F6
+ (rc: 86; n: $4100; s: $5A00; c: $6400; a: $6E00; ), // F7
+ (rc: 87; n: $4200; s: $5B00; c: $6500; a: $6F00; ), // F8
+ (rc: 88; n: $4300; s: $5C00; c: $6600; a: $7000; ), // F9
+ (rc: 89; n: $4400; s: $5D00; c: $6700; a: $7100; ), // F10
+ (rc: 75; n: $8500; s: $8700; c: $8900; a: $8B00; ), // F11
+ (rc: 76; n: $8600; s: $8800; c: $8A00; a: $8C00; ), // F12
+ (rc: 112; n: $4700; s: $4700; c: $7700; a: $9700; ),// Home // shift?
+ (rc: 113; n: $4F00; s: $4F00; c: $7500; a: $9F00; ) // End // shift?
+ );
+function rcTableIdx(rc: LongInt): LongInt;
+ Counter: LongInt;
+ rcTableIdx := -1;
+ Counter := 0;
+ while (RawCodeTable[Counter].rc <> rc) and (Counter <= RCTABLE_MAXIDX) do
+ Inc(Counter);
+ if (Counter <= RCTABLE_MAXIDX) then
+ rcTableIdx := Counter;
+function HasShift(IQual: Word): Boolean; inline;
+ HasShift := ((IQual and IEQUALIFIER_LSHIFT) <> 0) or
+ ((IQual and IEQUALIFIER_RSHIFT) <> 0);
+function HasCtrl(IQual: Word): Boolean; inline;
+ HasCtrl := ((IQual and IEQUALIFIER_CONTROL) <> 0);
+function HasAlt(IQual: Word): Boolean; inline;
+ HasAlt := ((IQual and IEQUALIFIER_LALT) <> 0) or
+ ((IQual and IEQUALIFIER_RALT) <> 0);
+function rcTableCode(IQual: Word; Idx: LongInt): LongInt;
+ if (Idx < 0) or (Idx > RCTABLE_MAXIDX) then
+ begin
+ rcTableCode := -1;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ if HasShift(IQual) then
+ rcTableCode:=RawCodeTable[Idx].s
+ else
+ if HasCtrl(IQual) then
+ rcTableCode:=RawCodeTable[Idx].c
+ else
+ if HasAlt(IQual) then
+ rcTableCode:=RawCodeTable[Idx].a
+ else
+ rcTableCode:=RawCodeTable[Idx].n;
+procedure setShiftState(IQual: Word);
+ LastShiftState := 0;
+ if ((IQual and IEQUALIFIER_LSHIFT) <> 0) then
+ LastShiftState := LastShiftState or $01;
+ if ((IQual and IEQUALIFIER_RSHIFT) <> 0) then
+ LastShiftState := LastShiftState or $02;
+ if HasCtrl(IQual) then
+ LastShiftState := LastShiftState or $04;
+ if HasAlt(IQual) then
+ LastShiftState := LastShiftState or $08;
+ if ((IQual and IEQUALIFIER_NUMERICPAD) <> 0) then
+ LastShiftState := LastShiftState or $20;
+ if ((IQual and IEQUALIFIER_CAPSLOCK) <> 0) then
+ LastShiftState := LastShiftState or $40;
+function SysPollKeyEvent: TKeyEvent;
+ MouseEvent: Boolean; // got a mouseevent -> do not leave cycle
+ SendMouse: Boolean; // we got a (or many) mouse move send the last one
+ mes: TMouseEvent; // save mouse message send after cycle -> prevent mouse move stacking
+ me: TMouseEvent;
+ KeyCode: LongInt;
+ OldKeyCode: LongInt;
+ KeySet: ^TKeyRecord; // points to result to set fields directly
+ Ret: LongInt;
+ //
+ iMsg: PIntuiMessage;
+ ICode: Word; // save items from Message
+ IQual: Word;
+ IClass: Longword;
+ MouseX: Integer;
+ MouseY: Integer;
+ KeyUp: Boolean; // Event is a key up event
+ Buff: array[0..19] of Char;
+ ie: TInputEvent; // for mapchar
+ KeyCode := 0;
+ SysPollKeyEvent := 0;
+ KeySet := @SysPollKeyEvent;
+ FillChar(me, SizeOf(TMouseEvent), 0);
+ if KeyQueue <> 0 then
+ begin
+ SysPollKeyEvent := KeyQueue;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ SendMouse := False;
+ repeat
+ MouseEvent := False;
+ if VideoWindow <> nil then
+ begin
+ if IsMsgPortEmpty(videoWindow^.UserPort) then
+ Break;
+ end else
+ Exit;
+ PMessage(iMsg) := GetMsg(VideoWindow^.UserPort);
+ if (iMsg <> nil) then
+ begin
+ ICode := iMsg^.Code;
+ IQual := iMsg^.Qualifier;
+ IClass := iMsg^.iClass;
+ MouseX := iMsg^.MouseX;
+ MouseY := iMsg^.MouseY;
+ ReplyMsg(PMessage(iMsg)); // fast reply to system
+ SetShiftState(IQual); // set Shift state qualifiers. do this for all messages we get.
+ // main event case
+ case (IClass) of
+ GotCloseWindow;
+ end;
+ GotResizeWindow;
+ end;
+ MouseEvent := True;
+ me.x := (MouseX - videoWindow^.BorderLeft) div 8; // calculate char position
+ me.y := (MouseY - videoWindow^.BorderTop) div 16;
+ case ICode of
+ //writeln('left down!');
+ me.Action := MouseActionDown;
+ OldButtons := OldButtons or MouseLeftButton;
+ me.Buttons := OldButtons;
+ PutMouseEvent(me);
+ end;
+ SELECTUP: begin
+ //writeln('left up!');
+ me.Action := MouseActionUp;
+ OldButtons := OldButtons and (not MouseLeftButton);
+ me.Buttons := OldButtons;
+ PutMouseEvent(me);
+ end;
+ MENUDOWN: begin
+ //writeln('right down!');
+ me.Action := MouseActionDown;
+ OldButtons := OldButtons or MouseRightButton;
+ me.Buttons := OldButtons;
+ PutMouseEvent(me);
+ end;
+ MENUUP: begin
+ //writeln('right up!');
+ me.Action := MouseActionUp;
+ OldButtons := OldButtons and (not MouseRightButton);
+ me.Buttons := OldButtons;
+ PutMouseEvent(me);
+ end;
+ end;
+ //writeln('Buttons: ' , me.Buttons);
+ end;
+ MouseX := (MouseX - VideoWindow^.BorderLeft) div 8;
+ MouseY := (MouseY - VideoWindow^.BorderTop) div 16;
+ if (MouseX >= 0) and (MouseY >= 0) and
+ (MouseX < Video.ScreenWidth) and (MouseY < Video.ScreenHeight) and
+ ((MouseX <> OldMouseX) or (MouseY <> OldmouseY))
+ then begin
+// //writeln('mousemove:',Mousex,'/',Mousey,' oldbutt:',OldButtons);
+ // Drawing is very slow so when moving window it will drag behind
+ // because the mouse events stack in the messageport
+ // -> so we override move until messageport is empty or keyevent is fired
+ SendMouse := True;
+ MouseEvent := True;
+ mes.Action := MouseActionMove;
+ mes.Buttons := OldButtons;
+ mes.X := MouseX;
+ mes.Y := MouseY;
+ //PutMouseEvent(me);
+ end;
+ end;
+ // mouse wheel up or down -> pgup and pgdown
+ if ICode = 122 then
+ ICode := 72;
+ if ICode = 123 then
+ ICode := 73;
+ // get char from rawkey
+ KeyUp := (ICode and IECODE_UP_PREFIX) <> 0; // is key up
+ ICode := ICode and not IECODE_UP_PREFIX; // remove key up from ICode
+ ie.ie_Class := IECLASS_RAWKEY;
+ ie.ie_SubClass := 0;
+ ie.ie_Code := ICode;
+ ie.ie_Qualifier := IQual;
+ ie.ie_NextEvent := nil;
+ Buff[0] := #0;
+ Ret := MapRawKey(@ie, @Buff[0], 1, nil);
+ KeyCode := Ord(Buff[0]);
+ KeySet^.KeyCode := Ord(Buff[0]); // if maprawkey does not work it still is 0
+ KeySet^.ShiftState := LastShiftState; // shift state set before the case
+ KeySet^.Flags := 0;
+ if keyup then // we do not need key up events up to now
+ begin
+ KeySet^.Flags := KeySet^.Flags or kbReleased; // kbReleased does work but make strange effects
+ SysPollKeyEvent := 0;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ // check our hard coed list if there is an entry -> leave it must be right ;)
+ // F-keys, cursor, esc, del, ins, del, pgup, pgdown, pos, end, enter, tab
+ if rcTableCode(IQual,rcTableIdx(ICode)) >= 0 then
+ begin
+ KeyCode := rcTableCode(IQual,rcTableIdx(ICode));
+ KeySet^.KeyCode := KeyCode;
+ KeySet^.Flags := kbPhys;
+ end else
+ begin
+ // left alt or ctrl is pressed -> check for alternative Scancode -> commando
+ if ((IQual and IEQUALIFIER_LALT) <> 0) or HasCtrl(IQual) then
+ begin
+ OldKeyCode := KeyCode; // save keycode if nothing found
+ KeyCode := 0;
+ ie.ie_Class := IECLASS_RAWKEY; // get keycode without qualifier easier case
+ ie.ie_SubClass := 0;
+ ie.ie_Code := ICode;
+ ie.ie_Qualifier := 0;
+ ie.ie_NextEvent := nil;
+ Buff[0] := #0;
+ Ret := MapRawKey(@ie, @Buff[0], 1, nil);
+ if Ret > 0 then
+ begin
+ if ((IQual and IEQUALIFIER_LALT) <> 0) then // check left alt keycodes
+ begin
+ case Buff[0] of // Alt - keys already defined
+ 'a': KeyCode := kbAltA shl 8;
+ 'b': KeyCode := kbAltB shl 8;
+ 'c': KeyCode := kbAltC shl 8;
+ 'd': KeyCode := kbAltD shl 8;
+ 'e': KeyCode := kbAltE shl 8;
+ 'f': KeyCode := kbAltF shl 8;
+ 'g': KeyCode := kbAltG shl 8;
+ 'h': KeyCode := kbAltH shl 8;
+ 'i': KeyCode := kbAltI shl 8;
+ 'j': KeyCode := kbAltJ shl 8;
+ 'k': KeyCode := kbAltK shl 8;
+ 'l': KeyCode := kbAltL shl 8;
+ 'm': KeyCode := kbAltM shl 8;
+ 'n': KeyCode := kbAltN shl 8;
+ 'o': KeyCode := kbAltO shl 8;
+ 'p': KeyCode := kbAltP shl 8;
+ 'q': KeyCode := kbAltQ shl 8;
+ 'r': KeyCode := kbAltR shl 8;
+ 's': KeyCode := kbAltS shl 8;
+ 't': KeyCode := kbAltT shl 8;
+ 'u': KeyCode := kbAltU shl 8;
+ 'v': KeyCode := kbAltV shl 8;
+ 'w': KeyCode := kbAltW shl 8;
+ 'x': KeyCode := kbAltX shl 8;
+ 'y': KeyCode := kbAltY shl 8;
+ 'z': KeyCode := kbAltZ shl 8;
+ end;
+ end else
+ begin
+ case Buff[0] of // ctrl - keys defined in FreeVision/drivers.pas -> so here direct numbers
+ 'a': KeyCode := $1E01;
+ 'b': KeyCode := $3002;
+ 'c': KeyCode := $2E03;
+ 'd': KeyCode := $2004;
+ 'e': KeyCode := $1205;
+ 'f': KeyCode := $2106;
+ 'g': KeyCode := $2207;
+ 'h': KeyCode := $2308;
+ 'i': KeyCode := $1709;
+ 'j': KeyCode := $240a;
+ 'k': KeyCode := $250b;
+ 'l': KeyCode := $260c;
+ 'm': KeyCode := $320d;
+ 'n': KeyCode := $310e;
+ 'o': KeyCode := $180f;
+ 'p': KeyCode := $1910;
+ 'q': KeyCode := $1011;
+ 'r': KeyCode := $1312;
+ 's': KeyCode := $1F13;
+ 't': KeyCode := $1414;
+ 'u': KeyCode := $1615;
+ 'v': KeyCode := $2F16;
+ 'w': KeyCode := $1117;
+ 'x': KeyCode := $2D18;
+ 'y': KeyCode := $1519;
+ 'z': KeyCode := $2C1A;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if KeyCode <= 0 then // nothing found restore keycode
+ KeyCode := OldKeyCode;
+ KeySet^.KeyCode := KeyCode;
+ KeySet^.Flags := kbPhys;
+ end;
+ end;
+ if keycode <= 0 then
+ begin
+ KeySet^.KeyCode := 0;
+ KeyCode := 0;
+ end;
+ //writeln('raw keycode: ',iMsg^.code, ' -> $', IntToHex(keycode,4), ' ret: ', ret);
+ end;
+ else begin
+ KeyCode := 0;
+ end;
+ end;
+ end else
+ Break;
+ until (not MouseEvent);
+ //
+ if SendMouse then
+ begin
+ PutMouseEvent(mes);
+ OldMouseX:=Mousex;
+ OldmouseY:=Mousey;
+ end;
+ if KeyCode <= 0 then // no keycode found then also delete flags and shiftstate
+ SysPollKeyEvent := 0
+ else
+ KeyQueue:=SysPollKeyEvent;
+function SysGetKeyEvent: TKeyEvent;
+ Res: TKeyEvent;
+ me: TMouseEvent;
+ Res := 0;
+ if VideoWindow <> nil then
+ begin
+ if KeyQueue <> 0 then
+ begin
+ SysGetKeyEvent := KeyQueue;
+ KeyQueue := 0;
+ Exit;
+ end;
+ repeat
+ WaitPort(VideoWindow^.UserPort);
+ Res := SysPollKeyEvent;
+ until Res <> 0;
+ end else
+ begin
+ me.Action := MouseActionDown;
+ me.Buttons := MouseRightButton;
+ PutMouseEvent(me);
+ end;
+ SysGetKeyEvent := Res;
+{function SysTranslateKeyEvent(KeyEvent: TKeyEvent): TKeyEvent;
+function SysGetShiftState: Byte;
+ //writeln('SysgetShiftState:',hexstr(LastShiftState,2));
+ SysGetShiftState := LastShiftState;
+ SysKeyboardDriver : TKeyboardDriver = (
+ InitDriver : @SysInitKeyBoard;
+ DoneDriver : @SysDoneKeyBoard;
+ GetKeyevent : @SysGetKeyEvent;
+ PollKeyEvent : @SysPollKeyEvent;
+ GetShiftState : @SysGetShiftState;
+// TranslateKeyEvent : @SysTranslateKeyEvent;
+ TranslateKeyEvent : Nil;
+ TranslateKeyEventUnicode : Nil;
+ );
+ SetKeyBoardDriver(SysKeyBoardDriver);